Observing just how unhappy (miserable) or happy someone is; or their attitude to illness; or how bone fcuking lazy they are; or how two-faced they are;
or are they the dream crusher; can make it easier for you to pick their pattern

Les Miserables™

We start with a quotation from Richard Depue, Professor of Human Development in the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University who says: “Rewards like food, sex and social interactions as well as more abstract goals such as money or getting a degree trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, producing positive emotions and feelings of desire that motivate us to work toward obtaining those goals. In extroverts, this dopamine response to rewards is more robust so they experience more frequent activation of strong positive emotions”.

Headline: Essentially extroverts will tend to be happier than introverts.
That is, Patterns 1-8 are more likely to be happier than Patterns 9 to 16.

A miserable person is someone who is chronically unhappy, cannot and refuses to feel joy and resents it when others are content.

Question: Who do think is the most miserable? - 'Write' your answer here!

The snide comments on this brilliant page are acknowledged.
They are designed to offend, but are eerily correct. Viewer discretion is advised.
They are written under the pseudonym of Stratton Oakmont™, the corrupt former US stockbroking firm, featured in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Oxor™ follows the advice of the legendary US investor, Warren Buffett: "Hang out with people better than you, and you cannot help but improve.
If you hang around with people who behave worse than you, pretty soon you’ll start being pulled in that direction."

Oxor™ follows sage advice in that to deal with the Dream Destroyer™ is to get your own fcuking glass. The top five in this dubious category are Agent, Perfectionist, Investigator, Specialist and Practitioner.

A more remarkable resource is the theory "7 ways to maximise misery". The cohort love this when they are studying patterns 9-16 especially.
We focus on the most miserable: These are the bottom five in the rankings which is roughly following the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule.
The Agent, the Perfectionist, the Investigator the Specialist and the Practitioner: Click here.

These miserable five are modest little men, with a great deal to be modest about.

So, basically, everyone should be aware of all the lower rankees from their world! Our key thought is to combine the miserable with their propensity to complain.
You can find out more at Complaints - Whinging Poms and More™
One classic example is from an Agent who had recently disposed of their car. And complained to all and sundry that they are unsure on how they will cope now that it is gone. Oxor™ says that is the Agent's own doing but the Agent will never ever be happy. Oxor™ further advises to remove the Agent from your life - and do it today without hesitation.

You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update January 12, 2023


1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?

The Director is the Border Collie

George W Bush

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 1/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They do it their way!

When ill: The Director works fervently from their sick bed, on their laptop, while internally scolding their immune system for not trying harder. They bring work home, lock up the house and still manage to be more productive than 90% of the population.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 17.30%; 14/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Very likely to give up on their goals, very unlikely to give up on their job.

Example: They go ahead and set up more rules when people do not obey the rules they initially hated.

Laziness Rung™: 16/16. They have already completed the task.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 8 of 8 with the Developer. WYSIWYG.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Executives.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Guardian.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Passionate about making the minimum wage.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Stop Resisting. (Passive resistance of arrest).

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Snitches (informs; tells tales; tattletales) on fellow employees for smoking dope in the bathroom. Would most likely shoot an unarmed police officer who is out on patrol, keeping the peace in the village. Happy and gets things done - 'that boss'; loathed. Why? Top of the charts - Micromanages, Plodder, Anal-retentive, One-step-at-a-time, Painfully unimaginative, Uncreative, "Inside the box" manager.


2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?

The Developer is the German Shepherd

Nancy Pelosi.

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 2/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They do not care who they upset!

When ill: The Developer rests for about 30 minutes, decides that is enough self-care and then gets back to work. Thinks that giving into sickness is a form of weakness, but are also logical enough to know that a nap (even if it’s a 10-minute power-nap) is vital. They drink a green smoothie, battle away at the to-do list and pretend that they do not feel that migraine throbbing right behind their eyes. Like Maximus, the gladiator, they fight a war between their body and their psyche. They are determined that their mind will win against fatigue, infection and pain. They alter their perspective on this experience as a test of their strength and willpower. They will overcome!

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 24.46%; 7/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Very likely to give up on their job, very unlikely to give up on their goals.

