
Clash Pairs™ - A

  Director - ESTJ vs. Investigator - INFJ

Clash reason A: Extraverted and task focussed. vs. Quiet and insightful.

Clash reason B: Trusts experiences and detailed data. vs. Seeing life as a process of knowing even without experience ('fact free').

Clash reason C: Connects by sharing facts and meeting practical needs. vs. Connects through sharing insights and sensing emotions.

The Director is a dominant extraverted thinker. They value logical structure and rules that help create order in peoples’ lives. The ultimate pragmatists, they like to make decisions based on the facts at hand. What could be is less important than working with the present and relying on past experience.
They appreciate tangible results, clear communication and directness. The Director does not beat around the bush and they hate anything that seems like a waste of time. The best way to get along with them is to be direct, straightforward and down-to-earth. It is also important to mean what you say and say what you mean. Anything less than that seems manipulative to the Director.

The Investigator is a dominant introverted intuitive. They see the world as an interconnected web of ideas and relationships and they value harmony and tactful communication (although sometimes they do not practice that). Seeing the world for what it is can be dull. Rather, they focus on what it will be or could be. Often seen as mystical, they trust underlying meanings, clues, patterns, and intuitions. They like social issues. That means 'fact free'.
The important thing to focus on is the abstract more than the tangible. In relationships, they value harmony, mutual understanding and gentle, tactful rapport. The best way to get along with an Investigator is to show empathy, insight and patience.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair see the world in fundamentally different ways. The Investigator focuses on the abstract while the Director focusses on the literal. The first needs ample time to process information and come to decisions while the other makes fast, quick decisions. The first is tactful and more conflict-avoidant while the other tends to be blunt and direct.
For the Investigator, the Director can seem like a bull in a china shop. Their direct, to-the-point form of communication can seem all too insensitive. And their need to move quickly and focus on the bottom line can seem pushy and domineering. They are all about practicality and action. The Investigator believes in taking their time and looking carefully for patterns and insights. Thay are naturally suspicious of the in-charge, by-the-books demeanor.
For the Director, the Investigator can seem too slow and meandering. Their indirect way of speaking can seem manipulative or insincere. Furthermore, their focus on the abstract can seem too theoretical and out of touch with reality. They are naturally skeptical of their intuition.
In action, the Investigator may find themselves belittling the Director without realizing it and vice versa. They often misunderstand the others’ intentions and see their natural ways of doing things as personal attacks.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Focus on the positive as much as possible. What experiences have you shared that brought you both joy? Talk about those, commemorate them, remember them when things feel bad. Schleede™ input: Difficult.
Λ 2. Try to have a sense of humour with each other, but do not let it get sarcastic or passive-aggressive. Joke around when you have differences, but do it in a way that is respectful. Often humour creates a bridge for harmony and understanding. Schleede™ input: Difficult.
Λ 3. Realize that, while you may be suspicious of each other’s motives or perspectives, there is value in the other person’s way of seeing things (but that is impossible for the Director to accept). Even if it seems odd or ridiculous to you, take some time to let the ideas sink in. Schleede™ input: Unplausable.
Λ 4. Spend some time with people who are similar to you so that you do not get too overwhelmed with someone who is always coming from a different angle. Schleede™ input: Do it.
Λ 5. Be open to apologizing and forgiving. Chances are you will attribute wrong intentions to this person at some point or another or they will to you. Humility and open-mindedness go a long way. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 6. Discover values you both share and focus on those positives rather than the negatives. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 7. Find experiences you both enjoy doing together, even if it’s only a few. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.

In summary, the differences between these two can often cause fiery debates that neither is likely to win in the short term.
In the long term, Oxor™ would back the demanding DIRECTOR to crush the perfectionistic INVESTIGATOR with their my way or the highway attitude!!


Clash Pairs™ - B

  Appraiser - ESFJ vs. Enhancer INTJ

Clash reason A: Extraverted and relationship focussed. vs. eserved and studious.

Clash reason B: Sees life as a process of knowing even without experience ('fact free'). vs. Trusts experiences and detailed data.

Clash reason C: Connects through sharing experiences, values and personal feelings. vs. Connects by sharing insights and creating strategies and plans.

The Appraiser is focussed on interpersonal relationships with a deep appreciation for tradition and practicality. They tend to be outgoing and friendly, with some eye for detail only when they are interested. They are focussed on people ahead of tasks.
They can be seen as nosey, meddling and manipulative and arouse suspicion due to their more emotionally demonstrative nature.
They use communication as a way to warm people up, inspire and motivate and create an atmosphere of harmony and collaboration.

