When you know your Disc pattern
it is useful to see what you experience when challenged whether from the outside or the inside. If you are applying this to someone other than yourself then you will need to pick their Disc behaviour pattern first, using the methods contained in this site.

An Agent's solution to the alleged climate emergency.
This section is for the Oxor™ cohort who already know their own pattern. And, as applicable, you have picked that of the other person. Some of the descriptions may cause a bit of angst; this is by design!

You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Here are all sixteen patterns. And as a dessert!!

These descriptions will include you irrespective of whether you have already worked out your own behaviour pattern. Match the commentary to discover and / or visit the comprehensive information on this site.

Will the real Elizabeth Hunter™ please stand up? Go to: Real Elizabeth

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update October 12, 2022


1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?

The Director is the Border Collie The Director is the Glazed Donut

Category: Guardian.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The Incontinent (=lacking self-restraint; uncontrolled) Autocrat. See all here: Click Here

When challenged, the Director finds that they are without a group to lead. They have run into a hole of poorly structured, inefficient and abstract nonsense. Even though they have followed every rule of practicality, the midlife crisis was, in fact, inevitable. Buying a Mercedes does not fix the hollow hole in their heart. This crisis may turn into excessive micromanagement on pointless things or harassing people into the Director's devilish plans. The Director may become obsessed with their body, house, bills – anything to distract from the hole in their heart that would take too much introspection to delve into. Introspection is too slow for them to handle, is lonely and is inefficient.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Glazed Donut. Simple, practical, gets things done. Despite a lack of brilliance, people still follow the Director.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Competent, dependable people who can be trusted.
∫ The freedom to organize and have a sense of control over own surroundings.
∫ Practical, realistic individuals to achieve objectives with.
∫ A clear knowledge of the facts and rules that can be trusted.
∫ Stability, security and a dependable routine.
∫ Opportunities to interact with a variety of people.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Prefers not to express them and keeps them hidden from the world.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Protect the Director by telling them what they should do. Detail the implications. Assist with decisions that affect their future and that of those in their care. By doing this, their awareness awakens and their decisions become clear.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Director:

Sometimes, you do not know best.

You give orders and execute the plans expertly, but you rarely stop to ask for advice. Plus, you do not love unsolicited feedback. But the better you can get at accepting help and considering others’ opinions, the better leader you will become. Although you think you know best most of the time, ignoring others’ thoughts will expose the times when that is simply not the case.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Director:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A bossy, control freak who lives to promote hierarchies. [No matter how corrupt, in some cases].

Like to be seen as.

An efficiency focussed individual who values reason and responsibility.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being intense. Rank: 16/16. - The least polite = The rudest. Oxor™ agrees.

The Director has a huge number of strengths, but politeness is not necessarily one of them! This personality type prizes efficiency, dedication and focus above all else. What this translates to is a tendency to be perfectionists and workaholics who can come across as more than a little intense. They can also be judgmental of others who do not follow their beliefs and can come off as narrow-minded.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Director:

Being late.

Some patterns are chronically late (High Is) and some patterns tolerate that. Not the Director. People showing up late for something that the Director plans to start on time are seen as incredibly rude. Their lateness throws off other people’s plans and disrupts the efficiency on which the Director places a very high value. The Director can understand that sometimes reasonable reasons exist, but someone who constantly shows up late and does not care how that affects others is a person they will consider rude and will let that person know in no uncertain terms.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Director.

The Director submits an insurance claim expecting an answer within 7 days. On day 8, they are threatening to go to the Ombudsman; responding to rudeness with their own sense of rudeness. Later, they instantaneously about face when questioned about the spurious nature of the claim and delete the entire event as if it had never happened. [The Jason Hooker™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be the first to show up and assist the Developer. They are the bully in charge and will have their entire clan in tow. They are armed to the teeth and have already survived a couple of battles for necessary food supplies - just as they did in the COVID-19 situation back a few years ago in 2020.

If you are a Director, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING TOO BOSSY.

The Director easily sees errors that need correcting and naturally delegate to get jobs done and tasks completed on time. They are natural leaders and supervisors and, while this is a very good thing, it can give them a reputation for being bossy or controlling. They see what needs to be fixed, what needs to be done and they usually have no problem telling other people how to get those things done or doing it themselves. Neuroscience expert Dario Nardi said (approximately): "They are less excited about the minutiae of implementing goals and prefer to direct others to do so." They do not mean to be bossy or come across as controlling, but they are driven by task completion and goal achievement. They see it as their duty to make sure that goals are completed and everyone is lending a hand to get the job done.

What you were manufactured to do:

Brings direction to those in need of leadership.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Sizing people up.

Are probably always comparing things and, as a result, may develop an adept ability for approximation and gauging according to a defined set of criteria – whatever that may be. This probably applies mostly to inanimate things but may also manifest in their assessment of people. They may openly or covertly scrutinize people without their knowledge. They might even do background checks and snoop into their business to collect information and data on them for their own purposes. They are the type of personality that tries to peek at the person peeing in the urinal next to them. In other words, they would make excellent intelligence agents.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Prepare for difficulties due to their 'my way or the highway' attitude. You will be able to soon confirm that they are loathed in the workplace.


2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?

The Director is the Cheesecake The Developer is the German Shepherd

Category: Thinker.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The soulless puppet master. See all here: Click Here

It is not good when people ignore a Developer's commands for a perfect society. They have everything down to the minute of what needs to be done, but no one gives a damn. Instead, they will go willy nilly and ruin other's perfectionistic dreams. They will try to get people to listen to them , but they will not listen. Instead the Developer is now like a blank wall that may one day fade into nothingness. It bothers the Developer when others will not follow what they consider are sound plans or advice. A world where the Developer cannot move and shake things with vibrant extroversion is not a world to be liked or enjoyed. A solitary retreat does not work for the Developer like others. They need lots of people, conquests and charisma flowing through their veins. A world without order is not one enjoyed or understood. The Developer will force order into the world and make it happen.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Cheesecake. Classic, frank and decisive. They know how to be the star of the show. The Developer is in it for the long haul.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ As much independence and control over their own schedule as possible.
∫ Freedom to innovate, question and try things in new ways.
∫ A sense of competence and mastery over what they are doing.
∫ Exposure to a wide variety of philosophies, people, experiences and ideas.
∫ The ability to put theories to work and integrate new ideas into plans.
∫ Up-front, direct conversation and authenticity from people. No BS.
∫ Opportunities to debate, challenge, bully and argue.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Tends to avoid emotion especially when working. They bury their feelings because they do not fully know how to process or understand them.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Assist the Developer to remember. Encourage them to write of their experiences. Remind them of past decisions and results. Show them their folly in hoping for a different result this time around if doing exactly the same thing. Be unwavering in commitment to them to ensure their progress toward achievement is neither slow nor derailed.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Developer:

You are not superhuman.

You want to make the world run smoother, have substantial relationships and see growth in your personal life. But you often bite off more than you can chew and prioritize working longer hours over making stronger bonds. You make promises you do not keep and end up disappointing others. Remember that you do not have more than 24 hours in a day and you cannot do everything. You have to be selective about who you invest in and make sure that you are putting forth the necessary time to be solid in your loved ones’ lives.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Developer:

Pretty social and understanding.

This is despite a very strong personality which 'screams' 99.99% of the time.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Developer:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A cold hearted tyrant and bully who tramples over the weak and frail on their way to success and riches.

Like to be seen as.

An ambitious and visionary individual who wants to achieve goals and make lasting changes in the world.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being decisive and bullying. Rank: 13/16. - The bottom quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Developer is arguably one of the patterns who cares least about other people’s opinions of them. This is not a pattern who sugarcoats things or cares what others think of them. They are decisive, assertive and extremely blunt. Once you realize this is just their way then you will be fine. But if it is your first time encountering one, you would be forgiven for reading their super dominant persona as impolite. They save themselves with their charisma, which helps them win people over regardless of how polite they are.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Developer:

Laziness and Procrastination.

For many patterns, someone who is lazy and/or procrastinates is just a minor irritation. If someone’s laziness and procrastination affects the Developer, they are likely to classify it as highly offensive. If someone is being lazy in a way that gets in the way of efficiency, they see it as both disrespectful and very annoying and they will let the person know, trust me.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Developer.

The Developer attends a meeting to be shown some new software. The software does not function properly and this because the author has procrastinated and is deemed lazy by the Developer. The Developer storms out of the meeting in a blind rage, stepping on and breaking his glasses. Everyone laughs after the prick has stormed into the lift. [The Brian Smiff™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would broadcast, by way of a 2-way radio, a call to consolidate and survive including directions to the strategically sound, centrally located, rendezvous point under your command and control with the Director assisting you.

If you are a Developer, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING SUPERIOR AND ARROGANT.

The Developer is usually extremely driven, competitive and confident. They have a natural leadership style and bold determination that can make them intimidating to many people. They know what they want, they have an eye for the future and they want to get there as quickly as possible. They can become impatient with emotions, extraneous details and when people contradict their plans. Their natural confidence and drive can seem domineering and superior to others, especially people who are more soft-spoken and gentle in their delivery. It is important to remember that confidence and superiority are not the same things. Many Developers are confident but truly do not consider themselves superior to anyone else. They are usually open to hearing other people’s views as long as they are not clouded by emotions or filled with details that get in the way of the overall big picture or point of the argument.

What you were manufactured to do:

Thrives in the impossible.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Cutting corners.

Folk cannot always be perfect can they? Sometimes it is like running a 100m race and you can see the finish line clearly from the starting point but, instead of making a direct beeline from point A to point B, you have to dodge traffic and jump through a hundred hoops and hurdles just to get there. The Developer is a big picture thinker who is all about efficiency. They do not like getting caught up with granular details especially if it compromises their competitive edge. If there is a loop-hole, they will find it, otherwise they would rather outsource the task to someone else such as an Objective Thinker.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Prepare for difficulties if you use emotion. You will be bullied, then eaten. These are the people that the anti-bullying action committee needs to target.


3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?

