Situation - You know the Disc methodology. Know how to have someone hate you.
What to avoid. What you might find handy to know what the other person hates if you know their pattern or they
know yours!
When someone does not know Disc
is bog standard easy to fall into simple traps regarding hate. Until now.
Observing people easily causing hate is an Oxor™ pastime.
And how they react when they hate the other person.
And what each pattern hates - you should avoid this or capitalize on it!
And how some pairs may be compatible.
And what is each patterns' Oxor Main Hate™.
You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
Here are all sixteen patterns - all making simple misteaks.
You will be here, too!
1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Being disrespected; whinging; having to be emotionally
open, having to put up with new-age silliness.
∑ They hate being forced to comfort someone emotionally, especially if this person is distraught. They care deeply about
their loved ones, but dislike feeling that they cannot really do anything to help.
∑ If someone does not have a practical solution to their problem, they will feel somewhat lost and hate being there.
∑ They want to be able to help, but if they feel like they cannot do this it will frustrate them.
∑ They also despise being made to follow orders from someone who they feel is unintelligent and / or completely inefficient.
∑ Waiting in long lines is something that enrages them as they are likely have more important things to do.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for being strict and dogmatic.
They are generally very comfortable with telling people what to do and how to do it. Some people like the clarity and direction
that os offered offer but others may find them to be too controlling and regimented. Moreover, they tend to be very driven
and hard working and can be pretty judgemental and unsympathetic with people who disappoint them or fail to meet their
standards and values. Rather than put themselves in other people’s shoes, considering their circumstances and emotional
wellbeing, they are more apt to attribute laziness and weak willpower to other people’s shortfalls.
The Director shoots down all the other person's ideas, particularly when it is done with disdain.
They preach about the same fcuking thing twenty times to make sure that you really get it.
Oxor Main Hate™: Inefficiency. If your group is going on a big trip, the Director is the one who emails everybody with travel arrangements; months in advance. If you and your co-workers are tackling a big project, the Director is the leader who makes sure the entire system achieves all goals and KPI on time. The Director hates inefficiency because they have such a great mind for figuring out the best way to sail the ship. But at the airport, which has nothing to do with ships, they will immediately notice why a line has a bottleneck or at the high priced café there in what order the proprietor needs to make each item on the menu to get it of the kitchen the fastest. While these insights make you a take-charge pattern, the Director would be well advised to recognize that it is taxing to dwell on inefficiency — the world is full of it — and taking the 'scenic route' can sometimes allow them to enjoy the experience more, rather than rush to the destination.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just shoot down all the Director's ideas. And you will be hated.
The Director likes to bring you into the world that they have built by asking you to go to places they like and try things that they enjoy. The Director will quickly grow frustrated if you continuously refuse to let them show you things that they love.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "Forget the Facts, Follow Your Heart!"
The Director views the heart ass a muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system, NOT a decision-making tool.
Emotional decision making is a major turn-off for the Director, unless you are dealing with a situation that is explicitly
emotional (such as a marriage proposal or the death of a loved one).
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "You are doing it all wrong."
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. Are not usually politically correct people, since they prefer to be accurate and efficient. They value getting things done and do not like having to focus on being sensitive to the feelings of others. They want to get things done and work hard to be as upfront and direct as possible. Because of this, they can lack a sense of political correctness and can even appear a bit tactless.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
11 - The Agent. Their impracticality, lack of concern with the real world (in La La Land), deep concern for people’s feelings and even the feelings of inanimate objects do nothing but tick the Director off.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
Lazy people confuse plus they also frustrate and piss off the Director. They simply do not understand how people can simply NOT be productive. They also do not understand how people can procrastinate and not get their assignments done on time, etc.
Why the Director will not be liked by others:
Reason 2 of 6 options. Our society does not value introversion and it does not value honesty. Fake has become the new normal and many spend their whole lives pretending to be someone they are not. Modern society has become so fake that people get offended by the truth and innocent words or behaviour is taken as an insult. So it makes sense why people do not like those who are not afraid to speak the plain truth. Those who call things by their proper names. Those who refuse to participate in this never-ending game of hypocrisy.
As a blunt person, they will not waste time on meaningless chitchat, vain pleasantries or fake compliments. They will only say the things you truly mean. They will want to get to the point without following the unwritten politically correct social protocol and giving pointless answers to pointless questions such as, "How are you?" or "The weather is nice today, isn’t it?"
This is because an outspoken person knows the real value of words. They know when someone means what they say and when it is just fake nicety. So when they are dealing with a hypocrite, they prefer to skip the pseudo-polite introduction and get to the point. Why? Because they know that in reality, the other person could not care less how they are.
People may not like them because of their raw honesty. Others may not appreciate them telling uncomfortable things or just the fact that they refuse to play the nicety game we all unwillingly participate in.
No matter what, they should just keep speaking the truth. It is much more valuable than social approval. The world is full of fake people and desperately needs more honest and blunt personalities.
Reason 3 of 6 options. Strong and Independent Personality
Strong personalities are often intimidating. So if they wonder, ‘Why don’t people like me?’ the answer could be that they feel intimidated by their dynamic personality.
If one is a mentally tough person, they believe that when hardships knock at the door, it is time to act rather than to give in to complaining or blaming others. This is because instead of dwelling on failure, they prefer to focus on working out a solution.
Strong personalities always take full responsibility and expect others to do the same. When others try to avoid it with excuses, they may become pretty harsh with these people. For this reason, they may come off as insensitive because they do not tolerate drama and whinging.
Strong people also tend to hide their emotions as they often regard them as a weakness. They may be quite guarded and avoid opening up to others easily. For example, they will not share personal issues with co-workers or participate in workplace cliques and corporate gossips. Thus, people may confuse them for being emotionally unavailable and indifferent.
Being strong also equals being independent, which includes knowing who one is and feeling no need to prove anything to others. Strong personalities do not try to earn other people’s validation and acceptance. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away.
E. Hunter™, an Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Director may take a while to get used to and comfortable with the Enhancer’s unconventionality, but the relationship drastically improves once they do. "I may sometimes pick the Director as a friend on a limited and qualified basis only".
2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Being wrong; having to handle something with kid
gloves; failure; immaturity.
∑ There is nothing they hate more than laziness and inefficiency. If they are forced to participate in something that is
not put together well, they will certainly despise this. They might attempt to take charge but, if that is not possible, they
will find themselves very frustrated. Having to be fake in a situation in order to get something done, is certainly something that
the hates immensely.
∑ They believe in getting things done, so they will bite their tongue if they must - but often this leaves them feeling very
angry and frustrated. And you will find yourself in the firing line, for sure.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for being bossy and insensitive.
This pattern is the most common type found among executives and the highest earning members of society. They often find their way
into positions of leadership and it is likely they did not get there by being gentle as a lamb. They are known for being straightforward
and frank with people. Although they can understand the importance of being polite in the way they treat people, they can easily
forget their manners when they are stressed or gripped with the passion to get things done and make things happen. At the same time,
they are not interested in coddling people and many folks will feel sorely disappointed when they look to them for emotional
support and sympathy.
The Developer carries on as the bully (usual mode).
They tend to convey a 'holier than thou' superiority complex and treat everyone like pawns in a game.
Oxor Main Hate™: Laziness. The Developer possesses intense drive. Of all the 16 patterns, they have the capacity to accomplish the most due to extreme willpower and seemingly boundless energy. Therefore, they have no patience for those without clear direction, drive and ambition. They do not 'get it' when others just stop moving forward (or are in reverse or stopped). The Developer should recognize that they have been blessed with special powers, allowing them to check boxes off any to-do list and climb the corporate ladder. The Developer cannot fathom why not everyone wants or needs obvious markers of achievement to be fulfilled. They would be well advised to inquire to see what actually fulfills those whom the Developer does not understand. Not only will those conversations fire them up (they love passionate people), but they will also obtain greater perspective on more intangible types of goals.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just be a bully towards the Developer. And you will be hated.
The Developer is the bully and does not like being usurped in this role. They are unlikely to waste time getting into a conflict if they could just ignore you, but they will immediately stop ignoring you if they think you are a bully to those that are weak. This is hypocritical, part of their modus operandi. This does not stem from a desire to have control over people themselves, but more that if there is one thing this type does not like it is people being unkind to others they view as being unable to handle it. Unless they are doing it themselves.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "You Cannot Do That!"
If there is anything that the Developer hates the most, it is being underestimated or limited. They are extremely
goal-oriented, ambitious and innovative. The more they hear that they cannot do something (unless it is seriously
a moral issue), the more likely they are to do it anyway just to prove the negative and cynical naysayers wrong.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "Okay. Stop speaking. You're done."
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman, but the batter when it is to their advantage. They are capable of being politically correct in certain situations, especially if it can help them get their point out there properly. They will be politically correct around a certain group of people, especially if they are trying to impress or connect with them. In most situations they can struggle when it comes to saying the right words and being sensitive to the emotions of others, simply because they prefer to be factual. They want to be honest and direct and believe it is more important to be accurate than to be sensitive.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
It is hard to find a designated enemy for the Developer as, to some extent, everyone is an enemy to them. People are pawns or obstacles in extreme cases. As far as the most competent obstacle, or most annoying, is the Inspirational who can really get in their way with imaginative tactics, slippery arguments and a lack of real ambition.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The fact so many people to this day want world peace, despite the fact that it will never actually happen. Humans are an inherently violent species, as shown throughout history, including especially in prehistoric times. And instead of trying to bury it, we should embrace it.
Why the Developer will not be liked by others:
Reason 2 of 6 options. Our society does not value introversion and it does not value honesty. Fake has become the new normal and many spend their whole lives pretending to be someone they are not. Modern society has become so fake that people get offended by the truth and innocent words or behaviour is taken as an insult. So it makes sense why people do not like those who are not afraid to speak the plain truth. Those who call things by their proper names. Those who refuse to participate in this never-ending game of hypocrisy.
As a blunt person, they will not waste time on meaningless chitchat, vain pleasantries or fake compliments. They will only say the things you truly mean. They will want to get to the point without following the unwritten politically correct social protocol and giving pointless answers to pointless questions such as, "How are you?" or "The weather is nice today, isn’t it?"
This is because an outspoken person knows the real value of words. They know when someone means what they say and when it is just fake nicety. So when they are dealing with a hypocrite, they prefer to skip the pseudo-polite introduction and get to the point. Why? Because they know that in reality, the other person could not care less how they are.
People may not like them because of their raw honesty. Others may not appreciate them telling uncomfortable things or just the fact that they refuse to play the nicety game we all unwillingly participate in.
No matter what, they should just keep speaking the truth. It is much more valuable than social approval. The world is full of fake people and desperately needs more honest and blunt personalities.