The Enhancer is a dominant intuitive. They see the world as a puzzle to be solved and are constantly looking for patterns and connections. They peer through life with an openness to insights, intuitions and ripple-effects. Private and independent, they are rely heavily on logic and careful strategizing.
They are often (always) highly independent and tend to focus on abstract ideas. They can be seen as needlessly stoic, hard to read and difficult to please.
They enjoy a quiet life with very intentional interaction in the external world. When they do speak, they will have put a lot of careful thought into what they are going to say and they do not waste a lot of words.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair have issues as the Appraiser's more effusive way of communicating is seen as overwhelming and prying for the Enhancer. In contrast, the Appraiser can see the Enhancer as too direct, insensitive or even rude.
In a romantic relationship, this pair can inadvertently walk all over the other person’s needs. The Enhancer, more private about their feelings, keeps a lot to themselves and feels the strength of their affection lies in their actions. They dislike a lot of social engagements and do not express their feelings in real time, rather inwardly sifting through them and later expressing them as thoughts. The Appraiser can view this as purposefully keeping them at arms’ length and not letting them in. They prefer to talk things out and do not feel seen or heard when their partner does not communicate with words — they may feel isolated, in the dark and unsure how to be themselves in the relationship. At the same time, they may inadvertently overwhelm the Enhancer who needs a lot of quiet and alone time.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Talk openly about your goals, motivations and expectations for relationships or friendships. If you set up some expectations early on, then situations will not feel as needlessly abrasive or personal. Schleede™ input: Enhancer will not do this.
Λ 2. If you have to work together on a task, separate duties based on your respective strengths. Try not to force the other person to adopt your style. Schleede™ input: Enhancer will not do this.
Λ 3. Keep a sense of humour! A lot of misunderstandings can be cleared up by taking a lighter approach. Be patient, and provide feedback where necessary. Never use passive-aggressive or belittling humor with each other. Schleede™ input: Enhancer will not do this.
Λ 4. Give each other space to be themselves. Even if you might find yourself shaking your head from time to time, it is important to appreciate the individual. Schleede™ input: Possible.
Λ 5. Focus on positive experiences that you have shared together. Remember those when times are hard and try to revisit them to keep the relationship strong.Schleede™ input: Enhancer will not do this.
Λ 6. Try to imagine the ways in which your conflictor’s perspectives are a strength rather than a weakness. Schleede™ input: Enhancer will not do this.
Λ 7. Find experiences you both enjoy and make an effort to do those things together.Schleede™ input: Fanciful.

In summary, the differences between these two can often cause issues in the short term.
In the long term, Oxor™ would back the insensitive ENHANCER to door slam the overbearing APPRAISER as if the latter had never existed on the Earth's surface!!


Clash Pairs™ - C

  Persuader - ENFJ vs. Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Clash reason A: Charasmatic and people focussed. vs. Introverted and sensible.

Clash reason B: Seeing life as a process of knowing even without experience ('fact free'). vs. Trusts experiences and detailed data.

Clash reason C: Connects through sharing insights, emotions and ideals. vs. Connects by sharing facts and finding practical solutions.

The Persuader believes in the richness and seriousnes of emotional experience. They empathize greatly with others and strive to create a feeling of harmony and emotional intensity. Emotions are not just transient feelings of the moment, but doorways into the profound, raw beauty of life. Friendly and warm, they thrive in deep conversation about all manner of abstract, conceptual topics that include social issues.

