I am helping my Developer boss to micromanage the situation at work. I am focussing on checking that all the safety rules are in place in the business to avoid infections. Yes, even how others are washing their hands. Especially noting if they are washing between their fingers. I turned my own family into a sweatshop and caused horrendous lines at Bunnings while striving to repair everything in my house. Also, I directed my family to build a bomb shelter with every item known to man (definitely all the best toilet paper, Clorox wipes, and N95 masks) in logical preparation for the apocalypse.
1. The Director - ESTJ
The Commanding Covid Ninteener™.
E Hunter™ comment:
I have witnessed it. Enough said.
Low Openness, very high Conscientiousness, mid to high Extraversion, low Agreeableness, Low to mid Neuroticism
Likeihood to wear mask when the pandemic is actually over formula™: Low O; Low C; Low E; Low A; High N = Less likely to endorse health
I score YNNNN. - Fcuk wearing the mask now.
I am:
"2IC, to the Developer, of the doomsday shelter."
Loneliness Defence Method™: Not sure if they want to be in a witness protection program.
E. Hunter Articulation™:
Contracts the illness by refusing to work from home, afraid of missing a promotion opportunity but only at work for fun. Ensuring that their kids and their spouse and everyone they know is staying in and obeying the self isolation orders.
What they want to hear to be encouraged over the COVID-19 situation:
They want to hear that everything will be all right at the end, that they understood this and that it is just another level of challenge they need to overcome.
Now that it's been going on for ever:
Turned their own family into a sweatshop and caused horrendous lines at Bunnings while striving to repair everything in their house. Directed their family to build a bomb shelter with every item known to man (definitely all the best toilet paper, Clorox wipes, and N95 masks) in logical preparation for the apocalypse.
Go to their pattern