When they are at fault, show bad habits or under pressure or toxic or a complainer or lazy,
it can make it easy for you to pick their pattern

Are you at fault?

Observing faults, bad habits, pressure, toxicity, complaints and laziness can be handy when picking someone's pattern. So can 'own goals'.

We also detail propensity to exaggerate, sins and Self-Improvement strategies!

Exaggeration is “Swearing in your native tongue”. Carl Jung, the legendary Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, indicated that when things get dicey, we are more apt to react in a manner that feels most familiar. By doing this, we lose access to the auxiliary function that keeps us balanced. This notion of exaggeration is why under a certain amount of stress, our personality becomes ‘bigger’, but not necessarily more effective. ALL ONE’S GEESE ARE SWANS.

You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how. Here are the faults and grumbling styles of all sixteen patterns - you will be here, too!

Parts adapted by Elizabeth Hunter™ from Forbes Magazine. Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons. Whatever, they create unnecessary complexity, strife and stress. Most sources of stress at work are easy to identify but it is the unexpected sources of stress that take you by surprise and harm you the most.
Studies have long shown that stress can have a lasting, negative impact on the brain. Exposure to even a few days of stress compromises the effectiveness of certain neurons in the brain's area that is responsible for reasoning and memory. Weeks of stress cause reversible damage to neuronal dendrites (the small “arms” that brain cells use to communicate with each other), and months of stress can permanently destroy neurons. Stress is a formidable threat to your success—when stress gets out of control, your brain and your performance suffer.
Research from the Department of Biological and Clinical Psychology at Friedrich Schiller University in Germany found that exposure to stimuli that cause strong negative emotions — the same kind of exposure you get when dealing with toxic people — caused subjects’ brains to have a massive stress response. Whether it's negativity, cruelty, the victim syndrome, or just plain craziness, toxic people drive your brain into a stressed-out state that should be avoided at all costs.
The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. TalentSmart has conducted research with more than a million people and found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. One of their greatest gifts is the ability to neutralise toxic people. Top performers have well-honed coping strategies that they employ to keep toxic people at bay. This page will help you identify toxic patterns and you can work out a successful strategy.

Other signs of toxic behaviour can be these:
1. Ess, aitch, one, tee Talkers: If others constantly talks ess, aitch, one, tee about all your other friends when they are not around, do not think for one second that you are not up for discussion when you are not around. An ess, aitch, one, tee talker does not stay mute on any subject or about anyone. They are just great at making you believe you are the only one on their good side when, in reality, they persist in talking you down, behind your back, of course.
2. Anti Listeners: On the other hand, if you have a friend who is legit, but never listens, then you may have a problem. If they just ask you to repeat something every once in a while, that is okay. However, if you talk for a minute or two and they give you a response that has nothing to do with what you just said, then you are dealing with some toxicity. People who can only really listen at the same time they are talking their mouths are unimportant.
3. Liars: A liar is never a good thing to have around. Especially when it comes to someone that is supposedly backing you. It is not required that this negative energy interrupts your aura. When you notice lies, backtrack and consider all the times they could have been lying to you. May be time to de-friend this toxic person.
4. All take with no give: Whether it is never wanting to eat where you want, or constantly asking for advice or doing favours without reciprocation, all signs lead to that person being selfish. A real friend should be able to give you back as much as you invest in your friendship. Without that balance, it may be time to de-friend this toxic person.
5. Others bad day ruins yours: This is the person who has a minor issue in their day and then continues to take it out on the rest of the world, including you. When it is not the end of the world but they make it out to be, you have the drama queen. This is one of the worst signs to miss early on because it will start to eat at your soul down the road.
6. The 24/7 negative: If you hang around with people who behave worse than you, pretty soon you will start being pulled in that direction. An overtly negative person is not someone you want to be around when you are trying to live your best life. If they are always looking at the glass being half empty then it may be time to de-friend this toxic person.
7. Not paying much attention to what is happening around them or better and more important than other people: It cannot get much worse than this. It is hard to know which is worse, but it is all bad in the grand scheme of things. You do not want a friend who is not up on the issues and out there trying to make progress.

Plus you as "More of a different kind"; how you go with secrets - Habitsecrecy™, how you go in the street - Streetwalker Observatory™ and each pattern's Feelings Hurter™.

Signs of a lazy person - LITTER:
1. Inertia. Means the Agent is a prime suspect as is the No.1 laziest pattern.
2. Excuse: The area is already messy, why bother finding a litter bin?
3. Excuse: People do not realize that with littering, there do come consequences.
4. Excuse: The garbage cans are already overflowing.
5. Excuse: The garbage cans have a note stating that they are for specific rubbish only.
6. Excuse: My neighbour litters and so do I!
7. Excuse: When challenged, ask: What’s your problem?
8. Excuse: Really? It’s only just one piece of paper!
9. Excuse: People are starving in Africa! What do you care about littering?
10. Excuse: I am drunk or on drugs.
11. Excuse: The garbage bin is too far away.
12. Excuse:Some other bastard will pick it up.
13. Excuse: This list could really go on forever. People come up with countless excuses to throw their piece of litter onto the ground instead of taking the short amount of time to find a garbage can and properly throw it away. But littering does have consequences and that includes ecological, financial and lawful.

1. People who never take responsibility for their own actions.
2. Professional victims, (People who feel victimized no matter what the circumstances.)
3. People who have a difficult time, or refuse to apologize.
4. Passive aggressive people. (People who get back at you, or insult you, in an indirect sneaky way).
5. People who never tell you how they feel and expect you to read their minds.
6. People who think the world revolves around them and never consider anyone else’s feelings.
7. People who refuse to admit they are ever wrong.
8. People who need control over everything and everyone.
9. People who stab you in the back and act like they are the ones bleeding.

Caveat Lector™ = "Let the reader beware!" On this page!

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update February 19, 2024


1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?

The Director is the Border Collie

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Demanding - the "Efficient Fascist". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Agressive, Demanding, Confrontational.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Assertive - the "My Way or The Highway Manager". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Assertive, Driving, Decisive.

Oxor Claim™: The original schoolyard bully. Most likely of the to be a psychopath.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but willing to work until death for the team. Are selfish when they fear losing their independence. For such a typically outspoken pattern,they have a hard time finding a way to express their feelings They fear that a partner is going to stop them from fighting the guy who cut into the line ahead of you at Subway.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They admire their resolve and firmness, but, when others are being firm, they may think that they are just being ridiculously stubborn or bullheaded. They may pride themselves on not being emotional but blow a fuse when life feels chaotic or disorganized.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The incontinent (=lacking self-restraint; uncontrolled) autocrat.

Observable Burden™: Presumptive judgment.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Disorder.

Worst Quality™: Demanding.

Responsibility Category™: Middle - actively delegates.

The Director believes that the best way to accomplish their goals is to create a sequence and structure for everything in their world. They take care of people by getting life under control, managing logistics and creating plans that ensure goals are met in a timely way. They can take a chaotic situation and make it manageable by breaking it down into simple steps and putting everything in the appropriate place.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are the know all. You are a great decision maker, which is why you are the one in your friend's group to plan happy hours, birthday dinners and weekend trips. Because of your track record as a planner, your confidence in your abilities always comes across as the know all. Do not stop bringing people together; just try to be more open to other people’s suggestions. You need to be aware of your incessant and off putting 'my way or the highway' attitude.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 7. Someone who changes dramatically when challenged in any way.
As long as things are going their way or they are in charge, this pattern can be compassionate and accommodating. A totally different person will emerge if you do not do what they wish, if you criticise them in some way or if you dare to refute them. They will get angry, dismissive and harsh.
Can be more like the Achiever. e.g. Lose their temper.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: SUBJECTIVITY.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 16/16. Not so much lazy, but there are certain areas of their lives that tend to collect weeds and cobwebs.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 2/16. Vilified for being mean, controlling and annoying.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: Sometimes their highly motivated nature and their drive to take action can backfire and they can jump to conclusions or rush to take steps too quickly. They may become inflexible when they make up their mind about something because backtracking seems inefficient. They can become so tied to doing things the way they have always been done that other people’s ideas are discounted, or ignored, if they seem too unusual.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle to be sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others and should pause to consider the implications. They may consider the values of others as irrelevant to a decision and inadvertently cause conflict or chaos in their relationships.
They also can come across as bossy or demanding because they are naturally wired to spot errors and flaws and point them out in a way that will generally rile the recipient. This fuels the reputation as 'That Boss'. The Director can come across as disdainful; acting mean and superior. They can act haughty, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, or swaggering and will deny all.
Some people need to stop and be recognized in order to feel appreciated. A big “thank you” and “you made a difference” is the fuel they occasionally need to get back up and going again. That might seem like a waste of time to the Director, but it is crucial for most others.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Avoids expressing emotion, tends to be blunt, obsessed with correctness, judgmental, stubborn, inflexible, overly concerned with social status.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: WRATH

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Corporate executives.

Fault - Being too Bossy. Directors lead with a process called Extroverted Thinking. Directors easily see errors that need correcting and naturally delegate to get jobs done and tasks completed on time. They are less excited about the minutiae of implementing goals and prefer to direct others to do so. They are natural leaders and supervisors and, while this is a very good thing, it can give them a reputation for being bossy or controlling. They see what needs to be fixed, what needs to be done and they usually have no problem telling other people how to get those things done or doing it themselves. They do not mean to be bossy or come across as controlling (but do), rather they are driven by task completion and goal achievement. They see it as their duty to make sure that goals are completed and everyone’s lending a hand to get the job done.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When their hard work is under-appreciated or they feel taken for granted.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Director sabotages their life by indefinitely putting off happiness.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Director may lecture you incessantly about anything you do that is even remotely illogical.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": Has the overgrown anger reflexes of an Objective Thinker.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The police officer arguing with the Inspirational. | More likely than other patterns to exhibit Type A behaviour (competitive and self-critical), scores highest in coping resources (with the Promoter), ranked 3rd highest in marital satisfaction among all patterns.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 3. (Mid) Directors can make excuses for their actions, especially if they feel like they are not in a safe space. They do not want people to think less of them so they can often find ways around certain situations. This is often done because the Director struggles when it comes to trusting others. They do not enjoy being stuck in a situation where they have to reveal their own mistakes to someone who might use it against them. Because of this, the Director can often come up with useful excuses to move forward from a situation.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Director: Disrespect of time. (By procrastinators, others being late.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Becomes detached and cold; Feels everything must be rational; Oversimplifies for sake of clarity; Interrupts and critiques others’ logic; Dominates by dissection.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Avoids expressing emotion, tends to be blunt, obsessed with correctness, judgmental, stubborn, inflexible, overly concerned with social status.

Virtue or Sin: Sloth (Sin Rank 4/7) - Apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue. Spiritual or emotional apathy; neglecting what God has spoken; being physically and emotionally inactive in the sense of sadness, depression or the inability to feel joy. Extreme depression leads to have thoughts or plans for suicide. May lead to wrath. If love is lost or lacking, sloth may be extreme.
Alternate sins: Wrath, pride, greed. While greed and gluttony are technically two separate vices, they involve the desire for more and more and more. That may be clothing, food or wealth. The Director, together with the Persuader, is known to be fixated on social status, which can lend itself to greediness.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware of your overuse of stubbornness, strong convictions and being forthright.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid dismissing sensitivities.
Pragmatic and productive, they would do almost anything for the person they love. They strive to be level-headed, reasonable and loyal. However, sometimes they inadvertently damage relationships when they fail to value the emotional needs of the partner. They might be tactless and offend them, only to shrug off their reaction as “over-sensitive.” They might also assume that love is self-evident through actions rather than expressing it out loud. Because it can be hard to recognize the plethora of feelings your partner might have, it is important to ask. Make a point to ask the partner how they are feeling, what they need and give them a non-judgmental space to discuss it. This openness, consideration and respect can help to circumvent countless obstacles in the relationship.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: A unique blend of focussed and gregarious, down-to-earth and imaginative. People who do not know them very well might think they are all about hard work and staying on task, but anyone who is very close to them has probably seen their occasional zany side. They have an offbeat, sometimes zany sense of humour and an enthusiasm for discussing unusual ideas (as long as they do not have a more important task that needs to be done). While this may not be a really obvious quirk (especially to people who do not know them well) it is one that those close are likely to appreciate.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Tries to enforce the rules with his tenured co-workers then, when they laugh at the Director, the Director goes and tells the big boss what the naughty workers did. The Director is then gets demoted into a menial job for creating problems with the top employees. The Director just cannot help himself and reports the overflowing toilet to the big bosses.


2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?

The Developer is the German Shepherd

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Agressive - the "Bully and Bossy Dominatrix". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Agressive, Demanding, Confrontational.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Decisive - the "CEO". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Assertive, Driving, Decisive.

Oxor Claim™: They will simply walk all over you, regardless of your reasons or emotions.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Most selfish with an attitude: ‘Make me feel good first and then we will talk about everyone else later’. Rated the most selfish of all patterns. Selfish when it comes to power and are a control freak. They are leaders and are used to major leadership roles but sometimes it can make their egos skyrocket. When it comes to sharing power or stepping down, they are reluctant to comply and will be very bitter when they do so. Unlike the Director, they are not just the bosses who bark orders at insubordinates or colleagues. They are the ones who brought whomever they wanted together with strategies they carefully planned out and are often the voice amidst the chaos. When change happens to co-share power or people wanting them to step down, it is a threat to their power base and they want to defend it mercilessly because while they accept change and are most of the time flexible, in their heads they are asking why can’t they be at the forefront of change as the leader once more? Most of the time, they still stay in control because they will resort to manipulation to maintain their spot. This pattern would be well advised to chill out for once in their life and stop trying to force everything to go their way. They have a powerful personality, but a relationship is a two way street. They cannot just expect the other person to do what you want and not ask any questions.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They think they are being objective and logical but thei values and feelings may be influencing their choices more than they realize.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The soulless puppetmaster.

Observable Burden™: Aggressive.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Mediocrity.

Worst Quality™: Bossy.

Responsibility Category™: Upper low - commands others.

The Developer believes that the idea of being normal, average or typical is an anathema. They want to achieve incredible things in life and conquer feats beyond the ordinary. Blazing new trails, reaching higher benchmarks and discovering a deeper sense of meaning in life are the goals. They dream large and put in the hard work to make dreams a reality.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You have high expectations of others. You are a passionate leader and a natural planner. Basically, you know how to get ess, aitch, one, tee done and you expect the same of the people around you. It is okay to hold people accountable, but make sure not to be too harsh. If you are leading a team, work on balancing criticism with praise. And make sure you are truly setting up your crew for success. Your aggressive, bully boy style is offputting to many.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 1. The Super Nice / Abusive Person.
This pattern can be sweet and charming one moment and aggressive the next. Disparagement, ridicule and criticism are the most common forms of violence, but physical abuse can also eventuate. Once some time has elapsed, the individual is usually repentant and returns to his normal loving self only to spiral back into the darkness.
Can be more like the Perfectionist. e.g. Appears to do their homework in some instances.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: COMPETITIVENESS.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 15/16. Not so much lazy but may be s task-focused and productive when it comes to practical matters, they can put off or avoid tasks that involve emotional labour and introspection.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 1/16. Vilified for being power-mongers who could not care less about feelings if they tried.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: While visionary and ambitious, they strive to be competent in everything they do. However, sometimes they can be so intolerant of other people’s perceived, or demonstrated, incompetence that they become judgmental, critical and dismissive. They may show an arrogant, condescending persona to others without realizing that they are doing it.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can become unaware of the impact their words have on others and can behave in ways that are insensitive, brusque or overly-critical. They can also become arrogant when dealing with people who they perceive as having trivial, unimportant interests. They can also become overbearing and bossy when they are in charge of people who they see as inefficient or distracted. They can be extremely strong leaders, but working on some tact can help them to achieve their goals and motivate people much more quickly. They are generally loathed.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Controlling and intimidating, appears angry, impulsive, arrogant, impatient, bad with emotion, cold & ruthless.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: GREED

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: World conquerers, lots of businesses.

Fault - Being too Arrogant. Developers are usually extremely driven, competitive and confident individuals. They are selfish when it comes to power. They have a natural leadership style and bold determination that can make them intimidating to many people. They know what they want, they have an eye for the future and they want to get there as quickly as possible. They can become impatient with emotions, extraneous details and people who contradict their plans. Their natural confidence and drive can seem domineering and superior to others, especially people who are more soft-spoken and gentle in their delivery. It is important to remember that confidence and superiority are not the same thing. Many Developers are confident but truly do not consider themselves superior to anyone else. They are usually open to hearing other people’s views as long as they are not clouded by emotions or filled with details that get in the way of the overall big picture or point.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When people do not do what they ask.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Developer sabotages their life by bypassing it.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Developer may completely rearrange your habits, routines and long-term plans as they see fit and then make you think it was your idea.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The moment when a Developer spins in their office chair to face you.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one in a business suit or equivalent. | The least likely of all patterns to report stress resulting from work or finances, more likely than average to suffer cardiac problems and among the least likely of all patterns to believe in a higher spiritual power. The Brian Smiff™ (an Oxor in-joke).

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 5. (Low) Developers are capable of making excuses but in most cases they would rather be sincere, direct and often confrontational. The Developer wants to get things done efficiently and this rarely requires making excuses for people or situations. Instead of coming up with a twist to their story, the Developer would prefer to be upfront in order to get things done. They are not afraid of making mistakes and would rather find ways to overcome any situation honestly. Is blunt and direct with excuses to get things done.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Developer: Passive Aggressiveness. (Pouters, sulkers, emotional punishers.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Becomes detached and cold; Feels everything must be rational; Oversimplifies for sake of clarity; Interrupts and critiques others’ logic; Dominates by dissection.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Controlling and intimidating, appears angry, impulsive, arrogant, impatient, bad with emotion, cold & ruthless.

