September 19, 2023
Heart or Head or Gut Rank - 1 is most heart; 16 is most head; from 7 to 10 is gut.
8/16 = GUT.
E Hunter™ comment:
Uses their GUT a lot. As long as change is not involved.
Superpower: "Shape Shifting."
Belief in Supernatural: Very connected to the physical world but they are also connected to their own
inner emotions and beliefs and can often be more open to new things and might even find themselves becoming
very spiritual.
Open or Closed Minded Rank - 1 is most open; 16 is most closed.
8/16 = OPEN.
What kind of dare devil?: The playful and creative daredevil. Leaving their profession to
pursue a life of being an artist, musician, fashion designer or athlete.
Emotional Intensity (EI), Intellectual Intensity (II), and Creative Intensity (CI)
Rank - 1 is low, 10 is high.
Rank and E Hunter™ comment: 8/6/8 - The Specialist feels their emotions all day long, but they do not
like to engage with them. Many of the artists in the world are Specialists. The more “wisp-like” ones
are generally of more abstract thought. Modern art is both a good and a bad thing, but lovely for the Specialist.
Cognitive Bias™: The Barnum Effect. This is what happens when interpreting specific validating details out of
vague ambiguous statements. This is construing a general statement that could apply to anything or anyone as having a
very particular and pointed meaning. The most common examples of this may be horoscopes and psychic readings and
possibly Oxor™. People with this bias do not realize that they are validating baseless statements by filling in the
gaps themselves. The Specialist may be susceptible to naively drawing false conclusions and connecting dots that
should not be connected. Because they are creative and open minded, they may be susceptible to believing in
unrealistic and irrational suggestions and the ploys of conniving swindlers.
Sarcastic, but true, cognitive functions:
1. Introverted Feeling - The independent artist who only cares about expressing their inner self to the world.
2. Extraverted Sensing - The impulsive trend-setter who chases fun and beautiful things just to live in the moment.
3. Introverted Intuition - The kid who longs to find their one true calling because they really have no direction in life.
4. Extraverted Thinking - The rebellious confrontational child who secretly wishes they have more control over their life.
Instructing Style™: Feels awkward.
Green Flag™: Let them express themselves freely.
Go to their pattern
September 19, 2023
Heart or Head or Gut Rank - 1 is most heart; 16 is most head; from 7 to 10 is gut.
1/16 = HEART.
E Hunter™ comment:
Uses their HEART a lot. Confuses facts and beliefs.
Superpower: "Visions of the Future."
Belief in Supernatural: More sensitive to things they cannot see since they are well connected to their intuition
and is most likely to communicate with spirits.
Open or Closed Minded Rank - 1 is most open; 16 is most closed.
10/16 = CLOSED.
What kind of dare devil?: The accountant who works incognito inside the banking system in order to
tear down the system within and create a more equitable world. Somehow has time for a social life.
Emotional Intensity (EI), Intellectual Intensity (II), and Creative Intensity (CI)
Rank - 1 is low, 10 is high.
Rank and E Hunter™ comment: 10/8/7 - The Investigator is generally wonderful, though if they engaged their
solutions they would have a higher CI score. Sometimes more internally scornful than they need to be
towards themselves and others. Can read people like a book they have read a hundred times. Can be tactless.
Have a reputation as the premier door slammer.
Cognitive Bias™: The Sunk Cost Fallacy. This is described as an irrational commitment to an objective
or goal that is no longer desired or worth pursuing, but is done so only because of the time and resources already
invested into it. Rather than cut one’s losses and move on to other opportunities, emotional attachment accumulated
from the effort and time invested toward it’s acquisition actually skews judgment making it more difficult to
turn away even when it is in their best interests to do so. The Investigator is said to have difficulty breaking
away from unhealthy relationships and have a tendency to hang on longer than they should. They may believe it is
a rational decision to avoid throwing away the time and energy already invested in a person but, in reality, their
sentimental idealism may be obscuring them from seeing the truth.
Sarcastic, but true, cognitive functions:
1. Introverted Intuition - The psychic who knows what is best for everyone more than they know themselves, obviously.
2. Extraverted Feeling - The empathetic vampire who instinctively absorbs emotions from everything that breathes.
3. Introverted Thinking - The perfectionist who is obsessed with finding the right place, the right time and the right everything.
4. Extraverted Sensing - The restless anxious child who escapes reality by going on a spree of watching twenty episodes of
a series in a row.
Instructing Style™: Feels awkward.
Green Flag™: Show them that you are not afraid of a spiritual connection.
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