September 12, 2023
These people: William Shakespeare, Julia Roberts, George Orwell, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol,
Bob Marley, Derek Jeter.
Why Best At™? The Agent is guided by their core values to live a life of meaning, purpose and imagination. For them, life
is not about getting and spending but transformation and integrity. They embrace introspection, creativity and
innovation to align themselves and others with a deeper, more profound way of living.
Idealism. These cats are deep thinkers, always looking for that authenticity and personal values. When they are
on fire, they ae inspiring everyone with their creativity, empathy and the positive impact that they are making.
E Hunter™ comment:
Watch out for the hapless space cadet.
E Hunter knowing the acas from the nalgo™ - unfavourable judgment; opposite to Best At™:
Most Sensitive and Shyest. They have big hearts and a depth of emotion inside of them, which is
extremely powerful and sometimes overwhelming. They care about the state of the world around them and also
care very deeply about others. This sensitive soul is often terrified of being vulnerable.
Despite their big and loving hearts,
they often hold back from expressing their feelings when they are infatuated with someone.
The more they like someone, the more shy and bashful they get about doing anything about it.
Also, Toughest to Understand. They are seemingly easy-going and carefree but, when it comes to their values,
they can become suddenly uncompromising. They are friendly to a fault but they frequently find others hard to be around.
On the affirmative empathy scale least empathetic.
Also, Cries The Least. Are certainly sensitive souls, with an incredible depth of emotions inside.
Their emotions are something that are very personal and inward, which often means they do not feel a need
to express them outwardly.
Go to their pattern
September 12, 2023
These people: Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Bruce Lee, Ernest Hemingway,
Vladimir Putin, the Dalai Lama, Melania Trump, Miles Davis, Shaquille O’Neal.
Why Best At™? The Achiever might seem detached, rebellious and mysterious to many – but their observant eyes hardly miss anything.
They are attentive to the world around them, but prefer to be their own guide and follow their own set of rules. However,
when a crisis erupts, they are one of the first people to move in and get to the bottom of the problem. They are able to
think quickly in difficult situations to find realistic solutions. Their ability to adapt and trust their instincts makes
them relied upon when unpredictable problems arise.
Adaptability. These cats are like problem-solving ninjas, adaptable and resourceful. They handle pressure like pros,
using their practical skills and quick thinking to own those tough situations.
E Hunter™ comment:
Watch out for the fixer of anything that has a massive temper within.
E Hunter knowing the acas from the nalgo™ - unfavourable judgment; opposite to Best At™:
Hardest to Read. On the one hand, they are quiet, reserved and introspective. But when a problem or
crisis arises, they spring into action and will often take the lead in troubleshooting to find a quick and
effective resolution. Once the solution has been achieved, they blend back into the shadows, again.
Also Least Emotional (with the Objective Thinker). They tend to be less in touch with their own emotions.
They are less likely to react strongly to emotions in a creative work.
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