The only driver they may have in games of chance is their perpetual desire to win.

1. The Director - ESTJ

The Calculated Gambler. These people: John D. Rockefeller, Frank Sinatra, Douglas McArthur, Michelle Obama, Ivanka Trump, Megyn Kelly, Uma Thurman.

Executives are individuals with high morality capable to clearly distinguish right from wrong, embrace the high value of honesty, dignity and dedication. They believe in the rule of law, earned authority and despise laziness and cheating. As 11% percent of the population, the Director will stick to principles, verifiable facts and their ability to analyse all details of the plan at hand before making the final move. These character traits probably make them least interested in gambling.


In order to win, though, they would probably shun baccarat and roulette (too reliant on luck) and lean towards poker and blackjack. On the other hand, when convinced that the odds are in their favour, they could make a significant stake and, therefore, sports betting is not out of the picture. Having in mind the Director's need for social interaction they would probably be a bit more interested in land-based casinos, although a live dealer in online games may sufficiently compensate when necessary.


This pattern has a strong moral compass, a keen sense of their surroundings and an excellent ability to predict the success of something that they are working on. They are the are probability experts, so they enjoy the challenge of casino games that are not based purely on luck. They are calculated risk-takers, but they will not place a wager if they do not believe that they have a good chance of winning. Their extroverted nature means that they enjoy interacting with other players, but they might get overwhelmed in the chaotic environment of a bricks-and-mortar casino, so live dealer online games offer a good compromise.

E Hunter™ comment:

Seems to be of sound mind and rational when it comes to gambling by letting others at the Casino lose.

Go to their pattern

Table games, poker and baccarat mostly, could provide them with the possibility to demonstrate intellectual superiority and a great opportunity for a good challenge they just love to have.

2. The Developer - ENTJ

Strategic Gambler. These people: Nancy Pelosi, Margaret Thatcher, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bill Gates, David Petraeus, Warren Buffett.

As a natural-born leader, gifted with charisma, bully boy attitude and confidence, are 3% of the population and project authority worthy of crowds following them. Driven by extreme rational levels they are capable to achieve any goal they set their eyes on by using the inner drive, determination, sharp minds and readiness to take risks. Strong-willed, they do not shy from imposing their logic when it comes to others in order to prevent any irrational developments. Land-based casinos are more likely to intrigue than online considering their excellent ability to read people.


One way or the other is very important for the Developer to set their gambling limits firmly for they are susceptible to arrogance, condescension and even the occasional significant level of insensitivity, which is when they can get into trouble.


Leadership and competition are visible characteristics. The Developer loves using their keen sense of logic to win, especially if there are other people there to witness their arrogant victory. They can read people well and are naturally persuasive and willing to take significant risks. Bricks-and-mortar casinos are exciting environments for them as they enjoy the atmosphere and ability to compete with others. Any game that allows them to play against others, such as poker and baccarat, will suit them because they will appreciate the opportunity to win by interpreting other people’s actions

E Hunter™ comment:

The poker player, surely. Boisterous winner and ultra sore loser.

Go to their pattern

Not surprisingly, are drawn to gambling in any realm while game choice varies individually. Their logic would find high-risk games intellectually stimulating and they might not be able to resist them.

3. The Results - ESTP

Risky Gambler. These people: Madonna, Jack Nicholson, Harry Houdini, Donald Trump, George S. Patton, Mike Tyson, Dale Carnegie, Rupert Murdoch.

At 4% of the population, the Results likes to be at the centre of attention with an energetic impact on immediate surroundings. Always on the move, they are not shy to take a leap before they look, working out details as they go and learning on the fly. They enjoy drama, passion and pleasure. Not so much for the emotional thrill of it but as a way to stimulate an intelligent mind. Any organised or formulated activity is a major put-down for the Results who sees rules as something to be broken. Enjoying in probably the most perceptive mind of all patterns, they can notice the smallest possible changes.


They might opt out of baccarat, roulette, slots or blackjack due to a lack of control just as they might find a high-stakes Texas hold’em game irresistible. This is a reason why the Results should approach gambling very carefully.