Virtue or Sin: Lust (Sin Rank 7/7) - Self-indulgent sexual desire. Emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body. An insatiable need, desire, thought or action for sex or things of a sexual nature including pornography. If unfulfilled, it can lead to masturbation, rape and even bestiality. Lust also includes the desire for knowledge and power.
Alternate sins: Pride, gluttony, greed. With great leadership skills can come great arrogance. Developers, Enhancers and Perfectionists are particularly likely to cross the line from confident to cocky. The Practitioner tends to be less brazenly prideful, but their general stubbornness in their ways may leave them feeling superior to others.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware of being a selective listener, hearing only what you want to hear.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid having to 'win' all the time.
The Developer is an extremely determined, strategic individual. They like to win at whatever challenge presents itself. However, sometimes this “win-lose” mentality can hurt relationships. Any argument or disagreement can turn into a debate they want to win rather than a sensitive, tactful discussion that might require compromise rather than competition. Take the time to actively listen to the partner when disagreements occur. Avoid using sarcasm. The Developer should validate the partner’s feelings and remember that some disagreements do not have to have to end in winners or losers with the Developer the winner.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: Despises small talk and time spent on shallow activities. In fact, they can be quite brusque and dismissive of such things. Sometimes this makes people hate them – they feel that they are rude and overly-direct. But to those who know them well (and who share their proclivities), view their ability to 'cut to the chase' and get past all surface-level conversation. Their visionary insights and inability to sugarcoat make them a trusted source of information and honest advice.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Buys the network after the producers failed to keep the Results off the island. Fires everyone, then graciously gives the Results a free airline ticket home. Then actually drops the Results out of the plane into the Congo in the middle of night, but they survive.


3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?

The Results is the Jack Russell Terrier

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Impulsive - the "Friendly Con Artist". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Agressive, Demanding, Confrontational.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Decisive - the "Man For a Crisis". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Assertive, Driving, Decisive.

Oxor Claim™: The original conman. And selfish to boot.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but with a child-like spirit. Selfish when things do not go their way. This is a pattern that many do not get along with well due to their careless and reckless attitude. These are the pattern that will resort to unethical methods to the extreme if things do not go their way. While the Developer and the Inspirational are notorious for manipulation, the Results will be the one who will resort to violence or cutting off people if things do not go their way. If someone opposes them, they will try to bully them into submission with words and, if that fails, they will use their fists. The do not give a flying fcuk who they hurt as long as they get their way. If things do not go their way and they lose the battle, the cycle will begin anew somewhere else. They generally do not learn or care to learn from their mistakes. Donald Trump. They can also put their partner last. They need to stop the endless race for achievement for five minutes sometimes to make sure a partner is still with them and not lost and wondering if they are actually still even in a relationship with you.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They tend to make careless decisions without thinking through the consequences.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The burned out pornstar.

Observable Burden™: Empty promises.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Fatalism.

Worst Quality™: Impulsive.

Responsibility Category™: Lower high - restless.

The Results believes that everyone is in control of their own life and decisions. They thrive when they can take action to improve their life or the lives of others. Energetic, pragmatic and realistic – they believe in keeping a level head and not letting superstitions, petty problems or “little things” get in the way of living life to the fullest.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You have a poor filter. You are bold and direct; it is that which often what draws people to you. When it comes to conversation, you call it like you see it (for better or for worse). The people closest to you appreciate this kind of honesty, but for strangers, your tendency to tell it like it is can make it seem like you are overstepping the mark which is exactly what you are doing. Your pace is way too fast for many.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 3. The classic Jekyll and Hyde who truly lives a double life.
When they are with their family, they might be one person, but when they are not, they are a totally different person. Some people with this form of Jekyll and Hyde personality have developed distinct personalities, along with going by multiple names or marrying more than one person.
Can be more like the Objective Thinker. e.g. Seen to be playing by the rules.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: IMPULSIVITY.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 8/16. Can get lazy when it comes to tasks that have no visible and immediate result.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 9/16. Vilified for being so hot, mean, attractive, cool, annoying.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: Their rampant desire for action and stimulation can mean that they are easily bored, distracted and restless. They may have a hard time holding down commitments or finishing projects because there are always fun, interesting distractions out there to explore now.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can be so focussed on action and activity that they become bored and restless when conversation gets too theoretical or abstract. This can leave them missing out on deeper bonding and meaningful moments with the people they care about. They can also forget to stop and analyse the big picture and what is really important in the grand scheme of things.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Prone to boredom, can be insensitive, lack of long-term focus, impatient, defiant, too detail-oriented, unstructured.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: LUST

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Extreme sports, swingers.

Fault - Being seen as not taking life seriously. Results folk tend to live in the moment and enjoy taking advantage of current opportunities and realities. They are selfish when it comes to when things do not go their way. They are usually optimists and favour a lot of action and excitement in their lives. At the same time, they tend to dislike routine, sitting still and making long-term decisions. They like to keep their options open and become stressed when they have to make decisions that might tie them down or limit their prospects. Parents, teachers, or partners who see their easy charm and impulsive lifestyle might judge them for not buckling down and making commitments or deciding. They might feel that it’s “immature” to go from one experience to another and not develop a consistent routine. Mature Results folk are responsible, capable, and fearless, but they probably aren’t the types who want to sit in an office the rest of their lives. They need the chance to experiment, go on adventures and try new things. Tying them down will only cause resentment and frustration. At the same time, they may benefit from the help of open-minded people who can help them find strategies for achieving and choosing their long-term goals.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When things get slow or theoretical.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Results sabotages their life by choosing the path of least resistance.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Results person may literally charm the pants off you.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The inner pep talk voice of a Counselor.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The dude on a motorcycle. | More frequent among patients suffering from chronic pain, one of four types reporting highest levels of assertiveness in college yet one of two types with lowest college GPA yet among most likely of all patterns to stay in college.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 2. (High) Results can come up with a quick excuse, especially when they feel it is necessary. They are not opposed to telling a white lie now and then and sometimes feel like it is what they need to do. Results can be somewhat reckless which often leads to them getting into trouble in certain situations. When the Results finds themselves in a bind they might feel the need to use their natural charisma as a way to get themselves out of trouble. They combine their charm with a few good excuses and likely can get out without too much damage.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Results person: Underestimation. (Not being trusted to get it done.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Speaks and acts without thinking; Becomes hyperactive; Chatters and disturbs others, disrupt; Are blunt and curt; Are pedantic – every detail is crucial.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Prone to boredom, can be insensitive, lack of long-term focus, impatient, defiant, too detail-oriented, unstructured.

Virtue or Sin: Wrath (Sin Rank 3/7) - Belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong. "Love of justice perverted to revenge and spite" - Dante. A need to do harm to others. Emotional response related to one's psychological interpretation of having been threatened. Indicates when one's basic boundaries are violated. Extreme anger, rage, hatred, or a need for vengeance or revenge. Often resort to taking the law in their own hands if they feel the justice system has failed them. To the extreme, may even turn to physical abuse of themselves or others, murder or even genocide.
Alternate sins: Lust, pride, gluttony. Lust is the pursuit of pleasure and the Results and the Achiever are the main culprits. Like the Persuader, these two patterns often indulge their desires — perhaps too much so. Their spontaneous, live-in-the-moment attitudes make them especially susceptible to this vice.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware of being too impulsive at times as ego and optimism combine.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid becoming bored.
The Results is clever and pragmatic and who thrives on action, variety and spontaneity. They love a fast-paced, exciting life where overcoming challenges yields immediate results. However, in relationships, once things reach a “settled” state, they can become bored and restless. They might feel the need to push the partner to be more spontaneous, active and adventurous than is natural for them. It can be easy for them to “hurry” them along rather than respecting their space. The Results should, once in a while, hang around when things are boring, show respect for their way of doing things and make sure they have allotted time to be their energetic, impromptu self. If there is mutual love, both will find ways to respect each other’s needs.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They like to be challenged, dared, or told that they cannot do something. They like to prove people wrong and test their own abilities. Sometimes (frequently) this lands them in prickly situations – they often 'leap before they look or scare friends and family when they take stupid risks and base-jump from terrifying heights. But their bravery paired with wry humour and charm makes them more likable to us to certain people.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: {Instruction: Read the Developer Unique Doings first} Disguises themselves as the Developer then sneaks back in after getting voted off the island.


4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?

The Inspirational is the Bull Terrier

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Confrontational - "The Somehow Better or More Important Than Everyone Else". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Agressive, Demanding, Confrontational.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Assertive - the "Sneaky Ideas Guy". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Assertive, Driving, Decisive.

Oxor Claim™: Has their two feet firmly two metres off the ground.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish and stubborn as hell but acts with a little more flexiblity than the most selfish. Selfish when it comes to debate. It is acceptable to be feisty and wanting a good debate, but it should not take an unhealthy turn. While their debating skills may work with them in their profession, their personal life may suffer. These are the pattern that will still debate even if they are wrong because they believe that their rationality is the most logical one and then turn the argument back on them when they find out that they are indeed wrong, but will not admit it. And if the other person is one of the feeling personality types (F), they are screwed because now the Inspirational will argue that their emotions are clouding their judgement or whatnot. The Inspirational would most likely lose close allies or even loved ones if they do not rein themselves in or create enemies in their professional life. They do not know the difference between being contrary and just being difficult until they get their way no matter how petty or unreasonable.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They do not like being told how to structure their time or how to complete a task. But they may find themselves accusing another person of being “lazy” when that person does not follow through on a task in an orderly fashion.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The sniveling malcontent.

Observable Burden™: Flaky.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Limiting beliefs.

Worst Quality™: Egotistical.

Responsibility Category™: Rock bottom - wants to but cannot make themselves.

The Inspirational believes that rules, limits and barriers are meant to be broken. They hate seeing people stifle their natural curiosity in order to adhere to an authority structure or system that is logically flawed. In their mind, everything should be questioned and analysed. The search for truth and alternatives will always be a crucial component in their way of life.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are too argumentative. As the pure "debater" of all patterns, you are an expert sounding board for everyone else’s ideas. When your opinion is solicited you shine, but when it is not, you can come across as a little pugnacious or aggressive. You are probably ready to argue us on this one where you should try to really see the other perspective before you start on another diatribe. You are seen as sneaky in your methods, too. You are likely to slip your white haired grandmother a mickey.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.
One never knows when this pattern will get irritated, explode, go on a rampage, retreat and sulk or totally change their mind about anything. They are overly sensitive and you never know whether anything you say or do would hurt them.
Can be more like the Enhancer. e.g. Cold, calculating, sulking.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: INDECISION.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 7/16. Can get into laziness with smaller physical details of life. They wind up in crisis when they put off mundane tasks for so long that they blow up into major catastrophes as a result.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 12/16. Vilified for being the debaters as if they were born in a courtroom. The Internet’s favorite trolls.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: Their visionary, outside-the-box, thinking which causes them to be drawn to novelty and new ideas can mean that they leave projects half-finished and are easily distracted by alternate ideas and possibilities and breaking stupid rules. Sometimes they can be condescending to people who are more traditionally-minded, seeing them as beneath them in some way.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Together with the Promoter can struggle to zoom in on one idea and make it a reality. Driven by the thrill of the chase – completing something, marking it off as “done” is far less interesting to them. As a result, they can get bored or distracted after working for a prolonged time on the same project. Requires a great deal of effort for them to stay on track and not sidestep onto another new, interesting plan or possibility.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Poor follow-up skills, easily bored, argumentative, intolerant of others, bad at focusing, dislike practical matters, insensitive.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: GREED

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Comedians, lawyers, debates.

Fault - Being way too argumentative. Inspirationals naturally see about a thousand alternate angles to any statement or rule. They are selfish when it comes to debate. They are determined to explore every perspective and find an idea’s core truth. This can be frustrating for friends and family members who don’t share the Inspirational's natural love of debate. They may feel that the Inspirational is arguing just for the sake of it and, while that may sometimes be the case, it’s not usually. Most Inspirationals just have to make sure a statement stands up to scrutiny, and they can find so very many ways to scrutinize something. It can frustrate Inspirationals when they unintentionally offend people they care about by arguing against something that’s personal to someone else. They may feel misunderstood or that their efforts to discover truth are being stifled. Especially as children, many Inspirationals are told to do as their told and follow authority without question. This can be a very difficult experience when young as they essentially have to shut down a major part of who they are to get by - manipulative tendencies and a Jekyll and Hyde reputation in many instances.
Watch out for these traits:
1. Outspoken. They like to be direct and honest which can often be mistaken for insensitivity and bluntness.
2. Argumentative. Verbally and intellectually quick, they are capable of turning a civilised discussion into a philosophical warzone.
3. Procrastination. If an assignment is due in 8 hours, those hours will be spent creating 11 plausible explanations to ask for an extension.
4. Easily Bored/Lazy. They are capable of successfully doing most things they try their hand at. The problem is they often do not want to put their energy into trying.
5. Hasty. They often lack attention to detail and, as a result, will rush into activities without thinking the potential consequences through.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When people do not understand their vision.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Inspirational sabotages their life by losing touch with it.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Inspirational may delve deeply and intensely into your psyche, make you question everything you thought you knew about yourself and then completely disappear without notice.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The moment when an Inspirational says it’s cool and they’re not mad, but it’s just denial.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one arguing with the police for illegally parking because they did not see the sign. | Least likely of all patterns to suffer heart disease and hypertension and to report stress associated with family and health, among the highest of all patterns in available resources for coping with stress.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 2. (High) The Inspirational is a master in coming up with quick and believable excuses. They will likely do this when they want to observe the reactions and enjoy pushing the boundaries. Sometimes Inspirational will simply make an excuse to see how people respond and will likely use this as a learning experience. Many find this extremely annoying. They do enjoy trying new things and will often play devil’s advocate just for the sake of a understanding opposing sides. For the sake of new experiences and reaching a deeper understanding of things, Inspirationals will certainly utilise their natural ability to make believable excuses.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Inspirational: Willful ignorance. (Others ignoring facts to support incorrect assertions.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Are obsessed with/convinced of links between things; Wants change for the sake of change; Are over the top, frantic, out of control; Are swamped with options, can’t decide; Experience sudden, irrational change.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Trouble with conflict, manipulative, easily bored, bad at focusing, weak against stress, too independent, highly emotional.

Virtue or Sin: Pride (Sin Rank 1/7) - Unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem. Inflated sense of one's personal status or accomplishments. Hubris (Loss of contact with reality; overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments or capabilities, especially when in a position of power). Once considered a need to be the most beautiful, Pride can also mean a need for public acceptance in all acts and / or a need to be more important than others. Those who suffer with Pride issues usually fail to give due complements to others, but instead fish for complements for themselves. They find ways to be better than those around them and usually have a "One Up" story. Pride is said to be the original and most deadly of the seven sins, leading straight to damnation! Derogatory explanations often assist our clients to remember the Inspirational. Try "Bishop of Sneakiness" or "The auctioneer of fine goods about to be stolen."
Alternate sins: Pride, wrath. The Inspirational, or 'debater' thrives on arguments — until they get too mad, of course.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware of overusing a Machiavellian approach being cunning, scheming, unscrupulous, self interested and a plotter. All Australians love Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid too much brainstorming and act.
The Inspirational sometimes becomes so focussed on theorising about a problem that they do not deal with it as quickly as it should. They might look around you and see all kinds of “chores” that need to be done. Rather than picking up the tools and dealing with them, they might grab a notebook and try to perfect the perfect system so that the problems will deal with themselves. Sometimes it is vital to take action and deal with a problem in a hands-on way rather than hypothesising or theorising about it.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: they have energy and spontaneity that amps up the atmosphere and makes others listen. They are curious for new ideas, they lack of respect of the rules and their charm make it nearly impossible to be disliked or loathed. They forget to match socks, eat breakfast or wash the dishes. However, they are so swept up in the excitement of the future that they make others realize all those little details do not really matter that much anyway, which infuriates some others.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Fills in for the entire debating team after they all came down with COVID-19. Is left feeling unfulfilled because it was not enough of a challenge to debate five high schools alone.


5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?

The Persuader is the Boxer

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Superficial - the "Needy and Interfering Cult Leader". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Impulsive, Glib, Superficial.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Enthusiastic - the "Charasmatic SJW". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Outgoing, Sociable, Enthusiastic.

Oxor Claim™: Underestimates other people and overbears and manipulates them.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but too much of people pleaser to act so revealing. This pattern will typically only become self-absorbed and selfish if someone violates their core morals or values. They crave a lot of recognition, verbal affirmation and displays of appreciation. They can be seen as selfish when it comes to demanding lots of validation. They can also have a tendency to jump from one thing to the next (but not to the exoent of the Promoter)and are prone to flakiness, which some may deem as selfish. E.G. Dinner plans are shelved in preference to an exclusive networking event. As a Feeler (F), if you can find a way to tell them how their actions make you feel (in a non-accusatory or judgmental way), they are likely to hear you out and make their best effort to improve. Research indicates that this pattern also has bad taste. They are very empathetic, but this can mean they would probably date the Zodiac Killer and say he was misunderstood. Their dating history is filled with so many red flags that your friends probably audibly groan when they say they have met someone.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may give great advice but have trouble following it themselves.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The loudmouth propagandist.

Observable Burden™: Jealousy.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Suppression.

Worst Quality™: Needy.

Responsibility Category™: Lower high - example to others.

The Persuader craves a world whereby people are free to express their values, beliefs and needs without fear of reprisal or persecution. The Persuader is often seen speaking up in defence of those they feel have been wronged. They want a transparent, authentic connection with their friends and families and hate feeling like anyone is being stifled or bullied when presenting their experiences or opinions.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxicity™: You are too sensitive. Your optimism and energy are unmatched, which makes you like to be a leader in certain settings. You like being in charge, but do not like being challenged which is a sign of a poor leader. When confronted with opposing ideas, it is easy for you to take it a little too much to heart. Take a step back when this happens. Is this really about who has the best idea or about how you as a group can problem solve together? You interfere and meddle in others affairs which is unacceptable and off putting to many.
This pattern can swap from 'good boss' to 'bad boss' in an instant.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.
One never knows when this pattern will get irritated, explode, go on a rampage, retreat and sulk or totally change their mind about anything. They are overly sensitive and you never know whether anything you say or do would hurt them.
Can be more like the Agent. e.g. In La La Land, emotional.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: URGE TO INTERFERE.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 13/16. Can appear lazy when it comes to the nitty-gritty investigative research that needs to be done for certain parts of life.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 15/16. Vilified for being too manipulative. Also attractive, hated, annoying, popular (initially).