Example: They complain that no one listens to them while shouting opinions onto people who are presenting their opinions.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Commanders.

Laziness Rung™: 15/16. They have a thousand lackeys that will get it done for others. Not themselves.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 8 of 8 with the Director. WYSIWYG.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Rational.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Heartless and cold; just like your ex-wife.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Big Dick Energy, but envious that the Results and Counselor rank 1 & 2.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Considers genocide when things do not go their way. Is a slut for capitalism. Deleted feelings.exe from their operations many years ago. Very low on Laziness Rung™ as bullies others to get things done. Prince Philip was sometimes a brat and became a little bit of a miserable and grumpy old man. He was also a fiercely intelligent sort which helps to explain why he was so impatient with his limited role in the scheme of things.


3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?

The Results is the Jack Russell Terrier

Donald Trump

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 7/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They bulldoze and take risks!

When ill: The Results pops some drugs, chugs along on energy drinks and carries on with a business as usual basis. If it is not terminal, what is there to complain about? They pop a couple Mucinex and continue their snowboarding adventure. Nothing is going to slow them down. This is just another opportunity to demonstrate their strength against opposition. Unfortunately, they sneeze in the middle of performing a backflip, fall and break their neck.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 14.32%; 16/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Slightly above average chance they will give up on their job, slightly below average chance they will give up on their goals.

Example: These people are 70% of the ones smoking while promoting health care.

Laziness Rung™: 8/16. They would rather get someone else to do their homework or task.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 3 of 8 with the Inspirational.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Entrepreneurs.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Artisan.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Error: Brain not found.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Frat Boy 'alpha male'.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Either very small or very tall. Has probably had sex with your mother, your cat and your uncle. Good at sport. Eats four tablespoons of extreme gain protein powder for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Another one who masks laziness by getting others to do things.


4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?

The Inspirational is the Bull Terrier

Henry Kissinger

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 6/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They see themselves as 'cuddly'!

When ill: Develops a plethora of strange new medicines that they test on themselves, ultimately extending their sickness for weeks longer than necessary. “Mind over matter” is their mantra when sick – or really any time at all. They try to distract from their misery by doing what they do best: Brainstorming. How can they turn being sick into a GOOD thing? Are there any resourceful uses for vomit? How can they transcend physical weaknesses? Eventually, they will be burned out and worried that this time they are ACTUALLY dying. They will go to the store and buy 2 dozen herbal supplements, Gatorade and a random collection of comic books and science journals. When home will write out your will in case the worst happens.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 23.75%; 9/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Slightly above average chance they will give up on their goals, slightly below average chance they will give up on their job.

Example: When someone does not want to argue, they think that the solution is to argue about why arguing is cool.

Laziness Rung™: 7/16. They may spend more time arguing about a task than actually doing it.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 3 of 8 with the Results.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Debaters.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Rational.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Heartless and cold, just like your ex-wife.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Crackhead Sociopath.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Considers arguing to be foreplay. Definitely likes the sound of their own voice. Keeps carcasses in the basement. The most likely to be stabbed in prison with a home made knife. Princess Anne is very outspoken and quick-witted; an Inspirational. Her spontaneity is what makes her so fundamentally different from Princess Diana and she took every chance she could to rub this difference in (making the late Diana miserable in the process).


"You cannot fatten the pig on market day."

John Winston Howard OM AC, 1939 - 25th Prime Minister of Australia (Pattern - Inspirational ?)

5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?

The Persuader is the Boxer

Nelson Mandela

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 5/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They have the human touch!

When ill: The Persuader maintains their commitments with a sunny face, not wanting to burden other people with their sickness. Then goes home and crashes hard. Selflessness is next to Godliness, right? Or was that cleanliness? Either way, they have got plenty of giving and cleaning to do while under the weather. They will meet obligations, while being careful to cough into their elbow and sanitize every surface they touch. People will keep looking quizzically telling them to “please go home and rest,” but they will just smile, sneeze and gasp emphatically that it’s “nothing.”

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 25.25%; 6/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Very likely to give up on their job, very unlikely to give up on their goals.

