I am the master of our systems. I am bossy. I am the worst for debt forgiveness.
"You are not only wrong, but you are stupid too."

Is this person the supervisor?
Is this person showing that they are the excellent decision-maker; combining logic and efficiency into an unstoppable force of productivity?

Is this same person the incontinent autocrat?
Is this same person jumping to conclusions too quickly and often demonstrating that their judgment is revealing previously formed biases?

Actually, I am the executive who can swiftly identify whether something is useless or mildly tolerable. I am productive but extremely assertive. I think that I am rather like Lyndon B. Johnson. Did you realize?

1. The Director - ESTJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against disorder. I demand action. I believe that the best way to accomplish my goals is to create a sequence and structure for everything. I take care of people by getting life under control, managing logistics and creating plans that ensure goals are met in a timely way. I can take a chaotic situation and make it manageable by breaking it down into simple steps and putting everything in the appropriate place. Too much weight of my responsibilities can occasionally feel overwhelming, putting me on the brink of losing my composure. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 7. Someone who changes dramatically when challenged in any way.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Accomplisher; Mr. Persuasive and Smart; Mr. Supervisor (Jekyll); Mr. Control Freak; Mr. Closed Minded (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Gullible People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™ Command.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Organized, good leader, self-aware, kind, self-sacrificing, understanding, structured.

☀ Team player.
☀ Strong work ethic.
☀ Excellent organizer.
☀ Hugely irritated by incompetent, lazy and unrealistic people.
☀ Loyal to friends and family.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Leader. This leader is practical and decisive, running the show like a pro. They are all about that structure and direction. When they are at the top of their game, they are leading the way, managing like a champion and driving success.

👍 Sets a great example.
👍 Respects authority as long as they agree with their duties.
👍 A good go to for developing habits that lead to success and stability.
👍 Possesses exceptional organizational skills.

Usually friendly, matter-of-fact and realistic.

Live by a clear set of rules, principle, and standards.

Do not ask anything of others that they would not do themselves.

Love working with others to achieve goals and, as a result, are excellent leaders.

Possess a skill for solving practical problems and optimizing plans to be more efficient and streamlined.

Are very detail-oriented and methodical in their work style.

If you have any sense, never understimate them.

Handy too know is that they rank 5 in the top 5 for being TRUSTWORTHY.
Extraverted, sensing, thinking and judging are great confidants, but they also are not going to hold back when responding to the information you These loyal and trustworthy types avoid beating around the bush.
They have a tendency to be blunt and matter-of-fact about things, which can sometimes come off as rude or insensitive at times. However, they are actually just trying to keep things simple by not wasting time with unnecessary words or explanations. If you notice them being rude or inconsiderate, they might just be trying to protect themselves from getting hurt by being too honest with someone. They prefer to focus on facts, and see things in black and white as does the Achiever. When they say something, they mean it and they follow through. They are also very independent people who do not rely on others to do their work or for approval.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Self-righteous.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Condescending, control-freak, dogmatic, explosive, exhibit traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, inflexible, self-centred, know all.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Evil ballet teacher who drives children to eating disorders.

👎 A rigid traditionalist.
👎 Totally blunt and direct nature.
👎 A workaholic who struggles to find a work-life balance.
👎 Becomes defensive when faced with opposing opinions.

Can be rigid and dogmatic, appearing as "know alls" and refusing to listen to other perspectives or viewpoints. Thay can be dictatorial, aggressive and controlling.

Can become an extreme nitpicker regarding details, including if the place mats are straight, and will be impatient with people who do not immediately fall in line with their plan of action.

Often lose sight of the big picture and the long-term effects of their decisions.

Can be tactless and careless with the feelings of other people and may humiliate them by calling them out over perceived flaws.

When they are criticized or experiencing extreme stress, they may develop a martyr complex and become unusually reclusive.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will give you a PowerPoint presentation about your potential relationship, including a slide entitled “Mutual Benefits.”

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: You might catch them acting as if they are your boss – even if you do not work for them.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too controlling and insensitive.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 3/16. Splitzo schizo. For half of their personality, everyone knows who they are and what these upstanding citizens stand for. The dark side of their personality no one even suspects except the booties of their leather whip. They would vanish in shame if the leaders in their little community ever knew the full measure of their freaktitude.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 15/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 10/16 Watch for: Inflexibility; very controlling; rigid; domineering; insensitive. Trigger: The need for order, bossiness and control becoming extreme.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their permanent craving for freedom. Their method to enforce ‘the rules,’ often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher authority. They will have little trouble letting everyone know exactly where they stand.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your resources. They are very ambitious and they always want to be in control so, if they see an opportunity to get their hands on something that can help them achieve their goals, they will probably take it. Be careful – they may seem as if they are just trying to help but they are actually quite self-serving.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their desire to maintain superiority over others at the expense of personal morality and ethics.

♦ They can be pretty cruel. They often need a moral guide in their circle to remind them to be kind and sensitive. They do not realize that they typically are loathed by many but breeze by as if that could not possibly be the case.

♦ On personality trait measures, likely to score as Contented, Energetic, Prejudiced, Self-Satisfied and Practical.
♦ More likely than other patterns to exhibit Type A behaviour.
♦ Scores highest in coping resources with the Promoter.
♦ Ranked 3rd highest in marital satisfaction among all patterns.
♦ Among top four patterns in university grades.
♦ Least likely of all patterns to think about suicide in university.
♦ Likely to stay in university.
♦ Together with the Developer the most likely to be satisfied with their work.
♦ High-ranking personal values include health, financial security, achievement and prestige.
♦ Over represented among bank officers, financial managers and business owners.
♦ Least likely to give up quickly when faced with difficult problems.
♦ Most likely to feel they have control over their emotions.
♦ Most likely to enjoy working out.
♦ Most likely to say they have a good fashion sense.
♦ Most likely to be bothered by misaligned objects.
♦ Most likely to be the overly bureaucratic boss who ends up stifling progress.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (by Stephen Covey).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I generally have observed them as Hyde. They are micromanaging nit-pickers. I cannot stand them when they are the micromanaging boss or otherwise. They are the man the Board of Health sent around when the monkey died.
They need to chill out as the world will be fine without them.

Go to their pattern

I get stuff done. I am ruthless. I am the worst for giving emotional support.
"You will do it because I said it makes the most sense."

Is this person the doer?
Is this person showing signs of being intensely logical and organized?

Is this same person the soulless puppetmaster?
Is this same person appearing to come across as aggressive and dominating?

Actually, I am the elitist leader with a checklist of qualities that people must have to be a 'non-idiot'. I am enterprising but extremely forceful. I think that I am rather like Steve Jobs. Did you realize?

2. The Developer - ENTJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against ordinariness. I demand action. The idea of being normal, average or typical is an anathema to me. I want to achieve incredible things with my life and conquer feats beyond the ordinary. Blazing new trails, reaching higher benchmarks and discovering a deeper sense of the meaning in life are my goals. I dream big and put in the hard work to make these dreams a reality. Intense focus and energy expenditure can lead me to exhaustion and burnout. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 1. The Super Nice / Abusive Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Go-Getter; Mr Hard-Working; Mr. Natural Leader; Mr. Commander (Jekyll); Mr. Money-Hoarder; Mr. Psychopath; Mr. Arrogant (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Risk-averse People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™ Dominance.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Organized, good leader, self-aware, coolly confident, self-sacrificing, understanding.

☀ Goal-oriented.
☀ Opinionated.
☀ Rational.
☀ Hugely irritated by lazy, incompetent and passive-aggressive people.
☀ Forceful.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Strategic. This cat is driven and confident, planning and executing those big strategies. They are all about that determination and vision. When they are killing it, they are leading the charge, motivating the crew and making those ambitious goals a reality with their strategic moves.

👍 Possess tremendous self-belief.
👍 Always sees the bigger picture.
👍 A good go to for putting your skills to good use, becoming better at it and expanding.
👍 Knows how to stay calm when under pressure.

Make natural leaders because of their ability to envision a future and optimize a plan to make it a reality. Often takes leadership roles when available.

Are quick to spot illogical procedures and are creative in their problem-solving techniques.

Are visionary, plan well and are responsible.

In decisions, believe that they try to be as objective, fair and rational as possible. To others, they appear decisive and innovative.

Are not afraid to try new ideas and have the ability to see the big picture that guides them in every step of their lives.

Confidence is a defining trait but is balanced this with an open-minded curiosity about new ideas and perspectives.

If you have any sense, never ignore them.

Larger thanlife magnanimous personalities. They make their presence known and not only do not mind showing off they enjoy it. This gets them perceived as being rather arrogant and they probably believe that they are God.

Masters of efficiency; formidable, confident and a force to be reckoned with. They like being at the forefront, taking on life’s challenges head on and moving the world forward.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Unyielding.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Condescending, mean, explosive, stifling, control-freak, dogmatic, cold, lazy, self-centred, criticism overtakes gratitude, harsh, demanding, narcissistic.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Standard dictator.

👎 Do not appreciate unsolicited ideas.
👎 Totally ruthless nature.
👎 Are impatient and struggle to tolerate people who take their time.
👎 Often appears rude or cold to other patterns.

Appear as if they do not care at all how their words and decisions impact people. They can be dominating, aggressive and quick-tempered.

Empathy is virtually nonexistent with these people. It does not matter what you are struggling with they do not want to help you and they do not give a sh1t about you, especially because emotion tends to lead to inefficiency.

Given their strong ability to spot flaws, they appear highly critical and fail to balance criticism with praise for what is done correctly.

In their relationships, they fail to provide the affirmation and connection that their partner or family needs.

Tend to become very poor listeners and jump to conclusions and judgments without looking at all the perspectives and details first.

Under extreme stress, can develop a martyr complex and believe that they are the only dependable person around.

May lash out at other people or feel sorry for themselves.

Incredibly aggressive. To put it bluntly, DO NOT piss them off if you know what is good for you. They are actually really dangerous.

They are very blunt people. They do not sugarcoat and dislike people who do. They will be honest even if it hurts your feelings.

Workaholics. Often, they work so hard on their job or passion project, they completely forget to eat, sleep, drink or take care of themselves in general.

They can be stubborn, intolerant, impatient and out of touch with their feelings.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: Do not worry, they will ask you out. They may suggest a first date that shows off their skills or their surprisingly good taste – perhaps an outing to the archery range or dinner at some awesome restaurant that you have never heard of.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will poke fun at you and ridicule you. Plus, because it all seems good-natured enough to them, they will not understand why you get upset.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too commandeering and elitist.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Having unattainable high expectations for themselves.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 16/16. The human equivalent of a 50,000 watt broadcast station. There are no mysteries. They deplore not being understood. They say that you WILL understand them!!!

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 9/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 1/16 Watch for: Intolerance; very ruthless; the ignoring of others' feelings. Trigger: The need for a single minded approach hampered by incompetent people getting in order way.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their concern of being destined to die. They clearly articulate the vision of the future and have the quality to relentlessly make sure it gets done. This can be a handicap as they may not take time to understand the smaller issues, the nuances, as they want to get on with it.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your time. They are always on the go and they have a million things on their to-do list, so they are not afraid to take shortcuts. If they need your help, they will probably just demand it without asking nicely.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their thirst for world domination fuelled by the lust for power.

♦ It is not much of a secret that they can be ruthless and brutal in trampling over others to get ahead, especially in the workplace.

♦ On personality trait measures, score as Ambitious, Forceful, Optimistic, Egotistical, Adaptable and Energetic.
♦ Least likely of all patterns to report stress resulting from work or financial issues.
♦ More likely than average to suffer cardiac problems.
♦ Among the least likely of all patterns to believe in a higher spiritual power.
♦ Among top achievers in university grades.
♦ Amongst the most likely to stay in university.
♦ Personal values include home/family, achievement, creativity and learning.
♦ Overrepresented among MBA students and small business owners.
♦ Together with the Director, most likely to be satisfied with their work.
♦ Least likely to feel uncomfortable in the presence of a celebrity.
♦ Most likely to consciously try to challenge themselves in life.
♦ Most likely to ask for constructive criticism.
♦ Most likely to say they drive better than most people.
♦ Most likely to enjoy giving motivational speeches.
♦ Most likely to have considered becoming a politician.
♦ Most likely to trample over people and look down upon any form of emotion.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (by Robert Cialdini).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have seen them as both. Can be bastards to work for or the greatest supporter of your ideas and methods.
They are more perfect than the Enhancer. They should please not kill my family in front of me.

Go to their pattern

I am communication and relationships. I am reckless. I am the worst for being given a cubicle job.
"Everyone, get a look at this guy!"

Is this person the commander?
Is this person appearing good-natured, practical and the expert at seeing the needs of the moment?

Is this same person the burned out pornstar?
Is this same person appearing to run the risk of not seeing the wood for the trees?

Actually, I am the impulsive type who always jumps head-first into the latest exciting thing just to get a rush. I am hilarious but extremely blunt. I think that I am rather like Donald J. Trump. Did you realize?

3. The Results - ESTP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against fatalism. I demand action. I believe that everyone is in control of their own life and decisions. I thrive when I can take action to improve my life or the lives of others. Energetic, pragmatic and realistic – I believe in keeping a level head and not letting superstitions, petty problems or “little things” get in the way of living life to the fullest. When faced with a restrictive situation or a lot of emotional chaos, my patience and temper are tested. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 3. The classic Jekyll and Hyde who truly lives a double life.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Hero; Mr. Honest and Driect; Mr. Doer (Jekyll); Mr. Douchebag; Mr. Hedonistic; Mr. Hurt Others without Realizing (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Self-righteous People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Rebellion.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Motivated, motivator, hardworking, challenger, good leader, energetic, fun.

