The narcissist is like cancer that eats away at your soul.
Composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ from decades of observation and investigation of Fabricated Reality™.
Latest update May 16, 2024
Situation - You now know what to expect as the pattern you are observing is being a narcissist or become domineering, mainly in a management sense, but not exclusively.
Observe - Fabricated Reality™ - fact free, never wrong etc.
Click to go to each section
- Beata da Narc™
- The Conclusion!
- 1. Director - ESTJ
- 2. Developer - ENTJ
- 3. Results - ESTP
- 4. Inspirational - INTP
- 5. Persuader - ENFJ
- 6. Appraiser - ESFJ
- 7. Promoter - ENFP
- 8. Counselor - ESFP
- 9. Specialist - ISFP
- 10. Investigator - INFJ
- 11. Agent - INFP
- 12. Achiever - ISTP
- 13. Practitioner - ISFJ
- 14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ
- 15. Perfectionist - INTP
- 16. Enhancer - INTJ
- How to Spot your Narcissist
- Black and White Knight Narcissists
- Narcissistic Supply
- Treatment by the Narcissist
- Tricks to deflate the Narcissist
- Questions the Narcissist cannot answer
- A day in the life of a Narcissist
- Watch the Narcissist make the same misteaks
- What if the Narcissist got all they want
- When the Narcissist has met their match
- How to drive the Narcissist crazy
- What your Narcissist will never do
- Key signs of a Narcissist
- Danger - Depressed Narcissist
- How to provoke your Narcissist
Beata da Narc™
Have you beaten them?
The Narcissist is mega toxic and we are all better off without them. Except for other Narcs. But have you beaten yours today?
Are they beaten - 'Tick' these 'boxes' first. Are you now rid of your pain in da ass?
1. Whenever the narcissist gets angry, that is a sign that you have defeated them. They Are not getting angry for nothing; they Are angry because something has bothered them - which is what you want.2. Whenever the narcissist tries to make you envious or jealous of them, that is another sign that you have defeated them. They are trying to project those emotions onto you. They are trying to make you feel the same way - never fall for that one.
3. Whenever the narcissist does anything harmful to you, or even if they try to do something harmful to you, that is a sign that you have defeated them. Because otherwise, they would not be trying to do that. So, whenever the narcissist tries to hurt you in any way, just know that means that you have defeated the narcissist - observe this.
4. They never admit that thay are wrong and never take responsibility for anything negative.
5. They are disconnected from reality. That is called delusion. The narcissist is highly delusional.
6. The aim is not to shut the narcissist down because they could fight with you all day; the aim is to shut down your mind that cares about their response. They respond best to starvation.
7. When they disappear it is because they cannot manipulate you and you see them for who they are; that is when you have defeated a narcissist - they can fcuk off.
1. Acceptance. You have empowered yourself in that the narcissist is no longer beating you.2. Cancel Manipulation. You have empowered yourself in that they are no longer able to control you or manipulate you.
3. Observation. You have empowered yourself to be able to observe their horrific behaviour with lack of emotion. This includes waching their own intense emotional reactions and their continual vindictive behaviour. They no longer provoke you.
4. Not missing them. You have empowered yourself to not care one iota that they have fcuked off.
5. Their disappearance. You have empowered yourself to watch them isolate themselves in order to avoid situations in which their false sense-of-superiority could be challenged.
6. Challenge to Superiority: You have empowered yourself to create situations that challenges their perception of being superior or exceptional. e.g. receiving constructive criticism or facing failure.
7. Threat to Ego. You have empowered yourself to threaten their ego and watch their defensiveness or anger. And ignore both.
8. Criticism and Rejection. You have empowered yourself to criticize and reject as even minor critiques can feel like devastating blows to their self-esteem. You should be pleased.
9. Shame and Humiliation. You have empowered yourself to confront them over their own limitations or mistakes and watch their overwhelming shame and humiliation leading to a deep sense of injury. You should be more pleased.
10.They do not believe that they have to answer to you. This is either because they do not want to give you the answer or they want to feel as if they are superior and in control over you or you have caught them out on something and they do not want to take responsibility. Watch them try to change the subject.
11. Whenever you try to bring the original question back into the conversation, they change the subject time and time again. They may try to provoke some sort of negative reaction within you, if they can find a way to frustrate you and wind you up and get that negative reaction from you so that they can blame you and claim that that is why they never want to talk about anything with you. They do not want to take responsibility for their behaviour.
12. Narcissists want to make you look as if you are the problem in any given situation, or they want to play the victim. It is time to press them by taking them to a hearing, if applicable, or fcuking them off.
13. Use silence and indifference. The wall of silence causes them to literally feel angry and ignored and the indifference makes them feel cast aside and abandoned - which is what you want.
14. Vulnerability Unmasked. You have empowered yourself to defeat or identify perceived inadequacy which exposes their vulnerability making them acutely aware of their own fragility. Beata da Narc™ completed. Thanks Oxor™.
The Conclusion
Yes, near the start!
Usually conclusions are towards the end. But this may save the cohort some valuable time.
Are they a Narcissist - 'Tick' these 'boxes' first. Are you correct?
1. They have an inflated ego.
2. They say bad things about ex’s and others.
3. They have a need for external validation and like being the centre of attention.
4. They have a sense of entitlement / you are never right / they are always right.
5. They have a lack, or absence, of empathy and forgiveness / nothing is ever good enough.
6. They have a tendency to talk in circles and gaslight (undermining another person’s reality by
denying facts, the environment around them, or their feelings).
7. They have a tendency to be arrogant.
8. They often get bored.
9. They tend to be passive-aggressive.
10. They hold grudges.
11. They are controlling - this is absolute.
12. They are manipulative and jealous / what people think of you is everything.
13. They blame others; always.
14. They exaggerate their accomplishments big time. But they have fingers crossed tightly behind their back
in case anyone asks too many probing questions. It is amazing how often they have to go to the bathroom when
questioning becomes a bit trickier for them to wriggle out. Then, upon returning, always change the topic
invented to steer the conversation away from the hole that was about to swallow them up.
15. They embellish events if it means more brownie points and they take it to the extreme.
e.g. Distant relative of Paul McCartney; author of a book on project management; doyen of the events management
industry; claim they sent letters out as Secretary when questioned.
16. They share quotes about kindness on social media but are horrible to people in real life.
17. They gossiping about people behind their backs.
18. They call out people as boring for not smoking or drinking. Or only being able to have fun by smoking or drinking.
19. They have the expectation that you should respond to a message as soon as you see it.
20. They give our harsh opinions and brand it constructive criticism.
21. They can be rude to someone on social media for the sake of a few likes.
22. They invalidate someone's trauma because other people have it worse.
23. They only seem to connect with other narcissists.
24. They are masters of denial and delusion. They never admitting that they are wrong and never take responsibility
for anything negative requires a lot of effort. This is usually characterized by constant denial. Denial of reality,
denial that events happened, denial that they did what they did, denial of the good things that others did,
denial of the consequences of their behaviour and so on. It might have begun as conscious denial, but if as they lie
to self so much, they eventually begin to believe the lies and it becomes their reality. Whatever the case may be,
the result is the same: detachment from reality. A disconnection from reality is called delusion.
25. They are masters of toxic amnesia and gaslighting. Toxic amnesia is a tactic where the perpetrator pretends to
not remember abuse, betrayals, lies and other hurtful and dysfunctional behaviour in which they have been engaged.
It is a form of gaslighting. Its purpose is to make you doubt others' perceptions and memories.
26. They are masters of blaming a victim or playing the victim. By blaming others, often the ones that they hurt
(the victim, or the target), the narcissist attempts to prove that it is not their fault but, rather, it is the fault
of the person who they are hurting. The victim deserved it, therefore the narcissist did nothing wrong.
27. Their view is the only view.
28. If you are not the golden child, you are the source of their anguish and eternal frustration.
You have no rights because you are not human.
29. There is no such thing as abuse. It is called 'tough love' and you deserve it for what you put them through.
30. Anything that can be used against you will be used against you in their court of narcissistic law.
Regardless of context, there is no statute of limitations. Everything said and done by you is subject
to prosecution.
