Situation - One size fits all management will fail.
Managing everyone the same way WILL FAIL!!!
US Military Research
The US military found, in 2001, that four behaviour patterns are more likely to become effective leaders.
These are:
14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ (Also the most likely to lead with humility
and fierce resolve per Jim Collins' theory),
1. Director - ESTJ,
2. Developer - ENTJ,
and 16. Enhancer - INTJ.
These four accounted for roughly 78 percent of middle grade to flag rank officers in the United States military. All of these feature thinking and judging. These four, however, make up only 30 percent of the general population. 95% of senior military leaders are thinkers, leaving only five percent as compassionate feelers.
The majority of field grade officers (Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Commander and Commander) are either Objective Thinker or Director.
The Objective Thinker make decisions based on facts and are able to make analytical, objective decisions. The military values this type of decisionmaking style because it produces a clear and simple solution. However, these leaders’ greatest weakness is their inability to take people into account when making decisions. The Objective Thinker is often calm and cool in stressful situations and has a clear mind to make important decisions. However, they tend to be impatient and believe that a bad decision on time is better than no decision at all; doing something is better than doing nothing. They view the order or task as more important than the team/group's spirit, morale or interpersonal issues.
The Director draws conclusions too quickly and are not always responsive to the emotional needs of others. They do not always allow or listen to opposite points of view and tend to disregard diversity and subordinate positions. They are sometimes seen as overbearing and insensitive. In making decisions, they believe it is more important to accomplish the mission in a timely fashion even at the expense of wasting valuable personal and organizational resources.
Center for Creative Leadership Research
This organization conducted a study of 26,477 people in a leadership development program.
The following percentages were reported for leaders:
These are:
14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ - 18.2%,
1. Director - ESTJ - 16.0%,
2. Developer - ENTJ - 13.1%,
and 16. Enhancer - INTJ - 10.5%.
This correlates exactly with the US Military.
There is an overrepresentation of Thinking and Judging preferences among leaders and managers.
Most organizations are structured in which they favour logical, rational and decisive behavious.
Perhaps, that’s why those with Thinking and Judging preferences have become
the defining hallmarks of those who are considered “leadership material".
The research continues. In what will turn Social Justice Warriors apoplectic and outraged,
they show an interesting break down with the type distributions of men and women on the Thinking/Feeling dimension.
"Globally, 70% of men have a right-handed preference for Thinking. In other words, when making decisions,
men tend to be impersonal, rational and logical. On the other hand, 70% of women report a preference for
feeling, which means only 30% of women have a right-handed preference for thinking.
Women in management positions sometimes show a greater percentage of Feeling types than in male
management groups, but typically Thinking is the preferred types for a majority of these women". (McCaulley, 1992).
A conclusion is that what pattern makes the best leader cannot be answered. The only question that can be answered is which type is more predominant in leadership positions.
Oxor™ warns of the toxic leader - the unambiguously judged asshole in the outfit. They are the HIGHSET PERFORMER WITH LOW TRUST. Try the MID RANGE PERFORMER WITH HIGH TRUST. Your toxic asshole can work for someone else
Oxor™'s interpretation is that 'the trend is your friend'.
Unless you have one of these four as your leader,
you will struggle. Other Thinkers are the second fiddle choice, but with high risk:
3. Results (The bulldozer); 4. Inspirational (Debate everything);
12 Achiever (The Tradie); 15. Perfectionist (so impractical - A terrible choice).
If you want to increase the chance of failure of your leader,
go into bat with the Social Justice Warriors - 5. Persuader; 7. Promoter; 10. Investigator or
11. Agent. Also a worry are the 6. Appraiser; 8. Counselor; 9. Specialist; 13. Practitioner.
The worst Oxor™ has encountered in 50 years are the Practitioner and Promoter while, fortunately, never
seen an Agent or Specialist in a leadership position.
More on leadership style is on this page plus: Click Here
A survey on Reddit in 2020 offered four choices for 279 people to vote on as the worst leader.
And we totally support the result:
11. Agent - INFP - 50%,
9. Specialist - ISFP - 25%,
13. Practitioner - ISFJ - 15%
and 10. Investigator - INFJ - 10%,
This correlates exactly with Oxor™'s experience.
We also recommend the so called Z Problem Solving Model:
1. Look at the facts and details;
2. What alternatives do the facts suggest?
3. Can it be analysed objectively?
4. What impact will it have on those involved?
"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success."
We submit the following as important traits of successful people in management:
1. Abundance Mindset. They look for how they can do something instead of giving in
to reasons they cannot. e.g. “How is this possible? What can I do about it? How do I make it work?”;
[The Practitioner does not do this as it may create conflict; The Developer excels].
2. Money makes Money. Instead of having it decay in their bank account they invest their
money to make more money. This is also why they spend time active time learning about it, whereas
most just try to get by with what they pick up. [The Practitioner does not do this as they are totally risk
averse; The Objective Thinker is a good money manager].
3. Tracking Time. Without tracking time, time will be wasted. Everyone has 24 hours in a day and
24 hours only. Therefore, time is always the limited resource. Successful people know this and try
to control their time as best as possible so they make the most use out of it.
[The Promoter does not do this as they are so disorganized; The Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer
are excellent time managers. We keep saying never put a Promoter in charge of anything].
4. Knowing What Matters. At the end of the day, even money does not matter. At some point a person
will have enough money to buy everything they want. What will they do with the money that comes in after
that? What will they do with their time and energy? Successful people think about this often and early
and follow the result of those questions. [The Enhancer and Director are good at this].
5. Responsibility and Action. Instead of following the masses, hoping that it will work out, they
take active responsibility for their own life and take action accordingly, often being the first to
take that action or the only one. [The Enhancer is good at this as they expect people to take responsibility -
not expect the Guvvament to do everything for free; The Director and Developer also].
6. Letting Go. Past failures, mistakes and problems do not matter and only keep them limited. It is
not helpful in any sense so they let it go when they can, dealing with it in whatever way they need to
let it go otherwise. [The Practitioner tends to be rusted on to the past; The Director, Developer, Objective Thinker
and Enhancer tend to get on with it].
7. Being Certain. Without the ability to stand behind their choices they will stack up on regret,
leading to more things to let go of later. This is not helpful. They may not be certain they are
right or that it will go well, but they are certain that this is the choice their choice and
stand behind it. [The Director and Objective Thinker are good at being certain].
8. A ‘Bigger Picture’ Mentality. Everything is for the same cause, the same reason, the same
overall goal. It is all for the bigger picture in the end. Successful people often know what they
want, which allows them to sacrifice what they do not want and to do what is necessary to reach that goal.
[The Developer is good at this; the Objective Thinker less so].
9. A Good (or better) Presenter. Elizabeth Hunter™ is appalled at the catastrophically poor standard of presentations.
An example that attracted her attention some time ago was at a Members Forum of the Melbourne Football Club.
The President, Coach, CEO, Football Manager and Draft Manager obviously were too busy, too arrogant or both to
learn proven techniques. Elizabeth has been doing excellent presentations for over 35years. These never fail.
10. Email Like a Boss. Click Here
11. Being aware of staying too long. Click Here
We are regularly asked about which patterns may or may not be good at Project Management. We have added this aspect on this page. The most suitable PM's are Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer. Do not bother with Results, Promoter, Counselor, Specialist, Agent and Achiever who are unsuitable. Forget Investigator and Practitioner as they are followers. Inspirational, Persuader, Appraiser and Perfectionist may be okay but you would need to exercise care.
These proven methods on this site are totally useless if you have not worked out the other person's Disc behaviour pattern. The descriptions are how you need to impose on them irrespective of what your Disc is. It is the environment the other person thrives in is what you want to create. It also will highlight whether employees are in the right seat on the bus. The kind Emeritus Professor Ridley Kive™ has been in the archives to extract some of this from the vault.
We often warn the cohort of the existence of our proprietary concept - Corporate Masturbation™.
One membership based Association has the requirement for Board Members, who are on two Committees, to review their
Conflict Of Interest at the start of a new term and at 19 meetings per year. That's once
every 19.21 days after you start. See what we mean.
"The cowards never started and the weak died along the way."
1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Efficient Organiser. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Operations, military, short-term strategy, managing smaller business.
♦ Top Military (Only 4 patterns are) but can be a terrible leader due to:
1. Pride, think too highly of themselves, think the only one who can
lead and get things done, always right, the “ends justify the means”;
2. Belligerence, is hostile and aggressive;
3. Dominance, always getting their way no matter what, overwhelms others, runs the
outfit as a dictatorship, disobedience is swiftly and brutally dealt with;
4. Intimidation, bullying, physical, mental or emotional intimidation or threats to get own way.
5. Because they like to get things done, they have no problems letting you know exactly how they feel.
This makes them difficult to deal with at times.
6. Because they are used to being in charge, it may be difficult for them to allow others to take the lead.
Style: Realistic and talkative, like to be in control of the details. As employees, they will present ideas with facts and statistics to back up their logic. Motivate with the logic behind your decisions and give them autonomy on projects. The Director will continue to be a happy employee so long as you are setting clear expectations and deadlines while providing logical, objective feedback.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Director can be very hard to get along with because of how stubborn they can be. Make sure you are honest and straightforward. No bulltish. They hate mind games and they genuinely want you to talk with them directly.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern loves to organize themselves, other people and the world around them, which can be an asset but can also come across as bossy and aggressive – particularly when they are dishing out instructions without any face-to-face contact. They often need to be reminded to be tactful with others, particularly in an environment where they are primarily communicating via email or messaging apps, leaving their sentences open to greater interpretation.
Leadership style of the High D: When you cannot make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Leadership strength zone and why: Directing - High D and High C.
Pithy leadership style description: Decisive. Autocratic.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Fascist Dictator. Along with the Investigator.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are conceived to turn out as highly social and community-minded people. They are outspoken leaders who love issuing orders and have the reputation of 'that boss'. These individuals are generous with their time. Many hold leadership positions in churches, schools and civic organizations. They belong to service clubs, associations and lodges.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Traditional boss' who becomes the 'Difficult Boss'. This pattern has a preference for sensing and judging and therefore, by nature are fairly traditional in their approach to life. They like structure and established order and are great respecters of the status quo. As managers are comfortable working in traditionally structured organizations and stress values such as loyalty, punctuality, responsibility and respect.
Because the Director is used to being in charge, it may be difficult for them to allow others to take the lead. They are extremely difficult to warm to. Perfectionists, Enhancers and Inspirationals in particular might find it upsetting when the Director is not falling over to listen to their ideas. It is usually the Directors way or not at all. It is likely that these three patterns will work for the Director with an attitude of extreme ill will towards the Director and claim that that is totally deserved. The Director would also benefit from finding a softer tune in order to work with the creative types such as Achievers and Specialists who do not deal so well with conflict and Practitioners who want to sweep conflict under the carpet.
The Director is a bossy know-it-all who only wants to control the people around them. They are a painfully uncreative manager who can have the reputation of a slave driver.
Worst working environment: An outfit that completely lacks structure and presents few to no opportunities for upward advancement for the Director.
Working from home for the High D: The High Ds are well-suited to working at home. Decisive, competitive and
task-oriented, they are naturally driven to succeed in any environment. They are innovative and driven and are
naturally inclined to develop creative strategies for making telecommuting work for them. They do not have any problem
taking charge of themselves or their projects and are excellent at independently setting goals and prioritizing
responsibilities. As they hate being micromanaged, they love the amount of control that working from home affords them
over their projects.
There is a certain degree of isolation, however, inherent in working from home to which High Ds do not respond well.
As a natural-born leader, being alone in a home office prevents that aptitude from flourishing. Because they love to
get things done on their own, there is also a danger that they will lose the ability to harmoniously collaborate.
Before sending out emails, they should think about their tone and remember to continually solicit and consider the
input of others. High Ds must work to keep other people in the loop and not to become too much of an “island.”
As a Project Manager: Category A - Most Suitable. Direct and clear cut.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 29.07% combined male and female. (and includes the Enhancer).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Have to watch the 'my way or the highway' aspect but your project is in very safe hands.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they believe in taking responsibility, having a strong work ethic and doing their part to make your community better. They push you to be better by being honest and straightforward and encouraging you to combat laziness or inefficiency. If you have a Director as a friend, you can count on them to tell you the hard truths other types might be too scared to tell. And they will do it because they genuinely care about you as a person and want the best life for you.
Problem Solving Method: The Developer will first look at the facts and weigh those against speculations. They try to keep personal feelings and emotions out of the problem unless they are operating from a place of extreme stress. They use logic to try to determine the cause and effect. They may weigh the pros and cons of possible solutions, quantify conclusions and try to find a solution that is objective and fair. They also tend to look for patterns and connections that might be under the surface. They ask themselves, “What are the long-term implications of the solutions we have?”, or “What underlying meanings are we missing?”.
Problem Solving Weakness: As the Director is a dominant thinking type, they may forget to consider the personal values of the people involved in the problem. They may ignore relevant personal needs and end up escalating a conflict. At other times, they may get so caught up in looking at the big picture that they miss important details.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Very effective; but comes across as ruthless.
Attitude towards the rules: "I have written down the rules and made copies for everyone. I am the fcuking rules"
Attitude towards authority: With eyes shining I say: "I can manage the shit out of this."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Director in the Orifice™: Hired by the Developer to be the COO. Maintains order within the company. Will later promote the OT as their number 2.
Fun Description of the Director as a Computer Programmer™: "Excuse me, Betty. Yes, the code all seems to be working fine. However, you have failed to put in two paragraphs of commented code after each line. This goes against page 26 in our company’s business charter. Please redo the entire process."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Director is usually too busy to remember the insignificant detail of setting up their out of office message before jetting off for their holidays. Typically being a work-a-holic, the autoresponder is unnecessary anyway, as they will reply to important emails straight away regardless of whatever holiday festivities they are attending. If it is not important, they will still check their email but do not expect any replies. If a Director does remember to set up their away message, the message is either blank or straight to the point simply stating, "I’m out of the office" or "See you next year".
"If it is to be, it is up to me."
William H. Johnsen, 1901 - 1970. American painter. (Disk not known)
2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Decisive Strategist. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Efficiency, vision, military, large corporation.
♦ Top Military (Only 4 patterns are) but can be a terrible leader due to:
1. Pride, think too highly of themselves, think the only one who can
lead and get things done, always right, the “ends justify the means”;
2. Belligerence, is hostile and aggressive;
3. Dominance, always getting their way no matter what, overwhelms others, runs the
outfit as a dictatorship, disobedience is swiftly and brutally dealt with;
4. Intimidation, bullying, physical, mental or emotional intimidation or threats to get own way.
Style: Natural leaders, outgoing, energetic, quick. Their intuition makes them creative and innovative, while their thinking-judging orientation makes them good at details and structure. Excellent at developing strategy. Motivate them with challenges to develop new skills and opportunities for advancement. To retain these leaders, you will need to develop long-term plans for leadership roles in strategic assignments.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Developer has their ruthless and sometimes emotionless and bully boy ways of doing things is not because they are a monster, but because it is the natural way they think. But if you have a problem do not be afraid to tell them but you have to have a logical reason why.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern naturally likes big pictures and big decisions and that can create problems when working from home. They do not always see the finer details when implementing plans and, in a remote working environment, that puts them at greater risk of pushing through decisions without properly taking in the views of others. To truly excel they need to remember the necessary balance between directing and consulting.
