Frustration is when a person is not encouraged to be at their best.
Pick someone's pattern when you observe when the other person's gifts are not appreciated and you observe that they have been forced into an uncomfortable 'box'.
Here, Elizabeth Hunter™ sets out some criteria that may lead you to correct Titanium Imposition™.

Five Oxor STYLES that a FRUSTRATED PERSON may exhibit to also frustrate you.

1. Not feel like being themselves – Observe this;
2. Unsure of their place in life - Observe this;
3. Look overburdened – Observe this;
4. Appear to be misunderstood – Observe this;
5. Be embarrassed - Observe this.

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update June 8, 2021


1. Director - ESTJ

Dialogue: If the Director is discouraged or misunderstood in their natural strengths and abilities they tend to become irritable and rigid. They can be overly intrusive, trying to control the world around them so that they can feel secure or clear headed. During these phases they can become authoritative and controlling and others may see them as 'know alls'. As their natural strengths are continually shut down they often feel stressed and alone. It can be difficult for them to voice their feelings and despair and so they may retreat from the world and behave more like an introvert than an extrovert.
First consequence: If a Director’s natural thinking process is discouraged or undeveloped they can become unrealistic in their evaluations and expectations. They can struggle to be fair, consistent and logical, focussing more on details and desires than effectiveness.
Second consequence: If their natural sensing process are discouraged they can make decisions too quickly, jumping to conclusions without taking in enough information. They may skip over important facts and details in their rush to form a conclusion. They can struggle with biases and unfair judgments.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Explodes or snaps. Then they try to domineer the crowd with their status.


2. Developer - ENTJ

Dialogue: If the Developer is overwhelmed, misunderstood or stifled they tend to become more angry than usual. This shows up initially through an increase in criticism, directiveness and bullying. In an effort to gain a sense of control or order they try to take control of the situation to change it. They can also lash out at the people they feel are forcing them into a set of expectations that does not work for them. They may feel plagued by self-doubt and resentment, feeling lonely and trapped because their natural gifts are not being used. It can be difficult for them to express their frustration and pain to others and, as a result, may have difficulty finding coping resources. They often take out their anger and stress in a surge of productivity or physical exercise.
First consequence: If the thinking side of a Developer has been discouraged or undeveloped, they may struggle to bring their plans to fruition. They will have great, revolutionary ideas, but knowing how to implement them can be more difficult than usual. If they are forced to rely on feeling more than thinking then they can become especially stressed and withdrawn.
Second consequence: If the intuitive side of the Developer is not encouraged or developed, they can struggle to consider the alternatives and implications of their decisions. They may be too hasty to jump to a conclusion without reflecting on the underlying meanings, factors and perspectives that they would typically consider.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: F**k it mentality. Also, they are swearing vengeance, punishment or retribution.


3. Results - ESTP

Dialogue: If the Results is discouraged in their natural abilities they tend to feel frustrated and bored. They may have trouble accepting structure, rules and deadlines. During these phases they are often rebellious of authority, rules or anyone they feel is 'trapping' them. They tend to focus more on temporary enjoyment and pleasure than activities that will provide long-term satisfaction.
First consequence: When a Results sensing side is not encouraged or strengthened, they tend to become focussed on instant gratification. They may pursue physical risks and challenges, but without carefully considering the practicality of their decisions. Typically pragmatic and resourceful, Results without healthy sensing may be too impulsive and quick to act.
Second consequence: When their thinking side is not encouraged, they tend to struggle with making choices and logical decisions. They may prioritise the needs of others over their own sensible decisions. They may also get stuck 'playing a part' rather than displaying their typical direct, no-nonsense manner.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Laughs it off and does not give a f**k. Not ashamed.


4. Inspirational - ENTP

Dialogue: The Inspirational who can not find a place where they belong tends to fight against the structures caving in around them. They tend to be more brash, abrasive and critical. Rather than enthusiastically sharing their ideas and working with others towards growth and possibility they become rebellious and combative, searching for a place to call their own. They are typically more scattered than usual and have more difficulty focusing.
First consequence: If an Inspirational's intuition is not encouraged or developed, they may struggle to take in enough relevant information before making a decision. If they are pressured to use sensing more than intuition they tend to be stressed, nitpicky and more anxious than usual. They will struggle to trust their insights and can feel depressed and stifled.
Second consequence: If their thinking process is not encouraged or developed, they may flit from idea to idea without taking the time to bring those ideas to fruition. If they are forced to rely on feeling more than thinking then they can become overly concerned with what others want or need and lose sight of their own strong sense of accuracy and logic. They may also become emotionally manipulative as a way to get what they want or to add some excitement to their lives.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Laughs it off then tries to redirect the embarrassment on someone else. Would probably make someone trip in order to do that.