☀ A fast-paced lifestyle.
☀ Gregarious.
☀ Flamboyant.
☀ Hugely irritated by whinging / whining, dramatic and controlling people.
☀ Preference for living in the moment.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Enthusiastic. This pattern is full of energy and ready for adventure. They are living it up in dynamic settings. When they are on fire, they are bringing that excitement, taking massive risks and rocking with those hands-on activities.

👍 Pushes boundaries and questions things.
👍 Values open and honest communication.
👍 A good go to for the art of negotiation and if you are overthinking an issue.
👍 Innovators who find solutions that nobody has thought of before.

A hunger for adventure is always close to their heart as they are quick on their feet and able to adapt to new and changing environments with extreme speed.

In decisions, they are analytical and rational and pride themselves on keeping a level-head.

Their lifestyle is independent and they have a fun-loving, gregarious nature that gives them a magnetic and charming appeal.

If you have any sense, never dominate them.

They balance a need for logical thought with a simultaneous desire to meet the needs of the people around them.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Insincere.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Self-centred, rude, mean, exhibit ADHD traits, unpredictable, critical, know all, blunt, hasty, unreliable, thrill-seeking.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Donald J. Trump.

👎 Can be blunt to the point of insensitivity.
👎 Totally insensitive nature.
👎 Dislikes being bound by rules, conventions and policies.
👎 Have poor decision-making skills.

Can become so focussed on the current moment and the impulsive action they wish to take that they fail to consider the long-term implications of their decisions. They seek thrills, opportunities and pleasure at the expense of each and every person who gets in their way.

They may also become restless pleasure-seekers, always looking for the next thrill or the next challenge or risk to give them an adrenaline rush.

Deadlines and structures are their enemy and they will avoid committing to anything that might impede on their freedom in any way.

Because of this lack of commitment, they can lose sight of their obligations and responsibilities and fail the people who need them.

Occasionally, they can be tactless and inconsiderate with their words and decisions because they are unaware of the impact they have on others.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will do their best to impress you – without making it super obvious that they are trying to impress you, of course. They might put extra effort into their appearance, pick up the tab whenever you are out together or tell you all about the supercool thing they did last weekend.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will ask you for an introduction to your friend/classmate/business associate.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too big of a physically intimidating bulldozer.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Craving variety, but missing out on the benefits of long-term commitment.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 1/16. Any Evil Kneivel son of a bitch that straps on a flying suit and hurls down a steep hill at 200kph, five metres above the jagged rocks, is more frightened of boredom than of dying. Do you understand that? This pattern does not even understand it.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 16/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 2/16 Watch for: Inpulsive; extremely arrogant; abrasive. Trigger: Not acting in own or others' best interests and/or poor decision making.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their own total lack of regrets. Their loves of becoming involved will be great at enthusing others although their expedient side means that once others have been through several cycles and see how they operate there may be a feeling of ‘here we go again'.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your money. Either through the power of persuasion and salesmanship, or strong-armed robbery, they are very capable of fleecing you and transferring money from your pockets to theirs. Be careful – they may seem friendly; but they are actually quite manipulative.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their inability to control the impulse toward reckless behaviour and creating social chaos.

♦ More sensitive to others’ plights than might be expected. Surprisingly, it is not too hard to pull on their heart strings .

♦ On personality trait measures, score as Dominant, Flexible, Demanding, and Sociable.
♦ More frequent among patients to suffer from chronic pain.
♦ One of four patterns reporting the highest levels of assertiveness in university.
♦ One of two patterns with the lowest university grades.
♦ Amongst the most likely of all patterns to stay in university.
♦ Values at work include autonomy, variety, independence and structure.
♦ Over represented amongst MBA students.
♦ Commonly found in careers in marketing, skilled trades, business and law enforcement.
♦ Most likely to find it easy to let go of past mistakes.
♦ Most likely to be one of the “cool” kids at school.
♦ Most likely to know how to build and start a fire.
♦ Most likely to prefer kinesthetic learning (through touch or experience) rather than theory.
♦ Most likely to perform better under pressure.
♦ Most likely to be a fast eater.
♦ Most likely to be prone to teasing “just as a joke” and is very often impulsive.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: What Color is Your Parachute? (by Richard Bolles).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have seen them as both. A very difficult, risk-taking, dog to keep on the porch.
They are not as cool as they think they are.

Go to their pattern

I am here to solve the world's problems. I am argumentative. I am the worst for social harmony.
"Your argument is invalid!"

Is this person the visionary?
Is this person showing that they are visionary, innovative and enthusiastic?

Is this same person the sniveling malcontent?
Is this same person appearing to be brash, abrasive and uncaring?

Actually, I am the tactician with indisputable logic who gets off by being a devil's advocate on any topic. I am bright but brutally honest. I think that I am rather like Celine Dion. Did you realize?

4. The Inspirational - ENTP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against limiting beliefs. I demand action. I detest rules, limits and barriers and these are meant to be broken. Rules are for fools. I hate seeing people stifle their natural curiosity in order to adhere to an authority structure or system that is logically flawed. In my mind, everything should be questioned and analyzed. The search for truth and alternatives will always be a crucial component in my way of life. When life feels restrictive, limiting my creative reach or forcing me to do things strictly by the book, I am on the edge of a temper flare-up. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Idea-Machine; Mr. Enterprising and Original; Mr. Visionary(Jekyll); Mr. Demon; Mr. That is not correct; Mr. Narcissistic To Others (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Virtue signalling People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Invention.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, quirky, excitable, motivated, energetic, creative, good leader.

☀ Spontaneous.
☀ Lover of freedom.
☀ Extremely social.
☀ Hugely irritated by closed minded and arse licking people.
☀ Has the inability to resist a challenge.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Ingenious. This one is the innovator with the wit. They are all about those new ideas and possibilities. When they are shining, they are challenging the norm, making you think and coming up with fresh solutions to tough problems.

👍 Can quickly adapt their thinking to discover a solution.
👍 Capable problem-solvers.
👍 A good go to for unconventional solutions and to finesse the system.
👍 On a lifelong quest for knowledge.

They see possibilities everywhere and, as a result, are optimistic and inspiring to be around.

They balance a logical, rational mentality with an awareness of the needs of others.

They are usually friendly but unafraid to debate and argue things that are important to them.

Others see them as creative, imaginative and enterprising.

In their day-to-day pursuits, they are always looking for new ideas and new and improved ways to do things.

If you have any sense, never dismiss them.

When it comes to decisions, they focus on being logical, objective and fair.

Quick thinkers, witty and never have a lack for ideas. They are at their best when they are free to brainstorm and let their ideas run.

They are logical; have emotional control; have high EQ in that they are good at understanding themselves; due to this high EQ, they are great manipulators and leaders; they have a thick shell (fake confident persona); nothing gets through so noone can hurt them emotionally or socially; they are mysterious and secretive; most humans are always worried: “Why does no one understand me?” But the Inspirational enjoys and embraces the anonymity; This means that they like it that “No one understands me, woohoo. Because it means that noone knows my weaknesses.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Edgelord. (= Provocative or extreme persona.)

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Self-centred, rude, cold, know all, manipulative, lazy, "cut-throat", critical, hateful, snake charmer, pugnacious, hostile, confrontational, lethargic, provocative or extreme persona.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Large sale unethical scientist. Laughs hysterically at cruelty. Professionally and ethically bereft.

👎 Gets bored quickly.
👎 Totally argumentative nature.
👎 Rarely commits to long-term endeavours.
👎 Are rulebreakers who push the boundaries whatever the cost.
👎 Are the masters of procrastination.

Only appears strong; they are not. Beneath that fake skeleton, is a sensitive, cute, adorable and caring kid. They allow close others to hurt them as they do not have trust issues with close people.

All kinds of smart/high IQ people can become a problem as they respect, like and fear smart people. The thing is, they are fake tough by creating fear to begin with. They debate and manipulate everyone. A precursor is to claim: "that was not my understanding". That will facilitate the distortion of facts. But they cannot really manipulate a smart, intelligent and capable person. This is evident when they come up against an Enhancer who possesses these characteristics, such as Elizabeth Hunter™, when major conflict is involved.

They are the Lord Grand Master of Bulltish. This is because their function stack is it's primed for it. Extraverted Intuition - It is basically just a stream of conscious. Similar to verbal diarrhea. Imagine if you said every random stupid thing that came into your head all the time. This is what Extraverted Intuition is like. Intuitive Thinking - which takes a back seat to Extraverted Intuition. It is as if real logic and facts get fed directly into the stream of bulltish that is Extraverted Intuition. Logical consistency gets shredded and become optional or not needed at all. This is why you often see the Inspirational in arguments based on nothing. They think that talking more means that they are winning. Extraverted Feeling - They like to tell people about the above bulltish that they come up with. Introveted Sensing - This is the function that is responsible for reality checks. All the way at the bottom. Reality is just a nuisance to an Inspitational. The stream of bulltish that comes out of their mouth is much more important to them than reality.

They are openly critical towards others and do not seem to mind humiliating people they see as inefficient or incompetent. They can be arrogant, dishonest and self-centered.

In their flurry of ideas, they become scattered and unable to focus on any one thing.

The scattergun approach results in them starting multiple projects without getting anywhere on any of them.

While they chase after new and better ways of doing things, they can skip over important details or ignore proven, tried-and-true methods that are useful and would save time.

Because they tend to lose sight of practicalities as Hyde, they may forget to eat, sleep, pay the bills or take care of their personal hygiene.

A troll. Hates rules. Very rebellious. Loves to push the envelope in every sense whether that be through their conversation topics or their sense of humour. Nothing is sacred.

Tend to love edgy adult cartoons.

In decisions, they tend to ignore the needs of other people and make choices that negatively impact others.

Are argumentative, insensitive, intolerant, impulsive and detail avoidant.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will disagree with everything you say, just to get a rise out of you.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will disagree with everything you say, just to get a rise out of you.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Being Misunderstood.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too much of a troll and struggles to really take anything seriously.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Physical burnout.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 10/16. If they are not a mystery yet, give them five minutes. They will take you on a mind walk you never would have partaken on your own. As of today, it is still kind of a mystery why they took you there.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 7/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 4/16 Watch for: Argumentative; very manipulative; narcissistic; Machiavellian; Bulltisher. Trigger: The risk of overly logical decision-making being required.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their hidden views on other people's actual feelings. Their dislike of detail, practicalities and closure often means that their dreams, aspirations and ideas may come to nothing as they can lack the propensity for follow through and the attention to detail required to ‘complete’ in a satisfactory manner.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your attention. They are always looking for new stimulation and they love being the centre of attention so, if you are talking to someone else, they will probably try to butt in. Be patient and ultra careful – they may be annoying, but they are just trying to get your attention but they rank lowest for being trustworthy.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their loss of respect for mankind in favour of the superiority of machines and technology.

♦ Really tender on the inside. Most of them loathe this about themselves and want to hide it, but now it has been exposed.

♦ On personality trait scales, scores as Enterprising, Friendly, Resourceful, Heading, Self-centered and Independent.
♦ Least likely of all patterns to suffer cardiac disease and hypertension.
♦ Least likely of all patterns to report stress associated with family and health.
♦ Scores among the highest of all patterns in having available resources for coping with stress.
♦ Overrepresented among those with Type A behaviour.
♦ Amongst the highest of all types on measures of creativity.
♦ Together with the Perfectionist, the most frequent among violators of university alcohol and drug policies.
♦ Amongst those most dissatisfied with their work, despite being among the those with the highest income.
♦ Commonly found in careers in science, management, technology and the arts.
♦ Most likely to want to be famous.
♦ Most likely to find it fun to watch people argue.
♦ Most likely to break rules with which they disagree.
♦ Most sarcastic of all patterns.
♦ Most likely to enjoy rock music.
♦ Least likely to have fixed bed and wake up times.
♦ Least likely to shy away from risky or unpredictable situations.
♦ Most likely to want to argue for the sake of it and, most of the time, they are just doing it for fun and do not believe in the viewpoint that they are promoting. Sometimes this can be useful, but it can piss people off.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern:  The 4-Hour Workweek (by Tim Ferris).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have seen them as both. The smiling rsole who cannot ever be trusted. When you first meet them, you will assume they are not smart due to how goofy and foolish they often are. Then you actually talk to them and realize how brilliant they are. This is especially so when it comes to philosophy/science/technology; whatever.
They are funny but sometimes they need to take a step back to avoid being annoying.

Go to their pattern

I am the moral guider – expousing the right and the wrong. I am manipulative. I am the worst for respecting boundaries.
"I get where you are coming from, but I believe this would be more beneficial to all."

Is this person the giver?
Is this person appearing to be extremely empathetic and visionary?

Is this same person the loudmouth propagandist?
Is this same person so adamant about having harmony and making sure everyone gets along that they ignore issues that might cause conflict?

Actually, I am the empathetic charmer who can get you to do anything for me 'for your own good'. I am imaginative but unrealistic. I think that I am rather like Martin Luther King Jr. Did you realize?

5. The Persuader - ENFJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against suppression. I attack. I crave a world where people are free to express their values, beliefs and needs without fear of reprisal or persecution. My pattern is often seen speaking up in defence of those they feel have been wronged. I want a transparent, authentic connection with my friends and family and hate feeling that anyone is being stifled or bullied when presenting their experiences or opinions. When the stress to be everything that other people need and after being taken for granted one too many times, I lose my cool. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Inspirer; Mr. Good Vibes Only; Mr. Warm-hearted; Mr. Giver (Jekyll); Mr. Master-Manipulator; Mr. Self Conscious (Hyde)

Cannot Stand™: Traditional People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Charisma.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, orderly, well-kept, passionate, confident, self-sacrificing.