The Objective Thinker is quiet and careful who craves a life of stability and order. They are extremely organized and structured and like to map out their lives in order to create a sense of dependability for themselves and their loved ones. Deeply practical and logical thinkers, they value reason over emotion and are skeptical of intense feelings. The important thing is to experience something first-hand rather than to dwell on concepts or abstract ideas that lack concrete meaning or the personal experience.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair have the risk of the Persuader seeing the Objective Thinker as stuck up, stoic and overly-traditional. They may try to warm up to the Objective Thinker only to feel rebuffed time and time again.
The Objective Thinker struggle to maintain patience for the onslaught of abstract ideas, preferring to ground themselves in reality rather than exploring concepts with no “practical purpose”. They may also feel overwhelmed by the emotional intensity as uncomfortable and overbearing, leading them to distance themselves emotionally and physically.
The Persuader may feel bored with the focus on the practical or day-to-day.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Give yourself an outlet to “vent” or unload pent up frustrations. Whether this means talking to a friend, punching a pillow or writing in a journal, it is important to have a way to get out frustration that is healthy. Schleede™ input: Maybe.
Λ 2. Remember that conflict does not have to be adversarial and can actually lead to constructive conversations if approached in the right way. Schleede™ input: Total bulltish.
Λ 3. Focus on the good times shared together. Remember those when times are hard and try to revisit them, particularly if you are in a romantic or familial relationship. Schleede™ input: Maybe.
Λ 4. Both these patterns are Judgers and both come from a place of externally voicing their decisions and opinions. The Persuader will come from a place of interpersonal and emotional awareness. How will something make people feel? What do people need emotionally? How can we reach consensus? The Objective Thinker will come from a place of decided objectivity. What is accurate? What will achieve the end goal? What are the pros and cons? When making decisions, both may both voice very different opinions because they are looking at different criteria. Try to see if you can have a meeting of the minds and find the good in each perspective. Schleede™ input: The court finds 'irreconcilable differences'.
Λ 5. Try to maintain a sense of humour. This does not mean that one must become a comedian! It just means that if tension arises, try to lighten up the situation with some laughter and without being patronizing or passive-aggressive. Schleede™ input: Nigh on impossible for the Objective Thinker to do this to a Persuader.
Λ 6. Find simple daily activities that you enjoy doing together, particularly if in a romantic relationship. Schleede™ input: Horizontal folk dancing.

In summary, the differences between these two is in that the Persuader excels in the world of ideas while the Objective Thinker excels in the world of the concrete.
Classic Architect wanting it beautiful and the Builder not wanting it to fall down.
The Persuader needs to have emotional interplay with people while the Objective Thinker needs to have privacy and space.
Neither partner is better or worse than the other in the short term.
In the long term, Oxor™ would back the rigid OBJECTIVE THINKER who will tire of the gross interference of the needy PERSUADER!!


Clash Pairs™ - D

  Developer - ENTJ vs. Practitioner - ISFJ

Clash reason A: Task focussed, quick and action oriented. vs. Introverted, careful and sensible.

Clash reason B: Focus on foreesing, predicting and strategizing. vs. Focus on stability, comfort and routine. ('fact free' in the sense that facts come second).

Clash reason C: Connects by sharing strategy, plans and analysis. vs. Connects by sharing feelings, values and facts.

The Developer is focussed on efficiency and knowledge; they long to have mastery and to achieve long-term advances in whatever field they care about. Direct and straightforward, they have little patience for sugarcoating or beating around the bush. They have a job to do and, unless you have got something useful to bring to the table, they really would prefer you not waste their time on most occasions.
That said, they will give their friends and families a high priority in their lives; often showing love through action and taking care of obligations and needs before they are even asked.

The Practitioner is tuned into the simple pleasures and details of life. They see the beauty in everyday routines, in nature and in personal relationships. They are often drawn towards quiet and slow-paced activities, such as reading a book or painting. Their nurturing personalities also make them excellent caregivers; they love to take care of people and often put others’ needs ahead of their own. Communication is gentle and tactful and they enjoy using humour (that is generally in very shory supply) or shared values to draw closer to people.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: When these two meet, there may be an immediate curiosity mixed with some uncertainty. But they tend to have conflict because their aims and perspectives are in completely different places.
The Practitioner is likely to see the Developer as too brusque, domineering or ambitious. They may feel that their visions are too far-fetched, their bottom-line approach too hard-hearted, or their drive too overwhelming.
Meanwhile, the Director finds the Practitioner to be overly sensitive and focused on the “mundane” details of life. They may feel that they are not ambitious or driven enough or that they’re missing the bigger picture by focussing on comfort, coziness, taking no risks and on other peoples’ feelings. They may try to directly point out some ways in which the Practitioner could “optimize” their lives only to inadvertently cause offence. They will write the Practitioner off as plan fcuking boring.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Focus on what is working between you and try to express the positive. This alone can help you work through many tough times. Schleede™ input: The Developer regards the Practitioner as a fcukwit. Fanciful.
Λ 2. If in a relationship, the Developer should set aside time to just relax and 'be' with their partner with no agenda. In turn, the Practitioner should try to set aside some time to listen to the Developer's goals and their work. Take time to find shared values and hobbies. This way both will have activities to enjoy together or causes to work towards. Just make sure each give the other the chance to pursue those interests in their own way – not your way. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 3. Remember that when you see differences, those differences may feel unsettling, but that does not mean that they are bad. e.g. The Developer will feel that a Practitioner's pace is too slow or their focus is too detailed. The Practitioner will think that the Developer is too direct or their pace is too quick. Try to remember that these differences are not naturally wrong and, unless they do become oppressive in some way, offer the other person the chance to be themselves without criticism or condescension. Schleede™ input: Bulltish on steroids. This is the crux of the problem for the weak Practitioner.
Λ 4. Develop outlets that inspire you and allow you to blow off some steam. Whether this is going to the gym, working on a hobby or having dinner with friends – make sure you have time to do something that is solely for yourself. Schleede™ input: Cannot see how this would do anything.
Λ 5. See your differences as “learning challenges” that can help you be more understanding or more aware of your blind spots. Reframing difficulties this way can make them easier to handle and less overwhelming. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 6. Finally, be willing to listen to the other person’s perspective without judgment or assuming you know best.Schleede™ input: Fanciful in the ultra extreme for these Clash Pairs™.

