Situation - You are observing when someone is involved with a PARTY or even a SOCIAL SESSION, say at morning coffee at a conference. Also, what they may do if they wake up at 3am (with some moderately outrageous suggestions). Plus when sleep deprived.
When someone is involved with partying
can make it easy for you to pick their pattern
Observing people arranging and participating in a party is one of Elizabeth Hunter™'s favourite pastimes. I am not the clubhouse leader of party animals, as you will see below, when I describe what the Enhancer does at a party. If you know how I loathe functions such as parent's cocktail parties, you will laugh. However, it is when folk let their guard down that makes a situation of pattern picking heaven prior to Titanium Imposition™. This is what this site is all about.
I use a technique of 'Managing by Walking Around' (MBWA). Some of my best information comes at parties. Hiding in a toilet cubicle is where you can overhear what others are too afraid to tell you. On one famous occasion, a scam by players to steal beer from their own sports club was discovered by me. No one found out how I found out and stopped it.
You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
Here are all sixteen patterns - all at the little shindig™. You will be here, too!
Also is an assessment of whether each pattern is a night owl (lower number /16) or not. The kind Emeritus Professor Ridley Kive™ has been in the archives to extract some of this from the vault and from some real life experiences.
1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Throws a huge party that everybody knows about. Excludes their enemies as revenge.
Party - First Gauge™: The Director decides the party is not being run efficiently.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate grumbling about the cheap whiskey, a change of mind after a few shots and commencemeny of flirting with everyone.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
As the logistical mastermind of our group, when planning the festive occasion, they will make Excel spreadsheets
their best friend. They have a colou-coded system for everything – guest list, seating arrangements, menu items,
even the toppings on the pies.
They lean heavily on the Objective Thinker for help – another sensible, practical type who understands the
beauty of a well-organized plan. Both will be the dynamic duo, turning the chaos of the occasion into an
orchestrated symphony of logistics.
But the Promoter and the Counselor will give the Director a run for their money. With their spontaneous,
go-with-the-flow nature, they will suggest a last-minute dish change, or decide to bring a couple of ‘plus ones’,
throwing all the meticulously crafted plans into disarray.
The Promoter usually wants to see the Director squirm. Every time the Promoter says, “Hey, wouldn’t it be fun if…,”
you can bet the Director’s blood pressure ticks up another notch. But, in the spirit of the occasion, the
Director would learn to mostlt take it all in their stride.
Party Addiction™: The Director might enjoy the occasional party but only if this includes the people they know and care for.
Key Party Role™: Plans for the party to be a smooth, foul-free affair. They will do their best to have a good time, but the moment somebody spills something or bumps into their mother's priceless vase, all bets are off. At others' party. being the designated driver, because they get too nasty when partying.
When on the slosh™: The very fun drunk who enjoys being the life of the party. They often want to take charge and might even (do?) find themselves talking over people. They enjoy being social and fun and want to impress everyone in the room. They are great storytellers and often use their buzz as a way to get everyone together for a funny or exciting story. They will usually enjoy being around loved ones and will try to ensure that the mood of the room is positive and happy. Observe: Most likely to get into a fight.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 1 - HAPPY. Can be identified by their ridiculously good mood. Laugh at everything, will dance when get the chance, speak in hyperbolic superlatives and act as if it is the greatest night in their life.
At the party, The Director proceeds to re-organize the kitchen, living area and bar. The party has to run their way, after all. They crack boisterous, quirky, offbeat and usually / sometimes offensive jokes to anyone who is willing to listen.
The Director is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is conducting a reenactment of WWII.
Why the Director gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They have already had their allotted four hours of sleep.
The Director walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Tells everyone to stop drinking so much OR yellsing at the bartender about why the shot glasses should be chilled to an arctic degree =/- 0.0001% variance.
The Director's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As a control freak, they have ONE requirement for dinner. It’s just one, so it’s not a big deal. They’re fine with whatever restaurant, as long as it’s not that far from the hotel. They’re cool with whatever cuisine, as long as it doesn’t keep them up at night. They’re really okay with whatever bar you go to, or whether you go before or after dinner, or whether it’s a cocktail bar with snacks or a bougie wine bar, as long as they’re playing the game on the TVs there. They’re the one group that never has anything to say after dinner, because they got exactly what they wanted.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: No-one has survived to report their findings.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 15/16. Recommended bed time: Midnight.
2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Throws a surprise party to dare you. You will get punched.
Party - First Gauge™: The Developer was not involved in the planning or determining the festivities for the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate starting of handing out business cards and having one-sided debates about political propaganda with the Inspirational.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
Just when everyone thought they had gathered for a simple, friendly festive occasion, the Developer would pull
up a PowerPoint presentation titled “Unifying the Family for Profit: A Revolutionary Approach to Holiday Bonding.
Their “no nonsense” approach would be on full display as they dismiss the idle chatter; opting instead to discuss supply
chain optimization and market trends over the cranberry sauce and turkey. The Director would view the occcasion as
a poorly optimized business meeting with food. They would be baffled by the sentimental attachment to tradition that
does not contribute to efficiency or productivity – grandma’s hand-knitted coasters, for instance, would be scrutinized
for their lack of utility.
Deciding that the majority of the family (excluding the Enhancer and the Inspirational) were not cut out for the
world of high-stakes entrepreneurship, the Director would assemble their chosen team in the quietest corner of the room.
As the Counselor captivates the rest with an impromptu dance routine, the Director would be strategizing with their
team, turning the occasion into a launchpad for world domination.
By the end of the evening, they would have converted the living room into a makeshift war room, complete with colour-coded
Post-its and a Gantt chart tracking their venture’s progress. Their parting words would be, “Remember, the early bird
catches the worm. See you at the next board meeting…I mean, family get-together.” And just like that, they would
leave the occasion, not just with a full stomach, but also a budding business empire.
Party Addiction™: The Developer is often excellent at putting on a show at a party and are naturally good at entertaining others.
Key Party Role™: Often the host of the party. They know everyone, are confident and well-liked. They will make sure that everybody is having a good time, although they might not be the most empathetic person to approach if someone is having a bad time. Pretends that thaey are NOT listening to others gossipping.
When on the slosh™: When they are drunk they become an even more outgoing and fun version of themselves. They are naturally charismatic people, but will often become the life of the party. They enjoy being around friends and loved ones and will be comfortable expressing themselves when they are drinking. They are not the most emotional people, but when they are inebriated they might find themselves being more affectionate. They will usually attempt to avoid becoming too wasted, for fear that their feelings will become far too exposed. They often try to keep themselves at a normal buzzed level, in order to remain some sense of control. Observe: Brags about the numerous ways they will take over the world. Prone to make unwanted sexual advances.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 2 - SLOPPY Slurs every other word as they degenerate into a combination of sweat, spilt alcohol and vomit. They will fall all over the place as if have a sudden case of vertigo. Others will have to carry them around all night.
At the party, was in attendance at the event dressed in Batcapes and equipped with utility belts.
Just like someone else. Networks the ess, aitch, one tee out of the party and wakes up with fourteen competitive job offers the
next day. Then immediately hates small talk and meaningless banter so connects an
earpiece to their Bluetooth to discuss work projects, to-do lists and the meaning of life with their
closer friends. Confuses a lot of people in the process who think the Developer is talking to them when they
are actually mentally disrobing them.
The Developer is doing quite well financially. But, of course, more is better and he eyes the
Objective Thinker the way a chocoholic eyes an exclusive chocolate store. Their mind quickly calculates
the number of ways a relationship could someday prove useful. Then puts on their most charming
persona and, with wheels turning, goes over for a chat.
The Director is feeling good. Business is taken care of, so it is time to look for someone to charm.
They tell the Investigator that the noise is getting to them wonders if they would like to step outside.
The Investigator thinks 'Thank goodness, I’m not the only one here who can read minds, get me out of here'
and heads outside. Then reads intentions and smiles and says "On second thoughts, no thank you." while
thinking 'Got to love my intuition.
The Developer threatened to call the party off if the noise situation was not brought into control. The Agent spoke up and
all was forgotten. Went back into party mode.
The Developer is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is botching a peace treaty with the rival gang across the corridor.
Why the Developer gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They get up at 4am every day, in order to get in a two-hour workout, have a balanced breakfast and still be the first one in the office.
The Developer walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Looks way too sophisticated for a bar OR aitting with an Enhancer and talking about how life works. “God asks you to walk, but the devil sends you a limo.”
The Developer's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As a control freak, they have ONE requirement for dinner. It’s just one, so it’s not a big deal. They’re fine with whatever restaurant, as long as it’s not that far from the hotel. They’re cool with whatever cuisine, as long as it doesn’t keep them up at night. They’re really okay with whatever bar you go to, or whether you go before or after dinner, or whether it’s a cocktail bar with snacks or a bougie wine bar, as long as they’re playing the game on the TVs there. They’re the one group that never has anything to say after dinner, because they got exactly what they wanted.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Salty as heck; stay awake if you value your life.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 8/16. Recommended bed time: 12.15am.
3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Invincible at a party. Do not attempt to fight them.
Party - First Gauge™: The Results puts up the money and the venue for the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate instigating of dangerous drinking challenges for tiktok.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
The Results is the life-of-the-party. They would swoop into the occasion with an armful of not-on-the-menu items and a
captivating story for each. This pattern, known for their spontaneous and persuasive nature, would not be caught dead planning
a thing. In fact, they would revel in the thrill of last-minute shopping trips, the slight chaos that underlines
holiday festivities and the horrified expression on the Director's face as they ruin the colour-coded system with their
impromptu additions.