☀ Kind.
☀ Open-minded.
☀ Passionate.
☀ Hugely irritated by rude, selfish and unappreciative people.
☀ Highly susceptible to peer pressure.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Empowering. Is the real deal - empathetic and charismatic. They are here to inspire and empower. When they are at their peak, they are leading by example, pushing for growth and bringing everyone together with a shared purpose.

👍 Believe that everyone’s voice should be heard.
👍 Strives to bring out the best in others.
👍 A good go to for advice on social appropriateness and identifying your gifts.
👍 Natural-born leaders of causes.

They radiate warmth and understanding and are quick to see how everyone’s actions affect everyone else.

They prize harmony and are skilled peacemakers.

They know how to inspire people and bring out their hidden gifts and abilities.

In planning are organized and creative but may underestimate financial or material resources necessary to successfully accomplish a particular task.

They tend to find new and insightful ways to reach goals or make their ideals a reality.

In their decision-making, they consider the needs of others and their own morals and values before moving forward.

Excellent at public speaking with a strong desire to motivate, inspire and uplift others to improve and be their best selves.

Often strongly interested in social causes and is not afraid to stand up for what they believe in as a Social Justice Warrior. Is excellent at relating to everybody and getting others to like them.

If you have any sense, never antagonize them.

Are social chameleons who tend to belong to a myriad of social groups. They and the Promoter are probably the only patterns who can communicate between normies and weirdo intuitives and get along easily with both.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Manipulative.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Manipulative (oh yes), fussy, whiny, very emotional, self-conscious, self-hating, depressed, sporadically cruel, despises being tested, interfering, domineering, “overly cheerful”.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Revolutionary ideologue but charismatic and likely to burn out. Probably more of a cult leader.

👎 Focusses too much on future possibilities instead of taking care of the present.
👎 Totally manipulative nature.
👎 Struggles with confrontation, particularly if it is against a pet cause of theirs.
👎 Can come off as suffocating or belittling, especially if they do not respect boundaries.

Can become quickly irritated or pushy with people who they see as disrupting harmony or being "selfish", even if those people have important feedback and input that is worthy of consideration. They can be dramatic, evasive, overbearing and manipulative.

When it comes to decisions, may overlook logical details and aspects in favour of maintaining harmony at all costs. Has poor consistency and cohesiveness when it comes to framework for governing and is prone to over promise and under deliver.

Criticism, whether constructive or critical, is taken very hard. They will either feel guilty and are overcome with self-doubt or they may become passive-aggressive and feel that the person offering the criticism is "out to get them".

Has a tendency to take things too personally. Feedback delivered with good intent may be perceive as being overly critical.

Overtalks and others cannot get a word in edgeways. This annoys some others.

Sacrifices too much and runs into health issues.

Struggles to listen to their own needs by shutting themselves off to focus on other people.

Has difficulty making hard choices especially when it comes to major decisions.

Has shameless potential to delegate that comes naturally. Their charisma and energy have them recruiting committees / others before they have even finished university. e.g "Someone needs to respond to all these emails and I would prefer that it not to be me". May need to work on their approach!

Has great trouble in dealing with unforeseen issues. Either responds to emails quickly if they have the time but, if too busy, it can take days, or if it requires thought, it can be months.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will ask you on a first date that will last approximately six hours. At a minimum, expect to visit a museum, climb a mountain and volunteer at a soup kitchen.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will set you up with someone else. “Trust me,” they’ll say, “I’m really good at this.”

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too manipulative.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Hating conflict but getting wrapped up in it.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 11/16. Oh yes, this pattern has their secrets. They will never tell, but they will deftly leave subtle clues that secrets exist. They want to be mysterious. Snow is cold, the wind blows and they have secrets.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 8/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 3/16 Watch for: Smotherer; mega extreme manipulation tendencies often masked with charm. Trigger: The need to get what they want all the fcuking time so get very used to that.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their excessive concern with their own physical health. Their failure to see the smaller 'facts,' focussing instead on 'global harmony.' This would see them move too quickly and make decisions based on a scant amount of facts. They hate seeing animals being tortured or people suffering and it stays with them. This affects their heart and soul and it torments them. This is a negative because they will develop heart problems because of it.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your trust. They are skilled at reading people and knowing just what to say to get what they want. Be careful – they may be charming, but they are also very cunning.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their desire for grandiosity is fuelled by admiration from others. They only contact you when they need something. When you try to talk to them about a problem, they interrupt you and start talking about their problems. They never say thank you for your help but get angry if you cannot assist them. They only spend time with you when they have no other options. They cancel plans with you if something better comes along. They love to talk about everyone and it is never in a good way. They never admit they are wrong, never take responsibility for their actions or accept any form of constructive criticism. They always blame everyone else and think they are a good person who tried to help everyone. They do not believe people are automatically entitled, but they do believe that after working hard and pushing towards something then they are.

♦ Can cross moral lines (or certainly boundaries) in their efforts to manipulate situations and people to fit their vision. If you manage a Persuader at work, and you are not especially emotionally intelligent, there is a mighty good chance that they are managing you. Their way is always the best way and anyone who disregards their 'friendly' advice is treated with passive-aggressive bullying. This creates an aura of dramatic, overbearing and manipulative behaviour.

♦ On personality trait scales, scored as Active, Pleasant, Social, Demanding, Impatient, Appreciative and Compromising.
♦ Most likely of all patterns to cope with stress by exercising except for my mum and her sister.
♦ Most likely of all patterns to believe in a higher spiritual power.
♦ Very likely to be the hypochondriac; broadcasting to all about their excessive concern about their health especially when accompanied by imagined physical ailments; especially when under stress. Tane my Aunt Gwen. Had Cystitis for 40 years when, in most cases, Medical News Today says that cystitis will resolve itself after 3 day.entit
♦ Ranked by psychologists as among least likely to have trouble at school.
♦ Personal values include friendships, education & learning, creativity and community service.
♦ Among the highest in job satisfaction, but also among the most likely to report plans to leave their job.
♦ Commonly found in careers in religion, teaching and the arts.
♦ Most likely to know how others are feeling just by looking at them.{Or so they believe}.
♦ Most likely to defend someone who is being bullied.
♦ Most likely to say they forgive easily.
♦ Most likely to believe in the concept of a “soul mate”.
♦ Most likely to hold a grudge forever when someone has wronged them on a deep level (as measured by them).
♦ Least likely to feel restless when they do not have Internet access.
♦ Most likely to try to create opportunities for other people.
♦ Most likely to call themselves “selfless” but actually can be quite selfish and go off half-cocked; always wanting people to like them and be like them.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Authentic Happiness (by Martin Seligman).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have seen them as both. The interfering aunt whose Hyde overran her Jekyll. A chronic people-pleaser who often acts on impulse when it comes to making decisions that involves others and goes off half-cocked.
Manipulative but acts nice and caring just to gain attention.
They should make time for themselves as they do not owe people anything.

Go to their pattern

I am the social leader. I am superficial. I am the worst for keeping secrets.
"Sure! Sounds fun! Just do not get too wild and be careful!

Is this person the provider?
Is this person showing that they are focussed, empathetic and detail-oriented?

Is this same person the intolerable B-Lister?
Is this same person being too hasty in jumping to conclusions when they are presented with facts and data?

Actually, I am the chatty and sassy social butterfly with the ability to instantly become everyone's best friend. I am friendly but also quite talkative. I think that I am rather like Hugh Jackman. Did you realize?

6. The Appraiser - ESFJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against chaos. I attack. I am constantly tuned in to the emotional temperature of the room. I am a master of creating emotional equilibrium and a sense of consensus and harmony. I look for things that might cause problems – Does someone need a drink? Does someone seem cold? Does someone seem left out? And I try to find ways to smooth the rough edges of life for the people I love. When the stress of taking care of others mounts, I am on the verge of losing my temper. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 5. The Imposter.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Caretaker; Mr. Popularity; Mr. Friendly and Charasmatic; Mr. Provider (Jekyll); Mr. Gossip Girl; Mr. Cares too much about others' opinions(Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Woo woo People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Spotlight.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, orderly, well-kept, good leader, community worker, self-sacrificing.

☀ Popularity.
☀ Excellent listening skills.
☀ Empathy.
☀ Hugely irritated by critical, rude and inconsiderate people.
☀ Conflict avoider.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Harmony. This one is all about the social scene and creating harmony. They make everyone feel welcome and cared for. When they are on point, they are making those warm, inclusive vibes, nurturing relationships, and keeping that community strong.

👍 Deeply care for others and often participate in community roles.
👍 Excel at creating harmony in social situations.
👍 A good go to for advice on taking care of others and becoming more personable.
👍 Always follow through on their commitments.

Can make excellent leaders because not only are they organized, they are also strong, compassionate communicators.

They are not just focussed on getting the job done, but meeting the needs, both emotional and practical, of the people around them.

If you have any sense, never abandon them.

They are usually warm and kind-hearted, with an innate ability to sense what is appropriate and needed in any given situation.

Handy too know is that they rank 2 in the top 5 for being TRUSTWORTHY.

Extroverted, sensing, feeling and organized this patterns will go to great lengths to prove their trustworthiness.

They will not want to believe anything negative about their friends or partners and they want to make sure that you feel loved. They hold high respect for social responsibilities. They understand how bad it looks when they break a loved one's trust, so they will always do their best to prove their reliability.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Sheep.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Mean, very emotional, jealous, egoistic, sassy, dramatic, power-hungry, sporadically cruel, exposes secrets via gossip, overwhelming, intrusive.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The ex who hires a private investigator to dig up your dirt and then sends it to important people in your world. Also slashes your tyres.

👎 Highly susceptible to peer pressure.
👎 Totally need for continual validation nature.
👎 Takes criticism poorly, often becoming defensive during discussions.
👎 Are quick to judge others — and themselves.

Can run the risk of imposing their decisions on other people and urging them to fall in line with a plan that is not well thought through. They can be manipulative, controlling and prone to gossip.

Can use their awareness of other people’s emotions to emotionally manipulate them or bully them.

Can be so focussed on pleasing others and meeting their needs that they forget themselves and doubt their own self-worth.

They tend to feel guilty and worrisome about any act of self-care, throwing themselves under the bus for anyone who needs anything.

They can also be so focussed on harmony that they become pushy or irritated with people who present uncomfortable truths or who have criticisms to make.

They may rush people towards harmony instead of letting them sort out their differences in their own way.

Seeing the big picture can be a struggle as they get so caught up in current-moment details.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: You will not have to guess. These are the pattern who will ask you on a second date ten minutes into the first date.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They might rope you into a group outing so they can spend time with the person who is actually the object of their affection.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too caring, social and likes to adhere too much to social norms.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Always putting their needs on the back-burner

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 12/16. They try so hard to team people up, when all ‘everyone else’ wants is to get away from one another. Why can this pattern not understand this when you explain it over and over again? It is as if there is a graviton in their brain where everything you try to tell them goes to die.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 14/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 12/16 Watch for: People pleasing; overestimating people; manipulation. Trigger: Placing too much importance on the emotions of others.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their own fear regarding technology and new household products that are new to them and the like. They tend also to have more of a ‘gate-post,’ binary mentality, seeing things in very black and white, ‘good or bad,’ ‘right or wrong,’ ‘nice or horrible.’

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your friends. They are social creatures who naturally gravitate towards people. If you are not careful, you will find yourself feeling left out and alone as they monopolize your friends’ time and attention.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their desire to assassinate someone’s character, or unwillingness to prevent someone’s character assassination, done out of revenge or as punishment for some unverified or trivial transgression.

♦ Have a deep need to be liked which, if not the case, can result in futile, poisonous or bitter behaviour that serves no purpose plus bullying. They tend to need an “anchor” outside of themselves.

♦ Under represented among people suffering from substance abuse.
♦ Among the highest possessing resources for coping with stress.
♦ Second most likely of all patterns to report believing in a higher spiritual power.
♦ Highest of all patterns in reported satisfaction with their marriage or intimate relationship.
♦ Amongst the most likely of all patterns to stay in university.
♦ Most likely of all patterns to be satisfied with their co-workers.
♦ Values at work include clear structure, security and the ability to be of service to others.
♦ Amongst those most satisfied with their work.
♦ Commonly found in careers in education, health care and religion.
♦ Most likely to be satisfied with what they have achieved so far in their lives.
♦ Most likely to consider themselves patriotic.
♦ Least likely to enjoy heavy metal music.
♦ Least likely to leave mentally challenging tasks for the evening.
♦ Least likely to expect the worst.
♦ Most likely to find it easy to read other people’s body language.
♦ Most likely to want want you to always conform to their standards. If you do not, then you must be a monster.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (by Dale Carnegie).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have seen them as Jekyll. However, I have seen them as approval seekers, 'ass-kissers', traditional and narrow-minded, really fantastic and 'too kind'.
They can be hypocritical in that they can change their tone of voice and facial expressions very quickly.

Go to their pattern

I am freedom and I am our spirit and soul. I am indecisive. I am the worst for meeting deadlines.
"Just go for it, man! What is the worst that can happen?"

Is this person the champion?
Is this person showing that they are extremely creative and innovative?

Is this same person the whinging primadonna?
Is this same person jumping from idea to idea, without seeing any of their ideas, or assigned tasks, through to fruition?

