On the smartphone, keep the text to the left except when viewing the tables.
Situation - You need to find the Behaviour Pattern before you can IMPOSE CORRECTLY
This is the Oxor Face Method™
Phase A - Face Rectangular?
Phase B - Face Heart?
Phase C - Face Square?
Phase D - Eyes Oval?
Phase E - Stressed or Hippie for Rectangles and Hearts?
Phase F - Cold or Emotional for Squares and Ovals?
Phase G - Eyes slope to determine Extravert or Introvert
Do not hesitate to use The Archdeacons™ descriptors - at Oxor, we use this as the shortcut most of the time. You need to be satisfied that around 80% of the description of attributes matches the imposee. This means that you have the imposee's Pattern.
If you have found your way here as directed by Elizabeth Hunter™, this is the Oxor Face Method™ of Titanium Imposition™
Click on Titanium on ALL Patterns
You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you
Use face first: Pick Imposee's Face shape - there are four - Rectangular, Heart, Square and Oval. The following table shows the sequence.
4. Inspirational = ENTP or 15. Perfectionist = INTP or 16. Enhancer = INTJ |
16. Enhancer = INTJ |
15. Perfectionist = INTP |
7. Promoter = ENFP or 9. Specialist = ISFP or 10. Investigator = INFJ |
10. Investigator = INFJ |
9. Specialist = ISFP |
6. Appraiser = ESFJ or 13. Practitioner = ISFJ or 14. Objective Thinker = ISTJ |
14. Objective Thinker = ISTJ |
13. Practitioner = ISFJ |
8. Counselor = ESFP or 9. Specialist = ISFP or 12. Achiever = ISTP |
12. Achiever = ISTP |
9. Specialist = ISFP |