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Situation - That person is gullible - gives a 'brainwashable' vibe.
When I see gullible behaviour, or people offering to be
brainwashed or already there,
Oxor™ shouts out for Ivan the Gullible™.
Protect your mind and do not let mass media wash your brain.
This section is for advanced users in the cohort.
Some find this page very offensive; that in itself is a measure.
The adjective gullible means "easily duped or cheated". - Merriam Webster Dictionary
Here are signs that you have been brainwashed by your church or cult or by being an Amway Distributor:
† 1. Debate or difference of opinion is discouraged.
† 2. Conformity is encouraged as a virtue.
† 3. Dissenters are fixed or dismissed.
† 4. Outsiders are stereotyped as being negative as people who do not agree.
† 5. A culture of disregard for complex discussions.
† 6. Self-censorship is a form of self-defence.
† 7. Consensus is assumed.
† 8. New ideas or the status quo are met with anger.
† 9. Followers continually embrace a broken community.
Here are signs that you have been brainwashed by advertising and the media:
† 1. Subliminal messages. The audience does not know what has happened until they have formed an opinion
out of nowhere. When the media uses subliminal influence, it is usually not too severe. Most subliminal messages
come in the form of flashing images or repetitive words. Although many of these subliminal messages are short-lived,
and mildly effective, some long-termed messages can completely transform decision-making strategies.
e.g. Amazon logo with subliminal smile.
† 2. Pushing recognition. Ads on television and other media thrive on simple logo recognition. It is part
of the initial marketing strategy. It is also a form of brainwashing that is very effective.
e.g. If the brand logo is red and the color red is shown throughout a commercial, it becomes a constant reminder.
It is subtle but causes the brain to retain logo and brand name memories. e.g. Nike swoosh.
† 3. Fake news. This is probably one of the most widespread ways of manipulating the public through mass media.
And this does not always mean blatant false news. Sometimes fake news will include both untrue statements woven with
facts to make the news believable. Over time, the basic idea of the story becomes completely false. Fake news is so
common that the audience is used to believing things simply because it has been reported in a false manner for years.
e.g. COVID-19 vaccines cause variants. The truth is that COVID-19 vaccines do not create or cause variants of the virus
that causes COVID-19. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines can help prevent new variants from emerging.
† 4. Emotional conditioning. This is to infect the emotions of the audience. Feelings will drive a person to
purchase products or believe statements when paired with something that makes them “warm and fuzzy” inside. The nostalgia
of certain commercials can also make companies feel more trustworthy. The cohort know that the Feelers fall for this and so
do the ad agencies. [Persuader, Appraiser, Promoter, Counselor, Specialist, Investigator, Agent, Practitioner.]
e.g. A warm and nurturing teacher makes students feel connected. Students associate going to school with the teacher.
Therefore, students learn to enjoy going to school.
† 5. Social isolation. This is to is isolate the audience from those who think differently. They are brainwashed
into thinking that they should NOT associate with anyone who has views that vary, even slightly, from their own.
This is in the (un)social media, which is not exactly “news”. Rather, it is primarily political statements or
opinions paired with stuff such as holiday images. e.g. Twitter contributing to political polarization by creating “echo chambers”
that insulate people from opposing views about current events in the Clinton vs. Trump battle.
† 6. Memory recollection. Usually the audience ignores insurance ads or popular social media banners. However, when
the services of these brands are required, the audience tends to remember the most common jingle or logo.
If someone is hungry, it is possible that they recall a song associated with a local restaurant chain and then chooses
to pick up a snack from that establishment. What stands out the most in downtime
is what gets first attention when something is needed. e.g. This works with almost any company.
† 7. Personal agendas. This brainwashing is done by simply serving up a personal agenda. This nods back to politics,
as most media sources lean toward one political party or the other.
Some media strive to be independent but it is more common to see the most prevalent opposers vying for attention. Thus, the audience
are often manipulated by what others want personally. This is why it is so important to think for ourselves despite the compelling
news we get daily. Debate or difference of opinion is discouraged. e.g. Any politician.
† 8. Propaganda. If you tell a lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
And the bigger the lie the better. e.g. Goebbels in WWII. Technique still in use today. e.g. Bunnings are not necessarily
the cheapest all the time; most consumers will not do a lot of running around if in a hurry.
† 9. Speed. Quick, the offer is only valid today for something you had no intention of buying. e.g. Dominoes.
You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
The percent of how religious each pattern is varies enormously within the research material. The Practionrer is the non leader and therefore is a follower, so thay take the first spot thanks to Ivan the Gullible™.