The Results would find the Director’s preoccupation with organization absolutely delightful – in the same way one appreciates
a cat chasing a laser pointer. They would make it their personal mission to unhinge the Director just a tad, for entertainment
purposes, of course. Their motto for the evening – ‘Why simply be a guest when you can be a wildcard?’
Through the night, they would flit from person to person, leaving a trail of laughter, half-eaten desserts and
bewildered Directors and Objective Thinkers in their wake. And, as the evening winds down, they would be the
ones spearheading the cleanup; or, more accurately, turning it into a game of ‘who can slide the most dishes
into the dishwasher using only a spatula?’ This would totally infuriate the Director.
Party Addiction™: The Results enjoys attending parties and see them as a great way to unwind and recharge after a long week at work.
Key Party Role™: Will own everyone at beer pong at the party. Direct and sociable. If the party is feeling dull, they will do something about it, turning a dull moment into something fun and potentially wild and overstep boundaries.
When on the slosh™: Are often much more outgoing and fun when they are drinking. They will allow themselves to do things they are normally far too nervous to attempt. They are social people, but can be held back by a fear of failure or embarrassment. When they are drunk, they will lose that fear of failure and will take chances much easier. Instead of avoiding embarrassment, they will jump headfirst into the things they truly want to try. Drinking simply allow them to be their adventurous selves, without fear of judgment. Observe: Most likely to get caught up in a 'who can drink the most' contest before they pass out.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 9 MANIC. Can be all other types of drunk in the one night.
The Results graciously hosted the party at his house; even putting up a majority of the funds to throw such an elaborate event. While the idea to get together belonged to the Agent, it was actually the Appraiser who suggested throwing the party in the first place. Everyone got on-board.
Was involved very little in the actual planning or festivities as they loathe that. Was in attendance at the event dressed in Batcapes and equipped with utility belts. Just like someone else.
They suddenly realise that, as the host, they are spending so much time interacting with the guests that they are neglecting some of the kitchen duties. Even though kitchen is not their strong suit they jump in and take charge and do a pretty nice job arranging appetizers on plates and getting fresh clean glasses out and ready. That is until the Director comes in and tells that is being done all wrong and takes over.
When the party got going, somehow manages to win beer pong and a game of Risk while intoxicated. Rescues a cat stuck in a tree in an attempt to win the Practitioner over. Seemingly got agitated when the party got out of control but soon went back to party mode. Decided to be the judge of the best costume. Decided everyone needed to eat. Got out the barbeque and then ordered pizza.
The Results is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is shredding the indoor skate park.
Why the Results gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They are pulling an hilarious and somewhat risky prank on someone that could only be pulled off under the cover of darkness.
The Results walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Hits on the Practitioner, gets into a bar fight OR chugging, betting, flirting and taking one for the ancestors.
The Results toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Mansplainer, is very excited about this restaurant. Very excited. Did you know the owner knows Beyonce?
Did you know that this particular dish is one they brought over from their home country? Oh, that one dish costs a lot
more because saffron is actually really expensive. They actually know how to pronounce this dish, and they’re going to
order it especially to impress the waiter! They want to get something other than fries to share, because they’re
really into trying new foods.
Wait, wait – don’t eat yet. They want to take a picture for their Instagram. It’s almost like they forgot that you are
the one who suggested this restaurant in the first place.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Too enthusiastic for 4am. Please just stop.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 10/16. Recommended bed time: 11.20pm.
4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Does not want a party as they are for babies. Then throws a party.
Party - First Gauge™: The Inspirational realises he can debate anything with anyone at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate running out of liquor while hosting the party at his house and is then desperately mixing tonic water with the Specialist's leftover marijuana.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
The devil’s advocate of the occasion. Not one to shy away from a good debate, they would be licking their lips
in anticipation the second they walked through the door, surveying the room like a lion surveys the savannah.
They would casually drop a contentious topic into the conversation, sit back and wait for the fireworks to begin.
As soon as the Counselor takes the bait, the real show would begin. Picture the debate between them as a boxing match
in a rodeo, with an opera happening in the background, all while the circus is in town. The Coulselor, arguer by
values and the Inspirational, defender of pure logic and devil’s advocacy, would go head to head in a dazzling
spectacle of intellectual jousting, much to the chagrin of the peacekeeping Appraiser.
However, the they do not just stop at friendly debates. Having found an unlikely ally in the Developer, they would
devise a masterplan for world domination. It would start off as a joke, a light-hearted “what if” scenario. But as
the Developer begins to see the potential, the living room would quickly morph into a strategy hub. And the Inspirational
caught between the fiery passion of the Results and the shrewd determination of the Developer, would be having the time
of their life.
By the end of the night, they would have debated their way through every topic on the table, literally and metaphorically
and possibly signed up for a joint venture that aims to change the world. They would leave the party with a grin on
their face and a gleam in their eyes, their parting words echoing through the room, “See you at the revolution...or at
the next occasion, whichever comes first!”
Party Addiction™: The Inspirational is often great at a party, especially after they get few drinks on board.
Key Party Role™: Without specific intent, can be the rabble-rouser, stoking the flames of a heated conversation regarding sex, politics or religion. Playfully banters with the Agent, Promoter, Investigator and Counselor.
When on the slosh™: Become extremely enthusiastic and positive about life when intoxicated. They become even more outgoing and will often be the life of the party. They enjoy being around people and will be great at keeping everyone entertained. They are usually the happiest drunks and dislike fighting when they are feeling inebriated. They prefer to have fun and have enjoyable conversations with the people around them. They might even become a bit more 'feelsy' when they are drinking and feel more comfortable expressing themselves. Observe: Loudly brags to everyone about their crazy theories.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 1 - HAPPY. Can be identified by their ridiculously good mood. Laugh at everything, will dance when get the chance, speak in hyperbolic superlatives and act as if it is the greatest night in their life.
The Inspirational immediately gets in a debate with the Director about politics, religion and the organisation of the snack table. They do not care at all about how the snack table is actually organised. Later, joins in with the Promoter's group because the brainstorming session going on there is way too enticing. Always at risk of causing a massive argument then leaving.
The Inspirational is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is conducting an impromptu indoor bowling game using metal chairs as pins and has had the Achiever make a suitable ball.
Why the Inspirational gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They are experimenting with the four-hour-a-day sleep schedule, which they definitely will not forget all about in two days.
The Inspirational walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Tries to talk while screaming and dancing but no-one hears OR talks to the people on TV while gently, but constantly, elbow-poking their wingman.
The Results toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Mansplainer, is very excited about this restaurant. Very excited. Did you know the owner knows Beyonce?
Did you know that this particular dish is one they brought over from their home country? Oh, that one dish costs a lot
more because saffron is actually really expensive. They actually know how to pronounce this dish, and they’re going to
order it especially to impress the waiter! They want to get something other than fries to share, because they’re
really into trying new foods.
Wait, wait – don’t eat yet. They want to take a picture for their Instagram. It’s almost like they forgot that you are
the one who suggested this restaurant in the first place.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: More annoying than usual.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 3/16. Recommended bed time: 12.30am.
5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Throws a combined friend / family party and somehow finds a way to have fun and not an awkward time.
Party - First Gauge™: The Persuader just turns up at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate handing out of political propaganda and, realizing the Agent was left out, chases her to the bathroom.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
“Oh, surely we can have stimulating conversation and deep analysis of our favourite films, instead of arguing about politics
or who gets the last dinner roll?” they would muse. Their vision of a harmonious occasion, filled with intellectual exchanges
and heartfelt sharing about the year to come, is about as likely as spotting a polar bear in Sydney.
They would barely get through their opening monologue about the symbolism in Parasite when the Inspirational would drop
their first conversational bomb and the verbal warfare would kick off again. “Can we have one dinner where we don’t
turn this into a debate society?” they would exclaim in exasperation, while the Inspirational just grins and the Results
dramatically applauds the ‘show’.
In between the fiery dialogues, the Persuader would share a light-hearted joke with the Achiever, providing brief respite
from the intellectual battlefield. These two would make a great comedy duo, if only they could get a word in edgewise.
As the night wears on, and the rest of the attendees are caught up in the world domination plans and impromptu dance routines,
they would find solace in the Investigator’s tranquil company. They would end up in a corner, engrossed in a profound analysis
of the concept of God in The Matrix series. “Is Neo really a messianic figure, or is the Wachowski’s God more of an abstract
concept?” they would ponder, their conversation a soothing lullaby against the cacophony of the occasion.
At the end of the occasion, the Persuader, both exasperated and amused, would retire from the battlefield with a sigh, a grin,
and the comforting thought that this chaos encompasses the very essence of their guests – a chaotic, loving and hilariously
unpredictable bunch. As they leave the room, they would call out, “Next year, we are just ordering pizza and watching a
movie. No debates allowed!”
Party Addiction™: The Persuader definitely enjoys a party and are often the person hosting them but do not want one every weekend.
Key Party Role™: The 'I just came to have a good time' party-goer. They check in with anybody who is on their own to make sure they are enjoying themselves. They do not handle confrontation well if things get heated. Trys to make time for all the people that want their attention.