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: At their best, they are warm-hearted, visionary and empathetic. However, they can also become so focussed on improving the lives of others that they become intrusive and over step the mark; their achillies heel. Some are not, but they can get so caught up in taking care of the needs of other people that they lose sight of their own desires and personal needs.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle with seeing things objectively. They may struggle incessantly with trying to decide on something that will impact others in possibly negative ways. In an effort to maintain harmony they may phrase criticism in such a way that it just confuses the person they are speaking with rather then get the point across. They can also take on much more than they can handle in an effort to meet others’ needs.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Harbours hurt feelings, tendency to manipulate, tendency to smother, overly idealistic, too selfless, bad at making decisions, fluctuating self-esteem.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: GREED

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: People in Human Resources.

Fault - Being always seen as trying too hard. Persuaders are known for their enthusiasm, empathy and outgoing nature. They crave harmony in their environment and like to make people happy and feel welcome and understood. Healthy Persuaders are usually good listeners, inspirational teachers and loyal friends. They tend to be very generous with their time and they will usually drop just about anything if someone needs to talk or needs their help. They can become so absorbed in the needs and emotions of the people around them that they can lose sight of their own needs. People who don’t share this tendency can see the Persuader as “trying too hard” or too concerned with what other people think. Persuaders may be were misjudged as being “phony”, “fake” or “too bubbly”. Usually these kinds of judgments come from people who are introverts and do not realize that there is nothing fake about it; it’s just the way Persuaders are wired. They try to show the real, authentic parts of themselves that are needed for the occasion and will often put their own needs and desires aside for the needs and desires of the people they care about.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When impersonal reasoning interferes with their ability to build quality relationships.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Persuader sabotages their life by settling for less than deserved.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Persuader may casually get you to confess your deepest, darkest childhood secrets over coffee and then use them against you if you ever seriously cross them.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The effects of 100 years of aging on a Promoter.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell but does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one giving money to the homeless. | The most likely of all types to cope with stress by exercising, to believe in a higher spiritual power and among least likely to have trouble at school (the do gooder).

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 3. (Mid) The Persuaders can often blame themselves for things they should not. They might have a hard time admitting this to others. They often want those close to see them as near perfect so they might make excuses for their mistakes. Great at reading people and figuring out how to best communicate with them which makes them fairly good at coming up with excuses. They do not want to let others down so they might naturally start making excuses for any mistakes that have occurred as a way to cover them up.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Persuader: Selfishness. (Especially when it relates to those less well off.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Becomes intrusive, prying; Ignores and / or denies problems for sake of fake harmony; Lacks focus, becomes scattered; Over-identifies with others, becomes overburdened.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Harbours hurt feelings, tendency to manipulate, tendency to smother, overly idealistic, too selfless, bad at making decisions, fluctuating self-esteem.

Virtue or Sin: Patience (Assigned Virtue by this site)- Endurance under difficult circumstances; steadfast.
Alternate sins: Pride, wrath, gluttony. While greed and gluttony are technically two separate vices, they involve the desire for more and more and more. That may be clothing, food or wealth. The Persuader, together with the Director, is known to be fixated on social status, which can lend itself to greediness.
Of the 16, may have the highest susceptibility towards substance abuse (Source: Global founders, London.

Self-Improvement - General: Beware of placing a bit too much trust in people and possibly getting burned in the process.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid disagreeing to disagree.
The Persuader is a motivating, empathic partner with a great potential for creating intimacy and honesty in a relationship. However, sometimes they assume the partner is on the same page about something when they are really not. When they disagree with the Persuader, the Persuader can personalise it and become devastated as a result. They should remember that it is okay not to agree about everything and remember to give the partner space to have their own ideas, feelings, habits and unique tastes.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: Their charisma and passion is contagious and their warm hugs are unforgettable, whether wanted by the other person or not. But underneath this energy and warmth is someone who is questioning, incessantly curious and obsessed with learning the psychology of how people tick. They can appear full of friendliness and light and then turn around and dissect the inner-workings of a serial killer. The complexity of this pattern is both fascinating and endearing.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Starts a business to privatise happiness, bringing everlasting joy to the entire world.


6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ

The Appraiser is the Great Dane

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Impulsive - the "Overbearing Smotherer". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Impulsive, Glib, Superficial.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Sociable - the "Enthusiastic Good Friend". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Outgoing, Sociable, Enthusiastic.

Oxor Claim™: The controlling parent, cannot keep secrets, gossips around.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but too much of people pleaser to act so revealing. Can be seen as selfish in that they are probably the most self-absorbed pattern, If something is not about them, they will either make it about them, maybe by pouting. May expect other party to do the same.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may be the first to comfort and support others but have a hard time admitting when they need comfort or support themselves.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The intolerable B-Lister.

Observable Burden™: Reliance on others.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Chaos.

Worst Quality™: Overbearing.

Responsibility Category™: Lower high - example to others.

The Appraiser is constantly tuned in to the emotional temperature of the room. They are a master of creating emotional equilibrium and a sense of consensus and harmony. They look for things that might cause problems – Does someone need a drink? Does someone seem cold? Does someone seem left out? And they try to find ways to smooth the rough edges of life for the people they love.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are perpetual gossiper. You are known for being a constant source of encouragement among your friends and you feel most at home in a big group of people. One thing to be careful of is your judgmental side. Since you are constantly interacting with others, spilling one friend’s secret to another can be tempting. Gossip is off putting to many.
This pattern can swap from 'good boss' to 'bad boss' in an instant.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 5. The Imposter.
This pattern attempts to deceive others into believing that they are something that they are not. This can mean claiming to care more about other people’s well-being or to be more popular than they actually are. They lie, deceive and mislead people on a daily basis.
Can be more like the Specialist. e.g. Arty farty.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: BEING SO OBEDIENT.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 14/16. Can appear lazy by putting off tasks that require a lot of impersonal analysis and troubleshooting.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 13/16. Vilified for being dumb, mean, attractive and branded as the hosts-with-the-most, the chatterboxes who would rather throw a party than engage in deep introspection.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They love to get to know people and empathize with them in meaningful ways. However, sometimes they can take this too far and become overbearing and intrusive without realizing it. They tend to feel that they need to “organize” the atmosphere and can be pushy or get irritated with people who they feel are upsetting overall harmony. They can also become so focussed on the needs and desires of other people that they lose sight of their own needs and wants. This can lead to burnout over time.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle to evaluate situations objectively. Tends to take things personally or feel insulted even when criticism was given constructively or there was no offence meant to be given. Can also become overly wrapped up in the cares of others and forget to take care of their own needs and desires.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Hates conflict, blames themselves too much, uncomfortable with change, inflexible, needy, authoritarian.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: ENVY

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Community organizers, events and activities, gossip, beauty pageants.

Fault - Being caring too much about what others think. Appraisers lead with a judging function called Extroverted Feeling. Appraisers tend to be warm, compassionate and friendly. However, they also tend to look outside themselves for corresponding feelings of morale and acceptance from others. They are very sensitive to both praise and criticism and are anxious to conform to all legitimate expectations. Now this doesn’t mean they have no values of their own (they certainly do), but they do tend to care a lot about making sure that other people are happy with them. Their need for harmony and acceptance can seem silly to thinking types, who value pure logic over other people’s expectations. And silly to introverted feeling types who sort out their own emotions and do not care less what other people think. Other types have to understand that the need for acceptance to be expressed is just as vital to the Appraiser as the need for logic is for the dominant thinking types.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When other people are not pleased with them.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Appraiser sabotages their life by comparing it to everyone else’s.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Appraiser may secretly expect you to return the million favours they have done for you, even though they claimed they do not want anything in return.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The huge grin a Results person has when everyone pays attention to them.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell but does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The parent pushing a stroller. | Among highest in resources for coping with stress, second most likely of all patterns to report believing in a higher spiritual power, highest of all patterns in reported satisfaction with their marriage or intimate relationship.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 3. (Mid) The Appraiser is good at coming up with excuses in order to avoid hurting someone. They do not want their actions to upset others and can often come up with a quick excuse to avoid letting this happen. They do not enjoy being insincere especially to those close. While Appraisers might make excuses to avoid hurting people, they will try to avoid doing this when it comes to those close. The Appraiser is great at making excuses for others in order to protect them in some way.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Appraiser: Trolling. (Just to get others upset.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Becomes intrusive, prying; Ignores/denies problems for sake of fake harmony; Lacks focus, becomes scattered; Over-identifies with others, becomes overburdened.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Hates conflict, blames themselves too much, uncomfortable with change, inflexible, needy, authoritarian.

Virtue or Sin: Temperance (Virtue Rank 6/7) - Espousal of moderation, marked by personal restraint. Control over excess such as abstinence, moderation, chastity, modesty, humility, prudence, self-regulation and control, forgiveness and mercy. Restraining some impulses such as sexual desire, vanity, or anger. Constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings.
Alternate sins: Wrath, pride, envy. In many ways, envy indicates a feeling of inadequacy in one’s own traits, status or talents. Whether it is because of their competitive nature or shaky self-esteem, the Specialist, the Appraiser and the Objective Thinker are the most likely to see themselves as have-nots in a world of haves.

Self-Improvement - General: Beware that your high enthusiasm may be seen by some as shallow or self absorbed.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid sweeping conflict under the carpet.
The Appraiser is responsible and compassionate and is gifted at creating an atmosphere of harmony and acceptance in a relationship. However, sometimes they can work too hard to create this atmosphere – sweeping problems and disagreements under the carpet rather than facing them head-on. They might talk to their friends about relationship problems rather than directly addressing them with the partner. The Appraiser should remember that it is okay to be angry sometimes and they should not be afraid to discuss disagreements, conflicts and hurts directly with the partner. Sometimes disharmony is an essential catalyst for creating growth and honesty in a relationship.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They have a calendar, planner or notebook with them just about everywhere they go and their sense of organization is uncanny. They seem to know other people’s birthday before they even do, they are the person most likely to bring a hot meal to a friend who is sick and they instantly notice when someone is feeling out of sorts. While not extremely quirky, these characteristics are one of the reasons we find this pattern so lovable and admirable as a human.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Bakes pomegranate fritters for all his male friends.


7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?

The Promoter is the Golden Retriever

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Glib - the "Childish Bomb Thrower". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Impulsive, Glib, Superficial.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Enthusiastic - the "Unreliable Ideas Factory". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Outgoing, Sociable, Enthusiastic.

Oxor Claim™: The common nuisance. Completely immoral.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish and stubborn as hell but acts with a little more flexiblity than the most selfish. Research indicates that this pattern thinks they are not selfish but the truth is that they are one of the most self-centered types. While they are good at making people feel cared for, people have a tendency to realize that you are doing those things mostly to convince yourself you are a good person. Refer Toxicity below.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They can love the idea more than they love the actual idea.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The whinging primadonna.

Observable Burden™: Can be embarrassing.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Boundaries.

Worst Quality™: Childish.

Responsibility Category™: Middle - someone always voluntarily will do things for them.

The Promoter fights for the sense of the possible, the potential and the as-yet-never-discovered. They want to explore new theories, broaden their understanding of the world and break free from rules and traditions that might get in the way of freedom, justice and exploration. They want to fight against restrictions that hamper people’s ability to learn, grow and progress in life. They want to wander the road less travelled and find their own unique path.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are too needy. On the surface, you are very popular and friendly. You are known for getting pretty involved in your friends’ lives but you can be way too idealistic. When they disappoint, you take it personally. Very personally. It is not that you have to set lower expectations, but you should remember that, hey, we are only human. You may be empathetic and conscientious, but you also have a knack for testing people, revealing your true intentions and making people aware of your own hypocrisy and by being totally individualistic and threatening if you do not get your own way. This is why you can be 200% evil.
This pattern can swap from 'good boss' to 'bad boss' in an instant.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.
One never knows when this pattern will get irritated, explode, go on a rampage, retreat and sulk or totally change their mind about anything. They are overly sensitive and you never know whether anything you say or do would hurt them.
Can be more like the Investigator. e.g. Tactless.


Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 5/16. Annoyingly, do not appear to be lazy. But they tend to put off mundane, detailed tasks that have to do with upkeep and cautious preparation.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 8/16. Vilified for being the one who spreads rainbows and pixie dust while simultaneously struggling with ADHD and an inability to get things done. Also so weird, so annoying, so cute, so dumb and so funny.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They are imaginative, inspiring individuals who are usually very forward-thinking in their views. However, many (all) struggle to maintain focus and finish projects because they are easily distracted by new ideas and possibilities. They can struggle with procrastination or novelty-seeking at the cost of forsaking some of their goals.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Is demanding, difficult to manage and a serious non finisher due to having so many things on. Does not like being held to account and has the reputation of possibly being the 200% evil and most toxic pattern.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Trouble with conflict and criticism, can be manipulative, easily bored, bad at focussing, weak against stress, too independent, highly emotional.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: SLOTH

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: People to break the ice, comedic relief, finished projects.

Fault - Being an avoider of stability and security. Promoters are naturally adventurous and innovative. They don’t like doing things “by the book” and will usually turn down a risk-free lifestyle in favour of new experiences and challenges. They are the quintessential “ideas people” and they must follow their inspiration in order to have a fulfilled life. Other types may see their ever-shifting ventures and feel that they are “flighty” or “irresponsible” or "a poor finisher". They may be chided for turning down a good, secure job or a secure, long-term relationship. It’s important for people to remember that Promoters are naturally going to chase their dreams and visions and they will become bored and depressed in the same routine, structured life year after year. This isn’t to say that Promoters can’t commit sometimes; in fact, when they find a career or person they love they tend to be very loyal. Even so, they will always need some form of adventure and experimentation in their life and they will find ways to get it or they will be very unhappy people. The most likely of all types to have trouble at school.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When anyone expects them to follow through on projects they have committed to. When seen as hypocritical by others.

Here are some flaws that one might observe in the Promoter:
* Extremely poor time management skills. Flaky.
* Poor attention to detail.
* Often abandon projects and people once the novelty and excitement has worn off for them.
* Hop from one idea/job/partner/friend group/academic major/career path to the next, never settling in one place for long enough to lay down roots.
* Resist feeling like they are being pinned down by labels or definitions, to the point where they will sometimes reflexively reject social norms or group consensus just for the sake of being able to feel like they are going against the grain.
* Attention-seeking.
* Excessively novelty-seeking to the point where the less mature ones are constantly riding the wave of their inspiration to follow every last momentary whim to greener pastures elsewhere.
* Wavers dramatically between being extremely altruistic, empathetic, compassionate and caring, to being extremely selfish, conceited, and self-absorbed.
* Standard Promoters are open-minded and have a “live and let live” approach to life. Toxic ones are self-righteous moral crusaders who judge others when their values do not align with their own.
* Easily offended by criticism, no matter how valid or tactfully imparted.
* Tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over and over again (inferior intuitive sensing).
* Can come across as shallow due to their fickle nature.
* Can be very easily influenced in the sense that they rarely look too deeply into issues and thus can be easily convinced of things that are inaccurate and false as long as the person they are talking to sounds convincing enough.
* Fickle; cannot make up their mind or settle on anything. Often contradict themselves and their own opinions from one day to the next, which can come across as insincere, dishonest or duplicitous to others (even if it means with their whole heart.. in the moment, anyway).

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Promoter sabotages their life by running away from everything real.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Promoter may spontaneously move to Antarctica moments after making a serious commitment to you because they saw a picture of a penguin online that looked cute.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": A homicidal narcissist wearing a cut face mask of an Agent so everyone thinks they are innocent.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one that stops every few steps to appreciate the beauty of the world, oblivious to the chaos they are creating. | The most likely of all the patterns to have trouble at school yet the highest of all patterns in available resources for coping with stress.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 1. (=Market Leader) Promoters are masters at coming up with excuses and seem to concoct a believable story within seconds. While Promoters do not like to lie to those close, there are situations where a quick excuse is not all that bad (from their perspective). If they decide there is a valid reason for calling in sick, the Promoter will be able to come up with a perfect and very believable last minute excuse. While Promoters do not enjoy lying, they might find making small excuses to be an acceptable response. This behaviour is not accepted by many.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Promoter: Apathy (by those who lack concern for others.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Are obsessed with/convinced of links between things; Wants change for the sake of change; Are over the top, frantic, out of control; Are swamped with options, can’t decide; Experience sudden, irrational change.

Example: Acting Senior Sergeant Damien Honsig-Erlenburg said drink driving laws applied to a range of situations, including while riding animals. “If it’s got wheels and it can transport you then it can be deemed as a vehicle.” Ms Maguire was charged with being in charge of a horse while under the influence of liquor and is due to face the Beenleigh Magistrates Court on June 26. Fielding Chase™, the Oxor expositor, says it's the nine.com.au reporter who is the Promoter here by actually reporting this garbage without thinking what a fool the Sergeant really is.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Trouble with conflict, can be manipulative, easily bored, bad at focussing, weak against stress, too independent, highly emotional.