Here are all the sixteen patterns.
List is presented in order of Most to Least Gullible based on the %age of people who are religious within each pattern.
e.g. Of all Practitioners, 55.37% of this pattern are religious.
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ |
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. |
GC1: Can be somewhat gullible when it comes to their loved ones or people in positions
of authority and might believe them even when they are attempting to trick the Practitioner. GC2: Often do not want to accept that someone with a position of power is going to lie to them. GC3: They want to be able to rely on these people and might be a bit gullible in following what they have to say. GC4: They do not like being lied to, but can sometimes be deceived by people who take advantage of their trust. GC5: Another religious possibility: Judaism, Conservative or Orthodox. |
Can be closed minded. Thinks along the lines of "This is a Christian Minecraft Server; so no swearing." and "Do not masturbate or you will go blind." Are practical people but often find themselves intrigued by some fairytales. Can be most annoying to others if religion or micro family details are mentioned in every fcuking sentence. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
7. Promoter - ENFP |
St. Francesco Spinelli. |
GC1: Can be somewhat gullible when they are younger, because they are generally honest people. GC2: They dislike lying and want to be upfront with people. They can become frustrated if people continue to deceive them and will ultimately remove those individuals from their lives. (The Promoter evaporates). GC3: As they become older, they will likely to start to become less trusting of people. They will try to inform themselves so that they do not become so easily convinced of information despite being poor researchers. GC4: They simply want to be around people they can trust and rely on and dislike being deceived so off to the church they trot. GC5: Another religious possibility: Ecclectic paganism. No one expects you to have any attention span, so just go with the "smoking weed and buying magic crystals" option. |
Drops people when the other person is sick of favours never being reciprocated. Have vivid imagination and often enjoy considering many different stories and worlds so fairytales do not have to be realistic. At least they only talk religion for two nanoseconds before they are on to something else. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
9. Specialist - ISFP |
St. Nunzio Sulprizo. |
GC1: Can be can be skeptical of most people, but are often very trusting of their loved ones. GC2: They do not let a lot of people into their world, but when they do they rely on them completely. GC3: They can often be convinced of untrue things if someone they care for is deceiving them. They simply want to be trusted by their loved ones, so they grant them the same courtesy. GC4: They will ultimately walk away from someone who continues to deceive them for a long time. GC5: Another religious possibility: Will select a religion based on whether its art or music appeals. High Episcopalianism or Catholocism are good for theatre and classical music. Avoid anything tacky. |
Can sometimes enjoy fairytales or at least the thought of them. Can be boring to the non believers by talking about church persistently. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ |
St. Michael the Archangel. |
GC1: Are naturally skeptical people and might have a hard time believing others. GC2: They are not gullible at all and actually prefer to do their own research. However, there is the factor of the Greek Orthodox cohort who may have had no choice due to strict brainwashed parents. GC3: They dislike being lied to and prefer to be around people they can trust. GC4: They might not make a big deal of their lack of trust in someone, but they will certainly keep an eye on that person. GC5: Another religious possibility: Methodism, or some other form of Protestant Christianity, as long as it is dry. |
Objective Thinkers rank only 9th for smarts (somewhat low in Oxor™'s eyes) so one could argue that the less smart are believers as they may be gullible or forced into it. Do not usually enjoy fairytales all that much since they are practical and realistic people. Very boring if get onto the subject of religion to the non believers. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
8. Counselor - ESFP |
St. Philip Neri. |
GC1: Can be relatively gullible people, especially when it comes to their loved ones. GC2: They will often believe what people say because they are naturally honest people. They often do not see a reason to lie and can believe what people say even when they should not believe it. GC3: They will take their surroundings into account in order to make an informed decision about someone. GC4: If they have witnessed a person be untrustworthy many times, they will likely take this into account. If it is someone they love though, they truly want to believe the best in them even though their assessment may well be flawed. GC5: Another religious possibility: Pentacostalism. |
Can be romantics at heart and often find themselves drawn to fairytales. May be brainwashed by the church. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
10. Investigator - INFJ |
St. Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa. |
GC1: Are naturally skeptical people because they are constantly observing their surroundings. GC2: They are very intuitive and will come to realize when someone is not to be trusted. In most cases they will not just believe what someone tells them. Instead, they will take their own opinions and research into account. GC3: They might not be entirely distrusting of someone, but they will definitely observe their actions in order to figure out if they are reliable. When it comes to people they trust they can be a bit gullible. GC4: It is rare for the Investigator to let someone into their little world and, when they do, it means a lot. They might even reconsider their own opinions, simply because someone they love and / or trust suggests it. They are normally very strong in their beliefs and prefer to be careful who and what they trust. GC5: Another religious possibility: Zen Buddhism. |
