When I see dark traits and shady traits, very risky business, I reach for the
E. Hunter Majik Dark Side Trait and Shady Trait Matrices™

The E. Hunter Majik Dark Side Trait Matrix™

This section is for the advanced cohort.

It is no accident that the Promoter is listed in all categories of the E. Hunter Majik Shady Matrix™. The Promoter can be the 200% poxic person (Petulant and Toxic™).

Missing out on the Majik Shady Matrix™ are The Developer (Bossy); The Achiever (Unpredictable); The Practitioner (Naive - following, not leading); The Objective Thinker (Rigid) and the Enhancer (Insensitive)

You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Here are all the sixteen patterns in our unique E. Hunter Majik Dark Side Trait Matrix™.

Here are all the sixteen patterns in our unique E. Hunter Majik Shady Matrix™.

Conducted and composed by Purebred Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update December 15, 2023

E. Hunter Majik Dark Side Trait Matrix™:

Dark side traits ↓
Interpretations →
Acted in COVID-19 situation
Disc Patterns the most likely
Freudian complexes
E. Hunter™ Comment
1. Excitable Having dramatic mood swings and trouble with emotional control. Waxing and waning on people and projects. Over-reactions to small issues; emotional outbursts during conference calls; vacillation between apocalyptic and overly optimistic views of the pandemic’s impact. 5 - Persuader - ENFJ. Derailer No. 1. Lacks Focus: Is easily distracted; shifts from task to task without getting the most critical things done.
5 - Messiah Complex. Look at Jacinda Ardern - former NZ PM.
2. Skeptical Cynical and overly sensitive to criticism. Withholding information and difficulty trusting others. Assuming co-workers are slacking while away from the office; spreading rumours and conspiracy theories. 16 - Enhancer - INTJ;
Tendency all T's.
Derailer No. 2. Not a Team Player: Selfish and places personal agenda before the good of the team.
Derailer No. 8. Aloof: Distant, unapproachable, or isolated; viewed as indifferent to others; fails to build effective relationships.
16 - Superiority Complex. Observed, it's the author!
3. Cautious Lacks the self-confidence needed to make decisions. Suffers from analysis-paralysis and is reluctant to take any chances. Inability to make decisions about priorities; making requests for additional information that cannot be known; hoarding supplies in case the worst happens. 9 - Specialist - ISFP;
12 - Achiever - ISTP;
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ;
Tendency for all Introverts;
Tendency not T's.
Derailer No. 13. Complacent: Stagnant and avoids opportunities for personal growth or learning. 9 - Peter Pan Complex.
12 - Recognition Complex.
14 - Honour Complex.
4. Reserved Lacks interest in or awareness of others’ feelings. Disappears or becomes uncommunicative when stressed. Taking a business as usual approach; tuning out or dismissing others’ worries and hardships. Not considering the human side of any requests - work, social etc. 12 - Achiever- ISTP;
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ;
15 - Perfectionist - INTP;
16 - Enhancer - INTJ;
Tendency for all Introverts; Tendency all T's.
Derailer No. 3. Disengaged: Appears bored or dissatisfied with work; does just enough to “get by.”
Derailer No. 7. Lacks confidence: Overly concerned with making mistakes; indecisive; avoids risk.
12 - Recognition Complex.
14 - Honour Complex.
15 - Guilt Complex. 16 - Superiority Complex.
Observes social distancing. Downloads COVID-19 app. Turns off social interaction.
5. Leisurely Seemingly willing to pitch in but does not follow through with commitments. Procrastinates and makes excuses. Saying yes but not delivering; playing the “pandemic” card as a handy excuse for not getting anything done on time. 4 - Inspirational - ENTP;
7 - Promoter - ENFP.
Derailer No. 1. Lacks Focus Is easily distracted; shifts from task to task without getting the most critical things done.
Derailer No. 9. Arrogant: Egotistical and displays a strong sense of entitlement.