5. Persuader - ENFJ

Dialogue: If life's circumstances have not supported the Persuader in their natural development or gifts, then they tend to become overwhelmed and stressed. They may become inundated by anxiety and worry, feeling guilty about things they should not or doubting themselves and their abilities. In order to feel some sense of certainty or order, they can become controlling and rigid. Criticism is especially difficult for Persuader in this stage of life. They tend to feel attacked by criticism and have a hard time separating what is personal from what is constructive. They may feel especially critical and fault-finding of themselves and others, but they may suppress these feelings because they do not want to create conflict.
First consequence: If a Persuader’s feeling preference is discouraged or undeveloped, they may struggle to make the best decisions for their lives. They may defer to other people to make decisions because they do not trust their own logic or conclusions. If forced to rely on thinking over feeling they often feel anxious, stressed and obsessed with sorting through data. This ultimately leaves them feeling more indecisive.
Second consequence: If their intuitive abilities are discouraged or undeveloped they can struggle to see possibilities and may jump to conclusions, making decisions too rapidly. They may become impulsive and hasty rather than seeing the future implications of their current actions.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: They play it off gracefully. Embarrassed, but realise that everyone gets embarrassed every now and then, right?


6. Appraiser - ESFJ

Dialogue: If life circumstances do not support an Appraiser in their natural strengths, they tend to become doubtful of their gifts and abilities. They may focus entirely on meeting the needs of others and being 'all things for all people' and fail to appreciate their own authentic nature. Worry and guilt often plagues an Appraiser in this phase and they can feel an incessant need to organise and control their environment so that others are happy and things are stable. They are typically very sensitive and may imagine slights or insults where there were none intended.
First consequence: If an Appraisers feeling side is discouraged or repressed they tend to become uncertain and lost. Making decisions becomes very difficult and they may rely on others to form conclusions because they do not trust their own value system or inner guidance. If they are forced to use thinking more than feeling they tend to be stressed, anxious and overly critical of themselves and others.
Second consequence: If their sensing side is discouraged they may jump to conclusions too quickly, not taking enough time to reflect on or analyse the details of a situation. They may become overly controlling and rigid, not seeing relevant facts that would make their decisions more sensible.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Performs theatrics.


7. Promoter - ENFP

Dialogue: The Promoter who is not appreciated for their gifts often feels scattered, distracted and troubled. When their natural thirst for ideas and possibility is not quenched, or when people try to micro-manage or control them, they have more difficulty than usual focussing. They tend to be more uncertain about their insights and making decisions becomes extremely stressful. Without the ability to trust themselves, they may accept another person's perceptions too quickly or, in reverse, become non-conformist and rebellious as a way of escape. When stressed, Promoters can either double-down on deadlines and 'to-do' lists or they can lose sight of deadlines and procedures, leaving projects unfinished and responsibilities unmet. The latter is easy and common to observe.
First consequence: If a Promoter's intuition is not encouraged or developed, they may fail to take in enough information to make wise decisions. They will not trust their insights and can flounder in uncertainty and insecurity.
Second consequence: If the feeling process is not encouraged, they can go from idea to idea, never focusing their energy on actualizing their perceptions or epiphanies. They can also make overly hasty decisions that do not line up with their core beliefs and ethics.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Has nervous laughter and you can see them wilt on the inside. Then cracks nervous jokes and becomes clumsy making the situation even worse.


8. Counselor - ESFP

Dialogue: When the Counselor is stifled or discouraged in their abilities, they tend to become more distracted and impulsive than usual. Without encouragement in their strengths or appreciation for what they do well, it can be difficult for them to accept their natural gifts or develop them. They may have trouble accomplishing tasks or meeting deadlines and they may take things more personally than they were intended.
First consequence: When their sensing process is not encouraged, they tend to become more focussed on temporary gratification than practical, wise choices. Typically realistic and resourceful, without the help of strong sensing, they can become overly focussed on the immediate without considering the side effects of their decisions.
Second consequence: When their feeling side is not encouraged, they may get caught up in temporary excitement or action without weighing or evaluating their decisions. They may focus on the experience and the opportunity, but without checking into their moral compass to decide what is right for them on a personal level.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Is abashed and then laughs it off. They make their situation light hearted.


9. Specialist - ISFP

Dialogue: If a Specialist is discouraged in their natural gifts and abilities they tend to withdraw from the world around them, trying to find solace in their own mind. They often feel misunderstood, self-critical and undervalued. Insecurity plagues them, but deep inside they feel that there is something unjust in the misunderstandings they are dealing with. They may eventually resist structures and rules and take on an anti-authoritarian stance.
First consequence: When a Specialist’s natural feeling preference is discouraged they tend to get caught up in the details of everyday life. They may react to experiences and events without considering their values and what is personally significant to them. They may struggle to know themselves fully and feel pressure to rely on getting things done, being efficient and overly-logical at the expense of their true nature.
Second consequence: When their natural sensing process is discouraged they tend to have difficulty gathering accurate data for decisions. They may be overly subjective in their decisions, losing touch with their typical pragmatic approach. This can result in them being overly sensitive and forming inaccurate conclusions.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Oh Sh1t. Oh f**k. They play it cool on the outside, but have emotional turmoil on the inside.