Have you ever been known to start complex discussions about abstract topics? If so, you are probably a Resuklts. They love to be in the heart of the action, the centre of attention and the cause of excitement, risk and drama. But they also have creative minds that allow them to think outside of the box. Anything that they can do that will challenge their logic is something that they will be drawn to, including taking risks When it comes to gambling, they would be great at skill-based games, such as poker, because they notice every detail and use that to predict outcomes. But they rarely choose those games. Instead, they opt for luck-based games because they want to challenge themselves mentally and emotionally by letting go of control.

E Hunter™ comment:

Propensity to gamble is in line with their competitive nature and propensity to take risks. Loud winner and sore loser.

Go to their pattern

If you want to split your hairline vertically or to realise a problem from any conceivable angle — your own view included — the Inspirational is probably one you would like to hear from.

4. The Inspirational - ENTP

Knowledgeable Gambler. These people: Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Socrates, Tom Hanks.

As independent thinkers at 3% of the population, the 'Debater' enjoys demonstrating their quick wit, less for the sake of deeper meaning or purpose and more for others to see it clearly as it is so much fun. The Inspirational truly enjoys mental sparring and in an opportunity to connect what others have not seen as a connection.


Possessing their levels of intellectual understanding, they will likely engage their brilliant minds in gambling as an opportunity to exercise their knowledge. Any variant of poker and blackjack in a land-based casino would suffice. In doing so, they would probably engage in low-risk bets since they tend to avoid the grunt work that is a necessary activity for big wins. In addition, their inclination to pick apart every single thing that other side does might lead to painful experiences in high-stakes games.


Out of the four Rationals, the others being Developer, Perfectionist and Enhancer, the Inspirational is the one that is most likely to enjoy gambling. They are more concerned with understanding as opposed to logic, so they can take more pleasure in risks than the other Rationals. Seeing them with form guide is a huge clue. The thrill of gambling comes in the opportunity to try something new and display their success for others to see. Similar to the other Rationals, they will always enjoy skill-based games such as blackjack and poker more than games of luck. However, if any of them were going to try out poker machines, the Inspirational would be the most open to that possibility because they are not as afraid of risk as the others.

E Hunter™ comment:

The one with the form guide always at hand while at the executive lounge at the AFL.

Go to their pattern

The Persuader would make a good poker or blackjack player since they love to exercise control.

5. The Persuader - ENFJ

Gambler with Control. These people: Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Jordan, Goethe, Abraham Maslow.

Like the Developer, the Persuader is a charismatic, natural-born leader who is passionate, authentic, concerned and altruistic. Without a bully boy angle is unafraid to speak when they feel they should. At 2% and with only extroversion setting them apart from the Investigator, they are fuelled by the same principles that often lead them into politics, teaching or coaching, where they can exercise influential confidence that can guide others toward improvement. It them, is more likely that they will play in land-based casinos against other players, relying both on their ability to read people and high levels of intuition.


While roulette might seem to be a bit off for them, it is not inconceivable to imagine them as very good players once they befriended its strategies, provided their bank balance can sustain that passion. They should make for the least problematic players in casinos and would probably be liked by dealers for their generosity.


Leadership of causes and competition are characteristics of the Persuader. They love using their keen sense of logic to win, especially if there are other people there to witness their victory which the whole room will know about. They can read people well and are naturally persuasive and willing to take significant risks. Brick-and-mortar casinos are exciting environments because they enjoy the atmosphere and ability to compete with others. Any game that allows them to play against others, such as poker and baccarat, will suit them because they will appreciate the opportunity to win by interpreting other people’s actions.

E Hunter™ comment:

The most manipulative playing their hand.

Go to their pattern

The Appraiser strives for games that offer the highest level of control they so keenly exercise.

6. The Appraiser - ESFJ

Practical Gambler. These people: Bill Clinton, Jenifer Lopez, Eva Longoria, Sarah Palin, William McKinley, Larry King.

At 12% excels in any kind of representation. Consequently, they are very popular people. They revel in the spotlight when they can set the tone and lead from the front. They are quite concerned about their appearance, authority and social status while they cherish altruistic traits and take their responsibilities seriously at the same time. Usually a role model and conflict-averse, they can sometimes be hurt when their ideas are rejected or when facing occasional sensitivity issues.


They would probably be a bit more interested in brick and mortar casinos than in online gambling, enjoying in luxury of roulette or the excitement of craps (with low-stakes bets, of course) or in poker with bit higher bets since it allows them to lead the game the way they like. When gambling they should be conscious of their need to control the situation which might not be the case in games of chance.


