
Statistics and Overview

Director outline in pdf: Click here

Approx. Population Global: - 8.7% - 5/16 - Approx. US M:16.0% - F:10.0%. You may be more like pattern 16 if an Introvert.

Other Profiles: MYERS BRIGGS (MBTI) - ESTJ - The Supervisor. Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. KIERSEY - Guardian - Supervisor. iPERSONIC - Determined Realist. Other - Overseer, Judicator. OXOR™ - Director.

Career: Runs own business, ladder to positions of influence, leadership in volunteer positions, government employee, military or police officer, engineer, computer analyst, dentist, judge or physician.

Key like: A good job opportunity.

Key hate: Incompetence / procrastination; Those who shoot down all their ideas.

Key factors: Stubborn.

Key propensity: To appear to have difficulty to express emotion.

Smarts: Brilliant smart. Word smart.

Missing in their lives: Humility.

Rankings: How organised ranking: 1/16. How dominant ranking: 2/16. How submissive ranking: 15/16.

Twosome Descripta™ - That Boss

Augmentation: A no-nonsense, take-charge demeanor makes others feel confident and secure. Bossy know-it-all who only wants to control the people around them.

Point of Characta™ - Example.

Pos Traits:

1. Dignified, strong willed, principled.
2. Loyal to the group - family, community, country.
3. Great strategist, outstanding game player.
4. Ethical, hardworking, honest.
5. Focusses on what is practical, preferring tradition and order.
6. Extremely organised and has difficulty dealing with uncertainty.
7. Responsible and would rather strategise before acting.
8. Dependable.

Pos Traits Description: The Director is gifted at creating workable, step-by-step plans for teams and communities so that goals can be achieved and order can be maintained. These types are exceedingly generous with their time and energy and if they see a need they find it imperative to fix it or organise a team to do so. They are skilled at scheduling, directing and creating efficient procedures and policies so that their communities are organised and each person is doing their part to ensure the overall goal is achieved. The down-to-earth, friendly yet logical nature of the Director is a major benefit to any community or organisation.

Neg Traits:

1. Too uncompromising.
2. Stubborn and inflexible. Reluctant to trust an opinion long enough for it to be proven.
3. Judgmental.
4. Too focussed on social status.
5. Uncomfortable with unconventional situations.
6. Difficulties in expressing emotions and empathy.
7. Difficulty in relaxing.
8. Demanding.

What you need to stop doing: Being an android.

Nicknames: Mr. Forceful. Mr. Governor. Penguin. Real Ale. Executive. Stuffed Shirt. Border Collie. The Business Snake. The Lion.

E. Hunter's Brand Fascination Guesstimate™: Power - Lead with command. With Power as Secondary, The Aggressor - Dominant, Overbearing, Dogmatic.

Surˌprise, surˈprise - you should not be surprised about these sorts of behaviour!: The extreme lengths a Director will go to when they feel they have been wronged will always amaze you. No Director ever gave up when someone else expected them to quit.

Pidgeonholed v. The Real World:

P: Intelligent, dependable, productive, competent, forward thinker.
R: Reminds teachers about homework distribution and collection every single day. Their bossiness is full of care. Trust them when they screw you for messing up. Their objective nature will keep you safe.

As a leader - Overbearing

Augmentation: Prioritisation of efficiency can result in the making of hasty or overly harsh decisions that ignore the human impact of their decisions.

Dogma - Blind Faith: Plan the work and work the plan.

Focus: Uphold the law.

As a negotiator:

Style - Tends to Compete.

Result - Tend to be they win and the other side loses.

Outcome - Somewhat short sighted.

Examples: JOSHUA. John D Rockefeller. Lyndon B. Johnson. Bill O'Reilly. Frank Sinatra.

At work & comparing with social

Worst workplace to be in: If it's run as a workplace that completely lacks structure and presents few to no opportunities for upward advancement.

Compared to social: Scale 1 - 8. 1&2 Excellent; 3&4 Good; 5&6 Fair; 6&7 Poor.

With High D: Work: 5. Social: 3.5.

With High I: Work: 6. Social: 3.

With High S: Work: 1. Social: 6.

With High C: Work: 6. Social: 8.