The Results is the Jack Russell Terrier The Results is the Blondie

Category: Artisan.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The burned out pornstar. See all here: Click Here

Think Fight Club. The world does not have the sprawling war you think would define the Results. Instead it is wall to wall consumerism, but all they really want to feel is a kick to the face, the adrenaline and the thrill. They get bored with everything. everything is boring, mundane and weak. They will trade everything in on a dime for drugs or cheap thrills. They may suddenly abandon all their connections to find that sensual thing they know is here on the planet. They can feel everything in the physical plane that other less developed sensing personalities take for granted. They are annoyed with being in a cubicle to make money because it is pointless when compared with skydiving.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Blondie. Flexible and tolerant but spontaneous, a risk taker and active. The Results is steady with quite a bit of an edge.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Opportunities to take risks and prove competence (starting a business, solving a problem, negotiating, extreme sports).
∫ Exposure to a variety of new experiences, cultures and people.
∫ Straightforward, honest and direct communication with people.
∫ Freedom to be spontaneous and adapt to the needs of the moment.
∫ Ability to question, gather information and search for the truth.
∫ Opportunities to jump right into the action and see immediate results through helping people.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Tends to avoid emotion especially when working. They bury their feelings because they do not fully know how to process or understand them. Usually shows their emotions via acting out by bullying, name-calling, etc. in a similar fashion to the Enhancer.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Strengthen the Results by not by telling them to avoid evil or even the appearance of it, but by being an example. Lend them your morality to help them differentiate between right and wrong. Lead them to the tree of knowledge of good and evil so they may learn discernment for themselves.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Results:

There are some things you must plan for.

Living in the moment is your MO and you believe you can figure out anything on the fly; the past is the past and the future is fuzzy. You tell yourself this, but deep down know that not planning for your future destinations leaves you vulnerable to never going anywhere at all. Take time to think about your goals and do not be afraid to share them; also share, with emotion, your frustrations and fears better to others who can provide you with honest feedback.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Results:

Not 100% gamblers.

Sometimes have emotions but that is as rarely seen as an honest politician.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Results:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A disloyal adrenaline junkie who has no self-control and who is always looking for sex or a fight.

Like to be seen as.

An extremely realistic and rational individual who craves opportunities to act quickly and cleverly in the moment.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being straight to the point. Rank: 9/16. - The third quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Results is quick, charismatic and a little chaotic. They are one of the most dynamic patterns and boldest of all the 16 patterns. This pattern is not afraid to get straight to the point. They value directness in their communication and this can sometimes come off as impolite. However, if you can get into the groove of their way and keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle, you will forgive their impoliteness because you will be carried away by their playful, infectious personality.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Results:

Pushing own drama onto others.

The Results can be the sort of people that let rudeness slide right off them as they can take it. But there are things that irritate them and one of those is if someone insists on pushing their own drama onto other people. They consider it is rude for someone to expect others to deal with loads of emotional drama that should not directly involve them. Pushing personal drama onto other people is the sort of thing that many Results find particularly irritating and they will let the drama queen know.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Results.

A Promoter takes over the marketing meeting explaining over and over again the problems with their cat and their children and why the school principal will not take action. The Results, the Chair, tells the Promoter not to submit bulltish to the meeting and forces the meeting back on to the agenda. As the rudeness persisted, the Results snapped when they were feeling on edge and was rather rude in response to this behaviour. The Promoter cannot fathom this, predictably. [The David Cragg™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would take it that an opportunity exists for the adventure of a lifetime. You decide to cook some sausages on the barbeque which you have with you. You watch the end from the peak of Mt. Everest.

If you are a Results, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: NOT TAKING LIFE SERIOUSLY.

The Results is skilled at taking advantage of current opportunities and realities. By taking action and being free to be spontaneous they learn to think quickly and sum up risks at the spur-of-the-moment. At the same time, they tend to dislike routine, sitting still and making long-term decisions. They like to keep their options open and become stressed when they have to make decisions that might tie them down or limit their prospects. Parents, teachers, or partners who see their easy charm and impulsive lifestyle might judge them for not buckling down and making commitments or deciding. They might feel that it is 'immature' to go from one experience to another and not develop a consistent routine. Mature Results are responsible, capable and fearless, but they probably are not the person who wants to sit in an office for the rest of their lives. They need the chance to experiment, go on adventures and try new things. Tying them down will only cause resentment and frustration.

What you were manufactured to do:

Does when others do not.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Ogling at attractive people.

Leering at people is just plain rude but sometimes it is hard not to. This pattern is very visual and they are highly attuned to their physical surroundings and everyone in it. They may be a bit superficial in their appreciation for appearances but they can hardly pass up the chance to feast their eyes on a beautiful man or woman. They likely try to soak up as much as they can with furtive glances and sneaky peeks unbeknown to the other person. They may do this especially while wearing dark sunglasses that can mask the direction of their perverted glances.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Prepare for fireworks at all times. Make them the crisis manager.


4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?

The Inspirational is Frozen Yoghurt The Inspirational is the Bull Terrier

Category: Thinker.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The snivelling malcontent. See all here: Click Here

Without an argument, does the Inspirational exist? They will keep making up stuff to instigate and eventually ruffle someone's feathers... to make themselves feel better. The Inspirational, perhaps more like the Promoter than the Developer, also needs people in order to come across and exchange philosophical ideals. The Inspirational does not understand disconnection with others, poor arguments or tightly wound up scenarios. They need freedom and also freedom to explore thought. If an Inspirational was held hostage and forced into a routine, their colourful world would collapse. They need people to playfully mock and embrace.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Frozen Yoghurt. Is bored by routine. The Inspirational is smart and interested in finding new ways to do things.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Freedom to explore unconventional ideas and possibilities.
∫ Unstructured free time.
∫ Books, classes and conversations that satisfy a thirst for knowledge.
∫ Opportunities to debate, question, argue and hypothesize.
∫ Opportunity to experience a variety of cultures, places, ideas and philosophies.
∫ Determination to deal with important details and health requirements that can feel boring or mundane.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Appear emotionless and rational, but hide fairly deep feelings no one would ever suspect. Especially so for the Inspirational and OT. Throws curved balls all day and are hard to decode as misleads about their ability to feel.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Strengthen the Inspirational by not by telling them to avoid evil or even the appearance of it, but by being an example. Lend them your morality to help them differentiate between right and wrong. Lead them to the tree of knowledge of good and evil so they may learn discernment for themselves.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Inspirational:

If you never commit long-term, you will never make deep impacts.

Not only are you a great conversationalist and a social butterfly but you also have an array of interests. Choosing one path to commit to, whether it be a relationship or a career, is the hardest struggle you face. But if you do not settle into just a few core decisions, you will never make deep and lasting impacts in relationships or in aa given field. Try drafting some specific plans as your goal this year; you will reach them.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Inspirational:

Gives way more to life than is initially apparent.

Not always ready at 3am to send you jokes.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Inspirational:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A direction-less and hyperactive person who lives to troll.

Like to be seen as.

An innovative and logical thinker who lives to see their visions realised.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being challenged. Rank: 7/16. - The second quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Inspirational is easy going and adaptable. Criticism just bounces off them like water off a duck's back. This means that they are rarely impolite deliberately. On the other hand, they also have a natural stubbornness where they can come across as being impolite in some circumstances, especially if you try to challenge them.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Inspirational:

Refusing to argue well.

Some types see starting arguments as rude, but the Inspirational is the Debater and for them it can be ruder when someone refuses to argue. And that is especially true if they refuse to argue in a way that makes sense. Someone who avoids a good debate, or someone who insists on debating without having any facts, data or logical reasoning to back up their points, is heading into territory that the Inspirational could consider rude and may well let you know.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Inspirational.

The Inspirational argues that a 2005 approval will be good enough when it is 2008. After a debate, eventually the Enhancer insists the 2008 approval is necessary on their watch. The Inspirational loses, which is rare, and assigns the task of obtaining the 2008 approval to their offsider. [The Clay Nilssen™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would have noticed the apocalypse days before it began and have already moved away with your loved ones to your pre-planned exodus locale long before all the roads are jammed.

If you are an Inspirational, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: ARGUING TOO MUCH.

The Inspirational naturally sees about a thousand alternate angles to any statement or rule. They are determined to explore every perspective and find an idea’s core truth. This can be frustrating for friends and family members who do not share their natural love of debate. They may feel that they are arguing just for the sake of it and while that may sometimes be the case, it is not all the time. Most just have to make sure a statement stands up to scrutiny and they can find an exhausting number of ways to scrutinize something. It can frustrate them when they unintentionally offend people they care about by arguing against something that is personal to someone else. They may feel misunderstood or that their efforts to discover the truth are being stifled. Especially as children, many Inspirationals are told to do as their told and follow authority without question. This can be a very difficult experience for them as they essentially have to shut down a major part of who they are just to get by.

What you were manufactured to do:

Finds what is possible in what seems impossible.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Drinking straight from the bottle instead of using a cup.

It is convenient, but inconsiderate, of others to drink straight from the carton, pitcher or bottle in the fridge. That is what cups are for. For those who live alone, it does not matter much although it could lead to a habit that continues even when they share a residence with other people. Those who do it generally do not see the big deal and only refrain from it when they know someone is watching. When caught, perpetrators may argue any number of ways to justify or mitigate the issue and if there is anyone who can weasel themselves out with a compelling bulltish argument, it is an Inspirational.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Prepare for debate. A group of Inspirationals are known as 'Mass debaters'.


"I don't know how to act my age because I've never been this old before."

Anonymous, the No 1 card holder for quotations.

5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?

The Persuader is the Boxer The Persuader is the Carrot Cake

Category: Idealist and often the SJW.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The loudmouth propaganist. See all here: Click Here

The Persuader is an emotional addict and needs others to feed them emotion. Without emotional insanity all around them, the Persuader goes numb and slightly psychotic. An easy fix? Have them watch romantic comedies, soap operas and listen to romantic music. They need to be around people, but they also get overwhelmed by people. They are the shy-extrovert at times. If they have a sudden break up, they will spiral into madness. This pattern does not do well to be single at all. They may sift through a number of suitors to balance out this aspect in their psyche. The Persuader can be a wonderful person, who can sometimes please the crowd too much and instead not know how to please themselves. They are in constant search to make others happy. When they can focus in on the self and know other goals outside people, which is near impossible, they will be more at peace. But they should not sacrifice their extroversion to mimic the Investigator. The Investigator has a lot different value system since they have a preference for introverted-intuition. The Persuader has a preference for extroverted-feeling. A place without expression is the Persuader's worst nightmare.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Carrot Cake. Empathetic, kind and responsible. The Persuader is social and loyal and makes others feel at ease.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Opportunities to interact with a variety of people.
∫ Conflict-free, harmonious environments.
∫ The ability to collaborate with others to achieve goals.
∫ Books, music and stories to furnish the imagination.
∫ Affirmation for what you do to help others.
∫ Respect for your values.
∫ Deep, authentic conversations with a free-exchange of emotions and perspectives.
∫ Patience, space and time to consider possibilities and perspectives before making decisions too quickly.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Shows whatever face will maintain harmony even if they feel like death inside. Hides true feelings the best. Throws curved balls all day and are difficult to decode. Misleads about their feelings.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Assist the Persuader to remember. Encourage them to write of their experiences. Remind them of past decisions and results. Show them their folly in hoping for a different result this time around if doing exactly the same thing. Be unwavering in commitment to them to ensure their progress toward achievement is neither slow nor derailed.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Persuader:

You cannot read every situation or know every answer.