Example: They tell everyone to calm down while losing their own sh one t.

Laziness Rung™: 13/16. Okay, fine, they will do it. But they have 1000 other interesting projects that are really cool.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 1 of 8 with the Appraiser.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Protagonists.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Idealist.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: People who would buy sand at the beach.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Oblivious Nice Guy.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Has responded to hot singles in their local area. Uses their final three brain cells on compliments. Empathizes with ants. Too many things on the go. If anyone matches King Charles III for being miserable, it would have to be Diana. Brought into the Royal Family through her marriage to Charles, she found herself more than a little overwhelmed. Beneath that, she had the heart of a Persuader. She was particularly attuned to the emotional needs of others exemplified by her desire to raise William as someone who will be more attuned to human emotions than the rest of the Royal Family seems to be.


6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ

The Appraiser is the Great Dane

Sarah Palin

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 3/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. Happy disposition at all times!

When ill: The Appraiser tries to get better as quickly as possible so that they can take care of any friends or loved ones who have also caught their bug. Goes into full quarantine mode so that they will no get anyone else sick. They cook chicken noodle soup, steep herbal tea and listens to soothing classical music while chatting with friends on social media. They do whatever they can to get better as quickly as possible so that they can take care of whomever else is under-the-weather.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 17.13%; 15/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Very likely to give up on their goals, very unlikely to give up on their job.

Example: They have the ability to bring cookies to bring all the gossip out.

Laziness Rung™: 14/16. They will do it but they are likely to come up with a nice song and dance while they are doing it.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 1 of 8 with the Persuader.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Consuls.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Guardian.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Passionate about making the minimum wage.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Doormat.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Does not know how to say 'no'. Got sorted into Hufflepuff House, one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Loyal to everyone that breathes. Has the anxiety, apprehension or insecurity of a teenager. Hard to motivate from laziness into action, particularly for tasks that are boring to them.


7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?

The Promoter is the Golden Retriever

Ellen DeGeneres

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 8/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They are happy going around in circles!

When ill: Refuses to rest or relax disbelieving that this will help them get better. Goes about day to day life as usual, making everyone they encounter sick in the process. Tries to ignore the fact that they have a body and consider themselves walking and talking imagination. They go about their day, occasionally puzzling over why they are not in the greatest mood or ideas seem more out of reach than usual. Eventually passes out on the couch while watching random YouTube videos.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 25.30%; 5/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Slightly above average chance they will give up on their goals, slightly below average chance they will give up on their job. Neurotic - emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress. More likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Their negative emotional reactions tend to persist for long periods of time. This can diminish their ability to think clearly, make decisions and cope effectively with stress. Affected by other people’s moods; Need to withdraw during busy days; Startle easily; Changes in life shake them up.

Example: When they feel something little is showing, they show every single part of it but when it is something big, they conceal it well.

Laziness Rung™: 5/16. The more people tell a Promoter to do something, the less they want to do it.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 4 of 8 with the Counselor.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Campaigners.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Idealist.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: People who would buy sand at the beach.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Senior Politician's Busty Secretary.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Their opinions change faster than the Melbourne weather. Has a season ticket to Disney World and tells everyone about it. Walked into a lamp post while daydreaming. The most unreiable as a trillion things on the go; none finished.


8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP

The Counselor is the Poodle

Sir Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr)

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 4/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They are the life of the party!

When ill: Texts all their friends that they are dying and asks who wants to come over for a movie night. Energetic and social, sickness can majorly depress but only if they let it. As a master of their own fate, they concoct a way to get all social needs met while still tending to self-care. Remembers that popsicles are good for a sore throat, so they stock up the freezer and invite all their sick friends to join them. They pass Tylenol shots, watch the funniest comedies they can find and compete at making the most comfortable blanket forts imaginable.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 18.98%; 13/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Slightly above average chance they will give up on their job, slightly below average chance they will give up on their goals. Neurotic - emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress. More likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Their negative emotional reactions tend to persist for long periods of time. This can diminish their ability to think clearly, make decisions and cope effectively with stress. Affected by other people’s moods; Need to withdraw during busy days; Startle easily; Changes in life shake them up.

