If you have ever observed this behaviour, you may well been dealing with someone who has a high conflict personality.

When dealing with someone who may have budding legal or fairly minor dispute, it can feel as if the world has come crashing down around you. Attacks from the 'other side' (the aggrieved party) can be relentless and accusations proliferate. These accusations can start making you question your own sanity, especially when the courts and professionals start taking them seriously if it gets that far. You may feel you are constantly having to convince others that you are not actually the person the 'opposing party' has accused you of being or you have not done the things that are alleged. You may not even be involved.

But imagine that you about to be served a summons, a letter of demand or fronted by a whinging customer who just wants something for nothing? Which pattern is more likely to do this?

There is no easy answer to managing, in whatever way, a legal conflict with a litigious person. Assistance may be required from experts, counsellors, friends and family to help you stay strong through the conflict if you are involved as the defendant or even just as an observer. Be prepared to try different techniques and suggestions to resolve the conflict. Accept that your dispute may take longer to resolve than others of a similar nature, simply because of the behaviour pattern of the litigant.

Litigants who take legal action at the drop of a hat, or a complaint about about a product or service may be considered to be essentially taking the stance of a lawyer.

Conducted and composed by Litigant Stratton Oakmont™ - Last Update April 11, 2021

Stratton Oakmont™ had one remarkable downfall which was caused by perennial industry traits: hubris and competition.
What is his behaviour pattern?


1. Director - ESTJ

Shared Stereotype: Rule Maniac.

Estimated likely litigant: Extreme.

Common Litigious Technique: Try to get something for nothing for the most trivial reason. Sue anyone at the drop of a hat. Tactics are pragmatic and practical in every sense.

Aim as Litigant: Winning. To crush your soul with no mercy.

Discussion: Any merchant is fair game. Never, ever, sell anything to the Director, ever. They like to control their environment. This includes objects and people. They do not respect other people’s boundaries. They over reach in order to assert dominance and control over people. They have a lack of desire to harmonize with others. But they go in hard. When their tactics fail, they usually enact their defence mechanisms. This includes the silent treatment, stone walling (partial answers to questions or one word responses when clearly more is required), ghosting (they disappear or move with no notice) or they pretend it never happened.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson: SUITABLE. The foreperson is 'the person with the strongest personality'. The average jury foreperson is someone who is identified as a thinker, who looks for evidence and a logical explanation, seeks a resolution, and must establish structure. If on a jury need to go against their personality and automatic tendencies. As dominant needs to listen fully to others and try to minimize dominance.

Suitability as the Attorney: SUITABLE. Is your friend. If they are not your ally, they are your enemy. Whatever you do, make sure you speak so as to not offend, condescend or tick them off.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Director will quickly gain the reputation of a very good operator who is universally loathed by all of their suppliers as they are so pedantic on minutiae for which they always want a freebie or discount. They are not generally humble people and enjoy expressing a sense of pride, confidence and maybe hubris. They do not want to be viewed as weak, so they are very open about their accomplishments and success. See you at the Tribunal, Comrade.


2. Developer - ENTJ

Shared Stereotype: Thrives off the misery of others.

Estimated likely litigant: High.

Common Litigious Technique: Tactics are to persist, even if unreasonable.

Aim as Litigant: Bully. All or nothing but with intent on winning. The end justifies the means.

Discussion: Prefer to control their environment through detailed schedules and contingency plans; they also love making lists and will use them as an agenda. Spite, vindictiveness and vengefulness will likely be the only thing achieved. Will put others down - e.g. "Oh, I am a narcissist to you, perhaps, a person that has never done much of anything - I simply am discussing a matter of great importance to me, the culmination of 30 years worth of work. Something I am passionate about - I sincerely apologize for having interests outside of Netflix and the news".

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson: SUITABLE. The foreperson is 'the person with the strongest personality'. The average jury foreperson is someone who is identified as a thinker, who looks for evidence and a logical explanation, seeks a resolution, and must establish structure. If on a jury need to go against their personality and automatic tendencies. As dominant needs to listen fully to others and try to minimize dominance.

Suitability as the Attorney: SUITABLE. Is your friend. If they are not your ally, they are your enemy. Whatever you do, make sure you speak so as to not offend, condescend or tick them off.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Developer has a pervasive pattern of grandiosity need for admiration and a lack of empathy. You will think you are dealing with a bully and you actually are. They also have fiery tempers and can use their quick wits and cold hard logic as a weapon to humiliate and silence their opponents. They want their high rise development approved even if the beach will be in the shade.