You are gifted with both the ability to read people’s emotions and you have an innate sense of what is going on in any given situation. And because you are correct so often, you sometimes overanalyze a situation, making yourself feel anxious looking for an answer that might not exist. Accepting the unknown is one of your biggest challenges and learning to live in the gray area will be one of your biggest triumphs.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Persuader:

Takes things more personally than one may initially expect.

Sometimes this occurs when others are reacting to interference from the Persuader.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Persuader:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A phony and emotional busybody who cannot think rationally to save their lives.

Like to be seen as.

A highly rational peacemaker who suppresses emotion to achieve common goals.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being in a rush. Rank: 8/16. - The second quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Persuader is known for their optimism and upbeat personality and for being fun to be around. They are very aware of the needs of others and this makes them naturally polite. Where their politeness slips is when they are in a rush. They tend to take on lots of activities and responsibilities so they can get overwhelmed. You might find that they are often running late or hurrying past you without holding the door, or even forgetting your name. Do not worry, deep down they do not mean anything by it. They will do their best to be polite when they have less on their mind.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Persuader:

Not believing them.

The Persuader is usually laid-back and who like to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves. They will let some behaviours that other patterns consider rude slide right off them just to keep the peace. But if they make a serious or important statement and someone does not believe them, that is something they consider rude. But the Persuader had better have made sure that they have their ducks in a row. Communication is important and dismissing a Persuader is very likely to damage your connection with them.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Persuader.

The Persuader has a plan, if elected, to revive business in a street shopping district. They get very snipey when told that the largest mall in the southern hemisphere will win based on the theory of the Dr. David L. Huff Model. That model is based on the principle that the probability of a given consumer visiting and purchasing at a given site is a function of the distance to that site, its attractiveness and the distance and attractiveness of competing sites. The Persuader has never heard of Dr. Huff and is embarrassed. [The Tomás Harrison™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be the one to rally any remaining humans and animals to strengthen each other. You would lead their survival cult to a deserted island in the South Pacific, where outlawing war is your first law.

If you are a Persuader, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: TRYING TOO HARD.

The Persuader is known for their enthusiasm, empathy and outgoing nature. They crave harmony in their environment and like to make people happy and feel welcome and understood. Healthy Persuaders are usually good listeners, inspirational teachers and loyal friends. They tend to be very generous with their time and they will usually drop just about anything if someone needs to talk or needs their help. They can become so absorbed in the needs and emotions of the people around them that they can lose sight of their own needs. People who do not share this tendency can see them as 'trying too hard' or too concerned with what other people think. Some judge them as 'phony', 'fake' or 'too bubbly' which is just the way the Persuader is wired. They try to show the real, authentic parts of themselves that are needed for the occasion and will often put their own needs and desires aside for the needs and desires of the people they care about.

What you were manufactured to do:

Brings love where there is hate.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Googling themselves.

Performing a Google search on yourself can be scary because you can never be too sure what will come up. The Internet makes it all too easy to publicize things about people that they might not want broadcast to the world. If you Google your name, doing it discreetly is understandable in case something embarrassing such as say, a mug shot or immodest selfie pops up and someone is there to see it. The Persuader may Google themselves for a number of reasons but most of them are probably vanity-related. Many probably thrive on attention and get a rise out of seeing their image or news about them show up alongside that of celebrities. It is probably a guilty pleasure about which they are not proud.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

If you want your life to be interfered with, whether by invitation or otherwise, find a Persuader now.


6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ

The Appraiser is Pecan Ice Cream The Appraiser is the Great Dane

Category: Guardian.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The intolerable B-Lister. See all here: Click Here

This is the Persuader counterpart and the Practitioner counterpart - they need to embellish in large emotional, arguments and also nurture the hell out of everyone they see. They are the queen mother of us all. Without emotional intensity, romance and connectivity the Appraiser might drop you. If you disagree and go against an Appraiser they will drop you. They can be harsh people sometimes. But they have goals, emotional goals together with lists, games and arguments. What the hell is a philosophical discussion and why am I here? But the real deep unearthed sadness happens when someone leaves them. This feels like a big slap of failure. It is wise for others to value their Appraiser and not abandon them.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Pecan Ice Cream. Warmhearted and cooperative. The Appraiser desires to be appreciated for being uniquely them.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ A sense of community, family or group membership.
∫ Warm, empathetic relationships with a variety of people.
∫ Opportunities to improve the lives of others in tangible ways.
∫ Practical, realistic people to count on.
∫ A sense of order, structure and purpose in the day.
∫ The ability to share feelings and opinions freely.
∫ Affirmation for own efforts to help others.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Shows whatever face will maintain harmony even if they feel like death inside. The Appraiser hides their true feelings well.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Protect the Appraiser by telling them what they should do. Detail the implications. Assist with decisions that affect their future and that of those in their care. By doing this, their awareness awakens and their decisions become clear.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Appraiser:

You cannot hurry love.

Although you just want to love, you skew impatient about the search making dating tough. You are always trying to fit square, triangle and pentagon-shaped pegs into round holes. You are at your best when relaxed, around friends and taking charge of life with activities they enjoy. That is also, ironically, when you will probably meet a promising significant other.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Appraiser:

Value their friends and social status a lot.

Seem like the people who love everyone and does not give a fcuk about too much.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Appraiser:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A busybody who only cares about gossiping and hugging.

Like to be seen as.

A no nonsense organizer who is highly empathetic and detail-oriented.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being warm and welcoming. Rank: 1/16. - The most polite. Oxor™ agrees.

The Appraiser can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. They are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly. This personality type embodies the politeness of the past, always keeping the utmost respect for social rules. They behave in exactly the way that is expected for every situation, making them the most polite pattern of all 16.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Appraiser:

Undervaluing their communication.

The Appraiser thrives on connections with other people. If someone does not value their attempts to communicate, it can seem very rude to the Appraiser. This may be especially true if the Appraiser thinks that communication with this person is really important, but then the other person does not seem to make any effort to improve how they communicate with each other. The Appraiser may need check that they have their ducks in a row.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Appraiser.

The Appraiser is being told of a story of a sex offender possessing a lot of child pornography. The Appraiser tries to respond by being friendly and does their best to change the storyteller’s negative line. This does not work, so the Appraiser express how this behaviour is unacceptable to them, in no uncertain terms. [The Andreas Mell™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would make the last supper, set the table with fine crystal and serve scrumptious apple pie for dessert. You refuse to eat until everyone else is full. If not an atheist, you lead everyone in prayer. You then give your life to ensure the survival of your family.

If you are a Appraiser, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: CARING TOO MUCH ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK.

The Appraiser is warm, accommodating and friendly. However, they also tend to look outside themselves for corresponding feelings of morale and acceptance from others. They are very sensitive to praise and criticism and are “anxious to conform to all legitimate expectations”. This does not mean that they have no values of their own but they do tend to care a lot about making sure that other people are happy with them. Their need for harmony and acceptance can seem silly to thinking types, who value pure logic over other people’s expectations and introverted feeling types who sort out their own emotions and really could not care less what other people think. Those who are not Appraisers have to understand that the need for acceptance to be expressed is just as vital to the Appraiser as the need for logic is for the dominant thinking types. While there is nothing wrong with this need; it is just a part of how they are wired.

What you were manufactured to do:

Brings together those who are apart.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Secretly viewing the social media profiles of frenemies and rivals.

This pattern can be very petty when insecurity and jealousy enters the picture. It was probably an Appraiser who coined the expression “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”. They like to stay in loop and they probably have a morbid curiosity when it comes to keeping tabs on their social foes. They have to keep an eye on them and make sure their not looking better, living better, having more fun and becoming more popular than they are.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

You need to be aware of how their characteristics may play out in difficult situations. e.g. them firing someone and hence being known as 'that bastard'. Be sure to prepare an agenda ahead of time so that they know what to expect.


7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?

The Promoter is the Golden Retriever The Promoter is the Chocolate Chip Cookie

Category: Idealist and often the SJW.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The whinging primadonna. See all here: Click Here

The Promoter sees everything from the corner of the universe until it finally barrels down into their body. The Promoter forgets their body. What is the point of a body in the middle of the universe? The body is quite counterintuitive to the Promoter who just wants to move through ideas. They can find the highest ethical reason hanging off a planet in a distant solar system but they may have difficulty explaining it, especially when it comes as the point of an argument. They wish they could explain it better, but they will just keep repeating the same thing, ad infinitum, as if to reassure themselves of their own spiraling craziness. The Promoter is depressed that their body cannot keep up and sometimes they neglect to feed it, sleep it or take it out for a walk. The Promoter can get confused by very rigid relations and may find themselves lost when someone is trying to tie them down. The Promoter has to allow themselves to settle down, nothing else can stop them. They do not do well in a hermit mode. The Promoter needs to be around others to champion them. Without that extroversion, depression is an impulse away.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Chocolate Chip Cookie. Warm, enthusiastic, appreciative and supportive. The Promoter helps everyone to feel good but is unreliable.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Freedom to explore alternatives and possibilities.
∫ Unstructured, unscheduled time.
∫ Time to contemplate life’s mysteries.
∫ Intimacy and deep conversation in relationships.
∫ Variety of experiences and philosophies to explore.
∫ Independence over own life-decisions.
∫ Patience in dealing with mundane healthy rituals that can improve well-being and quality of life.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Often misrepresent their inner feelings, at least according to traditional expectations. In particular, demonstrates one emotion (or no emotion) when they are feeling something else altogether. Are a bit more transparent than the Agent; are similar to the Counselor.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Help the Promoter reason logically. Teach them to separate facts and data (F&D) from perception, hearsay, opinion and guess (PHOG). Complement their wealth of knowledge with independent verification and walk them through to logical conclusions. In time, their internal repository will not only be informative but also accurate; about bloody time.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Promoter:

You cannot control people.