Example: They will do any sensory stuff, other than actually helping society work consistently, while still wanting to be liked.

Laziness Rung™: 6/16. They will do it, but not straight away. They want to have fun first.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 4 of 8 with the Promoter.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Entertainers.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Artisan.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Error: Brain not found.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Britney Bitch.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Gets turned on by rap music. Has plans to get a sugar daddy to pay for a luxury lifestyle. Has had oral sex for a happy hour cocktail. Hard to manage to get things done.


9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP

The Specialist is the Saint Bernard

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 13/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. Cannot cope with change!

Research says ranked highest in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reporting stress associated with finances and children. The Specialist might just snap and decide to cut the other party off without warning.

When ill: Secretly revels in having a socially acceptable excuse to stay home and do their own thing for a week or so. Netflix, cozy blankets, and favourite hot drinks. These three things are essential when under the weather. They close their door on the outside world and comfort themselves with as many body-pampering rituals as they can find. Hot baths, essential oils and a “FRIENDS” marathon, anyone?

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 24.22%; 8/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Likely to give up on their job, unlikely to give up on their goals. Neurotic - emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress. More likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Their negative emotional reactions tend to persist for long periods of time. This can diminish their ability to think clearly, make decisions and cope effectively with stress. Affected by other people’s moods; Need to withdraw during busy days; Startle easily; Changes in life shake them up.

Example: They dislike not being understood; plus not being able to decide what to be.

Laziness Rung™: 2/16. When they are not obsessing about work and money, they are talking about investing, business and projects. They are just not into doing anything else. They are easygoing and like to take every day as it comes. They dislike pressure or the thought of doing something just because of doing it. They can be active, sporty and alert but they do not respond well to obligation.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 6 of 8 with the Agent.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Adventurers.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Artisan.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Error: Brain not found.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Homeless Since 2013.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Not surprisingly, has a degree in Fine Art. Their middle name is 'danger'. The connoisseur of slang and terrible jokes. They cannot spell their own name. "It is the most unhappy people who most fear change." Both miserable and lazy - 13/16 for happiness paired with 2/16 for laziness. Unemployable, basically. You have found your fourth most miserable Dream Destroyer™.


10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?

The Investigator is the Greyhound

Adolf Hitler

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 14/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. But a bit harsh!

Research says ranked highest in being dissatisfied with their marriages, intimate relationships, stress associated with work and school. The Investigator absorbs the emotions of others around us, so being around upset people makes them upset. They are also constantly used as therapists and people tend to overlook their kindness. Another angle is that the Investigator no longer fits in with modern society.
In modern society morals have no meaning - shagging is on after two drinks; superficial (and often false) success means everything; people can be as shallow as a puddle but if they can convince everyone else with their popularity and fame, then they will continue to reap undeserved rewards. e.g. Megan and her bick dick'd lover.
This is in conflict with the Investigator as they are guided by an inborn sense of idealism and morality. They are loyal to the core. Though soft-spoken, they have very strong opinions and will fight tirelessly for an idea they believe in. They can confuse beliefs with facts. They are decisive and strong-willed, but will rarely use that energy for personal gain. They appreciate depth in individuals and their worst nightmare is having inauthentic shallow conversations with others.

When ill: Avoids medication unless they absolutely have to take it, but stays home to rest and recoup. No way are they going to let others see them in a vulnerable state. Being sick gives them the opportunity to block out all the noise of the external world and take care of themselves....after they have taken care of everyone else, of course. They apologize to everyone they might have inadvertently infected, hand out blankets and hot drinks to everyone in their immediate vicinity and then collapse in their room. At this point, they are too exhausted to read all the books they imagined reading and watch all the movies they imagined watching. They crawl into bed, pull a blanket over their head and try to turn off their brain so they can get some shut-eye.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 32.10%; 2/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Extremely likely to give up on their job, extremely unlikely to give up on their goals.

Example: When finally opening up to someone saying how much they cannot take people and then find that they are left making the surprised face.