As one of the most common patterns, the Appraiser is characterized by incredible social skills and belief in authority and tradition. A lack of control can make them person feel nervous or uncomfortable, so they will be drawn to games that allow them to make decisions that impact the flow of the game. They do not like to be isolated, so they would never opt for single-player games such as slot machines. They often have a lot of people relying on them, plus they tend to be perfectionistics, so they will feel upset if they lose or feel like a failure.

E Hunter™ comment:

Loves the casino although only in relatively short bursts, particularly with friends on a holiday etc. Not afraid to splash the cash.

Go to their pattern

Thrusting often into the spotlight where they excel, the Promoter craves for the freedom to be innovative; in fact, their self-esteem depends on it.

7. The Promoter - ENFP

Exciting Gambler. These people: Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, Drew Barrymore, Anais Nin, Tom Brady, Orson Welles, Che Guevara.

At 7% are free spirited, highly sociable, charming, energetic, compassionate and independent thinkers, they see life as one big riddle that is not to be solved but enjoyed through the deeper meaning of emotions, compassion and mysticism. They can exercise over-reliance on the intuition that might lead them to misread the signs, often resulting in frustration when they realise there was a less complicated way of doing things.


Inter-dependable self-esteem and frustration are what requires the Promoter to exercise a very careful approach gambling. Their energy and joy of socialising make them attracted to the lavishness of land-based casinos and table games such as roulette, craps and even poker. They enjoy the thrill of playing and the excitement of taking risks since they thrive in being rewarded but they should set their limits prudently but generally do not.


Energetic, creative, independent, compassionate and free-spirited are all words that can easily describe the Promoter. They genuinely enjoy the thrill of gambling because they are observant and curious. They enjoy the adrenaline rush that they experience when they take risks. Texas Hold ‘Em is the perfect game for them because they delight in the risk, but they also play well because they are able to read their opponents easily. The Promoter loves the thrill of the game, but they relish it even more when they actually win!

E Hunter™ comment:

Thrillseekers who would jump in head first, probably because they liked the horse's name. If they win, they will loudly boast to all and sundry.

Go to their pattern

Possessing great appreciation and ability to recognise value and quality, the Counselor might be susceptible to living beyond their means.

8. The Counselor - ESFP

Careless Gambler. These people: Ronald Reagan, Elvis Presley, Pink, Paul McCartney, Marc Cuban, Sir Richard Branson, Hugh Hefner, Leonardo DiCaprio and Serena Williams.

Spontaneous, likely to be drawn to the excitement of the moment, they love the spotlight big time, relish in socialising, have a great aesthetic sense, are curious and enjoy drama and passion. They like to rely on luck or chance instead of trusting in analysis and repetitive responsibilities that may point out the consequences of the challenge they undertake. They may leap into unaffordable opportunities looking for immediate pleasure.


When it comes to gambling, they are likely to see it as a social opportunity or hobby making them prominent visitors at the racecourse or greyhound races and in land-based casinos. With such a connection to luck in their lives, it is quite possible to envision them as good baccarat or roulette players. On the other hand, they should be very careful with keeping their budget in line. If this is not checked in time, they may be susceptible to significant losses.


The Counselor is the most impulsive pattern so they are the group that will find gambling irresistible. They love getting attention, trying new things, and interacting with others, but they hate and avoid anything repetitive. The risk is something that they cannot live without, even though the other patterns see it as something to avoid. Logic and consequence are foreign concepts that they will not let dictate their lives. There is not one particular game that is best for them because they are never going to stick to only one. Instead, they will try out every game in the casino and then venture to another casino as soon as they get bored.

E Hunter™ comment:

The gambler who relies solely on luck and probably likes to show off at the racetrack by flashing the dollars to match the gaudy and colourful outfit.

Go to their pattern

If there is a good chance of success, the Specialist will follow with their heart.

9. The Specialist - ISFP

Competitive Gambler. These people: Lady Gaga, David Bowie, Marilyn Monroe, Rihanna, Jimi Hendrix, Yogi Berra, Ulysses S. Grant.