Leadership style of the High D: When you cannot make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Leadership strength zone and why: Influencing - High D and High I.
Pithy leadership style description: Assertive. Autocratic.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Communist Dictator. Along with the Perfectionist.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They generally rise to positions of responsibility and leadership in the workplace. These individuals enjoy being executives and often being the bully. They compartmentalize their lives so they can work. They organize units into smooth-functioning systems. They make excellent administrators in the law, the military, business and medicine. They are capable of planning strategically for short and long-term objectives.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Visionary boss' who becomes the 'Insane Boss'. They can be quite the visionary,
but then seem like one that should be diagnosed as clinically insane (completely nuts)
because of their determination to make it to the goal.
Their temperament is built on power and competency.
They tend to do whatever it takes to achieve the organization's goals; even if that means going
past others, around others ... or over others. 'I'm not bossy, I'm the boss'.
These people who aim for the mountain top accomplish the goals and 'bring in the gold.'
This boss likes loyalty very much and workers who would never dare to mutiny. They expect you to
eat hard tacks and drink brackish water today, but claim it will be lobster and rum tomorrow.
They will get rid of all the incompetent idiots and use their power to sock it to the competition.
Progress up the ladder is often at an amazing rate because they tend to have a huge picture
or see a mountain top panorama of where the organization should head. Rather than, like some,
seeing the individual milestones along the way, they can get really good at looking ahead around
the corner, reading the tea leaves of the changing times. They can quickly chart a path through sales,
service, market share, branding, and finance on a relentless sprint to the top.
But this style of manager can see well on the mountain top at 10,000 metres, but be legally
blind at ground level. They can captain the ship—drive the crew to hoist sail and weigh anchor—but
following each step on the map to find the island with the gold treasure and dig up the booty
gets daunting. Then they usually need others to do the digging once the ship has reached the island.
One famous description is that this pattern is in charge of an aircraft carrier. He orders the lifeboats
to be launched, which they are under fear of death. He then orders them to be rowed. But they are still
attached to the aircraft carrier which is travelling on relentlessly with the Insane Boss at the helm.
When working, they wait for the employees to naturally follow behind them and fill in the blanks.
When the employee presses for the details needed to do this, they can be quite condescending.
They may not follow the sequential details and if the employee cannot fill them in, they will
immediately conclude pointing out, "You just don't get it"!
These managers have the gift to achieve organizational goals. But the followers tend to feel more
like hostages than part of an empowered team. The Insane Boss would personally take an enemy bullet
in the chest to get to Treasure Island, so what it it with these laggards who are worrying
about spouses and children, not thinking it is worthy of death to get there?
The organization that is not particularly loyal to the team may then suddenly, seemingly without
explanation, make certain crew members walk the plank of layoff. It is hard to buy into
the "worthy of death" ethic of the Insane Boss when the organization actually may not care
if you make it to Treasure Island and share in the booty.
Maybe the most gifted senior executives of all is the Developer, but potentially the most nutty.
There are more CEOs among Developers than among any other pattern. They are goal-driven, competitive and
when they run into obstacles are not prone to give up. They can understand the team assignment and
work collaboratively, but will use team members as tools, not seeing them as people.
The Developers have both great success and great failure rates in organizations. Often, they are
either leading the organization or cleaning its toilets. The threat to the Developer is that they
can overuse their gifts, overplaying their hand to the point of that they become a liability.
They get caught in power struggles with others and end up losing in the end.
The question often is, "Will this Developer be in their position a year from now?" They will not
respect or value others' opinions, so it is important to tell them when they are out of line.
The Developer is rarely thin-skinned and is open to being confronted because they do want to
be able to compete better. They are thinking all the time about some issue, with intensity
that can at times seem freaky. They are struggling to connect with the "ah-ha" of their
intuition and hit on an answer. Meanwhile, they may not be able to focus on the current,
present issue. The worst thing to do is to push the Developer boss to lower their bar,
for they will see it as an obstruction to reaching the goal, while forgetting people
are more important.
Worst working environment: An outfit that completely lacks a long-term vision and requires strict adherence to the decisions of an incompetent management team by the Developer.
Working from home for the High D: The High Ds are well-suited to working at home. Decisive, competitive and
task-oriented, they are naturally driven to succeed in any environment. They are innovative and driven and are
naturally inclined to develop creative strategies for making telecommuting work for them. They do not have any problem
taking charge of themselves or their projects and are excellent at independently setting goals and prioritizing
responsibilities. As they hate being micromanaged, they love the amount of control that working from home affords them
over their projects.
There is a certain degree of isolation, however, inherent in working from home to which High Ds do not respond well.
As a natural-born leader, being alone in a home office prevents that aptitude from flourishing. Because they love to
get things done on their own, there is also a danger that they will lose the ability to harmoniously collaborate.
Before sending out emails, they should think about their tone and remember to continually solicit and consider the
input of others. High Ds must work to keep other people in the loop and not to become too much of an “island.”
As a Project Manager: Category A - Most Suitable. Hates complainers who take no action.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 5.81% combined male and female.(This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: There will be conflict at each and every turn but your project is in very safe hands.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will not let you make excuses for not living up to your potential. Laziness, procrastination and scapegoats will be rejected and they will point out the facts of what you are capable of. Their belief in you, combined with their encouragement to take initiative, will help you to get off the floor and make things happen. They will remind you of who you can be, what your potential is, and that your goals are achievable if you just take that first step and keep going.
Problem Solving Method: The Developer will first look at the facts and weigh those against speculation. They try to keep personal feelings and emotions out of the problem unless they are operating from a place of extreme stress. They use logic to try to determine the cause and effect. They may weigh the pros and cons of possible solutions, quantify conclusions and try to find a solution that is objective and fair. They also tend to look for patterns and connections that might be under the surface. They ask themselves, “What are the long-term implications of the solutions we have?”, or “What underlying meanings are we missing?”.
Problem Solving Weakness: Because the Developer is a dominant thinking type, they may forget to consider the personal values of the people involved in the problem. They may ignore relevant personal needs and end up escalating a conflict. At other times, they may get so caught up in looking at the big picture that they miss important details.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Very effective; with generally a bully boy flavour so some will be upset.
Attitude towards the rules: "I make the rules."
Attitude towards authority: "I just start talking and accidentally become the authority myself. Now we can start"
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Developer in the Orifice™: CEO. Vibrant and dominant.
Fun Description of the Developer as a Computer Programmer™: "I cannot believe it. This is the worst day of my life. I just finished second in the world programming championships. That’s it. I will be training 24/7 and do whatever it takes to win the first prize next year."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Developer is usually too busy to remember the insignificant detail of setting up their out of office message before jetting off for their holidays. Typically being a work-a-holic, the autoresponder is unnecessary anyway, as they will reply to important emails straight away regardless of whatever holiday festivities they are attending. If it is not important, they will still check their email but do not expect any replies. If a Developer does remember to set up their away message, the message is either blank or straight to the point simply stating, "I’m out of the office" or "See you next year".
3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Energetic Problem Solver. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Sports leaders, team captains, entrepreneurial leaders.
Style: Is outgoing and spontaneous. Very good at being in the moment, work well under pressure and are good negotiators. Motivate them with new experiences and real problems to solve. The best way to give feedback is actually to get them to think aloud about their experience and make feedback interactive.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Results has a bit of a well earned reputation as being an insensitive monster. But they are actually very far from that. Typically they are very friendly and they say things that seem very rude. But their brain simply does not treat feelings in the same way that feeling types do and the Director, OT, Developer and Enhancer do. Their natural instinct is to state facts as they seem them. Typically they do not care if others respond in the same way they do. It is simply the way they view things.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern needs the solution here that is simple – keep things fun and keep them moving fast. They are classically impatient so give them a day’s worth of tasks in a project tool rather than any long-term targets. They are also often very good at firefighting, because the thrill of the moment is exciting to them. As a general rule, they are great at thinking outside the box, so do not put them inside one by stifling their creativity.
Leadership style of the High D: When you cannot make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Leadership strength zone and why: Influencing - High D and High I.
Pithy leadership style description: Fearless. Pacesetter.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Conservative Leader. Along with the Appraiser.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They bring a flourish to everything project they oversee. These dynamic leaders are bold and daring. They are always optimistic that events will go their way. They are edgy, risk-takers who love flirting with danger. Fantastic leaders in a crisis.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Practical boss' turned Unruly boss'. The combination of sensing with perceiving leads to a temperament which is practical and hands on and which values room for manoeuvre, spontaneity and risk-taking. This manager has their feet firmly on the ground, but they value creativity and can be fairly unconventional and opportunistic in their approach. They are often at their best when dealing with a crisis.
One can pick the Results as soon as one meets one. They are the most popular person in the office. They enjoy freedom
and is often the social planner. They like to think outside the box often challenging the status quo and the ideas of others.
They are are also perceptive and well-tuned to the workplace mood.
Despite appearing to be being the life and soul of the party (that is the Counselor), the Results can be hard to get along with.
They are pretty impatient and often make impulsive decisions that later backfire. They miss the "big picture" because they
live only in the here and now. They also have a habit of breaking the rules. If there is a Results on a team, the team will
have a great time troubleshooting. But many lack the follow through needed to make things happen. Get really specific on
accountability, or the onus might be on you, the reader, to finish up the project and make sense of those "big ideas."
While the Results might get along with charismatic Persuaders and social Appraisers, their energetic, act-first style
might not resonate well with the fact-minded OT, managerial Director or intellectual Enhancer. These types in particular
might (will) struggle with the Results' gossip-loving nature and their ability to use any information they have to gain
the upper hand at work. The Results is the person for whom the term "office politics" was invented for.
Worst working environment: An outfit with a monotonous corporate environment where the Results person has to go through a series of red tape in order to solve pretty much any problem.
Working from home for the High D: The High Ds are well-suited to working at home. Decisive, competitive and
task-oriented, they are naturally driven to succeed in any environment. They are innovative and driven and are
naturally inclined to develop creative strategies for making telecommuting work for them. They do not have any problem
taking charge of themselves or their projects and are excellent at independently setting goals and prioritizing
responsibilities. As they hate being micromanaged, they love the amount of control that working from home affords them
over their projects.
There is a certain degree of isolation, however, inherent in working from home to which High Ds do not respond well.
As a natural-born leader, being alone in a home office prevents that aptitude from flourishing. Because they love to
get things done on their own, there is also a danger that they will lose the ability to harmoniously collaborate.
Before sending out emails, they should think about their tone and remember to continually solicit and consider the
input of others. High Ds must work to keep other people in the loop and not to become too much of an “island.”
As a Project Manager: Category D - Totally unsuited. Cannot reflect for one second.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 9.30% combined male and female. (This is a worry).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: There will be insufficient attention to the fine details, especially if the project is not short in duration.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will challenge you to conquer your worst fears. They have the ability to bring out bravery, common-sense and a fearless sense of adventure in you. They challenge you to stop daydreaming about the future and live in the present, with all its beauty and promise. These types know how to get people active, engaged and in touch with the real world around them.
Problem Solving Method: The Results is extremely practical when solving problems. The first thing they do is look at the current facts – “What do we know to be true without a doubt?”, “What is the most urgent thing that needs to be fixed right away?”. The next thing they do is weigh the pros and cons and design a decision-making process that will get them where they need to go. This involves taking apart the problem and organising the facts into a blueprint or framework. Once they break down the problem they can see how everything is connected and they can get an accurate understanding of what happened and what the most effective, logical solution will be.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Results can become so focussed on the current problem that they lose sight of the underlying meaning of why the problem happened or where the solution will lead in the future. They can also focus so extensively on logic that they miss seeing important personal values that are at stake.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Very effective; fabulous in a crisis. Just what you need, but personal considerations will take a back seat.
Attitude towards the rules: "Watch me break the rules! Rules are made to be broken."
Attitude towards authority: "Fcuk these people, who the hell are you and where does your authority come from?"
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Level 1: Gets Along with best: Achiever, Counselor and Director
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Results in the Orifice™: Hustled their ass off and developed and grew a company that the Developer had acquired. Now works as the Director of Sales, negotiating new business deals for the company.
Fun Description of the Results as a Computer Programmer™: "If I have to do one more f***ing line of code, this computer is getting chucked straight out of the window."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Results is usually too busy to remember the insignificant detail of setting up their out of office message before jetting off for their holidays. Typically being a work-a-holic, the autoresponder is unnecessary anyway, as they will reply to important emails straight away regardless of whatever holiday festivities they are attending. If it is not important, they will still check their email but do not expect any replies. If a Results does remember to set up their away message, the message is either blank or straight to the point simply stating, "I’m out of the office" or "See you next year".
4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Enterprising Explorer. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Cultural innovation and progress.
Style: Loves debate. Gaining energy from other people, loves to poke holes in arguments and strategies and is not afraid to speak up. Is clever and thrives on challenge. To keep an Inspirational happy, keep their assignments interesting and encourage them to discover creative solutions. Beware of manipulative tendencies.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Inspirational is the debater and often they do not completely agree with a point they are trying to argue but are arguing for arguing's sake.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern, predictably is very good at debating, so play to their strengths. They tend to be great on new ideas and products, as well as bigger discussions about how to move the business forward. They are also adept at impressing clients and pitching for new business, so you want them on any game-changing Zoom calls. You just might need to remind them to mute themselves occasionally, because, if unchecked, they may dominate the conversation.
Leadership style of the High D: When you cannot make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Leadership strength zone and why: Influencing - High D and High I.
Pithy leadership style description: Innovative. Visionary.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Lobbyist and Campaigner. Along with the Counselor.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They start building gadgets at a young age. When they become older, they continue to invent new things. They usually turn their ingenuity and sneakiness toward social or mechanical organizations. As an inventor, they search for challenging enterprises, projects and processes.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Visionary boss' who becomes the 'Insane Boss'. They can be quite the visionary,
but then seem like one that should be diagnosed as clinically insane (completely nuts)
because of their determination to make it to the goal.
Their temperament is built on power and competency.
They tend to do whatever it takes to achieve the organization's goals; even if that means going
past others, around others ... or over others.
These people who aim for the mountain top accomplish the goals and 'bring in the gold.'
This boss likes loyalty very much and workers who would never dare to mutiny. They expect you to
eat hard tacks and drink brackish water today, but claim it will be lobster and rum tomorrow.
They will get rid of all the incompetent idiots and use their power to sock it to the competition.