E. Hunter™, an Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Developer is drawn to the Enhancer's extreme competence and reliability. They are also impressed by their visionary outlook and hence we get along very well at work and in matters of setting long-term strategy. Both are fans of self-improvement, which further lubricates the relationship. This relationship is only possible if both are intellectually secure. Otherwise, there will be fireworks. "These are the bullies and I carefully pick which ones I will tolerate but that is on a strictly as needs basis only".
3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Limits; 'stupid' people; authority; having to
'tone it down'.
∑ They will soon become miserable if required to perform boring or monotonous tasks all day. They need to feel free
to explore and partake in exciting adventures. If they feel like their job is holding them back and is not showcasing their
abilities, they will truly hate this.
∑ They also hate being alone for too long and will feel stifled in a job or lifestyle where they cannot be around people
that they like or care for.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for seeming to get away with things other people cannot.
Are often described as natural promoters and salespeople who use their gift of gab to persuade and get people excited about
almost anything. They are very skilled at manipulating and managing people's perceptions. Whether by accidental luck,
cunning or power of personality, they seem able to get themselves out of trouble just as easily as they get themselves into it.
They roll the dice more often than most people, doing things that seem reckless and counterintuitive but, in the end,
very often reap the rewards.
The Results makes others feel trapped.
They gets others all excited about a life changing project or promise but has become bored of it the next day.
Oxor Main Hate™: The Snail's Pace. The Results cannot stand when someone wants them to fall in line. Their first instinct is to explore, try new things, break the mold and test the boundaries. Which they do often and, in the process, might accidentally stumble upon a new way to be. Which is awesome to them. But if they find a more efficient procedure at work or think they have a solution for a perpetual relationship argument, they might become frustrated when it is not implemented immediately. The Results is are probably the most impatient pattern. But they should remember that they are often the earliest adopter of an idea or trend — and can even jump too quickly. Slowing down (by a small degree) and hearing others’ concerns will help them avoid having to backpedal.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just make the Results feel trapped. And you will be hated.
The Results like to feel like masters of their own destiny and they will begin to resent you rather quickly if you try to take that away from them. It is doubly interesting then that this pattern often attracts smothering personality types, only to have to free themselves when they realize what has happened.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "It’s Time That You Settled Down."
The Results is a free spirit who believes in adventure and being in control of their own destiny. This does not mean
that they are disloyal; on the contrary, they are usually extremely loyal once they commit. But being forced to buckle
down before they are ready is a major stressor.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "Yes. I'm out of here."
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman but the batter when it suits. They are often capable of being politically correct, but there are times when they struggle with this. They are often more interested in being factual and sometimes this can cause them to be a bit tactless. They believe in spreading the truth and will express the information as accurately as they possibly can. They are more likely to be politically correct about the things they are personally invested in, but can struggle with it on certain subjects.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Results ticks other people off, but pretty much get along with everyone. But anyone who restricts their freedom had better watch out.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
People who are fearful. They do not understand how people can simply NOT take risks. Skydiving is not scary. If people can drive cars without problem, despite it statistically being by far the most dangerous daily activity we do, then why fear skydiving, which does not kill most people?
Why the Results will not be liked by others:
Reason 2 of 6 options. Our society does not value introversion and it does not value honesty. Fake has become the new normal and many spend their whole lives pretending to be someone they are not. Modern society has become so fake that people get offended by the truth and innocent words or behaviour is taken as an insult. So it makes sense why people do not like those who are not afraid to speak the plain truth. Those who call things by their proper names. Those who refuse to participate in this never-ending game of hypocrisy.
As a blunt person, they will not waste time on meaningless chitchat, vain pleasantries or fake compliments. They will only say the things you truly mean. They will want to get to the point without following the unwritten politically correct social protocol and giving pointless answers to pointless questions such as, "How are you?" or "The weather is nice today, isn’t it?"
This is because an outspoken person knows the real value of words. They know when someone means what they say and when it is just fake nicety. So when they are dealing with a hypocrite, they prefer to skip the pseudo-polite introduction and get to the point. Why? Because they know that in reality, the other person could not care less how they are.
People may not like them because of their raw honesty. Others may not appreciate them telling uncomfortable things or just the fact that they refuse to play the nicety game we all unwillingly participate in.
No matter what, they should just keep speaking the truth. It is much more valuable than social approval. The world is full of fake people and desperately needs more honest and blunt personalities.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Results is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I do not like the Results' empty promises".
4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Rules; hiding their power level;
objective morality; being written off for being unorthodox.
∑ They truly hate having to perform monotonous tasks, so working on some sort of assembly line is something like a
scene from a horror film to them. They thrive when they are in a career that allows them to explore new possibilities and
showcase their skills.
∑ If they have to perform the same boring task over and over again, they will become extremely frustrated.
∑ They also hate feeling as if they have to bite their tongue in order to make their loved ones or work colleagues happy. They love being
able to debate subjects and utilize this is a way to learn from and to teach others. Being made to keep quiet for the
sake of comfort, is not something that they enjoy.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for being a conniving troll.
This pattern takes pleasure in busting people’s chops and poking holes in their precious notions. They are prone to boredom and often amuse
themselves with edgy conversations. They can both intentionally and unintentionally offend others with their casually insensitive remarks,
often spoken in jest. In other cases, they can be wily and pull cruel jokes on others. They can use deceptive and inhumane tactics to try and
discredit others' achievements etc.
The Inspirational belittles others.
They tend to always have a backup of convincing bulltish for when the other person calls out their 'convincing' bulltish.
Oxor Main Hate™: Poor decision-making. The Inspirational can seem like a wild child at times. They will try anything once, test boundaries, stay out late and venture into the unknown. But all these quirks and visible emotions hide a deeply logical inner core. They only take calculated risks. They need to achieve and they will put parameters in place to make sure that happens. All that is to say: The Inspirational makes smart decisions and cannot understand others’ poor decision-making. In teams or relationships especially, the Inspirational is advised to be extra clear about what they need; not every pattern is as intuitive as they are.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just belittle the Inspirational. And you will be hated.
The Inspirational hates being talked down to more than any other pattern. This is because while they typically
have high self-esteem, it is usually mixed with a lot of self-doubt. This means that they will react to being
made to feel small by reacting based off not only their wounded pride, but also their reinforced feelings of
They are the joke of the 16 patterns - everything about them is contradictory. Introverted extravert. Funniest outwardly
and the most terrifying inwardly. They love to stand up for their viewpoints yet will sometimes defend a
side they do no even agree with in a debate. They are insane yet, from their logical arguments, you would
think they were the most sane. They are energetic about any subject that interests them, only to drop the project
like a hot potato the moment they get bored with it which does not take long.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "This is Black and White. Stop Over-Analyzing It!"
The Inspirational sees everything from 100 different angles and perspectives. They also tend to question binary thinking
and pre-established rules. Having to see things in black and white is limiting to them and being forced to do so goes
against their very being.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Nods and smiles until the other person goes away, internally not approving of anything they are saying.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. They are nit usually politically correct because they are more interested in being accurate. They often have a hard time holding back in order to protect someone else’s feelings, even though they do not intend to upset them. They would simply rather focus on spreading the truth, although that may be difficult ast times, while constantly want to be learning new things. While they really do not intend to be tactless, they do not like having to restrain themselves.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Objective Thinker and the Practitioner who will not argue. The Objective Thinker is not a quick thinker and are very slow to understand and appreciate the Inspirational’s outside the box thinking. They always insist on doing things the right way, or being thorough, which the lightning fast Inspirational really hates. The Practitioner will not argue and merely stand on their quirky, personal principles, incapable of compartmentalizing for the greater good also really chafes on the Inspirational.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The whole idea of people keeping their opinions to themselves. The Inspirational by their very nature is incredibly outspoken. They WILL make their voices and opinions on everything heard, and if others get offended or pissed off by that fact, it is the other person's fault.
Why the Inspirational will not be liked by others:
Reason 2 of 6 options. Our society does not value introversion and it does not value honesty. Fake has become the new normal and many spend their whole lives pretending to be someone they are not. Modern society has become so fake that people get offended by the truth and innocent words or behaviour is taken as an insult. So it makes sense why people do not like those who are not afraid to speak the plain truth. Those who call things by their proper names. Those who refuse to participate in this never-ending game of hypocrisy.
As a blunt person, they will not waste time on meaningless chitchat, vain pleasantries or fake compliments. They will only say the things you truly mean. They will want to get to the point without following the unwritten politically correct social protocol and giving pointless answers to pointless questions such as, "How are you?" or "The weather is nice today, isn’t it?"
This is because an outspoken person knows the real value of words. They know when someone means what they say and when it is just fake nicety. So when they are dealing with a hypocrite, they prefer to skip the pseudo-polite introduction and get to the point. Why? Because they know that in reality, the other person could not care less how they are.
People may not like them because of their raw honesty. Others may not appreciate them telling uncomfortable things or just the fact that they refuse to play the nicety game we all unwillingly participate in.
No matter what, they should just keep speaking the truth. It is much more valuable than social approval. The world is full of fake people and desperately needs more honest and blunt personalities.
Reason 4 of 6 options. Non conformist.
It is natural for human beings to like and trust what is familiar to them. It is no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. For this reason, those who live unconventional lifestyles, have unusual looks or, most importantly, think in a different way often get rejected.
People do not like those who are different because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. That is why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. So if one feels that people do not like them, their unconventional way of thinking could be to blame. Maybe some of their ideas or views are too uncommon and scare people away because they cannot understand or relate to them.
But there is also another aspect of being a non-conformist. It could be that one refuses to conform to other people’s expectations of them. The non-conformist knows what they want and do not let anyone take advantage of them. It is the opposite of being a people-pleaser. Thus, if people do not like the non-conformist, it could be because they are not convenient for the other person. And that is a good thing.
It is a powerful quality in today’s conformist world and the non-conformist should cherish it. They are not afraid to stand out of the crowd; not with behaviour such as dying your hair blue. It is about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Inspirational is drawn to the Enhancer's intelligence and practicality. Brainstorming is always fun between these types, but the Enhancer will always try and get something useful from the interaction to solve a problem. The Inspirational enjoys being part of that process with the Enhancer, the process of creating a new idea by just thinking and talking. "I only tolerate the Inspirational and have never had, nor wanted, one as a friend".
5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Unresolved conflict; 'closed offness'; unfairness;
societal marginalization.
∑ They are very people focussed which often means that the things they despise are connected to the actions of others.
They are constantly working hard to please their loved ones, so something they hate more than anything is being forced to be around
people they do not trust.
∑ If they have to spend time with disloyal people, it can truly exhaust them quickly. They only want to be around sincere and
caring individuals - and hate wasting their time without people who do not fit this description.
∑ They simply despise betrayal and will become very upset if their friends or colleagues will not believe them when they
explain that someone is not a good person. If they have to pretend at all, they will be very unhappy.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for seeming phony and manipulative.