When on the slosh™: Can often become even more playful and goofy when they are drunk. They will likely be the person who tells everyone they love them and dishes out compliments by the handful. They are rarely mean drunks and actually enjoy being able to be around people during this time. They might even find themselves becoming physically clingy to the people around them when they are drinking. They are usually the happiest person in the room, trying to bring the mood up as much as they can. Observe: Takes care of their drunk friends even though they are so pissed they cannot see straight. Be thoughtful regarding the clinginess they think you desire.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 3 - SENTIMENTAL. Will spend all night telling everyone how much they love them. They will reminisce about old times, real and imagined. Will cry because other do not handing out with them, as in the old days.
The Persuader becomes part chef, part fortune-teller. Makes cookies for everyone while rallying them
together to be their best selves. Frantically scans the room for anyone who looks lonely, then introduces
themselves to every single person at the party. In a similar vein to the Promoter, they like to be provocative and
theatrical. They tend to have their kit quite together and are able to carry through their big ideas
into concrete action and results, even concerning the party. They can be goofy and have a good sense of humour.
They decide that it is time to liven the party up. They burst into a rousing rendition
of Queen’s, We Will Rock You and get everyone to join in. The Results really gets into it and,
being a keen motivational speaker, follows up the sing-along with funny toasts and cheers.
The Persuader listens to everyone’s life story and is the last person to leave the party. A stranger gives them a tearful hug before saying goodbye.
The Persuader is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is recording a reality TV show OR are the bartender.
Why the Persuader gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They are volunteering for a crisis hotline that stays open all night.
The Persuader walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Offers to drink for fun then gets drunk and depressed.
The Persuader's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
As the Debbie Downer, you don’t like to get food too often with this friend – it’s just easier to go to the movies with them –
but sometimes, it can’t be helped. They always let you choose the restaurant, because it means they get to complain about it while
they’re there, and you’ll be the perfect captive audience. They’re serving peas? Don’t they know peas are part of a fascist regime
in that one country and a factor in climate disasters in this other country? Not to mention they can cause cancer. Yeah, they know
it’s only in very small amounts but they think we should know all the foods that cause cancer.
They ask you if you’re sure you’re good to get another drink. They complain that they’d love to get the potato wedges – it’s their
ABSOLUTE FAVORITE DISH! – but money is tight right now. It’s so lucky you don’t have that problem, they say.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Overly affectionate yet subdued and sweet.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 12/16. Recommended bed time: 12.15am.
6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Gets together with friends and plays truth or dare for five hours.
Party - First Gauge™: The Appraiser ended up as the emcee at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate plays pop songs on the piano while drunkenly singing with Counselor.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
The Appraiser would be the harmonizer of the occasion and be found in the heart of the chaos, trying to smooth over
ruffled feathers and prevent the cranberry sauce from flying. Known for their diplomatic nature and commitment to
harmony, they would be in their element, acting as the buffer between the more confrontational members of this
occasion. The Inspirational and the Counselor, in particular, would pose quite the challenge. The Inspirational, with
their love for a good debate, and the Counselor, not one to back down from a challenge – a volatile mix if there ever
was one.
Every time the Inspirational would start with, “Well, have you ever thought about it this way…,” and the Counselor
would jump in with their “No, I don’t agree with you because…”, the Appraiser would jump into the fray, a determined
look on their face and a plate of fresh snacks in their hands. The Appraiser would try to navigate the
stormy waters with grace, maintaining the peace with a delicate balance of reason, compromise and generous servings
of dessert.
But under the surface, the Appraiser would be simmering with frustration. The constant bickering between the
would wear on their nerves. Every new argument would feel like a personal affront to the harmonious occasion
they had envisioned. Their internal dialogue would turn into a humorous mix of diplomacy and exasperation –
‘Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, but if these two do not stop arguing, I’m going to stuff them with more
than just Christmas ham.’ Despite the challenges, they would soldier on, the unsung hero of the occasion,
doing their best to keep the peace and ensure everyone leaves with good memories, full bellies and minimal
Party Addiction™: The Appraiser can put on, or attend, some truly impressive parties but will often prefer something more mature than an all-night drinking binge.
Key Party Role™: Catching up on all the hottest gossip at the party or asking how that new job is working out. Always sociable and likely to start up a fun group activity. Hosted the party, enjoys the party and checking that everyone else is having a good time too.
When on the slosh™: Are naturally social people but become even more outgoing when they are drunk. They often allow themselves to speak up more than they usually do when they are sober. They prefer to let others speak and observe the room in most situations before they jump into conversation. When they are drunk however, they might find themselves interjecting more than usual. They can often become a bit goofier and will make a few sarcastic jokes with a bit of a bite to them. They become less focussed on the emotions of others when they are drinking, which allows them to loosen up and have fun. Observe: Talks about their feelings to whomever will listen or will not listen.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 1 - HAPPY. Can be identified by their ridiculously good mood. Laugh at everything, will dance when get the chance, speak in hyperbolic superlatives and act as if it is the greatest night in their life.
The Appraiser planned the entertainment, actually spending some time on the details. The original plan was for drinks, chips and sweets. Made the others promise to have the cool sweets. The DJ was hired and the Karaoke was kicked off and the Appraiser even got everyone on the dance floor, especially the Agent! And yes, as you already guessed, the Appraiser also went on to emcee the event – oblivious to what friends were currently doing.
At the party, made sure everyone had a drink, a snack and a warm hug. Finds being involved mentoring a group of younger people about various relationship issues and tells everyone else’s secrets.
They go over to congratulate the Objective Thinker as they love a good success story. The Developer is not finished trying to ingratiate themselves with the Objective Thinker and makes a sarcastic comment to the Appraiser. The Appraiser is a class act and always makes sure people feel appreciated and wanted, so they suck it up and walk away.
The Appraiser is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is trying to drown all the neighbourhood children.
Why the Appraiser gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They have been entertaining house guests (not a real party) and have woken up four hours before everyone else in order to prepare a surprise breakfast buffet.
The Appraiser walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Hugs the Enhancer while half drunk OR is the designated driver.
The Appraiser's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Slacker, are cool with whatever. Really! Where do you want to go? They don’t know, where do you want to go? They’re cool
with whatever you want. So maybe you decide that this time, you’ll make them decide. It’s their birthday dinner, they must have an
opinion on it. They don't, of course, so you search your memory for a dish they seem to have particularly savored anytime you’ve
gone out. But they like everything. Not to mention it’s usually them asking you how you like your food.
In the end, you decide to pick a restaurant that’s near because you figure it’ll be easy for them to get to and you never go there
often enough. You played right into their hands.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Strangely quiet. Still the super big sweetheart.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 16/16. Recommended bed time: 11.45pm.
7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: They own the night.
Party - First Gauge™: The Promoter arrives late, as per usual, at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate starts tripping hard on acid, thinks she’s playing Mario Kart against Jesus, while is actually just watching the fireplace with the Enhancer.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
If dinner planning were an art, the Promoter would be its Picasso; but with issues to follow.
They would perceive the occasion as a grand adventure, a fantastic voyage of culinary exploration and spontaneous discovery.
Forget about the traditional ham and mashed potatoes; they would propose a state-wide food tour (sponsored by someone else),
trying their luck with all the obscure, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, narrating stories of each location and painting
vivid pictures of their shared experiences. Between mouthfuls of jumbo prawns or bites of baked oysters with
bacon, greens and parmesan, they would be jovially tossing around the most outlandishly brilliant ideas for the
coming year; their eyes twinkling brighter than the lights.
However, their vibrant dreams of fun would come to a screeching halt at the sight of the Director’s meticulously
detailed spreadsheets and time-tabled itinerary. The mere mention of “color-coded calendars” would send shivers
down their spine and they would promptly abandon their seat at the table. In a daring act of rebellion against
the Director's rigorous micro-management, they would orchestrate a dramatic exit – whisking away the impassioned
Results and the reluctant Agent for a spontaneous road trip to Queensland.
In farewell, they would announce, “Life is too short for spreadsheets! We’re off to the Great Barrier Reef!
See you next year... or at the next rest stop if you decide to embrace the wild side!” With that, they
would disappear into the night, leaving a trail of confusion and unpaid bills in their wake. They want all for free
as they lack financial focus.
Party Addiction™: The Promoter can often be extremely charming and entertaining which causes them to be a real hit at parties.
Key Party Role™: As people pleasers, can make the party. They will go out of their way to make sure everybody is having a good time, but should not spend all their energy on this. They deserve to have a good time too. Playfully banters with everyone!
When on the slosh™: Are are naturally playful and sweet people, but they can often feel too guarded to expose this part of themselves. They do not always feel safe expressing their feelings to others and might make jokes instead of saying how they feel. When they are drunk they often become extremely sappy and affectionate. They will often feel at ease expressing themselves and will let slip a few things they might feel shy about later on. When drunk they are fun, exciting and extremely affectionate. Observe: Talking to anyone who will listen and will not listen. Beware of the affectionistic tendencies which may cause certain advances.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 4 - INFANTILE. Appears to get younger as the night wears on and gets progressively more child like with each drink. Finally talks in a baby voice. Phenomenon can be found especially in big, fat grizzly bear people.
The Promoter gathers all the misfits and iconoclasts together to take down the popular,
oppressive leaders in the group / gathering. Also gives lots of hugs and rescues anyone being bullied.
They make best friends forever with everyone they talk to for five minutes.
The Promoter is the one who is spontaneous and messy. They do not stick to plans and like to
enjoy things in the moment while tending to be very witty, whimsical, provocative and theatrical.
They can be goofy with a sense of humour.