At the job souk: Teacher - Trade / Technical; Project Manager; School Administrator; Factory Supervisor; Executive; Military Officer; Public Official; Bank Officer; Insurance Agent.

Jobs and tasks: Makes use of breadth of interests. Uses logic, analysis, facts and is a good organiser. Will engage in the use of tough-minded, fact-oriented and goal-directed analysis to provide leadership and direction in management. Focusses on application of standards of what is correct, efficient and sensible regarding both people and situations.

Promptness: Early. Great at time management and will likely hate the idea of being late for anything. Will likely plan ahead and leave early for most of their appointments and events. Further, often consider being on time as unacceptable and will try to be at least a few minutes early. Directors are direct individuals and prefer to be efficient and pragmatic in their actions. Directors will become annoyed with people who show up late and hold them up for certain events. If extra time is needed to get ready then the Director will likely wake up early in order to arrive on time.

Fulfilling Commitments: The Director believes that commitments are extremely important and do not back out once they decide to go through with something. When the Director commits to something, whether it be a relationship, job or even a hobby, they will do whatever it takes to get it done. The Director truly dislikes flighty or skittish people and does not want to be seen as someone who is unsure or insincere. They will do whatever it takes to follow through with their responsibilities. Their loyalty is one of the most appealing and noble qualities possessed.

In a Meeting: Networker.

Under Pressure: The Director is efficient, hardworking and bossy and can often handle a lot of work related pressure. For their career can take on many challenges at once. Will push for success. Will struggle with pressure from those close as they do not enjoy disappointing them. The Director wants to capable of living up to expectations without letting others down.

As a performance appraiser: Style - Prefers to evaluate others by how well they meet the standards and challenges set forth by the Director; Result - I's , S's and C's are likely to get the feeling that the reception is cold and not at all empathetic; Outcome - Appraisee is likely to be relieved it's all over while the Director can get on with things.

As a customer service representative: Style - Directors put relationship building as secondary to fixing the problem. Never put a Director across the counter from the customer who wants to vent; Result - Perfect when customer service means getting to the point, fixing the problem and moving on to the next customer. For all other situations there will be problems; Outcome - Maybe two-thirds of the population will hear an abrupt “tell me what you want me to do to the fix your problem” as cold and unempathetic. Directors are really not suited to these roles.

Tension Warner:

DD - D with D - Competition, Threat.

DI - D with I - Priority. Guarded, Task-Oriented v. Open, People-Oriented.

DS - D with S - Pace & Priority. Direct, Fast-Paced, Guarded v. Indirect, Slower-Paced, Open, People-Oriented.

DC - D with C - Pace. Direct, Fast-Paced v. Indirect, Slower-Paced.

In the Personal Space

How others are judged: Disorganised Judgeology™. Judge people who cannot seem to get their own lives together. They see how things could be done more efficiently and often become annoyed that people refuse to listen to them. They have a strong sense of duty and want to get things done the right way not the wrong way. People who are messy or disorganised and cannot seem to get the job done will receive judgments from the Director. They might make snap judgments towards people who do not follow the guidelines of society the way they do.

Cause of anxiety: When the Director has to hand over the reigns to someone else.

Shyness Gauge™ (Out of the 16 patterns. Scale: Lower number is more shy: 12/16

When ill: The Director works fervently from their sick bed, on their laptop, while internally scolding their immune system for not trying harder.

At the shopping mall: Will be at the Banana Republic buying 100 versions of the same button up shirt because they like the way it fits.

As the gift buyer: The Director asks their loved ones to rank the top three places the would like gift cards from. Then emails them over to save time, money and the risk of having the gift cards lost in the mail.

What they want as a gift: Money.

What sort of holiday: Leading a cycling tour with a certain order and routine for the day so that they know what to expect and be prepared for on this holiday.

What sort of clothes do they wear - male: Dresses to impress. They have respectable sensibilities and they likely take their style tips from the successful people they want to emulate or look up to. Want to look distinguished and important and may dress in conservative attire and may acquire an impressive knowledge of how to put together a classy ensemble that will allow them to make a strong impression wherever they go.

What sort of clothes do they wear - female: Nothing goes unnoticed as it's all about efficiency. Logical, detail-oriented, need footwear that reflects their personality and not afraid to speak their mind. A good pair of white slip-on sneakers are trendy and useful.