As a charming extrovert with an affinity for people who are hurting or misunderstood, you always work to see the best in people and strive to improve your relationships. Occasionally, these good intentions lead to manipulation and order-giving when you do not get an immediate desired reaction. Remember, you cannot control people. You can only state what you see and let them make their own choices. Meddling and manipulation will make you feel guilty in the aftermath.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Promoter:

Way more private than they seem.

Can be analytical and a deep thinker but may use 'facts' that may have nothing to do with the issue.

Prone to becoming bored easily if not constantly stimulated.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Promoter:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A flighty and hyperactive flirt who cannot follow through on anything.

Like to be seen as.

A deep, abstract thinker who yearns for personal growth.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them talking about themselves and not listening. Rank: 11/16. - The third quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Promoter is talkative and a bit self-absorbed and are not always the most polite pattern. They have a tendency to talk about themselves a lot and they are not great listeners. They can also take things to heart quickly, building up resentment towards people who they think have done them wrong. This pattern is fun and their energy is electric but they are definitely not winning awards for being the most polite.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Promoter:

Trying to control their behaviour.

The Promoter tends to be fun-loving and who gets along well with others. If someone tries to put limits on them or control their behaviour, they are going to think that person is being incredibly rude. The idea of controlling other people or holding them to account just seems crazy to them and they may act shocked or irritated (or perhaps both in equal measure) when confronted with this type of behaviour. The Promoter should have their ducks in a row, which is problematic and they do not like being held to account and that is difficult for them to achieve. This is why the Promoter is very difficult to manage and can turn 200% toxic. This is a theme throughout this site.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Promoter.

A Promoter arranges Grand Final tickets and offers one to a friend, despite the allocation being obtained on an Enhancer's number, with permission. When the Enhancer insists on attending the game, the Promoter has to tell their friend that the ticket is not available. The Promoter has been held to account and has subsequently effectively evaporated from the Enhancer's world. [The Niall Hughson™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be useless. You would spend your remaining time in a group cry with everyone you know. You promise that they will all be together again. Fact free.

If you are a Promoter, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: AVOIDING STABILITY AND SECURITY.

The Promoter is naturally adventurous and innovative. They do not like doing things 'by the book' and will usually turn down a risk-free lifestyle in favour of new experiences and challenges. They are the quintessential 'ideas people' and they must follow their inspiration in order to have a fulfilled life. Other types may see their ever-shifting ventures and feel that they are 'flighty' or 'irresponsible', which they certainly are. They may be chided for turning down a good, secure job or a secure, long-term relationship. It is important for others to remember that they are naturally going to chase their dreams and visions and they will become bored and depressed in the same routine, structured life year after year. This is not to say that they cannot commit; in fact, when they find a career or person they love they tend to be very loyal. Even so, they will always need some form of adventure and experimentation in their life and they will find ways to get it or they will be very unhappy people.

What you were manufactured to do:

Inspires those who gave given up.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Doing impersonations and funny accents.

The Promoter is likely to have a nice sense of humou and a very expressive face. Most of us at one point or another have looked into a mirror and made an attempt at impersonating super famous people. The Prompter is likely have a few good ones up their sleeve but most of them are probably unusable because they are too offensive to share in public. Other ones might be simply terrible and not funny to anyone else besides them. They can only practice them in the privacy of their homes with all the curtains drawn so the neighbours will not see.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

If you want some wacky ideas that will never get finished, find the ever unreliable and easily bored Promoter. You will not be disappointed.


8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP

The Counselor is Chocolate Lava Cake The Counselor is the Poodle

Category: Artisan.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The bland rockstar. See all here: Click Here

The Counselor is in constant need of adrenaline. Without sparkling insanity, clubs, mountain climbing, escapades, centre of attention and affairs this pattern does not really get what exists outside of it. Trying to force a Counselor into a philosophical discussion without lots of sparkles will end in them being very bored or pontificating some strange psychological ideas that are more sensual than practical, or even intelligent. Everything is sensual to the Counselor. They see the underlying sex in just about everything. Tell this person not to have sex for a year and they will be very confused about themselves and others.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Chocolate Lava Cake. Outgoing, exciting and lives life to the full. The Counselor has an appreciation for the decadent.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ A variety of experiences and real-world activities.
∫ The freedom to take action, risks and trust impulses.
∫ Authentic, meaningful friendships and exposure to a variety of people.
∫ Opportunities to help others in practical, hands-on ways.
∫ Affirmation for own values, feelings and efforts.
∫ Frequent social contact and interactions.
∫ Willpower to consider the long-term implications of decisions before “jumping in.”

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Often misrepresent their inner feelings, at least according to traditional expectations. In particular, demonstrates one emotion (or no emotion) when they are feeling something else altogether. Are a bit more transparent than the Agent; are similar to the Promoter.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Help the Counselor reason logically. Teach them to separate facts and data (F&D) from perception, hearsay, opinion and guess (PHOG). Complement their wealth of knowledge with independent verification and walk them through to logical conclusions. In time, their internal repository will not only be informative but also accurate, at last.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Counselor:

Some mistakes cannot be undone.

You struggle with an impulsive streak, even though you are frequently able to charm your way out of mistakes. But your impulsiveness is not always innocent fun; you bite back hard sometimes after getting hurt, causing more pain than you know how to rectify. This is where humbling yourself and admitting wrongdoing can go a long way. Apologizing is not one of your natural gifts, so practice and self-awareness are key.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Counselor:

Can become really smart and knowing.

This will last for approximately 3 seconds.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Counselor:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

An airheaded party animal and shallow spotlight seeker.

Like to be seen as.

An extremely realistic and conscientious individual who believes in finding joy in every moment and living with integrity.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being bored and buggering off. Rank: 5/16. - The second quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Counselor has at the top of the list of priorities is making sure they and everyone around them are having a good time. This fun-loving pattern loves surrounding themselves with positivity and enthusiasm so they can usually be relied on to be polite and convivial. The only time the politeness might slip is when they get bored, which can happen easily. Then you might find yourself dropped like a tonne of bricks as they go in search of a new source of entertainment - which is not so polite!

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Counselor:

Monopolizing someone’s time.

It is typically considered rude to corner someone and take up all their time talking about something that matters only to the cornerer. If someone does that to a Counselor, especially if there is something else that they would rather be doing (being the centre of attention), they are probably going to think the other person is being very rude. The Counselor does not like being controlled or pinned down to talk about boring things. They would be well advised to have their ducks in a row when the occasion demands. The boss may consider the late sales returns critical and not boring.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Counselor.

The Counselor, a lawyer, is being told a long story at a social event. They just walk off at the 20% mark to talk to someone else, possibly to seek some evening companionship. [The Dustin Quilton™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be disseminate humour if there was anyone left to appreciate it. You hear about the Achiever’s celebration and miraculously make it there through all the hurricanes and floods.

If you are a Counselor, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: SEEKING TOO MUCH ATTENTION.

The Counselor is often, but not every one, called 'The Entertainer' and it is not hard to see why. They enjoy making people laugh, smile and come alive. They have a natural enthusiasm and charisma that draws people in. The problem is certain people will not be as impressed by this as others. Some individuals find themselves jealous of the charm and outgoing good-humour and may feel that it is over-the-top or shallow. They may feel that their humour and natural entertaining style is actually a need for constant attention and admiration. While some do really crave attention, many of them just enjoy making people happy. They see opportunities for fun and excitement everywhere and do not want anyone to miss out.

What you were manufactured to do:

Makes lively that which has become dull.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Checking their reflection on almost every reflective surface they encounter.

The Counselor is bound to be a bit vain and superficial, but that is not necessarily such a bad thing if not taken overboard. Some might be very preoccupied with their appearance and among the people in the world who have never seen a mirror they did not like gazing at. In all likelihood, such a Counselor would probably be unabashed about their narcissistic preening but others may have a neurotic concern with their appearance that compels them to frequently check themselves perhaps due to some kind of body image dysmorphia. A lot of people are probably too self-conscious to intensively scrutinize their reflection and perceived flaws while for others people are present.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Be cognizant of the 25/8 party style when hiring or you may well be hiring a disaster, unless you are a record label.


9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP

The Specialist is the Saint Bernard The Specialist is a Brownie

Category: Artisan.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The oblivious narcissist. See all here: Click Here

The Specialist is always existential. Always. Have you seen their art? They are existential. They constantly are rearranging thought and creation to get at a greater whole. They step back and look at things to see the poetry in everyday things. They can honestly overwhelm themselves by how much poetry they see in everything.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Brownie. Quiet, friendly and peaceful. The Specialist brings great comfort to others while not being bossy or opinionated.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Freedom to pursue own calling, even if it is unconventional.
∫ Flexibility and freedom from rigid, black-and-white rules.
∫ Creative tools and resources to experiment with.
∫ Affirmation for deeply-held values and emotions.
∫ Opportunities to help people in real-world, immediate ways. The ability to make a difference.
∫ Plenty of alone time to think, tinker and re-energize.
∫ Support from realistic, practical and conscientious individuals.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Is easy to read as being emotional while it is happening and can be figured out by context (e.g., by identifying what triggered the emotional response to decipher how they feel).

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Show the Specialist the warning signs. Teach them to identify the tactics of manipulators. Share with them shrewd insight into character and behaviour to protect them from those who would cause personal and financial ruin. Doing so helps them to build an armor of self-protection, thus safeguarding the inspiration of their creation.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Specialist:

Vulnerability is a requirement for functioning relationships.

You have a huge heart but reserve emotion for your creative products, be it art, writing or other hobbies. Honest, clear vulnerability such as telling your partner, “I love you” or revealing something that has hurt you in the past can often feel crippling. However it is actually a superpower and the key to becoming closer to those you love. The right people will embrace your story; practicing trust can be terrifying and freeing, all at the same time.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Specialist:

Gives a lot of importance to little details about people.

Is very loving, most of the time.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Specialist:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A shy, weepy emotional type with an impeccable fashion sense.