When asked to contribute to the shared cost of the ordered pizza, they have no money and a library of excuses
to trot out.
The Promoter is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is having an orgy with a number of barn animals.
Why the Promoter gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They have had a genius new idea for their next adventure around midnight – and now they are up booking plane tickets and attempting to teach themselves Mandarin.
The Promoter walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Screams, makes weird noises and uses the music as a filter OR talks to the bartender while sipping on their beverage.
The Promoter's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Con Artist, Mmm, they know you suggested this restaurant, but they already called and made reservations at that restaurant. They actually only have time today to go to that restaurant because it’s right by their work, otherwise we just can’t meet up today. And maybe not even for weeks! They arrive whenever is best for them, which is late. They ate a snack beforehand so while you’re waiting and starving, they use the time to catch up – or at least, talk about themselves. And they actually paid for coffee last time, which is probably not exactly correct, so can you cover them? Thanks!
As the Debbie Downer, you don’t like to get food too often with this friend – it’s just easier to go to the movies with them –
but sometimes, it can’t be helped. They always let you choose the restaurant, because it means they get to complain about it while
they’re there, and you’ll be the perfect captive audience. They’re serving peas? Don’t they know peas are part of a fascist regime
in that one country and a factor in climate disasters in this other country? Not to mention they can cause cancer. Yeah, they know
it’s only in very small amounts but they think we should know all the foods that cause cancer.
They ask you if you’re sure you’re good to get another drink. They complain that they’d love to get the potato wedges – it’s their
ABSOLUTE FAVORITE DISH! – but money is tight right now. It’s so lucky you don’t have that problem, they say.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Super weird. Act more like they are stoned than sleepy.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 4/16. Recommended bed time: 10.00pm.
8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Party!
Party - First Gauge™: The Counselor is the life of the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate lays across the piano, recording the singing of pop songs with the Appraiser.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
The Counselor is the effervescent firecracker of the occasion. They would saunter in, decked out in the most
loud attire imaginable, fully prepared to turn the event into a delightful spectacle of charm and vivacity. Their
mantra, “Why plan when you can improvise?” would be apparent in every move they make. From their unconventional
dish (who knew deep-fried pumpkin pies could be a thing?), to their spontaneous performance (a combination of
charades, a dance routine from the new Wonka movie and a song about broken ornaments), they would be the unpredictable
spark in an otherwise organized event.
However, the real fireworks would start when they lock horns with the Inspirational over something they are deeply
passionate about. Picture the scene: the Inspirational “innocently” makes a comment about the environment, politics
or animal rights. The Counselor, a fervent advocate for at least one of those causes, would take it as a call to arms.
What starts as a friendly discussion quickly escalates into a heated debate. The Counselor, usually amenable and
light-hearted, would be transformed into a fiery crusader, fervently defending their stance, their energy electrifying
the room.
The Appraiser, sensing the rising tension, would swoop in with their peace-keeping mantra and diplomatic dialogue,
attempting to diffuse the situation. Yet the Counselor, caught up in the heat of the moment, would feel stifled by
these interventions. They would throw up their hands, exclaiming, “Can we not have a good debate without someone
trying to sugar-coat everything?”
By the end of the night, the Counselor would have given everyone an event to remember, filled with laughter, passion
and a side of fiery debate. They would leave everyone questioning their previous views on pumpkin pies, lights and
peace-keeping. Because with the Counselor, it’s not just an event, it’s an adventure.
Party Addiction™: The Counselor is often excellent at a party and is great at being the centre of attention. They are truly the best entertainers since they actually enjoy making others people laugh and smile.
Key Party Role™: Does not care about the repercussions from partying too hard. Will do whatever it takes to get the party started, even if it is something that might be humiliating for others. Leads the nude conga line.
When on the slosh™: Are are naturally fun people, but they become even more exciting when they are drunk. They will often become the center of attention, per usual, and go completely over the top. If they get too drunk though, they might embarrass themselves and become a bit foolish. They usually do not mind this though, as long as everyone around them is laughing and having a good time. They simply want to make everyone around them smile and will do whatever it takes to make the room feel happy and positive. Observe: Probably running around the room and the most likely to jump onto a table and dance.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 7 - NAKED. Will use a single drop of alcohol as an excuse to get in tough with their inner exhibitionist. They may spend some of the night shirtless and may, at some stage, remove all clothing.
The Counselor came in ready to mingle, barely able to wait for the big night. In conjunction with the Agent, figured out what they wanted to do, who they wanted to invite and what they should eat. The Counselor did not really care about the details. That was left up to the Appraiser. They are making sure that everyone is having a good time and feel welcome. If it was at their house, it is a show piece as they love entertaining.
At the party, the Counselor decided to dress as “Cinderella Being Abducted by Aliens” and started inviting people outside of the party's direct circle. Invited were the partner's new boss, the lady at the pawnshop and that cute new guy who they had met at a concert the previous week. Table dances. Suspected to be the spiker of the punch, but was not caught, maybe in conjunction with the Appraiser, because the Developer, the Agent, the Specialist, the Perfectionist and the Objective Thinker were all too worried – each in their own way – that something could go wrong!
The Counselor is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is conducting the opening night at their home based strip club.
Why the Counselor gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They have been out roaming all night anyway. Everyone knows nothing good ever happens before at least 3am.
The Counselor walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Grabs the Practitioner, while vomiting in the toilet OR dancs, sings, vibes and drunk texting their exes.
The Counselor's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Probably trying to cuddle or worse.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 11/16. Recommended bed time: 11.50pm.
9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Just imagine that scene from Harry Potter.
Party - First Gauge™: The Specialist landed up with lots of work to do at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate commencement of smoking marijuana alone on the front and will not enter until the music improves.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
They are the quiet observer and artist of the bunch, would be found tucked away in a quiet corner of the house,
smirking at the unfolding drama, their amusement betrayed only by the twinkle in their eyes. There is nothing
like a good helping of chaos to satisfy their thirst for ‘tea’. Sure, they hate conflict, but this is not conflict
– it is a masterpiece in the making.
Before the drama could get too loud, they would wisely slip on their trusty noise-canceling headphones, drowning
the cacophony with the soft, rhythmic beats of hip hop or Vivaldi. The world outside would fade away, replaced by
an oasis of tranquility created by soothing melodies. With the chaotic symphony silenced, they would turn their
attention to their canvas for the day – the Agent.
The Agent is a willing participant and equally eager to escape the raucous antics would offer their arm, their
eyes lighting up at the mention of a Narnia-themed tattoo. As the Specialist’s nimble fingers moved, weaving an
intricate masterpiece inspired by C.S. Lewis’s magical land, the Agent would watch in awed silence, their mind
taking a fantastical journey through the wardrobe and into the landscapes.
By the time the Counselor removes their headphones, the drama would be subdued, thanks to the Appraiser's
diplomacy. The Counselor would shoot a knowing look at the Agent, a shared secret glance of two introverts who
had successfully survived the storm. They would then reveal the masterpiece – a stunning, detailed depiction
of C.S. Lewis fantasy novels that would bring a gasp from the Agent. The Counselor, content with their work
and the quiet that surrounded them, would retreat back into their world of art and music, already anticipating
the design for their next fantasy-world tattoo.
Party Addiction™: The Specialist is often perfectly capable of being social at a party especially after they have a few drinks to loosen up. They usually dislike large parties and find them stifling and exhausting.
Key Party Role™: Lives it up on their own at the party. They do not need a big crowd to have a good time, which is why they will often be found on their own. Waits for a break in the noise so they can play a song they wrote because people need to look into their own souls.
When on the slosh™: When they are drunk, they often feel comfortable opening up to their loved ones, especially their significant other. They will often begin by being playful and fun, but ultimately it will lead to a long and deep conversation. They enjoy feeling connected to their loved ones and will often feel open and affectionate when they are drinking. They might even find themselves wanting to discuss the future and will go into detail about their wants and desires. Observe: Become super affectionate. Tend to stick to being with their family if they are present. Be sure that this affection is really what you want.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 6 - TOUCHY FEELY. Acts more like someone who has taken some pills and they will be a little 'handsy' with anyone.
The Specialist waited for the party plan to be finalised by waiting for an opportunity to place a last-minute bid on a more traditional costume before settling on attending as a Doctor. As the Appraiser's ideas grew, so did the Specialist's to-do list.
At the party, as the arty type, paints a portrait of the Agent and the puppy while jamming to favourite tunes on the headphones. Looks for anyone unique and quirky and takes stunning Instagram-worthy photos of them on the phone. Is admired by everyone, but hardly notices. They let their partner, the Counselor, take the lead while quietly scoping out the room making sure that there are no disagreements or conflict. Secretly hooks up with someone in the basement.
The Specialist is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is bringing home many dogs from the dog shelter.
Why the Specialist gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They only ever feel creatively inspired after midnight – which means their best art projects are often products of being awake at 4am.
The Specialist walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Tries to look aesthetic with slow moves to energetic songs OR sings indie songs with the band or writing lyrics on a piece of tissue.
The Specialist's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Trives on no sleep. Probably wrote an entire album and decorated their house.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 9/16. Recommended bed time: Midnight.
10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Throws a party and realizes that the reason for the party has passed.