31. Your joy will be quashed. Scapegoats are incapable of understanding the right way of life.
32. You are not allowed to have emotions, ever. Sadness and anger are beyond you and reserved for your
respective narcissist/s.
33. You are wretched, stupid, worthless and incapable of doing anything right. You are their burden,
and you are to be grateful for everything they do for you.
The secret is to make the narcissist exhaust themselves; Just let them wear themselves out by allowing them to defeat themselves. How?
No matter how hard they try to offend you, annoy you, belittle you or get under your skin, just react towards them as if they were nothing more than a mildly annoying fly in the room, while your attention is focussed on much more important and interesting things.
When narcissists play their hand and expect a reaction, now they are hungry. They need your emotional reaction to nourish them, because playing their hand without getting an emotional reaction, depletes their energy. If after 4 or 5 rounds of them trying to get a reaction out of you, if you still have not responded as desired, then you are really draining their batteries; their energy is running very low. It's like the narcissist playing ball but the other person just refuses to play back.
What happens to a narcissist in the long run?:
For a narcissist, sooner or later all their chickens come home to roost.
The people they took for granted simply are no longer there and these were the ones who
were always willing and prepared to help or defend them. The same friends, partners or colleagues
who continually went out of their way for their narcissistic acquaintance only to be used, shafted
or ditched when a better offer came along.
They generally do realize when the other person has had enough. They may not show it but they usually know
when they have pushed too far. The thing is, they do not really care. Narcissists are all about self-gratification
and they will keep doing whatever it takes to get what they want. Even if that means driving the people around
them crazy. So while they may realize when the other person has finally had enough, it does not really matter
to them. They will still keep on doing their thing regardless.
The narcissist does not do loyalty well at all which, of course, is at odds with the complete rubbish they speak. It is all fine, well and good from their perspective when they can get away with it as there is always another gullible soul ready to fill the supporter's shoes but age has that nasty habit of creeping up on us faster than the narcissist realizes. They cannot keep duping people forever expecting there to be little to no consequence to their actions.
In real life, the great friends who stood by them moved on a while back. Friends who were replaced very rarely return. And why should they? It is payback time.
Those ex-colleagues working for rival firms or who gained promotion will have done their utmost to ensure the the word gets out there. Narcissists make great employees to start with but, after a few years' in companies, the company cannot wait to get rid of the narcissist.
Most importantly, the great partners who stood by through thick and thin have moved on a while back and likely much happier and contented now that there is someone normal in their life as opposed to an ageing prima donna.
In the end, no one from a narcissist's past wants anything to do with them. If they are lucky, there may still be a sibling that takes pity on them but that is not to say contact will not be anything other than at arms length.
Narcissists need attention, preferably adulation, but their greatest fear of all is being alone. The irony is that past behaviour ensures that this is exactly what happens to them. And at a faster pace than than may be anticipated.
The Narcissist's Method of Revenge NMR™:
When a covert narcissist feels wronged or believes their ego has been threatened, they may seek revenge. However, their approach to revenge is often subtle and covert, as it aligns with their manipulative nature.Here are some ways in which a covert narcissist may take revenge:
1. Smear campaigns: Covert narcissists may engage in smear campaigns to tarnish your reputation and turn others against you. They might spread false rumours, twist the truth or manipulate information to paint you in a negative light. By damaging your image, they aim to exert control and seek validation from others.
2. Silent treatment and emotional withdrawal: One common tactic employed by covert narcissists is the silent treatment or emotional withdrawal. They may purposefully ignore you, withhold affection or become emotionally distant to punish you for perceived slights or offenses. This form of revenge is intended to make you feel isolated, anxious and desperate for their attention. It is actually what you want - get rig of them for good.
3. Gaslighting and manipulation: Covert narcissists excel at gaslighting, making you doubt your own perceptions and experiences. As a form of revenge, they may manipulate situations, twist the truth or distort events to make you question your sanity. By gaslighting, they aim to undermine your confidence and control the narrative.
4. Passive-aggressive behaviour: Covert narcissists often display passive-aggressive behaviour to express their anger or seek revenge. They may make sarcastic comments and give backhanded compliments. These covert acts serve to undermine you and maintain their sense of superiority.
5. Covert sabotage: In some cases, covert narcissists may engage in subtle acts of sabotage to undermine your success or happiness. They may work behind the scenes to hinder your progress, manipulate situations to make you look bad or spread false information to damage your relationships or opportunities.
6. “Hoovering”: The Narcissist's last move is often what experts call “Hoovering” — named after an old vacuum cleaner brand — wherein they attempt to entrap others by any means necessary. This can range from making false promises about changing for the better, which rarely happens, to projecting an image that everything has returned back to 'normal' and nothing bad has happened between them and the other person even though it clearly did.
The Narcissist's Method When they Cannot Break You NCBU™:
1. Increased Manipulation Attempts: Initially, a narcissist might intensify their manipulative tactics, trying harder to influence or control the person. This could involve more intense love-bombing, gaslighting or guilt-tripping.2. Frustration and Anger: Narcissists may become visibly frustrated or angry when their usual methods do not work. This can manifest itself as outbursts, sulking or passive-aggressive behaviour.
3. Devaluation: They might start to devalue the person they cannot control, shifting from idealization to criticism and disparagement. The individual who was once praised may now be subject to insults and belittlement.
4. Smear Campaigns: Unable to control the individual directly, a narcissist might attempt to control how others see them, often resorting to smear campaigns to damage the other person's reputation.
5. Withdrawal: In some cases, a narcissist may withdraw their attention and affection, either as a form of punishment or because they realize their efforts are futile.
6. Projection: They may project their own feelings of inadequacy or failure onto the person, accusing them of being controlling, narcissistic or unkind. Blame shifting.
7. Playing the Victim: A narcissist might portray themselves as the victim of the other person’s supposed stubbornness or cruelty, seeking sympathy from others. They cannot accept being held to account.
8. Alternating Tactics: They might alternate between charm and aggression, trying to find a strategy that works to undermine the other person’s resilience. This will fail for patterns such as the Enhancer.
9. Seeking New Supply and Shifting Focus: Ultimately, if none of their tactics work, if they find that they cannot affect the individual, a narcissist might seek out new relationships where they feel they can exert control and receive the admiration and validation they crave, once again. Fund a sucker who is more susceptible to their influence.
What should you do? The Oxor™ Narc Solution™:
1. Keep your distance from them. Minimize interaction. Never, ever do them a favour
as they will never reciprocate. Door slam them. It is by far and away the best defence for a more
peaceful and calm life.
2. If you cannot get away from them, handle them wisely as follows.
3. They are full of nonsense and create drama. Do npt react to it.
4. If they blame you, who cares? Do not defend yourself; that just gives them what they want.
5. If they get angry, who cares? Make up an excuse and leave the situation.
6. Do not believe a word they say. Most of it is lies.
7. When it comes to gaslighting, let them make up their own version of the truth. Stick to your own.
8. Gradually, they will leave you alone once they realize they cannot get what they want from you.
9. Realize that they will avoid people that have the balls to kamikaze their narcissistic rubbish.
You heard it at Oxor™. We have a sloth of real live examples but our lawyers have restricted our
rampant desire to publish - even with the names obfuscated.
Of the 16 patterns, the Investigator and the Enhancer find it the easiest to perform the door slam.
1. Director - ESTJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Director, together with the Developer, are known for their bluntness, business acumen and ability to lead. As narcissists, however, their leadership would become a dictatorship. They would micromanage people and overpower them – not for the purpose of organisational efficiency, but for the purpose of feeling superior.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Director is focussed and intense and can sometimes be a bit domineering. They have a hard time taking a backseat to others and are best suited as leaders. They can become frustrated with inefficiency, so they desire to ensure that everyone does things correctly. They can be a bit hard on others when they are trying to get tasks finished properly, simply because they know how they want things done. They prefer to take charge to ensure that everyone is following orders and working their best. Their natural personalities are certainly dominant and are less likely to submit to someone else’s demands.