As a house guest: As Host: Stay here; make no mess. As Guest: I'll have no issue sitting in your recliner chair with you on the couch. I'll take over.

Contents of wardrobe (fun perspective):
Everything in the perfect spot. And if someone comes in a messes one part of it up they might have a lawsuit on their hands.

In a relationship / dating:
Needs responsibility and Friendship. Red Flag if you hear this - "I know I should have used my money to pay my rent but that outfit was on sale and so fabulous!" Not negotiable with the partner - Inconsistency. Biggest Strength - Responsibility. Ideal Date Activities - Anything that involves going out. Comedy club, film festival, fair. Will be seeking - Long term dating. Target area priority - LOVABLE - 70%; ROMANTIC 20%; SEXUAL 10%. Soulmate - Achiever.

Compatibility: Click here.

At the bar: Cannot hold tongue - chatty.

In the bedroom: Bragging Bedroomer. The Director's natural aggressiveness and eagerness towards life translates directly into the bedroom. They have a very take charge attitude and see sex as an opportunity to be the best at yet another thing. If you are young, you will explore ranking in the sexual conquests but as you get older you find casual sex meaningless. You are instantly turned on if you realise the other person is attracted to you. You thrive on knowing you are doing a good job in the bedroom and want to be as impressive as possible. Bragging rights are definitely a plus even if you are just bragging to your partner.

Dalliance or not? Likely to be quite faithful and devoted to their relationships. Not so inclined to flirt or seek emotional or sensual thrills. The Director may become susceptible to the advances of others especially when their responsibilities become stressful. A new love interest could then provide a welcome distraction and take their mind off their troubles.

How they deal with clutter: Strategised Clutter. The Director will have the chores assigned and posted on the calendar on the fridge. They will strategise, delegate and supervise, but no one resents it because they have signed up to scrub the unidentified sludge from the bathtub and tackle the rat’s nest in the garage. Is the Alexander the Great of spring cleaning.

What sort of kitchen: The Traditional Kitchen. The Director is traditional, methodical and organised. They get things done. People often tell you your kitchen looks timeless. It's just classic, they say, with subtle details that are interesting without being showy. Its familiarity calms you, so you can tackle your to-do list with a clear head.

What religion: 42.71% of this pattern are religious. Rank: 8/16. Likely religion: Mainstream Islam. Evangelical / Protestant. Does not come to church but but is always the first to volunteer for the mission project.

Problems with faith / religion: This pattern can struggle when it comes to having faith, since they search out things that can be proven. They believe in basing things on facts and so simply having faith in something or someone can be truly difficult for them. They might find it easier to have faith in people or even a higher power, if they developed that faith from a very young age. They are more at ease with what they know and, if this is something they learned from a very young age, it can become a bit easier for them to believe in it. Maybe from being brainwashed / family tradition. Oxor™ states that the blind acceptance of faith is at odds with being a Thinker.

What they like at a music festival: The boss of the festival. Is probably in charge of the entire festival. Scares a known-for-being-out-of-control rocker into showing up for the show on time for the first time ever.

What they like as their musical instrument: Drums. Why? The Director likes routine and structure, has a strong moral compass and adheres to their values strongly. The structure and rhythm of drumming should ensure they are an exceptional drummer.

What sort of friend: Lecturer, always ready to hang out. The friend who is either lecturing you about your life choices, or being larger than life and trying to keep you entertained. The Director often pretends to know more about the topics you are discussing than they actually do, but they are seriously good at convincing you. Is likely not to get along with another Director. Can feel lonely if they do not have loyal friends.

Weird feature: Tidiness. Do not want people to think they are messy. Rank: 2/10.

In the classroom: Away. Because they are at the class president meeting.