Party - First Gauge™: The Investigator is uncertain as to how things might go at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate action is falling asleep after an 'Adios Mother Fcuker' and dreams that the Developer is a talking beer can at a courthouse podium.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
At first glance, the Investigator appears to be engrossed in one of Carl Jung’s epic Black Books. But in reality,
with their uncanny sixth sense, is conducting a silent symphony of empathy. They are attuned to the undercurrents of emotion
swirling around the room, picking up on subtle cues that others miss – the slight quiver in the Practitioner’s voice, the
nervous drumming of the Inspirational’s fingers and the wistful sigh escaping from the Agent.
Meanwhile, the Achiever had become a living embodiment of camouflage, so static and silent that they could easily be
mistaken for the vintage wallpaper behind them. Determined to coax them out of their shell, the Investigator would saunter
over, nonchalantly, and say, “You know, if you stare at the wallpaper long enough, it starts to move. It’s like magic-eye,
but instead of a hidden picture, you get vertigo!” The Achiever, always appreciating a good dry wit, would crack a smile,
their tension easing. The Investigator, recognizing the small victories, would retreat back to Jung, always ready to orchestrate
another symphony of empathy when needed.
When dinner is served, the Investigator retreats to the outskirts of the conversation, their eyes softly glowing with the
quiet joy of seeing everyone connect. But the peace is short-lived. The Developer announces their grand plan and the room
erupts in a frenzy of reactions. The Investigator just chuckles, having predicted this exact scenario 20 minutes into
the appetizers.
Just as the night seems to wind down and everyone has settled into their food comas, the Investigator suddenly perks up,
their eyes meeting the Persuader's from across the room. There is a shared understanding that now is the time for the big
philosophical discussions. The Investigatorleans forward, their eyes sparkling with excitement, “Have you ever thought
about the existential meanings hidden in ‘The Matrix’?”
The Persuader, always up for a deep conversation, nods and leans in eagerly. What ensues is a discussion that spans the
realms of philosophy, information technology and spirituality, all within the context of the 1999 Sci-fi classic.
The Investigator begins by exploring the idea of reality as a construct in the Matrix, drawing analogies to our own societal
The Persuader, in turn, brings up the concept of free will and destiny, referencing Neo’s transformative journey from an
ordinary programmer to the prophesied ‘The One’. The conversation spirals into a deep reflection on the human condition, reality
and the duality of control and freedom.
Their discussion, punctuated by bursts of laughter and thoughtful silences, continues till the early hours, oblivious to
the satisfied snores of their comrades; the scattered remnants of the meal forgotten.
Party Addiction™: The Investigator absolutely hates large crowds which usually means they dislike parties. They might enjoy small gatherings with people they care about, especially if it results in interesting conversations and bonding time.
Key Party Role™: Takes care of the drunks at the party. Every group has a mother hen and this is what they are. When something goes wrong, whether it the Inspirational who has started a fight or the Results over-indulging, you can bet that they are there to help out. This can take a serious emotional toll so one should not be too surprised if they bounce out earlier to wind down with a nice book. Observes 50% of the time, talks 50% of the time.
When on the slosh™: When drunk they can often become much more at ease and comfortable. They might become a bit (lot) louder than their usual low volume selves. They can be somewhat reserved, especially around strangers, but when they have had a few drinks their crazy side often comes out. They might enjoy being able to get a little tipsy, since it can help them relax and feel much less focused on their actions. This can be helpful if they feel that they are judging themselves too harshly and will help remove that fear in the present moment. Observe: Still manages to be the 'mother' of the group. Watch out if they are the host as they allocate the tasks of cleaning up to others while their flute is refilled. Try not to get caught doing this.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 1 - HAPPY. Can be identified by their ridiculously good mood. Laugh at everything, will dance when get the chance, speak in hyperbolic superlatives and act as if it is the greatest night in their life.
The Investigator feels slightly awkward initially, but gradually looks for outliers to
connect with. Winds up counseling them on their relationship issues, childhood traumas and
existential crises; sessions in the bathroom may be with some drunk person they do not know.
Has been smiling and socialising, seemingly finding a little bit in common with everyone.
They were part of the sing-along and completely participated in the cheering. Then they
put on their blurry, ambiguous and imaginative smile as the escape is planned.
Leaves the party feeling productive, but totally drained.
The Investigator is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is hosting an intervention whereby a person with an addiction or other behavioural problem is being confronted by the Investigator in an attempt to persuade them to address the issue.
Why the Investigator gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
Someone they loved needed to talk.
The Investigator walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Is patting the back of the Persuader, depressed and drunk in front of everyone, thinking "I should learn to say no to invitations" OR watching the rest of the people, completely cloaked under the dim light and taking (mental) notes.
The Investigator's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
As the Karen, if we don’t go to the restaurant that they like, based on the research they did, also considering their own personal
experience with cooking (which is extensive, unlike yours), then how can they trust the food is good? You know? Whatever you choose,
they’re sure there will be something wrong with it. And they don’t want to ruin our fun outing by having to tell the waiter that
the food just isn’t good. Like, do you want to sit through that? They just don’t think your friendship would last if we sat through that.
So it’s just better if they choose, and if they choose based on their own likes and dislikes, because we know who has better taste between
us. And they know you go along with it because you know they’re right.
As the Debbie Downer, you don’t like to get food too often with this friend – it’s just easier to go to the movies with them –
but sometimes, it can’t be helped. They always let you choose the restaurant, because it means they get to complain about it while
they’re there, and you’ll be the perfect captive audience. They’re serving peas? Don’t they know peas are part of a fascist regime
in that one country and a factor in climate disasters in this other country? Not to mention they can cause cancer. Yeah, they know
it’s only in very small amounts but they think we should know all the foods that cause cancer.
They ask you if you’re sure you’re good to get another drink. They complain that they’d love to get the potato wedges – it’s their
ABSOLUTE FAVORITE DISH! – but money is tight right now. It’s so lucky you don’t have that problem, they say.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: The nicest sleep deprived person that you will ever meet.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 7/16. Recommended bed time: 11.00pm.
11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Invites only one friend to the party but has a great time.
Party - First Gauge™: The Agent did the invitations and contacted people to get a crowd to the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate action is to go into hiding in the bathroom scrolling through Quora.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
In the midst of the hullabaloo, the Agent, the dreamy idealist of the group, would be found tucked away in a cozy corner,
engrossed in a dog-eared copy of “The Chronicles of Narnia”. Their eyes twinkling with untarnished wonder, they would be
lost in the enchanting realm of Aslan and the Pevensie siblings, only surfacing from their magical sojourn for generous
helpings of the Appraisers excellent appertizers.
Seizing a moment of relative calm, the Agent would spontaneously proclaim, “I wish Narnia was real!” The Specialist, the group’s
adventurous artist, would glance over, a spark of inspiration in their eyes, and say, “Well, why don’t we make it real?”
Befuddled by the proposition, the Agent would watch as the Counselor reveals their portable tattoo kit (because, why not?),
their eyes gleaming with anticipation. With a shrug of surrender and a hearty laugh, the Agent would roll up their sleeve,
their heart fluttering with excitement.
The Specialist would then embark on a meticulous, two-hour-long process of recreating the iconic Narnian lamppost on the Agent’s
arm. At the same time, the Agent would be challenging the Director to think about what they really want, not just the colour-coded
schedules and spreadsheets. If anyone can get the Director to slow down and think about their convictions and values and deeper
feelings, it is the Agent. Attentive, patient and authentic, the Agent sees more in everyone than what meets the eye.
As the evening wears on, the Promoter, known for their spontaneity and thirst for adventure especially with a few under the belt,
announces an impromptu road trip to see the Great Barrier Reef. The room falls into silence, everyone looking at the Promoter
with a mix of shock and bemusement. But the Agent, their heart still racing from the Narnian tattoo adventure, would find the
idea enchanting. Before they know it, they are agreeing to this whimsical escapade, much to the surprise of everyone,
especially the Objective Thinker, who had been advocating for a detailed plan of the evening all along.
Party Addiction™: The Agent dislikes a party with a large crowd, especially if the event is filled with strangers. They prefer to have a small get together with people they love and trust.
Key Party Role™: Keeps the party going by cooling things down. Some guests might find the intense chill to be a bit too intense. Hopes that they do not suddenly become the centre of attention.
When on the slosh™: Are actually very playful and funny individuals with a fantastic sense of humour. This side of their personality can go unnoticed though, especially if they are feeling a bit shyer around their present company. It takes a lot for them to open up to people and they often struggle to feel comfortable enough. When they are drinking, they will most likely become much more at ease. Their hilarious personalities will often come to the surface and they might even make a few ridiculous and crude jokes. They will also be much less afraid to express their feelings and might even tell a few people how they really think of them. Observe: Will try to hug everyone in the room. Probably the one you want not to talk to as you are likely to get trapped, unless this is what you desire. This is especially so if you are their boss or higher. They will trot out their trivial problems - the rubbish bin is not in its spot.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 6 - TOUCHY FEELY. Acts more like someone who has taken some pills and they will be a little 'handsy' with anyone.
The Agent invited close friends and co-workers, making phone calls and sending out handwritten invitations with individual messages attached. Kept in regular contact with the Specialist and the Appraiser. As the Appraiser's ideas continued growing, so did the Agent's to-do list.
At the party, remained snuggled up in the corner with whatever furry creature happened to be around, along with a worn-out copy of “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”. Feels like a prisoner at the party (but enjoys the furry friend they made). Well dressed and catches a few eyes. Not entirely comfortable with the attention, avoids eye contact. Circles around the room observing and gently touching the artistic decor. Liking being behind the scenes but does not miss a thing. At the behest of the Developer, called the neighbours to placate and apologise to them. Tells everyone at the party how much they love them and then drunk dials their ex and cries. Went back to party mode. Thought everyone deserved a little prize so made little baggies for everyone to take home.