Like to be seen as.

A determined and adaptable individual who wants to fight for good and stifle any form of hypocrisy within themselves.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them submitting to others' ideas to avoid conflict. Rank: 3/16. - The top quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Specialist is spontaneous and creative, always seeking beauty in their surroundings. They tend to be quiet and respectful, with a strong moral compass that sees them behave in a way that is polite in most scenarios. This pattern can sometimes be too polite, however, to their own detriment. In their attempts to avoid conflict at all costs, they will often submit to the ideas and interests of others which can put them in uncomfortable situations.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Specialist:

Putting people in boxes.

The Specialist places a high value on authenticity and they do not like it when other people try to put them (or anyone else) in boxes. Oxor is not aware of a Specialist who uses the Oxor Method™. No surprises there. The Specialist considers it particularly rude if the boxes lead to making judgments about others. They say: "How can you possibly judge individuals based on sweeping generalisations about the boxes you have shoved them into?" But this makes it bog easy to pick a Specialist.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Specialist.

The Specialist has a problem with someone and is told about Disc as a means of assisting in resolving the issue. The Specialist dismisses Disc as fortune telling. The problem was not effectively solved, much to Oxor's delight, who knew this would be the outcome. [The Prudee Goldstein™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be useless. You would ponder how all this could have happened although you already know how.

If you are a Specialist, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING OVERLY SENSITIVE.

The Specialist tends to hold their emotions close to the chest. They are very private about their feelings but, even so, they are often deeply moved by insensitivity and harsh words. The injustices of the world can seem oppressive and overwhelming to them. As very private individuals they would prefer to keep their emotions more internalized, but when they are moved on the inside, it often shows in the form of tears or melancholy on the outside. They are “highly sensitive and loving...they feel everything personally and deeply.” This sensitivity makes them passionate about the welfare of troubled and struggling people (or animals), but it can often be misconstrued or misunderstood. Others might tell them to 'shake it off' or to 'look on the bright side' without realizing that it is not quite that simple.

What you were manufactured to do:

Splashes colour on to a grey world.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Playing with phone apps and taking selfies at work.

The Specialist is easily bored and is inclined to seek out sensory stimulation as a distraction while on the job. They are likely to be among the people who will secretly watch Sponge Bob clips on Youtube or snap self-indulgent selfies when they should be finishing up the urgent report the boss has asked them for. These types of discursions are not productive uses of anyone’s time but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as they say. It may very well be that taking several micro-breaks could be beneficial in allaying tedium-induced brain fog.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Bring out the bucket for the artist's tears. When the going gets tough, the Specialist gets crying.


10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?

The Investigator is Hot Chocolate The Investigator is the Greyhound

Category: Idealist and often the SJW.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The delicate egomaniac. See all here: Click Here

The Investigator believes in things through the abstract, not in what you can actually reach out and touch. They have great battles in the depths of their introspective self. They may flutter around to less traditional things in the pursuit of God, magic or the supernatural. They need to test the limits of a metaphor, not the strength of a wall holding the pictures. They have great concerns about what is to be discovered and has not been found by language yet. They are trying to figure out what is hidden and out there. They may delve through conspiracy theories to see what crazy ideas are out there to come out holding onto a few concepts here and there. The Investigator is an analytical creature by nature that asks nihilistic questions while at the same time finding idealism. Honestly, they may be the epitome of existentialism.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Hot Chocolate. Seeks meaning and connection. The Investigator is conscientious, committed and steady.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Conflict-free, harmonious environments.
∫ Intimate, authentic friendships and relationships.
∫ Books, music and supplies that encourage own creativity.
∫ Alone time every day to process own thoughts and to imagine.
∫ Respect for own visions and predictions.
∫ Validation for own feelings and insights.
∫ Independence to organize and achieve own far-reaching goals.
∫ The willpower to take action rather than getting too lost in imagination or “analysis-paralysis.”

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Shows whatever face will maintain harmony even if they feel like death inside. Shows more than the Persuader but usually hide their feelings well.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Help the Investigator verify before they conclude. Expose for what are the lies, the misdirection and the manipulations that they may believe. This addresses the hazy blur between facts and beliefs. Protect them in this way to ensure the purity of their reasoning and self-sacrifice can continue without risk of exploitation.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Investigator:

Even the best-laid plans are sometimes thwarted.

You love making plans and you are brilliant at it. But plans are so easily thwarted when the variables are constantly in flux. Learning to, say, take spontaneous adventures that sound more fun that your original ideas or move for an unexpected job opportunity is the best way to supplement your long-term goals. Sometimes shifting your sails can actually get you to a better destination, faster.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Investigator:

Known to have fun.

Yes, may behave as a goofball on rare occasions.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Investigator:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A hyper-sensitive snowflake who must be 'special'.

Like to be seen as.

A visionary and future-focussed strategist who wants unity with others.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being generally courteous. Rank: 2/16. - The top quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Investigator can thank their ability to intuit other people’s emotions and are usually very polite and sensitive. This pattern tends to be reserved and private so you can expect any exchange with them to be courteous. They will very rarely let you know what they are thinking, making them extremely polite, especially around strangers.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Investigator:

Talking over others.

The Investigator does not like confrontation and many of them will put up with a lot of irritating behaviour from someone else before they will risk addressing it. But if someone is being rude to other people by talking over them, that is certain to irritate the Investigator. While the Investigator does not like to see anyone ignored or silenced, there is a good chance they will call someone out on this type of rude behaviour.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Inspirational.

The Investigator is at a party, with the 20th glass of champagne in hand. Tactlessly, they stand up for someone's wife whose opinion is being drowned out by their husband, whom they do not like. [An Axel Garvie™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be useless. You would weep for humanity, for the animals and for the Earth.

If you are a Investigator, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING “STUCK IN THEIR HEADS”.

The Investigator tends to be consumed with an inner vision for their lives which moves "from image to image, chasing after every possibility in the teeming womb of the unconscious”. They find themselves pre-occupied by existential questions, forecasts, symbolic apprehensions or insights that lead them. They can become so wrapped up in understanding how to make sense of their intuitions or how to understand them more fully that they lose sight of the outside world. Extraverts may say: “Reality does not exist for them, they give themselves up to fruitless fantasies.” This is exactly the kind of judgment that many people can make against the Investigator. They are so focussed on their ideas, dreams and visions that they lose sight of what is happening around them and the practical needs of the day. It’s important to remember that the Investigator is known for their vision and insight and this ability should not be stifled, but at the same time they need to remember to use their Extraverted Feeling to engage with the outer world and find balance.

What you were manufactured to do:

Guiding those who are lost.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Sweeping things under the carpet.

This phenomenon could be taken in both the literal and figurative sense. If it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind and sometimes that is the extent to which the Investigator is willing to deal with problems that are perceived as a nuisance or inconvenience and not worth the time. To be fair, this is something a perceiver type is more likely to be guilty about since perceivers are inclined to procrastinate, postpone and half-arse a task and leave it half-done. It is a known trait of thise desiring perfection to be generally all-or-nothing in their approach to tasks and so they may deliberately avoid beginning a daunting task until they are ready to do their best work. Since the Investigator is reputed to have perfectionistic traits, they may, on occasions, put off things both major and minor because they are just not ready to deal with it for whatever reason.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

The Investigator is very difficult to understand, can confuse facts and beliefs, belittle you and can door slam you at the drop of a hat.


11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?

The Agent is the Tibetan Terrier The Agent is an Apple Pie

Category: Idealist and often the SJW.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The hapless space cadet. See all here: Click Here

This dreamer is overcome by emotion. They do not correlate why they have to make decisions that cause them to give up on other decisions. Instead they get lost in a whirlwind of half baked ideas: – Surfing costumes for penguins, Llama farming, Solar night lighting with no batteries and pop up art stores. The Agent is disillusioned by the way people aggressively take on life and how their sometimes passive and aloof approach is not working to solve practical things they want. They zig-zag back and forth between wanting to please everyone and having no clue what others think about them and even spending days, weeks or months locked in their bedrooms depressed on flickers of emotion. They have extreme tunnel vision for love that they can have difficulty abandoning because they believe love is in that tunnel. The Agent does not do well to be forced into highly decisive situations, places where they have to compromise the emotions of others or be focussed on theory alone.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Apple Pie. Idealistic, loyal with a desire to understand others. Is understated, but there is more beneath the surface.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Honest but kind answers to tough, deep questions.
∫ Supplies, books and tools to develop creativity.
∫ Alone time to imagine and daydream.
∫ Affirmation for own values, feelings and ambitions.
∫ Exposure to a variety of cultures, experiences, philosophies and ideas.
∫ Emotional sensitivity and warmth.
∫ Willpower to create actionable plans so that own ideas can be realized.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Often misrepresent their inner feelings, at least according to traditional expectations. In particular, demonstrates one emotion (or no emotion) when they are feeling something else altogether. The Agent does this the most. Throws curved balls all day and are hard to decode as misleads about their feelings.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Interrupt the Agent's dream. Intervene with discomfort, the most effective tool in motivating them to action. Not only does their quality of life and happiness depend upon it, but so also does the world’s hope in their ideals. In strength, they show what is possible for us all but they must have hit the reality switch with a sledgehammer.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Agent:

Not everything is an attack.

Highly sensitive to criticism about how you live your life, you sometimes seem quirky or different to others. You would not change your value system for anyone, but a lifetime of feeling misunderstood can take its toll, leading you to see judgment where it may not exist. Remember, your friends know and love you and not every comment will be delivered with finesse. Let some minor things go. Life is easier that way.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Agent:

Overthinks things more than others give them credit for.

But only sometimes...

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Agent:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

An emotional crybaby who avoids logical thought like the plague.

Like to be seen as.

A value-oriented individual who prizes integrity and authenticity.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them having their values challenged. Rank: 4/16. - The top quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Agent is a compassionate and caring type and are usually very polite. They are sensitive to the feelings of others so they are careful with their wording and how they approach difficult topics. The only time they let their politeness slip is if they feel their values are being challenged. In these situations, they can react strongly and will fiercely defend their right to an opinion.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Agent:

Speaking badly of others behind their back.

