Situation - You are observing Mechanisms for
This page tells what happens if you have got the
ess, aitch, one, tees with someone
or they have the same with you.
Prerequisite: You should know your own Disc pattern but must know that of the other person.
Limitation: If someone has experienced some sort of trauma, you should realise that this is beyond the limits of the Oxor Method™. Characteristics are shown at the foot of this page. Caution is advised!
This page may cause distress to some viewers. Our experience is that not too many people like what they consider to be bad news. Or 'smashing' the opponent. We have seen it all, in our composing of this site and the over 50 years of business experience of Elizabeth Hunter™. Emeritus Prof. Ridley Kive™ has kindly offered his advice to put this page together, for which we are very grateful indeed.
This page is all about smashing the other person. The Oxor Method™ is generally focussed on obtaining amicable outcomes. This page is when you want to win in court or when all else has failed and the opponent needs the Oxor Smash Treatment™.
See also Cantankerous Explorer™ - Click Here
You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
1. Attack and Defence of the Director - ESTJ
The Dictator
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Pragmatic and hard-working, the Director has a gift for taking charge of situations that are being inefficiently managed. If someone gets on their wrong side, usually through dishonesty or laziness, they will quickly organize a plan that demotes that offender to a position worthy of their efforts. They believe in justice and fairness so do not expect a free ride from the Director. They have zero patience for emotional manipulation or trickery and are easily able to detach from their emotions to see the situation exactly for what it is. Never, ever, try to win the Director over with emotional manipulation or trickery. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees:
Dishonesty and / or laziness.
This pattern becomes extremely annoyed by lazy people, especially if those people are living in the same house as they are.
This pattern certainly pulls their own weight and simply wants people around them who will do the same.
They become increasingly annoyed by lazy or messy people and will have a hard time keeping quiet about this.
They want people to help them get things done, without having to ask them to do this.
They expect that people around them should be working as a team, instead of just expecting everything to be handed to them.
They are hardworking people and respect people who share this same quality.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Working while watching a movie.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate loss of control. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: Will quickly organise a plan that demotes the other person to a position worthy of their efforts.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Hatchet.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will call my lawyer or take you to VCAT!"
Their defence method, reiterated: "Black and White" or "All or Nothing" thinking. They believe in justice and fairness so do not expect a free-ride as you will never receive that. Should you try to win them over through emotional manipulation or trickery, you are extremely foolish and we say you will fail. They have zero patience for it and are easily able to detach from their emotions to see the situation exactly for what it is.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others coming up with EXCUSES. And you will face the penalty. When people are consistently late or doing sloppy work only to come up with woefully inadequate justification and excuses the Director becomes exasperated. Laziness and poor attention to detail are bad enough without adding phony justification on top of it. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Director will continue to always want to get their own way. If defeated, they will pretend that the particular defeat never ever took place. They will say "No. This is not going to work." And silently cull you."
2. Attack and Defence of the Developer - ENTJ
The Opportunist
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: The Developer is a formidable enemy. They are excellent at mobilizing resources and supervising the implementation of complex, multi-faceted plans. This means that they can quickly and efficiently come up with ways to dismantle someone they believe is corrupt or ill-suited for their role. Also, if someone violates their values, wastes their time or hurts someone they love they can become intensely focussed and passionate about causing that person's demise. These individuals can instantly objectify their personal feelings and maintain control while they come up with a plan of attack. They have powerful insights into what is likely to happen and can use that vision to create a detailed and effective plan of ambush. Never, ever, deliberately get the Developer angry. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Violation of their values, wasting of their time or hurting someone they love.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Being too strict when playing board games.
Their attack method - reiterated: They make formidable enemies. You should take this into account and endeavour to avoid them becoming angry. They can quickly and efficiently come up with ways to dismantle someone they believe is corrupt or ill-suited for their role. They can instantly objectify their personal feelings and maintain control while they come up with a plan of attack. They can become intensely focussed and passionate about your demise. They will bully you.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Flamethrower.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will bully you and you can fcuk off now!"
Their defence method: Isolation. They have powerful insights into what is likely to happen and can use that vision to create a detailed and effective plan of ambush.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others WHINGING. And you will face the penalty. It is a dog eat dog world and nobody knows this better than the Developer. Life is for the people who can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and do the hard work needed to survive and thrive. People who whinge, moan and complain about their lives make them irritable and annoyed at the human race. The Developer knows if they put as much energy into changing their situation as they did into complaining they would be far better off in the end. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Developer will continue to always be the arrogant winner and ultra sore loser. If defeated, they will always be prepared to proceed with the next attack using their preferred methods. With a straight face will say "Of course, the most worthless opinion comes from you." And leave you. "
3. Attack and Defence of the Results - ESTP
The 'You Only Live Once' Boss
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Incredibly in touch with the present moment, the Results is always itching for an opportunity to take down the “bad guy” in any situation. They get a rush from being in action and responding to threats and surprise events. While other people need time to acclimate to incoming danger, they have a very quick reaction time and can act spontaneously to head off a crisis. Their power is not only physical, however. While still in action, they can mentally take apart a problem, look at it from different angles and analyze it to find leverage points where they can combat their enemy quickly. In any debate or discussion, they are quick, concise and keenly aware of their opponent’s physical and psychological weak points. Never, ever, try to physically or verbally attack a Results as they will respond faster than you can possibly imagine. Oxor™ has warned you.