The Agent is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is creating Fifty Shades of Grey scenes.
Why the Agent gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They were reading the best book and they were only 300 pages away from the end.
The Agent walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Their head hurts and they regret stepping out of their comfort zone OR istens to the Promoter, nodding, ever-so-slightly teary.
The Agent's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
As the Slacker, are cool with whatever. Really! Where do you want to go? They don’t know, where do you want to go? They’re cool
with whatever you want. So maybe you decide that this time, you’ll make them decide. It’s their birthday dinner, they must have an
opinion on it. They don't, of course, so you search your memory for a dish they seem to have particularly savored anytime you’ve
gone out. But they like everything. Not to mention it’s usually them asking you how you like your food.
In the end, you decide to pick a restaurant that’s near because you figure it’ll be easy for them to get to and you never go there
often enough. You played right into their hands.
As the Debbie Downer, you don’t like to get food too often with this friend – it’s just easier to go to the movies with them –
but sometimes, it can’t be helped. They always let you choose the restaurant, because it means they get to complain about it while
they’re there, and you’ll be the perfect captive audience. They’re serving peas? Don’t they know peas are part of a fascist regime
in that one country and a factor in climate disasters in this other country? Not to mention they can cause cancer. Yeah, they know
it’s only in very small amounts but they think we should know all the foods that cause cancer.
They ask you if you’re sure you’re good to get another drink. They complain that they’d love to get the potato wedges – it’s their
ABSOLUTE FAVORITE DISH! – but money is tight right now. It’s so lucky you don’t have that problem, they say.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Either turns into a Promoter or just wants to cuddle and cry.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 2/16. Recommended bed time: 10.50pm.
12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Thinks that birthdays and celebrations are for losers so they do not care when the birthday, event or the party is.
Party - First Gauge™: The Achiever is on the lookout for a game of anything at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate action is to commence sipping massively strong alcohol straight from the bottle while exploring the house.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
This is the ultimate “cool hand Luke” in this garden of personalities. While the rest of the attendees are caught up in intellectual warfare,
spontaneous road trips and spreadsheet nightmares, the Achiever is chilling by the fridge, casually sipping on their beer and observing the
chaos with a bored expression.
Eventually they woulld retreat to their workshop, where they would be found tinkering away on their latest invention – a jet-powered
skateboard, because why not? The occasion is just background noise to their creative process. A few adjustments here, a couple of tweaks
there, and voila! – the Appraiser has engineered a piece of awesomeness while the others are still arguing over the merits of Parasite.
Once the invention is ready, the Appraiser waits for the grand entrance of the Promoter, the Appraiser, in a cloud of smoke and a
blaze of glory, would zoom past the window on their jet-powered skateboard, performing a triple backflip just for kicks.
The other attendees, too engrossed in their drama, would not even notice the spectacle. Well, all but the Investigator, who, from their
quiet corner, would watch the death-defying feat with a quiet admiration and a secret longing to join them. And in that moment,
the Investigator would make a note to themselves: “Next year, ditch the chaos. Learn to skateboard!”
Later in the night, the Appraiser, with a nonchalant shrug and a smug grin, would think, “Next year, let’s see them ignore a rocket-powered
lawn mower. Now, where’s the grog?”
Party Addiction™: The Achiever can be charming which makes them capable of interacting and being entertaining at parties. The major issue is that they simply do not enjoy parties most of the time.
Key Party Role™: The DJ at the party who is not likely to take requests for bad music. Natural creativity, energy and introversion mean they are at their best when entertaining others but are not necessarily in the spotlight. Provided the guests trust their friendly neighbour's taste, it is guaranteed that the party is going have an excellent soundtrack. Not averse to leaving early if they think that the party sucks.
When on the slosh™: Often becomes much more playful when they are drinking, especially with their loved ones. They become affectionate and fun and will enjoy being close to the people that they care for. They are naturally quiet and independent people, but become much more outgoing when they are drinking. They might feel more open making sarcastic jokes and can be a bit goofy when they are feeling tipsy. They become more comfortable expressing their feelings and are not as reserved during this time. Observe: Probably climbing Mt. Everest who knows. Beware of big temper but long fuse so festering issues may overflow along with the beer.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 5 - VIOLENT. Spends all night positive that others are talking ess, aitch, one, tee about them. At some point will get into an argument or a fight about something dumb, such as someone looking at them in a funny way or someone taking too many potato chips from the dish.
The Achiever comes in second-place to the Results at beer-pong, but then triumphs over everyone else
at pool. Tries to avoid all the people who are doing a bad job of hiding their infatuation with him.
As a surgeon, the Achiever is usually calm, serious and focussed. The Counselor thrusts a drink at them
and tells them to loosen up. They reply that they are loose, but downs the drink just the same.
It turns out the Counselor was not actually singing with the crowd, they were was faking it.
The Achiever decides it would be fun to Unicycle on the roof and ends up in hospital.
The Achiever is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is break dancing in brick shoes.
Why the Achiever gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
4am is the only time they can get some peace and quiet.
The Achiever walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Hits the Results OR chugs, but in silence.
The Achiever's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Karen, if we don’t go to the restaurant that they like, based on the research they did, also considering their own personal
experience with cooking (which is extensive, unlike yours), then how can they trust the food is good? You know? Whatever you choose,
they’re sure there will be something wrong with it. And they don’t want to ruin our fun outing by having to tell the waiter that
the food just isn’t good. Like, do you want to sit through that? They just don’t think your friendship would last if we sat through that.
So it’s just better if they choose, and if they choose based on their own likes and dislikes, because we know who has better taste between
us. And they know you go along with it because you know they’re right.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: The floor is their new bed.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 6/16. Recommended bed time: 11.45pm.
13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: At the thought of a party, writes in their diary about how old they feel.
Party - First Gauge™: The Practitioner wants the party to be a frictionless event.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate event was to be peer pressured into taking a shot of ultra strong alcohol for the Results' Tik Tok and immediately fainted.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
Just when you thought the drama could not get any more heightened, enter the Practitioner – the nurturing,
supportive peacekeeper. Overwhelmed by the escalating debates, spontaneous road trips and the impassioned
spreadsheet presentation, the Practitioner would take refuge in the one place they feel most comfortable – the
kitchen. With the cacophony of the drama serving as their unlikely soundtrack, they would begin their stress
relief therapy: baking biscuits.
The soft hum of the mixer, the rhythmic dance of the wooden spoon in the mixing bowl, the comforting scent of
vanilla and the satisfying transformation of raw ingredients into delectable dough – these elements would provide
them with a soothing balm for their frazzled nerves. Before long, the kitchen would transform into a biscuit
factory with the Practitioner at the helm. All types of flavours – you name it, the Practitioner would bake it.
As the trays laden with biscuits would pile up, the Practitioner would make a strategic alliance with the Appraiser,
willing to do anything to keep the peace. They would hand over the biscuits, whispering in hushed tones, “Use these
to distract them from getting mad. Remember – a biscuit in hand is worth two in the pantry.”
And thus, the Practitioner, armed with a biscuit tray and a weary smile, would make their way back into the
living room, offering an assortment as a peace offering. With each one nibbled, tempers would cool and smiles
would slowly return. As the noise subsided to a contented munching, the Practitioner, from the safety of their
kitchen, would let out a sigh of relief.
Party Addiction™: The Practitioner is often good at hosting family events but might feel uncomfortable at larger parties. They dislike feeling pressured to be social, even though they are often good at interacting with others.
Key Party Role™: Keeps things practical by helping out at the party - picking up glasses etc. They tend to be on the shy side, so you will not find them striking up conversations; although they might like the feeling of picking up after everybody, they need time to unwind. Makes cool drinks and snacks for everyone.
When on the slosh™: Usually prefer to drink in small amounts and dislike feeling completely drunk. They will enjoy having a small drink in order to relax themselves and let go of their troubles. When they are a little tipsy (achieved with one glass of low alcohol beer such as XXXX Gold), they will often be relaxed and a bit more outgoing. They enjoy having conversations with their loved ones and might feel more affectionate and cuddly. They simply dislike feeling out of control and might believe that drinking too much is a self-indulgent of them. They care more about tending to the needs of their loved ones and do not want to do anything that might harm that. Observe: Most likely to dial their ex. Unless you are family, these are the people to avoid at a party at all costs. They are simply fcuking boring. One small glass of XXXX Gold is a reflection of their personality and fun.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 8 - BROKEN. Sit by themselves, drowning their feelings in a tidal wave of sweet, soul deadening alcohol. They drink because being sober is too terrifying to face. They will not say anything to anyone until they finally piss themselves and break down crying because they are sorry for everything. The tidal wave may be that one glass of XXXX Gold though.
The Practitioner helps out in the kitchen and then is found circulating through the crowd with outward signs of ease but inward feelings of exhaustion. Spends the evening holding back the hair of whichever of their friends starts puking first. Escapes outside to feed a stray cat that looks hungry.
The Practitioner is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is actually asleep.
Why the Practitioner gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They have an examination / presentation that morning and their mind has been up taunting them with worst-case scenarios since they tried to go to bed at 10pm.
The Practitioner walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Runs to the toilet while crying OR in the toilet holding their best friend's hair.