Most people consider it rude to say nasty things about someone behind their back. For the Agent, this sort of behaviour has an extra layer of rudeness. It is not just nasty; it is also insincere because someone is putting on one face in front of the person and then a different face when they are not there. The combination of phoniness and unkindness is something the Agent finds particularly detestable.
If the Agent wanted to enact revenge on all the people talking about them behind their back, they should really give their life over to these people who talk about them. They should concentrate on having much more interesting things to do with their time as a lot fewer people are talking about them than they realise so they might as well go along their merry way and live their life the way they truly want to.

Here are two 100% true war stories for you observed by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This first war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Agent.

The Agent does not grasp the famous quotation by Eleanor Roosevelt, an Investigator: "You wouldn’t worry so much what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do." The Agent is at home in La La Land. [The Patience Testate™ instance.]

This second true story recounts why an Agent believes that they get along with everybody.

Mike Hunt™ reports that this is totally delusional (and puts forward his remarks) and is why Agents do not accept Oxor™ or the theories behind it!
"I am non judgemental and love to learn about people." No. You come across as a nosey parker.
"I justified myself with others, so people feel comfortable with me." No. You are a pest.
"I am funny and have a great sense of humour." No. You never know where they are going with humour.
"I do not take things personally (at least not in front of others)." No. That is bulltish writ large.
"I appear to be cheerful, smile and laugh a lot." No. That is a front - actually, you are miserable.
"I value people, not by their status." No. That is problematic.
"I believe that everyone is basically a good person." No. That simply is untrue. The jails are full.

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would snap to life and try one last time to save everyone. Your brain is spinning constantly, as per usual, trying to figure out solutions of how to rescue humanity.

If you are a Agent, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING TOO UNREALISTIC.

The Agent is intensely imaginative and passionate. They have high ideals that they strive to live up to and bring into reality. Unfortunately, many people just do not 'get' the Agent's way of thinking and they find their ideals to be unrealistic and impractical. They make it their mission to bring them down to earth and 'help' them focus on the concrete realities of daily life. While unhealthy Agents can venture so far into a world of the imagination that they lose touch with their own realistic needs, most healthy Agents have a good balance of imagination and determination. What other people might see as a 'pipe dream' many Agents are able to accomplish if they believe in themselves. They need people who have faith in them, will encourage them and will also (kindly) remind them to take care of themselves and their practical needs. They are natural dreamers with their passion and imagination.

What you were manufactured to do:

Heals those who are hurting.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Crying.

The Agent is the true bawler. They are tender snowflakes who mourn the the death of insects. They are earnest, often naive, but always genuine or at least try to be. Throughout their lives, unless they are really lucky, they will come to realize the cruel reality of the world we live in and the fact that it simply does not live up to their extremely idealistic, unrealistic and impractical ideals. THey are in La La land. They try to put on a brave face but sometimes they break down in tears at the thought of someone else’s suffering or from watching soap operas. It does not take much to make an Agent misty-eyed and males in particular may avoid showcasing their tears to avoid getting mocked for being softer than a sea sponge.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

If today's the day to go to visit La La Land, today's the day to find a lazy and complaining Agent.


12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?

The Achiever is Strawberry Shortcake The Achiever is the Bassett Hound

Category: Artisan.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The vacuous brooder. See all here: Click Here

The Achiever is the mechanic who needs something to tinker with. Without a process to unmask, the Achiever becomes self indulgent, somewhat a menace to others and destructive. This could lead to random divorces, moving out, chasing after dreams -- or mulling in the dark pointlessly. Without a cog in the machine, the Achiever sees nothing. They need something to work on with their hands.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Strawberry Shortcake. Finds solutions and order to things but is tolerant and flexible. The Achiever is easy and dependable.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ Hands-on, immersive opportunities to work with things in the environment.
∫ Plenty of alone time to tinker build, and re-energize.
∫ Freedom to create own schedule and to solve things without needless rules.
∫ Actionable opportunities to take smart risks and trust own impulses.
∫ A need for a variety of tasks, experiences and objects to explore.
∫ Friends and supportive family members who trust competence and abilities.
∫ Have patience when dealing with people of opposing preferences (Feelers, Intuitives, Judgers).

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

May come across as unsympathetic or even overly blunt without meaning to do so. Tends to keep their own feelings private, often hiding them from even those closest to them.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Show the Achiever the warning signs. Teach them to identify the tactics of manipulators. Share with them shrewd insight into character and behaviour to protect them from those who would cause personal and financial ruin. Doing so helps them to build an armor of self-protection, thus safeguarding the inspiration of their creation.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Achiever:

People will not always tell you what’s up.

All you want is the truth, but the world is not as straightforward as you are. Sometimes people are dodgy or have secret malicious intent but, at other times, they just cannot find the right words or know how to express what they mean. Do not always assume what you see is what you get. Ask questions when behaviour and words do not match.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Achiever:

Not 100% gamblers.

Sometimes have emotions but that is as rarely seen as an honest politician.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Achiever:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A mechanic, plumber and motorcycle racer who can fix literally anything while maintaining a cool, stoic expression.

Like to be seen as.

A highly analytical, clever individual who is good at staying objective and troubleshooting in a crisis.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them having their personal space invaded. Rank: 10/16. - The third quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Achiever is known for being adaptable and super practical. This pattern is often reserved and rules with common sense. They value their personal space hugely which means that they can often push other people away. While this has a perfectly reasonable motive, for personalities who are not used to it, they can come across as rude, plus they have a vile temper.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Achiever:

Bossiness or pushy behaviour.

The Achiever is not generally a big fan of authority. It is sure to irritate the Achiever when people wield their authority in a bossy, overbearing way or, perhaps worse, when someone who does not have any authority acts as if they do. The Achiever is typically independent and they consider it very rude for someone to try and boss them around.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Achiever.

The Achiever blows up at a Committee meeting when a Promoter carries on like a pork chop. This person had absolutely no authority over the Achiever. [The Peter Crompton™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would calm the nerves of your loved ones, cheer everyone up and then start the going away celebration of the millenia which will be attended eventually by the Counselor.

If you are a Achiever, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING LAZY OR UNMOTIVATED.

The Achiever likes to see all the pieces of a puzzle before making a decision. If they are in a crisis they can act quickly but when it comes to deciding on a job, whether or not to get married, or when to complete homework, they prefer to mull over information and get all the facts before deciding. When people judge the Achiever as 'lazy', it is usually because a) They do not feel they have enough information to move forward or b) They have found a 'shortcut' for completing a task that does not line up with bureaucratic rules. If the Achiever is actually bored with a project that they are given they will generally find the fastest way possible to accomplish it. This may bug other types who favour procedure and routine over efficiency. This disregard for the 'way it’s always been done' can lead to judgments.

What you were manufactured to do:

Fixes what is broken.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Leaving the bathroom without washing hands.

Oxor™ has witnessed many people who use the toilet and walk right out the bathroom without so much as rinsing their paws at the sink. Imagine how many more people do this when no one’s around to notice. Since the Achiever tends to be very good with their hands, they probably get them dirty all the time and, unless they work in an occupation that requires a high standard of sanitation such as a surgeon, or chef, they may be more or less indifferent to the threat of bacteria. On the other hand, they could also be paranoid germaphobes who carry hand sanitizer wherever they go.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

If you want absolutely anything mechanical fixed, go and find an Achiever.


13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?

The Practitioner is the Alaskan Malamute The Practitioner is a Chocolate Mousse

Category: Guardian.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The self-serving saint. See all here: Click Here

Without nurturing those around them, the Practitioner feels no purpose. This could lead to them inventing ways of serving you or even harming you to serve you. The Practitioner is the ultimate martyr. Without lots to do around the house, making stuff in the kitchen and helping out children they really become quite sad. Empty nest syndrome is a terrible thing for this pattern; when all the kids grow up and leave home they might need counselling. It can really baffle the Practitioner who feels the need to nurture and protect. They need a strong partner to support them through this rather than leave them in the dust.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Chocolate Mousse. Responsible, friendly and dependable. The Practitioner is considerate, orderly and classy.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ A stable, dependable routine.
∫ Plenty of alone time to reflect, imagine and pursue hobbies.
∫ Kind, sensitive friends and family members.
∫ Opportunities to make a tangible difference in the lives of others.
∫ Affirmation for own feelings, values and efforts.
∫ A sense of order and structure in daily life.
∫ Calm, stabilizing routines that help to feel healthy and peaceful.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Shows whatever face will maintain harmony even if they feel like death inside. Show more than the Persuader, but usually hides their feelings well.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Help the Practitioner verify before they conclude. Expose for what are the lies, the misdirection and the manipulations that they may believe. This addresses the hazy blur between facts and beliefs. Protect them in this way to ensure the purity of their reasoning and self-sacrifice can continue without risk of exploitation.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Practitioner:

Perfect behaviour does not mean a perfect relationship.

You work hard to follow the rules and keep others happy. If only that were all it took to have great relationships with friends, family and partners. Sometimes, though, you value peace too much and honesty too little. Speaking up and sharing your innermost beliefs can feel uncomfortable, but it is the only way people can learn who you really are, after all.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Practitioner:

Known to have fun.

Yes, may behave as a goofball on rare occasions.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Practitioner:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A less interesting version of the Investigator who only lives to serve.

Like to be seen as.

A focussed individual with a profound knowledge of the past and how it affects the future. Protective, detail-oriented and methodical.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them resisting change and conflict. Rank: 10/16. - The third quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Practitioner has integrity and honesty as two of their core characteristics. They always take care to conduct themselves with the utmost decency. At the same time, their practical and straight-shooting style means that sometimes they can be a little too honest. They can also fall into the habit of disapproving of change, which can make them overly traditional and that can come across as being impolite particularly by being passive-aggressive.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Practitioner:

Acting poorly in front of children.

The Practitioner is deeply invested in keeping social systems running smoothly. That necessarily includes making sure society is a safe and supportive place for children to grow up in. If someone is setting a bad example for children, then there is a very good chance the Practitioner is going to think that it is a particularly offensive thing to do. e.g. If a Practitioner was threatened with physical violence and, rather than being alarmed by the threat, would be most upset that the person who threatened them would talk that way in front of a child. However, be aware that the Practitioner does not like rudeness in general, not always concerning children.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Practitioner.