Very much in touch with the present moment.Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Lack of action. They are itching for an opportunity to take down the "bad guy" in any situation. They get a rush from being in action and responding to threats and surprise events.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Getting you into trouble.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate being ousted, demoted or fired. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They know that other patterns often need time to get used to incoming danger and their super quick reaction time will kick in and they can act spontaneously to head off a crisis. Their power is not only physical, however. While still in action they can mentally take apart a problem, look at it from different angles and analyse it to find leverage points where they can combat their enemy quickly and effectively.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Explosives.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will wreck you! Come and fight me!"
Their defence method: Compartmentalizing. If you try to physically or verbally attack, they will respond faster than you can imagine. In any debate, they are are quick, concise and keenly aware of their opponent’s physical and logical weak points.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others being ARMCHAIR EXPERTS. And you will face the penalty. Energetic and gregarious, the Results approaches life with a hunger to be in the middle of the action. Life was not meant to be viewed from the sidelines, it was meant for active participation. People who sit around theorizing, hypothesizing and forming viewpoints they have no real-life experience with get on the Results' nerves. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Results will continue to take charge and take risks. If defeated, they will always be prepared to go forward with the next attack using their preferred methods. They will face punch you."
4. Attack and Defence of the Inspirational - ENTP
The professional corrector
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: The Inspirational 'gets their rocks off' from playing devil’s advocate and questioning pre-established rules and traditions and mixing things up. They are dangerous when they are underestimated or forced into a corner. In situations such as this, they can easily unhinge an entire organization by dismantling one small part of it. They quickly notice how complex systems are maintained and how each piece plays a role. Strategic and visionary, they are able to solve (or create) technical puzzles that will stump even the most analytical mind. Risk is not a huge fear of theirs and they do not mind putting their security on the line to bring down an opponent. Never, ever, give them the opportunity to mix things up and create chaos in order to reveal the truth or get their way. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: When they are underestimated or forced into a corner.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Not taking anything seriously.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate others being unreceptive towards them and hate rules unless it is enforcing their own rules. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They can easily unhinge an entire organisation by dismantling one small part of it. They quickly notice how complex systems are maintained and how each piece plays a role. Strategic and visionary, they are able to solve (or create) technical puzzles that will stump even the most analytical mind.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will dismantle you!"
Their defence method: Compensation. As risk is not a huge fear, they do not mind putting their security on the line to bring down an opponent. They enjoy the thrill of mixing things up and creating chaos in order to reveal the truth or to win which may not be the same thing.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Stiletto Dagger.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others enforcing ATTENDANCE POLICIES AND BUREAUCRACY. And you will face the penalty. The Inspirational is in university and there is a class they have to attend. They could easily just watch the class on their computer later in the day, but they will not get any credit unless they attend in person. Or they show up five minutes late to work and were given a warning – three more warnings and then you are up for review. Extraneous rules drive them nuts. They like to know what they have to do and do it in their own way rather than add on a bunch of details that do not affect the quality of what they can accomplish. As measured by the debating Inspirational. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Inspirational will continue to debate the next issue. If defeated, they will drop the other person - especially if they have decided that they are no longer of any use to them. They can rant and rave and continue to throw light on a situation. "
5. Attack and Defence of the Persuader - ENFJ
The Pied Piper
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Enthusiastic and inspiring, the Persuader is highly aware of other people’s motivations and goals. They can easily tune into the needs, wants and desires of others and find ways to help them grow and develop. However, while this emotional awareness is usually used for good, they can also use it to obliterate someone’s plans if that person is a threat or if the Persuader is in an unhealthy or immature state. They can easily communicate personally to all the people in a group so that they all feel motivated towards one goal. They are extremely persuasive and insightful. Whether they are creating armies, mobilizing people towards a vision or planting distrust in a group towards their leader, theys can be emotionally strategic for either good or evil depending on their motivation. Never, ever, fall for the trick of being manipulated or surrendering control to a Persuader. They do not appreciate being the recipient of anger. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees:
When the other person is a threat or if they are in an unhealthy, immature or toxic state.
While the Persuader's emotional awareness is usually used for good, they can also use it to obliterate someone’s
plans if this situation arises.
They become extremely annoyed when they see people being cruel to others. This sort of obnoxious behaviour can truly upset them.
They believe that people should try to be kind to one another and hate disrespectfulness. They do not like fake people and become
truly annoyed when they have to be around these types of individuals. They will often get a strong sense of who someone is and know
when they should not trust someone. If the people close to them do not believe their suspicions about someone, they become extremely
annoyed by this.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Asking you what is wrong 100 times.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate being mocked and held to account in public. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They can easily communicate personally to all the people in a group so that they all feel motivated towards one goal. They are extremely persuasive and insightful. Whether they are creating armies, mobilising people towards a vision, or planting distrust in a group towards their leader, they can be emotionally strategic for either good or evil.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Persuasion.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will bitch about you on my blog!"
