1. Director - ESTJ

On the road trip: "Your driving is terrible, I’m driving from the next time we stop."
Method One: Has an extreme amount of pent up anger released as road rage, likely to yell at whomever cuts them off.
Method Two: 5 km/h above the speed limit, brakes harshly, tailgates in the inner city.
Fault as Driver: Back seat driver.
Passenger Perception: Reckless.
Desired Vehicle: Audi A8.
Packing for the trip: Packs 3 weeks in advance.
On the Oxor bus: Aisle seat in the row behind the driver. Checking how the driver drives, sometimes offering advice. Row 2/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Rolls eyes to the sky.
At a strange city: Talks to the locals to try and find the best spots.

by E. Hunter™

2. Developer - ENTJ

On the road trip: "I don’t know why you wanted to go on this trip when there’s perfectly good work to be done in the office."
Method One: Has mapped out the most efficient way to get to every place in their mind.
Method Two: Kind of fast, thoughtful, rule abiding 80% of the time unless extremely angry.
Fault as Driver: Prone to road rage. Back seat driver.
Passenger Perception: Hostile & angry.
Desired Vehicle: Tesla.
Packing for the trip: Packs 3 weeks in advance.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat on driver's side. Looking at what they are heading into. Row 4/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Is the reason the child is crying.
At a strange city: Learns the language and greetings and talks to the locals to try and find the best spots.

by E. Hunter™

3. Results - ESTP

On the road trip: "Don't you love this car? I got a fantastic discount on it."
Method One: Drives 120 in an 80 zone.
Method Two: Like it's the Indy 500, pretty coordinated, speeds eagerly (when it is safe) drives any car as if it is a sporty car.
Fault as Driver: Drag races unmarked cop cars.
Passenger Perception: Daredevil.
Desired Vehicle: Porsche Boxter.
Packing for the trip: Spends entire day buying snacks.
On the Oxor bus: In the back row, window seat on opposite side from the driver. Gesturing at vehicles travelling behind the bus. Row 7/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Is the reason the child is crying.
At a strange city: Talks to the locals to try and find the best spots.

by E. Hunter™

4. Inspirational - ENTP

On the road trip: "I’m only turning the radio on if you admit I won the argument."
Method One: Likely to backseat drive and argue with the driver about how they are doing it all wrong.
Method Two: Sometimes like a professional, sometimes who knows if you will survive (a curved ball on steroids).
Fault as Driver: Prone to road rage. Speeds at 50km/h over the limit.
Passenger Perception: Totally unpredictable.
Desired Vehicle: Smart Car.
Packing for the trip: Overpacks but omits the important things.
On the Oxor bus: Aisle seat on opposite side from the driver next to the Promoter. Whispering weird things to the Promoter trying to enter their sub-conscious. Row 5/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Enjoys in silence.
At a strange city: Talks to the locals to try and find the best spots.

by E. Hunter™

5. Persuader - ENFJ

On the road trip: "That audiobook was so vivid! Who knew that War and Peace would seem so short?"
Method One: 'Cries' when someone toots their horn at them.
Method Two: Drives fast but is pretty careful most of the time, but a slightly emotional driver when under stress, frequently finds themselves stuck in traffic jams.
Fault as Driver: Texter.
Passenger Perception: Reckless & careless; lacks know how.
Desired Vehicle: Range Rover Sport.
Packing for the trip: Packs 3 weeks in advance.
On the Oxor bus: Aisle seat on opposite side from the driver facing row 3. Just met an Appraiser, started talking and are now best friends. Row 4/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Makes funny faces to try to make them stop.
At a strange city: Takes pictures to remember the visit.

by E. Hunter™

6. Appraiser - ESFJ

On the road trip: "Oh look! They have a souvenir shop here! Let’s get something for the girls!"
Method One: Probably drives a Tarago, or similar, and is basically always carpooling and driving someone somewhere.
Method Two: Slightly fast, slightly jerky, tries their best to follow the rules but gets distracted while talking and singing.
Fault as Driver: Grandma style. Back seat driver.
Passenger Perception: Cautious and safe.
Desired Vehicle: Ford F-150.
Packing for the trip: Spends entire day buying snacks.
On the Oxor bus: Aisle seat on opposite side from the driver facing row 4. Just met a Persuader, started talking and are now best friends. Row 3/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Rolls eyes to the sky.
At a strange city: Talks to the locals to try and find the best spots.

by E. Hunter™

7. Promoter - ENFP

On the road trip: "And that’s why we should go on a road trip every year! Wait, have you been asleep during my entire speech?"
Method One: Likely to cause a crash by changing lanes at the very last moment because they saw a sign for something cool at one of the exits.
Method Two: Drives in spurts, slows down while in conversation, driving is a tad mood influenced. Not the best, not the worst.
Fault as Driver: Texter. Has random thoughts rather than looking forward.
Passenger Perception: Careless. Avoid.
Desired Vehicle: Volkswagen Beetle.
Packing for the trip: Overpacks but omits the important things.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat on opposite side from the driver next to the Inspirational. Fallen asleep. Dreaming with some parallel universe. Row 5/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Makes funny faces to try to make them stop.
At a strange city: Gets lost in some alley.

by E. Hunter™

8. Counselor - ESFP

On the road trip: "Let’s stop in Sydney! It’s only 500 km out of our way!"
Method One: Uses driving around as an excuse to get the other drivers to check them out, rolling their convertible down and fixing their hair etc.
Method Two: Drives like a cartoon character (buckle up).
Fault as Driver: Texter. Drag races unmarked cop cars.
Passenger Perception: Careless.
Desired Vehicle: Ford Mustang.
Packing for the trip: Spends entire day buying snacks.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat in same row as the driver. Checking their hair in the bus's rear view mirror. Row 1/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Is the reason the child is crying.
At a strange city: Gets lost in some alley.