The most artistic pattern they like to push the conventional limits and to upset traditional expectations — a lot. They tend to live in their inner, colorful and sensual worlds inspired by ideas, people and concepts. They love to experiment with perspectives. Most of all, they irresistibly seek the thrill of riskier behaviour being sensitive to feelings of others and valuing harmony at the same time. They face criticism in a hard way and their biggest challenge is planning for the future.


All the traits set out above make them not only susceptible to gambling but magnetically drawn to it. Games of chance may be a way to push their limits and challenge them. They could be equally entertained in land-based and online casinos, just as they may enjoy the majority of all games because they see winning as a great personal accomplishment. The personal accomplishment is why they should take gambling with high levels of caution, establishing limits wisely for they would probably face gambling losses with difficulty.


The Specialist is passionate and competitive. They challenge social norms and love to break the rules. They pursue extreme emotions and avoid anything that could be considered stagnant or structured. For them, gambling is a way to get an adrenaline rush while proving that they can win. However, they can get upset easily if they start to lose, which can lead to them making poor decisions in desperate attempts to win back their money and their dignity. Despite the fact that they can enjoy the risks of luck-based games, they will find more enjoyment out of competing with other players. Caribbean Stud Poker and blackjack are games that they will have fun playing, as long as they are winning.

E Hunter™ comment:

Seems very vulnerable to be seduced by gambling. Will easily show that they get the sh1ts when they lose.

Go to their pattern

Unlikely fascinated by gambling itself, the Investigator loves the challenge and risk-taking rush it provides.

10. The Investigator - INFJ

Intuitive Gambler. These people: Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Carl Jung, Plato, J.K. Rowling, Mahatma Gandhi.

The rarest pattern at less than 1%, they are paradox on two legs. Softly spoken with very strong opinions, they are tireless fighters ready to lead any battle in which cause they believe in. Then they disappear once the idealism and morality are gone, decisive and strong-willed for others but almost never for themselves. They employ their creativity, convictions, sensitivity and highly developed intuition to create balance everywhere believing in egalitarianism and meritocracy. Being intuitive and strategic thinkers with focus on the big picture, they are probably attracted by sports betting or roulette instead of table games or poker machines. Their foresight in conjunction with intellectual capacities can make them outstanding backgammon players, while they might indulge in baccarat (and excel occasionally).


When they establish a connection (with anything, including the game) it is extremely difficult for them to detach. Being heavily affected by any type of failure, they should set their limits when it comes to the potential realm of high-stakes games.


The Investigator is determined, goal-oriented and decisive. They have a strong sense of altruism but they also need to detach on a regular basis and gambling makes the perfect escape. They are highly intuitive, so they trust their feelings and thoughts more than external stimuli and logic. As a result, they will be drawn more toward games of chance where they can place wagers based on their gut feelings instead of analytical strategy. Poker machines, roulette, craps and sports betting are all perfect ways for the them to relax and let loose. However, if their intuition is off and they end up losing, gambling will quickly lose its value for them.

E Hunter™ comment:

As with other activities, only participate if they have set a hell bent direction to follow. When becomes a loser, will not see the value of gambling.

Go to their pattern

The Agent can be quite a good gambler because it can provide them with outstanding fun when they need to detach themselves from everybody, which they do.

11. The Agent - INFP

Idealistic Gambler. These people: William Shakespeare, Julia Roberts, George Orwell, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Bob Marley, Derek Jeter.

At 4%, they are the people you want on your lifeboat although they will not be capable to steer it. Omnipresent silver liners, they are calm, astute, driven by honour, beauty, morality and virtue that drive and sustain their inner flame and passion. They are ready to go to the extremes in order to reach goals they believe in (as true idealists). Relying heavily on intuition, they could be pretty good with poker machines and roulette, possibly even baccarat; other table games may not be able to provide for expected excitement and entertainment.


They should be very careful when gambling since they are prone to lose themselves in their quests, occasionally even drift away, lose touch and easily enter hermit mode. This makes them potentially prone to become problematic or even compulsive gamblers. In an ideal world, they (as with the Investigator) should be accompanied in casinos by a trusted advisor.


The Agent is idealistic and communicative but is in La La Land. They often pour themselves entirely into causes in which they believe in, so they need a break every once in a while. Gambling offers a source of pure entertainment that gives them a chance to do something for themselves. Poker machines and roulette are perfect games for them because they do not require them to spend a lot of mental energy figuring out sophisticated strategies. Since gambling is a source of entertainment, they do not mind losing a little money, but they will feel uncomfortable playing high-stakes games.

