I am dedicated to my significant other when I am in a relationship even though I tend to stray away from my feelings and emotions.

I am very serious about committing to my partner, so I can seem a little controlling when I have a hard time expressing how I feel for their partner. I may come off as overbearing when I express my emotions through my actions and I want things to be done my way.

I am ranked 5/16.

I am a handful because I am not the most sensitive soul so I can seem a bit (lot) hurtful when I am trying to get something done and incompetent others are getting in my way.

1. The Director - ESTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the executive who can swiftly identify whether something is useless or mildly tolerable?

Go to their pattern

I am naturally assertive and decisive as I attempt to achieve my goals.

I often seem to be dominating and controlling in my relationship. I do not naturally handle emotion very well and I can seem insensitive to how my significant other feels.

I am ranked 1/16. Your controlling market leader.

I am a handful because I become extremely frustrated by people who cannot perform properly and I will carry on in a sometimes aggressive manner towards these poor performers.

2. The Developer - ENTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the elitist leader with a checklist of qualities that people must have to be a 'non-idiot'?

Go to their pattern

I am very passionate. I am highly emotional and I can easily keep the conversation flowing.

My passion can be taken as being overbearing and controlling, when I am just looking to continue having fun.

I am ranked 6/16.

I am a handful because I often take risks that might frighten and confuse those around me.

3. The Results - ESTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the impulsive type who always jumps head-first in to the latest exciting thing just to get a rush?

Go to their pattern

I can struggle with following through with the promises that I make to my partner.

My expertise at manipulation (after the Persusder) can be seen as controlling because I can cause my partner to feel out of sorts and unable to talk to me about that.

I am ranked 8/16.

I am a handful because I am independent, headstrong and enjoy exploring new things. I will jump from one event to the next rather quickly, leaving things unfinished.

4. The Inspirational - ENTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the tactician with indisputable logic who gets off by being a devil's advocate on any topic?

Go to their pattern

I am very aware of my partner's feelings.

I see myself as less likely to be controlling because I am so concerned about my partner's happiness. I will put my own emotional needs on the back burner to make their significant other happy.

This is a very surprising ranking as I always know what is best for others, when it is not.

I am a handful because because I manipulate, smother and interfere. I can also be narcissistic, selfish and passive-aggressive.

5. The Persuader - ENFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the empathetic charmer who can get you to do anything for them 'for your own good'?

Go to their pattern

I am very supportive of my partner and I am deeply devoted.

I will not take control away from their significant other because I need to know that my support, loyalty and devotion are loved by their partner and I need similar gestures given to me in return.

I am ranked 15/16.

I am a handful because I want to feel appreciated and might need affection from those around me which is especially difficult for people who require a lot of space to hand it out.

6. The Appraiser - ESFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the chatty and sassy social butterfly with the ability to instantly become everyone's best friend?

Go to their pattern

I am very passionate, but sometimes put the cart before the horse. I can come into problems with being controlling when I am thinking about all the ensless possibilities.

When I try to get to the future faster than it comes, it can come across as controlling. I really need to focus on the present; one thing at a time - including attention to being on time.

I am ranked 4/16.

I am a handful because my sense of passion and curiosity are light years ahead of completing anything.

7. The Promoter - ENFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the curious hyper type with a seemingly endless amount of energy and crazy random ideas?

Go to their pattern

I can be a bit sneaky when it comes to being controlling.

I do not like spending time playing games in my relationships but I can make their partner feel like they may not be able to have their own opinion in the relationship by me being overbearing.

I am ranked 3/16.

I am a handful because I want to always be the centre of attention and am demanding and reckless. I vent, talking about my stress to others. Getting my frustration out externally is my preferred way of coping.

8. The Counselor - ESFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the outgoing adventurer who would do anything to be on centre stage just to feel alive?

Go to their pattern

I am not the kind of person that will be very controlling.

I am the one who would rather defer to their significant other so taht I do not have to make decisions but, when I do, I take my partner's wants and needs into consideration.

I am ranked 12/16.

I am a handful because of a desire to take risks and live with a sense of freedom and when I feel that I am being controlled by others. I am the most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well being the most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.

9. The Specialist - ISFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the independent artist who only cares about expressing their inner self to the world?

Go to their pattern

I am not typically controlling.

I can quickly pick up on my partner's feelings and I really like intimate relationships. I do the best in romantic relationships where I share the same core values as my partner.

I am ranked 11/16.

I am a handful because I am an extremely complex and sometimes a very confusing person. I do like to vent to someone when I am upset.

10. The Investigator - INFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the psychic who knows what is best for everyone more than they know themselves, obviously?

Go to their pattern

I can have overly idealized expectations for my relationships as with everything else.

My idealism can lead to struggles in my relationship and lead to conflict because I have certain needs that I need to be met in my relationship; needs that are never, ever, satisfied.

I am ranked 7/16.

I am a handful because I am a dizzy daydreamer with my head buzzing with creative and imagined concepts constantly, I am unpredictable, not easy to understand, lazy, whinging, never satisfied, miserable and meddle in other people's affairs.

11. The Agent - INFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the imaginary dark fairy who daydreams with the attention span of a goldfish?

Go to their pattern

I do not like to be controlling because I prefer to have short-term relationships.

I stay away from real relationships as I also need to have my own independence.

I am ranked 10/16.

I am a handful because I am independent and will likely have a hard time sticking to one place. I might want to spontaneously go on a trip and might have a hard time notifying others. Although I have a long fuse, my pattern is the most likely to get upset or angry and show it.

12. The Achiever - ISTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the systematic detective who is only interested in things that they can fix or take apart?

Go to their pattern

I can be a bit controlling, especially in leadership positions for which I am most unsuitable. I use the power of the position - "You cannot park here!"

I enjoy having a strict structure and order in life. So, while I may be controlling, I am very loyal and faithful in my relationships even if they have run their time.

I am ranked 2/16.

I am a handful because I hover and smother when I am worried or concerned for the well-being of someone.

13. The Practitioner - ISFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the nurturing type who can summon an unlimited amount of comfort food on cue?

Go to their pattern

I am not the one to be controlling.

In relationships, I can struggle with showing my romantic side. I need someone to meet me equally in a relationship in order to feel comfortable.

I am ranked 9/16.

I am a handful because of a situation where people keep getting in my way when I am are trying to perform a task which makes me a bit tense.

14. The Objective Thinker - ISTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the pragmatist skilled at calling out bulltish because they can remember super specific details?

Go to their pattern

I am are highly unlikely to become controlling in my relationship.

I keep myself distant until I am comfortable and have proven myself in my relationship. I struggle with expressing my emotions.

I am ranked 14/16.

I am a handful because I believe in being precise and do not hold back for the sake of others' feelings. I am useless at fixing anything.

15. The Perfectionist - INTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the critic who stays up reading Wikipedia until 4am to feed their hunger for knowledge?

Go to their pattern

I am are not one that will be overly controlling in my relationship.

I am not so controlling as I have a hard time expressing my emotions and communicating my feelings. If I am pressured, or if things move too fast, I usually run the other way.

I am ranked 13/16.

I am a handful because I am an independent spirit, am often very sure of my beliefs and knowledge and I do not allow people to control me or attempt to sway me in any way.

16. The Enhancer - INTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the cunning strategist who spends most of their time planning how to avoid idiots?

Go to their pattern