2. Developer - ENTJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Developer, together with the Director are known for their bluntness, business acumen and ability to lead. As narcissists, however, their leadership would become a dictatorship. They would micromanage people and overpower them – not for the purpose of organisational efficiency, but for the purpose of feeling superior.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Developer is a natural leader and are more than capable of taking charge of a situation. They do have somewhat a domineering personality as they enjoy being able to take control. They do not intend to appear arrogant with their leadership, but sometimes their take charge attitude can be a bit intense / bullying. They are naturally dominant people though and do best when they are capable of monitoring how things are being done. They value efficiency above everything else and want to ensure that everything is being done properly.
3. Results - ESTP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Results, together with the Inspirational, are natural-born devil’s advocates so, as narcissists, this trait would be exaggerated in their ability to provoke and demean others. They would argue in favour of horrific crimes or blatant inequalities just to make the people they are debating with angry and / or upset. They would be hypercritical and abrasive, as well as emotionally abusive. Their cruel bluntness would be disguised as, "That’s just the way I am."
Domineering Tendency™:
The Results is outgoing and friendly who enjoys living in the present moment. They do have times where they can seem a bit domineering, especially when they are trying to inform someone. They remember a lot of facts and information and can become frustrated with ignorant people. They simply want to inform them and help them learn, but when someone is not receptive the Results can appear a bit aggressive and pushy. They do have somewhat dominant personalities, but can be submissive towards certain loved ones.
4. Inspirational - ENTP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Inspirational, together with the Results, are natural-born devil’s advocates so, as narcissists, this trait would be exaggerated in their ability to provoke and demean others. They would argue in favour of horrific crimes or blatant inequalities just to make the people they are debating with angry and / or upset. They would be hypercritical and abrasive, as well as emotionally abusive. Their cruel bluntness would be disguised as, "That’s just the way I am."
Domineering Tendency™:
The Inspirational is generally not domineering and prefers to just do their own thing. They are independent and intelligent who believe in diving into what life has to offer. They enjoy taking on new challenges and absolutely love seeking out the many possibilities around them. They can certainly take charge if they have to, and might become a bit aggressive when someone is not paying attention to something important. When the Inspirational values something they want to be sure that other people do not step on or disrespect that. For the most part they prefer to have their own space and do not want to invade the space of others.
5. Persuader - ENFJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Persuader is a natural born influencer and ‘teacher’ that would demand that their ‘students’ worship them. As narcissists, they may become predatory and cross boundaries with those they are ‘educating.’
Domineering Tendency™:
The Persuader enjoys making people happy and does not want to upset or harm people. Although they are tender and loving people, they do have domineering tendencies. When it comes to getting things done, they are not afraid of taking charge in order to make sure things actually happen the right way. They are not likely to push people around in an upsetting way, since they are actually great at motivating people naturally. Their charismatic and friendly personalities really help them keep a leadership role without causing any discord. They are capable of being rather dominant people, but they do it without trying to upset people although they have a tendency to interfere which can grate, sometimes massively, on other patterns.
6. Appraiser - ESFJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Appraiser would create enmeshed relationships and have no problem violating the boundaries of others. When healthy, they are empathic and giving. But as narcissists, they would ‘give’ only to get back. They may give the bare minimum to people and forcefully demand the maximum in return.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Appraiser is generally not domineering as they prefer to keep the peace. They do not want to be seen as pushy, but they do have the occasionally bossy tendencies. They simply want to get things done and have some high-strung parts to their personality. They enjoy doing everything they can to take care of their loved ones and focus mainly on tending to their needs. They are loving people and generally do not like being too aggressive towards others.
7. Promoter - ENFP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Promoter when in narcissist mode would always be seeking validation and attention from others. These would probably be the more ‘vulnerable’ narcissists compared to the other patterns, using their relationships with others to hide their core sense of shame.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Promoter is definitely strong-willed who has a somewhat domineering side. In most cases, the Promoter would rather go with the flow and enjoy life as it comes at them. They do not want to be seen as too pushy, since they prefer to remain positive. They do have times where they realise they need to take charge of the situation and can be rather intimidating and obnoxious when this happens. They are usually capable of being dominant without upsetting people too much, since they are charismatic and likable people on the surface. But they can rank as the most obnoxious. Click Here. You have been warned.
8. Counselor - ESFP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Counselor is the party animal who tends to be the life of the party. As a narcissist, they would create harems of adoring fans that cater to their every need and ‘get off’ on all of the attention they are receiving. They love to be the centre of attention and would be perpetual spotlight-hoggers. They are also very into aesthetics, so they may present as a more ‘somatic’ narcissist – someone overly obsessed with their looks and appearance.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Counselor is usually light-hearted and carefree who enjoys living in the present moment. They do not want to appear domineering and prefer being able to be positive. They just want to have fun and do not want to have other people forcing them to be more grounded. They can become frustrated with controlling or domineering people and are not afraid to challenge them. They do not want to be tamed or controlled since they prefer to live their lives their own way.
9. Specialist - ISFP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Specialist, together with the Achiever, are gentle as non-narcissists but, as narcissists, would present as a pessimistic a person who hates or distrusts humankind. They would be the ones constantly griping about how unfair the world is, how they are always the victim and how they never get their fair share. They would work to underhandedly sabotage anyone who has what they covet.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Specialist is certainly not domineering and prefers to live a much more carefree lifestyle. They enjoy living in the present moment and simply want to absorb the beauty in the world around them. They enjoy following their heart and simply want to feel free to do so. They are not pushy or controlling; they simply want to live their own lives in harmony. They want people to give them space to be themselves and, at the same time, the Specialist does not want to try and control others. This is why they are terrible leaders.
10. Investigator - INFJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Investigator, together with the Agent, as a narcissist would abuse their power as the change maker and would be ‘covert’ narcissists – a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They would take their perfectionism and ability to cut off relationships to the extreme by frequently abruptly cutting off all contact with someone (such as a former romantic partner) by no longer accepting or responding to phone calls, text messages, etc. and criticizing them to the nth degree. Rather than using their platforms to help support the populations they serve, they might attempt to use them to feed their grandiosity.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Investigator is definitely not domineering especially when it comes to social settings. They do not want to be too pushy and prefer to give people their space. They want to let people be themselves, without feeling intimated by someone else. They do not want to ever make someone feel small, so they are comfortable taking a step back. They do not like to take charge, since the Investigator is usually inside of their own inner minds running through many different ideas. They can become a bit aggressive and dominating if someone else is attempting to push someone around. They are not afraid of taking charge when required, they simply prefer not to live their lives that way.
11. Agent - INFP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Agent, together with the Investigator, as a narcissist would abuse their power as the change maker and would be ‘covert’ narcissists – a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They would take their perfectionism and ability to cut off relationships to the extreme by frequently abruptly cutting off all contact with someone (such as a former romantic partner) by no longer accepting or responding to phone calls, text messages, etc. and criticizing them to the nth degree. Rather than using their platforms to help support the populations they serve, they might attempt to use them to feed their grandiosity.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Agent is very internal and gentle who prefers to keep to themselves most of the time. They are usually not domineering people and enjoy letting others do their own thing. They do not want to be viewed as controlling or pushy and would much rather take a step back. They are terrible leaders as they do not like the feeling of taking charge of other people. They do not want to be seen as intimidating, although they can become that way if necessary. Ultimately they prefer to keep to themselves, making them very introspective and private people.
12. Achiever - ISTP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Achiever, together with the Specialist, are gentle as non-narcissists but, as narcissists, would present as a pessimistic a person who hates or distrusts humankind. They would be the ones constantly griping about how unfair the world is, how they are always the victim and how they never get their fair share. They would work to underhandedly sabotage anyone who has what they covet.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Achiever is certainly not a domineering person and prefers to keep their space from others. They enjoy having a sense of independence and certainly do not want too push other people around. They would much rather allow people to do their own thing, without putting any kind of pressure on them. They mind their own business most of the time and are logical and analytical people. They are precise people who enjoy learning information and analyzing it on their own. They do sometimes enjoy information people, but they will no waste their time if they are not receptive to it.