Their defence method: Identification. They make an attempt to calm the situation. If these attempts do not work they will definitely become uneasy and feel like pulling away from the hostile individual. However, when someone is being hostile towards their loved ones they will become protective and angry.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others giving out THE SILENT TREATMENT. And you will face the penalty. The Persuader hates when people sulk and mull over their problems instead of talking about them or trying to fix them. They believe that most issues can be dealt with properly when there is communication and feedback. Passive-aggressiveness, the silent treatment or moodiness irritate them intensely because the person giving the treatment may be using warped understanding to fuel their anger. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Persuader will continue to work towards calm. If defeated, they will become all hoity-toity, marked by an air of assumed importance, especially if their perpetual mission to interfere in other's people's lives has been challenged. They will almost 100% give up on the other person's life and say goodbye for ever."
6. Attack and Defence of the Appraiser - ESFJ
The Zach Morris
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Supportive, possessing fantastic interpersonal skills and being and deeply pragmatic, the Appraiser believes in shepherding the people they love and protecting them from harm. Because they are so protective of their loved ones and because they have a strong ability to impact the impressions of other people, they can easily destroy the reputation of someone who is a threat or gets on their wrong side. Under duress, they can also become physically responsive and impulsive in an attempt to defend or protect themselves from an opponent. Never, ever lose sight of their ability to infiltrate social settings and send out a warning about individuals who cannot be trusted. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: When the other person is a threat or if they are in an unhealthy, immature or toxic state. While the Appraiser's emotional awareness is usually used for good, they can also use it to obliterate someone’s plans if this situation arises.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Talking too much first thing in the morning.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate the possibility of having no friends. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: As they have a strong ability to impact the impressions of other people, they can easily destroy the reputation of someone who is a threat or gets on their bad side. They know how to infiltrate social settings and send out a warning about individuals who cannot be trusted.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Nunchucks.
When dealing with annoying people: "I am your mother!"
Their defence method: Projection. Under duress, they can also become physically responsive and impulsive in an attempt to defend or protect themselves from an opponent. They can also respond with an equal level of anger if they feel it is necessary to stop the other person.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others DISMISSING THE DETAILS. And you will face the penalty. Some people focus a lot on grand gestures to show others that they care. But the Appraiser realizes that genuine caring shows up in a million small, everyday gestures. Holding the door for someone, picking up their partner’s favourite coffee in the morning or even just replacing a toilet paper roll instead of leaving the holder bare. They focus on the details that matter to people, no matter how small. When others ignore the little details and comforts of others, they cannot help but get annoyed. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Appraiser will continue to want anger to be expressed in a calmer way. If defeated, they will move on and let the anger subside. They will appreciate the other person not re-running the same issue around again. They may stalk somehow and still feel responsible for the other personeven if they do not like them. "
7. Attack and Defence of the Promoter - ENFP
The First-World Saviour
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: There are a lot of stereotypes around concerning the Promoter. They are often portrayed as the lovable but disorganized goofballs who always have a smile for everyone. Memes about these types usually include rainbows, unicorns and confetti. But the real and genuine Promoter is actually a lot more insightful than these memes would imply. They have a sharp antenna for discerning other people’s motivations and expressing those motivations out loud. They get a “gut feeling” when something is good or bad or when someone is being phony or inauthentic. If someone is trying to pull something over on an individual (or a group of people) it will be the Promoter to call out that person. They may be empathetic and conscientious, but they also have a knack for testing people, revealing their true intentions and making people aware of their own hypocrisy. Never, ever, lose sight of the fact that the Promoter can be 200% evil when toxic. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: When the other perdon is being phony or inauthentic. The Prpmoter gets a "gut feeling" (i.e fact free) when something is good or bad.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Getting you lost when giving directions.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate being ignored. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: If you are trying to pull something over on an individual, or a group of people, they will call you out on it. These types may be empathetic and conscientious, but they also have a knack for testing people, revealing their true intentions and making people aware of their own hypocrisy.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Khopesh.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will tell my mother! And tell everyone else."
Their defence method: Fantasy. They do not enjoy feeling like they are being attacked and would rather not experience it at all. If someone is being hostile they will likely stay far away, or they might try to charm them into submission. They can turn very aggressive indeed when held to account.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others WHO CANNOT SEE BEYOND THE PAST. And you will face the penalty. The Promoter despises it when people hold their past mistakes against them (or the past mistakes of others against them). They know that life is always evolving and that people are constantly changing; the past is one drop in an ocean of other experiences and growth points. They cringe when people constantly bring up the past as a way of boxing people, including the Promoter, in. This is also why they are trouble when being held to account. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Promoter will continue on regarding the same issue with fact free rhetoric. If defeated, they have a reputation to self vapourise, never to appear on the horizon ever again. They can also give the bitch slap to the other person. "
8. Attack and Defence of the Counselor - ESFP
The Flibbertigibbet
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Often gregarious and outgoing, people tend to underestimate the Counselor as they seem so friendly and non-threatening at first glance. However, beneath their smiles and charming humour, they are quick to pick up on non-verbal cues and relevant data. They are totally tuned into the present moment and are continuously scanning for reactions and details that do not fit. This makes it easy for them to spot hidden agendas, phony behaviour or unexpected attacks. They enjoy being the first to react to a surprise event and get a thrill from exceeding limits and expectations. Never, ever challenge or try to trick a Counselor as a very quick reality check will be on its way. Be prepared by having all your ducks in a row. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Reactions and details given from others that do not fit the situation. They are quick to pick up on non-verbal cues and relevant data. They are totally tuned into the present moment and are continuously scanning for such reactions. This makes it easy for them to spot hidden agendas, phony behaviour or unexpected attacks.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Being loud and getting the group kicked out.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate the absence of fun. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They enjoy being the first to react to a surprise event and get a thrill from exceeding limits and expectations.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Shuriken.