The Practitioner is conducting a meeting and one person does not agree with a point. The Practitioner tries be calm, friendly and to keep the peace at all costs. They try to calm this person down and pass off their rudeness as a misunderstanding. When this peace was continually disrupted, the Practitioner removed the other person completely by moving on to another agenda item in the hope that things will no longer be so tense. [The Steele Slarke™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would not lead. You would spend your last moments embracing and bringing positivity to all those you loved.

If you are a Practitioner, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: WORRYING TOO MUCH.

The Practitioner likes to know what to expect and they tend to fear uncertainty and the unknown. They like to order their lives in such a way that risks are avoided and the people in their lives are carefully tended to. They dislike uncertainties, abstractions, conflict and not knowing what the future will hold. They can be very protective about the people in their lives, especially their families, and can worry about many negative possibilities and risks that they might be exposed to. They tend to be judged for being 'over-protective' or too worried about risks and uncertainties. People on the outside might give them a hard time and tell them to 'loosen up' more and to 'enjoy today because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own'. Unfortunately, these kinds of empty lines only work to further frustrate the Practitioner instead of helping them.

What you were manufactured to do:

Helps those who are helpless.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Walk around the house naked.

Oxor™ has not seen this but when the coast is clear, the Practitioner probably likes taking the opportunity to close the blinds and lock the doors so they can break out their favorite birthday suit. When no one is around to judge them, it can be liberating to just let it all hang out and go au naturale in the privacy of their own home. They probably do dishes, vacuum, watch Netflix and whatever other activities they can think of doing sans clothing – just because they can. On the other hand, this exhibitionist behaviour could also be underscored by a subliminal desire to be witnessed in all their bare-bunned glory and so they might order a pizza and answer the door just to get a reaction. Gentlemen of this pattern are reputed to have a micropenis. Oxor™ has no evidence but has warned the local Domino's delivery guy anyway despite the view that the Practitioner .

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Practitioners tend to be fantastic people and workers (followers) at the start. Under no circumstances ever put them in a management position if you want decent forward movement. Start off all sweetness and light. Can be (are) very boring indeed as they lack common sense and theory of mind. The tiniest of details about family members is of no interest to most so they will crap on ad infinitum. They cannot see the other person's point of view. Stubborn and dull especially to the Investigator and Enhancer. In the end it does not take much for them to become manipulative, passive-aggressive and nasty. They are also the most frugal and take the least risks.


14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?

The Objective Thinker is Creme Brulee The Objective Thinker is the Bernese Mountain Dog

Category: Guardian.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The ‘by the book’ or ‘r-sole’ boss. See all here: Click Here

The OT needs facts, facts, facts and accounting. They are in no man's land when it comes to creativity. If one takes out all the normal goals of getting married by a certain age, having a certain career and retirement -- you will destroy an otherwise healthy OT. The OT needs all that normal junk -- questioning them gives them an adrenaline rush of social anxiety. Do not force them outside of their world of normalcy. They need tradition, they need a sound work ethic and they need routine. Do not shove them into a world of too much dalliance.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Creme Brulee. Serious, practical, thorough and successful. The Objective Thinker takes pleasure in order and routine.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ A sense of order and structure to their day.
∫ A reliable routine as well as reliable friends and family members.
∫ Logical reasons for decisions; especially long-term decisions.
∫ Freedom to organize and achieve objectives in an efficient way.
∫ Healthy lifestyle habits – enough sleep, healthy food, exercise. With a tendency to feel physical sensations very strongly, health is a major impact on own well-being.
∫ Respect for own background, experience and reasoning abilities.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Appear emotionless and rational, but hide fairly deep feelings no one would ever suspect. Especially so for the Inspirational and OT. Throws curved balls all day and are hard to decode as misleads about their ability to feel.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Instruct the Enhancer in ways to interact effectively with others. Help them understand that public standards for behaviou, though not officially enumerated in a book of law, do in fact exist and require adherence to avoid undesired consequences. For them, an understanding and appreciation for etiquette leads to a mastery of effective human interaction.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Objective Thinker:

Responsibility only takes you so far.

You are the most responsible kid in every classroom, the most diligent employee in every office and the strongest pillar in every family. However, too much self-sacrifice can force you to repress real dreams and desires you have for yourself which will ultimately leave you a little bit empty. Focus on at least one major goal at any given time; you deserve it.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Objective Thinker:

Sometimes take risks.

Generally, they will be following the rules.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Objective Thinker:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A boring rule-follower with no independent thoughts.

Like to be seen as.

A reflective and focussed individual who trusts proven and tested methods.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being inflexible and sticking to the rules. Rank: 15/16. - The bottom quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Objective Thinker is driven by their sense of duty. They are meticulous and detail-oriented in their approach to work and they are committed to upholding their responsibilities. These are brilliant strengths but they can also lead them towards conflict. This pattern has a tendency to be inflexible and tactless and this can often make them seem difficult to outsiders.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Objective Thinker:

Not taking opportunities seriously.

If an Objective Thinker sees someone being given an opportunity and then that person does not take the opportunity seriously, there is a very good chance that the Objective Thinker will think that is super rude. After all, if someone is going to the trouble of helping a person achieve something, the one being helped has a social obligation to step up and do their part to make the most of the opportunity.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Objective Thinker.

The Objective Thinker was promised tickets in a VIP area at the preliminary days of a major sporting event. The day before they found out that their 'friend' could not get them so they missed out entirely. The 'friend' has never again been mentioned in dispatches. [The Ric Thurlow™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be the Project Manager of your own plan. You would deploy their iron shutters, bolt the doors and review your thoroughly vetted step by step survival plan. You would make a timeline for each step based on projected conditions.

If you are an Objective Thinker, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: NOT TRYING NEW THINGS.

The Objective Thinker likes to lead by having routine and knowing what to expect. The more they repeat the same process favourably, the more they like to incorporate that process into their routine. Many like the same meals over and over again, the same schedules and they like going to the same familiar places. This does not mean they cannot ever be adventurous or try novel things. In fact, many of them go through spurts of time where they do attempt new or unusual things. They can also be innovative but are very cautious and meticulous about their innovations. Even so, to outsiders, they often look like people who should 'shake things up' and try new and different meals, activities and routines.

What you were manufactured to do:

Does what must be done.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Indulging in childish, childhood nostalgia.

Unless their childhood was an abject horror show, the Objective Thinker tends to be fond of the past and their minds may frequently hearken back to the halcyon days of their youth when everything was peaches and cream. They might,on occasions, be guilty of regressing and indulging in things they did as a child such as binge watching Blue’s Clues or Sesame Street just to relive the magic. They might also pull out the dusty old photo album and show affection over their own baby pictures. It is probably very comforting to immerse themselves in nostalgia because they cling to what is familiar and it is something that may help alleviate stress when their adult life gets too hard.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

Recognise that the Objective Thinker is very stable. Somewhat surprisingly, some can be extremely good (Level 5) leaders.


15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?

The Perfectionist is the Papillon The Perfectionist is a Pumpkin Pie

Category: Thinker.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The inept academic. See all here: Click Here

Force a Perfectionist down into a meeting and make them hear about all the mundane things of life. Repeat this 17 times in one day. Suddenly you will see them with a dark, frothy look on their face. Yes, frothy. Because that totally makes sense. The collapse into crankiness will let you know that they are bending and drifting into existential madness. They may create something fantastic in order to counterbalance all the stupidity around them. The Perfectionist is considered the most intelligent of all the patterns. This can come with great burden in feeling great disconnection with others, a disregard for the normal and for tradition and a constant curiosity that can (and will) get them into trouble. The Perfectionist, like the Enhancer, can corner themselves. But the Perfectionist also has the capacity to magically get itself out of mayhem, only to introduce themselves to more problems. They may address the universe with precise intelligence, but often sacrifices connections. Those connections who are respected and loved but who are displaced.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Pumpkin Pie. Quiet, contained, adaptable and flexible. The Perfectionist seeks logical solutions.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ The freedom to find unconventional solutions to problems.
∫ Alone time to study, experiment and think.
∫ A variety of tasks and novel ideas to explore.
∫ People who will listen to own theories without being in a rush.
∫ Books, games and conversations that stimulate own creative thinking.
∫ A flexible schedule with room for creativity.
∫ Patience in dealing with varieties of people who give precedence to values over logic.

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Private by nature, they tend to keep their emotions to themselves, sometimes hiding them from even those closest to them.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Interrupt the Perfectionist's dream. Intervene with discomfort, the most effective tool in motivating them to action. Not only does their quality of life and happiness depend upon it, but so also does the world’s hope in their ideals. In strength, they show what is possible for us all but they must have hit the reality switch with a sledgehammer.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Perfectionist:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A lazy and socially-awkward individual who cannot finish anything they start as there is 'just one more thing to be done'.

Like to be seen as.

A determined individual who values theorizing, exploring and understanding.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Perfectionist:

People do make emotional decisions.

You thrive on logical decision-making and have trouble understanding why anyone would take another approach. You take particular issue with those who put the feelings of others ahead of the end goal and sometimes you get bothered if you are slowing down to accommodate emotional decisions. But relationships and friendships are built on them and acknowledging emotional impact instead of fighting them will ultimately get you where you want to go; and more quickly.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Perfectionist:

Has emotions.

But only from time to time and with those close.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being absorbed by their own imaginations. Rank: 14/16. - The bottom quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Perfectionist is one of the most logic-based patterns and can be blind to the needs of others. Where they slip others is when they are completely absorbed in their own imaginations. They tend to be insensitive and hyper critical of other people and this means they are not always fun to be around.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Perfectionist:

Interrupting their personal time.

Most people do not care much when being interrupted when they are doing something, but it can be particularly irritating for the Perfectionist. There is a lot going on in their head and, in many cases, someone who interrupts them is disrupting a whole lot more than they realise. People who do not respect the Perfectionist's personal space and push their opinions in when they are not wanted are near the top of their scale of rudeness.

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Perfectionist.

The Perfectionist has submitted some software that does not function. He then argues that it is totally in line with the Functional Specification. This is quite woeful, but not unexpected. They did not appreciate the consistent rudeness of the project's sponsor so did not attend meetings as they wanted to stay away from this person. They then started with passive-aggressive emails as the kerfuffle was disrupting them on another project. [The Charles Hills™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would be be in the know in that the proliferation of life is the most powerful force in the universe, that the human race will evolve again; eventually. You would leave behind lessons for your decendants.

If you are a Perfectionist, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING TOO INSENSITIVE.