13. Practitioner - ISFJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Practitioner is generous to a fault as a non-narcissist. However, as a narcissist, they would present as the quintessential covert, shy and introverted helper with a hidden entitled streak. Although they will appear humble at the onset, make no mistake, they will be taking note of everything they do for you and at any time they feel they are not getting the attention or appreciation they deserve they will lash out. This can be in a terrifying display of narcissistic rage or passive-aggressive behaviour if they do not get what they want.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Practitioner is definitely not domineering and, in many cases, are more submissive than most. They want to make other people happy and truly hate any kind of discord or conflict. They would rather keep the peace and work hard to maintain a sense of harmony in their environment. In a conflict situation, such as in a meeting they will be come passive-aggressive. They are the masters of this. More on this in Obnoxiousness Explorer™. They do not want to see people feeling uncomfortable in their presence and would rather be liked by their community. They are kind and loving people who are constantly tending to the needs of others. They are not afraid of letting someone else take charge of a situation, but can become aggravated with people who have an arrogant attitude.
14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The OT, as a narcissist would stonewall their partners, shutting down arguments even before they have had a chance to begin. They would be extremely traditional in the way they view things and use moralistic thinking to control others, all while engaging in hypocritical behaviour behind closed doors. In the realm of work, they would gravitate towards careers in power – such as that of law enforcement – just to abuse their power and get away with it.
Domineering Tendency™:
The OT is hardworking and focussed who prefers to keep to them self. Most of the time, they just want to have their own space to get done what needs too be done. They do not want to be pushed around by people, but they also have no desire to be bossy towards others. They much prefer to have independence and space to get their work done and improve themselves. There may be moments where they can be a tad domineering, especially when they feel like people are not taking things seriously. They simply value work ethic and morals and become frustrated if people are too flighty and inconsiderate.
15. Perfectionist - INTP
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Perfectionist, together with the Enhancer, as a narcissist would take their rational side way too far. They would be the epitome of what we call the “cerebral narcissist,” using twisted logic to rationalize any mess or situation they have created. They would be prone to dehumanising others all in the name of reason. Their logical side would be so overblown that they would fail to have any empathy for victims of unfortunate circumstances or crimes – including the crimes they themselves committed.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Perfectionist is generally not domineering as they prefer to take a less aggressive approach. They want to make the proper information known, since they crave precision. They simply do not want to be overly domineering in order to express the facts and educate people. They can be a bit intense to other people, but that is simply their natural personality mostly because of such a rich and active inner mind. They can have moments where their desire to be accurate can cause them to become somewhat domineering and forward in a situation. One just has to look at Australian Chief Medical Officer Prof. Brendan Murphy's attitude in the COVID-19 situation where he suddenly has huge public power after 40 years of absolutely none. He appears to be a schoolmaster, with a Catholic name, who is angry that his instructions are being ignored. At the press conference, he treats the adult public as children - 'If this continues, you will be punished'. In most cases though, the Perfectionist prefers to take a step back and simply observe things from a distance as they are terrible leaders and do not want to lead anyway.
16. Enhancer - INTJ
Narcissist Tendency™:
The Enhancer, together with the Perfectionist, as a narcissist would take their rational side way too far. They would be the epitome of what we call the “cerebral narcissist,” using twisted logic to rationalize any mess or situation they have created. They would be prone to dehumanising others all in the name of reason. Their logical side would be so overblown that they would fail to have any empathy for victims of unfortunate circumstances or crimes – including the crimes they themselves committed.
Domineering Tendency™:
The Enhancer is independent and strong likes to do things their own way. When it comes to getting things done, they actually can be a bit (a lot) domineering. They do not try to be intimidating, but sometimes their natural intelligence and desire for accuracy can be a bit intense for people. They know how to take charge when it is necessary and can be rather dominant people. They are not afraid of being in this position and are perfectly capable of willing to take charge. They will not tolerate being half in charge. e.g. They will let the Persuader take over and watch where their wise advice is ignored (and say to themselves "I told you so"). They could not care about criticism but you would be wise never to blame an Enhancer, nor start a conflict, in a situation when it was clearly not their fault. As long as they are helping people learn and helping better their own minds, they are will pleased to be in charge. This supports the notion that they are better in charge of a team compared with being on one, especially if the leader of their team is mediocre or worse. Did someone say KFC, err, Practitioner?
How to Spot your Narcissist
↝ Overview: Observe instances that indicate primarily signs of fakeness. There is never anything authentic. All is said and done to impress others. But deep within lies loads of envy, hatred, division, chaos and greed.
↝ 1. They will be highly manipulative. They will use you to achieve their goals by playing with your emotions. You may initially not know this. You are now aware, thanks to Oxor™.
↝ 2. They will be very sensitive to their physical appearance. They are obsessed with how they look and how people see them. This is easy to observe.
↝ 3. They will be overly sensitive to criticism. Their rage can escalate quickly if they are criticized. This is easy to observe.
↝ 4. They will place the blame on others. They are never to blame for anything. They will not take responsibility. It is always someone else's fault. This is easy to observe in a business setting. Also, any personal issue is all about them and nothing to do with love or a relationship - this is a huge sign.
↝ 5. They will be vindictive. If you do not play by their rules, they will have a desire to destroy you. This is easy to observe. Stand up to them, but always use facts. They do not like facts.
↝ 6. They will be take control. Control is their thing and they like having to have other people and things under their control. Watch out for this. They can be belligerent, obnoxious and refuse to take instructions, even from their superiors. Sometimes, the only option is that they work at another company - ideally your most loathed competitor.
↝ 7. They will seek validation. Deep down they are extremely insecure. Will talk down about others, will constantly asks you questions. If you ask them anything personal they tell you nothing. They engage in fact free gossip. They have all or nothing kind of thinking (one side is evil, the other is all good). They see themselves as charismatic. This lack of security is handy to know so reassurance is a good strategy at times.
↝ 8. They will be have fear as their dominant emotion. They will be scared that they will be abandoned, ashamed or exposed for what they are. The will do everything to prevent this being exposed by the management.
↝ 9. They will be feel no empathy. They have no ability to assess the consequences of their actions on others. This is a management challenge if you are their boss.
↝ 10. They will want to surround themselves with attractive and successful people. This will boost their self-confidence. This is easy to observe. But it is insincere.
↝ 11. They will put their value in things of little value, in trinkets and trash, things of a transient nature, things that are fake, fraudulent, cheap, tacky, ugly, useless, counter-productive and broken.
↝ 12. They put their value in the behaviour of people of the lowest character, morals, honesty and integrity. Their placing of value in themselves is in line with their value system, as they themselves are fake, fraudulent, lacking in character, morals, honesty and integrity. Their value system is a reflection of themselves.
↝ 13. They have a tendency to hoard. They guard massive collections of dirty, ruined, broken, useless trash and unidentifiable objects with their life. They might chop vegetables directly on the cherry wood dining table.
↝ 13. May cheat with less than desirable partners. Less attractive, intelligent, loving, fun, funny, talented, educated, honest, moral, trustworthy, good-hearted, wise. May value prostitutes and collect videos, alphabetized by name.
↝ Conclusion. They will present as being toxic on steroids. This is unfortunate. The most important thing to keep in mind is that if the other person feels off to you, then they are off. If you think that there is something wrong with this person there is something wrong. If your gut thinks that they are a narcissist they are a narcissist. If you already know the answer, that is your answer!! Use of your inner voice (gut feelings) as your guide instead of your intellect is a good move as it is never wrong. Toxicity is easy to observe. And is the challenge. Descriptions also include cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing and demanding.
Black and White Knight Narcissists
The Black Knight Narcissist is evil in nature, influence, or effect. They get their narcissistic supplies from sadistically setting out to demolish other people’s self-esteem and pleasure in life.
The White Knight Narcissist likes to be seen as a good person. They get their narcissistic
supplies by doing helpful, generous and kind things for other people.
This means that they still:
Have shaky self-esteem; Lack whole object relations and object constancy — they cannot see themselves
or other people in a stable, integrated and realistic way as simultaneously having both liked and
disliked traits; Are extremely self-centered; Lack emotional empathy and cannot feel other people’s
joy or sadness nor care deeply about anyone else’s feelings; Are preoccupied with their place in
whatever status hierarchy matters to them; Want to be seen as special; Devalue other people when it
suits them.