Strong beliefs are insurmountable and may not be overcome by facts. Can be drawn to the idea of fairytales in some ways, but at the same time they can resent them. May be brainwashed by those trusted. e.g. Coerced by the hypocritical Mormon Lay Preacher. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
5. Persuader - ENFJ |
St. Oscar Romero. |
GC1: Are are not gullible people and are usually skeptical of the actions of others. GC2: They prefer to observe and make their own decisions about people and events. GC3: They are good at predicting what is likely to happen which makes them much less gullible individuals. They can sometimes become gullible with their loved ones though, simply because they trust them. GC4: When they truly let someone into their heart and trust them fully, they can sometimes believe them when that should not be the case. They often admire these people and it does not make sense for them to distrust them. GC5: Another religious possibility: Hare Krishna. Out there shouting in the street, disrupting citizens going about their daily business. |
Loyal to the downtrodden. Strong belief in higher power. Can find themselves drawn to fairytales and the feelings they give them. May try to brainwash others due to their strong propensity to interfere. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
1. Director - ESTJ |
St. Katharine Drexel. |
GC1: Are not usually gullible and prefer to do research before jumping into things. GC2: They are skeptical of people they do not know and might be hesitant to trust them. When it comes to their loved ones they often believe what they say. They will give someone their trust, but if that is continuously broken they will have a hard time believing that person ever again. GC3: They want to be around people who are reliable and trustworthy, since they truly hate being lied to. GC4: They are not usually gullible and will likely use their own observations to make decisions. They do have moments where they believe in a person in authoritative positions though. GC5: Another religious possibility: Mainstream Islam. |
Decisive, strong-willed, driven, have a strong sense of justice. Do not usually enjoy fairytales as they are more interested in realistic things. May be brainwashed by authority. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
2. Developer - ENTJ |
St. Thomas More. |
GC1: Are certainly not gullible people and are often very knowledgeable themselves. GC2: They usually spend plenty of time researching different subjects in order to understand them. They like to walk into most situations without ignorance and dislike being unaware. GC3: They will rarely just believe what someone says and prefer to do their own research in order to make sure that they are correct. GC4: They are not easy to lie to and will often suspect when someone is not trustworthy. GC5: Another religious possibility: Religion has its uses. Money, power and easy access to willing sex partners leap immediately to mind. Try starting your own cult. The exact type of cult should be determined by your background and aesthetic tastes and by the exploitable pre-existing inclinations of the pathetic sheep-people who surround you. |
Confident, strategic, outspoken. Fairy tales can be a bit over the top since they are not naturally drawn to romantic ideals. The bully boy force. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
16. Enhancer - INTJ |
St. Thomas Aquinas. |
GC1: To consider an Enhancer gullible would be an almost laughable assumption. GC2: They are naturally skeptical individuals who do not trust easily. They prefer to focus on facts, data and proven methods and will do plenty of research before just believing something they hear. GC3: They are not the pattern to take all information as it is presented and prefer to look into everything more thoroughly. They will combine their own knowledge with plenty of research, ultimately giving them a pretty firm grasp on the information at hand. GC4: They prefer to understand the information fully and dislike being ignorant in any situation. GC5: Another religious possibility: Objectivism. Ayn Rand is your gal. |
Will be more diehard because they often do have hard beliefs with atheism. Imaginative strategic thinker — rational and visionary. Do not usually find themselves drawn to fairy tales and might (do) find people who are obsessed with them to be a bit odd. Ask my Persuader mother about this truth, if you can. She passed away in 1973. To all the Joeys; do not bother knocking on the door or filling the letterbox with pamphlets. You are better off going to hassle the poor unfortunates next door. Regarding church attendance, the Enhancer subscribes to the life concept of Hatch, Match and Dispatch™. Only likely to attend for baptisms, marriages and funerals. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
12. Achiever - ISTP |
St. Vincent Romano. |
GC1: Are not gullible people and usually do not trust what they are told. GC2: They prefer to take information in and do their own research before making a decision. GC3: They dislike being lied to but they realize that not everyone can be trusted. They prefer to make their own decisions about most things and will not just believe what someone else decides to tell them. GC4: They enjoy using their own internal logic to figure things out and are natural problem solvers because of this. GC5: Another religious possibility: Selecting something hardcore, preferably where they get to smite the enemies of God. Extremist Fundamentalist Islam is currently a popular choice. |
Are not usually all that interested in fairy tales and might even find them a bit annoying at times. Can be Agnostic. Are not traditional but not necessarily against tradition; just find it unnecessary. If they are atheists, it will likely be based on the fact they cannot perceive God with their eyes. They may say "If I cannot see, hear or smell God, then He does not exist" but, for the most part, they do not care much about religion OR atheism. The type of agnosticism they are most likely to have is apathetic agnosticism, which basically goes "I do not know if any god exists and I do not care if any god exists". |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
3. Results - ESTP |
St. Joan of Arc. |
GC1: Are researchers although not is a pure academic sense and enjoy being knowledgeable on most topics.