The Practitioner's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: The grumpiest grump. They are trying their best not to be mean.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 14/16. Recommended bed time: 11.00pm.
14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Throws an average party as they do not need anything special.
Party - First Gauge™: The Objective Thinker stays in the background at the party.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate action was to take one step inside the party and leave immediately.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
They are often seen as the sensible one of the gathering, would initially join forces with the Director in an
attempt to impose some order on the occasion. Armed with colour-coded itineraries and a catalogue of contingency
plans, they would optimistically envision a perfectly organized event, with each attendee allocated a specific
role and time slot. But alas! Their meticulously crafted plans would soon be cast aside under the avalanche of
the Promoter’s untamed spontaneity and the Inspirational’s constant debates.
Amidst the cacophony, the Objective Thinker would find their expectations of a structured occasion rapidly
dissolving. They would watch, aghast, as the table transformed into a stage for intellectual jousting and
impromptu dance-offs. As the Promoter dramatically announced their spontaneous road trip, the Objective Thinker
would finally admit defeat. The well-intentioned orderliness and timelines would be put away, replaced by a
resigned acceptance of the inevitably chaotic dynamics.
By the time the dust settled, the Objective Thinker would retreat to their sanctuary, a quiet corner away from
the boisterous antics. Armed with a mug of hot cocoa, they would sink into a comfortable armchair, the familiar
strains of an old favourite movie playing in the background, offering a soothing contrast to the pandemonium
in the rest of the venue.
As the evening wears on, they would find solace in their well-loved pastime: organizing their bookcase. The touch
of the hardcovers, the smell of the pages, the satisfying sound of books falling into place - these familiar
sensations would offer a comforting end to the turbulent day.
Reflecting on the day’s events, they would muse, “Next year, I’ll plan an event for my books instead. They do not
argue, they do not go on impromptu road trips and they definitely respect a well-structured itinerary.”
Party Addiction™: The Objective Thinker definitely does not like parties and often find these sorts of gatherings to be rather obnoxious. They prefer to be alone most of the time and become drained by too much social interaction. They prefer one on one with those close.
Key Party Role™: Is a bit to cool for a party but calls Ubers for everybody who has overindulged and you can bet they are going to gossip about it later. If they get dragged along by a friend, they are probably snarkily tweeting about everybody else's shenanigans or snapping photos to smirk about later. Keeps an eye out to make sure no one who is drunk tries to drive.
When on the slosh™: Are likely not to enjoy drinking all that much, unless it is in small amounts. They might find that is loosens them up a bit and helps them feel slightly more outgoing. They often prefer to use alcohol as a way to relax and let go of some of their stresses. They usually dislike getting completely trashed and prefer to maintain a healthy buzz. They are naturally controlled people, but sometimes a little alcohol can help them relax and feel more open. This can be a great way for them to let themselves open up to someone they love or admire and express these feelings a bit easier than they usually can. Observe: Can become extremely stubborn / adamant. But these people can be good at a party as they continue to talk common sense consistently, even after a few.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 10 - PROFESSIONAL. Different as they have no symptoms. That is the whole point of maintaining this art form. In other words, they are alcoholics.
The Objective Thinker is a multi-millionaire at the party along with the Developer. The Objective Thinker had started their own company and, through hard work and perseverance, had turned it into an extremely successful company. They stepped in to help the Agent and the Specialist. Dressed as an obscure comic book character, calculated the budgets and worked out all the cost details.
Kept in regular contact with The Agent and the Specialist regarding the party plan and, when it came time for them to take over, did all the shopping with the Perfectionist.
The Objective Thinker was dragged to the party by somebody else and would really rather be at home. Did not like all the noise and the crowd. Spent a great deal of time alphabetising the host's DVDs and books. Then headed up to the roof to look at the stars and listen to a playlist of their favourite songs. However, the Objective Thinker noticed how loud the party was getting and this caused the Agent to get involved. With that sorted, went back to party mode.
The Objective Thinker is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is building an indoor skate park.
Why the Objective Thinker gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They volunteered to work the night shift at work as everyone else refused to and somebody has to do it.
The Objective Thinker walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Calls the police but the police cannot hear their whispers OR gives a lecture to the bartender about why the shot glasses should be chilled to an arctic degree. Also, coasters. Coasters are very important. Crucial.
The Objective Thinker's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Karen, if we don’t go to the restaurant that they like, based on the research they did, also considering their own personal
experience with cooking (which is extensive, unlike yours), then how can they trust the food is good? You know? Whatever you choose,
they’re sure there will be something wrong with it. And they don’t want to ruin our fun outing by having to tell the waiter that
the food just isn’t good. Like, do you want to sit through that? They just don’t think your friendship would last if we sat through that.
So it’s just better if they choose, and if they choose based on their own likes and dislikes, because we know who has better taste between
us. And they know you go along with it because you know they’re right.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Almost as grumpy as the Practitioner but more inclined to hide in a corner away from everyone.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 13/16. Recommended bed time: 10.20pm.
15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: Forgets that is their birthday and has to be reminded multiple times. A party is therefore avoided.
Party - First Gauge™: The Perfectionist assesses the capacity limits of the party venue.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: The immediate event is to throw up after one shot of whiskey.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
The resident theorist of the group and utterly immune to the drama unfolding, would be found sprawled out on the
living room couch, engrossed in a hefty tome about quantum physics. When asked why they would bring such a weighty
topic to a gathering, their simple reply would be, “To escape from the crushing existential dread of social
As the chaos around them would escalate, they would barely lift their eyes from the book, except for the odd
chuckle at the Appraiser's attempts to smooth out the conflict with a well-meaning but terribly misguided game
of charades. They may even go to sleep if they were at the table. They would relish the solitude they found in their complex world of quantum mechanics, unperturbed
by the squabble over the last appertizer or the Promoter’s dramatic recounting of their latest travels.
At the height of the brouhaha, the Inspirational would stride over, full of bravado and charm, and challenge
the perfectionist to a debate. On what? The philosophical implications of mashed potatoes, of course!
The Perfectionist, always up for intellectual stimulation (and a chance to outwit the Inspirational), would rise
from their comfortable cocoon, their eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark. The ensuing debate would be a
spectacle to behold – a whirlwind of logic, wit and some rather clever wordplay about gravy and existentialism.
Party Addiction™: The Perfectionist rarely enjoys a party and might even cringe at the suggestion. They dislike feeling like other people are watching them or judging their behaviour in any way. If they do attend, they should get a few grogs into themselves.
Key Party Role™: Plans a social experiment at the party such as swapping vodka for water and swapping music to see the impact on the mood in the room. While they may not be the social butterfly, they find social gatherings fascinating and will likely be found turning the whole thing into some kind of study. Listens intently to the Perfectionist, Agent, Investigator and Enhancer.
When on the slosh™: When drunk they will often become more outgoing and extremely talkative. Their inner thoughts will come out to play and they might even find themselves getting into long conversations with the people around them. While they are normally reserved and prefer to keep to themselves, they will become chatty and willing to express their deep thoughts and even feelings. They might prefer to drink around people they can trust, simply because they become much more exposed during this time. Observe: Most likely to engage in deep conversation that they will not remember the next day. Have been known to fall asleep at the dinner table.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 8 - BROKEN. Sit by themselves, drowning their feelings in a tidal wave of sweet, soul deadening alcohol. They drink because being sober is too terrifying to face. They will not say anything to anyone until they finally piss themselves and break down crying because they are sorry for everything. The tidal wave may be one glass of XXXX Gold though.
The Perfectionist stepped in to help the Agent and the Specialist. Dressed as an obscure comic book character, calculated the time necessary to plan such an event. Calculated the backyard capacity and figured out how many people would fit inside, should it rain or snow.
Kept in regular contact with the Agent and the Specialist regarding the party plan and then when it came time for them to take over, did all the shopping with the Objective Thinker.
At the party, tries to avoid making small talk by taking his Playstation to a private room where
the playing of “Elder Scrolls” can take place in peace. Gets an unpleasant surprise when the best friend stumbles
in later with their secret crush. When the party became too loud was pressed into service and called the Developer and
Agent over to suggest that the neighbours be informed before the police arrived and issued a penalty notice.
When that was sorted, went back to party mode.
Started reading something on the mobile and, judging from the amount of scrolls, it is a lengthy article.
No one seems to mind and it would not bother the Perfectionist if they did mind.
Whatever they are reading seems infinitely more interesting than making social interactions.
Oops, spoke too soon. There goes the kind hearted Practitioner over to chat so they will not feel neglected.
At the conclusion of the party, invited all over to
play video games at a future date. Has smoked too much weed and wanders off from the party, accidentally
ending up in the next suburb.
The Perfectionist is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is operating their meth lab, that they had built in their kitchen, which unfortunately blows up despite the Perfectionist designing it so that was impossible.
Why the Perfectionist gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They go to bed at 11am and wake up at 9pm every day; this is perfectly normal for them to have a well earned comfort break.
The Perfectionist walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Removes the toilet and moves on to play a life simulation game OR forced to go out to “socialize” in a bar by their Appraiser friend. Probably contemplating the murder of their only best friend or suicide.
The Perfectionist's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Drama Llamas, expects you to pick a restaurant they like, because if they don’t like it, they’ll complain nonstop during
the meal about it. Also, you should be making sure that you are keeping stock of not just their various dietary restrictions, but also
make sure they can get at LEAST five options out of the menu (nevermind that they will only be ordering one dish, and making you eat half).