Key observable characteristics of a White Knight Narcissist includes:
They want you to think they are good people; They will do favours for other people that make them
look good; If they are wealthy, they are likely to be philanthropists who give away large sums of
money to causes that they support as long as they get public recognition for doing so.
Some, however, are “the good neighbour narcissists.” They will offer to pick up groceries for sick
neighbours or help someone to put up their window screens or do some other chore.
Helping people makes them feel important and enhances their self-esteem.
In a relationship, one might think that they have hit the jackpot and are with someone who is genuinely
kind and caring. They may have met at a charity event or as volunteers in a meals on wheels kitchen.
But over time, they see less and less of the White Knight Narcissist's good side.
Intimacy subsides. All the good deeds always seem to be done for someone else at their expense.
In some cases, the White Knight Narcissist may take off the mask of “do-gooder” at home. After a while,
their behaviour may become just as devaluing and hurtful to their spouse as any other type of Narcissist.
Who has not seen a White Knight Narcissist in the office?
You might think that they would be loved by their staff, but that is usually not the case. Take someone
who works for a charity. They were in therapy to find ways to handle a narcissistic boss.
The boss was described as a public hero and a private tyrant.
As the face of the charity, the boss was portrayed in the media as a fighter for the rights of the
downtrodden. Those who worked for him saw his other side. He devalued his colleagues and everyone who
worked for him was afraid of incurring his wrath. He had a bad temper and thought nothing of publicly
humiliating anyone people who displeased him. In reality, he was more horror than hero, despite his
public persona as a good guy. White Knight Narcissists get their narcissistic supplies from doing good
deeds and being seen as great human beings. The reality is that doing good deeds is just another way
for them to seize the spotlight and shore up their shaky self-esteem. It might be okay to
tolerate the benefits from your friendly White Knight Narcissists’ need to be seen as special.
That is preferable than them actively wanting to harm other people.
Narcissistic Supply
What are some telltale signs that a narcissist is starving for a bit of narcissistic supply?
The biggest tell-tale sign that a narcissist is starving for a bit of narcissistic supply is
when they have drastically increased the momentum of ‘testing the waters’ with just about
everyone and anyone, trying to see who might take the bait to do the following:
♦ Share in a bit of drama;
♦ Show themselves to be impressed by the narcissist, for whatever reason;
♦ Show themselves to pity the narcissist, for whatever reason;
♦ Be willing to give the narcissist lots of attention, for whatever reason;
♦ Potentially become good short or long term supply.
The narcissist will feel more on edge when supply is low, feeling more easily aggravated,
annoyed, and irritated. They will be noticeably running low on energy and showing
unstable moods.
The narcissist struggles to stay collected, when supply is low.
Treatment by the Narcissist
What are some telltale reactions that you can expect from the Narcissist?
Firstly, the narcissist hates to be confronted with the truth. They have spent so much of their time hiding
their identity that it is scathing to them when the real person is revealed.
Even if this truth comes in small portions, they cannot stand to face themselves. So, several things happen
when you call them out. Understanding this beforehand can keep you safe and extremely well prepared.
Watch out for childish, petty and selfish behaviour.
♦ 1. Rage.
When you call out someone with narcissistic personality disorder, expect rage. You do not even have to straight-up
call them a narcissist, but you can say things like, “You’re a liar”, or “You gaslight people” and this can make
them angry.
If you confront them about proof of something that they are hiding, they will also rage, maybe in the form of a
tantrum and they will turn everything around on you. People who have this disorder do not like to see the truth
of their negative behaviour, so they get angry in response or use anger to throw you off track. Some
of them can be violent; you have been warned.
♦ 2. Gaslighting.
Narcissists are well known to use gaslighting when you confront them about their actions or toxic words. If you
Gaslighting is when someone tries to make you look crazy, or twist facts in their favour and against you.
For example, if you remind a narcissist of something heinous that they did to hurt you, they will say,
“What? I never did anything like that. I think you’re imagining things.”
Gaslighting is a way for the narcissist to invade your thoughts and attempt to make you confused. If you
call them out, they will use this for sure.
♦ 3. Reverse accusations.
If you tell a narcissist that you know what they are, they will call YOU the narcissist. Most people
have access to the Internet and the narcissist, believe it or not, reads about themselves.
They know the characteristics of someone with narcissistic personality disorder, so if you call them what
they are, they will say you possess the traits of this disorder and so YOU must be the real narcissist.
While you may have some of the symptoms of narcissism, as we are all located somewhere on the narcissistic
spectrum, you may not have a disorder like they do; probably not. But you have to watch out!
If you call them out, they will try to do the same thing in defence. When you call a narcissist out, they
love to say things such as “You think you’re a saint.” This is because it is unbearable for them to accept
they are not perfect themselves, so they lash out.
♦ 4. Blame shifting.
When you call out a narcissistic person, they are prone to immediately find something or someone to blame.
They rarely take responsibility for their own actions and, if they act badly, it must be someone else’s fault.
They may say things such as “I wouldn’t have cheated on you if you were intimate more often.” Yes, they really
do this. Or “I wouldn’t have been late for work if you hadn’t made me so mad that I couldn’t sleep.”
Nothing and absolutely nothing is ever their fault, no matter how obvious it is and, if you bring out proof,
then here comes the rage.
♦ 5. Silent treatment.
A covert narcissist is prone to use the silent treatment when confronted. Maybe they will get angry first, deny
things, or use blame-shifting but, when they see these do not work, they will go silent. This could last for hours,
days, or even longer. It is uncomfortable for some people when the narcissist does this. Oxor has a fantastic
example of a Promoter who has got to this stage.
Sometimes innocent people will apologize when they have actually done nothing wrong just to get the narcissist to
talk to them again. You must be strong and expect the above reactions when you confront the objectionable narcissist.
♦ 6. After you have been discarded.
a) After a discard, they view the relationship as a failure, but they can be in no way responsible for it. That would
threaten their sense of worth. So you must be worthless yourself, or at the least, the relationship failing must be
your fault. They want this to be “true” long after the discard.
b) How they look to others will cause you to likely be made out to be the bad guy to any mutual friends or really anyone
in your social circle.
c) They do not want to be exposed in anyway so they will keep tabs on you lest you expose their toxic reputation.
d) They want to monitor if you can be of further use and further keep tabs on you.
e) They must beat you as they have a pathological need to win a game that no one else is playing.
f) You are the cause of their suffering as they never want to accept responsibility.
♦ 7. Do you really want to go through all this?
Probably not. But sometimes contact is inevitable.
Many people feel frustrated. Unlike others, confronting someone with this disorder seems like a fruitless
If you think, however, that you can get through to someone you love that has this disorder, then try.
People do have the ability to improve and change, even when it seems impossible. It is about having hope.
If a relationship with a narcissist is damaging your health, either physically or mentally, then leave
them alone. Calling out a narcissist is not for everyone and not everyone with this disorder can change.
That’s the saddest part.
If you call out a narcissistic person, be prepared to endure one or more of the above reactions.
The Investigator and the Enhancer are pretty likely to 'door slam' the narcissist if they can.
That relegates the narcissist to a non-person who never existed. Elizabeth Hunter™ has done this
with great effect over many years.
Tricks to deflate the Narcissist
What are some tricks to employ to deflate the Narcissist?
Let us know how you go.
♦ 1. Being ignored. When someone who they consider a high-level attention provision source ignores them.
♦ 2. Others getting attention. When they observe others getting attention — which the deflated narcissists
really deserve!
♦ 3. Not liking subjects. When they are stuck listening to someone else going on and on and on…..about
something boring which does not involve them.
♦ 4. When attention seeking. When someone interrupts them when they are in hot pursuit of an attention provision
♦ 5. Being disrespected. When they feel they are being disrespected by low grade people, as classified by the
Narcissist, who 'should know better'!
What must you never disclose to a malignant or standard narcissist:.
♦ 1. Do not disclose anything to any narcissist, malignant or otherwise!
If you tell them something good about your life, yourself, your family, achievements or
acquisitions, they will become extremely jealous and begin a campaign to undermine and
diminish you.