Progress up the ladder is often at an amazing rate because they tend to have a huge picture
or see a mountain top panorama of where the organization should head. Rather than, like some,
seeing the individual milestones along the way, they can get really good at looking ahead around
the corner, reading the tea leaves of the changing times. They can quickly chart a path through sales,
service, market share, branding, and finance on a relentless sprint to the top.
But this style of manager can see well on the mountain top at 10,000 metres, but be legally
blind at ground level. They can captain the ship—drive the crew to hoist sail and weigh anchor—but
following each step on the map to find the island with the gold treasure and dig up the booty
gets daunting. Then they usually need others to do the digging once the ship has reached the island.
One famous description is that this pattern is in charge of an aircraft carrier. He orders the lifeboats
to be launched, which they are under fear of death. He then orders them to be rowed. But they are still
attached to the aircraft carrier which is travelling on relentlessly with the Insane Boss at the helm.
When working, they wait for the employees to naturally follow behind them and fill in the blanks.
When the employee presses for the details needed to do this, they can be quite condescending.
They may not follow the sequential details and if the employee cannot fill them in, they will
immediately conclude pointing out, "You just don't get it"!
These managers have the gift to achieve organizational goals. But the followers tend to feel more
like hostages than part of an empowered team. The Insane Boss would personally take an enemy bullet
in the chest to get to Treasure Island, so what it it with these laggards who are worrying
about spouses and children, not thinking it is worthy of death to get there?
The organization that is not particularly loyal to the team may then suddenly, seemingly without
explanation, make certain crew members walk the plank of layoff. It is hard to buy into
the "worthy of death" ethic of the Insane Boss when the organization actually may not care
if you make it to Treasure Island and share in the booty.
The Inspirational boss is at their best when storms and the enemy threaten a battle. They excel in communication and are often newscasters and commentators, also having often impressive mechanic and technological abilities. They do well leading change as excellent entrepreneurs and start-up leaders.
The Inspirational leader can be one of the most confusing and difficult bosses to follow. While the are affable and engaging, one never knows what they will do or be thinking next. Leading with their intuition, they rise to the challenge of major problems and throw their verbal and technical skills at it, firing all guns at once. When there are no problems to challenge their inspiration, they fall into a slump of no motivation.
Open debates can keep the Inspirational boss happily occupied, though others may consider them contentious; when they switch sides in a nanosecond they give others mental whiplash. While brilliant in crisis management and problem solving, they generally withhold compliments and you tend to feel in competition with them. Getting them to focus on what you think is important is not an easy job, especially if it is not something they see as a crisis worthy of their attention.
Worst working environment: An outfit that is functioning in a systematically inefficient way but interprets any innovative solutions for improvement or change put forward by the Inspirational as personal criticism.
Working from home for the High D: The High Ds are well-suited to working at home. Decisive, competitive and
task-oriented, they are naturally driven to succeed in any environment. They are innovative and driven and are
naturally inclined to develop creative strategies for making telecommuting work for them. They do not have any problem
taking charge of themselves or their projects and are excellent at independently setting goals and prioritizing
responsibilities. As they hate being micromanaged, they love the amount of control that working from home affords them
over their projects.
There is a certain degree of isolation, however, inherent in working from home to which High Ds do not respond well.
As a natural-born leader, being alone in a home office prevents that aptitude from flourishing. Because they love to
get things done on their own, there is also a danger that they will lose the ability to harmoniously collaborate.
Before sending out emails, they should think about their tone and remember to continually solicit and consider the
input of others. High Ds must work to keep other people in the loop and not to become too much of an “island.”
As a Project Manager: Category B - Both a leader and follower. Fiddles with new methods.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 2.33% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Risky. Choose a Category A. Debating about the project will become the project.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will show you that they are the iconoclasts that challenge you to see more alternatives and possibilities in life. They are not afraid to try something out of the ordinary and they encourage others to do the same. When you feel like you have exhausted all your solutions, they will challenge you to look at things from a brand new angle you had not thought of before. They do not let people stay in a comfortable bubble if they are fooling themselves with false ideas and narrow views. They will make you aware of all the possibilities in the world around you – and you will be grateful for it in the long run.
Problem Solving Method: The Inspirational will consider any patterns or connections formed by the existing facts as the first step. “What are the possibilities?”, “What beside the obvious can we discover?”, “What are the big-picture ramifications of the problem?”. They will collect a range of alternatives and critically analyse them using their auxiliary process, Introverted Thinking. They will take apart the problem and try to arrange it in a framework where all the connections are found and analysed. They will weigh the facts, use logic to determine the cause of the problem and likely effect, look at the pros and cons and try to come up with an innovative, creative way to solve the problem.
Problem Solving Weakness: Can get so caught up brainstorming creative new ways to solve the problem that they miss more simplistic, tried-and-true approaches that would save time. They can also be so focussed on the logical solution that they miss seeing the human element and the values of the people involved in the problem or conflict.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Very effective; but has to ensure that the myriad of possibilities do not actually become the problem. e.g. If you are up to your ass in alligators, they have to remember that the project is no longer about better methods of draining the swamp.
Attitude towards the rules: "I have discovered that these rules are not actually fulfilling their purpose; allow me to explain why and watch me prove them wrong."
Attitude towards authority: "I have a standing appointment with the CEO so I can brief my own boss on what is wrong with, together with what is happening in, the company, this week."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist and Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Inspirational in the Orifice™: Has worked at every position in the company. Is now the company’s Legal Counsel. Knowledgeable, charismatic, energetic and argues just for fun.
Fun Description of the Inspirational as a Computer Programmer™: "But you still have failed to present evidence that hacking is fundamentally morally corrupt. Of course it is a socially accepted norm that civilization has placed upon us but, when you think about it from a universal perspective, is it not just a strategic maneuver to compete within an economy?"
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Inspirational is usually too busy to remember the insignificant detail of setting up their out of office message before jetting off for their holidays. Typically being a work-a-holic, the autoresponder is unnecessary anyway, as they will reply to important emails straight away regardless of whatever holiday festivities they are attending. If it is not important, they will still check their email but do not expect any replies. If an Inspirational does remember to set up their away message, the message is either blank or straight to the point simply stating, "I’m out of the office" or "See you next year".
5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Compassionate Facilitator. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Nonexistent leadership material, or common vision of change, social reforms and causes.
Style: Compassionate and skilled at finding and communicating creative solutions. Like to work cooperatively and need a lot of appreciative feedback. Very sensitive, so be gentle with feedback and help them develop supportive relationships with coworkers.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Persuader often is not good at keeping their distance and tend to run over people and interfere. They do not try to do these things intentionally and they really do care about the people around them.
How to work with this pattern:
This pattern is a people-focused diplomat and tends to forget their own needs in favour of the greater good and
that can sometimes be detrimental – not just in terms of burnout, but also when completing their own tasks.
However the positives vastly outweigh any negatives.
It is always a good idea to have them lead group discussions, even if they are not in a leadership role, because they
excel at it. They should be your go-to Zoom meeting host and at the heart of any situation involving discussion, consensus
and the bringing together of people and ideas.
Leadership style of the High I: Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.
Leadership strength zone and why: Influencing - High I and High D.
Pithy leadership style description: Passionate. Transactional. Spineless.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Socialist Leader. Along with the Promoter.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They have a talent to help students or to train employees. They encourage people to grow into their potential. Their biggest strength is their belief in others. They think every person has untapped potential, which is not the case. They can lead a protest etc. but you would be game to have them lead your business or the armed services.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Good boss' turned Bad boss'. This pattern can have the following characteristics. Encouraging,
insightful, imaginative, creatively inclined, intuitive, idealistic, passionate, nurturing.
It is somewhat unexpected that they can become disheartened and even critical of the seemingly insulting tag,
'spineless'. Neither would one guess they can become quite adversarial, because they are 'people-people'.
These are the 'good boss' turned 'bad boss'.
They are predisposed to like people and can bring many gifts and natural talents to the role of
managing and leading but by nurturing and empowering others. These are people-people' who tend
to have a good understanding of what makes people tick. Were this the sum of it, every organization
in the country would be fighting to hire them. They can pull off making everything all right in the
organization and everyone happy.
But they are not a 'nice boss'. They are 'spineless' because of their limited toughness for the
inevitable butting-of-heads that is so common in work teams of diverse make-up.
Worst working environment: An outfit that is cut throat and competitive where collaboration by the Persuader is frowned upon and employees are pitted against one another in order to succeed.
Working from home for the High I: High Is are not naturally suited to working at home. A classic
extrovert, they crave being around other people and can lose motivation when isolated at home. Also, they do not
place a high priority on organization and can easily become overwhelmed by the structured demands of telecommuting.
Setting goals, creating to-do lists, keeping track of billable hours and staying focussed in a quiet environment
can be overwhelming.
However, there are less distractions for a High I to deal with in a home environment. Working from home takes
social diversions out of the equation and can directly increase productivity They must be careful to set personal
boundaries and good work habits, though. Trying to work with friends or family nearby will be incredibly difficult.
There are several other ways that a High I can make working from home more manageable. The best advice is this:
stay connected. Go into the office on a weekly or monthly basis to have face-to-face meetings with your boss
or co-workers. When this is not possible, be sure to utilize networking tools that allow you to directly talk
to others, such as Zoom. The High I must be careful in using social networking only as a way to collaborate and
not allow it to become a distraction.
As a Project Manager: Category B - Both a leader and follower. Focus is on people and emotion.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 3.49& combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Risky. Choose a Category A. Be prepared to expend a lot of effort to keep your Persuader on track.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will remind you of their unconditional love and the potential they see in you when the world feels lonely and you are lacking self-confidence. They will not hesitate to tell you how much they care about you and they will point out all the beautiful things about yourself that you may have become blind to. They will remind you of your value, purpose and significance. Having this kind of reassurance and loyalty will bring out the best in you because they will not let you give up on yourself.
Problem Solving Method: The Persuader will first look at the urgent personal needs of the people involved. They also consider their own personal values and how to approach the problem while staying in tune with those values. They will want to find a solution that is as close to a win-win for every party involved. They will also look for any underlying patterns or meanings that might be hidden from plain view. “What are people not saying?”, “What patterns and connections are not obvious that might be creating this problem?”. They will try to find a solution quickly that has positive long-term implications for people.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Persuader can become so fixated on bringing the environment back to a place of harmony that they “rush” the process and create a solution that does not truly meet their needs. They can also be so focussed on the people involved and the underlying patterns that they miss more obvious facts, details and logic.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Not my choice; they miss the complete picture.
Attitude towards the rules: "Rules are great. They help make us better people. I manipulate you not to break the rules, for your own good, but I bend and break them for my purposes".
Attitude towards authority: "I am the assistant to the Developer. It's my job to make sure that the Developer appears nice. I have a busy job."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist and Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Persuader in the Orifice™: HR administrator and head of the party planning committee. A natural in this role who is charismatic and reliable.
Fun Description of the Persuader as a Computer Programmer™: "Am I ever going to use all this coding knowledge in real life? Probably not. But is learning to code in 24 hours, so I can give an inspirational speech about it, worth it? Absolutely."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Persuader, when they remember to put up their away message, will typically re-use the last 'out of office' message they had previously set up. You will know it's a High I style right away because the responding message will have the dates from their summer vacation two years ago. The Persuader who does take the time to change their away message will use this resource as an opportunity to have some fun and entertain their email solicitors. A link to a JibJab ecard, with their co-workers crafted as dancing elves or some other creative, with an enjoyable holiday meme is sure to elicit a positive response from their peers.
6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Supportive Contributor. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Local community, activities and their welfare.
Style: Sympathetic. One of the most conscientious personality types, often offering help in practical ways. Be positive and supportive while being specific about behaviours or results that you want to see change. Thrive best in friendly environments without much competition or tension. Works best in collaboration with others.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Appraiser is extremely sensitive to the feelings of people around them. Typically they want to make others comfortable. They will not be happy if you act insensitively to the feelings of others.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern makes one of the best project managers, because people love working for them. They are organized, as well as thoughtful, so are ideal for bringing projects together on time. Thanks to their caring, patient nature, they would also be a strong choice for remote inducting of new starters.
Leadership style of the High I: Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.
Leadership strength zone and why: Creating - High I and High C.
Pithy leadership style description: Generous. Coach.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Conservative Leader. Along with the Results.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are the most sociable of the 'Guardians'; the others being Director, Objective Thinker and Practitioner. They only make up ten percent of the population. These leaders supervise the welfare of their communities. They are extraordinary nurturers who oversee social institutions, schools and civic groups. They provide friendly service to meet others' needs.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Traditional boss' who becomes the 'Difficult Boss'. This pattern has a preference for sensing and judging and therefore, by nature are fairly traditional in their approach to life. They like structure and established order and are great respecters of the status quo. As managers are comfortable working in traditionally structured organizations and stress values such as loyalty, punctuality, responsibility and respect.
Worst working environment: An outfit where the Appraiser is forced to analyse impersonal data all day with little interaction or feedback about how they are doing.
Working from home for the High I: High Is are not naturally suited to working at home. A classic
extrovert, they crave being around other people and can lose motivation when isolated at home. Also, they do not
place a high priority on organization and can easily become overwhelmed by the structured demands of telecommuting.
Setting goals, creating to-do lists, keeping track of billable hours and staying focussed in a quiet environment
can be overwhelming.
However, there are less distractions for a High I to deal with in a home environment. Working from home takes
social diversions out of the equation and can directly increase productivity They must be careful to set personal
boundaries and good work habits, though. Trying to work with friends or family nearby will be incredibly difficult.
There are several other ways that a High I can make working from home more manageable. The best advice is this:
stay connected. Go into the office on a weekly or monthly basis to have face-to-face meetings with your boss
or co-workers. When this is not possible, be sure to utilize networking tools that allow you to directly talk
to others, such as Zoom. The High I must be careful in using social networking only as a way to collaborate and
not allow it to become a distraction.
As a Project Manager: Category B - Both a leader and follower. Concentrates on emotional connections.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 4.65% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Risky. Choose a Category A. Will spend too much time collaborating.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will demonstrate that they are known for their level-headedness and loyalty. When you feel like your worries are too small, your accomplishments too meager, or you have a hard time liking yourself, you can depend on them to express how much they value you. They will lend a listening ear (and perhaps a cookie) and make sure that you do not walk away feeling bad about who you are as a person. They will remind you of your accomplishments, talents and how much they believe in you.
Problem Solving Method: The Appraiser will initially look at how the conflict or problem is impacting the people involved. They want to get a handle on the emotions stirring the conflict and the human aspect of the various issues involved. “What personal choices led to the conflict?”, “How will people be impacted by the decisions made?”, “Is there a win-win situation?”. Afterwards, they will look at the historical timeline of the situation. They will try to pin down what led to the conflict or problem in the first place and what sequence of events followed. They will look at their past history to see if there are any lessons that could be applied to the situation.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Appraiser can get so focussed on the human element of the problem at hand that they sidestep the most logical resolution. They can also take criticism personally when there was no ill-will intended. This can cause conflict to escalate instead of de-escalate. They can also focus so much on the present issues that they forget to consider the long-term implications or any hidden meanings that might be important.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Not my choice; misses long term implications.