This pattern, together with the Investigator, are both noted for their ability to blend in and adjust to their environment in a
chameleon-like fashion. This is more evident in the Persuader though, who can often get criticized as being fake and disingenuous in how they
represent themselves. They are sometimes (often) accused of being manipulative and two-faced. Because their sense of identity is generally tied up
in how the world defines them than how they define themselves, they can get caught up in the game of managing people’s perception of them
such that they seem to be acting or performing a role rather than being authentic.
The Persuader interferes. They secretly meddle in others' affairs because they know what is best for others more than the other
person knows themselves.
Oxor Main Hate™: Inconsistency. The Persuader is able to read people in two phases: They pick up on their emotional energy and then interpret the most likely explanation for their feelings, behaviour and what makes them tick. They can often get wrapped up in people that they do not understand - thinking that the more they learn the more likely it will be to magically 'get it'. So when someone is inconsistent and the Persuader seemingly cannot rely on them to keep plans or show up in big moments, they are ruffed to the core. They want to deeply understand those they care about and only invest in people who are willing to love them back. While some say it is good to realize humans are not inherently predictable, Oxor says they are, it is certainly okay for the Persuader to keep a distance from people who do not seem to say what they mean, or mean what they say. That circumstance can drive them nuts.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just be a fake in the eyes of the Persuader. And you will be hated.
The Persuader can sense when someone is fake almost immediately and they will be even angrier with you if it takes them even a little while to recognise it. In addition, once they find someone who is fake they will use their natural charm to make sure that everyone else knows your true nature, in order to make sure that you cannot make anyone else feel the way that they felt.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "You Are So Selfish.", "Stop Being So Dramatic!", "You Are Too Intense.", "I’m
Disappointed in You.", "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Can You Hurry It Up?", "Get Over It.", "Sorry I Didn’t Show Up.", "You Are So Fake."
Telling a Persuader that they are selfish is tantamount to telling them that they are too immersed in their feelings
(a big no-no). They are wired to think about people outside themselves, to relate to, understand and communicate effectively
with them. Anyone can be selfish, but some people accuse them of being selfish simply to get more out of them or to put them
on a guilt trip. They know that these are the exact words that will hurt them the most because they obviously care about
people and what they think of them. If you use these lines above to manipulate a Persuader, we think you are being foolish.
It could cause very real harm. These are very precious darhlings.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Searches in vain for the other person's good qualities.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batter. This social justice warrior can definitely be politically correct when they need to be, especially if they are in an environment that requires it. They are good at adapting to their situations and will definitely adjust when someone is feeling sensitive. They care about others and realize that some people can be a bit more emotional and need their feelings to be considered. While they might not require that people be politically correct around them, they still believe in considering who they are around and what their needs are.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Persuader tends to get along with everybody, but the Achiever's devil may care attitude may tend to tick them off. They dislike people who seem to shirk responsibility. The Persuader dislikes those who lack responsibility to greater causes. The Enhancer is particularly not popular with the Persuader due to their lack of interest in 'greater causes'.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The fact there is still so much violence and hatred in the world. We hear of terrible hate crimes committed almost every week. Do not get the Persuader started on war. The Persuader does not understand why people cannot all just get along and love each other.
Why the Persuader will not be liked by others:
Reason 2 of 6 options. Our society does not value introversion and it does not value honesty. Fake has become the new normal and many spend their whole lives pretending to be someone they are not. Modern society has become so fake that people get offended by the truth and innocent words or behaviour is taken as an insult. So it makes sense why people do not like those who are not afraid to speak the plain truth. Those who call things by their proper names. Those who refuse to participate in this never-ending game of hypocrisy.
As a blunt person, they will not waste time on meaningless chitchat, vain pleasantries or fake compliments. They will only say the things you truly mean. They will want to get to the point without following the unwritten politically correct social protocol and giving pointless answers to pointless questions such as, "How are you?" or "The weather is nice today, isn’t it?"
This is because an outspoken person knows the real value of words. They know when someone means what they say and when it is just fake nicety. So when they are dealing with a hypocrite, they prefer to skip the pseudo-polite introduction and get to the point. Why? Because they know that in reality, the other person could not care less how they are.
People may not like them because of their raw honesty. Others may not appreciate them telling uncomfortable things or just the fact that they refuse to play the nicety game we all unwillingly participate in.
No matter what, they should just keep speaking the truth. It is much more valuable than social approval. The world is full of fake people and desperately needs more honest and blunt personalities.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Persuader is drawn to the Enhancer's maturity and emotional easiness, aka lack of drama. The Persuader gets extremely emotionally drained by unhappy people around them, but being with the Enhancer allows them to relax because of the Enhancer's legendary directness, bluntness and honesty. "I cannot wear the Persuaders desire to interfere in my own affairs. They can bugger off".
6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Being disliked; putting one's self before others;
know-it-alls; selfishness.
∑ They hate having to do something that feels selfish especially if it makes their loved ones unhappy. If they have to make
a decision between the people they care about it will be extremely frustrating for them.
∑ They dislike taking sides, especially between people they care deeply for. Anything that might hurt someone they love, is something
they will avoid at all costs.
∑ They also hate being put on the spot, especially if they feel as if they will not perform well in that situation.
∑ They also hate having to answer questions about themselves, or talk about themselves, for very long periods of time.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for anointing themselves the arbiters of what is and is not appropriate.
While the Director is characterized as the enforcer of rules and regulations, the Appraiser is more of an advocate of etiquette and social
conduct. They develop a sense of what is and is not acceptable behaviour based on their desire to preserve harmony and cooperation among people.
For some people, their intentions can feel censorious and too homogenizing. Some of what is deemed as inappropriate can feel like an unnecessary
and misguided attempt to suppress people’s individuality and self expression.
The Appraiser micromanages others.
They tell back stories about people that others do not know so that they can gossip about them to others.
Oxor Main Hate™: Arguing for no reason. The Appraiser just wants everyone to get along. Arguments that could have been avoided, nitpicking someone’s behaviour or starting a heated debate has no point. At their core, they want to help others connect and see friendships grow and thrive. So when people seem to inflame 'drama' that might have been avoided with a simple sidestep, it irritates the Appraiser. The Appraiser is advised that some patterns do not argue to be frustrating or speak their minds to brew controversy. They debate to test ideas or get to know others’ perspectives better and they get over it quickly. Sometimes it is best to agree to disagree and move on.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just micromanage the Appraiser. And you will be hated.
The Appraiser is generally relaxed, so the fastest way to make them hate you is to take over their schedule to pack it full. This does not mean they do not enjoy regular activities, just that if you try to make them break up their calendar into half hour blocks they will begin to resent you.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "You Try Too Hard."
The Appraiser is known for being generous and considerate. They care deeply about the needs and emotions of the people
around them, but when people call them out as being too “people-pleasing” or suspect their intentions, it is a major
slap in the face. If you are telling them they try too hard because you really want to give them a break, try to word
it as "You need a break. Let me help you!" This will come across much better.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "Um, the think you said is really not right, sorry."
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. They are capable of being politically correct and will often do this to avoid upsetting anyone. While sometimes holding back and be frustrating for them, they usually prefer to avoid drama and discord. They want to comfort others and do not like saying anything that might hurt someone’s feelings. It is important to be sensitive to the needs of others and so sometimes they will adjust just in order to comfort them.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Enhancer. To the Appraiser, the Enhancer seems is cold, heartless and too dark; everything that the people and comfort loving Appraiser dislikes. It does not help that, despite their shared Judging, the Enhancer does not respect other people’s rules much. Plus, their death stare can really kill a mood in a kind of awesome way.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
Introverts. Seriously, the idea of people who sit in their room all day, doing seemingly nothing is weird as hell to the Appraiser. And that is why the Appraiser constantly bother the introverts, telling them to come outside and interact with the “normal society”.
Why the Appraiser will not be liked by others:
Reason 5 of 6 options. Integrity.
Sadly, integrity, strong ethics and conscience seem to be the things of the past. In a society built on greed, selfishness and hypocrisy being a person with a sound moral code can be a real struggle.
When one refuses to tolerate certain behaviour or to take advantage of others, the peron with integrity chooses a difficult path. It is a disappointing fact that it is much harder for a person with strong ethics to become successful and navigate life in today’s world. They will not act according to what is convenient but will always follow their set of principles, even if it means making unfavourable decisions.
For one with high integrity, it can also mean that they have high expectations of others. They will treat others with honesty and kindness and will expect them to do the same. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When others lie or try to exploit for their purposes, this will not be tolerated. This attitude may form a reputation of a person who is impossible to work with or deal with.
And this could be the reason why people do not like a person of integrity. Remember, no one likes inconvenient people. But at the same time, they are much more difficult to be take advantage of.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Appraiser is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I cannot see much common ground".
7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Having their ideas stolen; having their sincerity
questioned; subjective logic; unchallenged beliefs.
∑ They truly hate having to perform monotonous tasks, the same thing over and over to them is just misery and their micro attention
span does not help.
∑ They want to work in a job that inspires them and makes them feel truly accomplished. They enjoy doing things that showcase their natural
skills and might even impress others. If they have to work in a factory line, or sit at a desk all day - they will hate this very much.
∑ They hate being stifled as well and if they are not allowed to feel free to explore new possibilities they will become rather unhappy.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for being flaky and unreliable.
This pattern has a very well honed reputation for being late and not following through on what they say. Their decisions can change on
a whim because they can get scattered and sidetracked very easily by various things. This can pose an issue for other people however
and cause problems in their relationships and professional lives. Fortunately, they are often personable and charismatic, which allows them
to get away with some things for longer than what should be the case. And they can turn to being 200% toxic, especially when held to account.
The Promoter takes others for granted and never reciprocates favours.
They justify that being emotionally manipulative is actually being charming. They think it is being okay because they are being 'authentic'
(which is fact free and a real worry).
Oxor Main Hate™: Clashing values. The Promoter is defined by a very clear sense of self together with a deeply felt sense of right and wrong. They live by their moral compass and they take deep offense to people who seem lawless or so carefree that they are constantly hurting others. The Promoter is well advised to keep in mind that not everyone values exactly the same things they do. It is wise for a Promoter to find and stick around 'their people'. They should surround themselves with people who share their world view and the stresses of trying to understand others (as they naturally do) will feel far less taxing. And many patterns will appreciate not having to put up with the Promoter.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just take the Promoter for granted. And you will be hated.
The Promoter is a natural people pleaser, but they have to know that all their hard work has some affect on you. You do not have to throw them a parade, they just want you to occasionally thank them for everything they do, and let them know that it is important to you. This can be a challenge due to their constant unreliability.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "You Are Perfectly Normal!", "Because That’s How It’s Always Been Done.", "Be More Realistic.",
"Because I Said So.", "You Cannot Do That.", "You Have No Idea.", "You are Such a Flirt!", "Here’s your project. The deadline is
tomorrow.", "Stop brainstorming and just decide!", "If you really cared about me, you would..."