4 - Jonah Complex. 7 - Imposter Syndrome. Standard issue. Promoter overthinks; poor practical skills; very emotional; hates being told what to do.
6. Bold Has inflated views of own competency and self-worth. Takes on too much and cannot admit mistakes or learn from experience. Thinking their way is the only way, discounting concerns and believing they are the only one talented enough to solve problems; being quick to blame others when things go wrong. 1 - Director - ESTJ;
2 - Developer - ENTJ;
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ;
Tendency for all Extraverts;
Tendency for all J's.
Derailer No. 5. Micromanager: Overly controlling; does not empower others with the freedom and latitude to do their best work.
Derailer No. 6. Volatile: Loses temper; loses patience quickly; irritable and lacks composure.
Derailer No. 8. Arrogant: Egotistical and displays a strong sense of entitlement.
1 - Authority Complex.
2 - Superman Complex.
6 - Opinion Complex.
Standard practice.
7. Mischievous Takes risks, pushes boundaries and plays games. Breaks rules and will try to talk their way out it when caught. Routinely violating team norms and company policies, such as not showing up for conference calls or not adhering to COVID-19 mitigation recommendations. 3 - Results - ESTP;
Tendency all T's;
Tendency all P's.
Derailer No. 4. Not Trusted: Violates or compromises the trust of others; has difficulty gaining the trust of others. 3 - Huckleberry Finn Syndrome. Donald J. Trump.
8. Colourful Overly dramatic and attention seeking. Believe others are lucky to have them in meetings or on teams. Cannot focus. Going on and on about their own personal challenges, flitting between issues taking up all the airtime and not listening. 8 - Counselor - ESFP;
Tendency for all extraverts;
Tendency all P's.
Derailer No. 10. Closed-minded: Is closed to new ideas; not open to critical feedback; unwilling to consider other viewpoints. 8 - Pollyanna Syndrome. Asks why are the pubs shut?
9. Imaginative Has odd or eccentric ideas for solving problems. Overly absorbed in own solutions and discounts others’ ideas. Offering unusual or overly philosophical beliefs about work, the pandemic and life in general. Becoming so enamored with their own points of view that they become oblivious to everything else. 10 - Investigator - INFJ;
11 - Agent - INFP;
Tendency all P's.
Derailer No. 3. Disengaged: Appears bored or dissatisfied with work; does just enough to “get by.” 10 - Martyr Complex.
11 - Guilt Complex.
Observed refusing others to enter homes. Complainer.
10. Diligent Perfectionists who believe there is only one researched way to do things. Micromanage everything and hard to please. Cannot prioritize. Emphasizing or enforcing minor rules that do not make sense given the changed circumstances. Wanting to review everything before being sent to anyone outside the team. 15 - Perfectionist - INTP;
Tendency for all J's;
Tendency not P's.
Derailer No. 12. Perfectionist: Fails to recognize when something is “good enough;” obsessive; uncompromising. 15 - Intelligence Complex. Watch the behaviour of Brendan Murphy, the former Chief Medical Officer of Australia. This is a fantastic example.
11. Dutiful Eager to please and reluctant to push back on requests. Will not get needed resources or will not know consequences or will not stand up for employees. Following orders without raising legitimate concerns, such as resource constraints. Never sharing bad with superiors or customers. 13 - Practitioner - ISFJ;
Tendency not T's.
Derailer No. 11. Eager to please: Overly concerned with being accepted and liked; defers to other people’s opinions. 13 - Abandonment Complex. Scott Morrison, Former Australian PM. (Practitioner) He is a fantastic example of a poor leader. Does not what is needed, but whatever presents the fewest difficulties.
Dark side traits ↑
Interpretations →
Acted in COVID-19 situation
Disc Patterns the most likely
Freudian complexes
E. Hunter™ Comment