When dealing with annoying people: "Don't you cramp my style!"
Their defence method: Acting Out. They become emotional when personally attacked. When challenged or being tricked, they will defend by handing out a very quick reality check.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others USING PRETENTIOUS LANGUAGE. And you will face the penalty. The Counselor aims to be down-to-earth and accepting. When someone is embarrassed, for example, they will make a joke or do something silly to put them at ease. People who use big, fancy words or feigned accents simply to appear more intellectual or superior make them both unimpressed and annoyed. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Counselor will try and avoid hostility or anger as they get rather upset by it. If defeated, they will have uneasy emotions. No need to ask them to go as they have already gone."
9. Attack and Defence of the Specialist - ISFP
The Esoteric Artist
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: The Specialist is a strong-willed defender of those who they believe are persecuted, oppressed or disadvantaged. They pair their emotional awareness with a keen attentiveness to what is happening around them in the present moment. While they may seem gentle and easy-going at first glance, they can quickly switch gears and become intense and physically aggressive in defence of someone they are protecting. They enjoy the thrill of action and physical experience and can move quickly to take action in a situation where the values or safety of someone they care about is threatened. They can also quickly spot signs of inauthenticity or hidden motives. Never, ever, try to trick or manipulate a Specialist. They are also are very reluctant to accept change, especially if it is sudden change. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Not to be around people who they can trust and rely upon.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Taking too long to get ready.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate being captued or equivalent. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: While they may seem gentle and easy-going at first glance, they can quickly switch gears and become intense and maybe physically aggressive in defence of someone they are protecting. They enjoy the thrill of action and physical experience and can move quickly to take action in a situation where the values or safety of someone they care about is threatened.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Traditional longsword.
When dealing with annoying people: "Piss off. You do not get me!"
Their defence method: Social Comparison. They can quickly spot signs of inauthenticity or hidden motives. This makes them very hard to trick or manipulate and this is their line of defence.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others FAULTFINDING. And you will face the penalty. Gentle and observant, the Specialist believes that everyone has a dark and a light side to their personality. They know that the most faultfinding individuals on the planet are avoiding looking at their own flaws by seeking out other people’s deficiencies and blaming others. These kind of people make the Specialist cringe. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Specialist will move from being timid into the attack dog, if required. If defeated, they will go to water and likely try to pull away from the angry person, especially if they continue to act in an unacceptable way. 'Whatever'. They thought the other person was human once but is now one no longer."
10. Attack and Defence of the Investigator - INFJ
The Unicorn
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Often underestimated, the Investigator has a strong sense of the future and what is likely to happen. They easily see how situations will unfold and how people will be affected. They can often forge empathic connections with others and understand how they are feeling on a deep, intuitive level. While usually these talents are used for good, if someone betrays them or hurts someone they love, they can be experts in outright psychological warfare. They tend to know exactly the right words to say to get underneath someone’s skin or the exact scenarios to put them on edge. They can mentally unhinge people as a way of getting them to own up for their mistakes and take responsibility. Sometimes this ability can be used in a healthy way and other times it can be destructive. Never, ever underestimate the determination of an Investigator. And them speaking behind your back in derogatory fashion. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Someone betrtaying them or hurting someone they love.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Assuming things before they happen.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate not being respected or listened to. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: When betrayed, they can be experts in psychological warfare. They tend to know exactly the right words to say to get underneath someone’s skin or the exact scenarios to put them on edge. They can mentally unhinge people as a way of getting them to own up for their mistakes and take responsibility. Sometimes this ability can be used in a healthy way and other times it can be destructive.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Méricorde.
When dealing with annoying people: "I sometimes take up someone's battle when I should not!"
Their defence method: Idealization and Acting Out. They will become extremely protective of a person, especially if it is someone close.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others POSSESSING NARROW THINKING. And you will face the penalty. The Investigator hates it when people are unwilling to look outside of their own experiences to understand something (for example, the people who think racism is not real, yet are not minorities themselves). They know there are a hundred different ways of experiencing something and it bothers them when people refuse to use empathy and nuanced understanding in their interactions with others. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Investigator will generally move on when the issue is resolved although bringing up ancient history and old matters is an unfortunate trait. If defeated, they will door slam the other person as if they never existed. This reputation is very well deserved. But sometimes, they do let others back. "
11. Attack and Defence of the Agent - INFP
The Sensitive Druid
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: The Agent has an innate desire to champion the underdogs of the world. This pattern is not easily dissuaded from their cause and, while they may seem serene and gentle at first glance, they can become fiery and intense if provoked. They are also not easily manipulated. They tend to resist being pulled into other people’s feelings, instead preferring to stay true to their own feelings and what they truly believe is important in life. Never, ever, pick on an animal, a child or a disadvantaged human and they will take you down with a commitment and resolve that defies their ordinarily easy-going nature. But they are also lazy, miserable and complain!