Attitude towards the rules: "I have bent over backwards to fulfill all the rules. Let me tell you why you had better obey them."
Attitude towards authority: "I do everything that the boss says, without complaining. But when they ask me to fire someone, I will resign to avoid having to do that."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist and Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Appraiser in the Orifice™: Works as the Accounting Manager. Spends their day working one on one with other accountants helping them maintain structure and order. Helps the Developer with accounting matters.
Fun Description of the Appraiser as a Computer Programmer™: "I have been stuck on the first step of this assignment for a while. It says something about moving a mouse, but I do not see any furry creatures around here."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Appraiser, when they remember to put up their away message, will typically re-use the last 'out of office' message they had previously set up. You will know it's a High I style right away because the responding message will have the dates from their summer vacation two years ago. The Appraiser who does take the time to change their away message will use this resource as an opportunity to have some fun and entertain their email solicitors. A link to a JibJab ecard, with their co-workers crafted as dancing elves or some other creative, with an enjoyable holiday meme is sure to elicit a positive response from their peers.
7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Imaginative Motivator. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Nonexistent leadership material or literature and inspirational arts.
Style: Energized by possibility and love the process of formation of ideas or concepts. As feelers, are warm with strong personal values and tend to take things personally. Unlike a thinker-judger, the Promoter will not react well to lots of detailed criticism. When you are giving feedback, leave lots of time for discussion and input. Like many other extroverts, the Promoter likes to work collaboratively, though may (will) clash with their very logical-analytical fact based colleagues.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Promoter has a quirky side that needs to be understood. They have extraordinary minds, yet the cruel world often tries to shut them down. Sometimes this is necessary as they can be nigh on impossible to deal with if toxic.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern excels at both idea-generation and collaborative projects, so they would be a major asset in brainstorming sessions and any big picture thinking. Their weakness is that they are not the best starters or finishers, so deadlines will be an issue. That can be exacerbated when working remotely, when they do not always see messages or respond quickly enough to colleagues. As a result, they often need management effort in order to realize their high creative value. Managers will spend a disproportionate time on the Promoter.
Leadership style of the High I: Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.
Leadership strength zone and why: Influencing - High I and High D.
Pithy leadership style description: Inspirational. Laissez-faire. Spineless.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Socialist Leader. Along with the Persuader.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are rare. They make up three to four percent of the population. Intense experiences are vital as they see life as a drama with good and bad possibilities. They crave meaningful events. They are hopeless leaders who flit from one thing to another and who cannot finish anything.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Good boss' turned 'Bad boss'. This pattern can have the following characteristics. Encouraging,
insightful, imaginative, creatively inclined, intuitive, idealistic, passionate, nurturing.
It is not apparent on first encounters that they can become disheartened and even critical of the seemingly insulting tag,
'spineless'. Neither would one guess they can become quite adversarial, because they are 'people-people'.
They are predisposed to like people and can bring many gifts and natural talents to the role of
managing and leading but by nurturing and empowering others. These are 'people-people' who tend
to have a good understanding of what makes people tick. Were this the sum of it, every organization
in the country would be fighting to hire them. They can pull off making everything all right in the
organization and everyone happy.
But they are not a 'nice boss'. They are 'spineless' because of their limited concentration span, their inability
to complete tasks and the
inevitable butting-of-heads that is so common in work teams of diverse make-up which may cause them to
become toxic and potentially 200% evil.
Worst working environment: An outfit run by an immoral management team where any pushback about the unfair working conditions could serve as a CLM - Career Limiting Move - for the Promoter.
Working from home for the High I: High Is are not naturall
y suited to working at home. A classic
extrovert, they crave being around other people and can lose motivation when isolated at home. Also, they do not
place a high priority on organization and can easily become overwhelmed by the structured demands of telecommuting.
Setting goals, creating to-do lists, keeping track of billable hours and staying focussed in a quiet environment
can be overwhelming.
However, there are less distractions for a High I to deal with in a home environment. Working from home takes
social diversions out of the equation and can directly increase productivity They must be careful to set personal
boundaries and good work habits, though. Trying to work with friends or family nearby will be incredibly difficult.
There are several other ways that a High I can make working from home more manageable. The best advice is this:
stay connected. Go into the office on a weekly or monthly basis to have face-to-face meetings with your boss
or co-workers. When this is not possible, be sure to utilize networking tools that allow you to directly talk
to others, such as Zoom. The High I must be careful in using social networking only as a way to collaborate and
not allow it to become a distraction.
As a Project Manager: Category D - Totally unsuited. Too much speculation of the future.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 5.81% combined male and female. (This is bad selection).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Your project will never be finished. You may be okay if you are part of a Promoter's support team. But you must never ever select a Promoter to manage a project. Trust us!
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will demonstrate that they are known for believe in exploring all of their options before settling. When it comes to people and relationships, they surround themselves with people who they see as valuable and authentic. When it comes to the people they care about, they will not let you settle for less than you deserve. They want you to have the best options in life and they will help guard you from friends or relationships that are changing you into something that you are not. They will not let you settle, sell yourself short or disappear behind the pressure of your friends.
Problem Solving Method: The Promoter will initially try to see if there are any underlying implications or patterns that caused the problem that are not immediately obvious. Then they will check into their value system to see how they feel about the problem and what they feel is the ethically right course of action. They will try to make sure everyone involved in the conflict or problem is heard, that nobody’s values are being ignored or violated and that nobody is being rushed into a decision that is not right for them. They will also try to step outside the box to see if there are any possibilities or creative resolutions to consider.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Promoter can get so caught up in looking for a creative resolution or a new, innovative answer that they ignore using tried-and-true approaches that might be simpler or faster. They can also focus so much on the human aspect of a decision or problem that they lose sight of the most logical and objective approach. However, they tend to develop a stronger, logical focus the more they develop and mature. Oxor is unsure of this last sentence.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: A disaster; they fcuk around like a spare prick at a wedding.
Attitude towards the rules: "Oops. I did not realise that there were rules and I seem to have accidentally broken them. I think I am too sweet to be punished."
Attitude towards authority: "Oh, my god! Is somebody in charge? I had no idea."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Promoter in the Orifice™: The company’s top Sales Executive. Also a musician. Popular and friendly. Not practical, annoys the Enhancer but cannot be fired because they bring in so much business.
Fun Description of the Promoter as a Computer Programmer™: "I wonder if I type my code to the beat of ‘Fireflies’ if fireflies will come out of my computer screen and whisk me off into a magical land full of binary software wonderland."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Promoter, when they remember to put up their away message, will typically re-use the last 'out of office' message they had previously set up. You will know it's a High I style right away because the responding message will have the dates from their summer vacation two years ago. The Promoter who does take the time to change their away message will use this resource as an opportunity to have some fun and entertain their email solicitors. A link to a JibJab ecard, with their co-workers crafted as dancing elves or some other creative, with an enjoyable holiday meme is sure to elicit a positive response from their peers. Example: I'm on holiday until 14th January, 2020. If you need to reach me, travel to my homeland of NSW. On the highest peak of the tallest mountain, you will find a rare flower. When you understand that flower, you will know how to reach me. Trust me, You will know. If your message requires a response faster than that, please email my Manager, Elizabeth Hunter™, on If you want to make sure that your message gets a response asap upon my return, please send it again on January 14th, 2020. I recommend that you use one of our free sales tools to schedule it right now while you are thinking about it.
8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Enthusiastic Improviser. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Showbusiness - Actors, musicians, hosts etc.
Style: Down-to-earth and flexible, the Counselor in your life probably goes out of the way to avoid conflict. They are observers: noticing and remembering details about conversations and people. Want to establish personal relationships in the office and in life, including with you, so make sure you take the time to talk about something other than work before giving feedback. Your feedback should be sincere and interactive, but also diplomatic. As a sensor-feeler, the Counselor is particularly sensitive.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Counselor wants very much to entertain the people around them and are the party animal. They put in a lot of effort to make sure that the people around them are happy. Show them that they are appreciated and you may discover them to be a great person.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern needs to be given time to sparkle in front of others, so remote working can drain them. Wherever possible, get them involved in videos, voiceovers, podcasts or any project that involves creative performance. They will also be superb in remote pitches, as they will bring a persuasive energy which could otherwise be lacking via a computer screen.
Leadership style of the High I: Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.
Leadership strength zone and why: Relating - High I and High S.
Pithy leadership style description: Charismatic. Democratic.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Lobbyist and Campaigner. Along with the Inspirational.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They have a unique ability to engage others with their warmth and good humour. These leaders have extraordinary skills in music, comedy and drama. But cannot lead much else. They are exciting an fun. They help stimulate employees by lightening them up when they are worried.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Practical boss' turned Unruly boss'. The combination of sensing with perceiving leads to a temperament which is practical and hands on and which values room for manoeuvre, spontaneity and risk-taking. This manager has their feet firmly on the ground, but they value creativity and can be fairly unconventional and opportunistic in their approach. They are often at their best when dealing with a crisis.
The Counselor boss is at their best when the emergency is about over or when the team is exhausted and depleted and in
need of a pick-me-up. Interested in serving others and focussed on the immediate needs of people, they are down to earth
and practical; very able to take care of the basic needs. They are people-oriented and will liven things up, but tend to
forget to tend to their own needs.
The Counselor boss does not handle conflict well at all. Any sort of criticism is taken personally, as against their character,
and so may react with anger and harsh words that they will later regret. If they could try to take the criticism just a
bit more constructively, they could reduce some of the sting. Leading with their well-developed common sense and practical
ability, they know exactly what supplies and equipment are needed and have the First-Aid kit ready. They are resistant,
though to standard procedures and dislike theory and impersonal analysis and so will resist rules and discussions about
abstract ideas and analysis.
Living for the moment, the Counselor boss can be kept happy with new experiences, though they may punish those who obstruct
their freedom. Likely to be the centre of attention in social situations, they are fun-loving and make things more fun
for others by their own enjoyment in most anything. After only a short time with a Counselor boss, however, while they are
clearly interested in serving others, the question comes to mind, "Can you please stop socializing ... just for a moment?"
Accordingly, they are not the ones to be a very good boss.
Worst working environment: An outfit with virtually no corporate culture where the Counselor does not interact with others and the day-to-day tasks rarely change.
Working from home for the High I: High Is are not naturally suited to working at home. A classic
extrovert, they crave being around other people and can lose motivation when isolated at home. Also, they do not
place a high priority on organization and can easily become overwhelmed by the structured demands of telecommuting.
Setting goals, creating to-do lists, keeping track of billable hours and staying focussed in a quiet environment
can be overwhelming.
However, there are less distractions for a High I to deal with in a home environment. Working from home takes
social diversions out of the equation and can directly increase productivity They must be careful to set personal
boundaries and good work habits, though. Trying to work with friends or family nearby will be incredibly difficult.
There are several other ways that a High I can make working from home more manageable. The best advice is this:
stay connected. Go into the office on a weekly or monthly basis to have face-to-face meetings with your boss
or co-workers. When this is not possible, be sure to utilize networking tools that allow you to directly talk
to others, such as Zoom. The High I must be careful in using social networking only as a way to collaborate and
not allow it to become a distraction.
As a Project Manager: Category D - Totally unsuited. You will discover that too much time is spent
chatting to people.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 3.49% combined male and female. (This is a worry).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Your project will be very late indeed.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will show you that they are outspoken, expressive and fearless. They bring out the confidence in others by showing them not to care what other people think. They encourage open expression and raw authenticity and will create a safe atmosphere where people feel that they can be 100% themselves. They also know how to find the humour in everyday situations and they encourage you to find your own sense of freedom, bravery and spontaneity.
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Level 1: Gets Along with best: Achiever, Director and Results
Problem Solving Method: The Counselor mixes practicality with empathy when it comes to problem-solving. First, they look at the current situation and determine what need is most urgent. Then they look at the knowable facts involved. “What do we know 100% to be true?”, “What tangible, concrete facts are evident?”. Then they consider their values and what is important to them, as well as what is important to the other people in the equation. They want to make sure nobody’s core values are being violated or ignored. Then they try to find an efficient solution that will respect those values. They try to maintain an easy-going, “we can do this” demeanor during the process.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Counselor can sidestep the most logical solution when they get too focussed on what would provide immediate results. They can also take things personally during personal conflicts, getting constructive criticism mixed up with a personal attack when there was no ill-will intended. This can lead to the problem escalating instead of de-escalating.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Not good. Risks of the problem escalating are not a desired outcome.
Attitude towards the rules: "Is there a fine for breaking the rules? I will just pay that. I break rules for fun."
Attitude towards authority: "I do not care what the Board says, as long as I remain as President of the Social Club."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Counselor in the Orifice™: Works as the Public Relations Officer. Spends time in front of the cameras and working with teams. Everyone likes them.
Fun Description of the Counselor as a Computer Programmer™: "Hey guys! I am so glad all twenty of you could come over and help me with this programming assignment. Let’s all alternate typing one letter at a time. Now this is what I call teamwork!"
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Counselor, when they remember to put up their away message, will typically re-use the last 'out of office' message they had previously set up. You will know it's a High I style right away because the responding message will have the dates from their summer vacation two years ago. The Counselor who does take the time to change their away message will use this resource as an opportunity to have some fun and entertain their email solicitors. A link to a JibJab ecard, with their co-workers crafted as dancing elves or some other creative, with an enjoyable holiday meme is sure to elicit a positive response from their peers.
9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Versatile Supporter. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Visual arts.
Style: Very private, appear shy and detached. Observant,sensitive and like to see the best in others. Do best in a supportive environment and are easily hurt by harsh feedback. Can be 'do nothing' leaders. Likes to work independently, but near supportive people with whom the Specialist has a good relationship. Like other sensors, needs specific facts, details and accountability.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Specialist is probably the hardest type to disagree with. Honestly, just respect them and their feelings and you should be good to go.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern likes to live in the moment and can become completely wrapped up in their work. Working from home and without colleagues physically monitoring them can cause burn out quite easily, so they need to be reminded to take an hour for lunch and finish the working day at a reasonable time. Their energy is an asset, but it sometimes needs to be harnessed and directed in the right direction by others.
Leadership style of the High S: Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.
Leadership strength zone and why: Processing - High S and High C.
Pithy leadership style description: Sensitive. Servant.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Social Democrat. Along with the Practitioner.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are in touch with their senses. They know what belongs and what does not in artworks. They have excellent people skills that do not translate into leadership. They also work well with tools. They can tell the subtle differences in tone, texture, aroma and colour. They work long hours on their art. These individuals are just as impulsive as the Results, Achiever and Counselor.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Practical boss' turned Unruly boss'. The combination of sensing with perceiving leads to a temperament which is practical and hands on and which values room for manoeuvre, spontaneity and risk-taking. This manager has their feet firmly on the ground, but they value creativity and can be fairly unconventional and opportunistic in their approach. They are often at their best when dealing with a crisis.
Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind the Specialist does not like conflict or change and is not likely to do things which
may generate conflict or change. They are very loyal and faithful to the team. They will be the first to respond in kindness
and gently assuage the tensions of the moment.
They have extremely well-developed senses and therefore find joy in a greater aesthetic appreciation for beauty than other
types. They are not at all interested in leading or controlling others and only do so if they can clearly see a way to
improve things. Their flexibility and open-mindedness lends to the likelihood of being more original and creative.
The Specialist bosses and managers are in the middle of the organization's activity of the moment. They can be beautiful
to watch when with confidence and competence they are able to be the first responders of the team to the immediate
situation at hand. But remember they are not interested in leading and should be in a follower role.
Worst working environment: An outfit that expects the Specialist to be highly self-motivated but only gets praised for the completion of dull, uncreative projects.
Working from home for the High S: The High S is hardworking and reliable. When given the opportunity to work
from home, they will often be initially resistant to the change. However, given time to adjust to the new environment,
they can be trusted to get the job done.
They are focussed and steady and will often lose themselves in their work. It is very common for a High S to work through
lunch without even realizing that they are hungry. With that in mind, those that work at home must avoid “burn out”
by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the computer. They will be more productive in the long run by
observing regularly-scheduled breaks throughout the day.
The High S must make sure that they understand the goals and roles that go along with working from home. There will be
a temptation to establish a routine and comfortably follow it until someone tells you differently. To be truly
successful, they must consciously focus on taking initiative and developing assertiveness. They must stay connected through
email, phone and chat programs. They must speak up and let others know what they are thinking, feeling and doing.
This can be difficult for the conflict-adverse High S, but necessary.
As a Project Manager: Category D - Totally unsuited. Will not conform to set down path.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 2.33% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Specialists are adverse to change and a project is all about making or doing something or achieving an end. Nothing will happen and you will be tearing your hair out.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will show you that they blend rebelliousness with gentleness and empathy. They bring out the resilience and individuality in others. They teach you that you should not live your life half-heartedly because, if you do, what is the point? They encourage you to embrace your unique dreams and to ignore the naysayers along the way. They also have a gift for bringing out an emotional depth and sincerity in people, because honesty is the most practical way of communicating, in their eyes.
Problem Solving Method: The Specialist is gifted at considering everyone’s core values when they try to solve a problem. They first consider, “What feels right to me?”, “How are my values being impacted by this conflict?”. Then they consider the other people involved. They want to make sure nobody’s integrity or values are being ignored or violated in the midst of resolutions. Then they will look at the facts. “What do I know to be true, regardless of beliefs and personal opinions?”, “What concrete, current information might I be missing?”.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Specialist can become so focussed on how the problem is impacting them or others personally that they struggle to find a logical solution. They can also forget to brainstorm and look at numerous possible resolutions and possibilities. They may become hyper-focused on just one solution and be unable to see other perspectives.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Ineffective. Are deficient in logic and cannot see the wood for the trees.
Attitude towards the rules: "What rules? It is okay because I do not think that anyone has noticed."
Attitude towards authority: "Who are the bosses? I have never met any of them."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Specialist in the Orifice™: Works on the Product Design team creating beautiful designs. Quit for a while to pursue their art but the Perfectionist convinced them to come back, giving them more flexibility. The Enhancer does not like it, but appreciates the designs they create.
Fun Description of the Specialist as a Computer Programmer™: "Now that the code is working, it is time for the real fun to begin. I am going to space all the letters out so all the code together looks like a giant Mona Lisa art-piece."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Specialist is stable and loves to give their out of office messages a personal touch to make sure their receivers know they are important by apologising for not being available and will have a response back as soon as possible. They might even add in a pretty Christmas image or a holiday family photo to spread the joy of the season to their colleagues or customers. Unlike the High D patterns, the Specialist will not be checking their emails while away from the office so they want to make sure their contacts receive an email that shows that it is important to take time off work to enjoy the holidays with loved ones.
10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Insightful Visionary. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Nonexistent leadership material or spiritual of some sort.
Style: Is hardworking and perceptive. Investigators take the time to reflect and can be perfectionists. Integrity and convictions are important. The Investigator likes to be prepared, so request meetings in advance and specify the topic. When giving feedback, keep your pace slow and allow the Investigator time to reflect and develop their response. Beware that they can confuse facts and beliefs and can be tactless.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Investigator is often thinking and coming up with many ideas. Their ideas are often shot down by others so it is often worthwhile to try to learn and respect what they think.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern can be the ace up your sleeve given that the entire hiring process is considerably more difficult in a remote world. They tend to be excellent judges of character, so it would be a major asset to have them sit in on virtual interviews. Just do not put them centre stage in any Zoom meetings if you can avoid it: they do not thrive on attention and work far better behind the scenes.
Leadership style of the High S: Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.
Leadership strength zone and why: Persisting - High S and High D.
Pithy leadership style description: Perceptive.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Fascist Dictator. Along with the Director.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They contribute to other people's welfare. Personal interactions fulfill them. They nurture others' development to help them achieve their potential. They enjoy jobs that require detailed attention and solitude. These people also do well with other people provided their interactions are not superficial. They need quiet time and privacy to recharge their batteries. They can be a determined leader but can also be on the wrong path entirely which can cause issues.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Good boss' turned 'Bad boss'. This pattern can have the following characteristics. Encouraging,
insightful, imaginative, creatively inclined, intuitive, idealistic, passionate, nurturing.
It is not expected they can become disheartened and even critical of the seemingly insulting tag,
'spineless'. Neither would one guess they can become quite adversarial, because they are 'people-people', but yes they can!
They are predisposed to like people and can bring many gifts and natural talents to the role of
managing and leading but by nurturing and empowering others. These are 'people-people' who tend
to have a good understanding of what makes people tick. Were this the sum of it, every organization
in the country would be fighting to hire them. They can pull off making everything all right in the
organization and everyone happy.
But they are not a 'nice boss'. They are 'spineless' because of their limited toughness for the
inevitable butting-of-heads that is so common in work teams of diverse make-up.
Worst working environment: An outfit that exploits honest customers in order to make money and treats the Invsetigator like a replaceable commodity.
Working from home for the High S: The High S is hardworking and reliable. When given the opportunity to work
from home, they will often be initially resistant to the change. However, given time to adjust to the new environment,
they can be trusted to get the job done.
They are focussed and steady and will often lose themselves in their work. It is very common for a High S to work through
lunch without even realizing that they are hungry. With that in mind, those that work at home must avoid “burn out”
by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the computer. They will be more productive in the long run by
observing regularly-scheduled breaks throughout the day.
The High S must make sure that they understand the goals and roles that go along with working from home. There will be
a temptation to establish a routine and comfortably follow it until someone tells you differently. To be truly
successful, they must consciously focus on taking initiative and developing assertiveness. They must stay connected through
email, phone and chat programs. They must speak up and let others know what they are thinking, feeling and doing.
This can be difficult for the conflict-adverse High S, but necessary.
As a Project Manager: Category C - A follower. Drained by the conflict involved.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 1.16% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Will be better with a leader. You will find that the fast pace might be a bit overwhelming at times.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will show you that when you need a friend to empathize with your struggles while helping you find your path in life, they will be the perfect guide. When you are on a one-way road to destruction or stagnancy, they will remind you of the implications or amazing possibilities you could experience in the future. More focussed on tomorrow than today, they can easily predict how things will play out. Their visionary focus on potential future outcomes can make them inspire you or mentor you, guiding you towards fulfilling futures or away from paths that might lead to pain or loss.
Problem Solving Method: The Investigator will speculate on patterns and connections formed by the facts. “How is everything connected?”, “What underlying meanings and causes are we missing?”, “What are the long-term implications of this problem?”. They may spend quite a bit of time ruminating over this information and looking for problems or solutions that are not immediately obvious. Then they will consider the needs of the people involved and try to find a solution that meets everyone’s needs and maintains harmony. They are good at finding 'win-win' compromises in personal conflicts.
Problem Solving Weakness: As the Investigator is so focussed on harmony, they can rush conflict-resolution too quickly and not get their actual needs met or the problem solved adequately. They can also get so focussed on finding the underlying meaning of the problem and seeing where everything is connected that they over-complicate the issue and make it more complex than it needs to be.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Rushing, together with over complication causes less than optimum outcomes.
Attitude towards the rules: "These rules are not benefiting me. I am rebelling and making up my own rules or I am changing them."
Attitude towards authority: "The bosses are as corrupt as their bulltish power structures."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Investigator in the Orifice™: Originally a Content Writer but, after being promoted, they quit and now consult as a Life Coach. Creative and inspiring.
Fun Description of the Investigator as a Computer Programmer™: "I do not understand the point of all this. How is creating computer code going to change the world for the better?"
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Investigator is stable and loves to give their out of office messages a personal touch to make sure their receivers know they are important by apologising for not being available and will have a response back as soon as possible. They might even add in a pretty Christmas image or a holiday family photo to spread the joy of the season to their colleagues or customers. Unlike the High D patterns, the Investigator will not be checking their emails while away from the office so they want to make sure their contacts receive an email that shows that it is important to take time off work to enjoy the holidays with loved ones.
11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Thoughtful Idealist. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Nonexistent leadership material, or Joan of Arc type of crusade for freedom and moral rights.
Style: Powerfully intuitive, feeling, and perceiving, is one of the most perceptive personality types. They are committed to projects and ideals. Connect on a personal level, and don’t forget to keep your energy in check. Allow Agents time to process information and be sure to give them time to express their feelings and ideas about projects, especially in meetings with more extroverted colleagues.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Agent on the inside is frail and need to be supported. Also, they are constantly trying to support you and make others happy and, because of that, they often feel emotionally drained and can appear 'permanently miserable'.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern tends to have very deep-seated values, which can cause problems because frustrations can stew when they are offended. This is amplified when working remotely as grievances can linger for longer, so managers need to encourage them to get any concerns out into the open. Otherwise, the key to getting the best out of this pattern is to encourage and reinforce meaning in their work. In other words, if their projects align with their values, they can be an unstoppable force.
Leadership style of the High S: Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.
Leadership strength zone and why: Relating - High I and High S.
Pithy leadership style description: Sincere. Servant. Spineless
Leadership style in a general political sense: Liberal Independent. Along with the Achiever.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They present a serene, calm face to the world. They appear shy, yet they are not serene. They have a capacity for compassion rarely found in other patterns. They care deeply about the inner lives of a few special people. These individuals are passionate about healing conflict that divides others. They seek wholeness and health for themselves, others and the world. A non leader.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Good boss' turned Bad boss'.This pattern can have the following characteristics. Encouraging,
insightful, imaginative, creatively inclined, intuitive, idealistic, passionate, nurturing.
It is not expected they can become disheartened and even critical of the seemingly insulting tag,
'spineless'. Neither would one guess they can become quite adversarial, because they are 'people-people'.
They are predisposed to like people and can bring many gifts and natural talents to the role of
managing and leading but by nurturing and empowering others. These are 'people-people' who tend
to have a good understanding of what makes people tick. Were this the sum of it, every organization
in the country would be fighting to hire them. They can pull off making everything all right in the
organization and everyone happy.
But they are not a 'nice boss'. They are 'spineless' because of their limited toughness for the
inevitable butting-of-heads that is so common in work teams of diverse make-up.
Worst working environment: A stuffy outfit that contributes nothing of meaning to society and frowns upon any sort of creative problem solving offered by the Agent.
Working from home for the High S: The High S is hardworking and reliable. When given the opportunity to work
from home, they will often be initially resistant to the change. However, given time to adjust to the new environment,
they can be trusted to get the job done.
They are focussed and steady and will often lose themselves in their work. It is very common for a High S to work through
lunch without even realizing that they are hungry. With that in mind, those that work at home must avoid “burn out”
by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the computer. They will be more productive in the long run by
observing regularly-scheduled breaks throughout the day.
The High S must make sure that they understand the goals and roles that go along with working from home. There will be
a temptation to establish a routine and comfortably follow it until someone tells you differently. To be truly
successful, they must consciously focus on taking initiative and developing assertiveness. They must stay connected through
email, phone and chat programs. They must speak up and let others know what they are thinking, feeling and doing.
This can be difficult for the conflict-adverse High S, but necessary.
As a Project Manager: Category D - Totally unsuited. Imagination too out of control.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 0% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Chaos is inevitable. Agents are extremely difficult to manage as they are truly the hapless space cadets who whinge and play the 'martyr'. In a former life, I was prepared to run my team one short in preference to have an Agent occupy the vacant position. My Director boss was aghast.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will gently encourage you to do things that align with your core values and needs. They will not let you compromise your ideals in order to get ahead or fit in. These types will gently remind you of who you really are and will show you the value of doing your own thing over pleasing the crowd. As quiet rebels, they encourage you to shirk the societal mold and live according to your moral compass and individual beliefs.
Problem Solving Method: The Agent will immediately check into their inner value system to see where they stand. Do they agree or disagree with anything related to the problem? What core values are at stake (if any)? How are other people’s values being impacted? They will then look at the problem to see if there are any unseen implications and connections that might have been missed. “What are the possible solutions?”, “What unusual or creative solutions pop into my head?”. They want to make sure everyone has a chance to feel heard adequately before they try to narrow down a decision.
Problem Solving Weakness: Agents can become so fixated on the value-implications and harmony of everyone involved that they miss seeing logical, effective pathways to resolution. They also can become so focused on the big-picture, intuitive outcomes that they skip over details that might be important.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: The worst choice. The hapless Space Cadet.
Attitude towards the rules: "I am blissfully unaware that there are any rules. The rules are so unfair."
Attitude towards authority: "I sit behind the Promoter and do not look up until the Promoter says something. I did not realise there was a power structure in place in this office."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Agent in the Orifice™: The Employee Counsellor. Helps employees become better at their job and enables them to work through issues. Spends time writing their book at work. Sadly, they are seen by many people as a lazy sloth who cannot be bothered to lift a finger to work on a single project.
Fun Description of the Agent as a Computer Programmer™: "Looks like that’s a wrap. Wait, no. What happened here? Looks like I accidentally typed a 10-page love letter to my imaginary significant other instead."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Agent is stable and loves to give their out of office messages a personal touch to make sure their receivers know they are important by apologising for not being available and will have a response back as soon as possible. They might even add in a pretty Christmas image or a holiday family photo to spread the joy of the season to their colleagues or customers. Unlike the High D patterns, the Agent will not be checking their emails while away from the office so they want to make sure their contacts receive an email that shows that it is important to take time off work to enjoy the holidays with loved ones.
12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Logical Pragmatist. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Themselves, trades.