3. Results - ESTP

Shared Stereotype: Just leave them be.

Estimated likely litigant: High.

Common Litigious Technique: Con-artist. May often exhibit more criminal and / or violent traits. A pervasive disregard for the law and for the rights of others is front and centre. Prefers to be more adaptable and will always keep their options open.

Aim as Litigant: Crush the other party.

Discussion: Uses lists as more of a rough framework as opposed to a must-do agenda. A last minute "winging it" approach may make all judgers (All opponents xxxJ) anxious. They can mitigate by providing a judger with concrete milestones and advance notice of deadlines, whereas the judgers should not be micromanaging and imposing detailed timetables on a Results.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson: SUITABLE. The foreperson is 'the person with the strongest personality'. The average jury foreperson is someone who is identified as a thinker, who looks for evidence and a logical explanation, seeks a resolution, and must establish structure. If on a jury need to go against their personality and automatic tendencies. As dominant needs to listen fully to others and try to minimize dominance.

Suitability as the Attorney: SUITABLE. Is your friend. If they are not your ally, they are your enemy. Whatever you do, make sure you speak so as to not offend, condescend or tick them off.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Results will hire the best legal minds. They are excellent manipulators, who have no issue with swindling, cheating or lying to get what they want. They have no concern for the feelings and values of other people and stifle any moral considerations that enter their minds. The action of D. J. Trump over the eligibility of ballot papers at the 2020 US Presidential election is a world class example of the methodology and style of a Results taking legal action.


4. Inspirational - ENTP

Shared Stereotype: Thrives off the misery of others.

Estimated likely litigant: High.

Common Litigious Technique: Cunning. Can be arrogant, dishonest and self-centered. They may lie, trick or steal from individuals in an effort to get what they need to achieve their next goal. And then be in total denial of any wrongdoing. Prefers to be more adaptable and will keep their options open.

Aim as Litigant: Prove that they are 0.0001mm inside the rules and the spirit of the rules.

Discussion: Uses lists as more of a rough framework as opposed to a must-do agenda. A last minute "winging it" approach may make judgers (All opponents xxxJ) anxious. They can mitigate by providing a judger with concrete milestones and advance notice of deadlines, whereas the judgers should not be micromanaging and imposing detailed timetables on an Inspirational.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson: SUITABLE. The foreperson is 'the person with the strongest personality'. The average jury foreperson is someone who is identified as a thinker, who looks for evidence and a logical explanation, seeks a resolution, and must establish structure. If on a jury need to go against their personality and automatic tendencies. As dominant needs to listen fully to others and try to minimize dominance.

Suitability as the Attorney: SUITABLE. Is your friend. If they are not your ally, they are your enemy. Whatever you do, make sure you speak so as to not offend, condescend or tick them off.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Inspirational will debate any issue. Be very careful in ensuring that what they have committed to do is actually done. "That was not my understanding". "The permission was granted a few years ago, so it must apply today".


5. Persuader - ENFJ

Shared Stereotype: Wears their heart on their sleeve.

Estimated likely litigant: High.

Common Litigious Technique: Social engineering. Baiting, Scareware, Pretexting, Phishing, Spear Phishing. Starts by making very good impressions in party-type situations, although sometimes they might be perceived as too loud, demanding and uncontrollable.

Aim as Litigant: As real empathy is rare, the Persuader requires constant thrills or conflict and constantly shifts with the tide of cultural and social trends. e.g. The 'Me Too movement'. They want to be known as the agent for social change.

Discussion: Has excessive sensitivity to perceived 'rudeness' or failure to respect the other party's preferred cultural or organisational customs. This may be combined with aggressive responses by way of implied threats of brute force.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Persuader gives a surface appearance of respecting the cultural standards of negotiation, but implies that refusal to accept their 'offer' would be quite unpleasant for the recipient. dramatic, overbearing, and manipulative. They like to influence and push people to conform to their opinions and 'vision'. Their way is always the best way and anyone who disregards their 'friendly' advice is treated with passive-aggressive bullying. Masters of cancelling others in the woke environment.


6. Appraiser - ESFJ

Shared Stereotype: Rule Maniac.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Manipulative, controlling and prone to gossip.

