When I am stuck, I reach for the E. Hunter Majik Matrix™

The Majik Matrix!

This section is for the advanced cohort.

You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Here are all the sixteen patterns in our unique E. Hunter Majik Matrix™.

Here are all the sixteen outlines. Click on All sixteen outlines.

Conducted and composed by Purebred Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update August 17, 2021

E. Hunter Majik Matrix™:

Senses →
Extraverted or Introverted ↓
Sensing (S) Intuition (N) Thinking (T) Feeling (F)
Extraverted (e) To make this function happy, the person wants experience. They want to interact fully with their environment and be able to make an impact. They want to go whitewater rafting or get in the car and drive without a destination. They want to immerse themselves in the opportunities, beauty and thrills available in the present moment.
To make this function happy, the person wants ideas. They want to generate possibilities and innovative new ways of doing things. They enjoy change, risk, novelty and adventure. They crave freedom and a sense that tomorrow is unknowable. To make this function happy, the person wants accomplishment. They are energised by meeting objectives, getting things done and finding the best way to accomplish something. Creating order and efficiency in their environment give great pleasure. To make this function happy, the person wants unity. Whether it is reading a book or talking with a friend they get satisfaction from understanding other people’s feelings and values. They enjoy working with people to create unity, harmony and a feeling of shared purpose.
Introverted (i) To make this function happy, the person wants immersion. With specialisation, they enjoy tinkering with hobbies, mastering a skill and repeating it. They enjoy meaningful routines, rituals and practices that give a sense of inner comfort and well-being. To make this function happy, the person wants meaning. The search for meaning in abstract concepts, philosophies and symbolism. They see everything in the tangible world as being connected in complex and hidden ways and the goal is to understand those connections. To make this function happy, the person wants precision. The search for truth and accuracy are the guides. They want to understand the logical processes behind how things work and want to discard inaccurate or biased thinking from the mind in order to live with truth and clarity. - To make this function happy, the person wants individuality. They are energised by getting in touch with their own values, ethics, ideals and desires. They believe in being true to their feelings and wishes in life, even if that makes them a misfit.
Temperament →
Characteristics ↓
Idealists (NFs) Guardians (SJs) Rationals (NTs) Artisans (SPs) Primary
Wants Structure 5 - Persuader - ENFJ
The Teacher
1 - Director - ESTJ
The Supervisor
2 - Developer - ENTJ
The Fieldmarshal
3 - Results - ESTP
The Only Live Once Boss
Wants to Start 7 - Promoter - ENFJ
The Advocate
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ
The Provider
4 - Inspirational - ENTP
The Inventor
8 - Counselor - ESFP
The Entertainer
Wants movement
Wants to Finish 10 - Investigator - INFJ
The Sage One
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ
The Examiner
16 - Enhancer - INTJ
The Mastermind
12 - Achiever - ISTP
The Craftsman
Wants movement
Wants to be in
the Background
11 - Agent - INFP
The Dreamer
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ
The Protector
14 - Perfectionist - INTP
The Professor
9 - Specialist - ISFP
The Artist
Temperament →
Interaction Style ↓
Idealists (NFs) Guardians (SJs) Rationals (NTs) Artisans (SPs)
∗ Abstract
∗ Affiliative (Social and
emotional bonds)
∗ Interested
∗ Concrete
∗ Affiliative (Social and
emotional bonds)
∗ Systematic
∗ Abstract
∗ Pragmatic (Practical as
opposed to idealistic)
∗ Systematic
∗ Concrete
∗ Pragmatic (Practical as
opposed to idealistic)
∗ Interested
Temperament →
Definitions &
Characteristics ↓
Idealists (NFs) Guardians (SJs) Rationals (NTs) Artisans (SPs)
Endless Social Possibilities
Focussed on Future
Searching for 'Ideal'
Focussed on Past
'Should Do'
Long-Term Memory Experience
Future Thinkers
Systems and Possibilities
Live in world of 'What If?
Test Rules
Test Traditions
Live in the Moment
Mechanical Aptitude
Temperament →
Reaction to
Conflict ↓
Idealists (NFs) Guardians (SJs) Rationals (NTs) Artisans (SPs)
Programmed to facilitate harmony
in the lives of others.
Have feelings of guilt and blame disproportionate to objective reality when they upset or disappoint someone,
or do not help others when they know they can help, but may not want to.
“If is not said nicely, it is not nice.”
Hate facts, hate being held to account,
hate accepting responsibility.

Automatically prioritizes how people may or will feel about what is said and done.
Extraverted - Collaborative - I win, you win.
Introverted - Compromising - I win some and I lose some.
Extraverted - express disapproval immediately when someone is breaking a rule (e.g. cutting in line, lateness, noisy in library).
Introverted - automatically bothered by such behaviours, but may not be as direct in expressing their disapproval.

Automatically prioritizes rules of conduct, if others are behaving appropriately.
Extraverted - Competes - I win, you lose.
Introverted - Avoids - I lose, you lose.
Programmed to experience emotions within objective parameters of cause and effect.
If something said or done does not make logical sense, it is automatically rejected as invalid.

Automatically prioritizes the logical consequences of an act or intention.
Extraverted - Competes - I win, you lose.
Introverted - Accommodating - You win and I do not mind losing.
Adapt to the constantly changing variables of immediate sensory experience.
Need freedom to respond or create in the moment, as the moment dictates, without reference to others.

Automatically prioritizes the dictates of immediate sensory experience.
Extraverted - Collaborative - I win, you win.
Introverted - Compromising - I win some and I lose some.
Reaction to
Conflict ↑ Temperament →
Idealists (NFs) Guardians (SJs) Rationals (NTs) Artisans (SPs)