Actually, I am the curious hyper type with a seemingly endless amount of energy and crazy random ideas. I am charming but overly idealistic and I can be 200% toxic. I think that I am rather like Bill Cosby. Did you realize?

7. The Promoter - ENFP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against limiting imagination. I attack. I fight for the shimmering sense of the possible, the potential and the, as yet, never-discovered. I want to explore new theories, broaden my understanding of the world and break free from rules and traditions that might get in the way of freedom, justice and exploration. I want to fight against restrictions that hamper people’s ability to learn, grow and progress in life. I want to wander the road less travelled and find my own unique path. With a world that may seem devoid of authenticity and deep meaning and where competition and relentless hustle seem to overshadow genuine connection and purpose this can put me on the verge of losing my temper. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Optimist; Mr. Taking A Different Path; Mr. Witty and Inventive; Mr. Champion (Jekyll); Mr. Overgrown Toddler; Mr. Just Because I’m Bored or Lonely; Mr. Toxic (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Nit picking People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Curiosity.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, altruistic, self-aware, self-confident, helper, achiever, passionate.

☀ Complete disregard for routine.
☀ Hopeless organizational skills,.
☀ Dislike for authority.
☀ Hugely irritated by critical, superficial and patronizing people.
☀ Social animal.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Inspiration. This is a dreamer - always bringing that creativity and passion. They are motivating and uplifting like no other. When they are killing it, they are inspiring possibilities, encouraging exploration and spreadin' that positive vibe.

👍 Can hold meaningful conversations with anyone.
👍 Find adventure around every corner.
👍 A good go to for creative hacks and how to live unapologetically.
👍 Open-minded and caring.

Are driven by possibility and easily see abstract connections and potential in the outer world. Optimistic and can see the bright side of everything

Empathy comes naturally to them and they are deeply in tune with what is important not only to themselves, but to others.

They want to make the world a better place and find many imaginative ways to improve the world for others.

They are seen as warm, friendly and open-minded.

Probably loves travel, especially to obscure and exotic destinations that few have been to.

When they make decisions, they consider their own personal morals and ethics and focus on living with integrity.

If you have any sense, never reign them in.

The big picture is their main focus, but they also are able to give credence to important facts and current details.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Fleeting.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Highly emotional, frantic, stifling, rude, self-centred, "cry baby", oblivious, clingy, flirty, impractical, sloppy.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The ex who who burns down your home and half the neighborhood by accident.

👎 Often, almost always, moves on from one project to another without completing any.
👎 Totally prone to overthinking nature.
👎 Overcommits to projects and people, leaving little time for themselves.
👎 Often struggles with their convictions.

Can become scattered, have trouble focussing and are easily distracted.

They reject procedure, rules and deadlines, seeing all of them as confining instead of looking at them critically and accepting the good while leaving the bad. They can be manipulative, self-absorbed and disloyal.

Because of this rejection, they tend to appear excessively rebellious and individualistic.

It is said that the majority of leftists are toxic Promoters because they attack anyone they deem threats to their beliefs. Rational folk understand that it is okay to disagree once in a while; not everyone needs to accept every single opinion in the world. People can agree to disagree. The Promoter is subject to groupthink. They do not have their own thoughts in their function stack to make logical sense of their judgments. This can be a problem when the Promoter fails to comprehend that any individual has their own opinion. See what we mean that they can be toxic. Unless you are the toxic Promoter, when group thin thinks not. We almost guarantee thet you will not have the time to read Oxor™. Nor understand.

Tend to ignore details, can ignore important facts or forget to take care of their practical needs.

May forget to eat enough, drink enough or sleep enough.

Often has a terrible memory, especially when it comes to names. Frequently veers off-topic in conversation.

In cases of extreme stress, can become uncharacteristically obsessed with details, even to the point of having symptoms of hypochondria.

Is often assumed to have ADHD even when they do not.

Can become so focussed on their ideal vision that they suppress their values and find manipulative ways to get to their goals even if it might negatively impact other people.

Are also often referred to as manchildren largely due to their naive and cheerful demeanor as well as creativity that most adults lose due to their shittiness of reality (especially school and work). They also tend to have childish interests such as toys and cartoons.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will want to spend as much time with you as possible, even if that means tagging along while you run errands. Also, even if you tell a joke that is not particularly funny, they will laugh so hard they start crying.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will still want to be your friend.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too careless.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Craving lots of interaction, but struggling to find depth and authenticity.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 8/16. You think that it is all about bringing everyone together for them, then you get to know them and they surprise you with a level of depth you completely missed. They are full of surprises.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 4/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 14/16 Watch for: Flighty; impulsivity; reckless behaviour; can turn 200% toxic. Trigger: Acting without restraint - talking without first ensuring that brain is engaged.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their own lack of ability to finish projects, irrespective of length. Follow-through tends to be a problem, as they will tend to get bored very quickly, especially if a newer, more interesting project comes along. They also tend to be procrastinators, both about meeting hard deadlines and about performing any small, uninteresting tasks to which tey have been assigned.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely steal by shoplifting. If they see something that they want, they will probably just take it without thinking twice. Be careful around them in stores – they may not be able to resist the temptation to swipe something that catches their eye; thereby getting something for free.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their being misled by, or choosing to follow in the footsteps of a villain to pursue an humanitarian cause.

♦ Overthinkers. Really worries about others’ opinions of them; textbook scenario is internally freaking out after a long conversation with someone smart that they like. On a related note, really feel the need to prove/justify themselves.

♦ On personality trait scales, scores as Enthusiastic, Outgoing, Spontaneous, Changeable, Impulsive, Energetic and Understanding.
♦ Scores amongst the highest of all patterns in possessing available resources for coping with stress.
♦ Women Promoters are less likely to suffer from heart disease.
♦ Men Promoters are less likely to suffer from chronic pain.
♦ Rated by psychologists as amongst the most likely of all to have trouble at school.
♦ Over represented among academically talented elementary school teachers.
♦ Personal values include home & family, friendships, creativity, learning and community service.
♦ Commonly found in careers in counseling, teaching, religion and the arts.
♦ Most likely to believe that they have a lucky number.
♦ Most likely to have a lot of varied hobbies.
♦ Most likely to find it easy to laugh at themselves.
♦ Most likely to risk their life to save the life of their pet.
♦ Most likely to celebrate Halloween.
♦ Most likely to find it easy to relate to people with whom they have little in common.
♦ Most likely to neither be very conscientious nor grounded.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern:  Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have only seen them as Hyde. They cannot finish anything and you would never, ever, rely on them. Can be fake and a people pleaser. Odd mixture of being very friendly and people-oriented, yet also somewhat selfish and can turn toxic.
They are 100% ideas; 0% things get done.

Go to their pattern

I am the fun and the living of life. I am attention seeking. I am the worst for saving money.
"Who cares about drama? I just want to dance!"

Is this person the performer?
Is this person appearing as being enthusiastic and fun-loving?

Is this same person the bland rockstar?
Is this same person overly impulsive and distractible?

Actually, I am the outgoing adventurer who would do anything to be on centre stage just to feel alive. I am enthusiastic but irresponsible. I think that I am rather like Sir Elton John. Did you realize?

8. The Counselor - ESFP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against monotony. I attack. I believe that mundane and repetitive things can take the zest and meaning out of life. I give remarkable experiences to people as reminders of why we are all alive. I help others to remember that life is filled with adventure, beauty and breathtaking moments. I fight to keep new experiences, sights, sounds and wonders alive. Being constantly in the spotlight can be exhausting and the pressure to always be cheerful and uplifting can weigh heavily on me and I can lose it. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 3. The classic Jekyll and Hyde who truly lives a double life.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Superstar; Mr. Charming and Spontaneous; Mr. Performer (Jekyll); Mr. Attention-Whore; Mr. Too Dependent (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Pedantic People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Spontaneity.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Orderly, well-kept, helper, understanding, energetic, quirky.

☀ Are the life and soul of the party.
☀ Love trying new things.
☀ Comfortable performing in front of a crowd.
☀ Hugely irritated by arrogant, fake and judjmental people.
☀ Very highly social.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Charisma. Is the life of the party, charismatic and outgoing. They bring that joy and spontaneity wherever they go. When they are at their best, they are lifting everyone up with their vibrant energy, showing off their talents and making the atmosphere pop.

👍 Are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone, especially if there is an audience.
👍 Are are easy to approach and most people feel comfortable engaging with them.
👍 A good go to for leaving your confort zone and how to live more and worry less.
👍 Enjoy experimenting and trying new things.

Are observant and in-tune with the moment; finding opportunities to enjoy nature, people, experiences, animals and more.

Generosity comes naturally to them and they are warm and open-minded with all different types of people.

They respond quickly to meet people’s practical needs, and are skilled at mobilizing individuals to deal with crises.

On top of their gregarious nature, they are also practical and level-headed.

If you have any sense, never belittle them.

They have a quick resourcefulness that enables them to make the most of any situation.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Selfish.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Manipulative, egoistic, unfocussed, lazy, selfish, rude, crazy, mean, impulsive, attention-seeker, narrow-minded, sluggish.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The ingratiating prostitute in celebrity circles.

👎 Fails to plan for the future.
👎 Totally impulsive nature.
👎 Tends to act first and think afterwards.
👎 Are highly sensitive to criticism.

Pleasure and fun becomes everything and they lose touch with their deeply-held values. They can seek attention and sensation at all costs.

On top of this loss of touch, they tend to take things personally and misread other people’s intentions.

In work, as well as home life, they often forget their responsibilities and obligations because they are so impulsive and disorganized.

They become excessively short-sighted and unable to see the long-term consequences of their actions.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: Expect some big gestures: fireworks, skywriting, horseback rides on the beach. But do not be surprised if they show up late for nearly all of your get-togethers.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will still act like having a conversation with you is the highlight of their day and they might even flirt a little but, sorry to say, there will not be any skywriting.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too spontaneous and likes to live too much in the moment.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Being pressured to always be the “Entertainer”.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 13/16. They are such social clingers 24/7. Their life is an open book. The only mystery is, how in the world do they just keep going? Even if they did not finish the whole bottle, that bottle was 120 proof.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 11/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 6/16 Watch for: Unpredictability; random and impulsive behaviour. Trigger: The need to seek attention at all costs.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their own susceptability to temptation. They may well have trouble prioritising as their focus is only for ‘now’ and so follow through will not come naturally and they will look to leave as many options open as possible, although their feeling side means they will feel genuinely guilty when they let people down.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal something small and insignificant just for the sake of doing it. They are also drawn to items that have a personal meaning to them; such as a piece of jewellery or clothing that belonged to someone they know.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their being misled by, or choosing to follow in the footsteps of a villain to pursue thrills.

♦ Really insecure about their popularity.

♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Changeable, Energetic, Forceful, Initiating and Resourceful.
♦ More likely to use emotional coping techniques over spiritual or physical resources.
♦ Tends to look to authority in education rather than expressing intellectual curiosity; prefers hands-on learning.
♦ Amongst the most likely to stay in university.
♦ More likely than other patterns to watch television for more than 3 hours a day.
♦ Second highest of all in marital satisfaction.
♦ Amongst those with the lowest income.
♦ At work, tends to be satisfied with co-workers but dissatisfied with job security, stress, salary and accomplishment.
♦ Personal values include home/family, health, friendships, financial security and spirituality.
♦ Overrepresented in health care, teaching, coaching and child care
♦ Most likely to spend more time outdoors than indoors.
♦ Least likely to believe their country is superior to others.
♦ Most likely to enjoy pop music.
♦ Most likely to always try to look on the bright side of things.
♦ Most likely to enjoy team projects rather than working alone.
♦ Most likely to say they are good at cheering people up.
♦ Most likely to be prone to being too loud and hyper.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: What Color is Your Parachute? (by Richard Bolles).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have only seen them as Hyde. Unsuitable for any management position. Get them to sing.
They should take time to scan people lest they end up in bad relationships.

Go to their pattern

I am the art and the beauty. I am petty. I am the worst for explaining things.
"Beauty is everywhere!"

Is this person the composer?
Is this person showing that they are highly empathetic and in tune with their personal values and what is important in life?

Is this same person the oblivious narcissist?
Is this same person resentful and isolative, inwardly judgmental of others and forever disappointed that people will not live up to their lofty ideals?

Actually, I am the independent artist who only cares about expressing their inner self to the world. I am free but unstructured. I think that I am rather like Marilyn Monroe. Did you realize?

9. The Specialist - ISFP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against pretention. I comply. I believe in accepting and owning up to what is real in myself and the world around me. Phony, ostentatious behaviour is extremely irritating. I crave a world where people see things for what they are and strive to be the best versions of themselves. Arrogance, classism and prejudice are all things that I seek to root out of my environment. The fast-paced, task-oriented, world often places high demands on output over introspection which can be particularly overwhelming and cause me to lose it. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 6. Someone whose opinion of others fluctuates drastically.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Artist; Mr. Uniqie and Free Spirited; Mr. Composer (Jekyll); Mr. Crazy-Person; Mr. Wild Night Out; Mr. Unpredictable; Mr. Hard To Get Close To (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Tangent chasing People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Discovery.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, creative, fun, quirky, hardworking, dedicated, stable, self-aware, passionate.

☀ Disinterest in what tomorrow brings.
☀ Spontaneity.
☀ Very social within a small group.
☀ Hugely irritated by controlling, dishonest and fake people.
☀ Rampantly hypersensitive.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Expression. This cat is all about that artistic, free-spirited vibe. They are bringing that authentic self-expression to the table. When they are at their peak, they are creating beauty, sparking emotions and showing the world their unique style.