They will often spend long periods of time just reading different subjects in order to understand them fully. GC2: This knowledge often helps them become less gullible when it comes to most people. GC3: They can become rather gullible with someone they trust and admire though which is unsettling for the Results. GC4: If they love someone deeply and trust them, they can become easily convinced of things that are not entirely truthful. GC5: Another religious possibility: You are hellbound anyway, so do not bother. Just sleep in. |
Fairy tales are rarely something that intrigues the Results and they might even scoff at the thought of them. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
6. Appraiser - ESFJ |
St. Maria Katharina Kasper. |
GC1: Are often skeptical when it comes to strangers who are invading their space. GC2: They do not believe what everyone tells them and will often take time to research the information. GC3: When it comes to their loved ones they are extremely gullible. When they care for someone they have a hard time believing that they could lie to or betray them. GC4: They learn from part experiences and will begin to lack trust in someone if they hurt them multiple times or prove themselves to be a trickster. GC5: Another religious possibility: Mormon, Catholic. |
Naturally responsible, loyal, warm and social. Are realistic people, but deep down they are often drawn to fairy tales and romantic stories especially if that is learned at an early age. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
11. Agent - INFP |
St. Gemma Galgani. |
GC1: Can be somewhat gullible when it comes to people they admire and trust. GC2: If they care deeply for someone, they can often be convinced of incorrect information. They believe in this person and do not want to accept that they might be untrustworthy. GC3: They are usually skeptical of liars, but the occasional one sneaks their way into their bubble. This can be difficult since they can become rather blind when it comes to the people they love. GC4: They are not gullible with outsiders; just the people they have grown to care for and admire. GC5: Another religious possibility: Wicca, especially Celtic paganism. Also possibly Druidism, but not Asatru. |
May seek solace by praying to a like-minded individual. Can be drawn to romantic feelings and ideas so some fairy tales can be appealing to them. The Agent is in La La Land. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
4. Inspirational - ENTP |
St. Teresa of Avila. |
GC1: Are certainly not gullible individuals and struggle when it comes to trusting people. GC2: They may not make it obvious that they are skeptical and will keep this to themselves. They prefer to observe their surroundings and take everything in before making an informed decision about a person or piece of information. GC3: The devil’s advocate on absolutely everything and will take on the opposing view of someone else just so they can facilitate a debate. GC4: They are never fully trusting of the information they absorb and prefer to dissect it until it makes complete sense to them. GC5: Another religious possibility: They are also always correct, yet like all EPs lack an attention span. Try agnosticism and try not thinking about it too much. |
Do not usually find themselves interested in fairy tales although they might be curious sometimes. A group (>1) of Inspirationals is known as the 'Mass Debaters'. |
Disc Pattern ↓ Ranking, %, Context and Comment → |
Patron Saint |
15. Perfectionist - INTP |
St. Pope Paul VI. |
GC1: Are not gullible people and rather skeptical. GC2: They often have a hard time trusting people and will go into full research mode in order to discover the truth. They can struggle with believing what they hear and will rarely just believe what they are told. GC3: They prefer to do their own research in order to make a fully formed decision on any situation. GC4: They hate feeling that someone is lying to them and will usually overanalyze a situation and ultimately assume the worst. They are not naturally trusting people, but that is simply because they have seen how often people can betray them. They simply prefer to do the proper research and combine that with their own internal logic. GC5: Another religious possibility: Are always correct, therefore they should skip right to atheism, with an option on immortality as a simulation in a computer of unimaginable complexity at the end of time as proven by the laws of physics. |
Oxor™ has yet to meet a Perfectionist that ever went to church. They are also the most likely pattern to flat-out mock the church: "Lol, religious people are so stupid" and what-not. Strong bias to facts and detail rather than beliefs. Are not usually drawn to fairy tales and might have some distaste towards them. Try telling the Perfectionist that Noah died 350 years after the flood, at the age of 950. Let Oxor™ know how you went. |