Attitude to money and risk

Augmentation: Sound and Frugal Saver. Earns a good salary working in management, takes two holidays per year, retires on time on a good pension. Frugal saver who may be seen as 'cheap' by cutting down expenses. Can hoard wealth to be seen as high status. A Protector also. Can have a lot of trouble with unanticipated change and make bad decisions in a panic. Needs to have a contingency fund of around six months income. As a risk taker, Directors, together with Objective Thinkers, Practitioners and Appraisers have the least willingness to take risks. They enjoy having consistency and structure in their lives and they tend to act only after they have carefully analysed all the details and feel totally prepared. Time is needed to gather their memories and experiences as well as look at the information and think it all over. This does not mean that the Director never takes risks, however. They just need to be sure they have given each option a lot of thought and consideration before acting on the choices they have. Directors are so careful and considerate when making decisions they tend to be thoroughly prepared for whatever consequences unfold because of that decision. They are prepared, practical and grounded when it comes to their choices and this means that they are less likely to take risks that turn out badly or backfire on them. In certain cases, the Director can be too risk-averse. For example, as an office worker might hate the job but be unwilling to venture into another career field because of the risk of failure. The Director can also get so stuck in their comfort zone such that they miss out on new opportunities that would bring them joy.

Spending money: Frugal saver. Can develop a reputation for being cheap. May accumulate wealth or possessions etc. to be seen as high status. Work creates happiness so dollars not needed to spend. May adapt to the spending habits of friends but will want to cut costs when they can.

Financial toxicity: Protector - Redresser. Will take action against providers when the quality of a product or service purchased is not up to scratch or there are valid and extenuating circumstances requiring redress. This may include circumstances when the product or service has already been consumed. It is not to squeeze the provider for a freebie for the sake of it. Whether it's writing letters to companies or calling them will take strong action like a dog with a bone. These actions are generally taken outside of the glare of onlookers. Trustworthy Ranking: High. (The need to provide is often taken advantage of which causes trouble trusting people in the future).

The following table shows the attitude to risk of each pattern

Tell tale sign
1 Director ESTJ
Take risks only to avoid losses
Orderly life
Wants to help but extremely bossy
2 Developer ENTJ
Only takes long term risks
Can back underdogs but are bullies
3 Results ESTP
Thrill seeker
Can see things through if committed
4 Inspirational ENTP
No comfort zone
No contingency plan
If self motivated - cross ts and dot is
5 Persuader ENFJ
Only take action after thorough analysis and preparation
Look after others
Invasive questions to help
6 Appraiser ESFJ
Only when the outcome is fairly secure
Order and convention - safe harbour
Only as petty as the people around them
7 Promoter ENFP
Crazy ideas
Question, debate, procrastinate
8 Counselor ESFP
Cannot stand still
Just do it
Sharper than they appear
9 Specialist ISFP
Spontaneous, experimental, unpredictable
Gets stressed
Constantly analysing but appear flaky
10 Investigator INFJ
Only if reward exceeds the risk
Will not risk it if others are to be hurt
Are cold if you do not know them well
11 Agent INFP
Spontaneous of thought and slow of deed
Have analysis paralysis
Will go to any lengths necessary in pursuit of what they believe is right
12 Achiever ISTP
Pursues something new and interesting; adrenaline junkies
Gets bored easily
Some pursue extreme sports; others stay safe
13 Practitioner ISFJ
Deliberately structure their lives to avoid taking risks and are difficult to get going
Scared of potential for failure. Only jump after considering pros, cons and safety net
Feelings > interests. More interested in keeping the peace than getting exactly what they want. The master of passive-aggressive behaviour.
14 Objective Thinker ISTJ
Vigilant, cautious and wary of risk, only trusting what is true and verifiable
Zero chance of them doing anything that permanently damage their body
If a new method beats out an old one, will swap
15 Perfectionist INTP
Takes risks in order to break new ground
Even tempered and rational
Enjoying social interaction yet not capable of it
16 Enhancer INTJ
Calculated risks if can see a gain
Have back up - are very sensible
Want to hear other angles even if do not agree initially
Objective Thinker

When Nefarious - actions are highly reprehensible or offensive in character

Dictatorial, aggressive and controlling. Believe that they know what’s best for everyone, and that their way is the only way. They suppress their moral compass and disregard the feelings and values of other people in exchange for their own rigid views. They push forward to achieve their goals, but instead of taking time to reflect on their decisions, they steamroll over everyone in their path in order to accomplish tasks without considering alternate viewpoints or the moral implications of their actions. They may be loyal to a system (corrupt or otherwise) or authority and suppress anyone who stands against that authority or questions it. They trust their own personal experience and disregard other people’s experience. They scoff at the emotions and values of others while they allow themselves to have their own temper tantrums and emotional overreactions. Crimes: Cyber bullying. Assault.