👍 Eeasygoing.
👍 Highly determined once their mind is set on something.
👍 A good go to for advice on how to live simply, appreciate the present and to have niche hobbies.
👍 Are deeply fascinated by life’s subtle beauty.

They are supportive and accepting of themselves and others, taking practical action to improve the world for people.

They are very mindful, in tune with their surroundings, responsive and hands-on in their approach to the environment.

Are very respectful of other people’s values, opinions and views and are focussed on maintaining harmony regardless of differences.

If you have any sense, never betray them.

They appear gentle, adaptable and modest with a healthy love of adventure and fun.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Irrational.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ "Cry baby", self-centred, oblivious, explosive, highly emotional, dramatic, critical, aloof, sentimental, overly emotional.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The ex who writes angry songs calling you out by name and telling the world what you did.

👎 Highly emotional and prone to overreaction.
👎 Totally indecisive nature.
👎 Dislikes planning for the future.
👎 Avoids long-term commitments.
👎 Is overly competitive and does not handle loss or failure well at all.

They look for immediate solutions to pain and trouble, but without regard to the big picture or long-term implications. They can be self-serving, judgmental and indulgent.

This can lead to them being pleasure-seeking or focussed on fun without concern for where it may lead.

They can become so focussed on their subjective feelings that they reject logical systems and feel ill-equipped to deal with complex, big-picture ramifications.

Tend to be withdrawn and excessively self-critical.

May develop "martyr complexes" and feel unappreciated and undervalued.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will be kind and perhaps even warm toward you, but they will not really open up until you paint pottery together.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will avoid painting pottery with you as graciously and kindly as they can.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too emotional and irrational.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Being their own worst critic.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 6/16. Were they all taught an alien language at birth? Have you tried to hang with their train of thought? If you were successful, there is a very good chance that you are an alien. The aliens all say that this pattern does not really exist.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 3/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 5/16 Watch for: Indecisiveness; uncomfortable when trapped; when controlled; manipulative when cornered - held to account. Trigger: Taking no responsibility for their actions - the boss's nightmare.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their own need to appear to be original. They can be overly laid back and, unless it is important to their values, have 'one speed,' with little acceleration while they throw themselves into fashion etc. Hopeless at formal learning.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal food. When you check the fridge and the red velvet cake that you have been saving goes missing, the Specialist probably took it. It probably disappeared down their own throat. If you try to confront them, make sure to bring damning evidence because it would be almost nothing for them to deny and gaslight you until the cows come home.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their thirst to be more beautiful or artistic than others at the expense of those less beautiful or less creative.

♦ Feels victimized often. Can play the martyr when unhappy. Two sided, for fcuking sure!!

♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Easygoing.
♦ Amongst those most likely to report heart disease and hypertension.
♦ In university, likely to report low levels of assertiveness.
♦ In essays, project themselves the fewest number of years into the future of all the patterns.
♦ Amongst the least likely to stay in university.
♦ Most likely of all patterns to report stress associated with finances and children.
♦ In US research , likely to value a work environment which provides security, clear and simple instructions and no expectation of extra work hours.
♦ Underrepresented among MBA students and small business owners.
♦ Commonly found in occupations in health care, business and law enforcement.
♦ Most likely to be productive late in the evening.
♦ Most likely to say their creativity comes from the world around them.
♦ Most likely to pick music-related extracurricular activities at school.
♦ Most likely to prefer print ahead of cursive when writing.
♦ Most likely to try too hard to be "special" and "aesthetic".
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide of Getting Ahead (by Nancy Ancowitz).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have only seen them as Hyde. So adverse to change.
They need to stop believing that they are the centre of the universe.

Go to their pattern

I am there when you really need someone. I am far too idealistic. I am the worst for improvisation.
"Umm, sure. I disagree, but sure."

Is this person the counsellor?
Is this person showing deep insights into human relationships and hidden meanings?

Is this same person he delicate egomaniac?
Is this same person stuck with analysis-paralysis and failing to do anything productive with what they discover?

Actually, I am the psychic who knows what is best for everyone more than they know themselves, obviously. I am caring but very sensitive. I think that I am rather like Lance Armstrong. Did you realize?

10. The Investigator - INFJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against short-sightedness. I comply. I spend my life thinking forward, looking at the big picture and finding my place in the grand scheme of things. I do not feel limited by the present moment, but always feel compelled to look to future possibilities. I aim to think outside the bounds of concrete reality to a shimmering, compelling vision of tomorrow. I can be very very warm or as cold as ice. Being bombarded by other peoples’ unprocessed feelings can cause me to lose my temper. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Jesus; Mr. Moral High Ground; Mr. Rexlexive and Understanding; Mr. Counsellor (Jekyll); Mr. Hitler; Mr. Perfectionistic Who Is Never Satisfied (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Overbearing People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Compassion.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, orderly, well-kept, self-aware, altruistic, humanitarian, community worker.

☀ Thoughtfulness.
☀ Diplomacy.
☀ Empathy.
☀ Hugely irritated by unethical, cruel, rude and superficial people.
☀ Selflessness.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Insight. Has got that deep insight and empathy flowing. They get the complex emotions and motivations; you feel me? At their best, they are guiding and inspiring others, using that intuition to make positive changes happen.

👍 Compassionate and strives to help those around them.
👍 Renouncing of social norms if they are harmful.
👍 A good go to for life matters or subjects that they have studied deeply.
👍 Love to express themselves and share their creativity with others.

Improving the lives of people is their priority and they put a lot of thought and insight into creating systems that will benefit others.

In decisions, are very in touch with their values and what would be ethically correct and impact people positively.

They see things from numerous perspectives and vantage points, which makes them open-minded and slow to judge.

To others, they appear highly empathetic, idealistic and deep.

Often has an interest in the mystical and occult. Magic, sorcery and astrology are all of interest.

If you have any sense, never take them for granted.

Basically act like a psychologist even if “in name only”.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Codependent.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Manipulative, fussy, self-hating, explosive, critical, tactless, feels constantly victimized, egoistic, secretive.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The violent revolutionary ideologue. (e.g. Hitler).

👎 Holds themselves to unrealistic standards.
👎 Totally expecting too much in nature.
👎 Feels attacked if their beliefs are questioned.
👎 Can be overly independent despite craving companionship.

They can be confusing to be around because they are unable to find an adequate way to express their intuition. They trust signs, insights and associations that arise out of nowhere. They can also be manipulative, scheming and self-righteous

Instead of trying to find a clear way to express themselves, they become pretentious and believe they are superior to others.

This pretentiousness leads to them becoming resentful towards other people and feeling sorry for themselves for being so misunderstood.

Another issue, as Hyde, is that they follow their vision so blindingly that they ignore facts and details that might be important.

Their vision can lead to them becoming increasingly impractical and single-minded.

Probably the most likely pattern to be a highly sensitive person. They often cannot handle too much sensory stimulation and do not do well in an environment where that is the case (e.g. concerts, sporting events, rallies). They are also, of course, sensitive of both their and other people’s emotions.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will give you a copy of their favourite book and say, “I know you’ll really like this” – evenp are not into you: They will judge you so hard if they find out you that you do not recycle batteries.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too psychoanalytical.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Having unrealized ideals.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 2/16. Definitely way up there in the ‘mysterious/hard to understand’ department. Near the pinnacle. By the time you catch up to what they are talking about, they have moved onto a totally unrelated topic. They are just so damn charming that you keep on listening.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 2/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 8/16 Watch for: Overthinker; manipulative; passive-aggessive; tactless. Trigger: Being over critical of themselves, self-loathing, guilt.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their susceptability to be harmed by mean people. They like complexity and theorising, providing the subject-matter is not about them. They value respect, both for themselves and for others and will only be really forthcoming when hurt or when talking through some complex issue. They will become angry when you push matters that they do not want to talk about.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your heart. With their warm and compassionate nature, they are experts at winning people over. They may not take your possessions, but they are definitely capable of stealing your affections.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their overzealous desire to protect humanity from itself. They are a paradox - Trusting but shut down quickly; selfless but easily overwhelmed; kind yet cruel - they keep stock of personal information that they will use against you in an argument.


♦ They know way more about you than you realize. Way more. They know how to use it against you. They probably will not but sometimes circumstances set them up. They also love to see anyone who has wronged them fail, but that is not unique - look at the Enhancer; it just feels like a dark secret to the Investigator. With their children, they become overbearing, trying to 'pilot' their child’s ride through life. This can spill beyond a pure parent child relationship and partners and ex partners can be dragged in when it is not their problem.

♦ The least common pattern in the population.
♦ On personality trait scales, scores as Sincere, Sympathetic, Unassuming, Submissive, Easygoing, Reserved and Patient.
♦ Anongst the highest of all patterns in university grades.
♦ Amongst the most likely to stay in university.
♦ Most likely of all patterns to cope with stress by seeing a therapist<.br> ♦ Highest of all patterns in marital dissatisfaction.
♦ Personal values include spirituality, learning and community service.
♦ Commonly found in careers in religion, counseling, teaching and the arts.
♦ Least likely to read the texts of a loved one without their permission.
♦ Most likely to be humble in victory.
♦ Most likely to proofread their writing 3 times or more.
♦ Most likely to believe that modern human beauty standards are unrealistic.
♦ Least likely to drive faster than most other drivers.
♦ Most likely to have many secrets no one else knows.
♦ Most likely to find it difficult to let go of past mistakes.
♦ Has a very poor memory/mostly remembers negative experiences.
♦ Prefers to discuss psychology, sociology and the wants/needs of other people.
♦ Gets defensive when their ideology or gut feelings are pushed aside.
♦ Hyper aware of the emotional states of others.
♦ Focuses intently on a single topic or theory; not easily distracted by other possibilities.
♦ Clings to inner logic.
♦ Has a future-oriented communal value attitude.
♦ Most likely to have trouble sleeping the night before a big event.
♦ Most likely to possess an exaggerated sense of their importance, power or identity and stuck in their head.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern:  Man’s Search for Meaning (by Viktor Frankl).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have only seen them as Hyde. The enigma. Odd mix of being highly intellectual and highly emotional at the same time. I have also seen them being completely tactless.
They should take more action by bringing their gifts to the world. Thay should realize that failing is okay as long as they fail forward.

Go to their pattern

I want to build bridges between us all. I am too sensitive. I am the worst for making money.
"Can't we all just live in peace, man?"

Is this person the idealist?
Is this person showing that they are being guided by their values and beliefs and having an inner integrity that shows up in their actions?

Is this same person the hapless Space Cadet?
Is this same person showing that they are overly sensitive and overly self-aware?

Actually, I am the imaginary dark fairy who daydreams with the attention span of a goldfish. I am creative but uncertain. I think that I am rather like Princess Diana. Did you realize?

11. The Agent - INFP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against hypocrisy. I comply. I spend my life trying to define my core values, beliefs and personal ethics. I hold my life up to a magnifying glass to make sure that I am living in accordance with my path. I fight for my personal freedoms and the personal freedoms of others. The hustle and bustle of the world, coupled with its relentless focus on tedious tasks and excessive social responsibilities, can often pull me out of my comfort zones, leading to a tumultuous swirl of emotions and temper. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 2. The Unpredictable Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Lover; Mr. Authentic With Active Imagination; Mr. Idealist (Jekyll); Mr. Emotional; Mr. Unhealthy Idealist; Mr. Clodhopper; Mr. Head Above a Cloud of Farts. (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Social climbing People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Wonder.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Kind, self-aware, stable, charitable, creative, open-minded, coolly confident, passionate.

☀ Highly creative.
☀ Caring.
☀ Grossly idealistic.
☀ Hugely irritated by bullying, cruel and manipulative people.
☀ Highly empathetic.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Idealism. Is a deep thinkers who is always looking for that authenticity and personal values. When they are on fire, they are inspiring everyone with their creativity, empathy and the positive impact that they are making.

👍 Excels in creative pursuits.
👍 A good go to for matters of the heart and understanding human behaviour.
👍 Outspoken about their values and interests.

They want to contribute to their own personal growth as well as the growth and welfare of others, especially those who seem marginalized or neglected.

They look for a life that has meaning beyond their pay and they often become involved in charity work or artistic pursuits.

They honour the emotional needs of others and are deeply empathetic.

When it comes to their own endeavours, they are creative and big-picture oriented.

Are interested in writing. Stereotypically, it would be poetry but it can be pretty much anything. Alternately, they are interested in creating fiction in any medium.

If you have any sense, never trap them.

Love animals and cute things in general.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Irrelevant.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Self-centred, oblivious, "cry baby", depressed, miserable, anxious, very lazy, explosive, egoistic, impractical, overly emotional.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The ex who hides in your bathroom with a knife and your wedding album.

👎 Spends most of their time alone despite craving interaction.
👎 Totally oversensitive nature.
👎 The most idealistic pattern and are so preoccupied with their thoughts that they cannot focus on reality.
👎 Their optimism often blinds them to the harsh truths of reality, limiting their worldview.

Angsty as hell. They probably found beauty in things others consider dark or an emo phase in school.

They tend to have difficulty expressing themselves and feel deeply misunderstood. They can also be self-absorbed, self-righteous and waver between being passive and extremely judgmental.

As a result of being misunderstood, they tend to isolate themselves from others and see themselves as either better or worse than most of society.

Have escapism tendencies. Would rather live in a fantasy world than in the real world.

Many decide to take up habitation in their imagination but, instead of putting their ideas to use, they stay trapped in an idealistic daydream.

As they see the contrast between reality and their idealized future more clearly they tend to become depressed.

They may have difficulty taking care of their personal needs and seeing the practical realities that intrude on them.

