I secretly think that everyone around me is an incompetent monkey that was birthed with the sole purpose of annoying me. I need to be told that money is not everything.

I run an outfit like a well oiled machine with everyone from the police force to the lady next door firmly in my pocket, with perfectly organized digital folders on them all.

In conflict, I am assertive and likely very competitive. I seek closure.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I am not the most sensitive soul so I can seem a bit (lot) hurtful when I am trying to get something done and incompetent others are getting in my way.

1. The Director - ESTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the executive who can swiftly identify whether something is useless or mildly tolerable?

Go to their pattern

I am constantly petrified of being in a situation whereby I cannot sweet-talk or negotiate my way out. I need to be told that the world does not revolve around me.

I can lead a traitorous organization. I would utilize my unparalleled political, organizational and practical skills to put into motion a sweeping plan that turns the tables on the outdated infrastructure that had been used for so long.

In conflict, I am assertive, likely competitive, but possibly willing to collaborate. I seek closure.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I become extremely frustrated by people who cannot perform properly and I will carry on in a sometimes aggressive manner towards these poor performers.

2. The Developer - ENTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the elitist leader with a checklist of qualities that people must have to be a 'non-idiot'?

Go to their pattern

I am the most likely to die young or to take unnecessary risks just to spice up my life. I need to be told that while looks may matter, so does personality.

I am the heist guy who leads my team with a combination of high-stakes risks and impromptu cleverness to steal from the biggest and the baddest; or whichever is easier.

In conflict, I am assertive, probably collaborative. I seek closure.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I often take risks that might frighten and confuse those around me.

3. The Results - ESTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the impulsive type who always jumps head-first in to the latest exciting thing just to get a rush?

Go to their pattern

The larger or more vehement a response I can get from others for my far-fetched ideas and debates; the more accomplished I feel. I need to be told that I need to be careful as I can manipulate and exploit others without even realising it.

I am definitely a hacker, taking on bigger and bigger challenges, making money while having the time of my life, bringing down a government or organization or two, then ghosting around social media to make sure I get the recognition that I deserve.

In conflict, I am assertive, most likely collaborative, but not always. I seek progress and understanding.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I am independent, headstrong and enjoy exploring new things. I will jump from one event to the next rather quickly, leaving things unfinished.

4. The Inspirational - ENTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the tactician with indisputable logic who gets off by being a devil's advocate on any topic?

Go to their pattern

I act caring and noble but only do it to feed my own narcissistic impressions of myself. I need to be told that I need to take off my rose-tinted glasses and re-think the future in a more grounded way.

I am the specialist in government or organization takedown. Let’s say the communist cause caught my heart and now I am mobilizing my skills as a planner, people connecter and leader to pull the rug right out from under the unfortunate democracy.

In conflict, I am collaborative or compromising. I seeks to maintain relationships - sometimes.

As the bitch, I am a handful because because I manipulate, smother and interfere. I can also be narcissistic, selfish and passive-aggressive.

5. The Persuader - ENFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the empathetic charmer who can get you to do anything for them 'for your own good'?

Go to their pattern

I care so much about my public appearance that I would never uphold a controversial belief and would not think twice to cut off someone from my life with an infamous identity. I need to be told that do I really need to know about why my friend’s friend’s boss’s mother lost her job?

I get everyone together for a well-organized and well-provisioned evening, makes them all feel at home, then proceeds to get rid of them all with the secret ingredient in irresistible cupcakes.

In conflict, I am collaborative or compromising. I seek to maintain relationships and interpersonal dynamics.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I want to feel appreciated and might need affection from those around me which is especially difficult for people who require a lot of space to hand it out.

6. The Appraiser - ESFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the chatty and sassy social butterfly with the ability to instantly become everyone's best friend?

Go to their pattern

I am extremely friendly, but will leave you as soon as you stop providing me with 'mental stimulation'. I need to be told that sometimes I just have to be a little more serious.

I am that really friendly person who strikes up a conversation at Starbucks, puts you at your ease, then steals your wallet or lets you pay for me.

In conflict, I am assertive, most likely collaborative. I seeks to have ideas and feelings understood.

As the bitch, I am a handful because my sense of passion and curiosity are light years ahead of completing anything.

7. The Promoter - ENFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the curious hyper type with a seemingly endless amount of energy and crazy random ideas?

Go to their pattern

I am too self-absorbed to the point where I would even publicly humiliate myself to garner even a shred of attention from others. I need to be told that I need to stop crying and telling others the truth about my emotions and values otherwise I am at high risk of being taken advantage of.

I am a promiscuous person who can always blackmail someone for a favour when I need to, picking up luxury goods from the black market for little more than a song or a kiss.

In conflict, I am collaborative or compromising. I seek to be heard.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I want to always be the centre of attention and am demanding and reckless. I vent, talking about my stress to others. Getting my frustration out externally is my preferred way of coping.

8. The Counselor - ESFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the outgoing adventurer who would do anything to be on centre stage just to feel alive?

Go to their pattern

I would rather get bullied by society than lose out on my 'unique' identity. I need to be told that to get a life.

I am the elite graffiti artist, painting my messages in high visibility areas such as Parliament House and the MCG. Highly illegal, but I think its cool (when it is actually vandalism).

In conflict, I am compromising, accommodating or avoidant. I seek to understand others’ feelings.

As the bitch, I am a handful because of a desire to take risks and live with a sense of freedom and when I feel that I am being controlled by others. I am the most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well being the most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.