10. Investigator - INFJ

Dialogue: When an Investigator is frustrated, stifled or discouraged in their strengths they tend to become more private and withdrawn. They accumulate conclusions and predictions but will rarely share them with others because they feel that their insights will be ignored or discarded. If this kind of repression continues they will become more isolated, resentful and critical of the outside world and themselves. They may feel that there is something deficient in their way of thinking and they may try to accumulate massive amounts of data to 'prove' their insights.
First consequence: When an Investigator’s intuition is repressed or discouraged, they tend to form conclusions too quickly without reflecting on the information that led to those conclusions. They will struggle to trust their insights and may instead try to rely on sensing which, over time, leads them to stress.
Second consequence: When their feeling function is repressed, they struggle to bring their insights out into the world. Their creativity stays locked inside and they will appear colder and more critical than is generally typical. It is important for them to utilise their feeling function in order to bring their ideas to fruition.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: They become a little flustered but do not make a scene about it. They pretend that nothing happened in a graceful manner.


11. Agent - INFP

Dialogue: When an Agent feels misunderstood, pressured or frustrated they tend to have more difficulty than usual expressing their feelings and thoughts. Verbal communication becomes tricky and they feel lost as they try to put words to their overwhelming emotions. They often express their feelings through writing better during these times, but vocalizing their feelings is difficult. They often withdraw from others and retreat from situations or outside obligations. It can be difficult for them to express their values or needs, so people around them may be uncertain about how to provide support.
First consequence: If an Agent’s feeling function is not developed, they tend to struggle with making the best decisions. They may go from one idea or possibility to the next but fail to understand which decision best lines up with their authentic self. If they are forced to rely on thinking more than feeling then they tend to become stressed, critical and obsessed with productivity. They feel a restless need to get things done, but often this productivity feels highly stressful and agitating.
Second consequence: If their process of intuition process is not encouraged or developed then they may struggle with taking in enough information before making a judgment. They may fail to notice outer realities and make decisions based solely on their personal values. If they are forced to rely on sensing more than intuition then they can become more stuck in their routine, anxious of trying new things or judgmental of views that lie outside of their own experience.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Goes on the verge of tears and ducks their head in embarrassment. Hides to compose themselves.


12. Achiever - ISTP

Dialogue: The Achiever who is discouraged in relation to their strengths tends to become cynical and negative, withdrawing from the outer world to find comfort in their own mind. When the people around them do not appreciate their natural gifts, they become more impulsive, rebellious and distracted than usual. In these phases, they often refrain from making commitments, postpone decisions and dread obligations or anything that might 'trap' them.
First consequence: When an Achiever's natural thinking process is discouraged, they often get caught up in experiences, opportunities and impulses without processing them enough logically. Their decisions tend to be less precise and careful than usual and they may have more haphazard responses when a crisis erupts.
Second consequence: When their natural sensing process is discouraged they tend to have difficulty gathering enough accurate data for a decision. They may enjoy mulling over thoughts, ideas and possibilities but struggle to bring those thoughts into the outside world. They are less pragmatic than is typical for their pattern and are more apprehensive.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: They do not give a f**k. Others go ahead and laugh at them. They will give the cold blank stare and the people laughing will find their cars unable to function the next day.


13. Practitioner - ISFJ

Dialogue: The Practitioner who is discouraged in their natural abilities tends to feel unsupported, unappreciated and isolated. They can become overly focussed on procedure or creating a corner of the world that they can control. This can result in an over-reliance on routines or fearfulness of change because they feel alone and unable to have the support and security of those close.
First consequence: Without support or development of their sensing side, Practitioners can rush to make decisions without analysing all the details and practical realities. They can become overly sensitive and easily offended, losing their signature level-headed nature.
Second consequence: Without encouragement or development of their feeling side, they may struggle to deal with the outer world. Decision making becomes harder and they may defer to an authority or someone they trust rather than trust their own wisdom.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Becomes offended and takes the situation to another worse level. They basically will have Vietnam flashbacks and react explosively.