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: The picking on an animal, a child or the disadvantaged. When someone tries to manipulate them. When someone is being angry towards someone else.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Daydreaming when they are speaking to you.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate yelling and conflict. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They will take you down with a commitment and resolve that defies their ordinarily easy-going nature.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Meteor hammer.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will bitch about them to all and sundry!"
Their defence method: Avoidance. They tend to resist being pulled into other people’s feelings, instead preferring to stay true to their own feelings and what they truly believe is important in life.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others GIVING TO GET. And you will face the penalty. The Agent does not understand people who make people-pleasing decisions simply to stack up debts that eventually have to be “repaid.” Such as the thinking of the friend who offers to help you with something but later holds it over your head or guilts you with it when they need a favour. They hate it when relationships are used as a way of “keeping score” or become too transactional. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Agent will continue with the strategy to calm the situation, especially if it relates to someone close. If defeated, or if the conflict continues, they may walk away or not remain close to the other person. And complain to anyone who will listen. They may taunt the other person that they may think they are a 'cinnamon roll' , with an evil laugh."
12. Attack and Defence of the Achiever - ISTP
The Mysterious Commitment-Phobe
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Observant and adaptable, the Achiever tends to be the enemy that you never saw coming. Beneath their stoic exterior, they are always picking up on relevant data, information and nonverbal cues. They inwardly analyze situations and events to find expedient solutions to problems. Their detached, yet observant, insight makes it easy for them to protect themselves from emotional manipulation while also knowing all their enemies’ weaknesses, tendencies and tactics. They can use this knowledge to beat their enemies to the punch, surprise them or overtake them physically, or logically dismantle them in an argument. Never, ever lose sight of their terrible temper, but a long fuse. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Being emotionally manipulated by others. Hostility directed toward them.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Leaving without saying good-bye.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate others destroying their work and hate rules unless it is enforcing their own rules. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They use knowledge of all their enemies’ weaknesses, tendencies and tactics to beat them to the punch, surprise them or overtake them physically, or logically dismantle them in an argument. It is as if an energy builds up within and, when it hits its tipping point, it explodes without warning — often launching fearlessly in new directions or violent temper tantrums.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Their bare hands.
When dealing with annoying people: "I may lose my temper!"
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others POSSESSING A VICTIM MINDSET. And you will face the penalty. People who collect victim labels throughout their lives as a badge of honour disgust the Achiever. To be clear, they have the utmost sympathy for people who have actually been victimized. But when people constantly concoct stories where everyone else is a bully and they are always faultless, they cannot help but shake their head or lose their temper. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
Their defence method: Eego-defensive survival games. This is when they are they are stifled, feel trapped or feel insecure about their perceived level of competence.
"I foresee that the Achiever can swap from being steady and consistent to be completely spontaneous, making them a bit unpredictable. If defeated, they will walk away from the hostile individual and wipe that person from their consciousness. "
13. Attack and Defence of the Practitioner - ISFJ
The Martyr
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Detail-oriented, observant and ultra careful on steroids, the Practitioner is not easily turned into being the enemy. They prefer to stay at peace with the world around them and absolutely cannot handle confrontation, conflict or criticism. However, if someone violates one of their deeply held values or hurts someone they love, they can become surprisingly intense and focussed in their retaliation efforts. They are hard to distract from their cause and they can work in a patient, methodical fashion to dismantle every detail of their enemy’s plan. They can also quickly scope out emotional weaknesses, hasty mistakes and bad habits that they will use against their enemy. Never, ever, lose sight of their passive-aggressive retaliation tactics. They are abjectly useless managers and leaders. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees:
If someone violates one of their deeply-held values or hurts someone close. They can become
surprisingly intense and focussed in their retaliation efforts.
They become annoyed by people who are cruel or pushy or criticise or hold to account. They dislike seeing someone be mean
to others and often do not understand the reasoning behind this. They are caring people and, because of this, they do best when
they are around other people who are considerate and kind. They also become annoyed by people who are messy and do not clean up
after themselves at all. Constant disorganization in their environment is something that is going to really drive them crazy.
They enjoy peaceful and clean surroundings and prefer to be around people who respect this.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Overthinking before they speak to you so that they do not offend anyone.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate the loss of family or family connections. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They know that they are hard to distract from their cause and they can work in a patient, methodical fashion to dismantle every detail of their enemy’s plan. They can also quickly scope out emotional weaknesses, hasty mistakes and bad habits that they will use against their enemy. They can be very passive-aggressive.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Crossbow.
When dealing with annoying people: "I'll speak to my best friend!"
