When you know your Disc pattern
it is useful to see how you will regarding responsibility and accountability. If you are seeking to find out how someone accepts responsibility then you will need to pick their behaviour pattern first, using the methods contained in this site.

Am I responsible?
This section is for the Oxor™ masters and mistresses, ladies and gentlemen.

You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Here are all sixteen patterns - as the person taking responsibility; or otherwise.

You will be here and you have already worked that out!

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update April 3, 2024


1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?

The Director has this type of brain

General Overview: Hard-working and time-conscious, the Director is often seen as the epitome of responsibility and accountability.
Upholding their families and communities brings them a sense of purpose and joy and they are unlikely to let people down when they have made a commitment. This pattern is pragmatic and easily sees what needs to be done in a practical sense. Bringing order into chaotic situations and preserving age-old traditions and lessons helps them to create a sense of stability, peace and continuity. This is not only in their own lives, but the lives of others.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Completes tasks ahead of time.
¥ Creates order and efficiency in their environment.
¥ Teaches people about what is important and gives practical guidance.
¥ Preserves cherished traditions and routines.
¥ Follows through on their word.
¥ Is punctual.
¥ Is polite and considerate.
¥ Makes decisions in a timely manner.
¥ Sees things objectively in a logical manner.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Not keeping things open-ended.
¥ Not sensing other peoples’ emotions.
¥ Not finding a deeper abstract meaning in things.
¥ Not introspecting on their own emotions in order to decipher them.
¥ Not keeping their options open.
¥ Ignoring looking at things from many different perspectives before deciding.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 3. Middle. Actively delegates.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable, but will not be liked due to their 'my way or the highway' mantra.


2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?

The Developer has this type of brain

General Overview: Yearns to use everything around them to accomplish a far-reaching goal. Visionary and directive, they enjoy conceptualizing long-term ideas and then getting everyone on board to make those ideas come to fruition. It is natural for this pattern to take charge of ineffective situations and create structure, organize, prioritize and streamline operations. They are typically responsible about anything involving their careers and place a high priority on being honest and doing what they believe is right.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Accomplishing objectives in a timely manner.
¥ Making their surroundings as efficient as possible.
¥ Strategically coordinating projects.
¥ Understanding the deeper meaning of life.
¥ Managing money effectively.
¥ Being honest and direct.
¥ Prioritizing tasks wisely.
¥ Learning and logically analyzing things.
¥ Staying objective during decision making.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Poor at nurturing others’ emotions.
¥ No good with cooking or detailed cleaning.
¥ Insufficient attention to physical and emotional self-care.
¥ Less than adequate relaxing and recharging.
¥ Ignoring nitty-gritty details – would rather develop a plan where those are taken care of in an automatic way or by others.
¥ Bad at processing their own emotions and feelings.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 4. Upper low. Commands others.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable, but possesses the 'bully boy' mantra.


3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?

The Results has this type of brain

General Overview: Engaging and energetic, they like a life that is filled with excitement, action and accomplishment. They enjoy making things happen and have a desire to “win” at whatever they are doing. Pushing the limits of what they are capable is something that drives them; whether they are lifting heavier weights than they lifted last week or finding investors for their startup. This pattern feels a responsibility to live life to the fullest; but not without thinking. Being smart, pragmatic and resourceful is the key.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Challenging themselves.
¥ Making things happen.
¥ Staying present and aware of what is actually happening around them.
¥ Accomplishing tasks.
¥ Taking charge of crisis situations.
¥ Staying grounded and practical.
¥ 'Reading' people.
¥ Helping the people they care about.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Ignores making detailed, long-term plans.
¥ Does not nurture others’ feelings.
¥ Not being polite; rude.
¥ Not reflecting on who they are and what their deeper emotions are telling them.
¥ Not foreseeing or predicting distant future events.
¥ Never doing things 'by the book.
¥ Unable to manage money carefully.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 2. Lower high. Becomes restless.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible, due to a 'reputation of taking crazy risks' mantra.


4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?