♦ 2. Some of what they say and do will be behind your back and some will be overt.
If you reveal a disappointment, setback, a worry, a problem, they will catastrophize your
situation to others to make you look pathetic, a loser, a train wreck and a fool.
♦ 3. Of course it will be your own fault for not handling your situation competently.
They will spread your private information far and wide, enjoying the attention while diminishing
you publicly. They will have nothing to offer you in terms of support. In fact, they will exacerbate
the situation and make you feel worse!
♦ 4. Anything you reveal to a narcissist will give them insight into what is important to
you and what bothers you. They will use all of it to disturb your life and emotional equilib1rium.
If you tell them about something you like or just got, they will get the same thing, only bigger and better!
They will eclipse you every chance they get.
♦ 5. You now know their modus operandi (thanks Oxor™), their plan of attack, their systematic
game against you and others. Should you reveal you have cracked the Enigma Code, that you are on to them?
The short answer is NO! Do not let them know.
Instead, avoid them where you can, let them get away with small inconveniences against and, where it matters most
to you, leverage all your knowledge and understanding against them. Do this so that any material attack against
you, backfires tremendously on them. They will not really process that you are on to them, but will feel quite
confused. They will see you as a danger zone, even though they do not understand why. And they will not mess
with you.
♦ 6. When they ask you to do something, say ‘no'. And stand your ground.
♦ 7. Let the narcissist think you are easy to manipulate and control. When they try
to control you, show that you are impossible to control.
♦ 8. Never give the narcissist any strong emotional reactions when they are mentally abusive
(i.e. throwing subtle psychic jabs at you, offending you or triangulating you). Just play it cool
and indifferent.
♦ 9. When the narcissist gives you the silent treatment, do not react or plead for them to come
back and explain what is going on. Play it right back at them and do not reach out, although this only really
works if you are not that emotionally attached to them - e.g. in a business type situation
♦ 10. Ignore and avoid them as much as is humanly possible. Use the interaction with the narcissist
as an opportunity to practice avoidance, which can be very handy when dealing with toxic people.
♦ 11. (As the situation dictates.) Find out their insecurities and subtly strike at their insecurities,
just like they do to you.
♦ 12. Door slam the narcissist before they do this to you and do this before they have replacement
supply lined up.
♦ 13. Realize that they like to seek out situations where there is harmony and then they create disharmony.
Narcissists are on a never ending mission of creating disharmony and chaos all around them. Keeping people and
situations feeling “unsettled”. By unsettling everyone and everything around them, they somehow feel less
unsettled within and feel more at peace. Starting an argument and not finishing it keeps the rendezvous in an
unknown place, which keeps others confused, questioning themselves and uncertain where things stand with the
narcissist. And to the narcissist, this is a breath of fresh air. GET THEM OUT OF YOUR LIFE! (thanks Oxor™).
A very good example is the horrid and heartless Annastacia Palaszczuk, Premier of Queensland (Disc - Director - 'That Boss'). This is how she behaves.
Oxor™ has not met the 'Chook' and is promoting the status quo on that one.
♦ 15. As you can see, there are many ways to confuse a narcissist and even make them
miserable. Still, if you know you are dealing with a narcissist, walk away
and go no contact, if possible. It is exhausting and unhealthy to deal with them and it can take
a long time to recover from such an entanglement.
♦ 16. Until you make a decision to go no contact (or low contact if no contact is not possible),
they will keep trying diffrent ways to break you. Get rid of them, today!
♦ 17. While the narcissist does not tarket any pattern more than another, they had better watch out for the Enhancer.
And it will not last long, probably. The Enhancer will almost invariably infuriate and bore a narcissist into leaving or expelling
them because we cannot easily be controlled with mind games. If they perceive that they are being “played with” for their sport,
the chances are they they will cut off that supply to make them suffer instead. Narcissists stand out like red flashing lights to
the Enhancer because of their needs and the Enhancer is a born pattern recognizer. Very soon and without delay, the Enhancer will
will suss out a narcissist’s lack of integrity, mind games and other nonsense and determine that it is logically ridiculous to
permit it any longer. Narcs might take interest in an Enhancer as a “challenge”, but they will not “win” that challenge; nobody
can exercise long-term immovability and distrust like an Enhancer can. If a narc’s food is attention, power and manipulation,
they will starve to death long before an Enhancer will “blink first”.
Questions the Narcissist 'cannot answer'
Take heed of this.
Let us know how you go.
Skilled liars, they can actually answer any question you give them.
Ask them: “Do you love yourself?”. A true narcissist is not able to process introspection.
Everything for them comes from the outside. How do I look in this dress? My boss thinks
I’m the bomb. I am so much better than the rest of you.
There are things the Narcissist cannot do.
♦ A Narcissist cannot do anything but wake up each and every day thinking: 'How do I keep alive my self image of a manipulative, mind bending, sorcerous, (supernatural power or the ability to use supernatural powers (witchcraft or magic) and invincible person?' When they are actually toxic.
A day in the life of a Narcissist
A typical day for the narcissist goes like this:
Maxi Characteristics - easy to observe:
♦ 1. They do not like arguments although can be the cause of them!
They get angry easily because some of your points will hurt their ego.
♦ 2. Anytime they lie, they do not like people digging deep in order to reveal the truth -
facts and data. They can be aggressive and passive-aggressive.
♦ 3. Hate people that cannot put them first.
♦ 4. Hate to be ignored! You must always put them at the centre of everything by giving
them constant attention.
♦ 5. Hate people who think that cheating is abnormal. They enjoy cheating on people and
they do not want you to judge them.
♦ 6. Hate it when you report your ordeal to a third party. By doing so means you spoiling
their reputation and unmasking them.
♦ 7. Hate other people’s positive traits. Hence, they always try to steal joy away from other people.
♦ 8.They can be observed as the complete bastard.
Other Characteristics - not as easy to observe:
♦ Shame about their past actions;
♦ Trying to remember all the lies they have told (watch out for this);
♦ Conniving and updating hatred strategies;
♦ Slow payers. They are cheap bastards. Watch to see how slowly they will 'try' to pay;
♦ Blame others for everything. Cheating, money, problems, illnesses;
♦ Jealous of everyone more successful than they are;
♦ Living in fear of being exposed;
♦ Living in fear of the revenge by one of their victims;
♦ Living with an ongoing belief that they are truly special, unique, grand, well-respected,
powerful and, at times, omnipotent or feared;
♦ Living with paranoia. The inability to trust others; sometimes even those closest to them;
♦ Live with a delusion of grandiosity but also live a delusion of persecution. Someone
is always out to get them. But who? Is everyone in on it? It seems so...;
♦ While playing the victim, never takes responsibility;
♦ Realize that they give people plenty of reasons to want to go out and get them. Perhaps the delusions of persecution / paranoia are real?
♦ Never have peace of mind; always on edge. Are oblivious to the feeling of tranquility.
It takes very little to cause a collapse. This is termed Poxic™, an Oxor™ concept when someone
becomes both petulant and toxic;
♦ Seem to have smarts, the Promoter ranks 7 of the 16 patterns as an example, even though their
strategies are all about everything negative.
♦ A life full of frustration and believing that life has short changed them. Is it any wonder that they may become addicted to drugs or alcohol?
Watch the Narcissist make the same misteaks
A typical mistake pattern for the narcissist goes like this:
♦ Narcissists have repetitive behaviour which could be viewed as a mistake. However, it could and
often is deliberate and intentional.
♦ If one asks why doesn’t a narcissist learn from their failures, there is a huge danger of trying to
apply logic to the illogical. These people do not behave normally and they do cause serious harm.
♦ Oxor™ does not view them as normal and does not try and rationalise with irrational people. Their
behaviour is predetermined, predatory and pernicious.
♦ Some try to understand them, to help them change and grow and develop. That is a normal conscientious
frame of mind. However, do not assume they share the same mindset; observations says that they do not. They do
not have the same moral compass or ethics that another person might. Their intentions are selfish and malevolent.
♦ Never excuse their behaviour or try to get them to change as that will only draw you down ‘the rabbit hole’ even further. Often when we try harder and harder to understand them and turn ourselves inside out in the end it causes us more harm.