Virtue or Sin: Kindness (Virtue Rank 2/7) - Behaviour marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition and concern for others. Charity, compassion, friendship, and sympathy without prejudice and for its own sake.
Alternate sins: Wrath. Being sloth-like does not necessarily equate to being unambitious. The Promoter likes to dream big, but sometimes the loftiness and consequent farfetchedness of their goals can cause them to retreat into lazy behaviour.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware of overusing your enthusiastic attitude to the point of becoming obtrusive.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid creating distractions when problems remain unsolved.
The Promoter is enthusiastic and imaginative and brings liveliness and possibility into a relationship. But sometimes they are so immersed in their ideas and activities that they become distracted from problems that are currently going on. The Promoter may avoid facing today’s problems, choosing instead to contemplate promising future possibilities and potentials. This can cause nitty-gritty issues to build up and become much more destructive than they would be if they had been dealt with right away.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They have a rare ability to be charming and completely rebellious at the same time. They have almost zero respect for traditions or doing things the way they have always been done. They think everything can be made newer and better, which sometimes leads to grand innovations and other times leads to 'reinventing the wheel'. But even if their ideas do not always come to fruition as they are never finished, they do everything with such contagious enthusiasm and curiosity that others cannot help but get swept away in the excitement of it all.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Invents a cute little machine that butterflies its way around the world snapping selfies and delivering billions of enthusiastic hugs.


8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP

The Counselor is the Poodle

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Impulsive - the "Impatient Narcissist". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Impulsive, Glib, Superficial.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Outgoing - the "Attention Seeking Party Animal". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Outgoing, Sociable, Enthusiastic.

Oxor Claim™: The original drama queen. Impulsive as heck.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but with a child-like spirit. Selfish when it comes to attention. They are the social butterflies that everyone loves, but when someone else comes in and the attention is diverted away from them momentarily, they get dark emotions and like the Results, some of them have the capacity of inflicting harm on others to ensure that attention will always be on them and not the other person while some of them will fall into a state of depression and question their social worth. They can be the stereotypical popular mean girl or mean boy who will sabotage others in order to be held high in social graces. This pattern is also a flake. It is hard to be in a relationship with someone who only seems to be 30% present when they are talking to the other person. While they are vivacious and fun when they want to be, they need to get their head out of the clouds and actually show up when you said you said you would, for once.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may find themselves idealizing people or situations that are clearly not as perfect as they seem.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The bland rockstar.

Observable Burden™: Irresponsible.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Monotony.

Worst Quality™: Impatient.

Responsibility Category™: Upper low - giggles away.

The Counselor believes that mundane and repetitive things can take the zest and meaning out of life. They give remarkable experiences to people as reminders of why we are all alive. They help others to remember that life is filled with adventure, beauty and breathtaking moments. They fight to keep new experiences, sights, sounds and wonders alive.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are too impulsive. You are open, charming and love a good time. Your social butterfly ways make you the life of the party, but you might take things too far sometimes. Your go-with-the-flow attitude means you are not much of a planner. That is fine for a night on the town but might mean you make longer term decisions too hastily. Your party mode is way too constant for many.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 3. The classic Jekyll and Hyde who truly lives a double life.
When they are with their family, they might be one person, but when they are not, they are a totally different person. Some people with this form of Jekyll and Hyde personality have developed distinct personalities, along with going by multiple names or marrying more than one person.
Can be more like the Objective Thinker. e.g. Seen to be playing by the rules.


Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 6/16. Lazy with tasks that require long-term planning or a focus on intangible ideas.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 6/16. Vilified for being the party animal, so annoying, so toxic and so dumb.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They are fun-loving, realistic, enthusiastic individuals who have a gift for making the most of every moment. However, because they like a high level of action and stimulation in their life, they tend to find themselves getting easily bored and restless. To deal with this, some become fixated on thrill-seeking, getting attention or switching gears and leaving a project or goal half-completed in a similar way to the Promoter.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle to see the future implications of their current decisions. They might “leap before they look” and wind up regretting it later. They over-commit to things that sound positive and then become exhausted later trying to keep up with everything they signed up for. This can result in them habitually running late or forgetting appointments they made because they just over-filled their schedule.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Cannot take criticism, bad at long-term commitments, takes things personally, hedonistic, selfish, bored easily, unfocussed.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: GLUTTONY

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Actors, parties.

Fault - Being a seeker of too much attention. Counselors are often called “The Entertainers” and it’s not hard to see why. They are selfish when it comes to attention. They enjoy making people laugh, smile and come alive. They have a natural enthusiasm and charisma that draws people in. The problem is certain people will not be as impressed by this as others. Some individuals find themselves jealous of the charm and outgoing good humour of the Counselor and may feel that it’s over-the-top or shallow. They may feel that the Counselor's humour and natural entertaining style is actually a need for constant attention and admiration. While some Counselors do really crave attention, many of them just enjoy making people happy. They see opportunities for fun and excitement everywhere and don’t want anyone to miss out.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When people are not getting along.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Counselor sabotages their life by refusing to take it seriously.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Counselor may appear to be significantly more invested in your relationship than you are, while actually being significantly less invested in it than you are.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The camouflaged version of a hidden nerdy Perfectionist.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one playing music on the corner for money. | More likely to use emotional coping techniques over spiritual or physical resources, tends to look to authority in education rather than expressing intellectual curiosity, prefer hands-on learning, among most likely to stay in university, more likely than other patterns to watch television for more than 3 hours a day, second highest of all patterns in marital satisfaction.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 5. (Low) The Counselor is not great at coming up with excuses since they have a natural drive to be sincere. They prefer to be able to tell the truth and be upfront with people. While they will sometimes try and make an excuse to avoid having someone become upset with them, those close can often sense when they are not being completely truthful. Counselors have a hard time when it comes to lying but will try and use their charm as a way to make up for it.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Counselor: Judgmental, know all behaviour. (Labeling.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Speaks and acts without thinking; Becomes hyperactive; Chatters and disturbs others, disrupt; Are blunt and curt; Are pedantic – every detail is crucial.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Cannot take criticism, bad at long-term commitments, takes things personally, hedonistic, selfish, bored easily, unfocussed.

Virtue or Sin: Charity (Virtue Rank 5/7) - Love of God, but also to the love of neighbours. Generosity and a willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.
Alternate sins: Lust, pride, envy. Being sloth-like does not necessarily equate to being unambitious. The Counselor likes to dream big, but sometimes the loftiness and consequent farfetchedness of their goals can cause them to retreat into lazy behaviour.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you may be overly tolerant with individuals who are unproductive when considering your team's efforts.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid being continually restless.
The Counselor brings excitement, fun and variety into the partner’s life. Their liveliness and spontaneity is something that makes them lovable, but it can also make them restless and distracted at times. They may be so enticed by new experiences and opportunities that they forget about plans they have made with the partner. It can also be easy to become restless and bored once a relationship reaches the stable, routine stage. The Counselor should make it a point to set reminders on your phone for plans with the partner. Also, make sure to try something new on a regular basis (even if it is as simple as new food or a new television show). They should they get enough regular unstructured time to be the fun, vivacious and spontaneous Counselor.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: Has a youthful sense of playfulness and fun that is contagious and addictive. They are never too old to jump on a trampoline, belt out your favourite tune in the car or embark on a new adventure with the enthusiasm and hopefulness of a kid going to Disney World for the first time. Their effervescent charisma, spontaneity and humour bring out the kid in all of us and remind us of the joy and excitement to be experienced in each moment.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Takes a video of him cheating with the wife of the man that cheated with his wife, then plasters this onto social media. The Counselor is in the background doing the Icky Shuffle.


9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP

The Specialist is the Saint Bernard

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Passive - the "Flighty and Tortured Artist". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Slow, Stubborn, Passive.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Patient - the "Arty Farty Artist". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Patient, Stable, Consistent.

Oxor Claim™: Does not control their emotions but their emotions control them.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Most selfish with an attitude: ‘Make me feel good first and then we will talk about everyone else later’. Selfish in that they are are uncompromising and hate change. Just because someone has a different opinion does not mean that they are wrong. This pattern is not a Roman Emperor; people do not have to agree with them and they are not automatically correct.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may consider themselves tolerant and open-minded, yet judge people who have opinions that are different from their own.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The oblivious narcissist.

Observable Burden™: Pessimistic.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Pretention.

Worst Quality™: Flighty.

Responsibility Category™: Rock bottom - can but avoids becoming involved.

The Specialist believes in accepting and owning up to what is real in themselves and the world around them. Phony, ostentatious behaviour is extremely irritating. They crave a world where people see things for what they are and strive to be the best versions of themselves. Arrogance, classism and prejudice are all things that the Specialist seeks to root out of thei environment.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are aloof. Called "the adventurer", you are is chilled and ultra-curious. To those who prefer structure and rules, you might come across as too laid-back or aloof, but you cannot be bogged down by expectations or the norm. If you are sensing frustration regarding this issue, open up the communication channels. A text thread never ruined one’s chill. You annoy people with your permanent reluctance to change.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 6. Someone whose opinion of others fluctuates drastically.
This pattern has a tendency to categorise others as either “all good” or “all bad.” Whenever they see others as “all evil,” they cannot see any praiseworthy virtues about them and feel rightful in treating them badly or absolutely ignoring them even if it is their very own child.
Can be more like the Appraiser. e.g. Everyone's friend.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: SENSITIVITY.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 2/16. Lazy with putting off or avoiding tasks that require them to detach from their deeply passionate feeling side. Plus when required to hypothesize about future scenarios, or brainstorming.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 10/16. Vilified for being overly emotional and for perceived hypersensitivity.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They have a very strong set of inner values and are usually dedicated, helpful and supportive. However, if their feeling function runs the show without the balance of sensing, or if their feeling function is warped, they can become inwardly judgmental and outwardly passive-aggressive. They can become oversensitive and opinionated but, instead of directly confronting a problem or stating their opinion, they may just stew on their frustration with others.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle to keep an objective frame of mind in their life decisions. They may take things personally that were not meant to be or they may make choices that are in line with their goals but lack the objective framework needed to become real. Backup is helpful from Enhancers, Developers, Perfectionists, Inspirationals, Achievers, Results, Objective Thinkers or Directors in difficult decisions, e.g. firing, or if a plan to achieve a long-term goal is required.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Avoids conflict, withdrawn, hard to get to know, fiercely independent, unpredictable, easily stressed, overly competitive.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: LUST

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Art in many forms, hair salons, arts and crafts, fashion.

Fault - Being overly sensitive. Specialists lead with a process called Introverted Feeling. As a result, they tend to hold their emotions close and their values even closer. They are very private about their emotions, but even so they are often deeply moved by injustice and harsh words. They may cry more easily than other types much to their own dismay. As very private individuals they would prefer to keep their emotions more internalised, but when they are moved on the inside, it often shows in the form of tears on the outside. Specialists are highly sensitive and loving and feel everything personally and deeply. This sensitivity makes them passionate about the welfare of troubled and struggling people (or animals), but it can often be misconstrued for weakness by less understanding individuals. The Specialist might just snap and decide to cut the other party off without warning. 2nd coldest pattern behind the Investigator.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When they are asked to make decisions for other people.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Specialist sabotages their life by avoiding it.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Specialist may completely disappear into the woodwork, never to be seen again, the minute they feel pressured or intimidated by you.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": A caring version of the Achiever.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The tattooed hipster with colourful clothing, probably wearing a fedora style hat. | Among patterns most likely to report heart disease and hypertension.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 5. (Low) The Specialist is not great at making excuses, mostly because they do not like being in a situation where they feel the need to. Prefers to be completely honest and upfront with others, especially with those close. Specialists dislike being insincere and want to be true to themselves, which often avoids lying or making excuses for their actions. They do not enjoy feeling like they cannot be themselves and would rather avoid making excuses.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Specialist: Preying on vulnerable others. (Specialists are defenders of the marginalised.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Are rescuers; Carry the weight of the world on their shoulders; Isolate themselves; Become hypersensitive; Become pompous and demagogic.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Avoids conflict, withdrawn, hard to get to know, fiercely independent, unpredictable, easily stressed, overly competitive.

Virtue or Sin: Diligence (Virtue Rank 4/7) - Steadfast application, assiduousness and industry, hard work. A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness.
Alternate sins: Wrath, envy, lust. In many ways, envy indicates a feeling of inadequacy in one’s own traits, status or talents. Whether it is because of their competitive nature or shaky self-esteem, the Specialist, the Appraiser and the Objective Thinker are the most likely to see themselves as have-nots in a world of haves.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you may hold too much to past tradition in both procedures and processes.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid keeping feelings quiet.
The Specialist is compassionate and principled and excels at showing love in hands-on, practical ways. They might bake cookies for the partner or shovel their snow. However, sometimes bringing their inner feelings out into the open can be a challenge. They may feel like “talk is cheap,” or feel self-conscious about expressing thoughts so directly. This can cause certain partners to doubt affection. The Specialist should make sure to verbalise feelings out-loud – send a text saying, “I love you” or make it a point to verbalise how the partner makes the Specialist.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: Their individualistic streak causes them to avoid labels, structures and rules like the plague. They hate Oxor. They are led by a deeply-personal set of values, ideals and beliefs. This can make them feel like a misfit, but it is also one of the things that are admired. Whether they are painting a picture that echoes with the desires of their heart or rescuing a dog or cat from an animal shelter, they do everything with a passion and authenticity that is loved loved by some.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Runs away crying after the guy she has been wanting to date finally asks her out.


10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?

The Investigator is the Greyhound

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Stubbornness - the "Svengali" (a person who exercises a controlling or mesmeric influence on another, especially for a sinister purpose). Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Slow, Stubborn, Passive.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Patient - the "Complex and Empathetic One". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Patient, Stable, Consistent.

Oxor Claim™: Manipulative, self-righteous and scheming on other people.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Least likely to be selfish. However may be considered selfish as they are too private. While their natural tendency of not talking about themselves is useful in some situations, such as police interrogations, it is not great in relationships. A relationship needs the input and co-operation of two people, not just one, especially for it to turn into a long-term partnership.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They can respond self-righteously to others while claiming to be open-minded and accepting.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The delicate egomaniac.

Observable Burden™: A bit too secretive.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Short-sightedness.

Worst Quality™: Perfectionistic.

Responsibility Category™: Very top - full blood procrastinators who just are not capable of procrastination.

The Investigator spends their life thinking forward, looking at the big picture and finding their place in the grand scheme of things. They do not feel limited by the present moment but always feel compelled to look to future possibilities. They aim to think outside the bounds of concrete reality to a compelling vision of tomorrow.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are too private. As the resident extroverted introvert, being there for your friends is of utmost importance to you. But while you have lots of friends, you do not make them easily. You find it hard to open up to them, instead focussing all of your time on their lives. By not opening up to those closest to you, it can seem like you do not trust them or value the relationship. You will find it hard to find someone who understands you as a friend. You may have a very tough time finding love and that makes you question some things. It has been said the Investigator is very prone to depression. You worry about so many things in the future, in the present and even in the past. You hold grudges for a very long time. And you have the habit of replaying things over and over again which annoys some, particularly the Enhancer. Perfectionism can be good and also very bad because if something does not work out, the sadness sets in. You can be very unhealthy at times. You focus more on the negatives of everything and this can draw you to depression. You are an empath so if you stay around sad people, you can absorb that and get sad too and this sadness can stay for a long time if not dealt with. Use your door slam! However, all this does not make you look pitiful. You do have happy moments when you learn to deal with the darkness. So try to remember: Sharing is caring. You do have issues separating facts from beliefs and can be very tactless.
This pattern can swap from 'good boss' to 'bad boss' in an instant.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.
One never knows when this pattern will get irritated, explode, go on a rampage, retreat and sulk or totally change their mind about anything. They are overly sensitive and you never know whether anything you say or do would hurt them.
Can be more like the Promoter. e.g. Be all over the place.


Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 9/16. Lazy with the practical realities of day-to-day life. Dealing with immediate practical demands can seem like a hassle that gets in the way of their penchant for creating ideas and analyzing.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 14/16. Vilified for being met with suspicion and accused of having a sycophantic desire to be seen as the mystical unicorn of personalities.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They are visionary and imaginative with a strong foresight into upcoming events. However, sometimes they can get so caught up in envisioning a future possibility or idea that they lose sight of what is happening or needed in the present moment. They can become impractical and distracted and get irritated by anything or anyone that pulls their attention away from their vision.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can become blind to practical realities that might get in the way of their ideas. They are so big-picture oriented they can choose to ignore nitty-gritty details that later come back to trip them up. Married to their own views and insights, generally kept to themselves, that they can be dismissive of people with competing views and be single-minded and totally inflexible. Sharing their ideas helps them to be aware of flaws or details that might get in the way. They can manipulate or exert excessive control.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Trouble with conflict, can be manipulative, easily bored, needs to have a “cause,” burns out easily, reserved, overly sensitive.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: PRIDE

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Many of the best films, literature, novels and stories.

Fault - Being stuck in the head. Investigators tend to be consumed with an inner vision for their lives. This moves from image to image, chasing after every possibility in the subconscious. Investigators find themselves pre-occupied by affirming existence by questions, by forecasts, by symbolic apprehensions or insights that lead them. They can become so wrapped up in understanding how to make sense of their intuitions or how to understand them more fully that they lose sight of the outside world. Reality does not exist - in place are fruitless fantasies. This is exactly the kind of judgment that many people can make against Investigators; that they are so focussed on their ideas, dreams and visions that they lose sight of what is happening around them and the practical needs of the day. It is important to remember that Investigators are known for their vision and insight and this ability shouldn’t be stifled, but at the same time they need to remember to use their auxiliary support process to engage with the outer world and find balance and to attempt to do it with tact. The Investigator has a reputation for Door Slamming. Coldest pattern ahead of the Specialist. There are very, very few people who will like an Investigator. There are even fewer people whom an Investigator will truly like.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When there is any conflict that gets in the way of their artistic vision.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Investigator sabotages their life by chasing perfection.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Investigator may be using their warm, cheerful persona to mask a cold and calculating interior.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": An insecure, master manipulator version of a Persuader.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell but does.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The political activist or protester. | The highest of all patterns to have marital dissatisfaction.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 3. (Mid) Do not often make excuses and can blame themselves for more things than they should. While some people have a hard time accepting their mistakes, the Investigator is often acutely aware of them. They can be rather hard on themselves even when they should be cut some slack. They try to avoid being the type of people who will constantly make excuses for their actions and instead will apologise for their mistakes. While the Investigator might not make excuses for themselves, they are excellent at making excuses for those close.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Investigator: Condescending Attitude. (Talking down to them or just anything!)