They may forget to pay their bills, clean their house or show up to work on time.

They can also struggle with receiving constructive criticism – seeing all criticism as a personal attack.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: Let’s just say that anonymous love notes will be involved. And yes, those notes will be written in rhyming verse.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: If you ask them out, they will have a really, really, really hard time saying no. In fact, they may marry you just so they never have to let you down!! [Sarcastic, but you know what we mean.]

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too emotional, irrational and miserable.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Feeling like an alien in the real world.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 5/16. The poster child of the misunderstood, compounded by the dynamic that they do not understand why no one understands. All that pales in comparison to the mystery of how they know what is the colour of your lawn furniture. They do not understand or believe in the validity of impersonal judgment which makes them naturally rather ineffective at using it. "All dogs have four legs; my cat has four legs; therefore my cat is a dog."

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 1/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 11/16 Watch for: Notoriously stubborn; Uncomfortable when overwhelmed; when discouraged; when challenged as being lazy, complaining or miserable (which is pretty much all the time). Trigger: The avoidance of people; emotional outbursts; not believing facts.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their requirement to go outside. They can adopt a more strident, crusading type of role to sort things out, which will surprise even close friends who have only seen the gentle, quiet soul. But then, once they have made their point, their energies will be depleted and they will disappear back to their own, quiet, introverted world of possibilities and harmony; not actually doing anything.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your ideas. They are always absorbing information and looking for inspiration, so they may subconsciously appropriate someone else’s ideas as their own. Protect your intellectual property around the Agent – they cannot help themselves with this type of thievery!

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their getting heartbroken one too many times.

♦ A martyr, similar to the Specialist, but darker. They have really no idea just how useless they actually are. And how miserable they appear and how often they complain. They see themselves as helpful but are actionless. They want to help, bend or end but never do.

♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Artistic, Reflective, Careless, Sensitive, Flexible and Appreciative.
♦ Amongst the lest likely of all patterns to suffer heart disease.
♦ In male Agents amongst the least likely to report chronic pain.
♦ Second highest of all patterns to report marital dissatisfaction.
♦ Amongst the most likely to have suicidal thoughts in university.
♦ Tends to be more successful than the average in learning a foreign language.
♦ Amongst the most likely to be dissatisfied with their work. What a surprise!
♦ Personal values include autonomy and creativity.
♦ Overrepresented in occupations in counseling, writing, and the arts.
♦ Most likely to read fantasy or science fiction books.
♦ Most likely to perform worse under pressure.
♦ Most likely to see beauty in imperfection.
♦ Most likely to spend more time listening to music.
♦ Most likely to be vegetarians or vegans.
♦ Most likely to need at least half an hour to really wake up. {We cannot stop laughing}.
♦ Most likely to apologize for other people.
♦ Most likely to be way too sensitive and idealistic and often ignores reality with these totally idealistic ways.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking (by Susan Cain).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have only seen them as Hyde. The patron saint of lazy and whining complainers who do nothing if that is what you want. Tend to become nosey parkers and so weak and cannot stand up for themselves. A complete klutz. Are always dropping things and crashing into sh1t. Also cannot play sport to save their life.
They express emotions and always try their best to let others know how they feel; which is always in the negative. With a little bit of effort, they could become a fully fledged fcuk-wit.

Go to their pattern

I am the perfection of plan and action. I am uncommunicative. I am the worst for social justice.
"It's whatever."

Is this person the craftsman?
Is this person showing that they are extremely observant, logical and objective?

Is this same person the mindless brooder?
Is this same person showing that they are cynical, negative and self-absorbed?

Actually, I am the systematic detective who is only interested in things that I can fix or take apart. I am independent but reclusive. I think that I am rather like Tom Cruise. you realize?

12. The Achiever - ISTP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against manipulation. I comply. I believe in skepticism, logical analysis and autonomy. I protect myself and the ones I love from being fooled or manipulated by others. I believe in discarding all the emotional “clutter” in a problem to figure out what the core truth and facts are. I want my mind unclouded by biases and manipulations so that I can experience true freedom. I feel frustrated when I cannot get enough alone time or when rules and regulations are restricting my freedom or ability to finish tasks in my own way. I can go right off the handle. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 1. The Super Nice / Abusive Person.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Awesome Badass; Mr Fixi; Mr. Crafter (Jekyll); Mr. Douchey Badass; Mr. Mysterious; Mr. Unable To Fix Emotions (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Self-congratulatory intellectual People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Fierceness.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Dedicated, hardworking, energetic, kind, altruistic, creative, quirky, coolly confident.

☀ Spontaneity.
☀ Appetite for risk.
☀ Living in the moment.
☀ Hugely irritated by naggy, needy and bad driver people.
☀ Rationality.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Adaptability. Is like a problem-solving ninja; adaptable and resourceful. They handle pressure like pros, using their practical skills and quick thinking to own those tough situations.

👍 Are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty.
👍 Practical and driven by common sense.
👍 A good go to for and shared practical skill or interest that you wish to master.
👍 Is adaptable and can thrive in most circumstances.

They can quickly get to the root of a problem and solve it with startling accuracy and efficiency.

They are very practical, realistic and concrete in their outlook on life and know how to get out of a crisis with a combination of quick-wit and fast reflexes.

When it comes to dealing with people, they are private, open-minded and friendly.

If you have any sense, never use them.

They tend to be goal-oriented and independently driven.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Apathetic.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Risk taker, unpredictable, mean, know all, dramatic, fatalistic, bad tempered, cold, insensitive, distant, lethargic.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Walks past the neighbourhood to which the Promoter set fire. Shrugs, inhales from vape pen.

👎 Are noncommittal and have a hard time settling down.
👎 Totally "maybe" and "I'll see if I can do that" nature.
👎 Insensitive communicators.
👎 Are extreme introverts who often alienate people around them.

They will attempt to block any attempts at closeness and will avoid commitment to an excessive degree – to the point where they are unwilling to go out of their way for anyone else. They can also be cold, self-destructive and indulgent.

When they work with people, they may be completely negligent of how their decisions will impact them or how their words might emotionally harm them.

They can become short-sighted, so focussed on immediate results that they lose sight of long-term implications.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will tolerate your presence – and maybe even seem to enjoy it.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They may walk away while you are talking to them. Try not to take it personally.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too practical and emotionless.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Dealing with bureaucracy.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 14/16. - Have you ever had a conversation with this pattern? It was short and probably at their electrical lab. On the bright side, they showed you their new wire stripping machine.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 10/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 16/16 Watch for: Bluntness and insensitivity; being rebellious; uncooperative; when the long fuse ignites a foul temper. Trigger: The need to appreciate that rules do not always need to be broken. Continual boorish behaviour by others.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their hate of becoming bored. They work in short bursts of incredible energy, loving fixing and sorting, especially factual mechanical issues but, when it is over it is over. No reflection, no discussion, no hanging in there, they are gone.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your possessions. They are very independent and they like to live on the wild side so, if they see something they want, they will probably just take it without asking. They might downplay it as just “borrowing” but afterwards they never bother to return it and you have to hound them for it like a repo man. Never lend to an Achiever, ever.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their urge to disassemble living creatures fuelled by unfettered curiosity.

♦ Their fierce loyalty can be misplaced. They are not always the best judges of character and can trust the wrong people; not figuring it out until they have been dramatically betrayed.

♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Critical, Detached, Guarded, Independent and Resourceful.
♦ Commonly found in populations of male university scholarship athletes.
♦ More likely than other patterns to suffer with cardiac issues.
♦ Lowest ranked of all in using social coping resources.
♦ One of four patterns least satisfied with their marriage or intimate relationship.
♦ Amongst the least likely to complete university.
♦ Personal values include autonomy; being at work, valuing stability, security, independence and achievement.
♦ Commonly found in skilled trades, technical fields, agriculture, law enforcement and military occupations.
♦ Most likely to dress for comfort.
♦ Most likely to sleep in.
♦ Least likely to say it was easy for them to do well at school.
♦ Most likely to avoid asking other people for help.
♦ Most likely to have a hard time reading other people’s body language.
♦ Most likely to be callous and un-empathetic.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern:  How to Win Friends & Influence People (by Dale Carnegie).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I have only seen them as Hyde. They have a hidden bad temper but are excellent at fixing things that are broken.
They need to smile once in a while.

Go to their pattern

I make civilisation, stability and home. I am overly sensitive. I am the worst for debating.
"Umm...can you please not?"

Is this person the nurturer?
Is this person showing they are dependable, empathetic and considerate?

Is this same person the self-serving saint?
Is this same person showing that they are extremely rigid in their views?

Actually, I am the nurturing type who can summon an unlimited amount of comfort food on cue. I am altruistic but unassertive. I think that I am rather like Jimmy Carter. Did you realize?

13. The Practitioner - ISFJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against apathy. I avoid. I believe in preserving the meaningful moments and details of life that so many people discard or “grow out of.” As I move through life, I carefully conserve significant experiences and store them my mind – complete with their vivid imagery and emotional resonance. I believe that it is your job to preserve these moments and keep them alive. I also believe in attending to the details that give people a sense of comfort and “flow” in life. Often, my work is done in the background – but it is nevertheless highly valuable. When I feel overwhelmed, especially when taken for granted or they see people fighting or being unfriendly without good reason, when pushed to the brink I might find my temper flaring. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 7. Someone who changes dramatically when challenged in any way.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Helper; Mr. I do charity work for fun!!!; Mr. Grounded but Sometimes Imaginative; Mr. Nurturer (Jekyll); Mr.Pushover; Mr. Too Nostalgic (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Advice giving People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Uniqueness.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Nice, sympathetic, self-confident, passionate, dedicated, achiever, organized.

☀ Sensitivity.
☀ Humility.
☀ Reliability.
☀ Hugely irritated by critical, rude and disrespectful people.
☀ Emotional thinking.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Compassion. Is all about caring and empathy. They put others first, real talk. When they are shining, they show genuine love, give practical support and make everything chill with their nurturing vibes.

👍 Continually strives to make the world a better place.
👍 Gives their all to achieve their goals.
👍 A good go to for advice on stewardship, commitment and fincial responsibility.
👍 Are proud altruists.

Enriching their communities and providing security and hands-on help is one of their greatest strengths and passions.

Possesses a strong ability to remember facts and details and use this ability, together with their personal experience, to improve current situations or solve problems.

Balances their empathetic nature with a grounded, level-headed outlook on life.

Believe in facing facts and being realistic in their perceptions and, because of this, are extremely practical.

Are are usually very attuned to details and use this awareness to create an environment that is pleasant for other people to be in.

Value harmony and cherished traditions.

Are very tactful and careful to consider how all their choices will impact others.

If you have any sense, never neglect them.

Handy too know is that they rank 1 in the top 5 for being TRUSTWORTHY.

The Practitioner rates low on many aspects but not this one. They are the likely ones who you can confide in. They are devoted and reliable people, and their introverted, sensing and feeling nature makes them really good friends and partners.

They are also non-judgmental, which may make others even more inclined to confide in them. They are a good friend and/or partner who is more flexible than the others in their judicial system, so they are the best at keeping secrets without overly judging you and even empathizing with you.

Their desire to care for and protect others is not limited to your secrets.

They are also protective of their loved ones and can do anything just to protect them.

They are not only good at taking care of individuals, but they also take care of anything they seem to handle, be it values, communities, positive traditions or even nature itself.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Passive-aggressive.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Manipulative, compulsive liar, chaotic, dramatic, critical, stifling, condescending, mean, inflexible, too restless, dogmatic.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The black widow/serial poisoner.

👎 Are fiercely resistant to change, risk, conflict and criticism.
👎 Totally people-pleasing nature.
👎 Gives too much and struggle to walk away from a bad situation.
👎 Takes things personally and hold on to grudges.
👎 Woeful and terrible leader and manager.

Trusts their personal experience but are skeptical of outside experiences and perspectives. They can also be manipulative and passive-aggressive, which is 0.00001 microns underneath their soft-spoken demeanour, after seeming to be friendly at first.

Tends to panic when anything novel or progressive is presented as an option. It could take days, weeks or months to get them to do something out of their usual routine.

Inwardly are very insecure and they counter this insecurity by becoming staunch supporters of an authority figure or a rigid structure.

Tends to coerce other people to fall in line with this structure or hierarchy as well.

Tends to feel unappreciated for all their efforts and develop a persecution complex which results in a lot of complaining and resentment.

Voicing their needs is something they almost never do and then they become bitter and passive-aggressive towards the people who are not meeting those needs.

As very detail oriented individuals they may struggle to see the big picture.

Can be a struggle for them to apply impersonal logic to their decisions.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will wait so, so, so patiently for you to ask them out. Seriously, you will need to make the first move on this one.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: You will catch them eyeing the clutter in your car/purse/backpack/office/etc. out of the corner of their eye. Yes, they are judging you.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too caring.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Being Taken for Granted.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 9/16. Any mysteries that may have occurred will eventually be revealed to them. They cannot understand the machinations our Lord has in store. They must have faith in the mystery of why He does what he does.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 12/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 13/16 Watch for: Oversensitive; rampant people pleasing behaviour; disgraceful passive-aggressive manner. Trigger: When overwhelmed by the need to please; criticized; challenged; required to handle conflict.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their tendency to get strongly jealous and envious and to wallow in self-pity even when it makes zero sense. They are rusted onto the past which means that change and the new and untried can cause worry as they fear looking foolish and being ‘in the spotlight.’