Their defence method: Reaction Formation and Undoing. They will attempt to calm the other person down or find a way to make things better if someone starts behaving in an angry manner. If this does not work, they will become frustrated and rather upset, since they are naturally very sensitive to the emotions of others.
Passive Aggression. They tend to resist being pulled into other people’s feelings, instead preferring to stay true to their own feelings and what they truly believe is important in life.Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others EXHIBITING FORCED SPONTANEITY. And you will face the penalty. The Practitioner approaches life with cautious thoughtfulness and hates being rushed into anything unexpectedly. People who put them on the spot or pressure them to act without having time to mentally prepare make them shudder. They even get second-hand stress from watching this happen to other people (even in movies!). You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Practitioner will continue to find conflict and situations when they are criticized etc. issues and will avoid such situations virtually at all costs, particularly if faced with a difficult decision. If defeated, they will retreat inward and attempt to ignore those negative emotions but outwardly exhibit passive-aggressive behaviour that can be continuous. They will want you to watch them stealing your friends. "
"You wouldn’t worry so much what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do."
14. Attack and Defence of the Objective Thinker - ISTJ
The Square
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Focussed, logical and quick to notice patterns and inconsistencies, the Objective Thinker is the enemy noone sees coming. At first glance, they seem reserved and down-to-earth and not particularly intense or combative. But the more time they spend around people, the more they pick up on hidden weaknesses, habits, motives and tendencies. If someone poses a threat they can quickly turn their enemy’s defects against them while patiently composing the perfect scheme to render their plot ineffective. Never, ever, lose sight if the fact that they are persistent, dedicated and not easy to distract. This can be a formidable weapon, especially if their opponent is easily sidetracked and does not have ALL their facts in order. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: If someone poses a threat.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Correcting their speech.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate disorder. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: They quickly turn their enemy’s defects against them while patiently composing the perfect scheme to render the enemy's plot ineffective. They will have all the facts. They are persistent, dedicated and not easy to distract. This can be a formidable weapon, especially if their opponent is easily sidetracked.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Handgun.
When dealing with annoying people: "Do not push me!"
Their defence method: Repression. They will attempt to shut the enemy down completely and absolutely bombard them with facts. If this does not work, they will likely disconnect from the individual and avoid them entirely. Behind the scenes, they will try a path that is slightly different from the one they were previously on in order to avoid a repeat of a previous failure.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others being THE PYRAMID SCHEME PUSHERS. And you will face the penalty. We have all been there. Amway, NuSkin et al. The Objective Thinker opens up an email from someone they have not seen in years. They wait in suspense to see what this long-lost friend is reaching out to you for! And then it happens. They are selling essential oils/cleaning products/books/leggings and only feigning interest to get your money or sign you up to be a “successful” rep like them. This is not just annoying, but it is also an ineffective way to make money and so it is an immediate turn-off to the Objective Thinker. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Objective Thinker will continue to only engage in conflict when armed with more facts than the other side ever knew existed. If defeated, they will take some time for themselves before bouncing back from the defeat. They will wash their hands of you, maybe give a morally outraged lecture then be 1000% done ."
15. Attack and Defence of the Perfectionist - INTP
The Data Junkie; The Warmest Robot
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Knowledge is power and they possess that in industrial quantities. The Perfevtionist absorbs data like a sponge and then they look for ways to analyze and critique that data to see how it fits into a larger context. In disaster situations or crisis scenarios, they can easily detach from the current situation to find solutions and analyze various angles and leverage points. Finally, they can spot inconsistencies nearly instantly. This makes them dangerous because there is hardly a trap that can contain them that they can’t analyze their way out of. Never, ever lose sight of the fact that they can mastermind intricate plans of revenge and, if triggered, verbally attack an offender with scathingly accurate, debilitating assessments. They are less comfortable (birdering on useless) with mechanical items and prefer to have others fix or operate them whenever possible. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: Inconsistencies on any matter.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Offending you without realizing.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate not being able to gain new knowledge and hate rules unless it is enforcing their own rules. Push them that way.
Their attack method - reiterated: There is hardly a trap that can contain them from where they cannot analyse their way out. They can mastermind intricate plans of revenge and, if triggered, verbally attack an offender with scathingly accurate, debilitating assessments. They are the customer from hell, hands down.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Poison.
When dealing with annoying people: "I will ignore your meaningless activities!"
Their defence method: Intellectualization. They will definitely display a sense of dominance towards someone who seems to be attacking them unnecessarily.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others ARE IMPATIENT. And you will face the penalty. The Perfectionist is not immune to impatience, but they shake their head when people frantically rush into decisions without taking the time to assess all the pros and cons. They need plenty of time to toss an idea around in their head and look for inconsistencies or flaws in logic. They know a good decision is better than a fast one nearly every time. Therefore, when people ignore thorough analysis in the favour of quick results they know that it is only a matter of time before they will see the adverse effects of their impulsivity. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Perfectionist will continue to bat on with theory well ahead of practical considerations. If defeated, they will often retreat and begin to seclude themselves from others as they take defeat hard and they should really move on to the next project. They will give you the silent amputation and fcuk you treatment. "
16. Attack and Defence of the Enhancer - INTJ?
The Nerd Emperor; The Coldest Human
Foundation - Getting on their WRONG SIDE: Visionary and confident, the Enhancer is skilled at anticipating far in advance how situations will likely play out. Once they sense how things will unfold, they work backwards to see the most likely trends and how each piece or person played a part. They are also more insightful than people realize into the hidden motivations of others. They notice phoniness and emotional manipulation quickly and have no problem calling it out on the spot. Justice and fairness is central to their value system and if someone betrays that sense of justice they can become a daunting opponent. Never, ever attempt to hide a plan from an Enhancer. They will find out. They can quickly organize a plan of attack or retaliation that is both complex and filled with contingency plans so that it is nearly impossible to avoid. Oxor™ has warned you.