E Hunter™ comment:

A risk unto themselves. A good chance to become your anti gambling zealot who wastes the government's time with endless submissions over many decades; all of which fail. But they have been kept busy.

Go to their pattern

It is no surprise the Achiever likes to gamble and it comes naturally to them.

12. The Achiever - ISTP

Spontaneous Gambler. These people: Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, Bruce Lee, Ernest Hemingway, Vladimir Putin, the Dalai Lama, Melania Trump, Miles Davis, Shaquille O’Neal.

At 5%, they are the epitome of explorers possessing rationalism, curiosity, and inner drive to build useful things. They revel in troubleshooting, assembling and disassembling things, just as they enjoy sharing their knowledge and experience with others. Having mechanical minds, they can be enigmatic: friendly but private, calm though spontaneous, curious yet unfocused. A challenge to predict as their realism, emotions and sense of fairness intersect.


While land-based casinos may appear slightly more enticing than virtual spaces, they would probably make for good poker and blackjack players, or any game that provides for the strategic display of their mindset. Advanced betting or backgammon might also be interesting options. They should be aware of their need to make a reasonable profit out of their activities.


The Achiever is spontaneous, curious and creative. Rules and routine feel like a trap to them, so they thrive on freedom and exploration. They rarely consider the consequences of their actions, so their lives can feel rather turbulent. When it comes to gambling, they enjoy it for the sake of the excitement and they do not care too much about whether they win or lose. It is not surprising to see an Achiever playing a poker machine or the lottery but, if they chose to put their sense of logic to the test, they could be highly successful at Texas Hold ‘Em.

E Hunter™ comment:

Seems they get only involved when a specific situation arises. e.g. A rare visit to the track or to the Crown Casino.

Go to their pattern

The Practitioner often relies on their excellent memory and perception which can make them good blackjack players.

13. The Practitioner - ISFJ

Perfectionistic Gambler. These people: Halle Barry, Beyoncé, George Marshall, Mother Theresa, Tiger Woods, Agatha Christie, Selena Gomes.

A quite unique personality type at 13%, they have outstanding analytical abilities, quite developed social skills (regardless of being introverts), are somewhat receptive to change (irrespective to their judging trait), possess enormous desire to do good, are meticulous and, above all, perfectionists that take responsibility on a personal level that enables them to go above and beyond regularly. To exceed expectations and delight others come naturally as long as conflict is absent.


They are humble, underplay their accomplishments and bounce off the compliments preferring to stay out of the spotlight at any cost. Since they usually prefer to compete only with themselves (much more than with the others), on line betting and gaming may be a more likely choice than land-based casinos. They can easily correlate to random number generated games. They can also be outstanding backgammon players. While not too susceptible to compulsive gambling, they should pay attention to their perfectionism trait that can sometimes lead them one step way too much.


The Practitioner takes delight in hard work for the sake of working hard. They do not desire approval from other people, but they are perfectionistic and who will do anything to exceed other people’s expectations. Competition is frivolous to them because they are goal-oriented and merely winning is not their goal. When they gamble, they prefer games such as blackjack or baccarat where they are not in direct competition with the other players. These games are also not completely random, so the methodical Practitioner will appreciate the organization and patterns. So will the nags. They are particularly sensitive to negative emotions if they lose or if gambling gets in the way of something else that they want, so it is wise to be mindful.

E Hunter™ comment:

Can be seen to justify gambling on the basis if it is only seen as a 'small flutter'. So cautious, they may avoid the Crown Casino as they may not be able to find a car park and only one light beer would be the limit for the evening.

Go to their pattern

The Objective Thinker usually plays poker, and can indeed excel at it. As they may struggle to express emotion or affection externally, a good trait for a poker face, they often consider other games too volatile for their taste.

14. The Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Serious Gambler. These people: George H.W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Evander Holyfield, Robert De Niro, Denzel Washington, Stonewall Jackson, Sigmund Freud.

