• 1. Director

    High D - "The Boss"
    Recycle Style - Planner [Guardian SJ - Gold]
    "I do not hesitate to call my local waste management collector (for whom the Council pays) whenever I have questions about how to get rid of large items, paint and dead branches. I want to dispose of them in the right way at no cost to myself."
    "I will grow organic gardens and use the produce at every meal possible."
    "I am motivated when I can spring into action. I like to organize my work in a way that is effective and efficient. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is practical and social, such as organizing people for a green space cleanup or joining (or forming) a “buy nothing” group to reduce overall consumption. Notice that I am in charge, as per normal."
  • 2. Developer

    High D - "The Commander"
    Recycle Style - Thinker [Rational NT - Green]
    "It is soul crushing to be in an environment where the focus is on the banality of existence - on the “who, what, when and where” but not the “why, how or what if."
    "Unless it appears useful, I will crush the uncompromising and dogmatic attitude of enviro movement people."
    "I am motivated when I can manage processes, organizations or people. I like to develop plans with long-term goals in mind. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is future oriented and social, such as connecting with a planet-focussed non-profit that could my your organizational skills. Notice that I am in complete charge, as per normal.
  • 3. Results

    High D - "The Negotiator"
    Recycle Style - Mover [Artisan SP - Orange]
    "I will push through a recycling policy at work and they'll adopt it kicking and screaming."
    "I will pioritize national parks when selecting vacation destinations."
    "I am motivated when I can solve problems efficiently. I like to focus on the present, without having to think of future implications. I try helping the planet in a way that is hands-on and social, such as having meat-free raffles or challenging friends to a upcycle competition. Notice that it is another way for me to take risks, as per normal.
  • 4. Inspirational

    High D - "The Innovator"
    Recycle Style - Thinker [Rational NT - Green]
    "I will debate the merits or otherwise of environmental responsibility until the electric bus breaks down."
    "There is no point in me recycling my cans if no one else really does it."
    "I am motivated when I can release external constraints. I like to see how my inspiration leads to logical conclusions. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is future oriented and creative, such as coming up with an innovative recycling scheme or challenging others to an upcycling competition. Notice that I actually do none of the heavy lifting, as per normal.
  • 5. Persuader

    High I - "The Muse"
    Recycle Style - Connector [Idealist NF - Blue]
    "It is our responsibility as humans and civilizations to leave the earth in better shape than we found it."
    "I am writing letters to elected officials advocating for conservation legislation."
    "I am motivated when I can develop and implement grand, innovative, long-range plans. I like to plan in a way that promotes others’ growth and development. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is futureoriented and social, such as challenging my to make or upcycle gifts or volunteering to help children understand the importance of caring for the planet. Notice that I actually do none of the work, as per normal.
  • 6. Appraiser

    High I - "The Guardian"
    Recycle Style - Planner [Guardian SJ - Gold]
    "Our neighbourhood dry cleaner is environmentally savvy. The owner has won awards for the eco-friendly cleaning process. That’s the dry cleaner I use!"
    "I will install energy-saving light bulbs in every light in the house."
    "I am motivated by finding practical methods for collaboration. I like to work in a way that helps others accomplish their goals. I try helping the planet in a way that is practical and social, such as gathering friends for a recycling + upcycling party or joining an outdoor litter pick-up group. Notice that I am getting others to do do the work, as per normal.
  • 7. Promoter

    High I - "The Romantic"
    Recycle Style - Connector [Idealist NF - Blue]
    "I am all for solar panels on my roof. The Guvvament will have to pay for them though. I create huge lots of rubbish."
    "I am advocating for a zero-waste-to-landfill program at work."
    "I am motivated when I have the freedom to set facts and details aside. I like to go with the flow of my inspiration and ideals. I try helping the planet in a way that is creative and social, such as helping out with meat-free raffles at the BBQ or challenging others to an upcycling competition. Notice that I have no details of how any of this is to be done and I have left a giga amount of rubbish from the BBQ for someone else to clear up, as per normal.
  • 8. Counselor

    High I - "The Traveller"
    Recycle Style - Mover [Artisan SP - Orange]
    "I like to attend informational meetings in my community about the latest efforts to generate renewable energy."
    "I will structure weekend outings around visiting a farmers’ market."
    "I am motivated when I can help the people who are important to me. I like to impact others in immediate, practical ways. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is practical, social and fun, such as gathering friends for a recycling + upcycling party or challenging others to a litter collection competition. Notice that there will be a party and no litter will ever be collected, just created, as per norma.l
  • 9. Specialist