Propensity to exaggerate: Have unrealistic expectations; Are arrogant about their ideas; Are overly complex – everything is connected; Force data to fit their own ideas and patterns; Are driven inward and will not ask for help.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Trouble with conflict, can be manipulative, easily bored, needs to have a “cause,” burns out easily, reserved, overly sensitive.

Virtue or Sin: Chastity (Virtue Rank 7/7) - Sexual behaviour that is acceptable to the moral standards and guidelines of their culture, civilization or religion. Sexual abstinence, especially before marriage.
Alternate sins: Pride, sloth, gluttony. Being sloth-like does not necessarily equate to being unambitious. The Investigator likes to dream big, but sometimes the loftiness and consequent farfetchedness of their goals can cause them to retreat into lazy behaviour.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you might need to reduce “either/or” thinking and realize that “both/and” solutions are possible.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid taking on too much.
The Investigator is a deeply empathic, insightful individual. When they are in a relationship, they have a unique ability to sense the partner’s emotional state and physical needs. Sometimes this strength can be both a blessing and a curse. They may find that they have a feeling that they have got to solve everything for the partner and anticipate their needs before they express them out loud. Over time, this can become exhausting and they may resent ther partner for the mental and emotional labour they are exerting. The Investigator should make sure to take time to openly verbalize their needs (including the need for alone time). They should remember that they are not responsible for everyone’s feelings – and should not resent the partner for taking on responsibilities they never asked you to take on.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They may be de-coding the dance of the universe and forming insights that are shockingly accurate. But they might be doing all this while bumping into corners, pouring orange juice into your bowl of cereal or putting your shoes on the wrong feet. Intuition is their dominant mental process, which gives far-reaching insights and mysterious perceptions. But their lack of awareness for sensing-related details can trip them up as they lose sight of the tangible nuances of their surroundings. Some find this trait both hilarious and lovable all at the same time.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Builds a computer program that kicks out random ideas every 15 seconds.


11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?

The Agent is the Tibetan Terrier

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Stubborn - the "Whinging "Martyr". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Slow, Stubborn, Passive.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Patient - the "Idealist in La La Land". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Patient, Stable, Consistent.

Oxor Claim™: Traditional because of tradition’s sake. Puts faith over reason.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Most selfish with an attitude: ‘Make me feel good first and then we will talk about everyone else later’. Selfish in that their expectations are always too high. They dream big, but this means that they have a tendency to project these plans onto people without actually figuring out if the plan either would work or make sense.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may blatantly cut off people who disagree with them on core values, especially, ironically, the core value of tolerance.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The hapless Space Cadet.

Observable Burden™: Too sensitive.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Hypocrisy.

Worst Quality™: Whinger.

Responsibility Category™: Lower high - natural procrastinators but hate being seen as lazy.

The Agent spends their life trying to define their core values, beliefs and personal ethics. They hold their life up to a magnifying glass to make sure that they are living in accordance with their path. They fight for their personal freedoms and the personal freedoms of others.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are impractical. An idealist, you seek harmony and optimism. The sense of calm you create is soothing to others, but you might occasionally take it too far. When something captures your imagination, you have a tendency to neglect practical matters and live with your head in the clouds, which can annoy pragmatists. Take care of business and then get back to your sound therapy. The area of logic, which is a step towards maturity, is often left without further exploration. You seem to be permanently miserable. Some may refer to you as a clyde: a stupid, inept or boorish person.
This pattern can swap from 'good boss' to 'bad boss' in an instant.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.
One never knows when this pattern will get irritated, explode, go on a rampage, retreat and sulk or totally change their mind about anything. They are overly sensitive and you never know whether anything you say or do would hurt them.
Can be more like the Persuader. e.g. Interfering, sticky beak.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: IDEALISM.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 1/16. Clubhouse Leader. Laziness tends to show up when they are so focussed on their dreams and ideals that they lose touch with the more mundane, but essential, aspects of life such as money, accomplishments and success. Rated the laziest by Personalitopia!

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 3/16. Vilified for being whiners, complainers, never satisfied, cry babies, overly sensitive, too emotional, dreamers, idealists and healers. Are the most misunderstood and underestimated.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They are passionate and believe in promoting good and adhering to their personal values. However, sometimes they can become inwardly self-righteous, self-absorbed or judgmental of anyone who does not hold the same values or who tries to argue with them about their beliefs. Some can become very focussed on their dreams and ideals but then feel lost as to how to implement those ideas in the real world.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Feel things so deeply that sometimes they struggle to see things objectively. They tend to assume that words spoken are meant in a personal way so they can get their feelings hurt or take things personally that were not meant to be insulting. Because they are often non-confrontational types they may drop people or harbour resentment rather than confronting the issue and clearing up the confusion. They may also turn their hurt inwards and blame themselves for being “too sensitive”.

Since the Agent's first cognitive function is Introverted Feeling (makes decisions based on core feelings, values and principles), it is very likely for the Agent to fall into a spiral of self-pity and / or self-doubt. This is the appearance of being permanently miserable as mentioned above.
Their principles can be exhausting and completely irrational for others. They are always trying to figure out why they are feeling a certain way and how to be happy can make them forget other people's feelings or simple daily tasks.
An immature Agent certainly seems selfish. That does not mean that they are bad people. They usually do not know how to break out of this spiral - the answer is to use and develop their second function, Extraverted Intuition, which sees the world in possibilities. It is the most innovative and creative function as it allows the user to explore every possibility and to always strive for improvement but tend not to excecute the plan.
The Agent needs to get out of their head and into the world. Simple.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Reacts emotionally, extreme dislike of criticism, blames themselves, impractical, dislikes dealing with data, reserved, too altruistic (unselfish).

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: SLOTH

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Most crying related memes, idealism.

Fault - Being totally unrealistic. Agents are intensely imaginative and passionate individuals. They have high ideals that they strive to live up to and bring into reality. Unfortunately many people just do not “get” the Agent's way of thinking and they find their ideals to be unrealistic and impractical. (e.g. "Do androids dream of electric sheep?") They make it their mission to bring them down to earth and “help” them focus on the concrete realities of daily life. While unhealthy Agents can venture so far into a world of the imagination that they lose touch with their own realistic needs, most healthy Agents have a good balance of imagination and determination. What other people might see as a “pipe dream” many Agents are able to accomplish if they believe in themselves. They need people who have faith in them, will encourage them and will also (kindly) remind them to take care of themselves and their practical needs. Agents are natural dreamers and without their passion and imagination we wouldn’t have people like William Shakespeare, Hans Christian Andersen or A.A. Milne.
Many people see the Agent as a lazy sloth who cannot be bothered to lift a finger to work on a single project. They are either strange, crazy or boring depending on the other person's perspective as they do not operate the way most people do. The Agent can be alone day in and day out without feeling lonely, but also wants friends around sometimes - say, once per week or so. The Agent can be seen as a small child who keeps digging itself into pits too deep for it to get out of. When criticised, the Agent takes it personally. The Agent may see themselves as a perfectionist who lacks motivation. They are nearly impossible to understand despite a desire to help people, regardless if love is shown in return.
They tend to flake out on commitments at the last minute because their internal system is in mayhem.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When anyone expects them to deal with the mundane details of life.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Agent sabotages their life by checking out of it.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Agent may be ten million times more twisted and deranged in their thinking than their innocent demeanor would lead you to believe.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The hormonal teenager side of themselves a Specialist would rather hide.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one who crosses the street against a red light because they were too busy daydreaming. | The most likely of all patterns to have suicidal thoughts at university.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 4. (Lower) However, do not get carried away. The Agent is creative which makes them surprisingly skilled at coming up with quick excuses. While they are naturally skilled at making up excuses that are believable, in most cases they avoid doing this. Agents do not enjoy lying and want to be completely honest, especially with those close. If they believe that making a quick excuse is the best choice to avoid hurting someone, they might consider it acceptable. This is only when the excuse is a small one and nothing that constitutes a serious lie.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Agent: Hypocrisy. (Those who do not practice what they preach.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Are rescuers; Carry the weight of the world on their shoulders; Isolate themselves; Become hypersensitive; Become pompous and demagogic.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Reacts emotionally, extreme dislike of criticism, blames themselves, impractical, dislike dealing with data, reserved, too altruistic (unselfish).

Virtue or Sin: Forgiveness (Virtue Rank 3/7) - Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive; to show mercy to sinners.
Alternate sins: Wrath, envy, sloth. Although the Agent prioritises peacemaking, they may also be impractical and emotional. When these two traits mix, harmony takes a backseat to rage.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you may prefer to maintain silent in a negative situation rather than to work in a pro-active way to create changes.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid being their own worst critic.
The Agent has an imagination that is fertile and vivid and it is a place they go to for relief from a world that often seems harsh and chaotic. However, sometimes they revert to that imaginative world instead of confronting problems in a relationship head-on. It can be very difficult to confront others or express when they have hurt or wronged the Agent. They might blame themselves instead, placing everything on their own shoulders. The weight of this all can become debilitating if it is allowed to continue. The Agent should learn to respect and love themselves with the same intensity that they love others. They should write out thoughts if needed, but address problems and issues as they arise rather than letting them fester.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: Whether they are holed up in a corner with their nose buried in a book or regaling us with their latest passion or idea, everything about them is tinged with a sense of wonder. They are a person of deep ideals and vivid dreams. They may seem absent-minded sometimes (mostly) as they get lost in their own thoughts and fantasies, but even that makes them that much more enchanting and intriguing.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Creates a mountain-sized portrait of all the unique art in their mind that has not been painted yet. When a black black light is turned on, it becomes a tropical paradise.


12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?

The Achiever is the Bassett Hound

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Stubborn the "Unpredictable Contract Killer". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Slow, Stubborn, Passive.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Patient - the "Resourceful Fixer of Things". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Patient, Stable, Consistent.

Oxor Claim™: Disregards ethical issues and their own moral compass.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Most selfish with an attitude: ‘Make me feel good first and then we will talk about everyone else later’. Selfish in that they do not like being in a relationship. Their desire to multitask is not useful when it comes to being in a relationship and your fear of commitment is not either. They can focus on something if they really want it, so maybe it is a plan to just stay single until you suddenly meet “the one”.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may accuse others of being lazy when they do not follow through on a task. Yet they will excuse themselves for not finishing something because they were 'too busy'.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The mindless brooder.

Observable Burden™: No filter.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Manipulation.

Worst Quality™: Unpredictable.

Responsibility Category™: Middle - not procrastinators but avoid obligations.

The Achiever believes in skepticism, logical analysis and autonomy. They protect themselves and the ones they love from being fooled or manipulated by others. They believe in discarding all the emotional “clutter” in a problem to figure out what the core truth and facts are. They want their mind unclouded by biases and manipulations so that they can experience true freedom.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are insensitive. Logic and practicality are two of your biggest strengths and the reason you are considered a rock by those around you. Because of your almost clinical approach to life and relationships, you can find it hard to relate to people who act with their heart first and their head second. In highly delicate situations, the old "think before you speak" (or refraining from sending that scathing email) can probably save you some skin in the long run. You can go in too hard.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 1. The Super Nice / Abusive Person.
This pattern can be sweet and charming one moment and aggressive the next. Disparagement, ridicule and criticism are the most common forms of violence, but physical abuse can also eventuate. Once some time has elapsed, the individual is usually repentant and returns to his normal loving self only to spiral back into the darkness.
Can be more like the Director. e.g. Bossy, the loathed bad boss.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: PASSIVENESS.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 4/16. Can get lazy is with personal relationships and emotional connections.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 11/16. Vilified for being argumentative and tempramental pedants who are difficult to decipher. Also, mean, cool, attractive, cold, hated, weird, annoying and boring.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They like a lot of alone time to analyze and categorize information. They can get so absorbed in their own thoughts that they see people as annoying distractions. They can become grumpy and overly-critical towards others as a result and lose sight of the impact they have on them. In their effort to have complete accuracy in everything they do, they can fail to complete projects or make decisions because they get stuck over-analyzing everything looking for a level of accuracy that is unattainable.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle to deal with interpersonal conflicts. They may come across as tactless or dismissive to people who are responding emotionally to something or they may brush off conflict with another person instead of dealing with it face-to-face. This can result in strained relationships.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Emotionally uncomfortable, bad at long-term planning, insensitive, stubborn, reserved, easily bored, risky.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: GLUTTONY

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Mechanics, working cars and anything mechanical.

Fault - Being lazy or unmotivated. Achievers like to see all the pieces of a puzzle before making a decision. If they’re in a crisis they can act quickly. However, when it comes to deciding on a job, whether or not to get married or when to complete homework, they prefer to mull over information and get all the facts before deciding. When people judge Achievers as “lazy” it’s usually because a) The Achiever doesn’t feel they have enough information to move forward or b) They’ve found a “shortcut” for completing a task that doesn’t line up with bureaucratic rules. If the Achiever is actually bored with a project they’re given they will generally find the fastest way possible to accomplish it. This may bug other types who favour procedure and routine over efficiency. This disregard for the “way it’s always been done” can lead to judgments about the Achiever being lazy instead of following the rules.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When there is no productive action to take immediately.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Achiever sabotages their life by staying cynical.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Achiever may take off on a solo adventure for weeks at a time without making any contact to loved ones or the outside world. They have a volcanic temper but a long fuse.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": It is what you get when you take out the batteries of a Counselor.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The hot construction worker. | Commonly found in populations of male college scholarship athletes, more likely than other patterns to suffer cardiac issues, lowest ranked of all patterns in using social coping resources, one of four patterns least satisfied with their marriage or intimate relationship, among types least likely to complete university.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 2. (High) The Achiever is charismatic which often makes them skilled at making good excuses. They would often prefer to be precise and sincere with their words, but there are times when their actions call for a good excuse. Achieverss can get themselves into trouble from time to time and need to come up with a reason to avoid getting in even deeper. They often use their wit and charm as a way to avoid making things worse and will try to come up with a believable excuse.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Achiever: Teasing. (Especially if it is personal.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Obsessively searches for the truth about everything; Gets lost in concentration – forgets the basics; Accept only their own logic; Become detached and machine-like.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Emotionally uncomfortable, bad at long-term planning, insensitive, stubborn, reserved, easily bored, risky, workaholic.

Virtue or Sin: Humility (Virtue Rank 1/7) - Act or posture of lowering oneself in relation to others; having a clear perspective and respect for one's place in context. Modest behaviour, selflessness and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.
Alternate sins: Lust. Lust is the pursuit of pleasure and the Achiever and the Results are the main culprits. Like the Persuader, these two patterns often indulge their desires — perhaps too much so. Their spontaneous, live-in-the-moment attitudes make them especially susceptible to this vice.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you could use more people skills in motivating and managing others. Attend to work / life imbalance caused by workaholic tendencies.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid refusing to be vulnerable.
The Achiever is cool and street-smart and is someone who prizes thei own autonomy and personal space. Little thoughts might pass through their mind about how they could show love to the partner. But it is easy for them to brush them off as “silly” or over-the-top. Over time, they may not realise that they are rarely showing their true feelings to the partner. The Achiever should stop when this happens and allow themselves to be silly, sappy or vulnerable. They should recognise that sometimes being goofy and affectionate is exactly what a relationship needs. They should let go of the brakes and show the partner your sentimental side.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They speak sarcasm so fluently that 75% of the time people cannot tell if they are joking or being serious (and they kind of like it that way). They also have the ability to crumple up anything and toss it into the wastebasket with perfect aim every single time. If you miss, which is very unlikely, They are probably sick or sleep-deprived. They also seem to know a million random facts about everything under or above the sun. All these little characteristics make them fascinating and endearing in all the right ways.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Goes and kicks three guys’ asses all by himself. [And this is not a movie.]


13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?

The Practitioner is the Alaskan Malamute

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Fussy - the "Naive Mob Enforcer". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Critical, Fussy, Perfectionistic.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Careful - the "Caring Family Nurturer". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Detailed, Careful, Systematic.

Oxor Claim™: The original libellist. Slanders people.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but willing to work until death for the team. Selfish as they are as weak as piss. There is a difference between going with the flow and being so terrified of any pushback, they just always stay silent or are passive-aggressive. It is okay to be shy, or even to pick battles, but they cannot be that 100% of the time.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They claim to care about people and their feelings but only if those people think and feel the same way they do.

Look out for No.1™: No. Feeler. Prioritizing their own interests runs contrary to their deeply held values related to putting others first, empathy and selflessness. Putting their oxygen mask on before helping others just feels wrong – even if they realize that, logically, it is the best course of action. Why select them as a leader, says Oxor™?

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The self-serving saint.

Observable Burden™: Dances with whomever sings the loudest.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Apathy.

Worst Quality™: Naive.

Responsibility Category™: Middle - not procrastinators but avoid obligations.

The Practitioner believes in preserving the meaningful moments and details of life that so many people discard or “grow out of.” As they move through life, they carefully conserve significant experiences and store them in their mind – complete with their vivid imagery and emotional resonance. They believe that it is their job to preserve these moments and keep them alive. They also believe in attending to the details that give people a sense of comfort and “flow” in life. Often, their work is done in the background – but it is nevertheless highly valuable.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are too set in your own ways. Considering how warm and protective you are, it is no wonder everyone sees you as a reassuring figure. You are sure of yourself and your ways, which can make you seem skeptical of outside perspectives. You do not have to change your way of thinking permanently, but it cannot hurt to try another type of dessert, can it? You become passive-aggressive when the environment is not frictionless.
The qualities exhibited in Pure Toxicity™ are: Passive-Aggressiveness, Complaining without actively changing the situation, Critical, Absence of Self-Care, Absence of Personal Values/Opinions, Escapisism.
Pretty much every Practitioner that I have known has been incredibly self-centered and has had trouble understanding how their actions affect other people. They have also been very closed-minded and have been unable to see past their own emotions. An often heard remark is "It is what it is". What describes the situation in reality is "It is what I have made it, but I am the victim, as you know".

