Yes. Like any method based on rational behaviour, limits can be found where it simply not possible to achieve an harmonious outcome.
It's at it's limit if there is mental impairment, the person is irrational or unable or unwilling to move on an issue. This is not surprising and is why the courts are full.
It will take extreme discipline to keep your cool, but it is essential to do so
For example, while some experts say that you never tell a procrastinator (generally a Disc Promoter) to "just do it", the practicality is that the only way is to have a penalty for not doing the task. e.g. ceasing a friendship; taking your business elsewhere; threatening to take or actually taking legal action. This circumstance is is exactly why kids have the threat of a detention at school hanging over them for repeatedly coming in late or not finishing their homework.

GST - Yes. We have an ABN but that is not in the name of 'Oxor™' or 'Elizabeth Hunter™'. Tax Invoice - Yes.

Generally $129 per hour for our Oxor Commando™ with 49 years business experience. Operates with limited availability due to retirement, which can be suspended on occasions.

Website design is based on the licensed 'Ezy' template from Themeforest. Colours chosen in 2019 are Living Coral (Pantone colour of the year - #FF6F61); complimented by green #61ff6f and blue #61f2ff (Triadic combination).
Logo is by Elizabeth Hunter™, as agent, with same colours.
In 2020, Living Coral was substituted with the 2020 Pantone colour of the year, Classic Blue - #0F4C81 and was universally condemned and abandoned.
In 2021 we reverted to the Living Coral Image.
Material is composed and researched by Elizabeth Hunter. Site is hosted by Hosting Bay. Images free from Pixabay. Some specific images are not from Pixabay e.g. Briggs, Myers, Marston, Fielding Chase™, Sir Robertson Sole™, Prof. Ridley Kive™, Elizabeth Hunter™ and a few others. These people's status is either never existed, dead, nom de plume or their image is not being used.

The name Oxor is based on the availability of a 4 letter domain name with X for excellence in it. The logos over the years can be seen Here.

Download our ethics policy here.