Bratty behaviour (Bratology™): Lecturing others. Self-assured and worldly, tendency to genuinely believe that they know what’s best for those around them, but that may not necessarily be the case. Needs to be more tolerant of other people’s choices, irrespective of how illogical they may seem to them.

Lying: Expressive people exude credibility. Spontaneity tends to disarm suspicion. (Tend to deny, deny, deny.) Tells lies to get something done. Rank 11/16.

When guilty: Stifles Guilt. May not be strongly in touch with their emotions, which may cause repressions of feelings of guilt. Wants to be able to do right by the people that they care about, striving to work hard for them. If failing the people around them, particularly in a practical way, may feel guilty about this. Instead of focusing on this guilt may become unhappy or may work even harder to compensate. Possessing a strong sense of duty, wanting to care for others and do what they believe is right. Shame: If been unable to live up to their own personal standards, as well as the standards of those around them, they will feel very ashamed as want to be seen as someone that can achieve anything. Must be able to feel comfortable admitting to their mistakes, without feeling judged. Important to reflect on accomplishments and how hard the work effort has been and how much good they have done to help cope with feelings of shame.

Ingeniously Problematic™ behaviour: Sometimes. Is on display when it is clearly known what the desired outcome is, yet an assertion is made that may not be untruthful, is likely to be ambiguous and the author can use it to advantage. It is designed to give the recipient hope; reality may be 'bugger off' or (mis)leading you into taking up some sort of offer. It often involves blatant hypocrisy.

The Sir Robertson Sole symptoms™ - as the "asshole"!

The Complainer - The Micromanaging, Overseeing R. Sole: An R. Sole inside and out. May threaten to hit people behind their backs but they almost never go ahead with it. Tend to care more about an organisation's traditions and how it keeps up with them rather than implementing improvements to make the organisation the best of the breed. Tend to complain and be negative and want to control all at once 24/7. Are bureaucratic and sycophantic (uses flattery to win favour from individuals wielding influence), they are the cultists selling you books on dianetics. They are the middle-managers with the smiles entirely disproportionate with how important they are for the company and their only job is to tell you to work harder, which they enjoy. They are the coach for your kids’ sports team who base their entire self-worth on the team and breaks down when it inevitably loses, and they are the aunts who “hold together” the family by silencing anybody who does not smile in the family portrait. Cannot grasp that others might not share the same values. Never a relationship, always a deal.

On R.Sole steroids - The Incontinent (=lacking self-restraint; uncontrolled) Autocrat: The Director is sexually aroused by rules and regulations. The only thing that throttles their libido is the thought of producing something of worth. Frequently found lurking in brick council buildings tenderly stroking the bricks after a hard day making everyone miserable. Regularly attend office supply conventions.
Insulting tags: Irresponsible. "You cannot handle responsibility". "You will never be an effective leader."
Worst quality: Demanding.
Prof. Sole nominates Hillary Clinton, all philosophical zombies, Annastacia Palaszczuk and Frank Sinatra as examples.

Robert Sole's Conviction™: The kid that you have known since year 4 who is the perfect honours student with a million friends. Awesome at sport and member of a lot of clubs. Never has received less than an 'A'. Annoyingly, your mother asks you why you cannot be more like them. Thankfully, you are one of the other 15 patterns. Normal on the outside, weird on the inside.

The following table shows the population of each pattern

Source: Australian Psychological Type Review and others.

MALE - Aus
1 Director ESTJ
2 Developer ENTJ
3 Results ESTP
4 Inspirational ENTP
5 Persuader ENFJ
6 Appraiser ESFJ
7 Promoter ENFP
8 Counselor ESFP
9 Specialist ISFP
10 Investigator INFJ
11 Agent INFP
12 Achiever ISTP
13 Practitioner ISFJ
14 Objective Thinker ISTJ
15 Perfectionist INTP
16 Enhancer INTJ
Objective Thinker
Highest 4
14 & 1 &
16 & 2 = 54.2%
13 & 14 &
7 & 11 = 40.0%
1 & 3 &
5 & 14 = 51.5%
6 & 8 &
1 & 9 = 48.0%