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 7. Someone who changes dramatically when challenged in any way.
As long as things are going their way or they are in charge, this pattern can be compassionate and accommodating. In fact, on an everyday basis, they are very warm, kindhearted people.
When they are under terrible stress, the whole cognitive stack is reversed and a totally different person will emerge. They see everything as being gloomy, jump to conclusions, become passive-aggressive and raise their voice without any cause. They can be angry, dismissive and harsh. They do not listen to any arguments - except those that confirm their ‘reading into people’s intentions’. But this is rare. If you do not do what they wish, if you criticise them in some way or if you dare to refute them, you will be treated as this section suggests. You have been warned.
The Practitioner is also has a tendency towards warped thinking; feelings of remorse or misjudgment are potential areas that may arise. A somewhat popular belief held by the Practitioner is that “that person thinks I’m dumb, incapable, being rude, etc.” due to a certain conversation or action in the past that lead them to believe this. In reality, that person might be thinking of something entirely different at the time! Or not! As another characteristic that haunts is having said the wrong thing to a person and thinking that that person will misjudge them because of what they said. Which they well might. Oxor™ has a brilliant example of this but is reluctant to publish it!
Can be more like the Counselor sometimes which can surprise others. e.g. Gets on the table and sings at the Christmas Party after having too much confidence syrup.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: SELF-SACRIFICE.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 10/16. Can get lazy by putting off tasks that require them to do a lot intuitive thinking under pressure. Laziness is exhibited by avoidance of experimenting with new ways to accomplish tasks, taking risks or trying anything that does not have very specific instructions; having to imagine the long-term potential of something; having to extrapolate alternatives or brainstorm possibilities; critique someone’s job performance; troubleshooting complex technical problems (such as a computer error or a programming issue). This is why they are hopeless managers and leaders.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 16/16. Vilified for being neither a leader or manager. Also, common, boring, cute, rusted on to the past, dumb and quiet.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They can become so focussed on not being seen in a negative light that they become obsessed with details about their lives, their family, their appearance or their projects. Making a mistake, making a decision that causes conflict, letting others down or having a minor detail wrong can feel paralyzing to them. They can experience a lot of social anxiety and be overwhelmed and may lose touch with what is personally important and meaningful to them. Instead of expressing their feelings, they will likely keep them locked up. This can cause them to express their feelings in a somewhat (outright) passive-aggressive manner.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can struggle to see possibilities or options that do not already exist. Very polite and conscientious but underwhelming followers of society who are not necessarily judgmental, but very neurotypical and monotonous. They can become so focussed on using methods that they know and trust that they struggle to find new solutions when unusual problems arise. Can also struggle to see the big picture at times, becoming fixated on details and trying to deal with them without considering the long-term future impacts. Associates who are Agents, Promoters, Investigators, Persuaders, Enhancers, Developers, Perfectionists and Inspirationals can assist to see the bigger picture and likely future implications.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Neglects own needs, terrified of conflict, hates change, unassertive of feelings, too altruistic (unselfish), takes things including criticism personally, perfectionist.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: ENVY

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Essential workers, nurses doctors.

Fault - Being worried too much. Practitioners like to know what to expect and they tend to fear uncertainty and the unknown. They like to order their lives in such a way that risks are avoided and the people in their lives are carefully tended to. They dislike uncertainties, abstractions and not knowing what the future will hold. They can be very protective about the people in their lives, especially their families and can worry about many negative possibilities and risks that they might be exposed to. They tend to be judged for being “over-protective” or too worried about risks and uncertainties. People on the outside might give them a hard time and tell them to “loosen up” more and to “enjoy today, because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own”. Unfortunately, these kinds of empty lines only work to further frustrate the Practitioners instead of helping them.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When they lack positive feedback or receive unwarranted criticism as judged by them.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Practitioner sabotages their life by believing they are not worthy of a good one.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Practitioner may secretly resent you for years without you ever remotely suspecting it.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The momentary pause an Appraiser takes when talking.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Wants to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The 'little old lady' or equivalent. | Among patterns most likely to believe in a higher spiritual power.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 1. (=Market Leader) The Practitioner strives to be sincere and honest with those close. There are situations when making excuses seems reasonable to them. They do not enjoy hurting anyone’s feelings, which sometimes means they have to make a good excuse to avoid this. If the Practitioner does not want to attend certain events with someone, they might want to come up with a good excuse to avoid upsetting them and thereby avoid conflict. In these situations the Practitioner is great at making excuses, especially for the sake of someone close. An excuse machine on steroids who often plays the victim.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Practitioner: Rudeness. (And those who encroach on others.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Fixates on the one ‘right’ fact; Obsesses about minutiae and unimportant details; Is dogmatic; Becomes unable to make decisions or take action; Shuts down, withdraws.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Neglects own needs, hates change, is susceptible to negative thinking which may lead to a depressed attitude and additional resistance to change. With extreme or chronic stress, starts imagining all the negative possible outcomes and worst case scenarios, takes criticism personally, unassertive of feelings, too altruistic (having unselfish concern for the welfare of others), takes things personally, stickler.

Virtue or Sin: Reaction to social pressures (Assigned sin by this site) - Anger, impatience, touchiness, or of having a sensitive nature. Often resentment and retaliation when disapproved or contradicted. This area of sin may generate jealousy, sour grapes, envy and the accompanying bitterness, hatred, carrying of grudges, revenge tactics and so forth.
Alternate sins: Pride, wrath, greed. With great leadership skills can come great arrogance. Developers, Enhancers and Perfectionists are particularly likely to cross the line from confident to cocky. The Practitioner tends to be less brazenly prideful, but their general stubbornness in their ways may leave them feeling superior to others.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that when under pressure you may become overly sensitive to criticism.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid stifling anger.
The Practitioner is gentle and empathetic and displays a tremendous amount of loyalty and consideration in relationships. However, sometimes they are so eager to keep the peace that they stifle frustrations or anger. The partner might wish they were more direct or aggressive, willing to come right out with offenses and disagreements than stewing on them or ignoring them. The Practitioner should not be afraid to get mad every once in a while and be direct with issues that come up. This wrinkle of disharmony, frustration and confrontation can be a catalyst for growth and deeper intimacy with the partner. The partner might actually admire that the Practitioner is being up-front and fighting for the relationship and the partner's personal needs.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: While not everyone realizes this, they tend to have one or two subjects that they are obsessing over at any given time. Whether it is Harry Potter, Dr. Who, antique clocks or macarons, they always seem to have one or two things they know EVERYTHING about. The way their face lights up when they talk about their passion is endearing and lovable and some others cannot help but get carried away with your gentle (and sometimes self-conscious) enthusiasm.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Brings her newborn to work because she did not trust the daycare centre. Yes, she nurses at her desk, then gets sent home for creating a stampede around her cubicle.


14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?

The Objective Thinker is the Bernese Mountain Dog

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Perfectionistic - the "Rigid School Hall Monitor". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Critical, Fussy, Perfectionistic.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Systematic - the "Responsible Project Manager". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Detailed, Careful, Systematic.

Oxor Claim™: Pig-headed as heck. Regulations-blind bureaucrat.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Selfish, but willing to work until death for the team. Can be selfish by being too uptight. While they are naturally fairly prim and proper it should not get to the point where they make an actual stick in the mud look like a party. They sometimes fence themselves in just because they are scared and there is nothing in their personal bylaws about what to do.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They may be more likely to see someone else’s need for caution and meticulousness as incompetence or procrastination.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:Your asshole boss.

Observable Burden™: Borrrrrring.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Instability.

Worst Quality™: Rigid.

Responsibility Category™: Very top - duty above all else.

The Objective Thinker believes that by charting the course for their life they can circumvent obstacles and make effective use of their time. They make life smoother for themselves and others by managing logistics, organising resources and handling the details that many other patterns miss. Their calm, grounded, observant nature keeps life from feeling overwhelming and out-of-control.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are too unwilling to compromise. No one is going to call you spontaneous and that is fine. To the people around you, you are a loyal and dependable person. But sometimes your rigidity can manifest into sticking to the original plan which may no longer be the best outcome. Plans are great, but sometimes situations change. Work on being okay with having a little more flexibility from time to time.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 7. Someone who changes dramatically when challenged in any way.
As long as things are going their way or they are in charge, this pattern can be compassionate and accommodating. A totally different person will emerge if you do not do what they wish, if you criticise them in some way or if you dare to refute them. They will get angry, dismissive and harsh.
Can be more like the Results. e.g. Bash through, regardless.


Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 12/16. Laziness tends to not be an issue for them at work but they can struggle to prioritize tasks that involve a lot of intuition and feeling capabilities.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 5/16. Vilified for being boring, sheep, too quiet, so mean and annoyingly practical. Also, emotionless, stubborn traditionalists.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They can become major perfectionists about their projects and tasks. They can get so obsessed with the details and making sure everything is exactly right that they lose sight of their end goal and end up getting stuck in analysis paralysis or anxiety. They can also become so focussed on doing things the way that they have always been done, or the way that they are comfortable with, that they ignore new angles, innovations and possibilities that could improve their work.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Can be overly-skeptical of new ways of doing things. Can be too reliant on tried-and-true methods that they fail to see innovations or changes as positive. Can lose sight of the forest "because of the trees".

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Too rigid, needs to be right, not in tune with feelings, “by the book,” blames themselves, judgmental, stubborn.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: WRATH

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Risk planning, fool proof systems and things that actually work reliably.

Fault - Being repetitious and not trying new things. Objective Thinker's lead with a process called Introverted Sensing, a perceiving function and Objective Thinkers like routine and knowing what to expect. The more they repeat the same process favourably, the more they like to incorporate that process into their routine. Many Objective Thinkers like the same meals over again, the same schedules and they like going to the same familiar places. This doesn’t mean they can’t ever be adventurous or try novel things, in fact many of them go through spurts of time where they do attempt new or unusual things. They can also be innovative, but are very cautious and meticulous about their innovations. Even so, to outsiders, Objective Thinkers often look like people who should “shake things up” and try new and different meals, activities and routines.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When there is not a clearly defined plan of action.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Objective Thinker sabotages their life by refusing to take risks.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Objective Thinker may accidentally make you feel awful about yourself because they basically lack moral vices of any kind.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": A rule oriented Enhancer who has never never been tempted to be a rebel.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The tourist with a map. | More likely than other patterns to experience cardiac problems, chronic pain, hypertension (worry) and to enjoy a work environment where everything is done by the book.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 5. (Low) The Objective Thinker is not the type to make excuses and would rather be upfront and direct. They work hard to avoid having to make excuses for their actions and would rather be completely accurate with their words. Objective Thinkers want to ensure that everything around them is being done efficiently and with maximum effort. They do not enjoy excuses because it often leads to failures and future mistakes.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Objective Thinker: Breaking your word. (Shirk, break commitments or are wishy washy.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Fixates on the one ‘right’ fact; Obsesses about minutiae and unimportant details; Are dogmatic; Become unable to make decisions or take action; Shuts down, withdraws.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Too rigid, needs to be right, not in tune with feelings, “by the book,” blame themselves, judgmental, stubborn.

Virtue or Sin: Gluttony (Sin Rank 6/7) - Over indulgences of anything to the extreme, usually food or drink. Alcoholism, drug abuse. "The most delicious meats may be eaten without sin, if the motive be good and worthy of a rational creature; and, in taking the coarsest food through attachment to pleasure, there may be a fault." Pope Innocent XI.
Alternate sins: Greed, wrath. In many ways, envy indicates a feeling of inadequacy in one’s own traits, status or talents. Whether it is because of their competitive nature or shaky self-esteem, the Specialist, the Appraiser and the Objective Thinker are the most likely to see themselves as have-nots in a world of haves.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you may be extremely cautious about decision making so as to avoid acting without a firm precedent.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid critiquing rather than praising.
The Objective Thinker is hard-working and responsible and believes that everyone should do their best for their community. When they perform well at their job and get a symbol of recognition, they might shrug it off because they were “just doing their job.” While perseverance is admirable, it can also mean that they forget to praise people when they do well. They might be more prone to critiquing the wrong and saying nothing about what is right, which can leave the partner feeling unappreciated and irritated. The Objective Thinker should make sure to show appreciation for what the partner does on a daily basis. They should verbalize their admiration for the partner's strengths, abilities and gifts. Without this, the partner might feel unappreciated and angry. Tend to bottle up their emotions, since they are not comfortable expressing them. This can cause them to act out passive aggressively sometimes, even if this is not their intention!!

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: The quirk others love about you is one that not everyone sees straight away. Some people are so impatient that they may miss it altogether. They have a wry, offbeat and sometimes sarcastic sense of humour that lurks under the surface just waiting to be expressed. Sometimes others just see a twinkle in your eye and know that they have an amusing scenario playing through their head. No matter what their humour is, it is nearly always surprising in contrast to their steady, calm, grounded outside demeanor.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Works 30 years without taking a holiday and never complains about it.


15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?

The Perfectionist is the Papillon

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Perfectionistic - the "Lazy 40 Year Old Virgin". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Critical, Fussy, Perfectionistic.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Detailed - the "Absent Minded Professor". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Detailed, Careful, Systematic.

Oxor Claim™: Knows everything in theory and nothing in practice. Utterly impractical.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Most selfish with an attitude: ‘Make me feel good first and then we will talk about everyone else later’. Selfish when it comes to knowledge and trying to make a point of their intelligence. Isaac Newton’s genius would have never made it out in the world if it wasn’t for Edmond Halley. When Hooke publicly humiliated Newton, the genius went recluse and hoarded knowledge, not knowing nor caring that his works can and will make a difference for the good of the future. It took Edmond Halley time and effort for Isaac Newton to publish his works and share his knowledge with the world. The Perfectionist is an extreme introvert and is not fond of people, so they study and experiment to cope with their thoughts and write down the results then keep such findings to themselves. Usually, it takes another human being to have them share their genius to the world. While most are very smart, (top IQ), they care way too much about it. This can quickly go from charming to totally tiresome when they pontificate at lunch with an irrelevant subject such as the Peloponnesian War.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They think others are being “inconsiderate” or “inefficient” i that person’s process is getting in the way of their process.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The inept academic.

Observable Burden™: Socially awkward.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Narrow-mindedness.

Worst Quality™: Lazy.

Responsibility Category™: Upper low - drifts away.

The Perfectionist spends their life on a quest for truth and meaning. They are not afraid to challenge commonly-accepted beliefs, traditions and rules. They debate everything, including their own ideas, to make sure that they are accurate. They challenge people’s preconceived notions about what is right, wrong, true, false, good or bad.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You seem detached. Intellectual and independent, you sometimes find it hard to connect with others. To more extroverted types, this can make you seem disinterested. You also have a tendency to get so caught up in your logic that you forget any kind of emotional consideration. If you feel misunderstood in certain situations, an email or a hand-written letter explaining your actual feelings goes a long way. (And you can do both of those things alone.) You are poor at practical things.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 4. Personality radically changes when affected by alcohol, drugs or by engaging in other addictive or reckless activities.
This sort of radical change normally occurs only when the individual is altered due to alcohol, drugs, gambling and other factors. [This is what happened with Dr. Jekyll (Enhancer) after he drank a concoction he crafted in his laboratory and became the Results.] Nevertheless, the Perfectionist can do silly things sometimes.
Can be more like the Developer. e.g. Bully, chat up the chicks at the office party.


Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 3/16. While their penchant for clarity and accuracy is impressive, they can become lazy about some of the more physical or emotional aspects of life.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 4/16. Vilified for being misunderstood geniuses, so smart, argumentative, pedantic, absent-minded, so weird, so mean, so impractical and so lazy.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They are innovative, analytical individuals who enjoy being alone to process thoughts and theories. However, they can get so caught up in internal analysis that they procrastinate or stall on projects, eventually veering into another project altogether. This is frustrating for them because they want to achieve their goals, but can get stuck seeking perfect solutions where these do not exist.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Little patience for people who cannot “keep up” with their way of thinking. Can seem tactless, arrogant and out of touch with the needs of others. Gets impatient with people who need more information or who talk about subjects they see as trivial and unimportant. Can fall into the habit of assuming they know what someone else is going to say, therefore tuning them out so they can think about more interesting subjects.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Explosive, distrusting and critical of others, reserved, insensitive, condescending, hates rules, always self-criticises.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: SLOTH

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Professors, scientists, academics, half of the most active Internet population.

Fault - Being too insensitive. Perfectionists favour objective honesty and this comes through clearly in their speech. They are selfish when it comes to knowledge. They may unwittingly offend other people because they do not realize that their delivery seems overly direct and detached. This can be a major source of frustration for Perfectionists because they actually do care about the people in their lives more than most people realize. They are often caught off guard when people call them insensitive because they are rarely mean-spirited and would rather avoid conflict or hurting other people’s feelings if they could. They appreciate objective honesty in others, so they have a hard time understanding why other people would not feel the same. When they care about someone, they tell them the truth. So if a Perfectionist you love is being a little “too” honest with you, just remember that “sugarcoating” is probably not a sign they respect you.

Perfectionist's incompatibility with the world.

1. They are scatterbrained.
They are very knowledgeable. When they take an interest in something, it is like they are possessed by it and so they dig deep, learning about facts as much as they can.
Because their brain is filled with these facts, they would often rationalize and lose sight of what is in front of them. This is why they are never ready for people to approach them. They could be daydreaming about an exploding supernova or wondering how they could attain nirvana and suddenly they are asked how their weekend was, thus, causing their reaction to be a little strange. They tend to be terrible at presentations and are guilty of 'Death by PowerPoint'. Have a look and see if they have more than sixteen words per slide. See what we mean. You learned it here.