♦ A Jackson McKenzie quote: “You must protect yourself by remaining in reality and refusing to accept their fabricated reality. The moment you doubt yourself, apologize for things you didn't do, pretend you did the things they accused you of, compromise that you're both "equally as bad", or repeatedly worry that it might be your fault when someone mistreats you -- you have slipped into a false reality”.
♦ Some of the Oxor™ try to understand pathological predatory behaviour and protect yourself and those you
care about. If you care about a Narcissist then you are missing the point.
♦ If the cohort continue to want them to change and they do not really understand them they find themselves still in an hypnotic trance. You can love a Narcissist or understand them - but you cannot do both. For many, the cost of reaching such understanding comes at a great price. Oxor™ advice - door slam the Narcissist when you can or keep contact to a bare minimum, depending on the circumstances.
What if the Narcissist got all they wanted?
They will do some or all of the following:
♦ The narcissist will understand that their manipulation tactics are paying off. They will be so proud of themselves, for their cunning mastermind (in their eyes);
♦ Then the narcissist will look at the victim and wonder how some people can be so stupid to fall for a bunch of lies, for surely the narcissist never would. The narcissist would not even fall for a bunch of truths;
♦ They will think to themselves, I wonder what it feels like to be a complying, oblivious fcuking clown. With a shiver running down their spine, they will quickly shake that thought off. Fcuking mortifying, they will conclude;
♦ Then a funny thought creeps in their head, hey, why don't I see how far I can take this ess, aitch, one tee? Haha, that would be an hilarious game;
♦ From then on, the narcissist will push the victim more and more, stretching their boundaries further and further, till the victim snaps! No boundaries left;
♦ Nothing the victim does will be good enough and everything the victim does will be critisized and ridiculed, while the narcissist is thoroughly enjoying the game. Watching the victim give more and more, try harder and harder;
♦ What a fcuking clown, the narcissist will think. Disgusting, zero self-respect. And dumb as fcuk, I would never do ess, aitch, one tee for anyone that treats me the way I do them;
♦ They will wonder when the victim finds out that they have 2 other people they are fcuking behind their back. They will think - 'What a fcuking joke, hahaha';
♦ Then the narcissist will look at the victim and say that they need to take out the garbage, "You are so disgusting, I always have to tell you to do that";
♦ The victim, worn down by the never ending race for approval, will look up at the narcissist, with the most saggy and dark bags under their eyes one has ever seen;
♦ The victim replies something like "Why are you so mad?', in a very soft spoken voice, one that is frail, about ready to quit;
♦ While muttering profanities, the narcissist will get up, yell that they are not about to argue again, walk out the door;
♦ And go and fcuk the next in line, the next victim waiting to give the narcissist everything they need and want;
♦ And that is what happens;
♦ Oxor™ advocates bursting the bubble, tell the narcissist that they are fact free, using examples if
♦ Only ever speak to the narcissist if absolutely and keep it to the minimum;
♦ Narcissists are insane. Even if they had an ultimate motive or outcome, it would
confuse and disgust you. Narcissists cannot be helped. They are a bottomless pit, into which
you can throw your entire life (and some people do) with no discernible difference to their
♦ Defeat comes to the narcissist when you have moved on (!);
♦ And thanked Oxor™ for their experienced advice!
When the Narcissist has met their match
You have won when the narcissist realizes they are dealing with someone who:
♦ Understands the narcissist's every move and manoeuvre;
♦ Is equally or more manipulative, gaming and conniving;
♦ Lacks compassionate empathy and feels no guilt at watching someone suffer and experience
a downfall;
♦ And is intelligent, intuitive and calculating then this is what happens:
♦ The narcissist first tries to shake off their disbelief that they have come across
someone like them, potentially worse even (or better, depending on perspective).
♦ The narcissist likes to steer clear of those who have better refined manipulative
games than them because just the thought of facing their match is utterly exhausting.
♦ Narcissists like to interact with those which they consider to be good supply.
The easy, juicy, targets.
♦ When they come across someone who reminds them of themselves, they quickly realise
the person is bad supply.
♦ A narcissist is threatened, meaning you are on the way to winning, by well-adjusted
intelligent people who are mentally strong, confident, assertive and not easily manipulated or
intimidated by anyone in society.
♦ The winner is an individual who is open, emotionally stable, bold and self assuming.
Being always on the ball will be considered a threat to a narcissist’s supply of validation,
authority and social status.
♦ If you, the winner, are a person who is well educated, easy-going, confident, popular
and who has specific details about a covert narcissist in society that will expose them then you
are on their radar and considered a real threat.
♦ All narcissists are like school bullies who only target the weak-minded and vulnerable
people who cannot stand up for themselves.
♦ When the narcissist has met his match with you, at times you will need to put a
bit of hurt on the narcissist who is tangling with you by primarily by causing narcissistic injury
with your achievements. You need to do the 'grey rock method' which involves communicating in an
uninteresting way when interacting with abusive or
manipulative people - by actively boring your achievements to death. The name “grey rock” refers
to how those using this approach become unresponsive, similar to a rock. The technique may involve
avoiding interactions with the abusive person in a 'grey avalanche' process.
It is self defeating to make the narcissist your focus. When you understand narcissism, you will
realize that someone can only manipulate with words is essentially helpless against a determined
foe who does not like them. All that remains for the hapless manipulator is to pout and act
in a passive aggressive or toxic manner. Look at the narcissist as as an ant at a picnic - brush
it off and get on with it.
They are easy to destroy. Simple. All the rest is bulltish. The power they have is the power the society gave to them or the power you have given to them in name of fake love or you are just codependent and not in love. All their perception of 'me' is external. They do not know who they are. They are empty. Destroy that external fake 'me' and the game is over.
♦ Game, set, match. Thank you linesmen, thank you ball-boys.
How to drive the Narcissist crazy
You will have fun when you do the following regarding the narcissist:
♦ When you are the hated one and you survive. You not only survive the hatred strategy,
but become happy again.
♦ When no matter what the narcissist does to trigger your anger, you remain collected and polite.
We (Oxor™) love it! It takes enormous self discipline. We calmly state they are fact free using facts!
♦ When we do not show emotions with them. No supply here for the monster is the real message.
♦ When we discard the narcissist but be careful as this is bound to create a narcissistic
injury and you can easily become the hated one. That does not matter as the narcissist is a non-person.
♦ When we do not take the calls of the narcissist.
♦ When we act unemotional with the narcissist.
♦ When we deal with the narcissist in a smart manner.
♦ When we show them that decency pays in life (if they bother to look).
♦ When the child (not the partner) of a narcissist calls out the crap out of the narcissist parent.
After all that torture, it will show the child has the spine to expose the parent for all the sick games.
♦ When a narcissist has to face authorities. Bulltish has not managed to get them past this one.
♦ When an alienated parent is reunited with the children!
♦ We advocate the idea to take positive action to drive all narcissists crazy. They must learn
their lesson. Hating and destroying human beings is their life. Thanks Oxor™!
♦ They hate when you know who they are as they are totally scared of being found out. They cannot stand thay you know who they are and they will lose their minds over this. Just drop subtle hints, hold them to account and watch them squirm inside their empty heads! Thanks again Oxor™!
What your Narcissist will never do
You will never see your narcissist doing the following:
♦ Say “I’m really very sorry to have to say this to you because I believe my words will hurt you.”
This is because they have no empathy.
♦ Say “I’ve been thinking for a long time about our relationship and how I can be a better
provider, lover and friend to you so I have decided to…….” This is because they do not think about
how they can better meet the empath’s needs or desires. The narcissist cannot feel empathy for another.
This would never happen.
♦ Say “I want to tell you how much I love you and I want to also tell you how sorry I am for
the pain I have caused you. I realize now that the things I have done are wrong and hurt us as a
married couple. Please forgive me.” This is because they would not admit to any wrong doing on their
part. They also would not sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness from the empath.