If there is anything a Promoter does not want to be, it is normal. These visionary, imaginative folk thrive on being different,
skeptical and think outside the box. Telling them that they are fitting perfectly fine “in” the box is more insulting than comforting
to them. The Promoter is extremely difficult to handle.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Makes subtle snide comment then makes totally unsubtle rude comment when the other person moves away.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batter. This social justice warrior can sometimes struggle to be politically correct, mostly because they prefer to be themselves without feeling restrained. They do try to avoid hurting people, but will likely only be politically correct if it feels right for them. They follow their own sense of inner morals and do what they believe is the right thing to do. They will definitely be politically correct around people they believe deserve extra sensitivity, since they do not like hurting people.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Objective Thinker is the Promoter's natural enemy, a representative of the rules and inconvenient facts, rigidity, unimaginativeness and stifled creativity that is every Promoter’s monster in the closet. The Objective Thinker appears to be way too boring for the Promoter.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The fact that people can sit in an office cubicle for hours at a time, barely talk, not goof off or play around, are expected to constantly do mundane and repetitive work, not go outside and explore the world and not only tolerate it, but even ENJOY it.
Why the Promoter will not be liked by others:
Reason 4 of 6 options. Non conformist.
It is natural for human beings to like and trust what is familiar to them. It is no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. For this reason, those who live unconventional lifestyles, have unusual looks or, most importantly, think in a different way often get rejected.
People do not like those who are different because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. That is why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. So if one feels that people do not like them, their unconventional way of thinking could be to blame. Maybe some of their ideas or views are too uncommon and scare people away because they cannot understand or relate to them.
But there is also another aspect of being a non-conformist. It could be that one refuses to conform to other people’s expectations of them. The non-conformist knows what they want and do not let anyone take advantage of them. It is the opposite of being a people-pleaser. Thus, if people do not like the non-conformist, it could be because they are not convenient for the other person. And that is a good thing.
It is a powerful quality in today’s conformist world and the non-conformist should cherish it. They are not afraid to stand out of the crowd; not with behaviour such as dying your hair blue. It is about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Promoter is drawn to the enhancer due to the latter’s authentic confidence, cool logic, their
complex plans that always seem to succeed and their soft and mushy emotional center.
The Promoter seems to be able to instinctively sense the soft centre with their Extraverted Intuition and their Introverted
Feeling while other patterns are more intimidated by the Enhancer's exterior. The Promoter loves interesting people and
mature Enhancer's usually one-of-a-kind individuals. "I cannot wear the Promoter as they cannot be relied upon
to finish anything".
8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Boundaries; judgment; not being able to
express themselves; plainness.
∑ They hate being ignored above anything else.
∑ If they are forced into a secluded situation for too long they will become very unhappy. Not being able to enjoy the company
of others, or make people smile - is the worst possible scenario.
∑ Having to work in a career where they spend a lot of time by themselves, performing boring or monotonous tasks, is
something that they will truly hate to do.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for being desperate for attention and validation.
This pattern wants to love and be loved and bask in others admiration of them. They are often humourous and energized by any positive
feedback and reinforcement they receive from people. For them, attention and validation can be like a drug and they need a fix when
their spirits are low and they feel ignored and starved of affection. They want people to enjoy their company and sometimes they may
do regrettable things for the sake of laughter and feeling loved.
The Counselor is co-dependent on others.
They think everything is about having fun. Someone just declared bankruptcy? Don't worry, let's go and get drunk
and get laid.
Oxor Main Hate™: Rigidity. The Counselor likes to live life on their own terms and really does not like to be defined by a set-in-stone plan. When someone tries to nail down a date, a time or a deadline the Counselor starts to feel that person is cramping their style — and they may even push back. This can be very annoying to others. Although the Counselor operates best with flexibility, they are well advised to remember that commitments and timelines will inevitably help them to reach their most fulfilling goals. The Counselor does not want to wake up one day and realize they missed the boat on their dreams; their path to achieving those dreams maybe a map of loose guidelines toward their destination, not a single set of directions. Bear in mind that many do not a like your method one bit.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just be codependent on the Counselor. And you will be hated.
There is no quicker way to make a Counselor hate you than to immediately force yourself to be the most important person in their life. Cutting them off from their abilities to feel independent and have friends outside of each other will make them attempt to avoid you as soon and as much as possible.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Trouble for you generator™: Say "Do Not Take This Personally, But..."
Most of the time when people preface something by saying, “Do no’t take it personally” they are about to get insulting or condescending.
The Counselor hates this line. Think hard about how you say things – if you must critique, is there a way you can do it with respect and empathy?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "I've got to go. I have plans with that girl. Didn't I tell you that earlier? Oops. Bye!"
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. they are not usually politically correct since they follow their own emotions and desires. When they are feeling in the moment they can sometimes lack a sense of political correctness, simply wanting to speak their mind and be sincere. While they do care about the feelings of others, it can be challenging for them to have to think things through before they speak.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Objective Thinker. The Counselor is happiest when they are having fun, letting go and getting others to let go. A controlling and in control Objective Thinker is an abominable stick in the mud to them.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
Mathematics. All the equations etc. are nothing but numbers to them. And do not get them started on literature. They do not understand how people can just sit and read books and enjoy them. The only books a Counselor might read are picture books.
Why the Counselor will not be liked by others:
Reason 4 of 6 options. Non conformist.
It is natural for human beings to like and trust what is familiar to them. It is no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. For this reason, those who live unconventional lifestyles, have unusual looks or, most importantly, think in a different way often get rejected.
People do not like those who are different because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. That is why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. So if one feels that people do not like them, their unconventional way of thinking could be to blame. Maybe some of their ideas or views are too uncommon and scare people away because they cannot understand or relate to them.
But there is also another aspect of being a non-conformist. It could be that one refuses to conform to other people’s expectations of them. The non-conformist knows what they want and do not let anyone take advantage of them. It is the opposite of being a people-pleaser. Thus, if people do not like the non-conformist, it could be because they are not convenient for the other person. And that is a good thing.
It is a powerful quality in today’s conformist world and the non-conformist should cherish it. They are not afraid to stand out of the crowd; not with behaviour such as dying your hair blue. It is about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Counselor is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I do not like being dragged into the spotlight at all and that is the Counselor's modus operandi".
9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Being told to live a certain way; lack of freedom;
meanness; being artistically stifled.
∑ They truly hate being forced into loud social situations for too long.
∑ They enjoy being alone and really hate having to be in these types of overwhelming surroundings.
∑ They also hate feeling that they have to spend time around people they do not trust or like. If someone is uncaring
or inconsiderate, they will want to be as far away from this person as possible.
∑ If they have to work with or spend time around people who are immoral or selfish - they will certainly hate this.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for weird and eccentric behaviour.
As nice and affable as this pattern tends to be, they too can attract haters. Especially from those who do not understand creative people
who may have a few quirks. They may have behaviours and tendencies that appear bizarre and unorthodox and can get easily misconstrued as being
negative in the eyes of more conventional people. They can also get criticized as being slow or lazy but typically that is only the case when
it comes to doing things that they do not care much about. This annoys their bosses and parents.
The Specialist is dismissive of others.
They are a scatterbrained carefree hippy one minute and in a state of obnoxious emotional turmoil the next.
Oxor Main Hate™: Ignoring the real you. The Specialist is fiercely independent and appreciates when others see them for their uniqueness. With their charm and aura of mystery, they have a line of people who want to be around their intriguing, vibrant spirit. But not everyone 'gets' the Specialist on a deeper level and that realization can lead to a huge letdown. Some people might even make them into more of a fantasy than a reality which drives them up the wall. The Specialist does not need any part of that; but some people might actually be trying harder to understand more than is realised. The Specialist is well advised that before they lock someone out for not getting to know the real Specialist they should contemplate whether they have even been allowing them a solid chance for that to happen.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just be dismissive of the Specialist. And you will be hated.
The Specialist is naturally excited about the things and people they love, though it is often hard for them to express it the way they want it. In other words, the fastest way to get them to hate you is to wait until they finally work up the courage to explain how they feel about something or someone and then tell them you think that thing or person is lame.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "I Have Got You Figured Out."
The Specialist is incredibly private about their inner feelings and values and they hate being labelled by anyone.
They hate Oxor™. We never have had a Specialist as a member of the cohort. Do not say this phrase if you wish to be taken seriously at all.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Silence.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman, sometimes. They are sensitive and moral people, so they are definitely capable of being politically correct. When it comes to caring for others and being sensitive to their needs, they try to do their best. There are times when they are feeling in the moment and can express their emotions in a way that is less than politically correct. For them it entirely depends on the subject matter and they do their best to be sensitive when they can.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Director. The complete practicality and goal-oriented, organised mindset of the Director, with room for little else, is awful to the Specialist. The Developer is another candidate for the most hated, but a small part of the Developer would be able to appreciate the Specialists art on a very deep level, so all would probably be forgiven.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
People who cannot understand art. That does not mean those who are not artistic because, if we are being honest, most of us are not. They are confused by people who have absolutely zero concern or appreciation for art. They look at paintings and drawings and go "so what". These care more about their job or their family and never see the artistic side of life.
Why the Specialist will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 4 of 6 options. Non conformist.
It is natural for human beings to like and trust what is familiar to them. It is no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. For this reason, those who live unconventional lifestyles, have unusual looks or, most importantly, think in a different way often get rejected.
People do not like those who are different because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. That is why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. So if one feels that people do not like them, their unconventional way of thinking could be to blame. Maybe some of their ideas or views are too uncommon and scare people away because they cannot understand or relate to them.
But there is also another aspect of being a non-conformist. It could be that one refuses to conform to other people’s expectations of them. The non-conformist knows what they want and do not let anyone take advantage of them. It is the opposite of being a people-pleaser. Thus, if people do not like the non-conformist, it could be because they are not convenient for the other person. And that is a good thing.
It is a powerful quality in today’s conformist world and the non-conformist should cherish it. They are not afraid to stand out of the crowd; not with behaviour such as dying your hair blue. It is about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Specialist is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I do not like their arty-farty ways".
10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Feeling forced; misunderstandings; conflict;
intentional lack of perspective.
∑ They are certainly a unique cat and they do have a long list of things that get on their nerves.
∑ They absolutely hate being forced into a loud situation or being made to participate in a large crowd event. They prefer
quiet interactions, where they can actually get to know people and communicate with others. If they have to endure loud
noises and abrasive people for too long, they will become exhausted.
∑ They also despise having to be forced into participating in small talk; there are few things more tiresome to them than this.
∑ They would much rather have real and meaningful conversation and forced small talk is possibly one of the worst things to endure.
∑ Having to be around fake or insincere peopl is also something that INFJs hate.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for self-righteous rage.