The Inspirational has this type of brain

General Overview: Life is about discovering the underlying principles for all things. This pattern feels a tremendous responsibility to ask tough questions, find answers and innovate. A life simply following the rules and going the traditional route would feel like a terrible waste. They need to feel as it they are developing original ideas, looking beneath the surface and developing new strategies, projects and ideas. To the Inspirational, life is a puzzle that needs to be solved and that is done by playing with different questions, theories and clues in order to discover a truth no one has discovered before.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Being skeptical and accurate.
¥ Looking at things objectively.
¥ Finding ingenious solutions that solve underlying problems.
¥ Bringing ideas to fruition.
¥ Playing devil’s advocate to discern what is true.
¥ Looking at something from many angles and perspectives.
v¥ Being fair with others.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Less concerned with social propriety.
¥ Hopeless at following others’ rules.
¥ Repeatedly playing devil’s advocate just for the hell of it.
¥ Lack of proper attention to timeliness.
¥ Lack of attention to household maintenance or cleanliness.
¥ Poor at giving directions.
¥ Never doing any heavy lifting.
¥ Does not follow a strict moral code without question.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 5. Bottom low. Wants to but cannot make themselves. Delegates rigorously.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irreponsible, due to an 'argumentative and cannot ever be trusted' mantra.


5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?

The Persuader has this type of brain

General Overview: Life is all about achieving their life’s mission and making their dreams a reality. This often involves deep, empathic connections with other people. No matter how they might try to control it, they can, or think that they can, often sense how other people are feeling and can easily get lost in people’s relationships and life stories. They feel a tremendous responsibility to care for others and nurture them. Mentoring individuals and helping them find their inner potential is something that drives them.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Nurturing and protecting others.
¥ Empathizing with people’s situations and feelings.
¥ Resolving conflict quickly (sometimes).
¥ Influencing others to learn and grow.
¥ Finding a deeper purpose in life.
¥ Improving the world.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Never handling impersonal tasks that have no immediate human benefit.
¥ Lack of attention to maintenance of household appliances or vehicles.
¥ Lack of attention to physical self-care. May struggle to prioritize their own health.
¥ Under stress starts to doubt themselves, getting stuck in analysis paralysis over the 'right' choice – even for minor decisions.
¥ Ignoring nitty-gritty detailed tasks, such as filing taxes, managing projects, handling correspondence or balancing a budget.
¥ Poor at getting their own needs met.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Only appears responsible and accountable, with no guarantee, due to an 'over indulgent and manipulative' mantra.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 2. Lower high. Tries to be an example to others.


6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ

The Appraiser has this type of brain

General Overview: Warm and considerate, ESFJs get profound joy from bringing people together and connecting with them. They feel a tremendous responsibility to listen to people, help them, and encourage them in whatever projects they’re undertaking. Tactful and nurturing, they create harmonious relationships and are often excellent hosts. Remembering the many details of people’s lives comes naturally to them, and because of this they often know just the right way to support someone or cheer them up..

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Being tactful and polite.
¥ Listening to others’ struggles and joys.
¥ Nurturing others.
¥ Doing things 'by the book'.
¥ Being punctual and respecting others’ time (sometimes).
¥ Remembering important details (sometimes).
¥ Dependably completes projects for work, home and their community on time.
¥ Preserving cherished traditions.
v¥ Attending social events.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Getting their own needs met (tends to put others first).
¥ Critiquing or giving constructive criticism.
¥ Troubleshooting complex problems.
¥ Ignoring tasks that are considered 'boring'.
¥ While prefering to having a clean house, can 'put the blinkers on' and can stand some mess as half the time gets home exhausted, dumps their stuff and goes on to live in cluttered home.
¥ Understanding the ins and outs of how something works.
¥ Speaking with precision and getting right to the point.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 1. Top high. Let me .......

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable, but possesses an 'indifferent on some matters' mantra.


7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?

The Promoter has this type of brainr

General Overview: They feel responsible to live a life that aligns with their deeply-felt values. This pattern wants to have a job or lifestyle that makes a positive difference in the world. Rather than being led by the promise of a higher pay packet, they are led by their ideals (and hopefully that translates to a livable income). If they are not using their talents to make a difference, they tend to feel as if their spirit is suffocating. Being able to explore possibilities, brainstorm and have personal freedom is paramount to them.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Stay aligned with their personal moral code.
¥ Making a difference in the world.
¥ Being fair.
¥ Being honest and authentic.
¥ Honours their imagination.
¥ Understands people.
¥ Explores ideas and alternatives.
¥ Keeps their options open.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Following someone else’s rules, including the law.
¥ Unable to keep a tidy house, garden or car.
¥ Totally unable to follow a timeline.
¥ Bad at honouring social propriety.
¥ Very bad at paying bills on time.
¥ Reputation as flaky, a non finisher, with a micro concentration span to match.
¥ Bad at doing things 'by the book'; takes shortcuts.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 3. Middle. Someone always voluntarily will do things for them.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible, due to a finely tuned 'never finishes anything' mantra.