Aim as Litigant: N/A.

Discussion: One of the sweetest people you will ever meet. They tend to be retrospective, decisive and friendly. They might at times say a praise to themselves, but mostly it is because they have not received praise in a very long time. They adopt the beliefs of the people around them and bully anyone who lies outside of that value system.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Appraiser seems not to be one who takes action in the complaints department. Or if so, does it in a very low key fashion. They are easily angered over any perceived slight or anything that takes the place of their attention.


7. Promoter - ENFP

Shared Stereotype: Wears their heart on their sleeve.

Estimated likely litigant: Extreme.

Common Litigious Technique: This pattern has four techniques:
1) All or nothing thinking. They operate in extremes - the good is just too good and the bad is just too bad. Have a split between their outward persona and their frequent private angry behaviour. Can be manipulative, self-absorbed and disloyal. They believe the world revolves around them and their interests and ideas. They only care about others in terms of how much they can get out of them.
2) High risk takers. Do not have much respect for others and cannot see the consequences of their own actions. When their own actions upset them, they will often feel like the victim and carry on like a pork chop.
Example: Do not know when the game is up. e.g. Get off a charge that their dog was caught by the Ranger, but waste the court's time that the Council was engaged in revenue raising and receive a criminal conviction and a good behaviour bond. [Real life example].
3) Dominate and hurt other people. Just be totally vile and obnoxious. Constantly threaten action of some sort.
4) High-intensity emotion with few facts and little focus. Example: At a crowded restaurant, claim that the wine has some contaminants in it, when that may not be the case. This is to receive a free bottle. Embarrass all within earshot.

Aim as Litigant: Plays the victim. Keeps their options open.

Discussion: Often lively and dramatic, they tend to draw attention to themselves and may initially charm new acquaintances by their enthusiasm, apparent openness or flirtatiousness.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Promoter is fact free. Often perpetual trouble. Some are worthy of consideration of being totally ignored. Masters of cancelling others in the woke environment.


8. Counselor - ESFP

Shared Stereotype: Just leave them be.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Global, general communications style. They make arbitrary judgments with little focus on the specifics of an event or concept.

Aim as Litigant: Keeps their options open. Plays the victim.

Discussion: They might be exhibitionistic and seductive, placing excessive reliance on physical appearance. Some believe that they are the ess, aitch, one tee. They love talking about themselves and their experiences. Good looking ones especially think the world revolves around them and can often be bullies and not really care about the consequences as they think everyone would back them.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: Logical arguments and / or constructive criticism are dramatically shunned.


9. Specialist - ISFP

Shared Stereotype: Just leave them be.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Blame others. This is ahead of taking personal responsibility.

Aim as Litigant: Preserve the status quo. May behave as a social extrovert to try to win.

Discussion: In litigant mode, may exhibit less of a connection to ethics, values or personal standards. Disconnected from others and their feelings. May have a more reckless and hedonistic behaviour to get their point across. The pattern most likely to get angry and show it, as well as being most likely to get angry and not show it.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: Experience says they are likely to cave in to the pressure of the boss, or equivalent, when an idea they have gets knocked back or when change is implemented which is too much for them to handle. Are not swayed by logical arguments or reasonable discussion.


10. Investigator - INFJ

Shared Stereotype: Wears their heart on their sleeve.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Determination. Can be manipulative, scheming and self-righteous. They seek to fulfill their vision for the future and will go to any lengths to reach this. Even if it means deceit, underhanded deals and trickery.

Aim as Litigant: One they have made their mind up, that's it. May take up an issue with the merchant but maybe not any further into the legal system.

Discussion: They should not be micromanaging and imposing detailed timetables on a perceiver (xxxP).

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: Can be very persuasive if their determination is focussed. They are usually fine with letting other people have their way. However, these tendencies can lead them to become passive e.g. letting other people make their decisions for them. Masters of shutting people out of their lives.


11. Agent - INFP

Shared Stereotype: Wears their heart on their sleeve.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Invoke drama, seduction and an insatiable desire for attention. They can be self-absorbed, self-righteous and waver between being passive and extremely judgmental.

Aim as Litigant: Backs their ability to 'wing it' to get their way.