This pattern is an empath with a deep reservoir of emotion that can be as calm as a pond or as turbulent as white water rapids. They have
strong ideals that they seek to embody and live out. Because they spend a great deal of time in self reflection and self evaluation, they
tend to see themselves perhaps as more enlightened and self aware than most people. They can sometimes act out a sense of moral superiority,
vilifying and ostracizing people who hae wronged them in sometimes trivial ways. Some get carried away with their self-indulgent moral posturing
especially when they are immature.
The Investigator makes others feel like they can never be good enough.
They keep their nice smiley face on while manipulating others to do their bidding. They think it is not a worry
as it is 'for the greater good', as defined by them.
They are hated for how closed off they can be. Either you are selected or you are not. It is almost impossible to
change their mind, unless you have proven worthy of the next onion layer. (This is why people do not really like
Investigators that much, they feel judged even when it is not an intentions to judge. Excluding them from
your inner world is like telling them subliminal that they are unworthy of your love, light and acceptance.
They are disliked by how they get angry/disappointed and become distant because of something the other
person did not do. If they are upset, they will usually retreat, stay silent or answer with one word just
so others know they are mad. They are passive aggressive when they are disappointed/angry.
Many dislike when the Investigator tries to read them. Although their advice and nurturing is amazing, sometimes
others do not want it as they are not ready for a baptism session.
Disliked when they pontificate their sense of integrity. While that can be respected, many dislike being told
what is right from wrong, especially when others have the facts. Although the Investigator gives sound judgement and insight,
others may well want to learn things themselves even if their conclusions are incorrect. The Investigator's care is to be
there every step of the way, but sometimes you just got to let others fail.
Oxor Main Hate™: Stirring the pot. The Investigator does not come to every social event, but when they do, they are usually putting out fires between friends and smoothing the human dynamics at parties. They are the quintessential wise and sage therapist and have a knack for figuring out how people tick or where relationships are breaking down. They can also quickly suss out is stirring the pot, which the Investigator hates. They want people to just get along. Their awareness is both a blessing and a curse. While thanks may be dished out for helping humans live in peace, the Investigator is well advised to remember that not every battle is their to mediate or remedy. They can just enjoy a party because it is just that. And forget Erwin's passive-aggressive remark to Emily as it is none of your business.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just make the Investigator feel like they can never be good enough. And you will be hated.
This is one of the main stress factors that The Investigator puts put on themselves, so they do not need it from the outside world. This is particularly true if they look up to you, as this naturally sensitive type will take it very hard.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "That Will Never Happen."
The insights and predictions of the Investigator are often met with skepticism by other types. Because their premonitions
are often the result of a “hunch” or because they are difficult to explain in concrete language, they are often met with
doubt. This is usually a bad idea, because their insights are often scarily accurate.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Says nothing in the moment but discusses the other person with a trusted friend later.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batter. This social justice warrior might not be internally politically correct but they can behave this way in order to avoid upsetting anyone. They know how to be respectful of others and their emotions and they often want to avoid pushing the wrong buttons. While they might not need people to constantly be politically correct around them, they try to adapt to situations themselves. When they are around people who might be more sensitive, they can adjust in order to protect them and their feelings.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
In a similar fashion to the Enhancer, the Investigator does not really have any natural enemies. They tend to love humanity, understand humanity and help humanity. Sometimes, however, patterns such as the Developer, whose proficiency in forwarding their own interests at the expense of others, can get on their nerves.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The fact that so many people are blind to the deeper meaning behind things. For example, many people blindly support politicians, despite all the hints of their true intentions. And then they wonder why political systems seem so corrupt. It is really the people’s fault.
Why the Investigator will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 3 of 6 options. Strong and Independent Personality
Strong personalities are often intimidating. So if they wonder, ‘Why don’t people like me?’ the answer could be that they feel intimidated by their dynamic personality.
If one is a mentally tough person, they believe that when hardships knock at the door, it is time to act rather than to give in to complaining or blaming others. This is because instead of dwelling on failure, they prefer to focus on working out a solution.
Strong personalities always take full responsibility and expect others to do the same. When others try to avoid it with excuses, they may become pretty harsh with these people. For this reason, they may come off as insensitive because they do not tolerate drama and whinging.
Strong people also tend to hide their emotions as they often regard them as a weakness. They may be quite guarded and avoid opening up to others easily. For example, they will not share personal issues with co-workers or participate in workplace cliques and corporate gossips. Thus, people may confuse them for being emotionally unavailable and indifferent.
Being strong also equals being independent, which includes knowing who one is and feeling no need to prove anything to others. Strong personalities do not try to earn other people’s validation and acceptance. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Investigator is drawn to the Enhancer because they sense depth comparable to themselves and a fierce intelligence that they enjoy exploring. It is very rare for both to find someone else like themselves (Introverted Intuition) but still different in fun ways. The Investigator is logical so both are drawn to the intense intellectual and philosophical conversations. The Investigator is whom the Enhancer feels most understood by and is hence most likely to open up to. This last point goes both ways. "I can door-slam, but the Investigator is the market leader so I know that at the start".
11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Feeling invalidated; having to be strictly logical and
objective; lack of imagination; conflict.
∑ They hate being forced into social situations especially with loud or insincere people.
∑ If they have to encounter individuals whom they believe are attention hogs, it becomes extremely exhausting for them.
∑ There are few things worse than being forced into a job or career that they deem pointless or heartless. They want to be
doing something more valuable and meaningful with their time and will quickly become frustrated and unhappy.
∑ There is really noting that they hate more than being forced into a lifestyle that is not their own choice or design. Sincerity
is so important to them and living a life that does not follow this will truly make them miserable (which they are most of the time).
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for looking like a sour puss.
At their core, this pattern is a sensitive sweetheart who wants to love and be loved, yet somehow many of them appear like sullen misanthropes
who do not seem to like anyone. They are emotionally complicated, private and notorious for not smiling very much. They are both lazy and miserable.
People can often get the impression that they are hated when really that is just the neutral face expression of the Agent. Additionally, because they prefer
to be genuine, they do not really want to mask their feelings with false or exaggerated affectations.
The Agent is a stick-in-the-mud.
They demonstrate their high moral standards by being a proudly victimized emotional mess.
Oxor Main Hate™: Controlling behaviour. The Agent knows who they are and what they stand for; unconventional though it generally seems to others. They typically see the best in everyone and want to be surrounded by those who will let them be your truest yourself. They hate it when others try to dim their spark, whether it is dismissing their argument or questioning your decisions. The Agent is well advised to just be careful. They work hard at fully accepting others exactly as they are but often lash out when they feel that someone is trying to control them or if someone puts them down one too many times. They do not understand that they are in La La Land. If they do snap back, this can ultimately lead to regret, of which they are prone, which is in addition to the original annoyance. The method to combat this is to try to call out negative behaviour calmly and firmly early on to get the grievance off their chest (before they blow up) as they do not need to stand for that. !
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just a stick-in-the-mud in the Agent's eyes. And you will be hated.
This is doubly true if you attempt to inflict your stubborn judgments onto other people. The Agent is a born bohemian and does not take kindly to people trying to ruin their latest spontaneous idea. This does not mean they will not listen to sense, only that they will know and dislike it if you try to get them to not do something just because it does not mesh with your ideas. There will always be issues.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "Stop Trying to Find a Deeper Meaning." "You Are Being Too Emotional", "You Are Too Naive",
"Life’s Not Fair", "Stop Trying to Find a Deeper Meaning.", "You Wouldn’t Understand.", "Because I Said S.o", "You Are Just Like This Other Person..",
"Lighten Up!"
The Agent is programmed to find deeper meanings. They look for emotional resonance, authenticity, patterns and
connections between ideas that build to a holistic understanding of the universe. They truly enjoy finding deeper
significance behind real-life scenarios, music, movies and storylines. Taking the depth, the mystery and the gravity
away from things is unnatural to them. They are totally in La La Land. One expression that is used by Oxor™ and loathed by
the Agent is "Get Your Head Out of the Clouds." They need to be brought back to reality from the statement: "I might look like I am
doing nothing, but in my head I am quite busy. They achieve nothing; a manager's nightmare.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "Please leave."
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batter. This social justice warrior can definitely be politically correct in some ways, especially since they prefer to be sensitive to the needs of others. They speak from their heart, but they do not want to do anything that will be hurtful to others. They can often find ways to express themselves without stepping on anyone’s toes and will do their best to be politically correct. There are times when their feelings and desire to stand up for their beliefs can be a little less than politically correct, but this is something they certainly try to avoid.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Director, absolutely. The Agent loves stories, fantasies, poems, all the impractical beauties of the world. The Director is a complete mood killer, plus their lack of empathy also ticks the Agent off.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
Other people in general. the Agent does not understand society as much as society does not understand them. They do not understand how people can be so conformist and basic. They are confused at how people can blindly follow each and every trend that comes by.
Why the Agent will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 4 of 6 options. Non conformist.
It is natural for human beings to like and trust what is familiar to them. It is no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. For this reason, those who live unconventional lifestyles, have unusual looks or, most importantly, think in a different way often get rejected.
People do not like those who are different because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. That is why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. So if one feels that people do not like them, their unconventional way of thinking could be to blame. Maybe some of their ideas or views are too uncommon and scare people away because they cannot understand or relate to them.
But there is also another aspect of being a non-conformist. It could be that one refuses to conform to other people’s expectations of them. The non-conformist knows what they want and do not let anyone take advantage of them. It is the opposite of being a people-pleaser. Thus, if people do not like the non-conformist, it could be because they are not convenient for the other person. And that is a good thing.
It is a powerful quality in today’s conformist world and the non-conformist should cherish it. They are not afraid to stand out of the crowd; not with behaviour such as dying your hair blue. It is about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Agent is drawn to the Enhancer and, like the Promoter, enjoys interesting people and they can go more in-depth in matters of emotion, morality, spirituality etc. than any other type. They like playing with and seeing how the Enhancer's mind works by talking about all sorts of fascinating things that are very different for the Enhancer. (Who else may an Enhancer talk to about stuff like this?) They are drawn by the depth, intelligence and childlike naivety underneath it all. The Agent may see a very unique side of the Enhancer where our Extraverted Thinking takes the backseat and Introverted Feeling comes into play. "I cannot stand the Agent as they are in La La Land and are whinging Space Cadets".
12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Being told what to do; stupidity; rigid structure;
people who will not get their hands dirty.
∑ Theytruly hate being forced to follow the rules, especially if they disagree with these rules. They want to be able to
do as they please, without having other people’s ideals forced upon them. They are very independent individuals making it
important for them to follow their own path.
∑ Unfortunately, there are times when the law or rules are forced onto them with which they disagree. Having to do this is
entirely frustrating for them and they may even attempt to find a way around it.
∑ They also hate being forced into social situations for too long a period of time.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for their lack of interest in how people are feeling and for their bad temper.