9. The Specialist - ISFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the independent artist who only cares about expressing their inner self to the world?

Go to their pattern

I can mentally cripple anybody that I know well if I wanted to do it. I need to be told that my insights into peoples’ minds can scare them massively.

I have a self-sacrificing idea for the betterment of humankind deep in my mind, have built whole frameworks of plans and strategies around it, while inspiring a select, but elite, few to implement my solution.

In conflict, I am compromising, accommodating or avoidant. I seek to maintain relationships.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I am an extremely complex and sometimes a very confusing person. I do like to vent to someone when I am upset.

10. The Investigator - INFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the psychic who knows what is best for everyone more than they know themselves, obviously?

Go to their pattern

I am childlike and cute until you wrong me and then you will see me wise up and mature within a matter of seconds. I need to be told that I need to stop crying and telling others the truth about my emotions and values otherwise I am at high risk someone taking advantage of me.

I am someone whose heart has been broken one too many times whose deep capacity for emotional pain leads me to go after anyone who is experiencing the love I have been denied.

In conflict, I am compromising, accommodating or avoidant. I seek to maintain relationships.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I am a dizzy daydreamer with my head buzzing with creative and imagined concepts constantly, I am unpredictable, not easy to understand, lazy, whinging, never satisfied, miserable and meddle in other people's affairs.

11. The Agent - INFP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the imaginary dark fairy who daydreams with the attention span of a goldfish?

Go to their pattern

I have too much suppressed emotion which usually comes out in the most freakiest of sexual acts with my partner. [Oxor™ - who did this research?] I need to be told that I should think things through as stealing strangers’ bicycles is actually illegal.

I am a maybe car thief, because what Achiever would not want both the thrill of stealing a car and have the police chase afterwards, free of charge? Cars, adrenaline and rule breaking. I cannot lose.

In conflict, I am compromising or accommodating. I seek to move on from conflict.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I am independent and will likely have a hard time sticking to one place. I might want to spontaneously go on a trip and might have a hard time notifying others. Although I have a long fuse, my pattern is the most likely to get upset or angry and show it.

12. The Achiever - ISTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the systematic detective who is only interested in things that they can fix or take apart?

Go to their pattern

I hold grudges for my whole life. I need to be told that everyone has a little bit of a rebellious side.

I am the person who turns vigilante because I think that the people in power are doing nothing to right the wrong especially if the crime in question pushes my moral hot buttons.

In conflict, I am compromising or accommodating. I seek to resolve conflict and avoid offence.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I hover and smother when I am worried or concerned for the well-being of someone.

13. The Practitioner - ISFJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the nurturing type who can summon an unlimited amount of comfort food on cue?

Go to their pattern

I wish that I could just say 'fcuk it' to their 9 to 5 routine but I cannot because too many people depend on me. I need to be told that vinyl records are old yet still very fashionable, but another 'vintage' thing such as refusing to upgrade my iPhone 5 is rather impractical.

Criminal? Me? Oxor™ thinks not. I might get arrested for screaming at a kid for leaving chewing gum on the footpath, but that is probably as far as it goes.

In conflict, I am compromising, accommodating or avoidant. I seek to obtain an effective outcome but I am hesitant to start an argument.

As the bitch, I am a handful because of a situation where people keep getting in my way when I am are trying to perform a task which makes me a bit tense.

14. The Objective Thinker - ISTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the pragmatist skilled at calling out bulltish because they can remember super specific details?

Go to their pattern

I have vast expanses of knowledge regarding my interests stored in my head but more often than not I just remain collecting dust in my head and is never applied in real life situations. I need to be told that I will have to adapt to this structured and extrovert-oriented world to some extent.

I care more about reaching an inner standard of understanding than achieving an external 'reward'. I am typically less focussed on grades or benchmarks and more focussed on depth but tend to score well anyway. Simultaneously, if I see a subject as being irrelevant to me, I am often distracted by theories and ideas that are of more importance to me personally. This often leads me to struggle with being understood in school. While many Perfectionists perform well on IQ tests, they care little about following a prescribed formula or doing anything repetitive or finishing.

In conflict, I am compromising or accommodating. I seek understanding of others’ ideas.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I believe in being precise and do not hold back for the sake of others' feelings. I am useless at fixing anything.

15. The Perfectionist - INTP

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the critic who stays up reading Wikipedia until 4am to feed their hunger for knowledge?

Go to their pattern

I revel in the idea that everyone thinks highly of me for my intelligence and my cold, rational mind but I secretly crave for that one person with whom I can have a real emotional connection. I need to be told that while I would hate receiving this breaking news, looking smart is not everything.

I am the mastermind who plans a world takeover in detail, but are masters of carpe diem, seizing my chances with calculated foresight. The world is in my grasp unless I find an annoyingly incorrect answer on line that really needs to be sorted out. Right now.

In conflict, I am compromising, accommodating or avoidant. I seek closure but I am hesitant to start an argument unless I have worked out that I will win beforehand. Never appear at my home of office without an appointment.

As the bitch, I am a handful because I am an independent spirit, am often very sure of my beliefs and knowledge and I do not allow people to control me or attempt to sway me in any way.

16. The Enhancer - INTJ

E. Hunter™ comment:

Can you spot, with keen eyes, the cunning strategist who spends most of their time planning how to avoid idiots?

Go to their pattern