Situation - You are observing people engaged in interference
This page tells what happens if you have got that annoying aunt Gwynneth interfering or you are actually the annoying aunt Gwynneth who is doing the interfering.
Prerequisite: You should know your own Disc pattern.
This page may cause some distress to some viewers. Our experience is that not too many people like what they consider to be bad news - "I don't interfere!". We have seen it all, in our composing of this site and the over 45 years of business experience of Elizabeth Hunter™. With practical backing thanks to Aunt Gwynneth.
You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
1. Interfering and the Director - ESTJ
The Dictator
As the Interferer: The Director can sometimes interfere especially if it seems like things are not going to plan. If someone they care about is struggling greatly, they often have a hard time holding back. They are problem solvers and natural leaders and so simply standing back and watching is not easy for them. They will often interfere if it seems like they are needed, especially when someone they care for is in need of their help. They will do this even if they are not asked, but their intentions are sincere.
As the Interferee: Will resist especially if it involves their ideas and methods.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will continue to always want to get your own way. You will continue to separate the wet and dry rubbish despite the fact that you have been told that it is collected by the same truck."
2. Interfering and the Developer - ENTJ
The Opportunist
As the Interferer: The Developer does not like having to interfere but there are times when it happens naturally. When someone they care for expresses that they are struggling, they usually respond by trying to solve the problem at hand. They are good at problem solving and can use their intuitive abilities in order to figure out the best possible solution for them. They are often factual people who will give a direct and informative response, but this can sometimes feel like interfering when others did not request their help.
As the Interferee: Do not like it at all.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will only interfere selectively and not appreciate when you are told what to do as that is interference by someone else."
3. Interfering and the Results - ESTP
The 'You Only Live Once' Boss
As the Interferer: The Results does not usually like interfering, but they do give advice and helpful information. They are logical people who try to spread the facts wherever they can. If someone close to them is making mistakes because of lack of information, they will do their best to provide this information for them. While they might give unsolicited advice, they rarely do much else to interfere. They do their best to give people the freedom to make their own choices without stepping in and taking over.
As the Interferee: Strong personality fends off this possibility.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will continue to take charge and take risks without interfering. Others may need an overdose of the confidence syrup to interfere with you."
4. Interfering and the Inspirational - ENTP
The professional corrector
As the Interferer: The Inspirational rarely interferes with the lives of those around them. Instead they want to give them space to make their own choices. While they can give unsolicited advice, they are not likely to actually interfere themselves. They will simply give the information they have available to them and will allow those people to make their own choices. They do not like having to step in and interfere; they would much rather mind their own business and respect having a certain level of freedom in their lives.
As the Interferee: Unlikely to be in this position a lot.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will not be in the Inferference Olympics at all."
5. Interfering and the Persuader - ENFJ
The Pied Piper
As the Interferer: The Persuader does not want to interfere in a negative way and dislikes appearing clingy in any way.
Having said that, ultimately it can difficult for them to keep out of their loved ones business. If someone they care for is
getting themselves into trouble or making poor choices, they will want to step in and help. Their intentions are good most of
the time and all they really want to is to see others happy. They might have a hard time holding back when they can see the
best way to solve the problems of those around them. They definitely interfere fairly often, but this comes from a place of
deep caring. Sometimes they 'hover', which can be very offputting.
However they are natural manipulators and do so without even realizing it in the best-case scenario. In the worst-case
scenario, they will be consciously manipulating. For 'the greater good'. In their opinion.
As the Interferee: Does not like it.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will be seen as the well intentioned serial pest. You are likely to become hoity toity and pretentious if your suggestions are not followed. As most of your interference in the past has turned out less than satisfactory solutions, others will tire of you. These folk would be well advised just to let your boat float away as far as possible. This pattern is the market leader of interferers and smotherers, just like Aunt Gwynneth."
6. Interfering and the Appraiser - ESFJ
The Zach Morris
As the Interferer: The Appraiser can sometimes interfere when it seems like their loved ones are in need. They care about others deeply but can have a hard time stepping back and watching them make mistakes. They can be a little bit pushy when it seems like they need to be in order to make things right. They do not do this to be controlling, instead they intend to be helpful and supportive. They truly want to help their loved ones become happy and so they sometimes they feel the need to interfere in order to make this happen.
As the Interferee: Seem to go okay without others interfering.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will limit your interfering within a family setting. All of us think that this is a good thing."
7. Interfering and the Promoter - ENFP
The First-World Saviour
As the Interferer: The Promoter really does not like interfering and prefers to give people space to make their own choices. They dislike when others try to interfere in their lives and so they want to grant others the same freedoms they personally desire. They are not often fans of trying to tell others what to do and would rather keep to themselves in this regard. They can often become annoyed when people want to push others around and make their choices for them since this just is not how they normally operate.
As the Interferee: They are rarely still enough for this to eventuate. Unlikely to want advice from others, especially if it involves facts.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you are best left alone. If toxic, you interfere in a way that makes others uncomfortable. Interference can be evident when they want a favour, after which they never reciprocate."
8. Interfering and the Counselor - ESFP
The Flibbertigibbet
As the Interferer: The Counselor does not often interfere, since they want to give their loved ones the room to make their own choices. They will give their opinions and share their thoughts on various subjects and can even be a bit nosey at times. While they will often make their feelings very clear, that does not mean they will step in and alter the situation themselves. They try to avoid actual interference, unless it is something very serious and it seems like they really need to step in and help.