This pattern prefers to express their love and affection in tactile ways. A hearty embrace, a tender caress, a casual snuggle,
a spontaneous massage. Apparently, that is not good enough for everyone and some people want them to also ask them about their day
and how they are feeling. It typically does not even occur to them to ask these sorts of questions and so the fact that they do not
really ask about these things should not be taken as an indication of how much or how little they care.
The Achiever forces others to be “normal”.
They will be mindlessly passive unless you have mechanical parts that they can fix or, alternatively, push them off a cliff
so that, hey, they can get an adrenaline rush.
Oxor Main Hate™: Dishonesty. The Achiever just wants the bare-bones facts. They do not need to know every gory detail of your friend’s latest fight with their partner or talk, ad nauseam, about who said what and to whom. The Achiever does not pry and does not like drama. But if they ask a question, it is because they really think the answer is important to the dynamic of their friendship or the understanding of a person or an issue in a larger sense. They are fine with not getting an answer, but are not fine with being lied to. Ever! To the Achiever dishonesty is just inefficient. The Achiever is well advised to remember that sometimes your friends and associates might not be fully comfortable divulging emotional stuff because the Achiever so rarely wants to get involved. Having honest, open relationships, requires trust which is often build during those mushy heart-to-hearts with which the Achiever struggles. It is a strategy to try emoting with friends and associates from time to time for which honesty will be returned.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just force the Achiever to be "normal". And you will be hated.
The Achiever likes to live their life the way they wish, even if that is contrary to what society wants for them. The fastest way to make them hate you is to present the world to them as strictly black and white, even if you say they are on the “good side”.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "I Know What You Are Going to Say.", "Why Are You So Serious All the Time?", "My Life is So Hard...Let
Me Tell You...", "You are wrong. Driving in the left-hand lane 10 kph below the speed limit is perfectly okay.",
"Hurry Up and Decide!", "You Need to Think With Your Heart!",
"It’s All Their Fault.", "Oh, I wanted to tell you something! This happened, then this, and…oh wait! Did you hear about that?!",
"I Need You to Commit to a Schedule. You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands!", "You Cannot Do It That Way."
The Achiever is not long-winded and they take a lot of time to accurately form their sentences before speaking them. Most of the time
people do not actually know what they are going to say and interrupting is a major turn-off for them.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Provides layers and layers of ironic insults and sees how obvious they can get without the other person noticing.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. They are not really politically correct as they are more focused on facts. They would rather spread the truth than express things in a more sensitive manner for the sake of others. Even when they care about people, they still have a hard time being completely tactful. Even though they might be capable of being politically correct, it can seem a bit tiresome to them.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Persuader and the Objective Thinker. They do not like, and are annoyed by, the idealism and organisation / interfering nature of the Persuader. They think that the Objective Thinker is almost good but their insistence on sticking to the beaten path is a fatal flaw.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
Emotions. They do not understand them. They do not understand why people get so offended at their jokes, why people cry at terribly written fiction and why people are so heavily influenced by emotional appeals in arguments. Emotions are well and truly a foreign concept to the Appraiser.
.Why the Achiever will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 3 of 6 options. Strong and Independent Personality
Strong personalities are often intimidating. So if they wonder, ‘Why don’t people like me?’ the answer could be that they feel intimidated by their dynamic personality.
If one is a mentally tough person, they believe that when hardships knock at the door, it is time to act rather than to give in to complaining or blaming others. This is because instead of dwelling on failure, they prefer to focus on working out a solution.
Strong personalities always take full responsibility and expect others to do the same. When others try to avoid it with excuses, they may become pretty harsh with these people. For this reason, they may come off as insensitive because they do not tolerate drama and whinging.
Strong people also tend to hide their emotions as they often regard them as a weakness. They may be quite guarded and avoid opening up to others easily. For example, they will not share personal issues with co-workers or participate in workplace cliques and corporate gossips. Thus, people may confuse them for being emotionally unavailable and indifferent.
Being strong also equals being independent, which includes knowing who one is and feeling no need to prove anything to others. Strong personalities do not try to earn other people’s validation and acceptance. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Achiever is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I like their practical nous but that is about all".
13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Inconsiderate people; making tough decisions that
affect others; not fitting in; not sharing.
∑ They hate having to step too far outside of their comfort zone which is 1cm in circumference.
∑ They enjoy being able to perform the tasks that they are used to and enjoy. It is not that they are afraid to take chances, they just know
what works well for them and that is when there is zero risk. They have often experienced that stepping outside this comfort zone ends
badly for themselves and their loved ones.
∑ They often want a quiet lifestyle, just enjoying time spent with their loved ones and doing the things they love.
∑ If someone forces them to try something new, or make a decision and it ends badly, or criticise, or there is conflict they will be very
upset by these items.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for nagging and holding grudges.
This pattern has a strong memory and so it should come as no surprise that they can have a penchant for not letting others forget their
screw ups. They tend to bottle a lot of their negative emotion and, when it comes out, it is usually triggered by something random
and relatively trivial. Those on the receiving end may not understand why they suddenly snap on them until they realize that the
unimpressive Practitioner has yet to get over that thing you said or did to them ages ago. (Unless you are a member
of the Oxor™ cohort who realize just how unimpressive this pattern actually is. And there are more of this pattern than any other).
The Practitioner will put you into a guilt trip by their passive-aggressive behaviour to oblige their micromanagement
of how many grains of rice you should eat per meal, or equivalent.
Oxor Main Hate™: Instability. The Practitioner is pretty chilled a lot of the time. Part of the reason for this is because they like things a certain way and they work hard to keep everything organized and planned. Their biggest pet peeve is when everything gets jumbled and turned upside down, even if the chaos is prompted by a categorically 'good thing' such as a potential job promotion or even a relationship change. They just like when all is decided and safe; instability and loose ends tend to make their typically patient personality become seriously agitated. Leaning on others during these more unstable times is their best bet. Although they need alone time, they are well advised that they benefit a lot from dishing out doses of social comfort, even if that means just calling their best friend for a good chat.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just be flaky to the Practitioner. And you will be hated.
One of the most important qualities to a Practitioner is that they can rely on someone. This is especially because they often do not feel that they can rely on themselves and their own judgment and look to others to help guide them. Proving yourself to be unreliable will see you excommunicated from this patterns inner circle.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "I Do Not Need Your Help.", "Why Are You So Quiet? Speak Up!" "That’s Not Good Enough.",
"Before You Go On..." "It’s Not That Big of a Deal.," "I Might. I Might Not.", "Aw, You’re So Tender-Hearted/Timid/Cute.",
"You are So Selfish.", "Let’s Just Wing It!", "You are Too Old-Fashioned / Rusted On To The Past."
They are known as “the defenders” and that is because they are skilled at taking care of the people they love. They are
usually generous, compassionate and devoted. Refusing their help, especially in an irritated way, can make them feel
totally deflated and awkward. But sometimes, their help is neither wanted, of no value nor desired.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Sighs a lot.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batter. They are often capable of being politically correct, mostly to avoid upsetting anyone. They can read their environment most of the time and know how they should behave in order to keep the peace. They value a sense of harmony in their environment and so they will be very politically correct if they need to. They do not want to hurt anyone’s feelings and so they often adjust in order to avoid this.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Inspirational and the Developer. This is because these two will burn down anything to see the flames and they will step on anyone to reach the top. And they are both excellent at that.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The fact that people are so selfish and mean. So many people in this world never help others out. They act without any regard for politeness or what is socially acceptable. It is not that difficult to be a decent or kind person in the Practitioner's eyes.
Why the Practitioner will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 5 of 6 options. Integrity.
Sadly, integrity, strong ethics and conscience seem to be the things of the past. In a society built on greed, selfishness and hypocrisy being a person with a sound moral code can be a real struggle.
When one refuses to tolerate certain behaviour or to take advantage of others, the peron with integrity chooses a difficult path. It is a disappointing fact that it is much harder for a person with strong ethics to become successful and navigate life in today’s world. They will not act according to what is convenient but will always follow their set of principles, even if it means making unfavourable decisions.
For one with high integrity, it can also mean that they have high expectations of others. They will treat others with honesty and kindness and will expect them to do the same. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When others lie or try to exploit for their purposes, this will not be tolerated. This attitude may form a reputation of a person who is impossible to work with or deal with.
And this could be the reason why people do not like a person of integrity. Remember, no one likes inconvenient people. But at the same time, they are much more difficult to be take advantage of.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Practitioner is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I get sick of the Practitioner's passive-aggressive nature that sits behind a kind exterior. They do not like the games I play with them when holding them to account in a conflict situation. They do not get that I do not care who I upset".
14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Under performing; letting others down; being nagged;
lack of honour.
∑ They often hate being forced outside of their comfort zone without some sort of practical instructions. They are not
afraid of trying something new, as long as they are able to research it beforehand.
∑ They always want to work hard and grow in their career, but dislike being tossed into an unknown situation. They need to be
allowed to fully understand a subject or task before they are forced to dive in.
∑ They are often great at pretty much anything they do but they require time to study and learn beforehand.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for being narrow-minded and old fashioned.
This pattern is very deliberate and they do not change their mind easily. Once they settle on a decision or perspective, it might as well be set
in stone. Generally speaking, they are very practical and tend to be very cynical about trying new ideas and may even prohibit others from doing so.
They may stubbornly continue using methods and procedures long after they have become outmoded because they do not feel the need to fix what is not
broken. There may be better, faster ways of doing things but they may often be reluctant to change their well established systems and routines
until they really have to.
It is not wise for the Objective Thinker to make everything into a grand spectacle of their own ability.
Also not good if the Objective Thinker has step by step instructions on how to go about judging and criticizing others.
Oxor Main Hate™: Tons of change. The Objective Thinker's motto might as well be “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” They like routine and the tried-and-true methods because there is a precedent for success and therefore a low failure rate. They can deal with one change at a time if it is truly needed. However, if their significant other wants to consider a move and kids, for instance, or their boss wants them to tackle a new project and travel interstate to wrap an old one, they get overwhelmed and frustrated. The Objective Thinker will ask: "Is this really necessary?" "Maybe, maybe not". Although they are introverted and would rather do than talk, they are well advised to articulate their needs and desire to do one fcuking thing at a time.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just make everything into a grand spectacle for the Objective Thinker. And you will be hated.
The Objective Thinker is naturally shy and they put stock into doing things the right, humble way. This does not mean they do not want acknowledgment for the things they do, merely that they will not appreciate it if your praise feels like an empty yet ostentatious display of your own abilities.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "I Cannot Help It! It is Just How I Am!" "You Should Smile More!" "You just didn’t try hard enough."
"Are you sure?" "Calm Down!" "I’m a (Personality Type/Astrological Sign) So That’s Why I Do X." "What’s Wrong? Talk to Me!"
(At the Last Minute) "Sorry I Can’t Make It!" "What’s Your Opinion On X? Wait, That’s Not Nice!" "Whatever."
Refusing to be accountable for your actions because “that’s just how you are” is a major way to get on an Objective Thinker's nerves.