Representing a large 13%, their characteristics are responsibility, integrity, practical logic, accountability and an almost tireless devotion to their duty. Not being impulsive, they do not take risks and analyse, fact-check surroundings with little assumptions. No-nonsense people with little tolerance to indecisiveness, they have a sharp, fact-based mindset with a high sense of personal integrity. On the other hand, they tend to lose patience when challenged by unconventional and impractical or unviable theories. They can be rather stubborn when it comes to controlling the stability and efficiency which can sometimes result in a strain going unchecked for years.


Their character enables them to utilize and maximize strategy and rules to their benefit while their gambling Achilles heel may be exposed against eccentric players capable to get under their skin.


The Objective Thinker is one of the most common patterns. They are responsible, self-reliant, rule-followers, cautious and over-thinkers who consider all of the pros and cons before they ever make a decision. Most likely, they will believe that it is more logical to save their money than to gamble, but that same personality trait is actually the reason that they will probably be successful. A lifetime of thinking through every possibility gives them an incredible talent for considering all possible scenarios very quickly. This provides them with an upper hand in analyzing the best moves and making the right choices. Poker is the most systematic form of gambling, so it is the one they will enjoy and excel at more than any others,

E Hunter™ comment:

Appears to be a serious gambler only when it all has been checked out to their standards; a task that may take forever less one day.

Go to their pattern

Mentally attuned to skills improvement, the Perfectionist would be more comfortable with poker, blackjack and maybe even with roulette.

15. The Perfectionist - INTP

Logical Gambler. These people: Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Immanuel Kant, Abraham Lincoln, Dustin Hoffman and Larry Page.

They enjoy usually high levels of intellect and substantial creative capacities. Always conceiving new ideas, new concepts, abstract strategies and stuff, they may often seem detached and indifferent to the remaining 97% of the population. Possessing significant fear of failure, they are willing to do anything to avoid it, including to reevaluate their own ingenious talents. When it comes to gambling, it correlates to a low likelihood of games based on luck as the prevailing factor, like poker machines, betting, lotteries and baccarat.


Logical thinking and intuition would do them well in poker, just as analytical mind and a strategic world view might help them make money in blackjack. But only to a certain extent, though, because they do not like to take high-risks unless they are absolutely positive of the outcome. If assured, on the other hand, they indeed enjoy in an adrenalin rush, even strive for it; therefore, the land-based casino would suit them better than online one.


The Perfectionist is inventive, innovative and highly logical. These people are the ones who love to think outside of the box, but they also are afraid of failing. They do not avoid risks and they can sometimes be impulsive. It is not surprising for them to enjoy gambling, but only if the wagers are small and if they believe that they do have a chance to succeed. Blackjack and poker would offer a challenge that they would appreciate.

E Hunter™ comment:

Have worked out that poker machines are only required to pay back 87% of what they take in, so the house must win in the long term. This will be at the forefront of their minds.

Go to their pattern

The Enhancer prefers to have a plan for everything and will act upon it only if they are assured of the success and benefits, regardless of how enticing the opportunity may be.

16. The Enhancer - INTJ

Confident Gambler. These people: Nikola Tesla, John Nash, Thomas Jefferson, Donald Rumsfeld, Dwight Eisenhower, Jane Austen, Lance Armstrong.

One of the rarest types at 2%, they are confident players. Striving perpetually for knowledge and enjoying their high intellectual levels, they rely on introversion, intuition judgment and, most of all, on their thinking abilities to make sound judgment. Whatever they do, it has to be logical and must be analyzed properly. This pattern is not a fan of the 'leap of fate' idea.


With security as a paramount characteristic, they are low-risk takers regarding gambling that would most likely be engaged in table games like poker and its variants where their brilliant minds would compensate for the luck factor. Generally highly confident people, they might prefer brick and mortar casinos more than online ones, since they could benefit from other players and their telltale signs.


The Enhancer is a pattern that is few and far between. Many are greatful about this.They only enjoy gambling if they believe that it will benefit them because they do not do anything without considering the logic behind the decision. Extreme risk-taking is uncharacteristic so they would not be likely to be a high-roller. Instead, they only play the minimum bets with a small amount of money that they believe they can afford to lose. Texas Hold ‘Em is an excellent choice for them as it allows them to use strategies to control the outcome.

E Hunter™ comment:

Some Enhancers may feel that all gambling activities could close down without them noticing or caring. But they might have a few bob each way at the track as part of a great, but rare, day out.

Go to their pattern