2. They are poor with emotion.
The Perfectionist is not the best at responding to the emotions of others. One might say 'Perfectionist = oblivious'. Not only are they usually clueless in reacting to emotional situations, they are also not in touch with their own feelings and bodies. As a result, some may find them straight up weird, cold, or even lacking empathy. And if being weird is being different from the social standard then they are probably weird. But the idea that the Perfectionist is cold and unempathetic could not be further from the truth. They are very sensitive but this is not how they are viewed. They actually find emotion too intense and, because they feel it very strongly, they negate it to put themselves in a less vulnerable position. They are not unempathetic either, they just tend to express love by sharing knowledge and information. Some people offer help by being kind and saying nice things, the Perfectionist just prefers to offer practical solutions to the problems. Also, their detachment is just a way for them to escape the world.

3. People see them with a big ego, condescending and passive aggressive.

This is kind of justifiable since a majority of the people are somewhat irrational, especially compared to the intuitive and thinking types. It is hard for a lot of people not to be frustrated, especially the Perfectionist, when they are trying to reach a level 4 truth but others are still trying to grasp a level 1 opinion whilst projecting a lot of bias and negativity.
Most people cannot distinguish between somebody who is really well versed about a topic (passion and curiosity) and somebody who is just shooting opinions (ego). To be a good judge of character, one must be able to see the difference.
The Perfectionist is usually not arrogant in the typical sense nor do they shoot their opinions. They may be angry, they may shout, they may command but that is usually after they encounter unreasonable people or in more severe cases from being misjudged and misunderstood for all of their lives. This applies to a majority of Enhancers, Developers, Results and Promoters as well (that they are not arrogant in a typical sense). But usually the Enhancer, Developer and Promoter will have gained the respect on their own already. To the eyes of most people, the Enhancer is more level-headed, the Developer is a natural leader, albeit a bully, while the Promoter is super friendly when in Normal mode. The two most misunderstood types are always going to be the Perfectionist and the Inspirational.
Assume there was a heated debate between an Inspirational and a Director (which the Inspirational would relish). Both the Inspirational (and the Perfectionist) will have refined and revised their thoughts whilst leaving their options open as they learn new information whilst debating. Meanwhile, a Director would most of the time impose their beliefs, with bias led by their ego and limited perspectives. Most audiences observing the debate would think it is just two ego clashing. This is what happens throughout the lives of the Perfectionist and Inspirational. Even when they are correct, most people would already label them as egocentric and that the topic they are debating is subjective.
Subjective is a lazy word for those who love to use it. In nearly all cases, a point of view, when tackled from many perspectives, is highly likely to be closer to the truth and another fact that most people do not know but should is that Normal Perfectionists and Inspirationals almost always nail it. Both view ' subjectivity as a reason or as an excuse to reject unfamiliar, innovative ideas.
The Normal Perfectionists and Inspirationals tend to speak up when they really know something, as opposed to their opposition, plus they are more open to being wrong, learning new ideas and refining their beliefs while they are at it. There could be a little bit of ego attached, but also a lot of awareness. Passion (coupled with rationalism) beats ego, at all times. When the audience is willing to listen, they would make great debaters and lecturers, but on a day-to-day basis, when people are not willing to learn, discuss, debate why the thinking and intuition of these two patterns can sometimes rub people up the wrong way.

4. They could not care less about where you had dinner last night.

In a world where the majority follow news and celebrities, engages in meaningless smalltalk, wondering where they would go shopping on the weekend, the Perfectionist just does not fit in. As lonesome as they are, the Enhancer and the Developer would have a higher chance of fitting in since they are out there trying to conquer Wall Street (following news, etc). Meanwhile, the Inspirational and the Promoter are more socially adept. These social norms do not apply to a typical Perfectionist, as a result, they could not be more alien to the eyes of the majority. The Perfectionist is also generally impractical. They are all about ideas, complex systems and connecting the dots. Rules and laws of the real world are not applicable to their minds. This is why they see no reason to relate or keep the connection with most people. If they cannot have a deep conversation or at least keep the discussion interesting, there are no true companions available. Some Perfectionists may try to be less of themselves to fit in but it unlikely that that will ever satisfy them. Knowing this, can you blame those that decide to be detached?
At some point in their lives, most would realize how odd or socially awkward they are. If they can be the most clueless person in the room but at some point they are going to realize something is off, whether it is the vibe in general or how more and more people are starting to treat them differently. The fact that the Perfectionist makes up only 3-5% of the population does not make it any easier.

5. Weird.

The Perfectionist is pretty weird and yes, incompatible with the world, but that is not necessarily a bad thing at all. Awkwardness has a direct correlation with high levels of intelligence. Having such rich and active inner mind, should get a pass for being a little socially anxious. It might be the case that the world would be better off with more Perfectionists and Inspirationals but what we have may be about right. Not only because life is hard for the minority and thus, they have something to go through and be incredible, but also when you do find one (preferably a mature one) you cherish them even more. In conclusion, the Perfectionist is not compatible with the world and that is fine because they are an honest bunch and they are quite detrimental for the society to move forward. e.g. Australia's former Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy (with the Catholic name; but from Melbourne Grammar School).

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When practical considerations get in the way of their creative potential.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Perfectionist sabotages their own life by refusing help.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Perfectionist may fact check literally everything you say and catch you in any attempt at a lie or exaggeration.
They might resort to lies of omission, especially when dealing with people who do not seem interested in actually listening or paying attention. That way it is easier to just tell them what they want to hear or claim ignorance so they go away and the Perfectionist does not have to continue dealing with them.
The Perfectionist loathes manipulative behaviour with malicious intent. The extent to which they might employ manipulative tactics would be to play devil’s advocate to draw out a response from someone. But even then they will generally reveal their true opinions once a discourse has started.
They favour truth and accuracy above almost everything else. They would never intentionally try to lead someone astray in a malicious manner. They have zero motivation to be manipulative or compulsively lie. Anyone that would warrant such treatment is not worth the time or energy it would take to pursue any of that and would simply be dismissed and ignored by a Perfectionist who would rather reserve what social bandwidth they have for people who are worth their time. And would expend the rest of their time and energy on things they actually care about.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The Dr. Jekyll (good) version of an Inspirational Mr. Hyde (evil).

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not realize it was a secret.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one wearing a star wars shirt sitting on a bench on their phone playing games. | The most frequent type among university students committing alcohol and drug policy violations.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 3. (Mid) The Perfectionist would much rather be precise and honest but they are capable of making decent excuses for situations. They are creative people which helps them come up with a story that seems very believable. While Perfectionists do not often do this, there are times when they make excuses for their actions that were in response to buried emotions. Perfectionists do not always find themselves easily in touch with their own feelings which can cause them to react unusually in certain situations. In these cases the Perfectionist might come up with an excuse without entirely being aware they are doing this.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Perfectionist: Guilt tripping. (Emotional manipulation rather than just saying it.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Obsessively searches for the truth about everything; Gets lost in concentration – forgets the basics; Accepts only their own logic; Becomes detached and machine-like.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Explosive, distrusting & critical of others, reserved, insensitive, condescending, hates rules, always self-criticises.

Virtue or Sin: Envy (Sin Rank 2/7) - Spite and resentment at seeing the success of another. Emotion which occurs when a person lacks another's superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it. The need to have better or be better than others. In extreme cases, may turn to voyeurism to feed the need to see what others have that the envious person wants. Alternate sins: Sloth. With great leadership skills can come great arrogance. Developers, Enhancers and Perfectionists are particularly likely to cross the line from confident to cocky. The Practitioner tends to be less brazenly prideful, but their general stubbornness in their ways may leave them feeling superior to others.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware that you might become rather stubborn once you have made up your mind on a decision or procedure.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid being detached.
The Perfectionist has an imaginative and analytical mind that contains a wondrous realm of ideas, hypotheses and experiments. However, sometimes in a relationship, they become so focussed on analysis that they lose touch with the raw, personal nature of what is happening in the present. Rather than tuning into their heart, they might detach themselves from from problems and analyze them impersonally. This can make the partner feel like an equation to be solved rather than a human to be loved. The Practitioner should take time to express how they feel to the partner, even if it is easier to do in writing. They should show them the love they feel and do not be afraid to be vulnerable (if you trust the partner).

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They have a habit of saying the truth at times when everyone else is sugarcoating things. While it may create some awkward silences or nervous glances from time to time, others cannot help but admire their honesty. Their random, unstructured thoughts and questioning nature spark a curiosity in us that leads us down the rabbit hole of both perplexing and eye-opening insights.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Hacks into the world’s banks and opens million dollar retirement accounts for seven billion people. This is the real reason why all of the Persuader’s subjects are so happy.

Addendum about the Perfectionist.

It is often claimed that the Perfectionist loses the discussion. It is the exact opposite. Other people are not prepared to dive into the analysis or logic or precision.
Whenever they dive into the analysis stage, people turn off immediately. They are not listening, therefore they do not even know what they are objecting to. They just wait for the Perfectionist to finish and then say their point of view, without addressing any of the information just provided to them.
Even if they do address it, they get caught up with one part of it and then lose sight of the whole; therefore missing the point of the analysis completely. It is as if they read one body paragraph of an essay without even reading the thesis or conclusion.
People are not prepared for logic either. They are not prepared to show a consistency in their reasoning. Whenever the other party says something that is inconsistent with what their original points were, the Perfectionist points it out instantly and they seem to lose their temper at that point. The same goes for any logical fallacies. Some of them are let go, but when it gets out of hand, they are pointed out.
Lastly, people, particularly the Promoter, are not prepared to be specific. In fact, whenever a Promoter is asked to be more specific, they get even more ambiguous than they initially were. It is baffling when someone thinks a vague correlation they have observed qualifies as a concrete example. At that point, most people say that something just is what it is (e.g. the Practitioner) or that it a fact when it is actually not (e.g. the Promoter and Investigator).


16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?

The Enhancer is a Lone Wolf

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Fault Summary™: Critical - the "Insensitive Supervillain". Low Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Critical, Fussy, Perfectionistic.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s contrasting Strong Point™: Detailed - the "Cold and Consummate Strategist". High Emotional Intelligence is shown by being: Detailed, Careful, Systematic.

Oxor Claim™: Utterly thinks they are superior to others. Appears incredibly cold on the outside.

Oxor Selfish Gauge™: Most selfish with an attitude: ‘Make me feel good first and then we will talk about everyone else later’. Selfish when it comes to control and have influence. They want to control everything and everyone to make them conform to their way of thinking. Like the Developer, they are defensive and offended when change challenges them because they can implement that change as well due to innovative thinking, but unlike the Developer who can most likely persuade people to conform to their ideas and see from their perspective due to them being charismatic extroverts, the Enhancer will not be able to do so because they see people as chess pieces in their strategy while the Developer views them as very sentient beings who can be manipulated by words. While they are analytical and adaptable, their pride and desire to control overrides that part of rationality because they want change only if they are the ones who suggested and brings change in hierarchy. It would be difficult to talk them down from throwing a hissy fit and they would be the ones to make threats that they will leave, shut down the company or just become recluse if they are not the one in control. Selfishness is evident as this pattern tests people - all the time. Because this pattern holds such a fear of wasting time, they can attempt to “put their worst foot forward” in an attempt to weed out anyone who “cannot handle them at their worst”. Also to weed out idiots. This has a tendency to not work because people figure that this is you at your best and assume you must wear people’s skin on your off-time. And the Oxor™ aware Enhancer knows all this before meeting you.

Oxor Hypocrisy Gauge™: They have a clear vision of the future, or sense a pattern and how it will unfold, they hold to it tightly and ignore input from others.

Look out for No.1™: Yes. Thinker. Looking out for No. 1 is simply the most natural, rational thing to do. When the oxygen masks drop, this pattern clearly understands that putting their own mask on first puts them in the best position not just to help themselves, but to help others too.

Waste of Oxygen Tagline™:The smug rabblerouser.

Observable Burden™: Aloof and cold.

Pattern's Fight Target™: Stagnancy.

Worst Quality™: Insensitive.

Responsibility Category™: Lower high - ambitious and has top strategy.

The Enhancer despises the idea of wasting their life, succumbing to mediocrity or failing to grow. They want to expand their vision of the world, their knowledge of the universe and their understanding of the meaning of all things. They want to explore ideas that have never been explored before.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s comments on this pattern's Pure Toxocity™: You are cold. As one of the most independent, private and strategic patterns, you are not exactly the warm fuzzy type - which is fine. But be aware that this can come off to more sensitive types as standoffish or cold. While a lot of people might claim to like blunt, direct, straightforward and authentic expression, the average person really does not like this. You find most people either loud or unintelligent or simply boring. When someone catches your eye, it is hard for you to let go because you so rarely like anyone.

When meeting new people, read the room: Your sarcasm and dark humour will be more of a hit with some than others. Go for the one-on-one conversations to really show off your dry wit and smart observations. You are the consummate lone wolf.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 4. Personality radically changes when affected by alcohol, drugs or by engaging in other addictive or reckless activities.
This sort of radical change normally occurs only when the individual is altered due to alcohol, drugs, gambling and other factors. This is what happened with Dr. Jekyll (Enhancer) after he drank a concoction he crafted in his laboratory and became the Results.
Can be more like the Results. e.g. Barge through to get things done.

Also, Category 6. Someone whose opinion of others fluctuates drastically.
This pattern has a tendency to categorise others as either “all good” or “all bad.” Whenever they see others as “all evil,” they cannot see any praiseworthy virtues about them and feel rightful in treating them badly or absolutely ignoring them even if it is their very own child.
Can be more like the Inspirational. e.g. Sneaky.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s ACHILLIES HEEL description: ABSENCE OF SOCIAL SKILLS.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s LAZY BASTARD description and ranking: 11/16. They are always looking for ways to improve and will totally reject the at the idea of being termed “lazy.” That said, there are certain parts of their lives about which they can procrastinate or put off embracing which can give the appearance of laziness to other patterns.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VILIFICATION description and ranking: 7/16. Vilified for being the villainous strategist, practical genius, strategic mind and ability to formulate and execute complex plans. Also, aloof, excessively blunt,attractive, smart, mean, cold, calculating mastermind.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s BAD HABIT description: They are big-picture thinkers with a skill for strategizing and innovating. One of the struggles they deal with is having a very singular vision and impatience for anything that gets in the way of realizing that vision, which, annoyingly to others, is generally correct. They are usually smart but, knowing this, can cause them to ignore other people’s views because they see them as distracting or a total waste of time. They can appear judgmental and condescending as a result.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Chink Assessment™: Very ambitious in pursuit of their vision. Can struggle to bring their ideas and insights into the real world. Can lose track of nitty-gritty details that can eventually trip them up (minor - where they put their keys), (major - might make a huge plan to achieve their vision and it might fall apart because they did not realistically assess all the details needed to make it happen, including playing politics).

Elizabeth Hunter™'s VII Deadly Sinz™: Unwilling to take blame, arrogant, insensitive, judgmental, overly analytical, clueless in romance, hates rules.

Member of this VII Deadly Sinz Chapter™: PRIDE

Elizabeth Hunter™'s view of what the world would miss without this pattern™: Physicists, system engineers, business process improvement.

Fault - Being cold and calculating. Enhancers are intensely strategic and visionary. They are selfish when it comes to control. They favour logic and rational thought over their own emotions and feelings and will usually be confused by people who do the opposite. They do not pass the test for fun and usually get thrown under the bus by Directors, Results, Appraisers and Counselors. They consider the big picture and have little patience for extraneous details and feelings that might get in the way. People often misinterpret their direct speech and shrewd nature with meanness or snobbery, but what they need to realise is that Enhancers are honest and direct with the people they care about. They would consider it an insult to have messages “sugarcoated” for them so they refuse to do this to others. They favour bold honesty and are put off by social niceties that get in the way of the truth. It isn’t that they do not detect social cues, such as unease, but they decide to plow through as if it does not matter.
Significantly, Enhancers think very differently from most. They are all about logic, fact, evidence, test and response. They do not have opinions on matters where they do not have enough information. Enhancers only express opinions when they are pretty sure they are right. Other patterns do not use this approach, except for Inspirationals who use these approaches on a short-term, argument winning basis. This means Enhancers cannot really interact sanely with the rest of humanity who think facts are relative and things like opinions or feelings are important in arguments. Enhancers are unconcerned about this aspect.

Normal and toxic transfer.

1. Patterning. The Enhancer has not got the tag 'mastermind' without reason. They have an extraordinary ability to step back and see all the moving parts of a situation and pin point individual patterns within the situation. They are problem solvers. The Enhancer invented the concept “Worker smarter, not harder.” This is what allows them to move in what appears a seamless fashion and appear to stay one step ahead. But the unique aspect to this particular trait is that they are always in the moment. This means that they create patterns not plans. Plans are rigid and outlined, patterns are flexible.
In the toxic Enhancer, they have not grasped that they are best when they remain flexible with patterns and instead begin to tighten their grip and become extremely controlling of everything in their lives. When toxic and not functioning properly, they are no longer weaving a tapestry, they are instead trying to grab hold of thousands of marionette strings. This is driven by an inner panic. Because the Enhancer does not naturally tap into their own emotional ranges, they will register the panic without recognizing the driving force and this will in turn drive the the panic into anger. This manifests in lashing out at people around them, saying hurtful things without really hearing what they are saying just to drive people away because deep down they are frightened of them seeing through the mask of rage covering the panic. The Enhancer is complex and what you see on the surface level is rarely what you get.