In summary, the differences between these two can often cause friction and the Practitioner will be overrun in all aspects.
In the long term, Oxor™ would back the bossy DEVELOPER to humiliate the naive PRACTITIONER as being a doddery old fool!!


Clash Pairs™ - E

  Results - ESTP vs. Agent - INFP

Clash reason A: Extraverted and practical. vs. Introverted and imaginative.

Clash reason B: Enjoys the world of the tangible and the present moment. vs. Enjoys the world of the unknown and the possible ('fact free').

Clash reason C: Connects by sharing experiences, facts and humour. vs. Connects through sharing insights, dreams and convictions (La la Land).

The Results is the "ultimate realists" and it is not hard to see why. They value action, experience and a fast-pace. They take on life with great enthusiasm and love a challenge — as long as it is fun and interesting. They have an eye for opportunity and they are always looking for ways to move forward or make things happen in the moment. Rather than spend time in dreams or imagination, they are focussed on immersing themselves in any type of physical experience or risky adventure.
The Results will see the Agent as too "dreamy" or "sensitive" because they focus so much on abstract matters and are less interested in what is tangible or real. They may also inadvertently offend with their more detached, matter-of-fact nature. They will quickly see that they are lazy, complain a lot and are generally miserable.

The Agent is the dreamer and idealist of the Disc patterns. These quiet and gentle personalities are often fascinated by ideas, connections and the beauty of emotions. They value contemplation and deep conversations but may appear aloof to those who do not understand them. Their authenticity and understanding nature make them excellent listeners; they are naturally drawn towards people with strong values and convictions.
The Agent will see the Results as too "shallow" or "hedonistic" because they do not value the same kind of introspection and weighty idealistic subject matter as they typically do.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair will experience condescension and conflict which can start to grow over time. And sometimes 'over time' may be five minutes. The Agent will be bulldozed and crushed.
The Agent wants to talk about ideas and convictions whereas the Results wants to talk about tangible things or experiences. The Agent might be deeply moved by a story or movie and the Results will have fallen asleep because it was too slow. Overall, these two are fundamentally attracted to very different experiences.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Look to each other for help in areas that the other is naturally weak in. If the Agent wants an objective perspective on an event (based on the facts at hand) talk to a Results. Idf the Results wants want to talk to someone who can offer an alternative, imaginative perspective on something, talk to an Agent. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 2. Both value autonomy. Give each other space, but then come back together for activities and experiences you both mutually love. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 3. Discover what your shared values are. Both have different ways of expressing themselves, but they likely have some similar values that can draw them closer. Schleede™ input: In theory only.
Λ 4. Refrain from using extreme negative judgments on the other, simply because of how you interpret their natural preferences. The Agent should not call the Results 'shallow' just because they are focussed on the present and opportunities in the immediate moment. The Results should refrain from calling the Agent 'flaky' just because they’re more in tune with imagination. Schleede™ input: the facts are that the Agent is flaky at all times. That is the crux of the problem.
Λ 5. Use humour to deflate tense situations. Both are gifted with a quirky and often offbeat sense of humour. Use it and enjoy it!. Schleede™ input: The Results has no time to humour an Agent.

In summary, the differences between these two will quickly deteriorate. If they used Oxor™, this would be screamingly obvious. In the long term, Oxor™ would back the impulsive RESULTS to bulldoze the whinging AGENT, humiliate them and ignore them until the end of time!!


Clash Pairs™ - F

  Counselor - ESFP vs. Perfectionist - INTP

Clash reason A: Extraverted and pragmatic. vs. Introverted and questioning.

Clash reason B: Enjoys the world of the tangible and the present moment ('fact free'). vs. Enjoys the world of the unknown and the possible. (Fact free).