The Perfectionist favours objective honesty and this comes through clearly in their speech. They may unwittingly offend other people because they do not realize that their delivery seems overly direct and detached. This can be a major source of frustration for them because they actually do care about the people in their lives more than most people realize. They are often caught off guard when people call them insensitive because they are rarely mean-spirited and would rather avoid conflict or hurting other people’s feelings if they could. They appreciate objective honesty in others, so they have a hard time understanding why other people would not feel the same. When they care about someone they tell them the truth. So if a Perfectionist you love is being a little 'too honest' with you, just remember that 'sugarcoating' is probably not a sign they respect you.

What you were manufactured to do:

Seeks that which is unknown.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Talking to themselves.

The Perfectionist has an internal dialogue that can get so intense, they end up acting it out verbally. When there is no one else around to judge them, they may go ahead and think out loud, vent or rehearse an argument with an imagined adversary. As they go over ideas in their mind, they envision how a critic might reply and the possible counterpoints they might present. In the process, they may gesticulate and pantomime in a very animated and unselfconscious way, such that if anyone were to witness them, they would think they were losing their mind.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

If you want an impractical brainiac today, the Perfectionist will accommodate your wishes.


16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?

The Enhancer is a Tiramisu The Enhancer is a Lone Wolf

Category: Thinker.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™: The smug rabblerouser. See all here: Click Here

The mental machine that is the Enhancer can often baffle people in a similar way that the Investigator does, except the Enhancer will have the same misgivings with a touch of emotional oddity. The Enhancer's existential crisis comes from the nihilism of conflicting paradoxical ideas to solve world problems. The Enhancer resolves that the world will eventually fall into the pit of the apocalypse. They have already imagined everything vanishing a million times. Sometimes the Enhancer has issues with some of the smaller social interactions between now and the end of the world. They may be highly, if not entirely, confused by dating. They like someone, keep it to themselves and have difficulty often expressing it. Many Enhancers really, really want a relationship. They love their alone time, but they would like to bounce their ideas off someone. They feel existential voids about love, peace and whether many of the things that they praise actually matter. Where the Investigator sees things through the lens of spirituality, the Enhancer can make that lens without having to express it through God or spirituality. They can be more scientifically sound. They sometimes copy and paste that approach to too many things and corner themselves.

E. Hunter™'s Link to a Dessert™:

Tiramisu. Original, driven, complex and layered. The Enhancer has high expectations of themselves and others.

E. Hunter™'s Link to the Meat and Potatoes Essentials™:

∫ A sense of competence and mastery over own subjects of interest.
∫ Plenty of time alone to think and process information.
∫ An organized, structured life over which considerable authority is exerted.
∫ Opportunities to debate, challenge and exercise the mind.
∫ Respect for own insights and predictions.
∫ Independence and autonomy.
∫ Opportunities to learn, whether it is through taking a class, reading or listening to podcasts.
∫ Willpower to take action rather than getting lost in possible predictions or endless analysis especially when the subject has already been debated and a decision reached. "Get on with it."

E. Hunter™'s Inner Emotional Life™. What they really show or do not show:

Appears emotionless and rational, but hide fairly deep feelings no one would ever suspect. Usually, along with the Results, shows their emotions via acting out by bullying, name-calling, etc.

The Enhancer does not fake emotions, which can be intense. They do not show their emotions because they are very private people. They do not want others to know what they are feeling. They make fake an interest in trivial matters or small talk as some people think that a cat peeing in the pot plant would be of interest to someone else.

The Enhancer is focussed on reality, speaking only what is necessary to be said, figuring out the essence of any task and doing it in the shortest and best possible way. Do not put one on a team; put one in charge of one. They are natural leaders but often do not aspire to leadership. Therefore, they have no need to butter up people in order to be liked. They simply want to get the job done and not bring emotions into their job. Do not expect them to be terribly interested about your new dog or some issue with the mother-in-law. They do not feel that they have to reveal their emotions to those who are not very close to them. Even then, the way they reveal them tends to be understated.

E. Hunter™'s Correct Imposition on this patterns' wishy-washiness™:

You are honing in on weakness. Do this: Instruct the Enhancer in ways to interact effectively with others. Help them understand that public standards for behaviou, though not officially enumerated in a book of law, do in fact exist and require adherence to avoid undesired consequences. For them, an understanding and appreciation for etiquette leads to a mastery of effective human interaction.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the real truth about the Enhancer:

The world is full of unpredictable outcomes.

Believing you know the likely outcome of almost any event and making decisions accordingly, puts you at risk for missing out on some amazing chance occurrences even if the odds are low. Overthinking can stop you from building great relationships (that often fail) or taking a new job (in an industry that is uncertain) even if you really want to give it a try. Do not get in your own way. Likely outcomes rely on others; your personal outcome in any given situation relies mostly on you.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the hidden peculiarity about the Enhancer:

Has emotions.

But only from time to time and with those close.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of the seen as and see themselves as about the Enhancer:

Seen as - look for this - this is observable!

A cold, calculating robot who knows every fact ever.

Like to be seen as.

A conceptual, imaginative individual who feels things deeply and privately.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by them will piss you off:

Them being viewed as giving off an air of superiority. Rank: 12/16. - The bottom quadrant. Oxor™ agrees.

The Enhancer slips up in the air of superiority they can give off. They have a strong belief in their own intellect and a high level of self-confidence. When you pair that with their low emotional intelligence, you get a pattern that often rubs people up the wrong way and they really could not care less. They see it as the other person's problem. Although they do not mean to be impolite, they can often come across as know alls. And they generally, annoyingly to some, are proven to be correct which they like more than immensely.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what rude behaviour by you will piss off the Enhancer:

Sharing incorrect 'facts'.

For many Enhancers, sharing something untrue as if it is a fact is not just an irritating mistake; it can actually be considered rude. It is not that they do not recognize that people can make honest mistakes. Rather, this comes from the idea that if someone has the means to check their information and does not bother, then that means they do not respect their audience and, perhaps worse, they do not respect facts, logic and truth. The confident Enhancer will challenge the 'fact free brigade'. Before you place your call, check your facts otherwise the ice platform you are standing on will turn to water. Close behind on the rude scale is being late. Name some late Enhancers, come on!! Yes, you have failed - they do not exist!

Here's a 100% true war story for you by Michael Acacius Hunt™, known in the services as Mike Hunt™.

This war story illustrates the implications of the rude behaviour being directed towards the Enhancer.

The Enhancer is told that the economic principle of supply and demand 'does not work'. This was from an organically crafted Promoter, who is so green that they hug trees while having sex with themselves. This tree hugger has evanesced, never to be heard from again. [The Michael Crabtree™ instance.]

The world is about to end. E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you would do:

You would calmly walk into the back yard and press the down button in the lift that leads directly into your bunker. You would lock yourself in while shaking your head at the idiocy of humankind.

If you are an Enhancer, welcome, but this is how others will judge you: BEING COLD AND CALCULATING.

The Enhancer is intensely strategic and visionary. They favour logic and rational thought over their own emotions and feelings and will usually be confused by people who do the opposite. They consider the big picture and have little patience for extraneous details and feelings that might get in the way. People often misinterpret their direct speech and shrewd nature with meanness or snobbery. What they need to realize is that they are honest and direct with the people they care about. They would consider it an insult to have messages 'sugarcoated' for them so they refuse to do this to others. They favour bold honesty and are put off by social niceties that get in the way of the truth.

What you were manufactured to do:

Being objective in a sea of subjectivity.

E. Hunter™'s unmasking of what this pattern does when no one is looking. Fuming over their mistakes.

the Enhancer prides themself on their mental aptitude but, when they make a major mistake or experience failure, it can feel like an affront to their ego. They can sometimes torture themselves over it or fall into depression. They do not like broadcasting or even showing signs of their inner turmoil. They try to resolve it themselves and are good at hiding their embarrassment and concealing their emotions and reactions away from public scrutiny. They could be seething inside but to the rest of the world may appear like normal.

E. Hunter™'s forecast as to what you should do:

If you are after the cunning strategist who cannot stand idiots, your wish is the Enhancer's command. Watch out for when they feel someone needs to be put in their place. That may involve having the other person self vapourise or just blocking them or executing the door slam (that is totally irreversible).


Will the real Elizabeth Hunter™ please stand up?

Will the real Elizabeth Hunter please stand up?

Many really true characteristics, agreed to by the prophetess herself:

"I'm not shy or quiet. I'm just listening to your conversation and assessing your weaknesses."

∫ A proclivity towards the unseen and the abstract.
∫ A skeptical and critical take on the improbable, while maintaining epistemic humility.
∫ Apathy towards the subject of humility/arrogance.
∫ A very deep, but narrow view of specialized topics and subjects.
∫ Impersonal takes on subjects.
∫ A lack of personal association towards own views.
∫ Cold calculation.
∫ A beg for rationality in many (all) given situations.
∫ A dazzing ability to pick patterns and logical inconsistencies.
∫ Unanimated expressions.
∫ A love for deadpan humour.
∫ Comfort in solitude and isolation - the total lone wolf. Likes to be self-sufficient and never lean on others for help. Not needing others is a point of pride.
∫ The ability to venture into the contrary and against own beliefs.
∫ A strong faith in the scientific method.
∫ Does not combine idealism and reality by viewing it with the same lens.
∫ Beliefs are dualistic and separate.
∫ Possesses a reflex towards evidence.
∫ Notes the difference between a hypothesis, an inference, a theory, a principle and an uneducated guess.
∫ A love for discerning fact from opinion. F&D, not PHOG. {Facts and data not Perception, Hearsay, Opinion and Guess.}
∫ A heightened 'sense of smell' to detect bias.
∫ A need to inspect and examine.
∫ Emotionally repressed, neglectful or, in healthier cases, indifferent.
∫ The indifference towards social norms.
∫ A proclivity towards the authentic and repelled by the inauthentic.
∫ When unsure, stances will be hedged until logical consensus can be found and consistency equalizes.
∫ Unexpectedly a very physical and tactile person in nature.
∫ Sensitive to physical and visual stimulus.
∫ Paradoxically very disorganized on some days, yet impeccable on others.
∫ An intrinsic preponderance towards investigating and testing theories via application.
∫ Hobbies include solving puzzles and unraveling enigmas.
∫ Watches time in reverse via retrograde analysis.