The only way to win their total approval over your choice (not their gratitude) is if the restaurant also has their favorite meal.
The same meal they order in go to.
As the Karen, if we don’t go to the restaurant that they like, based on the research they did, also considering their own personal
experience with cooking (which is extensive, unlike yours), then how can they trust the food is good? You know? Whatever you choose,
they’re sure there will be something wrong with it. And they don’t want to ruin our fun outing by having to tell the waiter that
the food just isn’t good. Like, do you want to sit through that? They just don’t think your friendship would last if we sat through that.
So it’s just better if they choose, and if they choose based on their own likes and dislikes, because we know who has better taste between
us. And they know you go along with it because you know they’re right.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Relatively despondent. Boring to be around.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 1/16. Recommended bed time: 11.30pm.
16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?
Principal Tell Tale Indicator™: The thought of a party, particularly where they are the centre of attention, such as their birthday party, will cause their traditional sulking to be evident or they may not even show up.
Party - First Gauge™: The Enhancer does not want to attend the party; especially if lots of noise, social justice warriors and strangers.
Party - Second Gauge™ - if you take me to the party, this is what you can expect: Immediate action is to toss the propaganda of the Persuader into the fireplace and watching it burn while thinking about the burning down of his country’s legislation in the next twenty years.
Party - Third Gauge™ - if you take me to the festive party, this is what you can expect:
Last year, over the remains of a ravaged turkey and the echoes of squabbles still fresh, the Enhancer had already begun
strategizing for this year’s event. Another occasion with Aunt Gwyn of South Burnley. They had analyzed each personality,
every potential scenario and chalked out the most efficient escape plan – through the kitchen, down the basement out
the secret tunnel and straight to their remote-controlled drone waiting for a quick extraction. The Enhancer essentially
does not want to be at occasions they are 'expected to attend'.
They decide to hear our the Developer's plan. They have an intense connection with their 'cousin', the Developer, and
will not abandon ship until they have heard their plan. Over a glass of the finest scotch from an antique decanter, the Developer would detail
an intricate, foolproof plan involving strategic alliances, corporate takeovers and carefully manipulated socio-economic
trends. Most would scoff at the audacity. Not the Enhancer.
The Enhancer, ever the mastermind, would listen with a quiet, calculating intensity, mentally dissecting every layer of the
plan. While they would initially raise an eyebrow at the audacious ambition, the more they delve into the details, the more
the plan would make sense. It is daring, logical and meticulously planned – all the ingredients of a good strategic challenge
that the Encer cannot resist. They are the smug rabblerouser.
Seeing that their plan was being taken seriously, the Developer would encourage the Enhancer, “Why not join forces? Two
masterminds are better than one.” After a moment of contemplation, the Enhancer would agree, a rare smile playing on
their lips. They had already begun improvising the plan, their minds whirring with ideas to ensure success. The Enhancer
would toast with the Developer, “To world domination, then.”
But the Enhancer is not totally about strategy at the expense of feeling. They would have a secret soft spot for the quiet
struggle of the Objective Thinker. The Enhancer, in their unparalleled foresight, would secretly prepare a spiked hot
chocolate, a potent mix of liquid courage and sweet comfort, handing it over with a knowing nod. To make the ordeal
easier, they would also hand over a pair of headphones and a tablet, already queued to a soothing clip of people
dusting off library shelves – a sensory symphony of gentle rustling and soft whispers sure to calm the stormiest of nerves.
Meanwhile, the Enhancer, with a smug grin on their face and a bracing sip of their own spiked hot chocolate, would make a mental
note for next year’s plan: “Install soundproofing in the study. And a trap door under the dining table would not hurt either.”
Meanwhile, Uncle Norman, a Practitioner, in a efforet to tidy up has burnt some of the gifts in the incinerator
while getting rig of the gift wrapping.
Party Addiction™: The Enhancer rarely enjoys parties and usually finds them to be draining and pointless. They prefer to have meaning in their lives and would much rather be around people who challenge them mentally. They prefer one on one time with those close. They do know how to have fun, they just rarely consider a loud and crazy party to be a good time.
Key Party Role™: Wows the crowd with knowledge and intellectual debate, sharing their seemingly endless knowledge of pretty much everything at the party. While they might not make a ton of friends, because their confidence can sometimes tip into arrogance, there is no denying that they will boast trivia knowledge to liven up any discussion. Tends to explain things only to the smart people at the party.
When on the slosh™: They often do not engage in conversations that seem useless to them and will walk away unless something can be gained. When they are drunk however, they will often find themselves lecturing people and attempting to drop truth bombs on the individuals around them. They become more social and willing to express themselves without feeling held back. In most cases though, they will not allow themselves to become overly inebriated unless they are around people they trust completely. They prefer to have control over themselves and will pace themselves when it comes to alcohol. Observe: You cannot even tell that they are drunk.
Type of drunk™: TYPE 10 - PROFESSIONAL. Different as they have no symptoms. That is the whole point of maintaining this art form. In other words, they are alcoholics.
The Enhancer is the greatest planner, but wants nothing to do with functions that need not be attended.
Forced to attend, inwardly berates self for arriving early (a usual circumstance) and makes awkward small
talk, which the Enhancer totally detests, with the host (the Results) for a while. Eventually finds a comfortable
spot in a quieter corner of the room and, alone or listening to a podcast, analyses the body-language of the
various guests. Takes scheduled hydration breaks in an attempt to reduce the impact of their inevitable
morning-after hangover.
For once, the Enhancer is not bored and decided to have a rather interesting discussion with the Promoter,
with their verbal fluency is easy to talk to, and has a few interesting ideas.
With a little encouragement, the Promoter breaks into a wide smile and shares another interesting story.
By the end of the party, the Enhancer has figured out everyone’s motives, insecurities and Disc pattern and
has lost all respect for the human race.
The Enhancer is awake at 3am and does this as your upstairs neighbour:
Is water boarding their enemies in the spare bedroom which serves as the interrogation room.
Why the Enhancer gets up at 4am on days when there was no party the night before:
They are trying out a new sleep schedule where they go to bed at 8pm and get up at 4am every day. This is so they can have a couple of quiet hours to meditate / think / read before their day begins.
The Enhancer walks into a bar. Here is what happens:
Just came for the free drinks; tries to leave OR nods at the Developer without eye contact, carefully listening to them, almost in a tape recording fashion and, in the meantime, observing the rest of the people including the Investigator. “I'll get that little book of yours.” they mutter. “It may come in handy.”
The Achiever's toxic way to choose a restaurant:
As the Karen, if we don’t go to the restaurant that they like, based on the research they did, also considering their own personal
experience with cooking (which is extensive, unlike yours), then how can they trust the food is good? You know? Whatever you choose,
they’re sure there will be something wrong with it. And they don’t want to ruin our fun outing by having to tell the waiter that
the food just isn’t good. Like, do you want to sit through that? They just don’t think your friendship would last if we sat through that.
So it’s just better if they choose, and if they choose based on their own likes and dislikes, because we know who has better taste between
us. And they know you go along with it because you know they’re right.
Behaviour when Sleep Deprived: Does not need sleep.
Night Owl? 1 is No.1 Night Owl: Rank 5/16. Recommended bed time: 11.15pm.
Game - Intuitives v. Sensors
Captain - Intuitives: The Developer; yes that is liklely - the Bully.
Possible additional Team Members - Intuitives: Persuader, Investigator, Promoter, Agent, Enhancer, Inspirational and Perfectionist.
Captain - Sensors: The Director; yes that is liklely - the Dictator.
Possible additional Team Members - Sensors: Objective Thinker, Appraiser, Practitioner, Results, Achiever, Counselor and Specialist.
Sport -- Game On:
The Director has undertaken lots of practice together with advice and consultation from the Results who is so interested in sport.
He glances over everyone for approximate physical ability and puts the Specialist on the bench because of his lack of attention; and begins.
Predictably, the Achiever decides to go rogue and makes a solo play and single-handedly wins that play but then gets benched
by the Director for insubordination as that was not the Director's way.
The Achiever finds time to build go-carts with the Specialist while the other Sensors not in the game, the Counselor, tries to make up for lost talent.
The Objective Thinker, the rules watcher, gets into an argument with the referee over nuances of a play and wins with his superior knowledge.
The budding coach, the Appraiser, gets injured and starts complaining. The boring care giver who has not made the team, the Practitioner,
tries to help him but cannot figure out what is wrong.
The Developer, the Captain of the Intuitives, is stuck commanding a bunch of gamers and geeks in a football match.
The Perfectionist immediately starts calculating the chances of them winning, which are somewhat slim.
The smeaky Inspirational decides to try to harmlessly sabotage the other team and manages to trip the Appraiser, who is not
actually hurt but pretends to be for attention. The Appraiser then tries to take over being the team captain but gets threatened
the Enhancer who is the only one other than the Developer who engages in habitual exercise.
The Promoter, although turning up late, has received secret training from the reliable Enhancer, makes several good plays and
is promoted to assistant team captain by the Developer. The Developer, who is still Captain, secretly positions all the ineffectual patterns
the Agent, Promoter, Perfectionist and Inspirational so that they are merely decoys. This does not work well.
The Sensors win. A debate or gaming tournament might go very differently, however. But any team with a Results and Achiever
will have an advantage in contact sport!
The Investigator has been watching under sufferance, lest her son the Appraiser is injured, is glad the game is finally over.