Clash reason C: Connects by experiences, values and emotions. vs. Connects through sharing insights, analysis and logical debates.

The Counselor are those who prefer to live in the present moment. They are often seen as the life of the party, with a natural ability to connect with people and bring out liveliness and fun.
They take pleasure from being active and they do not mind taking risks or jumping into something without knowing all the facts first — as long as they think that it will be worth their while.
They will become exasperated by the Perfectionist's tendency to "overthink" things and ignore the more immediate, tangible possibilities.

The Perfectionist is the theorizer and troubleshooter that you need when a complicated problem stumps you. Driven by curiosity, they are always searching for understanding — they want to know how things work (in the abstract sense) and why people do what they do. They easily notice inconsistencies and have an appreciation for elegant theories and models. Analyzing, learning and questioning are the activities that drive them.
They will become frustrated when the Counselor does not take the time to think through an issue, or when they “cut corners.”

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair will find themselves in a conflict if left unchecked.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Both patterns need to recognize that they are both important and have something valuable to offer. That is often much easier said than done, but try to come together and understand differences instead of clinging to a “right” or “wrong” perspective. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 2. Look for common interests that can bridge the gap. Maybe it is a shared love of adventure or a mutual appreciation for a certain type of comedy – whatever it is, spend time together doing activities that you both enjoy. Schleede™ input: Never happen. The Perfectionist will fall asleep at the Christmas lunch.
Λ 3. Remember that it is important to make sure everyone feels heard and not just talked at. When communicating, take a moment before responding — it shows the other person that you value their opinion and have taken the time to consider what they said. Schleede™ input: Never happen - no mutual respect.
Λ 4. Find the humour in your opposite viewpoints. Sometimes all you can do is laugh at the vast differences between your personality types. Schleede™ input: The Perfectionis has no sense of humour.
Λ 5. Respect each other’s needs and refrain from viewing them as “less than” your own. e.g. The Perfectionist can respect the Counselor's need to learn from experience more than theoretical conversation. The Counselor can respect the Practitioners need for alone time and more abstract conversations. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 6. Find a way to blend interests. Discuss an abstract subject while hiking to satisfy the thinking side of the Perfectionist and the sensing side of the Counselor. Find a shared value or cause that matters to you both and work towards it in your own respective ways. Schleede™ input: Never happen.

In summary, the differences between these two are polar opposites. Irreconcileable differences. In the long term, Oxor™ would back the impatient COUNSELOR to dump the lazy PERFECTIONIST with their delaying and impractical modus operandi!!


Clash Pairs™ - G

  Promoter - ENFP vs. Achiever - ISTP

Clash reason A: Extraverted and imaginative. vs. Introverted and practical.

Clash reason B: Driven by values, ideals and convictions ('fact free'). vs. Being logical, pragmatic and questioning.

Clash reason C: Connects by sharing ideas, possibilities, values and feelings. vs. Connects through sharing facts, experience, adventure and humour.

The Promoter is driven to grasp ideas and insights of profound significance. But they are short on facts. Perceptive and creative, they can see possibilities and interconnections everywhere. They have a knack for interpreting situations and picking up meanings and hidden motives.
They will become frustrated when the Appraiser avoids conceptual conversations. They like bouncing ideas off of other people, generating more and more faster than the Achiveer can can critique them and dismiss them as "too critical".

The Appraiser focusses on reality in the here and now. They make decisions based on what is immediately evident and work with facts more than abstract ideations. Analytical and pragmatic, they enjoy understanding how objects work and creatively using tools or resources to solve problems.
They will become exasperated by the Promoter's tendency to take leaps of understanding without taking into account all the facts. They like a quiet life and lots of autonomy and freedom.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair will clash if they do not take the time to understand each other’s way of thinking and communicating. And the Promoter will never do this due to their micro concentration span.
The Achiever naturally critiques new ideas to eliminate anything that does not fit with a logical principle. This can be be difficult for the Promoter whose creative thought process often wanders and and jumps from one point to another; again micro concentration span.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Discuss the topics that you both enjoy and find a way to combine and merge your interests. Practice being slow to call out perspectives that do not align with your own. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 2.Spend time in activities that both of you like doing, such as reading books or playing sports outdoors. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 3. Make an effort to listen empathetically before responding. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 4. Find ways to laugh together. Laughter creates intimacy and friendship – if there are comedies you both enjoy or ways of bantering that are fun, dive into those modes of expression. Schleede™ input: Never happen.
Λ 5 Respect each other’s need for independence and autonomy from each other. It may be important if in a romantic relationship, to cultivate friendships outside of your relationship to satisfy each other’s individual needs. Schleede™ input: Should replace clothes immediately.
Λ 6. When you argue, practice looking at all the angles. First, consider the sensing-based facts of the situation. Then look at the intuitive possibilities and connections. Next, consider the logic of the situation, then the values and emotions involved. Over time, this will help you to make more balanced decisions and see the value in each other’s point of view. Schleede™ input: Never happen. The Promoter has such a micro concentration span that the presentation of facts, or facts with which they do not agree, that this appears impossible. Watch the Achiever lose their temper with the Promoter!.