Style: Very realistic, a quiet pragmatist who is guided more by practical considerations than by ideals. Largely even-tempered, likes practical work as opposed to the ideas and theories preferred by intuitive personality types. Like many introverts, prefers to work independently with minimal supervision. They respond well to concrete tasks and problems with clear accountability.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Appraiser can seem very cold and careless on the surface. They can get written off as very rude and mean but they are very caring. They do appreciate people being upfront with them.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern will likely feel the impact of missed day-to-day interactions with their teams most of all, so they will benefit from scheduled one-on-one digital meetings to maintain drive and focus. They tend to excel at troubleshooting, so in a remote work environment they can be a major tech asset. They are very good at test driving new tools and navigating software, but they also lose focus easily. They are the team member most likely to turn off their camera in a meeting, open another window and start surfing the net – so they do need to be managed.
Leadership style of the High S: Leadership has been defined as the ability to hide your panic from others.
Leadership strength zone and why: Persisting - High S and High D.
Pithy leadership style description: Tactical. Transactional.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Liberal Independent. Along with the Agent.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are masters of machinery. They only make up ten percent of the population. They start learning their profession while they are young. They operate tools, equipment and machinery of all kinds. they are the tradie. It is difficult to get to know them. Can lead in an immediate sense rather than a long-term sense.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Practical boss' turned 'Unruly boss'. The combination of sensing with perceiving leads to a temperament which is practical and hands on and which values room for manoeuvre, spontaneity and risk-taking. This manager has their feet firmly on the ground, but they value creativity and can be fairly unconventional and opportunistic in their approach. They are often at their best when dealing with a crisis.
Quiet and reserved, the Achiever is interested in how and why things work. They excel in mechanical aptitude and skills.
As risk-takers who live for the moment, they are usually interested in and talented at extreme sports and 'extreme' occupations
such as firefighting, for example. They will take the lead in an emergency, but only until things are under control.
The Achiever is very loyal to the team and their peers and to their own internal principles they value. However, they are not
all that concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done with competent efficiency
then so be it. Detached and analytical, they excel at finding the solutions to practical problems and any emergency at hand.
Worst working environment: An outfit that forces the Achiever to be on the front lines fielding customer complaints and politely resolving a series of petty, day-to-day issues.
Working from home for the High S: The High S is hardworking and reliable. When given the opportunity to work
from home, they will often be initially resistant to the change. However, given time to adjust to the new environment,
they can be trusted to get the job done.
They are focussed and steady and will often lose themselves in their work. It is very common for a High S to work through
lunch without even realizing that they are hungry. With that in mind, those that work at home must avoid “burn out”
by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the computer. They will be more productive in the long run by
observing regularly-scheduled breaks throughout the day.
The High S must make sure that they understand the goals and roles that go along with working from home. There will be
a temptation to establish a routine and comfortably follow it until someone tells you differently. To be truly
successful, they must consciously focus on taking initiative and developing assertiveness. They must stay connected through
email, phone and chat programs. They must speak up and let others know what they are thinking, feeling and doing.
This can be difficult for the conflict-adverse High S, but necessary.
As a Project Manager: Category D - Totally unsuited. Becomes drained when others place excessive demands on their time
and resources.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 1.16% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Being workaholics, they will take over things that others should be doing. Terrible delegators are, by definition, not going to be really good PMs.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will help you explore all the options available to you, shedding light on the experiences you might not have noticed before. They help you to adapt to changes without losing your mind, solve problems without getting emotionally derailed and keep a steady head when there is a crisis. They are also strong in the art of teaching practical thinking; they will show you how to change a tyre, win a debate or map out a road trip with all the best stops along the way.
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Achiever in the Orifice™: Hired by the Developer as an Engineer. They were going to quit and start their own business but the Perfectionist moved them to be a systems analyst in their area. Now they do whatever the hell they want, as long as they help the Perfectionist create fixes for problems.
Problem Solving Method: The Achiever breaks down a problem into its many parts and tries to figure out how they are all connected and what mental framework all the details need to go in. Once they have an accurate understanding of how everything happened, they will examine the problem from all angles to see if there are any inconsistencies or breakdowns they might have missed. Then they will weigh the pros and try to separate logic from feeling to make sure they are being unbiased. They want to look at the concrete facts involved. “What do we know, as opposed to what we believe?”, “What is the most reasonable solution?”, “What solution will give the most effective, logical and rewarding result?”. This process may sound time consuming but, in reality, the Achiever is very adept at problem-solving quickly.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Achiever can get so focussed on the facts and impersonal analysis that they miss the very real human elements involved in the conflict. They might offend or belittle people unintentionally by not appreciating their feelings or values in the situation. They might also get so focussed on looking at the facts and details that they bypass seeing a hidden, underlying meaning of why something happened in the first place.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Weakness appear a bit harsh to me based on my experience. A good operator.
Attitude towards the rules: "I ignore the rules. These rules are important for others. If I feel like it, I might just follow along."
Attitude towards authority: "I do not like this rule. Here are six alternatives for you to consider."
Fun Description of the Achiever in the Orifice™: Is the one who will be called on to fix anything that has gone wrong. The paper jam in the copier, the kettle that is broken, when you get stuck in the lift etc.
Fun Description of the Achiever as a Computer Programmer™: "So you want me to create 10 applications from scratch to run diagnostics on all of your organization's software? Okay, let me see. That will take me approximately 2 minutes."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The Achiever is stable and loves to give their out of office messages a personal touch to make sure their receivers know they are important by apologising for not being available and will have a response back as soon as possible. They might even add in a pretty Christmas image or a holiday family photo to spread the joy of the season to their colleagues or customers. Unlike the High D patterns, the Achiever will not be checking their emails while away from the office so they want to make sure their contacts receive an email that shows that it is important to take time off work to enjoy the holidays with loved ones.
13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Practical Helper. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Nonexistent leadership material, caretaker role.
Style: They like facts, but are also very value-oriented when making decisions. Needs a diplomatic manager who sets clear and specific expectations. Is very caring and works well with others, but prefers one-on-one or small group settings for collaboration.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Practitioner is a bit like the Appraiser in that they put in a lot of effort into the people they love. If they put in an effort for you, then they will expect some sort of reciprocation. Just be sure to be there for them when they are in a bad place.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern displays incredible attention to detail, so they are great for checking over others’ work, editing shared documents or looking over pitches and proposals at the final stage. They are also very good at following rules and inspiring others to do the same, so put them in charge of any time tracking software you use – and watch them increase the efficiency of the entire team.
Leadership style of the High C: The problem with being a leader is that you are never quite sure whether you are being followed or being chased.
Leadership strength zone and why: Detailing - High C and High I.
Pithy leadership style description: Thoughtful. Bureaucratic.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Social Democrat. Along with the Specialist.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They seem fulfilled when they shield others from danger. These loyal and responsible people comprise ten percent of the population. They cannot lead. They guard the safety and security of friends, relatives, students, co-workers and bosses.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Traditional boss' who becomes the 'Difficult Boss'. This pattern has a preference for sensing and judging and therefore, by nature are fairly traditional in their approach to life. They like structure and established order and are great respecters of the status quo. As managers are comfortable working in traditionally structured organizations and stress values such as loyalty, punctuality, responsibility and respect.
The Practitioner style is how most people would describe their ideal friend or co-worker. Caring and compassionate,
they have a high level of empathy and often put the needs of others ahead of their own. They tend to be “Introverted Extraverts”
– meaning they are more comfortable being alone, but they can get out and be social when the occasion calls for it.
They have a strong desire to do good and often work in helping roles. They believe in their work and are motivated by
their ability to change the world, or at least part of it.
The biggest downside to working with a Practitioner is that not everyone wants a protector, but the Practitioner does not
seem to realize this. They are always ready and willing to perform a rescue, even when it was not asked for.
Commanding types like the Developer or the Director will likely resent being “protected” by an overbearing Practitioner.
Moreover, due to the desire to help others, they tend to overburden themselves with tasks, completing them only half-heartedly
despite a reputation as a 'hard worker'.
As a result, it is the work colleagues that will have to make up for the work in the end.
The Practitioner is a terrible manager. They are very difficult to get along with as the do not like making decisions if there is conflict. And there
is always conflict in management. The Practitioner will sweep issues under the carpet to think they have been solved
and are the masters of passive-aggressive behaviour.
Oxor's view is that they should always be in a follower role.
Worst working environment: An outfit that fails to provide the Practitioner with specific rules or instructions for the projects they are working on but expects “big things” of them.
Working from home for the High C: The High C is well-suited for working at home.
They are organized and schedule-oriented, which makes timekeeping and goal-setting a breeze.
They are naturally inclined to follow the rules, which keeps them highly focused on accomplishing
the requirements of their job. They also require very little socialization in order to function
well on a daily basis and enjoy the distraction-free solitude that comes from working at home.
When telecommuting, time management is the biggest problem facing the High C. They are meticulous and
thorough and can be perfectionists. Without anyone around to help them gauge how they are spending
their time, they can often become so invested in the minutiae of a project that it takes much longer
than necessary to complete. When working from home, they must keep in mind that getting things done
quickly is often more important than getting them done perfectly.
As a Project Manager: Category C - A follower. Cannot manage inconsistent behaviour.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 1.16% combined male and female. (This is right).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: You need a leader. Too much compromising to avoid conflict makes the Practitioner an extremely poor choice as they want a frictionless space.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will show you that they thrive on harmony and peaceful coexistence with others. They will be concerned about your struggles and hardships, but they will not judge you when you feel weak or incapable. Instead, they will offer suggestions to help give your life a sense of balance. They pay attention to details and know which things will raise your spirits or bring them down. They will remind you to balance your work ethic with rest, time in nature and laughter. They will remind you of your strengths while not judging you for your failures. They bring a sense of steadiness, empathy and common sense to your life.
Problem Solving Method: The Practitioner, in a similar fashion to the OT, analyses the history of the problem or conflict first. They want to know what started the problem, what happened after the problem occurred and then work to create a mental timeline. They also look at their past experience to see if they have any useful lessons they could apply to solve the problem. Then they consider how the conflict situation might impact the people involved. They look at the human elements. “Who will be affected by this problem?”, “What are the personal impacts of this conflict?”, “How can we achieve a win-win situation?”.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Practitioner can get so focussed on the human impacts of the problem that they sidestep the most logical, efficient resolution. They can also get stuck in a comfort zone where they consistently use methods they have learned in the past instead of entertaining new ideas or brainstorming alternate ways to solve the problem that might be better.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: The combination of being stuck in the past and a conflict avoider, who wants everything to be frictionless, automatically makes Practitioners poor problem solvers. Their strategy of solving problems by sweeping them under the carpet is poor. Remember where you heard this.
Attitude towards the rules: "You are breaking the rules. These rules suck but I will go along with them."
Attitude towards authority: "I am weirdly loyal to my bosses despite being somewhat afraid of them."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Practitioner in the Orifice™: Works in Technical Support as they are excellent workers who cannot lead. Helps customers and colleagues overcome challenges. Always remembers birthdays.
Fun Description of the Practitioner as a Computer Programmer™: "Getting the code to work is only 25% of the job. You have also got to make the code look neat and properly comment all the code. And make sure that you are using the most efficient methods possible."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The conscientious Practitioner will make sure they put in all the details necessary for their away messages. How long they will be gone, when they will return and the contact information for all the right people someone might need to reach in their absence is sure to be included. Receivers may even receive a picture of a holiday “Dilbert” comic or “grumpy cat” meme if the Practitioner is feeling particularly festive.
"Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools."
Solon, 640 BC - 558 BC. Athenian statesman, lawmaker and poet. (Appraiser)
14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Responsible Realist. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Household, rule based outfit - military, operations.
♦ Top Military (Only 4 patterns are) but can be a terrible leader due to:
1. Pride, think too highly of themselves, think the only one who can
lead and get things done, always right, the “ends justify the means”;
2. Belligerence, is hostile and aggressive;
3. Dominance, always getting their way no matter what, overwhelms others, runs the
outfit as a dictatorship, disobedience is swiftly and brutally dealt with;
4. Intimidation, bullying, physical, mental or emotional intimidation or threats to get own way.
Style: Serious and meticulous, are driven by facts and hard deadlines. Like plans and reasoning. They can also come off as aloof and unfeeling, especially to extroverted-feelers. As a manager, be straightforward and use objective, logical reasoning for decisions and feedback. Like measurable, tangible achievements. Give autonomy and the time and space to work alone.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the OT constantly insists on tradition being upheld. Often, as much as they want to uphold a tradition for the sake of upholding it, people want to rebel against it for the sake of rebelling. Make sure that when you go against the grain with them, that you have a very good and logical reason to. Their Intuitive Sensing and Extraverted Thinking means that they really do not care about your feelings so make sure you have facts, lots of them and they had better be correct.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern is incredibly well organized, which is a major asset in a remote working environment. They do not need much management or continual checking; just email them a to-do list at the start of the week and you can trust them to quietly get on with it. They would also be the perfect type to organize and streamline any shared space online, from Dropbox to Google Docs.
Leadership style of the High C: The problem with being a leader is that you are never quite sure whether you are being followed or being chased.
Leadership strength zone and why: Processing - High S and High C.
Pithy leadership style description: Detail-oriented. Bureaucratic.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Lobbyist and Campaigner. Along with the Enhancer.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: These are the dutiful leaders who guard institutions. These hard-working people take responsibility for the workers and services they supervise. The excellent Project Manager. They uphold regulations, laws and standards. These leaders enforce institutional procedures. They do not like employees who do not follow the rules.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Traditional boss' who becomes the 'Difficult Boss'. This pattern has a preference for sensing and judging and therefore, by nature are fairly traditional in their approach to life. They like structure and established order and are great respecters of the status quo. As managers are comfortable working in traditionally structured organizations and stress values such as loyalty, punctuality, responsibility and respect.
OTs are often found in the domination of many aspects of
accounting departments, compensation and benefits in HR, legal, operations, real estate, and the maintenance of facilities.
They produce complex reports, chart cash and expenses and pay the bills. If it comes to running the operations on the ground,
they run the show. They can be like the cook in the kitchen and will not let anyone to mess with the recipe. They do not welcome
suggestions from the outside, guarding the gate.
The OT can be beautiful to watch when with confidence and competence as they are able to be the strong leaders of teams. They are a painfully uncreative manager who can have the reputation of a slave driver.
Worst working environment: An outfit where everyone else is fond of slacking, and the OT is held responsible for the team’s output; meaning everything ends up falling on their plate.
Working from home for the High C: The High C is well-suited for working at home.
They are organized and schedule-oriented, which makes timekeeping and goal-setting a breeze.
They are naturally inclined to follow the rules, which keeps them highly focused on accomplishing
the requirements of their job. They also require very little socialization in order to function
well on a daily basis and enjoy the distraction-free solitude that comes from working at home.
When telecommuting, time management is the biggest problem facing the High C. They are meticulous and
thorough and can be perfectionists. Without anyone around to help them gauge how they are spending
their time, they can often become so invested in the minutiae of a project that it takes much longer
than necessary to complete. When working from home, they must keep in mind that getting things done
quickly is often more important than getting them done perfectly.