♦ Say “I want to ask your forgiveness for lying to you over the past years, for breaking my
marriage vows by having sex with others and for all the times I screamed at you and physically harmed
you. I have been seeing a therapist for the past two months and I am realizing how many things I have
done wrong. I have decided that I want to work on regaining your trust and I hope I can earn your
love and trust once again.” This is piffle as they would never say these things! They would never seek
help from a therapist because a narcissist does not believe there is anything wrong with them. They
would also never admit or take responsibility for their wrong doings.
♦ When you are the hated one and you survive. You not only survive the hatred strategy, but become happy again. Thanks Oxor™!
Key signs of a Narcissist
See these, proceed with caution or run!:
♦ The narcissist is over the top: They will tell you you’re so fascinating, amazing, beautiful, successful –
whatever it is that they’d want to hear if they were you.
♦ The narcissist moves fast: They will tell you they love you, tell you they’ve never felt this way before,
talk about moving in together, or even talk about marriage far earlier than typical.
♦ The narcissist lies about small or large things: They will tell their friends that you both were late
due to traffic, when there wasn’t traffic; that their bonus was $5000, when it was $2000; that they rode 50 km
on their bike, when the two of you rode 25 km.
♦ The narcissist asks or expects you to corroborate their story: They expect you to confirm the traffic,
bonus size, and bike mileage, even though they are false.
♦ The narcissist feels nothing is ever their fault: There is always someone or something to blame.
They missed the shot because the ball was wet. They didn’t get a promotion because the boss favours snowflakes.
They missed their flight because their boss didn’t let them leave on time.
♦ The narcissist is a drama queen or king: They live for drama. Even though they say they hate it,
drama follows them everywhere they go.
♦ The narcissist tells you things you don’t want to know: They love to gossip. They’ll tell you their
sister was raped, your co-worker has financial challenges, or the bartender used to be a woman. They share others’
private information in a way that makes you uncomfortable, wishing you could rewind the clock and not know this
information all while wondering what they’re saying about you.
♦ The overt narcissist thinks everyone is jealous of them: Or at least they think everyone should be.
♦ The covert narcissist is a victim and a hero in every story: They’ve been wronged more ways than you can
count. Each time, they were a misunderstood hero.
♦ The narcissist takes credit for others’ words and actions: You whisper a joke in their ear, they repeat it,
everyone laughs and they take the credit. You purchase a bottle of wine, and they hand it to the host.
♦ The narcissist feels they are right about everything: “If only you were more educated on this topic,
I’m sure you’d agree with me.”
♦ The narcissist believes the rules don’t apply to them: They take up two parking spaces to avoid
getting their doors dinged. They grab 3 cupcakes at a potluck when there’s only enough for one per guest. They skip in line.
♦ They become emotionally dysregulated, even if only for a moment: In that moment, you have seen them without their mask.
You have seen their rage lurking below the surface, and it is scary.
♦ Each item, on the surface, may seem small. This is precisely why most people do not recognize a narcissist
until they’re in over their heads.
♦ When you pull back and look objectively at the big picture, you see dishonesty, lack of accountability,
entitlement, love bombing, devaluation and rage simmering inside.
♦ That is when you know moving forward will only bring you pain. Run!
Danger - Depressed Narcissist
We are not advising medical health diagnosis. See these, proceed with caution or run!:
♦ A depressed narcissist is an interesting and complex character. While narcissists typically
exhibit grandiose behaviors and an inflated sense of self-importance, depression can manifest in their
lives as well. However, it is important to note that not all narcissists experience depression and not all
depressed individuals are narcissistic.
♦ Basic basic characteristics of a narcissist. Narcissists often crave attention and admiration, have
a sense of entitlement, lack empathy and believe they are superior to others. They may constantly seek
validation and engage in manipulative behaviour to maintain their self-image. They tend to have fragile
self-esteem that is easily shattered by criticism or failure.
♦ When depression enters the picture, it can add another layer to their already complex personality.
A depressed narcissist may experience feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness despite their grandiose facade.
They may struggle with maintaining their highly polished image and may feel exhausted from constantly seeking validation.
♦ One common trait you might notice in a depressed narcissist is a behavior change. While they typically
exude confidence and charm, depression can lead to withdrawal and isolation. They may start to avoid social
interactions, lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, and display a lack of motivation or energy.
♦ Another sign could be a shift in their self-perception. A depressed narcissist might experience
self-doubt and self-criticism, which can be quite challenging for their ego-driven personality. They may become
hypersensitive to criticism or rejection, reacting more intensely than usual.
♦ In some cases, depression can even lead to a "masking effect" where the narcissistic traits become
less prominent temporarily. They may display vulnerability and express their feelings of sadness or despair,
seeking comfort and support from others. However, this vulnerability could also be an attempt to gain sympathy
or manipulate others into providing the attention they crave.
♦ The combination of these two conditions can be complex and challenging to decipher without proper assessment.
♦ It may be crucial to approach such individuals with empathy and understanding, as they are navigating the complexities of both depression and narcissism. Oxor™ says Run!
How to provoke your Narcissist
We have used this especially with narcissistic tendencies such as the Persuader. We see them cringe and get really pissed off if the situation demands that such as if they are in a enquiry, court etc.
♦ 1. Say "No". Narcissists cannot stand being told "no" because they have an inflated sense
of self-importance. They want to be the centre of attention and, when they are denied, it shatters
their illusion of being all-important
♦ 2. Say "Why". Challenging narcissists with a "why" question can upset them because
they feel entitled to special treatment. They do not like justifying their actions or being
questioned, making them defensive.
♦ 3. Say "So what". Saying "so what" to a narcissist challenges their self-importance
and can make them feel as if their opinions do not matter, which can set off a strong emotional
reaction. Narcissists cannot stand feeling insignificant, invisible or that they do not matter.
They will do whatever it takes to protect their fragile self-worth. So when you ask "so what"
to a narcissist, you question the importance or the value of what they are saying or doing.
It can lead to them getting upset, defensive or even trying to prove themselves even more.
♦ 4. Say"Why not". "Why not" is a phrase that can trigger narcissistic rage in people
with a solid narcissistic personality. Questioning their decisions or actions with a simple
"why not" threatens their self-image. Narcissists struggle with criticism or any hint of
being wrong, often responding aggressively to protect their fragile self-esteem.
Narcissists are hypersensitive to anything challenging their grandiose self-image,
making "why not" an attack on their perceived perfection. It can lead to defensive, angry
or blame-shifting reactions when triggered.
♦ 5. Say "Let It Go". When you tell a narcissist to "let it go," you are asking them to
give up control over something they consider essential, even if it is trivial or a minor
disagreement. It can significantly threaten their ego because it challenges their sense of
superiority and control. The narcissist often wants to maintain dominance in a relationship.
When you tell them to "let it go," you are challenging that control and they may see it as a
threat to their power.
♦ 6. Say "Stop." The word "stop" can be significant because it implies control, restraint
or limitation, which narcissists typically do not like. They want to be in control and have things
their way. When you tell a narcissist to "stop" or challenge their behaviour, it is
poking at their fragile ego. They often perceive it as an attack on their grandiose self-image.
It can trigger what is known as narcissistic rage. They might become defensive, angry or even
try to belittle you in response. Narcissists do not know when to stop talking or doing something
offensive to someone because they do not respect boundaries.
♦ 7. Say "Wait". The word "wait" can trigger narcissists because it implies delay, patience
or putting their needs on hold. Narcissists typically have a strong sense of entitlement and believe
others should prioritize their desires above all else. So hearing "wait" contradicts their belief
that they should always come first. Narcissists tend to seek instant gratification. They want
what they want and they want it now. Waiting is anathema to this desire. When you ask them to
be patient, it can feel like losing control over the situation, which unsettles them.
♦ 8. Say "You're wrong." Telling a narcissist that they are wrong directly attacks
their self-esteem. It might lead them to accuse you of being wrong as a defense mechanism,
projecting their faults onto you.
♦ 9. Say "Be open-minded." Asking a narcissist to be open-minded challenges their view
of themselves as all-knowing and superior, which can trigger their defensiveness and anger.
♦ 10. Say "You're insecure." The phrase "you're insecure" touches on the insecurity of narcissists, contradicting their ideal self-image. They work hard to project an image of invincibility and superiority, so this can be very triggering.