Key annoyance factor that gives them the ess, aitch, one, tees: They notice phoniness, irrational behaviour, patterns, lack of factual support and emotional manipulation very quickly. They are also more insightful than people realise into the hidden motivations of others. They do not appreciate aggression towards anyone close, including work colleagues.
Key annoyance factor that gives others the ess, aitch, one, tees: Looking angrily at you when they are actually not angry with you.
Oxor Smash Treatment™: Know that they hate failure. But they will fight to the death. Push them that way.
When dealing with annoying people: "I have probably already worked you out and you can self vapourise. Whether I press the can of vapour or you do will achieve the same result!"
Their attack method - reiterated: They have no problem calling it out idiots on the spot. Justice and fairness is central to their value system and if someone betrays that sense of justice they can become a very daunting opponent. They can quickly organise a plan of attack that is both complex and filled with contingency plans so that the attack is nearly impossible to avoid.
If a weapon, what weapon would that be? Sniper rifle.
Their defence method: Rationalization. They have no issue in handling someone who is being a bit hostile and are rarely ever afraid of this. They will attempt to calm the person down but if that does not work they will simply shut them down entirely. They do not feel the need to deal with people who are being irrational and will rarely waste their time with them at all. If that person cannot control their emotions, then they cannot see any reason to encourage their negative behaviour with much of a response. A key defence mechanism is based on noticing any inconsistencies in the argument of the enemy. If your tale contains terminological inexactitudes as well, then you may as well wave the white flag. They think that 40 years ago is recent and details easily recalled precisely. They will definitely be protective of their loved ones if someone is being aggressive towards them.
Your way to hit their weak spot today, bro! Which is others ENGAGING IN OVER FLATTERING. And you will face the penalty. Compliments that matter to the Enhancer are specific and direct. People who overwhelm them with superfluous praise make them even more skeptical and hesitant, both of which are at extreme levels already. Being the object of someone’s praise can make them uncomfortable and the Enhancer often wonders what that person’s true motives are. Usually (mostly) they can find something manipulative or self-serving beneath the flattery. You found out on Oxor™; we have done you a favour.
"I foresee that the Enhancer will continue to operate with their legendary suit of armour and tall walls and not be offended by idiots. If defeated, their preferred method is to door slam the enemy and the enemy might as well have never ever existed on the Earth's surface. If the enemy remains in the frame, they will only be communicated with on a strictly limited basis where avoidance is not possible. Door slamming is irreversible but the Enhancer never forgets and only forgives in rare moments of madness that occur once every 50 years. They hand out the fcuk off treatment but often in such subtle ways that the offendee never realizes."
The Enhancer does not really have enemies from their perspective.
However, there definitely are individuals that become Nothinged™. That is, may as well never have ever existed. Even if they were an enemy. , or door-slammed.
The opposite is distinctly possible though - i.e. another individual may view the Enhancer as an enemy. That would be
their issue and not the Enhancer's issue.
The Enhancer will tolerate experiencing ‘enemy-type’ behaviour (inappropriate / aggressive) longer than most, if not all, other patterns.
This is not due to missing the behavioural snark, posturing, insults, etc. but rather by ignoring them all.
There are more important things to worry about and the offender is not worth the expenditure of time and energy.
The assertive Enhancer typically responds to above behaviours by quietly, unemotionally distancing themselves (physically if need be) from
the offensive person(s). This will apply to anyone of any pattern, regardless - co-worker, friend, boss, family ...anyone.
This strategy is typically executed in no more than three steps:
First - Ignoring rank behaviour with minimal interaction for a limited duration of time to allow potential for the ‘enemy-like’ behaviour
to end of it’s own accord.
Second - Possibly one or two warnings. Only if the person and/or situation is important enough. A warning is not offered lightly.
If a warning is handed out, the aggressor would do well to comprehend the graveness of the golden ticket they were just handed.
A warning will never happen more than twice.
Third - Once perceived as ‘enemy-like’, the aggressor is deleted from an Enhancer's life for ever; if that is possible.
Obviously, in office situations, or equivalent, the enemy remains and has to be dealt with using the Oxor™ Method.
While the Enhancer can lose their temper, it is olny when people are attempting to manipulate or to exploit their quietness.
Because they are disciplined to explode overtly, their displeasure is very strategic.
They will target people's personalities' weak spots to prevent / counter potential attacks.
If they are members of the Oxor™ cohort, they know how to beat the enemy before the attack commences.