Laziness Rung™: 9/16. They would rather think about doing a task rather than actually doing it.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 2 of 8 with the Practitioner.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Advocates.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Idealist.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: People who would buy sand at the beach.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Writes smutty fan fiction. Talented in hand to hand combat. The protagonists best friend in every young adult book. "The Investigator is a modest little man, with a great deal to be modest about." Tends to be sick, idealist rather than a doer, miserable. You have found your third most miserable Dream Destroyer™.


11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?

The Agent is the Tibetan Terrier

John Lennon

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 16/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. Permanently miserable at all times. "I do not want to complain, but..." actually they do just that. "Not happy......" Their glass is always half empty! Heed Warren Buffet's advice: "Hang out with people better than you, and you cannot help but improve. If you hang around with people who behave worse than you, pretty soon you’ll start being pulled in that direction." A great utterance was heard form an Agent last year: "All my ice cubes are wet".
In real life, I have no Agents in my inner circle and that will remain.

Research says the Agent is also ranked lowest for life-satisfaction and ranked second highest in dissatisfaction with their marriages and intimate relationships. It is also read that the Agent is the most liable to have depression. This is because they live on the line of wanting to live in a fantasy world where their ideals come true, to living in the real world where what they want to happen never comes true. They have a "habit", for want of a better word, of feeling incredibly lonely and down. Despite being introverts, they crave human interaction. They are also pretty misunderstood because they live in an environment of suspension of facts in La La Land. This is very off putting to many other patterns.

A cynical commentary: The fact of the matter is the Agent is strange, undesirable, cynical and eccentric. They are the most neurotic and the most negative about themselves according to Personalitopia. There are no endearing qualities. If there were, they would not complain of constant loneliness and solitude. If the Agent is not liked, the Agent is undesirable. Undesirable in the context of not being desired.
Another angle is that the Agent no longer fits in with modern society.
In modern society, morals have no meaning - shagging is on after two drinks with bjs after one; superficial (and often false) success means everything; people can be as shallow as a puddle but if they can convince everyone else with their popularity and fame, then they will continue to reap undeserved rewards. e.g. Meghan and her big dick'd lover.
This is in total conflict with the Agent as they are guided by their principles rather than logic. When deciding how to move forward, they will look to honour, beauty, morality and virtue – they are led by the purity of their intent, not rewards and punishments. As this site keeps saying - La La Land.

When ill: Stays home and fantasizes about all the nice things people would say about them at their funeral. Sickness gives them the opportunity to indulge in all their hermit fantasies. They pack their room with books, movies, CDs and favourite herbal teas. Shut the door, silence the phone, stack up the boxes of tissues and get ready for a book and/or movie marathon of favourite series (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Studio Ghibli or all of them). May feel like having been run over by a train, but they are not going to let this chance to indulge in all their introverted luxuries pass them by.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 34.96%; 1/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Likely to give up on their goals, unlikely to give up on their job. Neurotic - emotionally reactive and vulnerable to stress. More likely to interpret ordinary situations as threatening and minor frustrations as hopelessly difficult. Their negative emotional reactions tend to persist for long periods of time. This can diminish their ability to think clearly, make decisions and cope effectively with stress. Affected by other people’s moods; Needs to withdraw during busy days; Startles easily; Changes in life shake them up.

Example: Whinging about how lonely they are and then refusing to attend any social events.

Laziness Rung™: 1/16. Clubhouse Leader. Today's society is always about work, money and those things do not motivate an Agent. They are not inherently lazy, they just care about other things. A suggestion is that they should tune into their passion to get more energy and motivation; Oxor™ considers this to be impossible.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 6 of 8 with the Specialist.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Mediators.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Idealist.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: People who would buy sand at the beach.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Suicidal Memelord.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Will cancel plans and commitments at the last minute due to a fear of socialising. Their weapon of choice is self deprecating jokes. They want a moped. May think of enrolling in a PhD in Tattoo Culture at age of 56. "An empty taxi pulled up and out stepped an Agent." Ranks the highest of being both miserable and lazy. Ranked the lowest for happiness as well as the lowest for life-satisfaction. According to the third edition of the MBTI® Manual, this pattern also ranked second highest in dissatisfaction with their marriages and intimate relationships. Never expect any meaningful output. You have found your most miserable Dream Destroyer™.