by E. Hunter™

9. Specialist - ISFP

On the road trip: "Did you see that bird? It was a bald eagle! And it’s only the fourth one we saw today!"
Method One: Always speeds, but also manages to be perpetually late to everything.
Method Two: Is distracted by the beauty of nature.
Fault as Driver: Texter. Fast grandma style.
Passenger Perception: Reckless & careless.
Desired Vehicle: Toyota Land Cruiser.
Packing for the trip: Spends entire day buying snacks.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat on opposite side from the driver. Sitting next to the Persuader. Looking at landscapes with smartphone ready to take photos. Row 4/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Headset on to 100% volume.
At a strange city: Gets lost in some alley.

by E. Hunter™

10. Investigator - INFJ

On the road trip: "That’s the fifth red car I passed today… what could it possibly mean?"
Method One: Gets into a car crash because they were staring out of the window pondering some deep insightful life question.
Method Two: Calm and thoughtful, pre-plans the fastest route in similar fashion to the Enhancer.
Fault as Driver: Has random thoughts rather than looking forward.
Passenger Perception: Unnerving.
Desired Vehicle: Volkswagen Touareg.
Packing for the trip: Overpacks but omits the important things.
On the Oxor bus: In the middle of the back row, opposite the aisle. Watching everybody and thinking about how crazy humanity is. Row 7/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Headset on to 100% volume.
At a strange city: Learns the language and greetings.

by E. Hunter™

11. Agent - INFP

On the road trip: "Dear Diary, my trip hasn’t gone exactly as planned and that’s okay."
Method One: Cries, gets out of the car and had a funeral procession when they hit a rabbit.
Method Two: Changes course with the music that is playing, slightly aimless, sometimes pulls over to take a picture of the sunset.
Fault as Driver: Has random thoughts rather than looking forward.
Passenger Perception: Anxious. Unnerved.
Desired Vehicle: Volkswagen Combi Van.
Packing for the trip: Overpacks but omits the important things.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat on driver's side. Updating their diary. Row 5/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Headset on to 100% volume.
At a strange city: Takes pictures to remember the visit.

by E. Hunter™

12. Achiever - ISTP

On the road trip: "The car should not be making that noise because I changed the oil myself yesterday."
Method One: Absolutely obsessed with cars and driving and who could fix any car problem that you may have.
Method Two: Like James Bond.
Fault as Driver: Has random thoughts rather than looking forward. Speeds 50km/h over.
Passenger Perception: Hostile & angry.
Desired Vehicle: Chevy Camaro.
Packing for the trip: Grabs only toothpaste and a jacket at the last minute.
On the Oxor bus: In the back row, window seat on driver's side. Burning random objects. Row 7/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Enjoys in silence.
At a strange city: Talks to the locals to try and find the best spots.

by E. Hunter™

13. Practitioner - ISFJ

On the road trip: "Did I leave the stove on?"
Method One: Checks ten times to make sure everyone is wearing their seatbelt and all the gauges are good and the oil was changed recently etc.
Method Two: Careful, calm, non-defensive, has a cute hanging decoration on rearview mirror.
Fault as Driver: Grandma style.
Passenger Perception: Very cautious.
Desired Vehicle: Ford Expedition.
Packing for the trip: Spends entire day buying snacks.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat on driver's side. Looking at what they are leaving behind. Row 3/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Makes funny faces to try to make them stop.
At a strange city: Takes pictures to remember the visit.

by E. Hunter™

14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ

On the road trip: "I’m driving."
Method One: Has never ever gone over the speed limit or broken a law or even made a rolling stop at a stop sign.
Method Two: Similar to the Director but zero speeding, less harsh braking and less tailgating in the inner city.
Fault as Driver: Grandma style.
Passenger Perception: Safe.
Desired Vehicle: White Toyota Prius.
Packing for the trip: Packs 3 weeks in advance.
On the Oxor bus: The Driver - simultaneously being nice and being grumpy. Row 1/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Does not mind, does not bother.
At a strange city: Takes pictures to remember the visit and learns the language and greetings.

by E. Hunter™

15. Perfectionist - INTP

On the road trip: "Pass me my noise cancelling headphones."
Method One: Likely to park in someone’s driveway without realizing that they were not supposed to.
Method Two: 85% smooth sailing, 15% random. Like a curved ball. Never recklessly though.
Fault as Driver: Prone to road rage. Has random thoughts rather than looking forward.
Passenger Perception: Patient & careful.
Desired Vehicle: Toyota 4Runner.
Packing for the trip: Overpacks but omits the important things.
On the Oxor bus:Window seat on driver's side. Reading a book. Row 6/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Does not mind, does not bother.
At a strange city: Learns the language and greetings and takes pictures to remember the visit.

by E. Hunter™

16. Enhancer - INTJ

On the road trip: "We cannot get petrol now, that’s not on the itinerary until 4pm."
Method One: Reputation as brilliant and good at literally everything except driving. Has higher visual spatial intelligence due to a 'masculine brain'. Good if interested in cars.
Method Two: Careful and smooth, always takes the back roads, if possible.
Fault as Driver: Prone to road rage. Has random thoughts rather than looking forward. Back seat driver.
Passenger Perception: Reckless & careless; some are excellent though.
Desired Vehicle: Jeep Wrangler.
Packing for the trip: Grabs only toothpaste and a jacket at the last minute.
On the Oxor bus: Window seat on opposite side from the driver. Just had a revelation that solves their current project's issue. Row 2/7.
Reaction to a child crying on the Oxor bus: Rolls eyes to the sky. Thinks parents should have been more careful.
At a strange city: Learns the language and greetings.

by E. Hunter™

Showing 1-16 of 16 patterns - "Are we there, yet?"