If ever backed into a corner, they will use "scorched earth" tactics to respond effectively. Destroy and not care.
There are zero further chances of clemency or forgiveness, ever.
There is a good reason that this response is known as ‘The Door-Slam’. It is a bit different from the Investigator as they can sometimes reverse.
The Enhancer's move is 1000% complete in every way imaginable; and forever.
The aggressor will cease to exist in the Enhancer's life, mind, dreams, phone list or otherwise. They do not even exist as an enemy.
They may as well have never existed in the Enhancer's eyes.
They have been Nothinged™.
The Enhancer will muse: "I take the destruction of your reputation as a personal compliment."
Simple as that.
Attitude of hopelessness and despair
Watch out for: Observe enough symptoms to perceive the characteristics to be impeding the other person's functioning in, but not limited to relationships, career, social life, physical presentation, hobbies, interests, execution of responsibilities.
Suggestion: Get rid of this person especially if they are playing the victim and unable or unwilling to accept responsibility. They may need specialist advice but you would have to have overdosed on your courage tablets to tell them, in our opinion. They are toxic on steroids and often loathed.
List of symptoms:
↪ Craving alone-time / withdrawal.
↪ Not liking change.
↪ Not having much energy.
↪ Regularly cancelling social engagements, not feeling 'up to it'.
↪ Hyper sensitive (In fight-flight mode).
↪ Lack of self-discipline.
↪ Everything is a catastrophe;
↪ Being told they are exaggerating / overreacting.
↪ Daydreaming / fantasising.
↪ Importance of having wants and aversions respected, yet fragile boundaries.
↪ Unable to hang on to a job (no interest).
↪ Judging others.
↪ Rushing, yet always being late.
↪ Automatic excuses / little white lies.
↪ No hobbies/passions.
↪ Inability to endure struggling / doing things half-heartedly / giving up quickly.
↪ Taking shortcuts.
↪ Distrusting people / suspicious of their motives.
↪ Lying / manipulative.
↪ Disorganised.
↪ Disinterested / feeling slightly removed from the world.
↪ Forgetfulness.
↪ Low mood. Tired. Problems sleeping and concentrating. Feeling best when safely tucked up in bed/couch.
↪ Procrastination.
↪ Black and white thinking.
↪ Relationship problems, especially inability to truly, intimately connect to another person.
↪ Worrying. Feeling guilty. Self-doubt.
↪ Suspecting something is wrong with themselves; that they are not mentally ok.
↪ Emotional buildup and outbursts or emotional numbness.
↪ Binge-watching, eating or other addictive behaviour (hoarding, feverish on line shopping etc.)
to distract thenselves from any unwanted emotions threatening to surface.
↪ Limited awareness due to the limiting consequences of self-protection and thus limited wisdom
(which can easily be mistaken for lack of intelligence!).
↪ Chaotic administration.
↪ Judging their life as very boring.
↪ Limited emotional range (not depth!).
↪ Inner critic speaks of hopelessness / despair.
↪ Depression.
↪ Attitude of self pity, cowering from life, resisting life, 'participating' with
↪ Relying on/needing someone else to handle practical aspects of their life.
E. Hunter What I FORSEE™:
"I foresee that this person will be both loathed and be someone in the village that you never want to run into."
Attitude of anger & frustration
Watch out for: Observe enough symptoms to perceive the characteristics to be impeding the other person's functioning in, but not limited to relationships, career, social life, physical presentation, hobbies, interests, execution of responsibilities.
Suggestion: Get rid of this person especially if they are playing the victim and unable or unwilling to accept responsibility. They may need specialist advice but you would have to have overdosed on your courage tablets to tell them, in our opinion. They are toxic on steroids and often loathed.
List of symptoms:
↪ Strong-willed.
↪ Strong opinions.
↪ Having tense energy.
↪ Forceful.
↪ Authoritative.
↪ Nightly teeth grinding.
↪ Being strongly disciplined, not gently allowing room for exceptions.
↪ Often frustrated.
↪ Competitive with self and others - wants to win.
↪ Limited emotional range.
↪ Highly critical.
↪ Critical of others.
↪ Perpetually seeking conflict.
↪ Quick to anger.
↪ Quickly very irritated.
↪ Intolerant.
↪ Hostile.
↪ Spends a lot of time on interests and hobbies, which are approached with a tense focus,
bordering on the obsessive.
↪ Very active. Ideally being around other people.
↪ Joyless.
↪ Judging.
↪ Blaming.
↪ Complaining / negative focus.
↪ Arrogance.
↪ Inability to truly relax.
↪ Drug addictions / obsessions or addictive behaviour such as unhealthy focus on diets / gym /
looks, sex, gambling, obsessive career focus etc.
↪ Bored quickly.
↪ Intellectual.
↪ Changing partner frequently.
↪ Job hopping.
↪ Shrewdness.
↪ Difficulty letting things go.
↪ Stern.
↪ Unforgiving.
↪ Takes inner critic to be the self.
↪ Functional depression.
↪ Attitude of rebelliousness, at war with life.
↪ Need to feel superior..
E. Hunter What I FORESEE™:
"I see an image of Malcolm Turnbull, the former Prime Minister of Australia."