2. Need for a Co-Pilot. The Enhancer has an unbelievable catalogue of information stored in their minds; truly impressive. But it does lend to a tendency to get stuck in logic loops. So, in a very literal sense, they need a co-pilot who will step in and disrupt the loop making. With the Enhancer, they will see point A. The problem is they bring in anything that relevantly ties to the contribution or solving of that problem. The catch here is that they have only their own experiences to draw from with this. It is just how they work through everything and, most of the time, they are completely fine relying on themselves.
But if it is a problem with unknown variables, the loop becomes one of “Okay here’s the problem, here’s what I know, but I know there’s something I’m missing, so all of this is probably garbage, so back to the drawing board.” And this goes on and on until their co-pilot steps in and provides new information that will help get the patterning back on track. But the Enhancer is far better as the pilot than the co-pilot; terrible on a team - fabulous in charge of it. 'If you are not the lead husky, the view never changes.'
In toxic mode, they will not recognize the need for an outside perspective, so they will fill in blanks with their own assumptions in an attempt to move on from the issue. They are logic based, so when they are not functioning properly they will trust their own thoughts and solutions without a second thought and will absolutely reject input from others. So they come across as stubborn, narcissistic and unyielding. (Elizabeth Hunter™ is a great example of this).
Everything else comes through filters of either communication skills, or the lack there of, or the need to fix absolutely everything and everyone.
If anyone is going to attempt to fix these issues, then it is going to come down to what the relationship is with the Enhancer. A technique is to practice generous assumptions, be patient, make sure they know they are dealing with someone they can trust, do not push them in any one direction, just let them know of a willingness to take the adventure with them. When they blow up (which is rare), be steady. This will surprise them. And mostly, just lead by example. They are observant and they do make note - they have fantastic memories and recall.

Observed as the Grumbling Griper™. When people do not see why their strategy is the best.

Observed technique scoring Own Goals™. The Enhancer sabotages their life by closing off from it.

Caveat Lector™ Read the Behaviour Pattern so you do not have any surprises down the road. The Enhancer may lead you into various conversational traps through which you have no choice but to admit that your logic is flawed.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s "More of a different kind": The hairball (Rapunzel) complex of an Investigator where they will never want to admit how much they care.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Habitsecrecy™: Does not want to tell and does not tell.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Streetwalker Observatory™: The one who’s silently judging everyone. | The least likely of all the patterns to believe in a higher spiritual power.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Excuse Machine Rating™: 3. (Mid) Enhancers are intelligent people who can often come up with back up plans to avoid certain situations. They are not afraid of coming up with a quick excuse if they feel like they are wasting time with someone. Instead of investing energy telling someone the truth, they will likely come up with a decent excuse to avoid them altogether. This is not done often and instead they might just be blunt with someone. But in some cases they simply do not want to have to invest their energy trying to convince someone they dislike.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s Feelings Hurter™ - what will offend the Enhancer: Making assumptions. (Others jumping to conclusions when the Enhancer is in mid sentence.)

Propensity to exaggerate: Have unrealistic expectations; Are arrogant about their ideas; Are overly complex – everything is connected; Force data to fit their own ideas and patterns; Are driven inward and will not ask for help.

When facing something in a stressful environment due to pressure or deadline: Unwilling to take blame, arrogant, insensitive, judgmental, overly analytical, totally woeful at romance, hates rules.

Virtue or Sin: Greed (Sin Rank 5/7) - A need for material possessions or wealth. If this need is unfed, a greedy person may resort to hoarding their goods, theft, robbery or obtaining material possessions by means of trickery, violence, deception, or manipulation. Greedy people may be easy to bribe, may take any bet or may do anything for a dollar. "Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind." Gordon Gekko.
Alternate sins: Pride, sloth, gluttony. With great leadership skills can come great arrogance. Developers, Enhancers and Perfectionists are particularly likely to cross the line from confident to cocky. The Practitioner tends to be less brazenly prideful, but their general stubbornness in their ways may leave them feeling superior to others.

Self-Improvement - General: Be aware of your overuse of bluntness, critical comments and attitude of aloofness.

Self-Improvement - Relationship: Avoid devaluing emotional expression.
The Enhancer is independent and intelligent, and prizes autonomy more than most other patterns. However, it is vital that they do not assume that someone who seeks less autonomy is automatically “clingy” or inept in some way. The Enhancer should remember to show the partner support, validation and assistance. They may feel love in their heart, but forget to verbalize it. They should write simple love notes on post-it notes and leave them on the partner’s mirror. And tell them they care about them. Bring those rich, inner feelings into the open so that the partner can be assured of ongoing support and affection.

Self-Improvement - Know this pattern's Idiosyncrasy: They are the ultimate non-conformist – they do not mind being different from the crowd, thinking for themselves and arguing against long-standing traditions that make no rational sense to them at all. Their highly-intellectual thinking capabilities paired with their individualistic values make them intense and fiercely independent. While these unique qualities can intimidate some, they are also characteristics that can be deeply admired.

Unique Doings - What only this pattern would do: Plans revenge so perfect that everyone thinks it was a natural disaster that only took out one person. The whole world is left scratching their heads when the sole victim has a volcano erupt under them, launching the said target into the sun. The Enhancer laughs heartily, for the first time in two years, watching their victim’s vapour trail enter the corona of the sun.


Addendum about the Enhancer.

"I am lost in my own head, furthering my own agendas and doing my own thing. Alone. Intentionally. I do not want to be distracted. I typically do not need anybody for anything. Unless you are a workplace that offers something enticing to occupy my ravenous mind, I cannot be distracted.
However, my mental frenzy is not a selfish pursuit. My goal is the continual improvement of everything imaginable and I am doing it for the greater good of humanity.
I do not offer the slightest crack, weakness or vulnerability for anybody to use as a means to infiltrate my concrete shell exterior. You will know nothing about me and have nothing to use as leverage. If you can conjure something amazing and get any opportunity to penetrate this barrier, there is a chance I will drop everything and make your happiness my plan, my goal and my priority. I will devise a way to put the universe (everything you have ever dreamed of) in the palm of your hands. But only if I deem you worthy. And, to make matters worse, that offer only lasts for as long as you can continue to exhaust yourself by keeping me interested.
If I do not see continual improvement, my priorities will be updated to rectify the inefficiency. I will go right back to doing my own thing leaving you to wonder if I even recognise you anymore. Pretty tough to deal with, right? Impossible.
I am often just wearing a mask in front of you, a sort of performance that I must do in order to get the result they I want. When I am tired of this charade or realize it is not worth it anymore, I will just go AWOL and focus on whatever I have now decided is important - to achieve my goals or to unwind from society and its destructive nature.
Just ask me and I would usually tell you. It may be harder to find me if I am ghosting everyone but if you are persistent, I will tell you why just so you can leave me alone.
After a lifetime of lessons learned along the way and lots of soul searching, I eventually outgrew that dreaded personality specific Insufferable Bastard Syndrome and toned down my eccentric nature. That is because I am one of the smart Enhancers."

Elizabeth Hunter™, Ghost writer at oxor.com.au. (Enhancer)

Some Cool Facts.

1. The less you say, the words matter more to people.
2. People are generally more honest when physically tired. This is why people confess things during late night conversations.
3. Studies show that we are more attracted to people who look similar to us.
4. In friendship, when a person refuses to discuss a problem there is no chance of ever getting it resolved.
5. Research has found that lonely people have superior social skills compared with people who are not lonely.
6. Women who wear red are found to be more attractive by men and also there are higher chances that they would be asked on a date.
7. It is claimed that it is scientifically proven that the company of good friends reduces stress in life.
8. Psychologists examined Internet trolls and found that they are "narcissistic, psychopathic and sadistic".
9. Young adults who use social media the most are the ones most deprived and desiring of a healthy social life. They tend to gravitate towards social media hoping to fill a void but do not find it there.


Top 5 criteria of certain people to avoid.

1. Crooks. Never do business with crooks because sooner or later they will get you. However, some people often do business with shady types because they think that they are getting a deal. And then they find out their not the one getting the deal. Avoid them. Example - Toxic Inspirational - Grand larceny, promises 200% returns, uses offshore bank tax accounts. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.
2. Abusers. If someone abuses you once tell them to hit the road not hit you. However, people stay in relationships with abusers. And keep taking back them back when they promise that they have changed only to get abused again. One and done. Example - Toxic Developer - The bully. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.
3. Pessimists. Life is tough enough without looking for the rainstorm behind every silver lining. However, people fill their lives with those who do that and cannot understand why they are unhappy. Fill your life with positive people. Example - Toxic Objective Thinker - pessimistic by default due to bad experiences. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.
4. Doubters. To be successful you need to believe that you will be successful and avoid those who tell you otherwise. However, people fill their lives with those who tell them that they will fail and then they cannot understand why they do. Fill your life with those who believe in you. Example - Toxic Agent, Perfectionist, Promoter and Inspirational - Are often slow to draw firm conclusions especially when combined with excessive rumination or analysis, openness supplies the perfect conditions for doubt to take root and grow. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.
5. Drainers. Some people will only suck you dry. However, people stay in relationships with those who constantly do that. And then wonder why they are always drained. Fill your life with those who fill you and avoid those who do not. Example - Toxic Promoter who only cares about others in terms of how much they can get out of them. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.
E. Hunter™ comment: Some may say, “But these people need help.” And it is possibly true that they do. Let them pay a therapist who has no personal relationship with them. This is because if you drown trying to save someone who is drowning it will not help either one of you. Concentrate on your own desired success but only if you fill your life with people who help you to be greater.
Oxor™ has encountered them all. Thankfully, they moved on to bless someone else.


Top 10 criteria for Mental Health Signs.

DISC does not take into account mental health issues. But watch out for these, says Oxor™.

Start to be wary if the person in front of you has one or a few of these.

1. Pee-shyness. (Paruresis). While this quirk is generally something that men exhibit, it can be present in women as well. Another word for this strange action is “pee-shyness”, which is the inability of using the bathroom around other people.
Paruresis happens commonly in bathroom stalls in public places. There is an overwhelming feeling of panic due to the fear of being watched.
Although 7% of people admit having this issue, it is usually laughed at and considered just a personality trait. The truth is, Paruresis is a serious issue and can disrupt life, even to the point where sufferers are not able to use their own bathroom when other people are in the house. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ knew of a gentleman (Persuader) whereby the locker room gossip said he had 21cm. This gent always went to the cubicle - even at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

2. Nail biting. (Onychophagia) There are millions of people who bite their nails, so it’s no surprise this is seen as a normal habit. In fact, around 45% of all teenagers bite their nails. Not a big deal, right? Well, it can be.
Nail biting can not only damage the cuticle, but it can also spread bacteria from other parts of the body to the mouth. And wear out your teeth. Aversion therapy and behavioural therapy, under the care of a doctor, can be used to eliminate this problem. Nail biting is often present in anxiety. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ knew of a gentleman in his 20s (Objective Thinker) who wore down his front teeth because of this. Kent was successful in reducing this annoying habit. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

3. Hermit. Being an introvert is not a bad thing, not at all. But becoming an outright hermit is often looked down upon.
Many times severe introversion is just brushed off as being slightly out-of-the-ordinary but, in extreme cases, being isolated for too long can be dangerous. This can be a sign of mental health disorders. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ knew of a gentleman in his 20s (Objective Thinker) who became this - unruly hair etc. and no desire to leave the house. Mum did everything. Kent moved on. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

4. Paranoia. It might be funny to listen to a paranoid person talk, but it can get serious. When paranoia keeps you locked away at all times and prevents you from socializing with anyone, then it could be a problem having this level of paranoia.
Some people become so paranoid that they are convinced the world is out to get them. Mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and anxiety all have a bit of delusional paranoia involved. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ observed a neighbour (Promoter) who thought she was going to be robbed all the time imagining people lurking in the bushes. Neighbour now ignored. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

5. Order and numbers. A common symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder, hidden as a personality characteristic, is the habit of extreme orderliness. It is easy to miss this symptom because it is thought to be a positive thing.
Being neat, putting things in order by colour or number, or being a “neat freak” is admirable in this day and age.
The thing is, no matter how hygienic you are, however, it is not okay to be obsessive, even about cleanliness. Moderation should always be observed, no matter the situation. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ was invited to dinner by a Director. The dining room table, a beautiful piece of furniture, could not be used because something might be spilt on it. McDonald's was the next venue; alone. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

6. Fatigue. There are many causes of fatigue and sleepiness. One of the most common causes is just plain old exhaustion. But there are those who seem to be sleepy all the time or be so tired when no physical activity is involved.
Depression has a way of zapping all energy as if its sufferer has not had a moment’s rest in days. There could be a number of reasons for this, such as chronic fatigue or inflammation within the body. If physical examinations are not showing anything, it could be mental. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ had a friend (Objevtive Thinker) who was compaining about being tired all the time. Bye! You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

7. Fidgeting. Fidgeting is not uncommon, but severe movements of this kind for prolonged periods of time can affect everyday life. As many of you know, some drugs cause fidgeting and jerky movements which are similar to those of anxiety sufferers.
These fidgety movements include not being able to keep fingers and feet still, pacing around the room, and asking rapid questions. This behaviour is intense and without treatment will only get worse.
No, it’s not just a goofy habit, fidgeting is much worse than that. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ was in a meeting when a Promoter just could not keep still. Kent resigned his position. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

8. Safety obsession. It is normal to be concerned for your safety considering what you hear on the news every day. But being overly concerned can actually be associated with mental health disorders.
If you have noticed someone repeatedly checking the locks on their doors, or constantly worried about whether they have turned off the stove, then something could be wrong. The obsessive-compulsive disorder causes some people to become stuck in patterns of safety concerns.
They feel like something bad will happen if they do not call and check on loved ones a certain number of times, or if they do not look out of their windows to check for criminals over and over again.
This behaviour can become so negative that it can dominate their lives. No, it is not just a cute quirk. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ had neighbours (Persuader and Practitioner) who would not arrange an agreed lunch because of an obsessive fear of being contaminated by people or the environment at the resurand due to Covid. Kent cooks at home now. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

9. Extreme boredom. Have you ever met someone who just cannot find enough excitement in life? Well, you probably noticed they are bored all the time. Guess what, this is not normal.
Extreme boredom is usually the result of depression and the inability to be alone with your own thoughts. If someone is never satisfied to be ordinary, then they may be suffering from a serious problem within themselves. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ was in a start up company where the Chair and CEO (Promoter) was bored all the time and hogged the meetings accordingly. Kent resigned. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

10. Hoarding. You might think it is adorable how your Uncle Henry collects newspapers, but it gets serious when he has stacks of them lining the hallways of his apartment. What about how he keeps old clothes out of sentimental longing? Or a garage so full of junk you could not fit another piece of paper inside.
Well, this is called hoarding, and it is a disease. Most of the time, in these circumstances, the hoarders find new reasons to keep new categories of things.
Although it may not happen, Uncle Henry could start keeping even more things until his home becomes an unsanitary and dangerous place to live. Yes, at first glance, it seems sweet and endearing, but take a closer look at hoarding, it is a mental health issue. Example: Our Melbourne agent, W. Kent Schleede™ visited a residence (Disc - Specialist) with rats crossing the floor. Never been back. You can thank Oxor™ for this useful tip.

E. Hunter™ comment: Before you smile and tell your friends about the funny little quirks you noticed when visiting your next-door neighbour, try to see it in a different way. These little things could be mental health disorders cleverly disguised as personality traits.
When these quirks get serious, it is not the time to joke about it. In some cases, people will ask for help without saying a word. Their actions will show that they need someone to talk to.
If you do wish to confront someone about their behaviour, you must be kind. Make friends and see if they will open up about why they do certain things.
Then, you might be able to help. If you have quirky little habits, maybe you should examine why you do these things as well. You never know what you might discover about yourself.
Oxor™ is not a fan of interfering in other people's business. That is for the Persuader. However Elizabeth Hunter™ filled a skip bin of newspapers that her father had never read but 'will do some day'.


Fruitcake and Sleazeball Scores™.

The Fruitcake Score™ (on a scale of 1 to 5) indicates a lack of empathy for other people and tolerance for antisocial orientations and a lacking in conscience.

The Sleazeball Score™ (on a scale of 1 to 5) indicates rule breaking including a lack of respect of laws, authorities and ethics, irresponsible behaviour, a lack of effort towards socially rewarded behaviour and a disregard for decency.

The two highest scoring on both criteria are the Inspirational and the Results. No surprises there.

The toxic Results is the classic risk taker and your common bully and fraudster.

Neither the Results or the Inspirational care an ess, aitch, one, tee about rules and what is considered tolerable or acceptable by others: they both consider rules are made for fools and servile (meanly or cravenly [=contemptibly fainthearted] submissive) types.

All Rationals (Thinkers) - Developer, Inspirational, Perfectionist and Enhancer - score high on the Fruitcake Score™.

The Developer is often vilified (correctly) as a "bully" and a "roughneck" but is not as a manipulative a bastard as a toxic Inspirational.

The Inspirational, who ranks third highest on the Sleazeball Score™ and is obnoxious, spiteful or objectionable (toxic) and is your pure-bred psychopath and chaotic crackpot.

The Enhancer is often vilified as a "psychopathic" or a "fruitcake" type, but they score surprisingly low on the Sleazeball Score™. The Enhancer is often very cold and appears unempathetic but has a very strong inner core of values, honour, ethics and integrity.

The Perfectionist is often vilified (correctly) for the lack of empathy for people.

All Artisans (Perceptive) - Results, Achiever, Counselor, Specialist - tend to score higher on the Sleazeball Score™ than the Guardians (Judging) - Director, Objective Thinker, Appraiser, Practitioner.

This is because Artisans are by nature more chaotic, adaptable, manipulative and spontaneous than Guardians who thrive on rules and regular conditions.

Artisan types are more likely to break the rules regulations or processes to gain what they want than Idealists (Judging) - Persuader, Investigator, Promoter, Agent who are the Social Justice Warriors and who score low on both criteria.

The Director scores quite high on both scales, which is not a surprise, given the 'my way or the highway' modus operandi.

The most "normal", whatever that means, are the Appraiser, Counselor, Practitioner and Investigator! The Appraiser and Counselor consume management resources, the Practitioner is a hard worker but unpromotable while the Investigator tends not to follow a traditional career. Facsinating...

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Here is the Fruitcake and Sleazeball Scores™ chart. Click Here