E. Hunter Majik Shady Trait Matrix™:

Shady traits ↓
Interpretations →
Key factors
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Disc Patterns the most likely
E. Hunter™ Comment
1. Do not have any long-term friends Look for the number of friends a person has but the quality of those friends. Shady folk have lots of friends. When we first meet someone, we tend to put on our best behaviour. Then, as we open up, we either form a good friendship or let the other person drift away. Well-balanced people will have friendships that have lasted decades, not just a few months. This is due to associating with folk we like and trust. We gravitate and stay near those who benefit us, not those that use or take us for granted. Shady folk do not have long-term friends because they have upset them all or let them down eons ago. The High I's.
5 - Persuader - ENFJ;
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ;
7 - Promoter - ENFP;
8 - Counselor - ESFP.
Look at their social media to count the fake friends. Promoters are the worst.
2. Cannot hold down a job for long; maybe less than a few months Shady folk tend to over-promise and under-deliver. They might get their foot in the door of a good employer, but it will soon become apparent they are under-qualified. Shady folk are often allergic to putting in excess effort so they will turn up late for work, have a habit of upsetting work colleagues and be more trouble than they are worth. Many will not see through the initial probation period. Those who stay can be trouble in all aspects, especially if a narcissist as well. 7 - Promoter - ENFP;
9 - Specialist - ISFP;
11 - Agent - INFP;
15 - Perfectionist - INTP.
The Specialist, Agent and Perfectionist are the market leaders in unemployment per Business Insider.
3. Keep getting caught out in little white lies Many folk tell white lies from time to time, but the difference with shady folk is the frequency of these lies. Shady folk tell lies all the time. Whether they want to boast about something in their life or to cover up a mistake. Lying comes naturally to shady folk. They seem not to notice or care if called out on a lie. They will deny the truth until the other party feels as if they are going mad. 5 - Persuader - ENFJ;
7 - Promoter - ENFP.
The Persuader observed as both my mother and aunt were Persuaders. Promoters trip themselves up as they forget that a fantastic memory is required to be a liar.
4. Use gaslighting and manipulation tactics Gaslighting, a form of mental abuse in which the perpetrator manipulates their victim into thinking they are going insane is just one of the shady folk weaponry. They will use anything to hand to undermine others. They want them off-kilter a little so that they can take advantage. A pretend best friend, the shady folk, will start rumours behind others' backs would tell stories to all other friends. It can end a relationship when someone believes the shady folk. The shady folk can fool others for a long time because a genuine person cannot believe that a friend would do that to someone. 5 - Persuader - ENFJ;
7 - Promoter - ENFP;
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ;
11 - Agent - INFP.
Narcissists generally. Refer Narcissist Managers™
5. Gossipers If the shady folk are gossiping about others people, they have gossiped about you in the past. Gossiping is natural - but there are two forms. Bad-mouthing someone behind their back is two-faced and backstabbing behaviour. Talking about someone in glowing terms when they are not there is perfectly fine. Shady folk will use absence as the ideal time to put others' down and use persuasion and guile to enter into your friends’ lives. Gossiping shows untrustworthy behaviour. 5 - Persuader - ENFJ;
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ;
7 - Promoter - ENFP;
8 - Counselor - ESFP.
The Persuader's standard form - interfering in others' lives.
6. Do not practice what they preach Shady folk are often also fickle. That is that their words do not match their actions. So one might get a shady person banging on about how spiritual they are on social media, but then in real life, they might be rude to a group of churchgoers in the street. Or they may boast about how much they do for charity, and then one hears them slagging off the homeless. They present one side that they want others to see but, when their mask slips, others will see that the reality is much different. 3 - Results - ESTP;
4 - Inspirational - ENTP;
7 - Promoter - ENFP;
8 - Counselor - ESFP.
Inspirationals are sneaky while Promoters are appalling regarding detail and getting things finished and are so busy doing other things they are fickle.
7. Do not respect others' boundaries Shady folk will think nothing of turning up unannounced and expecting to be put up for the night. This is the kind of person that will not recognize others' need for space over their need. Imagine you are having a candlelit dinner with your partner; shady folk will pull up a chair and order dessert and resent being asked to pay fot it. They impose their will and their needs over others' comfort. They are in control, and one has have no say in the matter. This is almost a bullying tactic. At the very least, it is disrespectful. . 1 - Director - ESTJ;
7 - Promoter - ENFP.
These patterns overstay their welcome and take over everything, including the thermostat.
8. Make assumptions about others Shady folk are judgmental and tend to make unfounded assumptions about situations and people. They soak up rumour and gossip because it fuels their need to feel superior over others. The truth is irrelevant to them. They are fact free and live in Fabricated Reality™. If they can blemish someone’s character or ruin a person’s reputation – all the better. One can track this close-minded attitude across many aspects of the shady folk's life. 5 - Persuader - ENFJ;
7 - Promoter - ENFP;
10 - Investigator - INFJ;
11 - Agent - INFP.
You have been warned. The Social Justice warriors. Refer Ess Jay Double-Ewes™ & Vegans
9. Drama queens Have you noticed that everything that happens to someone is a complete drama? Whether they have mislaid their keys or got to work late; it is always the end of the world as we know it. But place your bets that if you have a real emergency, it will not even register on their radar. 7 - Promoter - ENFP. Observed over many decades.
10. Always the victim Whatever happens in a shady folk’s life, it is never, ever, ever their fault. It is as if the universe has conspired to set every conceivable obstacle in their way. And is it not the case that their life just so unfair? Notice a pattern to their universe story. It usually starts with something they have done. For example, the facts are that they lost their job through habitual tardiness. But they will tell you the real reason was that the manager fancied them and had no choice but to let them go because their partner got jealous. Fabricated Reality™. 7 - Promoter - ENFP. Classic technique used for decades to pick the Promoter.
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Disc Patterns the most likely
E. Hunter™ Comment

Now you know the matrix of shady folk, is there one in your social circle?
After all, they are shady and sneaky by nature.

Cop this:

- You feel drained in their presence.
- Other friends are warning you about them.
- You are their only friend.
- They rely on you for money / accommodation / food / work.
- Your other friends do not like them.
- They do not like your other friends.
- They only contact you when they want something.

Now you know the matrix of shady folk, are some too nice?
After all, they are shady and sneaky by nature.

Cop this:

1. You attract the wrong people. When you are too nice, you will start to attract people who are needy, overly emotional or manipulative. They know that you are easy to take advantage of, so they will use your kindness against you.
2. People will view you as a pushover. If you are always saying yes and never speaking up for yourself, people will start to see you as someone who can be easily exploited. This can lead to people mistreating you or taking you for granted.
3. You will have unrealistically high expectations of others. When you are too nice, you may start to expect everyone to treat you the same way. But the reality is that not everyone is kind and considerate. If you have unrealistic expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
4. People will start coming to you only when they need something. It can be frustrating to feel like people are only using you for your kindness. But this is often the case when you are too nice. People may start to see you as a resource rather than a friend.<.br> 5. You will forget to be kind to yourself. If you are always putting others first, it is easy to neglect your own needs. This can lead to burnout, resentment and other negative consequences.
6. People will think that you are weak. Unfortunately, some people view kindness as weakness. They may think that you are easy to bully or that you cannot stand up for yourself. This can make it difficult to gain respect and to get ahead in life.
7. People will not trust you. It may seem counterintuitive, but people are actually less likely to trust you if you are too nice. They may wonder why you are being so nice and conclude you have ulterior motives. This can make it difficult to build meaningful relationships.