In summary, the differences between these two are massive. Over time the Promoter will see the Achiever as as "dull" or the Achiever will see the Promoter as "flighty".
In the long term, Oxor™ would back the unpredictable ACHIEVER to engage the childish PROMOTER in a massive shouting match when their bad temper takes over when the Promoter is seen as 'all piss and wind' who never finishes anything.


Clash Pairs™ - H

  Inspirational - ENTP vs. Specialist - ISFP

Clash reason A: Extraverted and questioning. vs. Introverted and sensitive.

Clash reason B: Driven by ideas and logic while focussed future potential. vs. Driven by convitions and values while focussed on the present ('fact free').

Clash reason C: Connects by debating, sharing thoughts and discussing theories. vs. Connects through sharing values, opinions and experiences.

The Inspirational is drawn to theories, ideas, and patterns. They move quickly from one idea or project to the next and enjoy a lot of banter, debate and interaction. They enjoy talking about ideas and hypothetical possibilities.

The arty, reluctant to change, Specialist is eager to experience the world firsthand. They prefer to take their time and are more quiet and reserved. When they do speak, they prefer to speak about what they know through experience. But they are short on facts.

It is easy to see the Conflict Pairs™ and the cohort should not be a bit surprised.

Commentary: This pair will clash when the Inspirtational's expansive, conceptual way of thinking collides with the attraction to tangible details and experiences of the Specialist. The Specialist does not enjoy being challenged or criticized for their feelings and will often become defensive in these situations. The Inspirational can come off as harsh and unemotional when debating which can cause hurt feelings.
Both can feel that the other is hard to get through to and understand. The Specialist may feel more awkward, abrupt and confused than normal in verbal interactions or when having to work together to finish a project.

Possible ways forward:
For over 25 years, Elizabeth Hunter™ has formed the view that possible solutions between the fact free FEELERS (F) and the absolute truth THINKERS (T) together with the finish nothings PERCEIVERS (P) and the always finishers JUDGERS (J) are often unattainable.
You may have to decide whom to piss off and out of your lives, or minimize contact is her advice. Sometimes, however, you are stuck and just have to work with the other bastard and user Oxor Imposition Methods™ that are contained in this site. That may be family, the boss, work colleagues, service providers and so forth.

Elizabeth Hunter™ has contrived with our Melbourne agent and Wordsmith, W. Kent Schleede™, to display some research that has come up with some suggestions. Herr Schleede says this section carries no guarantees; just tries.
Λ 1. Focus on the positive as much as possible. What experiences have you shared that brought you both joy? Talk about those, commemorate them, remember them when things feel bad. Schleede™ input: Difficult.
Λ 2. Try to have a sense of humour with each other, but do not let it get sarcastic or passive-aggressive. Joke around when you have differences, but do it in a way that is respectful. Often humour creates a bridge for harmony and understanding. Schleede™ input: Difficult.
Λ 3. Realize that, while you may be suspicious of each other’s motives or perspectives, there is value in the other person’s way of seeing things (but that is impossible for the Director to accept). Even if it seems odd or ridiculous to you, take some time to let the ideas sink in. Schleede™ input: Unplausable.
Λ 4. Spend some time with people who are similar to you so that you do not get too overwhelmed with someone who is always coming from a different angle. Schleede™ input: Do it.
Λ 5. Be open to apologizing and forgiving. Chances are you will attribute wrong intentions to this person at some point or another or they will to you. Humility and open-mindedness go a long way. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 6. Discover values you both share and focus on those positives rather than the negatives. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.
Λ 7. Find experiences you both enjoy doing together, even if it’s only a few. Schleede™ input: Fanciful.

In summary, the differences between these two are massive as they have very different ways of approaching life.
In the long term, Oxor™ would back the egotistical INSPIRATIONAL to overpower the flighty SPECIALIST!!!