12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?

The Achiever is the Bassett Hound

Hugh Jackman.

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 11/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. Seems about right!

When ill: Takes enough medication to get a little high and then relishes in the excuse to stay home and play video games. Not one to be slowed down by a pesky virus, runs to the store and stocks up on favourite snacks, drinks and video games. They may feel like death, but in a video game they can still clobber enemies, scale mountains and harness the most complex weapons imaginable. They let their fantasy self do the tough work while they give their body some much needed R & R.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 20.63%; 12/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Likely to give up on their job, unlikely to give up on their goals.

Example: These people are 30% of the ones smoking while promoting health care.

Laziness Rung™: 4/16. They only want to put in the necessary amount of effort into a task; no more and no less.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 5 of 8 with the Perfectionist.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Virtuosos.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Artisan.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Error: Brain not found.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The I'm Getting a Divorce, Jenny.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: So emotionally unstable that they shout at fast food workers. Their favourite hobby is careless spending. Will eat anything. Bad tempered. Likes fixing things.


13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?

The Practitioner is the Alaskan Malamute

Mother Teresa

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 12/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I would have ranked them a bit lower. They have problems with any conflict! They are okay in smaller doses as friends but absolutely terrible when in a management role.

When ill: Tries to convince everyone that they are fine and do not need any help while secretly wishing that one of their loved ones would ignore their pleas and come and take care of them. Laughs off offers of help, assuring everyone that they will be “just fine.” Then they cocoon themselves in blankets and pillows while re-watching favourite childhood movies and television shows. Secretly they wish someone would show up with hot soup or medicine just to show that they care.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 22.10%; 10/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Extremely likely to give up on their goals, extremely unlikely to give up on their job.

Example: They feel guilty for making someone else feel guilty.

Laziness Rung™: 10/16. They will do the task if it needs to be done. But they will not do it straight away. They would rather firstly take a break and have some coffee and biscuits.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 2 of 8 with the Investigator.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Defenders.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Guardian.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Passionate about making the minimum wage.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Professional Hypochondriac. The avoidance of discomfort is one of the primary motivations of this pattern. Feelings of internal discomfort can arise from a tense psychological atmosphere, working too hard and sapping the body's resources, being pressured by other people or by numerous "things to do" and from unsatisfied or oversatisfied physical needs. They tend to quickly recognize and be quite vocal about discomfort that arises and either take clever measures to dissipate it (usually by manipulation or passive-aggressiveness) or simply get out of whatever is bothering them. They are very receptive to other people sharing feelings of discomfort with them and can help alleviate the tension and offer good solutions.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Enjoys going to church. Although frugal, buys new dishes instead of washing the dirty ones. Likely to have obsessive compulsive disorder, ADHD, PTSD or some sort of eating disorder. Prince Charles is one of those people who is basically always destined to be miserable. However, there are some occasions when another aspect of his personality comes to the surface, and most of these are in keeping with the Practitioner. He is sensitive about others’ feelings, so long as they happen to be someone he cares about (e.g. Camilla). He is also very detail-oriented, especially when it comes to the gardens that he likes to plan. "Misery loves company. For the sake of your sanity, avoid entertaining the Practitioner." You have found your fifth most miserable Dream Destroyer™.


14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?

The Objective Thinker is the Bernese Mountain Dog

Warren Buffett

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 9/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They are so steady!

When ill: The picture of responsibility. They stay home from work, but still manage to get as much work done as possible while cooped up. They sanitize every surface, wash their hands for exactly 20 seconds after each sneeze and get stressed about all the work not getting done. Then they realize this is the perfect opportunity to delve into the interests and hobbies they are always putting off because of other responsibilities.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 21.67%; 11/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Extremely likely to give up on their goals, extremely unlikely to give up on their job.

Example: Not wanting to be a ‘deviant’ but being a ‘deviant’ when literally no one cares about traditions anymore.