    High S - "The Artist"
    Recycle Style - Mover [Artisan SP - Orange]
    "My ideal workplace is a NABERS certified building. The positive energy is a real boost for me and my colleagues."
    "I will adopt a family pet from rescue agencies or animal shelters."
    "I am motivated when I can live my values in a direct, hands-on way. I like to work in an environment where loyalty is prized over competition. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is practical and honours my Introversion, such as challenging myself to reduce our energy bill every month or trying alternate transportation methods other than my car. Notice that I might tell my husband to have a cold shower after 4pm to avoid the AGL peak rate and make him scorn and ridicule me, as per normal.
  • 10. Investigator

    High S - "The Intense"
    Recycle Style - Connector [Idealist NF - Blue]
    "I make certain to track the latest scientific studies about global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps. I need to stay informed."
    "I am investigating best practices for a rooftop garden in the neighbourhood and assisting with plans for its development."
    "I am motivated when I can develop and implement grand, innovative and long-range plans. I like to plan in a way that promotes others’ growth and development. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is futureoriented and social, such as challenging myself to make or upcycle gifts or volunteering to help children understand the importance of caring for the planet. Notice that this is my idealism at the fore and I have not recycled any cans, as per normal.
  • 11. Agent

    High S - "The Poet"
    Recycle Style - Connector [Idealist NF - Blue]
    " I simply cannot work for a company that does not clearly commit to best practices in sustainability."
    "I am making phone calls to local food retailers who do not provide recycling bins near the checkout or another spot where customers can easily deposit recyclable materials."
    "I am motivated when I can develop unique ways to express my inner values to the outside world. I like to work with limited external restrictions and oversight. Iocus on helping the planet in a way that is values-driven and honours my Introversion, such as thinking up new meat-free meal ideas or enjoying nature while picking up small amounts of litter in local green spaces. Notice that my chronic idealism achieves very little, as per normal.
  • 12. Achiever

    High S - "The Engineer"
    Recycle Style - Mover [Artisan SP - Orange]
    "Our family loves spending time outside and appreciating the beauty of our natural environment."
    "I will teach my children at a very young age about the rules for recycling."
    "I am motivated by activities that rely on my senses and memory for details. I like to work on things that test my ability to problem solve. I try helping the planet in a way that is practical and honours my Introversion, such as planning meat-free recipes or collecting litter on my next walk. Notice that it is all about 'fixing things', as per normal. or hike.
  • 13. Practitioner

    High C - "The Philanthropist"
    Recycle Style - Planner [Guardian SJ - Gold]
    "We have a glass recycling centre about a kilometre away and I plan my route to work so I can drop off empty bottles."
    "I will replace plastic utensils with stainless steel and volunteer to wash the dishes in the break room at work."
    "I am motivated by enhancing others’ lives. I like to transform my inner vision into helpful plans and programs. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is values-driven and honours my Introversion, such as trading meat-free recipes and meals with friends or enjoying nature while picking up litter in local green spaces. I might collect cans for my grandkids as they and their parents are too bone lazy to take them to the collection centre. Notice that all this does not involve leadership or management, as per normal.
  • 14. Objective Thinker

    High C - "The Enforcer"
    Recycle Style - Planner [Guardian SJ - Gold]
    "I will place a recycling bin in every room of the house where waste is discarded if the council says so."
    "I will have a system for doing the recycling. Don't you worry about that!"
    "I am motivated when I can work independently in a quiet, organized setting. I like to manage my time well and minimize interruptions. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is practical and honours my Introversion, such as clearing litter in a green space or writing grants for planet-focused not-for-profit outfits. Notice that I am unaffected by the Social Justice Warriors peddling their idealism, as per normal.
  • 15. Perfectionist

    High C - "The Professor"
    Recycle Style - Thinker [Rational NT - Green]
    "I have a the best recycling concept. But I have not finished it yet. I started that in 1975."
    "I will put my stuff in the correct bin. I might even gift wrap the rubbish."
    "I am motivated when I can interpret ideas through a logical lens. I like to follow my analyses without concern for irrelevant facts and details. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is future-focussed and honours my Introversion, such as growing pollinator-friendly flowers and having plants in my garden and on my windowsill or trying to minimize my use of plastic use. Notice that this will be part of my plan based on 'free beer tomorrow' that will never happen, as per normal.
  • 16. Enhancer

    High C - "The Iconoclast"
    Recycle Style - Thinker [Rational NT - Green]
    "I have a theory that 78% of recycled items go to landfill."
    "I will recycle if it is convenient. But I am not the collection centre for the neighbour who wants the 10 cent refund on his XXXX cans."
    "I am motivated when I can devote time to working on complex systems. I like to describe and explain my inner visions for the future. I focus on helping the planet in a way that is future-focussed and honous my Introversion, such as dedicating time to help environmentally focussed non-profits write grant letters, or figuring out how your company could reduce their carbon emissions. Notice that I will only be swayed by a business case that makes sense; not reducing carbon dioxide when it is only 0.04% of the atmosphere, as per normal.