They are are all about personal responsibility, honesty, hard-work and the willpower to do what needs to be done.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Moves away.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. They are more interested in being honest and accurate, so sometimes they can struggle to be completely politically correct. They can often learn how to be politically correct, since they are capable of understanding situations and what is appropriate. Most of the time they can adhere to the needs of the environment, especially if it is the polite and appropriate thing to do. While they are capable of this, there are times when people politically correct is going to be neglected in order for them to be accurate.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Promoter and the Inspirational. The Objective Thinker returns the dislike in both cases. They are continually annoyed by their seeming disrespect for any and all rules and authority and their lack of focus and organisation.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
All the unnecessary change that happens seemingly every day. The Objective Thinker can understand the need to improve society and all the genuine faults it has, but why change a logo that nobody has complained about? Why change the layout of websites when the old layout was perfectly fine?
Why the Objective Thinker will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Objective Thinker may take a while to get used to and comfortable with the Enhancer’s unconventionality, but the relationship drastically improves once they do. "I virtually only pick Objective Thinkers as my friends since I learned Disc over 20 years ago".
15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Lack of intelligence; emotional perspectives;
scientific stagnation; invalidating ideas.
∑ They actually care very much about their loved ones, but this can be a real hot button for them at times. Feeling that
they have to enter into a social situation because it is the “appropriate” thing to do, is truly something that they hate.
∑ They dislike having this sort of pressure placed on them especially since they often prefer being alone.
∑ They hate walking into a situation where people pre-judge them before getting to know who they are, which also makes them
hate feeling that they have to prove this person wrong.
∑ They will truly despise having to perform monotonous tasks, or fit into a job where they do not belong or do anything
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for questioning or criticizing people’s assertions.
This pattern can acquire haters for a number of reasons including for their lack of interest in joining social events with others.
The most common type of disdain that they may incur,however, may come as a result of their tendency to question people who expect
them to simply accept or comply. They generally lack a sense of reverence for authority and are strongly compelled to challenge
anything they think is wrong or about which they do not understand the justification. People who have authoritarian complexes
or lack the ability to explain the reasoning and logic for what they claim will not appreciate being put on the spot by the
inquisitive Perfectionist.
The Perfectionist does not listen to others.
They cannot remember anything about anybody as all available space in their memory is taken up by
video games or knowledge gained through study or experience. They also cannot fix anything.
Oxor Main Hate™: 'Meaningless' activities. The Perfectionist does not squander energy; everything they do works into the bigger picture of their goals and dreams. Even if obsessed by science, they might also take business classes to launch their own startup centered around an invention of yours. They may be reading self-help books to just get a handle on the human stuff a bit better, since they can feel hopeless at times. The Perfectionist cannot be bothered with what they deem truly 'meaningless' activities, such as staying on top of celebrity gossip. They are well advised to remember that their brain does not always need to chug along at a million km per hour, though. Reality TV could very well be the break that will recharge their mental battery. They should try it before they knock it.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just do not listen to the Perfectionist. And you will be hated.
The Perfectionist is the natural 'professor' and this means that they will have topics or stories that they feel like they need people to know. This does not mean they need rapt attention and perfect silence all the time, just that you do not pick up your phone while your eyes glaze over the minute they start talking.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "Because I Said So.", "That’s Just The Way It Is.", "Why Aren’t You Talking?", "Did You Hear What (Random Friend) Did?",
"Yes Or No, You Don’t Need To Explain.", "Hurry Up and Decide!", "Hey, I Know You’re Reading, But..." "Why Didn’t You Notice My Haircut?",
"Let’s Have a Heart-to-Heart Conversation.", "Get Out Of Your Head!"
The Perfectionist has very little respect for rank or people who choose to pull it. Respect must be earned, not automatically given
based on a title or position. Telling them this line is sure to bring you under their scrutiny and dissent.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: Shuffles their feet.
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. They can sometimes struggle with political correctness, since they have a hard time avoiding accuracy in order to be sensitive. Their words can sometimes seem a bit tactless, but that is not their intention at all. They simply believe in being accurate and honest and want to do their best to spread the truth. They believe in being as precise as possible and so this can sometimes be the opposite of being politically correct in some situations.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
9 - The Specialist and 8 - The Counselor. The Perfectionist hates irrationality and when too much importance is placed on feeling by some of the introverted Feelers. The Counselor would simply appear as some kind of joke while the Promoter's endless flow of ideas would have their respect. The Perfectionist has some similarities to the Agent. The Specialist would probably get the prize of the most disliked.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
All extraverts. Seriously, the idea of people who can not only deal with the chaos of the outside world, but actually THRIVE in it is completely alien to them, especially given how obnoxious and irritating people can be.
Why the Perfectionist will be hated by others:
The Perfectionist does not listen to others.
The Perfectionist cannot remember anything about anyone as all availabe space in their memory is taken up by
video games or knowledge gained through study or experience. Cannot fix anything.
Why the Perfectionist will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 6 of 6 options. High Intelligence
The Perfectionist is always the top of the sixteen patterns when it comes to intelligence. Intelligent people often feel misunderstood and rejected. Even the greatest geniuses in history had to go through this, including Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. Often highly intelligent people are quite eccentric and lack social skills. They are deeply passionate about the specific niche of their interest which may be unpopular or difficult to understand for those around them. This is ‘Intellectual Loneliness’. It is when a highly intelligent person feels alone because they struggle to find someone of a similar intellectual level to discuss their ideas with.
They also do not easily conform to the unwritten social rules and want to delve into the essence of things instead of settling for superficiality. For all these reasons, highly intelligent people may encounter social rejection.
But why don’t people like them in the first place? Because their intellect is intimidating. After all, no one likes to be challenged or feel intellectually inferior. Highly intelligent people may be labelled as snobs or weirdos while, in reality, others just cannot understand them. It is our unfortunate natural tendency to perceive things and people we do not understand in a negative light.
But the Perfectionist will hate you for the following key reasons:
▼ When you tell them what to do;
▼ If you display some sort of self entitlement;
▼ You make accusations and assumptions that are not supported;
▼ You are overly emotional;
▼ You treat them like a child;
▼ If you try to become too familiar;
▼ Putting too much pressure on;
▼ Jumping head first into situations you know little about
▼ Being entirely negative;
▼ Intruding on time;
▼ Contradicting yourself, being hypocritical or blindly sticking
to your own thoughts as if it were a religion, saying we are the ones wrong because
we do not fit into your ideals. (SJW's - take note)
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Perfectionist is drawn to the Enhancer's intelligence and practicality. Brainstorming is always fun between these types, but the Enhancer will always try and get something useful from the interaction to solve a problem. The Perfectionist enjoys being part of that process with the Enhancer, the process of creating a new idea by just thinking and talking. "I only just tolerate the Perfectionist as they cannot balance perfectionism with completion".
16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?
Majik They Hate Guide™: This pattern will hate these: Ignorance; flippant behaviour; made to feel stupid;
∑ They hate having to perform certain required tasks such as attending a government office. If they feel that
inefficiency is wasting their time they will become very frustrated. While they understand that these things have to be done,
they often can think of a million ways to improve upon the situation.
∑ They often hate having to follow certain social constructs such as gift giving or receiving. They might find these ideas
meaningless and would much rather come up with helpful ways to show appreciation.
∑ Theys want things to be done in a well thought out way, but having to participate in something that seems pointless and lazy -
that is truly going to be something that they hate.
∑ They can also become angry if they have to work in a group and are forced into doing this.
Majik Hated Guide™: This pattern will be hated for narcissistic elitism.
This pattern is one that is stereo type associated with villainous masterminds in TV shows, novels and movies. In real life, they
may only resemble villains in their contempt for the stupidity of society and their favour of objectivist principles. Being
While being an Enhancer does not mean being cold, heartless or uncompassionate, but that is the way they can come across. Many espouse
views and attitudes that suggest they see themselves as a lot smarter competent and intellectually superior to most people.
This tends to be true and definitely can put off some people.
The Enhancer is aloof and a loner.
They never has time for anything as they are always busy with 'work', no matter what their definition of 'work' actually is.
They do not argue as they are always correct. They door slam others and that other person is destroyed as if by converting
them into vapour (or they watch the self-vapourization) as if they never ever graced the earth's surface.
Oxor Main Hate™: Surprises. The Enhancer loves to plan their life and likes routine. Everything gets pencilled into the Google Calendar weeks or months in advance so they know how to navigate their to-do list while still fitting in friends, family and hobbies. They plan to be spontaneous next week. With this in mind, they HATE surprises that throw their entire daily or weekly 'working model' off-kilter. An example of this might be the doctor changing the appointment time 28 minutes prior to the appointment time that was made 3 months earlier. Or keeping the Enhancer waiting for 30 minutes as the doctor is not yet even in the building. They will be ruffled no end if a friend says they are in the neighborhood and wants to drop by but also if your partner plans a surprise getaway for the weekend. They are well advised to just remember that a the Promoter, Agent, Inspirational, Perfectionist, Results, Achiever, Counselor and Specialist operate better with spontaneous decisions and open-ended plans. It is therefore good practice give and take and sometimes grin and bear it. This will be a lot easier for the Enhancer who is an Oxor™ graduate or disciple. The Enhancer will never fit into the mainstream, let’s be real here. Others cannot stand the Enhancer's brutal honesty if the other person feels insecure about their own knowledge base or self-esteem. Also, their tendency to cross-question in the attempt to establish exactly what the other person is saying, again especially if the other person has low/insecure self-esteem or is an idiot. Also, the Enhancer's lack of social skills, especially if abused or restricted by overbearing parents and never had a chance to learn what it is like to be loved and respected and treated kindly. The Enhancer easily and naturally mimics others in the outside world (Se, perhaps), meaning that if the people rearing them are rude and uncivil or abusive toward them, they instinctively interact with others in this manner. Most people, including the healthy well-balanced person, hates the person who treats them this way. They cannot handle another person telling them what they “should” do. It feels like an order. For example, the line “I urge you to focus on the positive side of the issue,” from an Enhancer about an issue that was none of their business never goes over well. Telling what to do about their own business is overstepping their own business and is disrespectful. A key feature is they, the Enhancer, does not actually ever want to fit in. They are proud of being themselves.
Causing hate - the easy way:
Just give the appearance to the Enhancer that you are easily swayed. And you will be hated.
The Enhancer sees the world mostly in black and white and dislikes people who cannot take a stand even on the most basic issues. They respect people who show the courage of their convictions but it must always be based on undisputed facts. If they see you as being weak-minded they will never rely on you and will almost certainly have a negative view of you. They are the loners, after all.
Trouble for you generator™: Say "You Do Not Know What You Are Talking About.", "You Think Too Much.", "You Need to Lighten Up!",
"You Should Smile More.",
"Because This is How It Has Always Been Done", "You Need to Go Out More.", "I Just Decided to Pop Over!", "Here, Let Me Show You How It Is Done.",
"That Will Never Happen."