8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP

The Counselor has this type of brain

General Overview: Energetic and friendly, they feel a responsibility to get people involved and make life enjoyable for others and themselves. The centre of attention. But this pattern likes to get things done, make things happen and accomplish their objectives – they just want the freedom to organize how they are going to do it. Being micromanaged is anathema to them. Freedom is paramount and they can accomplish a lot when they do not have others pulling the strings on how or when they will do something.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Responds quickly in a crisis.
¥ Gives others personal freedom.
¥ Helps others.
¥ Makes others’ lives easier and happier.
¥ Achieves their goals.
¥ Lives a meaningful life.
¥ Takes on challenges.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Bad at following others’ rules.
¥ Abjectly hopeless with being punctual.
¥ Cannot do things 'by the book'.
¥ Poor at managing others’ work.
¥ Hopeless at creating long-term plans.
¥ Terrible at managing nitty-gritty, impersonal tasks - e.g filing taxes, paying bills on time, balancing a budget.
¥ No financial savings or retirement plans.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 4. Upper low. Giggles away - useless!

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible, unemployable, due to their 'party animal and difficult to manage' mantra.


9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP

The Specialist has this type of brain

General Overview: Creative and free-spirited, they strive to live a life that feels right to them on a soul-level. They want to offer help at just the right time to the people who need it and are often drawn to careers in health care or the arts where they can do some real good or simply brighten peoples’ days. For them responsibility is not about committing to a schedule or someone else’s rules. It is about doing what is right even when it is hard and providing practical support when it is needed.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Lives according to what they feel is right.
¥ Follows their moral code.
¥ Empathizes with the suffering of others.
¥ Being themselves, even if it goes against the mainstream.
¥ Creatively solving problems for others.
¥ Following through on their commitments to loved ones.
¥ Maintaining their personal freedom and respecting the freedoms of others.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Commiting to outside schedules and timelines.
¥ Not knowing about financial management.
¥ Following other peoples’ rules.
¥ Handling bureaucracy.
¥ Managing other people’s work.
¥ Making quick decisions in order to leave people waiting.
¥ Staying objective when making personal decisions.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 5. Bottom low. Can but avoides becoming involved - useless!

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible, unemployable, due to their 'arty farty and oversensitive' mantra.


10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?

The Investigator has this type of brain

General Overview: Visionary and complex, they are driven to find their purpose and grow as individuals to be the best they can possibly become. This does not mean winning fancy awards necessarily; it means to discover a deep truth about the nature of life and why we are here and live out that purpose. This pattern enjoys inspiring others to develop their potential and will do nearly anything to make their visions and insights useful to the world. For them, responsibility is about constantly growing, evolving and understanding. They like to challenge their minds, push themselves to be more ethical and understand the mysterious truths of life.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Following their moral code.
¥ Pursuing their vision.
¥ Being tactful and considerate with words although this may not be how the reciver interprets it.
¥ Accomplising tasks in a timely manner.
¥ Determination.
¥ Nurturing and empathizing with others.
¥ Finding the deeper meaning of life.
¥ Encouraging others to find their potential.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Neglects the maintenance of household appliances.
¥ Neglects the routine maintenance of vehicles.
¥ Can ignore physical self-care when tending to put others’ needs before their own.
¥ Not getting adequate rest.
¥ Poor at following tradition.
¥ Immovable when decided on something.
¥ Difficulty with managing or instructing others by giving criticism or sequential directions.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 2. Lower high. Procrastinator but seemingly not capable of it.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable, but can become defensive, dismissive or angry due to their 'door slamming' mantra.


11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?

The Agent has this type of brain

General Overview: Gentle and sensitive, they feel a deep need to have integrity and to live in congruence with what they believe is right. Hypocrisy is anathema to them; to preach one thing and do another is the very thing they are determined not to do with their lives. Having a purpose and exploring the richer meanings of life drives them to introspect, question, imagine and analyze. They are highly intuitive about people and can often sense unsaid needs or feelings that others’ do not realize they are picking up on. Helping people to understand themselves and clarify their values is something that gives them a great deal of joy.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Livin according to their strict code of ethics.
¥ Understanding their purpose.
¥ Understanding people and where they are coming from.
¥ Contemplating life’s mysteries.
¥ Trusting their intuition rather than facts.
¥ Being honest and authentic.
¥ Knowing who they are.
¥ Actively listening to others.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Performing household maintenance tasks.
¥ Difficulty following other people’s rules.
¥ Poor at financial tasks e.g. balancing a budget or filing taxes.
¥ Struggles to keeping the home neat, tidy, and/or organized.
¥ Poor following Gantt charts or timelines.
¥ Does nothing to fix issues - talks the talk but does not walk the walk.
¥ Poor at staying objective during decisionmaking.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 2. Lower high. The natural procrastinator but hates being seen as lazy.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible, unemployable, due to their 'negative nancy, complainer, annoying and whining' mantra.