As a Project Manager: Category A - Most Suitable. Thrives in a well ordered environment.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 8.14% combined male and female. (This is surprisingly low).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Have to watch the 'feelings' aspect but your project is in very safe hands indeed.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will that they may not appear lovey-dovey and exuberant, but their steadiness, honesty and loyalty are deeply valuable. They will stand by you and be there for you through anything, not because they always agree with your decisions, but because they cherish their true friendships. They will give you criticism when you need it because they care about you. They will be a rock of stability when life feels chaotic and undependable. They will remind you that you are not alone and encourage you to take care of the details that will give you a sense of security and logic in life.
Problem Solving Method: The OT starts the problem-solving process by looking at the history and factual background of the problem at hand. “What happened first?”, “What’s the timeline?”, “What does my experience tell me about this person or problem?”. They want to develop a sequential timeline of the problem to understand it. After they create a mental timeline, they look at the facts, procedures and goals that everyone can agree upon. They try to figure out if they have ever encountered a similar problem before and, if so, whether they had any useful techniques that they could use again. They look at the resources needed to solve the problem. They ask themselves “What is the most logical known path that will bring resolution?”.
Problem Solving Weakness: The OT might forget to consider the human element of the problem and might choose a path that does not take into consideration the personal needs of others. They also might get stuck looking at only one tried-and-true solution when there are several better solutions. They can also get so stuck looking at the facts of the problem (analysis paralysis), that they fail to look at the deeper underlying meaning of why it happened.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Make sure the Objective Thinker has more facts than you can imagine and they will be excellent problem solvers.
Attitude towards the rules: "I have completed everything according to the rules. Obey the rules; please do not resist."
Attitude towards authority: "Thank God that someone has a system in place here."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist and Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the OT in the Orifice™: Currently works in marketing as a Data Analyst. Feared in the office due to their strong will and sharp eyes. Maintains order and is on a career path as a Business Administrator. Will later be promoted by the Director.
Fun Description of the OT as a Computer Programmer™: "My fingers have been at the keyboard for a solid 48 hours. May I give them a break in the next 20 hours or so?"
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The conscientious OT will make sure they put in all the details necessary for their away messages. How long they will be gone, when they will return and the contact information for all the right people someone might need to reach in their absence is sure to be included. Receivers may even receive a picture of a holiday “Dilbert” comic or “grumpy cat” meme if the OT is feeling particularly festive.
15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Objective Analyst. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Nonexistent leadership material or very rare Einstein level groundbreaking genius that changes the world.
Style: Skeptical and independent, think creatively but are convinced by logic. Perfectionists are likely the best at finding creative solutions to problems. Motivate with complex assignments and don’t be afraid to encourage their competitive drive. The best way to keep a Perfectionist on side is to give them frequent opportunities to develop and critique new ideas with a small group of colleagues they respect.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Perfectionist will want respect regarding their personal boundaries, but do not be afraid to talk to them about things that involve deep and sometimes abstract issues.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern really needs to be given the freedom to do things in an original way and to be listened to because they come up with the smartest solutions. They are the Brainiacs. Their weak spot is that they often neglect to share decisions and solutions and that trait can become even more pronounced when working from home. If there’s a Perfectionist on your team, encourage them to use shared documents and software as much as possible. A tool like Confluence, for example, would be ideal.
Leadership style of the High C: The problem with being a leader is that you are never quite sure whether you are being followed or being chased.
Leadership strength zone and why: Processing - High S and High C.
Pithy leadership style description: Unconventional. Laissez-faire.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Communist Dictator. Along with the Perfectionist.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are master designers of theoretical systems. They create new technologies, academic curricula and strategies. These ingenious people analyze the world to understand, explain and redesign it. They prefer to structure and organize new systems and lead nothing.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Visionary boss' who becomes the 'Insane Boss'. They can be quite the visionary,
but then seem like one that should be diagnosed as clinically insane (completely nuts)
because of their determination to make it to the goal.
Their temperament is built on power and competency.
They tend to do whatever it takes to achieve the organization's goals; even if that means going
past others, around others ... or over others.
These people who aim for the mountain top accomplish the goals and 'bring in the gold.'
This boss likes loyalty very much and workers who would never dare to mutiny. They expect you to
eat hard tacks and drink brackish water today, but claim it will be lobster and rum tomorrow.
They will get rid of all the incompetent idiots and use their power to sock it to the competition.
Progress up the ladder is often at an amazing rate because they tend to have a huge picture
or see a mountain top panorama of where the organization should head. Rather than, like some,
seeing the individual milestones along the way, they can get really good at looking ahead around
the corner, reading the tea leaves of the changing times. They can quickly chart a path through sales,
service, market share, branding, and finance on a relentless sprint to the top.
But this style of manager can see well on the mountain top at 10,000 metres, but be legally
blind at ground level. They can captain the ship—drive the crew to hoist sail and weigh anchor—but
following each step on the map to find the island with the gold treasure and dig up the booty
gets daunting. Then they usually need others to do the digging once the ship has reached the island.
One famous description is that this pattern is in charge of an aircraft carrier. He orders the lifeboats
to be launched, which they are under fear of death. He then orders them to be rowed. But they are still
attached to the aircraft carrier which is travelling on relentlessly with the Insane Boss at the helm.
When working, they wait for the employees to naturally follow behind them and fill in the blanks.
When the employee presses for the details needed to do this, they can be quite condescending.
They may not follow the sequential details and if the employee cannot fill them in, they will
immediately conclude pointing out, "You just don't get it"!
These managers have the gift to achieve organizational goals. But the followers tend to feel more
like hostages than part of an empowered team. The Insane Boss would personally take an enemy bullet
in the chest to get to Treasure Island, so what it it with these laggards who are worrying
about spouses and children, not thinking it is worthy of death to get there?
The organization that is not particularly loyal to the team may then suddenly, seemingly without
explanation, make certain crew members walk the plank of layoff. It is hard to buy into
the "worthy of death" ethic of the Insane Boss when the organization actually may not care
if you make it to Treasure Island and share in the booty.
The Perfectionist is the least frequent of the Rational type in management and for good reason. Perfectionists are terrible managers. However they are most successful as managers when in an industry such as security or inspection. They are relentless in finding flaws or spotting that something that is wrong. They are prone to see the detail that will keep a plan from working, or the fatal flaw that could be the deal-breaker.
Therefore, they can be very tough to manage and, although extremely smart, can often get marginalized as "naysayers".
What the Perfectionist comes up with should be listened to, but if one does not like a boss who makes anal retentive an art form, that person is in the wrong place working for a Perfectionist. The Perfectionist is one of the most introspective of all the personality types and are the ones most attuned to their own weaknesses and challenges and, as such, are working on themselves every day.
Worst working environment: An outfit that micromanages and demands that the that the Perfectionist account for what they are doing at absolutely every minute of every day.
Working from home for the High C: The High C is well-suited for working at home.
They are organized and schedule-oriented, which makes timekeeping and goal-setting a breeze.
They are naturally inclined to follow the rules, which keeps them highly focused on accomplishing
the requirements of their job. They also require very little socialization in order to function
well on a daily basis and enjoy the distraction-free solitude that comes from working at home.
When telecommuting, time management is the biggest problem facing the High C. They are meticulous and
thorough and can be perfectionists. Without anyone around to help them gauge how they are spending
their time, they can often become so invested in the minutiae of a project that it takes much longer
than necessary to complete. When working from home, they must keep in mind that getting things done
quickly is often more important than getting them done perfectly.
As a Project Manager: Category B - Both a leader and follower. Needs to examine a situation from absolutely all angles before they can
decide on what to do.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 22.09% combined male and female. (This is surprisingly high).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Choose a Category A. May never finish as 'there is a new way that I've just discovered'. May be okay if this aspect is mitigated.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will challenge you "Ever get tunnel vision and feel sure that your one way of seeing things is the only right way?" They will break down that tunnel and help you see all the alternate pathways you have not considered. These types help you to consider a plethora of available options, outcomes and opportunities that can enrich your life and broaden your understanding of the world. They can also help to refine the logic of your decisions and judgments.
Problem Solving Method: The Perfectionist will want to take it apart and figure out how everything is connected. They will categorise the information relating to the problem, look for any hidden relationships and then step back to look at the framework they have created. From there, they will weigh the facts against speculation and use objective analysis to find a logical solution. They will take their time in this process, making sure they have analysed every angle, and looked outside-the-box for creative solutions.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Perfectionist can become so fixated on impersonal logic that they forget to consider the personal implications of their solutions. They might forget to consider how the solution will impact people or how to respect individual’s core values while creating a solution. They can also become so focused on brainstorming and seeing every possible angle that they run short on time.
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: The problem would need to be of the non urgent variety otherwise trouble awaits.
Attitude towards the rules: "I question the rules. I have figured out a way to bend each and every one."
Attitude towards authority: "I quietly observe every move of my boss and note all the mistakes. I do nothing about the mistakes, but I will have something to complain about later.
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, and Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Perfectionist in the Orifice™: Was the CEO and hopeless at it. So hired the Developer to take over. Now hunkers in the basement with the engineers. Visionary.
Fun Description of the Perfectionist as a Computer Programmer™: "var SpeakingEnglish = False; Var languages = “JavaScript”, “Python”, “C++”, “C#”, “Swift”, “Go”, “PHP”, “SQL”, “Ruby”, “Matlab”, “Objective C”, “C”; "HTML".
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The conscientious Perfectionist will make sure they put in all the details necessary for their away messages. How long they will be gone, when they will return and the contact information for all the right people someone might need to reach in their absence is sure to be included. Receivers may even receive a picture of a holiday “Dilbert” comic or “grumpy cat” meme if the Perfectionist is feeling particularly festive.
16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?
▶ Descriptor at Work™: The Conceptual Planner. ◀
∴ Semi-facetious Leadership Context™: Scientific innovation and progress, military.
♦ Top Military (Only 4 patterns are) but can be a terrible leader due to:
1. Pride, think too highly of themselves, think the only one who can
lead and get things done, always right, the “ends justify the means”;
2. Belligerence, is hostile and aggressive;
3. Dominance, always getting their way no matter what, overwhelms others, runs the
outfit as a dictatorship, disobedience is swiftly and brutally dealt with;
4. Intimidation, bullying, physical, mental or emotional intimidation or threats to get own way.
Style: One of the rarest personality types, highly logical and creatively innovative. Respond well to complex challenges that require both analytical and creative thought. They will want to know their path to career advancement from day one and respond best to clear objectives. To keep your Enhancer happy, let them problem solve and give them the opportunity to do so independently. The Enhancer would rather stay in the background, but they do make excellent leaders. More US Presidents are Enhancers than any other pattern. They are the best out of all the introverts (9-16) and are the best, bar none, when it comes to change management as they have the mindset that anything can be done better. Their planning and organizational skills are magnificent. But never, ever, nag or micro manage the Enhancer. Remember where you learned that.
To get along with this pattern: You need to be aware that the Enhancer seems to be obsessed with a project then it is a wise thing not to bother them. And that they are not threatened at all by conflict or criticism. But if you can get them to talk about something they like, then they cannot stop.
How to work with this pattern: This pattern is usually more comfortable communicating by email or text, so they will often need to be nudged into picking up the phone or jumping on a Zoom call when it is more beneficial. They are extremely deadline-focussed, but there is also a danger they can rush to hasty decisions, particularly without colleagues nearby to check their impulses. Sometimes they need to be reminded to stop for a second, take their time, let ideas germinate, rather than just rushing straight at them.
Leadership style of the High C: The problem with being a leader is that you are never quite sure whether you are being followed or being chased.
Leadership strength zone and why: Directing - High D and High C.
Pithy leadership style description: Strategic. Transformational.
Leadership style in a general political sense: Lobbyist and Campaigner. Along with the Objective Thinker.
Leadership style differentia, presented as an Oxor nicety™: They are contingency planning experts, par excellence. They know how one step progresses to the next one. They prepare alternative plans in case they encounter difficulties. They never start projects without having fall-back plans. They are poor team members but excellent managers of the team if given the resources, the authority and the target. They will never be Mr. Popular as they tend to hold dopes accountable.
Leadership style expanded: This pattern is the 'Visionary boss' who becomes the 'Insane Boss'. They can be quite the visionary,
but then seem like one that should be diagnosed as clinically insane (completely nuts)
because of their determination to make it to the goal.
Their temperament is built on power and competency.
They tend to do whatever it takes to achieve the organization's goals; even if that means going
past others, around others ... or over others.
These people who aim for the mountain top accomplish the goals and 'bring in the gold.'
This boss likes loyalty very much and workers who would never dare to mutiny. They expect you to
eat hard tacks and drink brackish water today, but claim it will be lobster and rum tomorrow.
They will get rid of all the incompetent idiots and use their power to sock it to the competition.
Progress up the ladder is often at an amazing rate because they tend to have a huge picture
or see a mountain top panorama of where the organization should head. Rather than, like some,
seeing the individual milestones along the way, they can get really good at looking ahead around
the corner, reading the tea leaves of the changing times. They can quickly chart a path through sales,
service, market share, branding, and finance on a relentless sprint to the top.
But this style of manager can see well on the mountain top at 10,000 metres, but be legally
blind at ground level. They can captain the ship—drive the crew to hoist sail and weigh anchor—but
following each step on the map to find the island with the gold treasure and dig up the booty
gets daunting. Then they usually need others to do the digging once the ship has reached the island.
One famous description is that this pattern is in charge of an aircraft carrier. He orders the lifeboats
to be launched, which they are under fear of death. He then orders them to be rowed. But they are still
attached to the aircraft carrier which is travelling on relentlessly with the Insane Boss at the helm.
When working, they wait for the employees to naturally follow behind them and fill in the blanks.
When the employee presses for the details needed to do this, they can be quite condescending.
They may not follow the sequential details and if the employee cannot fill them in, they will
immediately conclude pointing out, "You just don't get it"!
These managers have the gift to achieve organizational goals. But the followers tend to feel more
like hostages than part of an empowered team. The Insane Boss would personally take an enemy bullet
in the chest to get to Treasure Island, so what it it with these laggards who are worrying
about spouses and children, not thinking it is worthy of death to get there?
The organization that is not particularly loyal to the team may then suddenly, seemingly without
explanation, make certain crew members walk the plank of layoff. It is hard to buy into
the "worthy of death" ethic of the Insane Boss when the organization actually may not care
if you make it to Treasure Island and share in the booty.
The Enhancer never intends to be a boss in the first place, so they can tend to be difficult, but a good
Lovers of technology, mechanical or process models they are not lovers of people. People are a
means, or an obstruction, to an outcome. But the Enhancer can be a brilliant leader. They
will do better as a leader of a team rather than an ordinary member of it.
Are leaders when and if necessary. But dealing daily with people's mind-numbing problems and excuses is not their forte.