14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Dialogue: When The Objective Thinker is discouraged in their natural abilities, they tend to feel isolated and irritable. During these phases they struggle to include others – they feel that they are the only ones who can get things done the right way. Without support from others they withdraw more, becoming stuck in their routine and feeling apprehensive about change or innovation. They often feel over reliant on schedules, times and procedures while resenting people who impose on them.
First consequence: Without support or development of their sensing function, Objective Thinkers can rush to make decisions without considering new information. They may jump to conclusions too quickly and struggle to regain their typical focus and attention to detail.
Second consequence: Without support or encouragement of their thinking side, they can struggle to bring their ideas to fruition. They can get wrapped up in their memories, routine and their inner world and fail to accomplish the goals they really wish to.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: Will shrug it off as there is no need to be dramatic about it.


15. Perfectionist - INTP

Dialogue: When the Perfectionist is not appreciated, is misunderstood or unable to use their gifts, they tend to become cynical and negative. They often isolate themselves, feeling stifled and judged by the outside world. In this state they are typically more argumentative, sarcastic and critical of others and themselves. If forced to be around people who do not understand them, they tend to feel mentally blocked and inhibited. They may start to anticipate their own failure and become pessimistic, believing that it is no use to try to explain themselves because they will inevitably be misunderstood.
First consequence: When a Perfectionist’s thinking processes are not encouraged or developed they tend to move from idea to idea without stopping to critically analyse them. They may fail to see how one piece of data connects to another and can struggle to make decisions that are in their best interest. If they are forced to use feeling much more than thinking then they can become self-conscious, stressed and uncharacteristically emotional.
Second consequence: If their natural way of using intuition is not encouraged or developed, then they can struggle to take in reliable information. They may become exceedingly isolated and stuck inside their own heads, sorting out data without testing in it the outside world. An example of this is coming up with a new 'u beaut' computer system that actually does not work in the real world. They can struggle to actualise or discuss their ideas or way of thinking. If they are forced to use sensing more than intuition then they can become stuck in a rut, overly-reliant on routines or suspicious of change.
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: They die on the inside as the attention is on them and people are staring at them. Error: all systems are failing. Code blue, I repeat, code blue.


16. Enhancer - INTJ

Dialogue: If the Enhancer does not find a place where they are understood or able to use their gifts, they tend to become more aloof and abrupt than usual. They may isolate themselves from the world and be critical of people who do not agree with their visions or plans. When they discover a path for their life, they are single-minded to a fault, ignoring relationships and obligations that fall outside of that one goal. They are often plagued by loneliness and a sense of imbalance.
Additional special factor: Essentially, they do not like to be touched. Firstly, it depends who is doing the touching. Someone trusted and close it is okay to give the Enhancer a hug. But even these people have to be careful. The Enhancer does not like to be approached from behind when they do not know that someone is there. They are naturally highly strung when it comes to this attribute and to the 'negative space' behind that cannot be seen. You may notice an Enhancer gravitate instinctively towards the walls or corners of a room preventing their back from being exposed. There is an instinct very strongly ingrained there not to leave themselves open to any sort of physical contact without being able to see where it is coming from. If it can be seen, there is usually not so much of a problem. Do not be surprised that if someone does touch the Enhancer when unseen, the Enhancer is liable to metaphorically jump in the air and rattle off fifteen different swear words in two seconds and otherwise be pretty angry from the adrenaline it creates. Even loved ones get curt about this. These people are slow learners. Do not approach from behind or risk being on the end of a lash out. The Enhancer could not care how many times it is done, they I will never get used to it. The idiots, who are reviled, find it funny and keep doing it. They will get the death stare or the doorslam or both. Loved ones is one thing but strangers..... That is not liked. Personal space is important and physical intimacy of any kind really has to be earned. In return, you will not find the Enhancer laying their hands randomly on others either. Unless they are a “significant other”. Then affection kicks in. Exceptions are grudgingly given to a boss or colleague whom is trusted and know that they simply do this sort of thing out of the language of the “alpha”, as part of their reassurance process. That would be the putting hands on people’s shoulders and so on when delegating tasks or reassuring people. That is deemed functional and generally neutral behaviour so it is tolerated but not desired. If you have picked someone as an Enhancer, DO NOT FCUKEN TOUCH THEM. That is the safest option.
First consequence: When an Enhancer's intuition is repressed or discouraged, they tend to make poor decisions based on insufficient information. This tends to happen when they are forced to be more extroverted than they actually are. Without sufficient time to channel data through intuition their actions are less strategic and precise than usual.
Second consequence: When their thinking process is repressed, they tend to struggle to bring their insights into actuality. They may have wondrous ideas and elegant predictions, but expressing those ideas and making things happen will be very difficult for them. They may struggle with loneliness, resentment and a feeling of being an "outsider."
Reaction in an embarrassing situation: They accept their fate internally while they handle their exasperation, disappointment or stress by mentally placing their face into either one or both of their hands. They are already planning vengeance, punishment, retribution or preparing to door slam the offender.