As the Interferee: They are there at the party.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will have a reputation as a 'nosey parker' and meddle.
9. Interfering and the Specialist - ISFP
The Esoteric Artist
As the Interferer: The Specialist rarely likes to interfere in others’ lives, instead they just want to be supportive. They believe in giving people space to make their own choices, even if they are making mistakes. They are free-spirits and so they dislike feeling restrained or held back. When they feels trapped it can be truly miserable for them and so they would never want to do this to someone else. They prefer to allow people to make their own decisions, and so they rarely interfere.
As the Interferee: Probably not required.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will give all other patterns a breather and not interfere which is very good thing."
10. Interfering and the Investigator - INFJ
The Unicorn
As the Interferer: The Investigator usually does not like interfering, especially when people do not ask for it. They do however, have a tendency to give facts and information where it might not be requested. They are simply factual people, who respond to most situations with information instead of simply listening to someone complain. If their loved ones are struggling and they share this with them, their normal response is to solve the problem. This is not done in a pushy manner, they simply want to be helpful and problem solving is how they do this.
As the Interferee: A difficult prospect for the Interferer.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will trot out facts and information when they are actually beliefs. This pattern can repeat and repeat themselves. Repeating of incorrect information or bagging on about what car you drive that they do not like can be annoying. There is always a risk of the Investigator executing the famous door slam."
11. Interfering and the Agent - INFP
The Sensitive Druid
As the Interferer: The Agent often does not like interfering in others people’s business and they especially do not like it when nosey people try to interfere with theirs. They are past masters in meddling with other people's affairs. They usually do not feel a strong need to try and interfere and prefer to allow people the freedom to be themselves. They often feel like trying to interfere can actually be harmful to others, making them feel like they cannot make their own choices. They do not seek to change their loved ones and often just want to listen and be there for them. The only time they are likely to interfere is if someone they love continues to make highly immoral choices and they will simply struggle to remain silent. When they can appear like a busybody, it is only when they are trying to understand someone better. This is when they want to learn about someone new who they might be romantically interested in, since they value being able to understand this person. They can appear to be the nosey parker when lonely and miserable, which can be most of the time.
As the Interferee: Does not like nosey parkers.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will interfere if there is something going on that you do not like. This might be noise from a pesky neighbour or someone who you think may be a problem. But, to be fair, that is more like the Chronic Complainer™. This miserable complainer is never satisfied and will always find something wrong. Woe is me!"
12. Interfering and the Achiever - ISTP
The Mysterious Commitment-Phobe
As the Interferer: The Achiever is not likely to interfere, especially when it is clearly not their business. They prefer to give people their freedom since this is something that is important to them personally. They often avoid interfering in other people’s lives and will give them space to make their own mistakes. They do not usually have a controlling nature and so they do not feel a strong need to make sure everything is run perfectly. While they might interject to give the facts, they will let people do what they please with that information.
As the Interferee: They will be too busy fixing something using their preferred methods.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you are not in the interfering business."
13. Interfering and the Practitioner - ISFJ
The Martyr
As the Interferer: The Practitioner does interfere sometimes, especially when it seems like their loved ones are in need. They have a hard time holding themselves back if it seems like someone close to them really needs their help. While sometimes this can be frustrating for others, their intentions are pure. They simply want to be there for the people they care about and will work hard to provide for them. The happiness of others is truly important for them and, because of this, interfering might be necessary sometimes.
As the Interferee: Seem to resist it.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will continue to interfere in your extended family's affairs. This is particularly good news for those who are not part of your family."
"You wouldn’t worry so much what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do."
14. Interfering and the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
The Square
As the Interferer: The Objective Thinker does not usually like interfering, but there are times when they do. If they see someone struggling to get things done they might step in and try to take care of things themselves. They have a hard time watching things fall apart around them, especially when it comes to their loved ones. They do not want to be pushy or nosey, but sometimes it can be hard for them to hold themselves back. If they witness a serious struggle they will likely interfere just a bit in order to finish the job properly.
As the Interferee: Those close can influence rather than interfere. Seems to block out unwanted interference.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will continue to only interfere on a highly selective basis."
15. Interfering and the Perfectionist - INTP
The Data Junkie; The Warmest Robot
As the Interferer: The Perfectionist rarely tries to interfere in other people’s business, especially if it is clear they do not want them to. Sometimes they can interfere inadvertently, when someone is simply turning to them for support they might find themselves trying to help solve their problems. They are natural problem solvers and are more comfortable responding to emotions with logic. If someone they care for is struggling with a problem they might respond with information and helpful ways for that person to improve their situation, even though it might be unsolicited.
As the Interferee: Puts up with it and takes little notice.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that participation in interference will be at a very low level."
16. Interfering and the Enhancer - INTJ?
The Nerd Emperor; The Coldest Human
As the Interferer: The Enhancer usually does not like interfering, especially when people do not ask for it. They do however, have a tendency to give facts and information where it might not be requested. They are simply factual people, who respond to most situations with information instead of simply listening to someone complain. If their loved ones are struggling and they share this with them, their normal response is to solve the problem. This is not done in a pushy manner; they simply want to be helpful and problem solving is how they do this.
As the Interferee: The Enhancer is the most self sufficient of the 16 patterns and cannot wear others' interference at any price, especially if uncalled for.
E. Hunter Observations of Experience:
"I foresee that you will continue to operate with your legendary suit of armour and high walls and totally push back on being subjected to interference. As for others being interfered with, you will say that they can take on whatever they want."