They prefer a workplace that only puts the greatest value on those that exemplify leadership and supervisory ability.
They can bring value to the organization ways other than being in charge of a lot of pesky humans.
They promote that the best way to be successful is to make it easier for people to do their job by automating
tedious procedures and providing information, resources and support so that employees are respected as they work to get stuff done.
The philosopy is that no-one wants to do work in a frustrating tedious way but everyone wants to do a good job.
The Enhancer will ensure that people do not work harder than they have to as 140% days cause burnout.
They will ask the employee what part of the job they wish they would never have to do again and devise a way automate it or elininate it.
They are the brainy type, but will still have a special circle of family and friends for discussing concepts and ideas. However, the Enhancer can be famously disconnected bosses and managers because they lack a sense of group process while, at the same time, may tend to wonder why people are so unfriendly.
The goal of an Enhancer in communication is brevity - the shortest communication is the best.
'Be brief, be bright and be gone'. Relationships tend to be very much on their terms and
they are not hugely confrontational. The more the Enhancer considers one to be one of their
intellectual peers, the better your relationship. Living in their own bubble, if you do your job,
they are usually amicable.
They get on with all patterns with the following conditions. Stay away from them when eating; do not get distracted
by the phone, TV, social media while talking do NOT tell your life story or dramas. Go away.
If someone interjects themselves into the Enhancer's personal space, bang, you are a goner.
If someone tries to pry into their life, bang, you are a goner.
If, however, someone is well read and educated - and interact on an intellectual level, you might not
be a goner.
Otherwise, the Enhancer will just stare in silence until the other party is uncomfortable enough to
just leave their company; which will be enjoyed greatly.
The Enhancer regards silence and observation as awesome tools particularly when coupled with
huge amounts of will power.
Worst working environment: An outfit that has a loud and interactive office environment where the Enhancer cannot close their door and buckle down for more than five consecutive minutes without someone bursting in to interrupt them. Having responsibility without power, the prerogative of the eunuch.
Working from home for the High C: The High C is well-suited for working at home.
They are organized and schedule-oriented, which makes timekeeping and goal-setting a breeze.
They are naturally inclined to follow the rules, which keeps them highly focused on accomplishing
the requirements of their job. They also require very little socialization in order to function
well on a daily basis and enjoy the distraction-free solitude that comes from working at home.
When telecommuting, time management is the biggest problem facing the High C. They are meticulous and
thorough and can be perfectionists. Without anyone around to help them gauge how they are spending
their time, they can often become so invested in the minutiae of a project that it takes much longer
than necessary to complete. When working from home, they must keep in mind that getting things done
quickly is often more important than getting them done perfectly.
As a Project Manager: Category A - Most Suitable. The ultimate planner; ruthlessly maps out how they are going to behave in
future situations and gleans energy from determining the best of all possible approaches. Understands that one cannot
please everyone all of the time and ploughs on regardless.
A study by Stellenbosch University in 2014 gave this pattern 29.07% combined male and female. (and includes the Director).
E. Hunter™'s comments regarding suitability as a PM: Have to watch the interpersonal aspects but your project is in very safe hands.
How they will push to bring out the best in others: They should work out your Disc first, but in general terms they will bring out imagination and strategic thinking in people. Future-focused and visionary, they show people the steps needed to achieve their goals. Quiet but intellectual, they help you to think more deeply about life and the purpose of the actions you spend your time on. They help you fight against stagnancy, meaninglessness and trivialities that would cause you to ultimately throw away large portions of your life.
Problem Solving Method: The Enhancer will search beyond the information for ideas and relevant meanings,
insights and abstract connections. “What is the underlying cause or meaning of This issue?”,
“What long-term implications will this problem cause?”, “What solution will have the best big-picture outcome?”.
Then they use causal analysis to figure out what led to the problem at hand and what will prevent this
problem from happening again. They will try to determine which facts, procedures and goals can be agreed upon.
They may “talk out” their logic before they actually come to a conclusion. Once they have found a solution,
they are usually very sure of it and are unlikely to be swayed unless someone has very strong, logical objections.
Gathering information subconsciously is the modus operandi. Without consciously thinking about it,
the Enhancer will be running through contingencies and possible outcomes as well as taking complex
tasks and breaking them into bite-sized bits and ordering then reordering, then reordering again,
to determine which ones will work and which ones will not. Following that, the Enhancer often solves problems
in their subconscious without realising it until that lightbulb moment when the problem actively presents
itself and then the solution just floods in, seemingly out of nowhere. This is why the Enhancer
is seen to be somewhat weird.
Problem Solving Weakness: The Enhancer can get so caught up looking for underlying meanings and complexities that they lose sight of the details and facts that are in plain sight. They can also be so focussed on maintaining objective logic that they ignore the relevant needs of the people involved (if the problem involves people).
Problem Solving - E. Hunter™'s comments: Very effective; but prepare for the impersonal approach.
Attitude towards the rules: "I criticise the rules. However, I have discovered all the inconsistencies within the rules and therefore I consider them to be null and void and it will be me who gets around them without detection."
Attitude towards authority: "I make a mental note of each and every rule in order to find every conceivable loophole. I exploit them all at once, causing the power structure to collapse or for my project to succeed or for my opponent to fail. That's operational efficiency. I'll laugh about it later."
Getting along in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
Best if on the same level. The further away the level, the worst it gets.
People who usually do not get along are usually from the polar-opposite levels - 1 up against 4; 4 up against 1.
Levels 2 and 3 tend to get along well and act as the bridge between the two polar (1 and 4) levels.
Level 1: Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor.
Level 2: Specialist, Achiever, Practitioner and Objective Thinker.
Level 3: Developer, Inspirational, Persuader and Promoter.
Level 4: Investigator, Agent, Perfectionist, and Enhancer.
Who you will communicate with in roughly the same way in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your Group are those you may want to take notice of as you will be able to communicate
with them in the same way you may present yourself — hence direct communication with such types
can be efficient and easily exchanged without much fear of misunderstanding.
Group 1: Inspirational, Promoter, Agent and Perfectionist.
Group 2: Results, Counselor, Specialist and Achiever.
Group 3: Persuader, Appraiser, Investigator and Practitioner.
Group 4: Director, Developer, Objective Thinker and Enhancer.
What characteristics you will see in the workplace or in the Orifice™:
You will find people in your outfit who seem to follow certain pathways.
Pathway A: Over performs outwardly in the corporate world: Director and Developer. Up at the top.
Pathway B: The most diligent workers: Practitioner and Perfectionist. Indispensable and therefore unpromotable.
Pathway C: Adapts best to the corporate ladder’s natural order: Director and Objective Thinker. Plays the game.
Pathway D: The exploiter who works incredibly well with principled and structured systems: Achiever. The fixer.
Pathway E: The exploiter who works around loopholes and blindspots: Perfectionist. Cleverly manipulates the rules.
Pathway F: The exploiter who is the leader behind the scenes and who finds critical weaknesses in systems and knows how
to pull strings here and there: Enhancer. They get it done.
Pathway G: The worker who has to be continually supervised in order to get the mission accomplished: Promoter,
Persuader, Appraiser, Counselor, Specialist and Agent. They consume management resources.
Pathway H: The massive and successful risk taker: Results. Just watch them.
Pathway I: The successful debater who may take less-secure job positions if there is a higher reward.: Inspirational.
Let's discuss it.
Pathway J: The worker who pursues new pathways rather than follow a more routine or traditional
career: Investigator. Ends up in a field different from the original qualifications.
Fun Description of the Enhancer in the Orifice™: Is on the Board. Works with the CEO, the Developer, to direct the company. Mastermind, calculated, works behind the scenes.
Fun Description of the Enhancer as a Computer Programmer™: "Some people may call what I do “hacking”. I tend to see it more as “strategic coding”."
What the 'out of office' message will look like: The conscientious Enhancer will make sure they put in all the details necessary for their away messages. How long they will be gone, when they will return and the contact information for all the right people someone might need to reach in their absence is sure to be included. Receivers may even receive a picture of a holiday “Dilbert” comic or “grumpy cat” meme if the Enhancer is feeling particularly festive.
Special feature - How to manage Elizabeth Hunter™ - the Enhancer:
► Leave them alone as much as possible. The emphasis is to really give the Enhancer that space (physically, socially, mentally; every type of space) and letting them focus mostly on solitary tasks/work.
► Tell her what needs to be done and let her do it — preferably in solitude with very few instructions unless they are absolutely necessary. Essentially tell her what needs to be done and then do not micromanage. It really is best to let her work alone as much as possible. Even if it is not requested that often you have to remember that, depending on the job, the Enhancer still has to deal with co-workers and bosses.
► Never nag or explain the same thing over and over again.
► Never undertake the 'small talk' / 'getting to know you' talk, especially not on a daily basis. It is understandable when you first become the manager and Elizabeth first starts working for you, but small talk every day just so you can talk and make conversation is totally annoying as hell.
► If you are the type of manager who likes for everyone to be a 'team' or for everyone to get to know each other OR you worry that Elizabeth will feel left out OR you think a work environment in which everyone are friends, who jokes around and tease each other are is constantly standing/sitting around talking, are hanging out at after-work events etc. are “fun” at the very least, you need to be okay with the Elizabeth not wanting to be a part of that or not always wanting to be a part of that. Elizabeth may have a one-friend max at workplaces. And that is not even a rule; it is simply the case that an Enhancer is only going to click with one person, if anybody (unless it is a large workplace then maybe it will be two people). Elizabeth is never going to be “friends” with everyone, will never want to hang out after work at “team-building events,” will never care what everyone did over the weekend, will never “fit in” with everyone at work. This needs to be okay with the manager who understands that Condom Management™ does not work. If you try to force the Enhancer, you are a poor manager.
► If you want to ask someone to do people-y things (e.g. deal with customers or clients, do a lot of group projects with others at work, etc.), Elizabeth is not necessarily the one. It is not that she cannot do it well. But she is probably not going to want to do it and eventually it can cause burnout enough to go elsewhere. The boss is going to want to know why and the explanation may well be to indicate that 75% of the problem is just being tired of people. They will all think that she barely deals with customers, which is true compared to others. But the Enhancer gets really tired of dealing with customers plus them. This is what makes the Enhancer a great boss of a sales team. While there are co-workers and bosses at other jobs, even if from home. But as with romantic relationships, the more time spent with people at work, the more the Enhancer gets worn out on the dynamics they have with those people - especially if they are no good or are not what is preferred. It is probably less of an issue to worry about with extroverted employees than with introverted ones, as the Enhancer finds social interactions or being around people too much draining naturally and that is before you start exploring the dynamics that exist between/among people using this site.
► While this is difficult to achieve, make sure everyone else the Enhancer manages is competent and carries their own weight. The Enhancer wages war on mediocrity. Be a good manager in all ways, generally, but this way is very important. This is one of the biggest reasons why the Enhancer tires of everyone at the job. That includes a boss placing too much reliance on the Enhancer, particularly if the boss is a fancy lightweight or unsuited - Practitioner, Counselor, Specialist, Agent. This includes too much reliance, too much expectation to handle everything, too much expectation to pick up the slack for co-workers or to do things because the Enhancer is better at them than co-workers etc. If other employees do not know how to be of enough use to the boss and does not make the distribution of work even because of it, the boss needs to train them. They should not overwork the Enhancer to do it and do not let the worker constantly make excuses (Promoter) and get out of having to do tasks.
► How to burn out the Enhancer. Do not be surprised if they tell your outfit that it can go and
have sexual intercourse with itself.
1. Overload them with manual and bulltish tasks such as copying and pasting. That is for the clerical staff;
2. Restrict then so they cannot do things their way. Give them the budget and the authority;
3. Control and micromanage them. This will piss them off;
4. Give them no influce over the processes. Processes are a key strength;
5. Expect them to work without using their creativity. Have bulltish rules;
6. Have business processes that are more important than goals. For example, get more quotes when the goal is to get the job done today;
7. Create an environment such that they cannot focus on what is really important and a priority because they are being told that
“everything is important”. This will happen with a poor leader and manager such as the Practitioner supervising them;
8. Have a culture where hard working matters more than efficiency and real results. Such as drones attending meetings thinking they are
adding value;
9. Enforce attendance at nonsense and bulltish meetings. Such as crapping on with stupid and dumb ideas such as putting surplus
items, that have been written off, up on e-Bay;
10. Stop them being themselves and expect them to pretend to be “a perfect professional without any flaws”. Again, what a Practitioner would expect;
11. When they cannot implement any business process improvements. Such as allowing low deposits of payments that clog the system;
12. When there are no priorities or prorities change with the wind. Such as reneging on a previously agreed strategy;
13. Hand out the criticism for 0.01% of what had not been done and the 200% of their contribution is just dismissed. This may also be dished out
my the inert members of an organization;
14. When warnings about possible risks in advance are given out but and no one is listening. And the filure then occurs;
15. Blame them for failures especially ones that were totally out of their possible influence; Make them take the rap;
16. When brownosing is rewarded and telling the truth is punished. Can include when the boss is having an affair with a junior employee
Real life: These reasons are why an Enhancer that Oxor™ knows left a Justice of the Peace outfit and an Owner's Corporation.
An office barney - Director v. Enhancer:
► In a workplace, it’s likely that a Director will cause war with an Enhancer due to rigidity, rules, control and the 'my way ot the highway' attitude. In a social situation, which may include the office, a highly extroverted Appraiser may be most grating due to endless talk about nothing.
►The irony in the workplace is that the Director and the Enhancer may initially appear to work well together, communicating via similar languages regarding logic and plans. Also, both are goal oriented hard workers. But they will soon find out these are surface similarities. The thinking processes, planning and implementation methods are almost diametrically opposite of each other. So both end up wanting control of the plan and the war starts.
► The words that both choose are often the same but can mean radically different things. This can lead to beliefs that an agreement has been reached; but later each observes the other “breaking” the illusory agreement.
►In more detail: The Enhancer likes to be concise and use simpler words than they are thinking to convey conceptual or contextual meanings. The Director relies more on the dictionary or traditional historical meaning of each and every word. For instance, take the word “respect”. To a particular Enhancer, in a particular situation, respect might mean “respect my intuition / strategy”. But to a Director it almost always first means “respect my territory”. You can imagine the conflict. Directors are loathed in the workplace based on Oxor™ obsrtvations over many years. the 'Fascist Dictator'.
► The Enhancer likes to implement with a skeleton crew or elite team. The Director implement in a hierarchy that they have already set up and clearly communicated with people. The Director cares about hitting the target efficiently like a guided missile. They care about structure, hierarchy, territory, scale and getting all the details right, including irrelevant ones.
► Here is the difference. The Enhancer is much better at strategic plans. The Director is better at logistics (expanding the scale of existing plans) because they feel most comfortable operating by a rule book and flowcharts. Thus they will clamp down on the Enhancer's out of the box creativity and freedom of thought and that is the death knell for any working relationships between these two. It would be wise for senior mamangement to realise this.