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: Most likely to steal your rubbish. They have a strong sense of duty and take pride in keeping their homes clean and tidy. If they see your rubbish lying around, they might be tempted to pick it up and dispose of it for you. They want your 10 cent deposit empty Coke cans! The only thing is, that they might unintentionally mistake your origami post-it note collection as garbage.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their unwillingness to challenge, or inability to identify wrong-doing committed within an established legal or organizational framework due to fear of facing personal consequences.

♦ Resentful. Will hold on to slights / grudges forever. They do not realize that their family focussed aura masks a fairly pathetic person.
♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Conservative, Conventional, Guarded and Reserved.
♦ Amongst the patterns most likely to believe in a higher spiritual power; a follower.
♦ More likely than average to experience chronic pain.
♦ Amongst the patterns most likely to suffer heart disease.
♦ Second most common pattern among education majors in university. The dos do and the don'ts teach.
♦ More likely than other patterns to watch more than 3 hours of television per day.
♦ Personal values include happy family, health and spirituality.
♦ Overrepresented among MBA students and male small business owners. {A surprising conclusion to us}.
♦ Amongst the three patterns with the lowest income.
♦ Commonly found in education, health care and religious occupations.
♦ Most likely to pick supporting roles in multi-player video games.
♦ Most likely to be annoyed by others not being punctual as they are always on time.
♦ Least likely to consider themselves special in many ways.
♦ Least likely to believe that they manipulate other people.
♦ Least likely to want to travel to space someday.
♦ Least likely to want to be famous.
♦ Least likely to enjoy gambling.
♦ Most likely to be a meek person who accepts being treated badly and does not complain about that and who can very easily become passive-aggressive.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Self-Promotion for Introverts: The Quiet Guide of Getting Ahead (by Nancy Ancowitz).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I generally have observed them as Hyde. Never, even in moments of desperation or madness, choose them as a leader or manager. They are boring and passive-aggressive followers to be avoided!
They lack courage especially if not supported by those close.

Go to their pattern

I am the the soft-spoken driver of our systems. I am too rigid and critical. I am the worst for being a performing artist.
"Well, according to my research..."

Is this person the inspector?
Is this person showing that they are responsible, honest and loyal?

Is this same person your asshole boss?
Is this same person showing that they prefer doing things the way they have always been done and shuting out new ideas and possibilities?

Actually, I am the pragmatist skilled at calling out bulltish because I can remember super specific details. I am hardworking but stubborn. I think that I am rather like Queen Elizabeth II. Did you realize?

14. The Objective Thinker - ISTJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against instability. I avoid. I believe that by charting the course for my life you can circumvent obstacles and make effective use of my time. I make life smoother for myself and others by managing logistics, organizing resources and handling details that many other patterns miss. My calm, grounded and observant nature keeps life from feeling overwhelming and out-of-control. When my carefully structured world is disrupted by unforeseen interruptions or an overwhelming workload, I may find my temper rising. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 7. Someone who changes dramatically when challenged in any way.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Pragmatist; Mr. I Spy With My Little Eye...; Mr. Practical And Grounded; Mr. Inspector (Jekyll); Mr.Closed-Minded Guy (Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Compliment fishing People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Order.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Moral, kind, good leader, open-minded, organized, efficient, hardworking, dedicated.

☀ Attentiveness.
☀ Formality.
☀ Reliability.
☀ Hugely irritated by over-emotional and unreliable people.
☀ Very strong work ethic.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Duty. This one has that reliable, organized game. They keep things in check, handling their responsibilities like pros. When they are on point, they are thorough, loyal and get things done like bosses.

👍 Extremely workers.
👍 Seeks logical outcomes.
👍 Chooses facts over emotions.
👍 A good go to for rules on efficiency and the safeguarding of your future.
👍 Strives hard to fulfill obligations and follow rules.

They have a strong commitment to their goals and work with steady determination to meet them.

Rather than needing outside prodding, they are self-motivated, detail-oriented and competent.

They hold themselves to high standards and value trustworthy behaviour in themselves and others.

They show others they care by providing practical help and by being there even when things get tough.

These are the people you can count on to keep a secret, keep their promises and achieve anything they make a priority.

They are also the people you can trust to tell you the truth, no sugarcoating added.

Have deeply-held values and morals and strives to make their community a better, more secure place.

If you have any sense, never mislead them.

They are often the people in the background making sure everything is running smoothly, but not drawing a lot of attention to themselves.

Handy too know is that they rank 3 in the top 5 for being TRUSTWORTHY.

This dependable pattern is Introverted, sensing, thinking,and judging with a loyal and protective nature that applies to every aspect of their relationships. They are often cited as the most reliable pattern because they honour their words and commitment above anything else.

If you tell them to do something, you can trust them blindly that they will do it. They honour their word and commitments above all else. If committed to being your friend, or if you give them a job at hand, they will honour your word above everything and get the job done.

They also hold steadfast to their beliefs in logic, law and tradition. Hence, following these strengths, they are very dependable, loyal, and trustworthy. One can rest assured that they can keep secrets and will not betray the trust you have given them.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Pedantic.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Control-freak, exhibit traits of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, inflexible, rigid, dramatic, very emotional, egoistic, explosive, cold, detail-oriented, stubborn.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Cheats slightly on the tax return. Does not amend later.

👎 Lacks empathy.
. 👎 Totally stubborn nature.
👎 Refuses to accept new ideas.
👎 Performs poorly under pressure, second-guessing themselves and ultimately losing sight of their goals.

If they have not developed their sensing preference well, they may jump to conclusions about people or take action without taking time to see if they are being fair and reasonable. They can also want to exert control over the outside world and make it conform to their routine or set of principles.

Can be rigid about time, structure and routine.

They also tend to be highly critical and judgmental of other people, easily seeing their flaws and pointing them out in a way that is humiliating to the person involved.

They can struggle to see the big picture, or the impacts of their choices on others.

They tend to make their loved ones feel distant or uncared for because they see expressions of affection or words of affirmation as unnecessary and trivial.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: It might take them a while to ask you out, but they will. And when they do, they will put a surprising (and touching) amount of effort into that first date. If they take you to a museum, for example, you had better believe they have already read the exhibition catalogue and can quote it verbatim.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: Do not worry, they will not lead you on. At all. No coy smiles, no accidentally brushing your arm, nothing. Flirting is more or less a foreign language to this pattern.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too stuck to their ways and habits.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Burnout.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 15/16. All that stuff about our time on Earth being meant for love and joy? No. There is nothing practical about the mystery of life. Can it feed you? You came to the wrong door.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 13/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 15/16 Watch for: Judgmental; stubbornness; rigid view of matters. Trigger: When required to keep an open mind; the need to bend the rules.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their loathing of miscommunications and misunderstandings. They do not like being thrown in at the deep-end and they have to feel that whatever they are being asked to do makes logical sense. The new, the untried causes worry as they rely instinctively on experience and prefer the known and the traditional and, as they learn best through doing, any activity with which they have no direct first-hand experience will cause a wariness and mistrust initially.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: They are most likely to steal petty items such as extra food from a buffet to take home or rolls of toilet paper from public restrooms or place of work. They can be very cheap and thrifty; stockpiling more than their fair share of items that are otherwise free for the public to use. This is done out of boredom.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their unwillingness to challenge, or inability to identify wrong-doing committed within an established legal or organizational framework due to a preoccupation with order or due to indifference.

♦ Honestly, they are probably the least dark of all the 16 patterns. If something tragic happens to someone else, they will evaluate whether that person brought it upon themselves by acts of stupidity; they will feel no sympathy for someone who was hit by a car while crossing the street staring at their phone. They will ponder: “Did the light say ‘Walk’ or ‘Don’t Walk’?”
♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Calm, Stable, Steady, Cautious and Conventional.
♦ More likely than other patterns to experience cardiac problems, hypertension and chronic pain.
♦ Amongst the four highest patterns to have high university grades.
♦ More frequent among African American population.
♦ Personal values include financial security and being correct.
♦ Most likely of all patterns to enjoy a work environment where everything is done by the book.
♦ Over represented among bank officers, financial managers, MBA students and small business owners.
♦ Often found in careers in management, project management, administration, law enforcement and accounting.
♦ Least likely to consider playing a role on a TV show.
♦ Most likely to avoid risky or unpredictable situations.
♦ Most likely to prefer traditional gender roles in their relationships.
♦ Most likely to say they are private individuals.
♦ Least likely to eat something without knowing what it is.
♦ Most likely to reject new ideas right off the bat without listening first.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ (by Daniel Goleman).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I generally have observed them as Jekyll. Gets things done and is totally reliable.
The word “boring” was invented by an Inspirational just for them.

Go to their pattern

I can out-think the rest of you. I am unemotional. I am the worst for providing customer service.
"I really do not understand, nor care for, humanity."

Is this person the thinker?
Is this person showing that they are intellectual and independent?

Is this same person the inept academic?
Is this same person showing that they become very negative and critical?

Actually, I am the critic who stays up reading Wikipedia until 4am to feed my hunger for knowledge. I am theoretical but indecisive. I think that I am rather like Stephen King. Did you realize?

15. The Perfectionist - INTP

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against narrow-mindedness. I avoid. I spend my life on a quest for truth and meaning. I am not afraid to challenge commonly-accepted beliefs, traditions and rules. I argue or discuss everything, including my own ideas, to make sure that they are accurate. I challenge people’s preconceived notions about what is right, wrong, true, false, good or bad. Being micro-managed, restricted or surrounded by incompetence or emotional turbulence can push my patience to the brink, leading to rising frustration or anger. Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 4. Personality radically changes when affected by alcohol, drugs or by engaging in other addictive or reckless activities.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Accomplisher; Mr. Knowledge Lover; Mr. Thinker (Jekyll); Mr. Control Freak; Mr. Poor People and Mechanical Skills; Mr. According to my calculations...; Mr. Don’t talk out loud! (You lower the IQ of the entire street!) (Hyde).

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Intelligence.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Thoughtful, kind, altruistic, coolly confident, creative, fun, hardworking.

☀ A love of learning.
☀ Rationality.
☀ Creativity.
☀ Hugely irritated by illogical and over-emotional people.
☀ Innovative mindset.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Curiosity. Is the brainiac, diving into complex ideas and theories. They are all about that insatiable curiosity. When they are in the zone, they are innovating, solving problems and expanding knowledge.

👍 Observant, often noticing hidden details and patterns others do not notice.
👍 Are motivated to learn and explore.
👍 A good go to for identifying loopholes in systems, plans and arguments and to seek advice.
👍 Are innovative thinkers.

Solving complex problems is their strength and, instead of getting frustrated by novel dilemmas, they are stimulated and energized.

They are generally reserved and contemplative, but also open-minded towards people, arguing only when it makes reasonable sense.

They are often ingenious, insightful and visionary, focussing on big-picture outcomes and possibilities and finding ways to make them a reality.

If you have any sense, never play games with them.

Brilliant but lazy. The archetypal nerd - they love STEM and geeky fandom/sci-fi but they are absolutely terrible at sport. Despite this, they are not always the best at school either. School requires a lot of organization, memorization and following rules, all of which they are not good at. It also requires interaction with people for which they are infamously bad.

Philosophers and independent thinkers. They are ultra logical, objective, open-minded, original, honest and are low maintenance.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Pretentious.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Know all, mean, self-hating, critical, explosive, oblivious, indifferent, oblivious, emotionless, lazy.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. The unethical scientist who conducts just awful lab experiments.

👎 Tends to fixate on their ideas.
👎 Totally aloof nature.
👎 Are very indecisive.
👎 Tends to isolate themselves from others. A rigid traditionalist.

When dealing with other people, they are often sarcastic and condescending – pointing out flaws quickly without taking time to see the other person’s perspective or hear the whole story. They can also be haughty, careless and be so absorbed in their own world and ideas that they ignore and neglect the people that depend on them.

They tend to be isolative and argumentative and see people who want time with them as intrusive and meddling.

Ther are not interested to more extraverted individuals. Has a propensity to become so engrossed in their reasoning that they lose sight of any emotional implications.

In communication, they are insensitive and fail to consider the impacts their words and decisions will have on others.

They may forget their tangible and physical needs and responsibilities. As a result, they may forget to eat, sleep enough, wash, throw out junk, take holidays or pay the bills.

Dresses for comfort and basically has no fashion sense whatsoever. Often messy and hygienically challenged.

Over time they can become depressed and frustrated with their lack of connection with others, or their inability to meet their practical needs.

They can be withdrawn, insensitive, poor planners, disorganized and condescending.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: They will ask for your opinion on various topics, from climate change to abstract art to Southeast Asian history. You may feel weirdly flattered by their attention, even if you are not totally sure why.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: They will forget your name, even if you have already met ten times.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too impractical and apathic.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Craving connection, but hating meaningless conversation.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 7/16. They have been told since they were a small child how intelligent they are, how others just cannot understand how little they knows things. What kind of existential joke of nature is it that by 4 years old they know ‘these people’ have an 83% probability of being wrong? What is that really saying?