Laziness Rung™: 12/16. If it is on their list, they will do it. But thay do not add it to the list unless it absolutely has to be done.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 7 of 8 with the Enhancer.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Logisticians.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Guardian.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Passionate about making the minimum wage.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Father of Four.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Thinks mayonnaise is spicy. Has the local escort service on speed dial. A generic father figure who posts political memes on Facebook. Queen Elizabeth liked orderliness and discipline. This is the Objective Thinker. She looked so miserable. There are times when one might wish for her to be a little less disciplined so that she could show her country and, more importantly, her children that there are some things more important than just the maintenance of the Crown as an institution. The asshole boss. Why? Second to the Director - Micromanages, Plodder, Anal-retentive, One-step-at-a-time, Painfully unimaginative, Uncreative, "Inside the box" manager.


15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?

The Perfectionist is the Papillon

Albert Einstein

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 15/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. Locked away in academia!

When ill: The Perfectionist Googles ten thousand variations of what they might have and ends up in the depths of Wikipedia, learning about a strange Polynesian virus that died out 1000 years ago. After self-diagnosing their illness, they end up lost on a series of random Google searches that have little relevance to their immediate day-to-day life. This is their time to indulge in curiosity – they will research alien life forms, the afterlife, obscure vacation spots and Game of Thrones fan fiction. Between researching and playing games on the iPhone, they will try not to drown in the ever-increasing sea of tissues that are collecting around them.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 31.20%; 4/16.

Research says over-represented among males with post-traumatic stress disorder. Also ranked 15th in using both cognitive and social coping resources to deal with stress.

Give Up Tendency™: Likely to give up on their goals, unlikely to give up on their job.

Example: Being the weirdest person and the purest person at the same time.

Laziness Rung™: 3/16. They care more about efficiency than hard-work. They are always looking for a better way to do things rather than helping someone out. Has laziness reputation. However, can put a lot of work and effort into being smart. Coming up with ideas and finding ways to be more efficient is a calling. They can spend ten hours coming up with a method to solve a problem in ten minutes. People may call them lazy because, for the first ten hours, nothing is happening. At least, not on the outside or observable.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 5 of 8 with the Achiever.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Logicians.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Rational.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Heartless and cold, just like your ex-wife.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Virgin Supreme.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Either underweight or overweight. Considers sport to be a waste of time. Has spent lots more money on video games than on body and personal care products. "Slept, woke up, slept, woke up, miserable life." You have found your second most miserable Dream Destroyer™.


16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?

The Enhancer is a Lone Wolf

Mark Zuckerberg

Rank - 1 is happiest; 16 is least: 10/16.

Elizabeth Hunter™'s opinion: I agree. They are happy in their own little world! I am one.

When ill: The Enhancer gets into some medicine, ignores the sickness and grows steadily more annoyed each time someone asks them how they are feeling. When it comes to illness, they believe in “toughing it out” as independently as possible. Not one to cry to friends, they are likely to bring as much work home as possible, shut out the outside world and revel in the extra solitude. They just have to make sure that they are not doing too much while sick – prioritizing physical comfort is not something that they tend to do naturally.

Agreement with “You tend to get sick more often than others.” 1 is most likely; 16 is least: 31.62%; 3/16.

Give Up Tendency™: Extremely likely to give up on their job, extremely unlikely to give up on their goals.

Example: They have people pretend to hate their edgy humour then find that the same people make them the top writer.

Laziness Rung™: 11/16. They are hardly lazy. They just take a long time to get things done at their pace without being hassled or having to do it at the last minute due to other's incompetence.

Two-Faced Rung™: Equal 7 of 8 with the Objective Thinker.

16 Personalities Nomenclature: Architects.

Kiersey Temperament Group: Rational.

Tongue In Cheek Temperament Group: Heartless and cold, just like your ex-wife.

Tongue In Cheek Descripta™: The Wannabee Sherlock Holmes.

Stratton Oakmont™'s snide comment: Indicates that they read more than they actually do. Uses Quora sincerely. They are not afraid of coming up with a quick excuse if they feel like they are wasting time with someone. Hands out these types of excuses like a Jehovah's Witness hands out pamphlets.