Discussion: Gifted in the area of arts; creative and indecisive but unlikely to end up in court.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: Dislikes tension and fighting. Sometimes may avoid speaking up for something they want or need because they do not want to cause a problem or hurt someone’s feelings. Sometimes, it is just easier to withdraw.


12. Achiever - ISTP

Shared Stereotype: Just leave them be.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Logical, experience-driven approach. Uses their rather enjoyable wit. Has an appreciation for risk and action.

Aim as Litigant: Wants to get their point across; usually with a merchant or a recalcitrant member of a Committee or a boss, or similar.

Discussion: Never get on their bad side because they would win the vote of being the most likely of all the patterns to become extremely and uncontrollably angry. This may often be to the point of violence, with the environment most likely to be a workplace or meeting with a formalised structure. If you cross them, those who have seen it first hand will tell you that hell hath no fury like an Achiever scorned!

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: They have a long fuse and they have a shocking temper. You need to be aware of this if you are the defendant, or in a lesser role. They will generally apologise afterwards but the damage has been done and their reputation etched in stone.


13. Practitioner - ISFJ

Shared Stereotype: Rule Maniac.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Passive-aggression. But unlikely to get to court.

Aim as Litigant: To stop the conflict. To sweep the issue under the carpet.

Discussion: Often their self-esteem needs a lot of work and there is no getting around it. When they are asked to get in front people or speak up in a conflict setting they are frozen in time and cannot move. They need people to speak for them and would rather hide under a rock than confront a person or an issue. Self-esteem is essential as it gives them the confidence to get out there and get what they want in life and it makes them stronger when bad situations occur. Having no, or low, self-esteem will make them an easy target for bullies and people to take advantage.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Practitioner cannot handle conflict. The third most likely pattern to suppress their anger. They may seem friendly at first but, underneath their soft-spoken demeanour, they are manipulative and passive-aggressive. If you rebel against tradition or interrupt their practiced routine, they will shut you out of their life without a second thought or find underhanded ways to get you demoted or punished. That seems to eliminate court appearances.


14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Shared Stereotype: Rule Maniac.

Estimated likely litigant: Very low.

Common Litigious Technique: There is only one right way to do things and that is their way or the way of their authority figure. Unlikely to get to court.

Aim as Litigant: To prove their argument with facts.

Discussion: The Objective Thinker could display a number of traits to be antisocial. Lack of interest in other people, or relating to them; a tendency to look after oneself at the expense of other people; dismissive of other people’s feelings or ideas without trying to understand them; Judgmental of others rather than themselves; may have difficulty communicating thoughts and feelings to anyone.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Objective Thinker is more likely to stay calm than lash out. Rule follower. Unlikely to give any trouble.


15. Perfectionist - INTP

Shared Stereotype: Thrives off the misery of others.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Have more evidence and information on the issue than Google, the poor merchant or the defendant.

Aim as Litigant: To get to the bottom of things.

Discussion: They may pride themselves on being extremely direct and unconcerned with social niceties, only to offend people they care about or who care about them. At work and in life they want most of all to avoid being interfered with. They will go to extreme lengths to be left alone.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Perfectionist is the customer from hell and is a walking bulltish detector. When stressed or overwhelmed, they may feel very angry on the inside but they are the fourth most-likely pattern to suppress it.


16. Enhancer - INTJ

Shared Stereotype: Thrives off the misery of others.

Estimated likely litigant: Low.

Common Litigious Technique: Varies from doing nothing, balancing the cost with the amount in dispute and spending a huge amount of time to waste the other side's time and resources.

Aim as Litigant: To extract revenge.

Discussion: They are high achievers; that is never in no doubt. However, they seem to really lack the emotional and empathy side of things. They can be so focussed on their work that in the end, they honestly do not care and will lash out at whoever is in their way. They will be super rude and bully without even realising. Some of them seriously just really do not care at all because they think they are the best and anyone else that tries to get in their way will be shut down.

Suitability as the Jury Foreperson and if on the Jury: NOT SUITABLE. Will let the dominant foreperson assume power and will either allow the to take charge (without complaint) to avoid the burden of speaking and extroversion, or to avoid conflict in general. The collaborators, compromisers and avoiders will often shrink away from the foreperson if a member of the jury. If on a jury need to have the courage to speak even when uncomfortable.

Suitability as the Attorney: NOT SUITABLE.

E. Hunter™ comments: The Enhancer can be a very good operator despite the reputation of not being a 'people person'.