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 5/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 7/16 Watch for: Insensitive and uncaring; distanced; cold; selfish. Trigger: When empathy, emotion and not being so aloof is required. When faced with operating anything mechanical.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their zero ability to operate anything mechanical. They may disappear so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them and the people in it. Terrible finishers.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: They are most likely to steal your information. They are curious by nature and they love to collect data so, if you have something that they want, they will stop at nothing to get their hands on it. Be careful – they may seem harmless, but they are actually quite sneaky.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their loss of respect for ethics in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

♦ Can feel really vulnerable with people they care about and do not really know what to do about it. Feels awkward with emotional expression in general.
♦ On personality trait measures, score as Candid, Ingenious, Complicated, Independent and Rebellious.
♦ More likely than other patterns to study a foreign language.
♦ Most frequent pattern, together with the Inspirational, amongst university students committing alcohol and drug policy violations.
♦ Have the lowest level of coping resources together with the Achiever.
♦ One of tthe patterns least likely to believe in a higher spiritual power.
♦ Highest of all patterns in career dissatisfaction (together with Agent).
♦ In school, have lower grades than would be predicted from aptitude scores.
♦ More likely than average to complete engineering programs.
♦ Personal values include autonomy, freedom and independence.
♦ Overrepresented among working MBA students.
♦ Commonly found in science and technical occupations.
♦ Most likely to find it difficult to focus during morning classes.
♦ Most likely to consider becoming an astronomer.
♦ Most likely to dream of winning a Nobel Prize in physics.
♦ Most likely to disagree with the majority opinion in a group setting.
♦ Most likely to be annoyed by being kept waiting as they are always on time and generally let the other party know. Typical standard holding others to account.
♦ Least likely to trust anyone completely.
♦ Most likely to say that black is their favourite colour.
♦ Least likely to try to make their boss look good.
♦ Most likely to be underestimated in terms of intelligence as to be disobedient means thinking ahead, being thoughtful and having an understanding of reason, equivalency and value.
♦ Most likely to often ignore reality, such as the cleanliness of living spaces etc..
♦ Best book to read for this pattern: Predictably Irrational (by Dan Ariely).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I generally have observed them as Hyde. So clever but totally unsuited to doing anything of a practical nature. On a group project they are lazy and inefficient. An odd mixture of being very quirky, yet also very wise and philosophical.
When interacting with others, they do not need to spend so much time explaining why someone is wrong.

Go to their pattern

I am the master strategist and planner. I am arrogant. I am the worst for tolerance.
"Wouldn't this make more sense?"

Is this person the mastermind?
Is this person showing that they have a clear vision of the future and how to organize systems to implement their ideas?

Is this same person the smug rabblerouser?
Is this same person very confusing to be around?

Actually, I am the cunning strategist who spends most of my time planning how to avoid idiots. I am the one person, self sufficient, army who has a plan for everything. I am clever but insensitive. I root for the smart villain rather than the dumb hero. I think that I am rather like Rupert Murdoch. Did you realize?

16. The Enhancer - INTJ

Oxor™'s FIGHTABILITY prophesy. Know this before you take me on, you bastard: I fight against mediocrity, stagnancy and inertness. I avoid. I despise the idea of wasting my life, succumbing to mediocrity or failing to grow. I want to expand my vision of the world on matters of interest, my knowledge of the universe and my understanding of the meaning of all things. I want to explore ideas that have never been explored before. Interruptions, sensory stimulation, systems or people that do not work, illogical idiots and the sheer volume of responsibilities can sometimes overwhelm me leading to feelings of irritability and frustration. Sometomes I go right off! Failure to appreciate this means WWIII.

Oxor™'s JEKYLL and HYDE prophesy: Category 4. Personality radically changes when affected by alcohol, drugs or by engaging in other addictive or reckless activities. Also Category 6. Someone whose opinion of others fluctuates drastically.

The Mocking Nicknames™: Mr. Mastermind; Mr. Future Strategy (Jekyll); Mr. Stalker; Mr. Insensitive; Mr. Well, actually...(Hyde).

Cannot Stand™: Flatterers and people pleasing People.

As Jekyll - Oxor Characteristics™.

Jekyll ONE WORDER™. Knowledge.

BASIC Jekyll DESCRIPTORS™ Put-together, understanding, organized, coolly confident, flexible, open-minded, self-aware.

☀ Runs to a tight schedule.
☀ Thinks logically.
☀ Prefers solitude.
☀ Hugely irritated by disloyal, irrational and manipulative people.
☀ Becomes most irked by social niceties and political correctness.
☀ At the TOG™ - Top of Game: Vision. Is the strategic thinker with big vision. They are all about the future game. When they are killing it, they are innovating, analyzing and making those ambitious dreams a reality with their logical minds.

👍 Are independent and fiercely ambitious. They value independence and are very comfortable working alone. They prefer to rely on their own abilities and insights, rather than the opinions of others.
👍 Masterminds.
👍 Are are analytical and strategic in their thinking and often excel at problem-solving and finding solutions.
👍 Possess a strong sense of self-assurance and are confident in their abilities and opinions.
👍 Are often reserved and private individuals, preferring to keep their emotions and personal lives to themselves.
👍 A rebel who pushes boundaries with their unique creations and clever ideas. Expecially when dealing with incompetent boobs.
👍 Have a futuristic outlook with a natural ability to see patterns and possibilities in the future and are often able to identify potential opportunities and problems before others do. A good go to for your cost-benefit analysis and what will or will not work in the future.
👍 Are logical and objective and approach decision-making relying on data and facts over emotions and personal opinions.
👍 Are very organized and value order. They often have a strong need for efficiency and organization in their personal and professional lives.
👍 They are often highly motivated and driven striving for excellence in all areas of their lives.

There is no challenge too complex for them and they are quickly able to synthesize abstract and concrete data to find deep insights into the meaning of things.

They are strategic, logical, visionary, creative and excellent at coming up with plans.

With decisions, they are rational and objectively critical.

It is extremely important for them to be fair and just. Biases and preferential treatment are avoided at all costs.

On the outside, they appear independent and contemplative.

If you have any sense, never control or micromanage them.

Inside, they hold themselves to a verh high set of values and morals.

Strategic and intuitive problem solvers. They are confident, independent, decisive, capable and are thorough strategists and planners.

Handy too know is that they rank 4 in the top 5 for being TRUSTWORTHY.

Much like the Objective Thinker, these who are introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging are also on the list of the most trustworthy. While known for being highly intelligent, they also score high on trustworthiness, because they are self-aware enough to recognize the importance of trust in human relationships. They focus on always doing what they say they will do and they expect others to do the same as well.

They are one of the rarest patterns, making up just 2.1 percent of people in the U.S. If you have one in your life, you should value their friendship or partnership and trust that they will have protect your back if you protect theirs.

As Hyde - Oxor Characteristics™.

Hyde ONE WORDER™. Dismissive.

BASIC Hyde DESCRIPTORS™ Mean, controlling, manipulative, spiteful, egoistic, have a superiority complex, lazy, cold, dictatorial, overly conventional, picky, distant, emotionless, unapologetically blunt.

Hyde LOW MORAL VERSION™. Smiles quietly at cruelty. Perpetrates crimes against humanity or stirs the pot against idiots in service of a beautiful plan.

👎 Cannot tolerate blind obedience, ignorance, medocrity or pointless rules.
👎 Totally intolerant nature.
👎 Tendency to isolate themselves and maintain only a few close relationships.
👎 Often dismisses others’ opinions and talks down to those they feel are incorrect or they have classified as an idiot. A Rigid traditionalist.

They cannot seem to find the appropriate words to express their inner vision. Their austere exterior conceals a very committed and compassionate inner nature. They can also be cold, arrogant and controlling. They are contemptuous and condescending to anyone who does not value their same vision or sense of logic.

In the face of the lack of words, they become aloof and abrupt with people, irritated that they are being misunderstood.

Instead of trying to find a clearer way to express themselves, they instead believe that they are superior to others and become sarcastic, arrogant and judgmental. Possess a very dark sense of humour.

Some can be so obsessed with their vision that they lose sight of other possibilities and responsibilities.

They will overlook details and facts that do not fit into their vision and ignore personal relationships as they go after their goals.

They can become selfish and harsh with their words because they fail to consider how anything will affect other people.

As the most independent, private and strategic pattern, they are not exactly the warm and fuzzy type, which is fine. To some people that can come across as arrogant and rude. To really show off their dry wit and astute observations, they should really go for more one-on-one conversations with people.

Seen as the most complex pattern to be understood because they are often reserved and independent, which can make them seem difficult to read or understand. Additionally, they tend to think abstractly and prefer to focus on long-term goals rather than immediate gratification, which can make them appear complicated or disinterested in others.

Have next to zero social skills (if you thought the Perfectionist is bad, you may have found worse).

They are different but in a good way. Being introverted leaders or behind-the-scene-boss (Sigma), they are natural born leaders that belong to a small subset of society. Being born with higher IQ, unique gifts, thinking that is so far different from what the normies are accustomed to, they are some of the most competent people. Instead leading with the basic senses, they make decisions with pure superior intuition. As is the Developer, thaey are are polarizing personalities with unwavering conviction in beliefs. They dare to alienate and stand out for what theybelieve in. Herd mentality is for the weak. They do not care what other people think. They think that society is a bunch of misprogrammed pussies.

Interested in dark and morbid subject matter. Many are fans of horror and true crime. This only further ostracizes them from “normal society”.

Naturally tends to have a deadpan and monotone voice. When around normies, they will fake a more natural voice but it always sounds fake to people.

Tends to be fascinated by conspiracy theories. Even if they do not believe in all or even most of them just the idea of dark secrets hidden behind something seemingly so innocent has strong appeal.

Never put the Enhancer in the position of the 'messenger'. They are 100% responsible or 0%.

Oxor™ - if they are into you: You will have a sneaking suspicion that they disagree with you less than they do with other people. You may also occasionally catch them looking at you when they think that you are not paying attention.

They can be arrogant, judgmental, stubborn and overly analytical.

Oxor™ - if they are not into you: Trust Oxor™ - you will absolutely know.

Oxor™ - Negative Trait that is essential you know: Too cold and emotionless.

Oxor™ - Secret Feature that is hard to find out: Incessant need to achieve their ideal objectives.

Oxor™ - Mysterious and Misunderstood Description (1 is most): 4/16. There is very little reason or motivation to understand someone that has perfected the art of the dodge. Somehow, such logical beings manage to remain mysterious. And they will continue to be misunderstood until such time that they deem otherwise.

Oxor™ - Ranking - Never being 100% completely understood by any other person: 6/16.

E Hunter™ reveals the skeletons in the cupboard that this pattern does not want disclosed:

TOXICITY 9/16 Watch for: Impatience; intolerance of idiots and small talk; becoming overly critical and judgmental of themselves and others; being ultra cynical, arrogant and uncooperative. It is impossible to force foold and idiots to be reasonable. Trigger: When trapped in “overthinking mode” and not being able to let go of the details; when the situation requires being mindful, remaining open-minded and learning to be flexible. When someone wants a debate and they have decided that it will serve no useful purpose.

Oxor CRITICAL VULNERABILITY™ that can be exploited by rivals: Their disdain for 'other people'. They will get their thrill from proving they were right in their hypothesis, proving this to themselves, not anyone else as they are, of all the patterns, the most independent of thought and action. But they can be the most fierce opponent especially if the opponents are seen as idiots. See you at QCAT.

Oxor THIEVERY PROPENSITY™: They are most likely to steal by being the mastermind. They are very strategic and calculating, so they tend to plan out their heists ahead of time. They are also very good at getting what they want, so do not be surprised if they try to con you out of your hard-earned cash. They are the absolute masters at hiding 'shonkies'. Ask Elizabeth Hunter™ about how she caused a road tanker's worth of fuel (31,000) litres to disappear (and reappear six months later) and the oil company still does not know how it was done.

Oxor LATENT VILENESS™ that can now be exposed: Their thirst for world domination fuelled by disdain for the status quo.

♦ Can be exceptionally cold in their anger. Will cut you out of their lives and never look back.
♦ On personality trait measures, scores as Discreet, Industrious, Logical, Deliberate, Self-confident and Methodical.
♦ Least likely to suffer heart disease and cardiac problems.
♦ Least likely of all the patterns to believe in a higher spiritual power.
♦ One of two patterns with the highest university grades.
♦ Amongst those with the highest income.
♦ Personal values include achievement, particularly improving systems and processes.
♦ Of all patterns, the least likely to state that they value home/family, financial security, relationships, friendships and community service.
♦ Overrepresented among MBA students and, if female, among female small business owners.
♦ Commonly found in scientific or technical fields, computer related occupations and the legal profession.
♦ Least likely to take pictures at concerts or live events.
♦ Most likely to spot plot holes in movies or books or arguments.
♦ Most likely to say it was easy for them to do well at school.
♦ Most likely to find learning with other people more distracting than helpful.
♦ Most likely to prefer single-player to multi-player in video games.
♦ Most likely to enjoy classical music.
♦ Most likely to often expect the worst.
♦ Most likely to put off buying shoes without fully realizing it. Loves the current shoes, all of them. They function, but some of them are on their last legs. Not up to the hassle of finding the perfect replacement pairs. Usually forced to go through this process when the shoes literally fall apart or their mother or partner threatens to throw them away. Watch for their shoddy shoes!!
♦ Most likely to keep their social media profile info as private as possible or not join.
♦ When no-one is around is a shut-in. It is as if they are isolated and have all this time and space all to themselves and can finally be themselves. They do not need to be mindful of others because there is nobody to be mindful of. There is only one person to host and entertain; no need to be nice or polite. Putting on a facade is exhausting. They can do whatever they want without the fear of being disturbed or disturbing others.
♦ Most likely to stuck in their vision, which generally turns out to be correct, while they think that they are more deserving than others.
♦ Best book to read for this pattern:  The 48 Laws of Power (by Robert Greene).

E Hunter™ comment:

In decades of observation from a management perspective, I generally have observed them as both. They are near impossible to get to know well. I am one and am very strategic (Jekyll) but so totally intolerant of idiots (Hyde), especially toward the Agent and Practitioner but others do receive the treatment as required.
They are perfect. Please do not kill me.

Go to their pattern