The Enhancer is extremely analytical about what they say. They ponder, switch perspectives, look at different angles and consider the logic carefully.
You might want to be careful before assuming they do not have a clue as they usually have. They also will door slam you if you fail to prove that you are
not an idiot. All the above expressions have been heard by Oxor™ and you now know the outcome of you use them. Your successful application
to be a non-person has been approved.
Why not make the effort to pick their pattern and avoid this?
Your reaction when you hate the other person: "Goodbye."
How politically correct is this pattern and why:
Calls the batsman the batsman. Always; from now until the end of time. That said, they do try to be politically correct in situations where it can help them convey their point to their advantage. They simply prefer to be direct and accurate, which can sometimes cause them to be tactless. They do not really like having to focus on saying things a certain way, especially at the behest of the social justice warriors, instead they focus on being honest and precise. For them it is important to get things done and to spread the truth where they can. If they have to constantly obsess over saying things the right way, it can leave them feeling a bit annoyed.
Patterns that they do not like and why:
The Enhancer does not really have enemies and does not have many close friends either. They understand every personality type and do not condescend to hate any of them. They probably think of others as noisy, all over the place, slight entertainment factors and very gullible. However, the Enhancer is automatically suspicious of those who do not take responsibility and this is more likely to be some folk in the patterns of 5 - Persuader, 7 - Promoter, 10 - Investigator and 11 - Agent.
Here are some attributes that the Enhancer dislikes; you have been warned:
▲ Surprises
▲ Having someone make decisions for them
▲ Ordering the Enhancer to do something that was already planned. It may or will be abandoned
▲ Receiving gifts; as the Enhancer would be forced to reciprocate
▲ Small talk and gossip
▲ Attacks on intelligence, competence and integrity especially by people who are
stupid, arrogant, opinionated and / or closed minded
▲ Manipulation
▲ Insincerity / lying
▲ Interference with alone time
▲ Time wasters
▲ Lateness
▲ Incessant talkers
▲ Celebrities. e.g. the Royal family
▲ Incorrect grammar and word usage
▲ Summary - a worthwhile strategy to follow accordingly is: Be brief, be bright and be gone.
What confuses this pattern and why? Content may offend:
The fact that, in the modern world, so many people still believe in a supposedly immortal man made up thousands of years ago at a time when modern science and medicine was nonexistent. And not just him, but all the mythology surrounding the man too, including the whole concept of Santa Claus delivering bicycles down chimneys of houses, including those without a chimney.
Why the Enhancer will not be liked by others:
Reason 1 of 6 options. It is not the case that introverts are not likable. However, it is true that people tend to underestimate the good qualities of introverts.
One issue from the school years is that the ‘show and tell’ approach is favoured not just in schools but in our society in general. Introverts rarely find themselves in the spotlight because they do not talk for the sake of talking. They only speak when they have something meaningful to say. Neither do they open up to people easily. One will never find an introvert sharing the story of their life to someone they have just met.
Importantly, introverts can only handle a limited amount of social contact. Too much interaction leads to emotional exhaustion also known as the ‘Introvert Hangover’. They will withdraw and may not pick up your calls or accept your invitations for some time.
These introvert behaviours are often misunderstood and lead to numerous misconceptions about these patterns. Introverts are mistaken for being conceited, rude or just plain antisocial. For this reason, many people do not like introverts and favour more open and easygoing folks.
However, if people do not like someone because of their introversion, the introvert should never forget that there is nothing wrong with them. They should not strive to become someone they are not – terrible things happen when an introvert tries to make themselves into a social butterfly. Forced communication will only bring unhappiness and will overwhelm.
An introvert needs to be sure that the right people will like and appreciate them. They will want to get to know others on a deep level. And this is much more powerful than being liked by everyone.
Reason 3 of 6 options. Strong and Independent Personality
Strong personalities are often intimidating. So if they wonder, ‘Why don’t people like me?’ the answer could be that they feel intimidated by their dynamic personality.
If one is a mentally tough person, they believe that when hardships knock at the door, it is time to act rather than to give in to complaining or blaming others. This is because instead of dwelling on failure, they prefer to focus on working out a solution.
Strong personalities always take full responsibility and expect others to do the same. When others try to avoid it with excuses, they may become pretty harsh with these people. For this reason, they may come off as insensitive because they do not tolerate drama and whinging.
Strong people also tend to hide their emotions as they often regard them as a weakness. They may be quite guarded and avoid opening up to others easily. For example, they will not share personal issues with co-workers or participate in workplace cliques and corporate gossips. Thus, people may confuse them for being emotionally unavailable and indifferent.
Being strong also equals being independent, which includes knowing who one is and feeling no need to prove anything to others. Strong personalities do not try to earn other people’s validation and acceptance. While this attitude is powerful, it can be easily misunderstood and push people away.
Reason 4 of 6 options. Non conformist.
It is natural for human beings to like and trust what is familiar to them. It is no secret that we find it easier to relate to people who are similar to us. For this reason, those who live unconventional lifestyles, have unusual looks or, most importantly, think in a different way often get rejected.
People do not like those who are different because at the subconscious level of our minds, we associate familiar with safe. That is why normal (aka ordinary) tends to be perceived as good. So if one feels that people do not like them, their unconventional way of thinking could be to blame. Maybe some of their ideas or views are too uncommon and scare people away because they cannot understand or relate to them.
But there is also another aspect of being a non-conformist. It could be that one refuses to conform to other people’s expectations of them. The non-conformist knows what they want and do not let anyone take advantage of them. It is the opposite of being a people-pleaser. Thus, if people do not like the non-conformist, it could be because they are not convenient for the other person. And that is a good thing.
It is a powerful quality in today’s conformist world and the non-conformist should cherish it. They are not afraid to stand out of the crowd; not with behaviour such as dying your hair blue. It is about having the courage to hold your ground and to have an unpopular opinion.
Special section for the Enhancer - all fellow Committee Members should read!:
The Enhancer is often surrounded by inexperienced and / or incompetent people who think their own way of doing things is the best way, even when clearly it is not. They care about some, but certainly not all, of these people and do not want to see the selected folk fail. They will chip in and try to be helpful, offering advice, answers, etc. Then they get ridiculed for their offerings, or there is some pushback or resistance to the advice or the facts or whatever it is. Nobody likes what advice given, nobody really wants to hear it at all. Was it simply the tone of voice that that was not liked?.
The Enhancer’s advice is often not taken or, if it is, then they certainly do not get any credit for the assistance. Then if the advice is not taken and the project is a clusterfcuk, these same colleagues always come back later when everything has indeed fallen apart and demand answers. “What do I do now? The Enhancer is supposed to know everything, aren’t they? HELP ME!” Notice no 'please'. It is as if these loons would rather take the frustration for their own failures to listen out on the Enhancer, the only person who bothered to offer help to them in the first place.
But even more frustrating is these loons never seem to figure out either that they need to work on their own selves and get smarter and that an Enhancer actually knows what they are talking about as if they did not they would keep their mouth shut. They never seem to figure this out and always default to assuming the Enhancer knows nothing, or is being eccentric, only to come back again shortly after begging for help. Over and over again.
That constant brick wall of other people’s stubbornness and incompetence, alongside never getting one iota of credit the actual help or never being trusted as the person who does actually have a brain does get old. It might be one of the reasons your friendly Enhancer just retreats further away from Committees into their own world, because of not being appreciated at all.
A brief summary for the cohort.
The Enhancer is a misunderstood Maverick. They are often misunderstood due to their unconventional approach to life. Their strong desire for logic and rationality can make them seem cold or detached in social situations. This can rub some people the wrong way and lead to misconceptions about their true intentions.
The Enhancer is a strategic mastermind. They are natural-born leaders who possess exceptional problem-solving skills. They have a knack for seeing the big picture and developing innovative solutions. However, their confidence and assertiveness can sometimes be perceived as arrogant or condescending by others, creating a barrier between them and people who prefer a more collaborative approach. They hold others to account.
The Enhancer is a solo artist and lone wolf. They thrive on independent work and often prefer solitude to group activities. They value their personal space and find solace in their own thoughts. This inclination towards solitude can make them appear aloof or uninterested in social interactions, creating a divide between them and those who thrive on constant social engagement.
The Enhancer is brutally honest. They value honesty above all else and have little patience for sugarcoating the truth. While their straightforwardness can be refreshing, it can also come across as blunt or insensitive. Some people might find it difficult to handle their directness, leading to strained relationships.
The Enhancer is has perfectionist tendencies. They have an inherent drive for perfection and excellence in everything they do. This can make them highly critical of themselves and others. Their constant pursuit of improvement may be seen as demanding or unyielding by those who prefer a more relaxed approach to life.
Why do people dislike the Enhancer? Some musings
They could not care less about your petty judgments or your simplistic opinions of them.
Ego plays a significant role in why many people may feel some aversion towards the Enhancer. We all have egos,
shaped by our experiences and maturity as we grow. Some people have a clearer sense of self than others,
while some struggle to understand themselves as well as others do.
The Enhancer appears to possess a strong ego, not in terms of size or arrogance, but in their deep self-awareness.
The Enhancer exudes a confidence that many aspire to have.
Most people dislike being outdone. Despite their ego objections, the Enhancer arguably appreciates their
intelligence better than most, displaying healthier self-esteem and security. Despite this, some mistakenly
label the Enhancer as arrogant or elitist, which is often untrue. [Refer WJL - you know who you are.]
Those who dislike the Enhancer likely struggle with low self-esteem. People with poor self-perceptions
often subconsciously seek to belittle others. The Enhancer, being self-aware, tends to recognize this dynamic
and remain unfazed by narrow-minded opinions or fragile egos.
Many find the Enhancer incredibly attractive. They possess a magnetic aura and a mysterious allure that can
be quite captivating. Their discerning nature adds to their appeal, offering an ego boost to those who catch
their attention.
"Nothing is sweeter than being loved by someone who dislikes everyone." This sentiment underscores the
unique appeal of the Enhancer. Their multifaceted personalities, including their dark humour and confident
demeanor, contribute to their seductive charm. They exude a sophistication that is hard to resist and
many cannot help but admire their charisma.
Anyone who dislikes the Enhancer must either be misguided or simply unaware. They are undeniably intriguing,
possessing a sophisticated allure that never fails to captivate. It is clear that they have a certain
swagger and Oxor™ is definitely a fan.
E. Hunter™, the Enhancer, may be an attraction or otherwise?:
The Enhancer is not particularly drawn to the Enhancer. "I do not know another Enhancer and I reckon there would be issues as there can be only ever be one Captain and that would always have to be me." Every pattern has its pros and cons and the Enhancer is no exception. While some may find their unique traits off-putting, others appreciate their intellectual prowess, problem-solving abilities and unwavering dedication to their goals.