12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?

The Achiever has this type of brain

General Overview: Keen observers, they feel a responsibility to respond to their environment in clever, resourceful ways. They usually have a vast storehouse of data in their mind that they can draw from in order to solve whatever problem comes their way. People often count on them during a crisis because of their cool, steady way of analyzing problems. Whatever obstacles show up, they seem to know how to adapt, stay calm and work around setbacks in order to find a solution.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Figuring out how things work and fixing them.
¥ Finding the best possible approach to solving a problem.
¥ Protecting their independence.
¥ Observing their environment attentively.
¥ Helping people solve problems.
¥ Showing care through action.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Poor at fther peoples’ rules.
¥ Poor at nurturing others’ emotions.
¥ Does not preserve traditions.
¥ Does not complete projects ahead of time.
¥ Poor at handling unnecessary social obligations.
¥ Does not follow a strict moral code without question

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 3. Middle. Not a procrastinator but will avoid certain obligations.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible due to 'a bad temper' mantra although will fix anything.


13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?

The Practitioner has this type of brain

General Overview: Gentle and pragmatic, enjoys having a life that is filled with their favourite people and traditions. They have a talent for making sure all the details in their lives are in order and the people they care about are getting their needs met. Making sure their loved ones are safe from harm is a major goal of theirs. They can often be found working behind the scenes to make sure that things go smoothly for them. At the same time, they enjoy peaceful routines and activities in their own time and often have a sentimental, imaginative side that is more private.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Protecting and taking care of their loved ones.
¥ Paying bills on time.
¥ Organizing their household to their tastes.
¥ Meeting deadlines.
¥ Being polite and considerate.
¥ Empathizing with others.
¥ Warning others of potential dangers.
¥ Improving their communities.
¥ Tending to physical needs.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Poor at critiquing others’ work.
¥ Poor at managing others’ time.
¥ Hopeless at having to manage when there is a hint of conflict or criticism.
¥ Unable to troubleshoot and solve complex problems.
¥ Not learning the fine details of how objects work.
¥ Not finding the abstract meaning behind things.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 3. Middle. Not a procrastinator but will avoid obligations if conflict or criticism espected.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable, but have the 'hopeless and useless manager and leader' mantra.


14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?

The Objective Thinker has this type of brain

General Overview: They consider that life is about the meaningful work that improves the lives of others. Sometimes called 'The duty fulfillers', they naturally take responsibility for their careers, money and families. People often count on them to create plans, prepare and map out a systematic way to achieve an objective. Deeply loyal, their quiet and steadfast nature gives their loved ones a sense of calm and continuity.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Paying bills on time.
¥ Managing repairs for household appliances and vehicles.
¥ Creating plans and contingency plans.
¥ Being always punctual
¥ Aligning themselves with their moral code.
¥ Respecting others’ privacy.
¥ Preparing for the future.
¥ Finishing the work before relaxing.
¥ Improving their communities.
¥ Following the rules precisely, exactly and always.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Poor at managing others’ emotions.
¥ Poor at finding the abstract meaning behind something.
¥ Does not contemplate life’s mysteries.
¥ Ignores 'Reading people'.
¥ Failing to keep their options open.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 1. Top high. Duty above all else.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable and follows the rules while projecting the 'ultra reliable' mantra.


15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?

The Perfectionist has this type of brain

General Overview: To know and understand is their primary goal. This pattern lives to explore, analyze and learn about the world and the underlying principles and qualities of everything in it. To know enough to “get by” is not enough. They feel a responsibility to have expertise and mastery. They subject their thoughts and ideas to scrutiny and logically assess what does or does not fit with the whole framework. Pointing out logical inconsistencies and perfecting their understanding of an idea, problem or theory comes naturally to them.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Troubleshooting and solve complex problems, including IT.
¥ Giving others’ personal space and freedom.
¥ Finding the truth and only saying accurate things.
¥ Understanding the logical principles behind things.
¥ Getting to the core of something.
¥ Being honest and genuine.
¥ Speaking with clarity and precision.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Dealing with nitty-gritty detailed tasks e.g filing papers, organizing cabinets, etc.
¥ Attending to physical self-care - tends to be more focussed on their thoughts than their physical self.
¥ Absent at nurturing others’ emotions.
¥ Hopless at social propriety and in social situations.
¥ Disrespects rank.
¥ Cannot fix anything mechanical.
¥ Reputation as the customer from hell due to meticulous research before showing up.
¥ Abjectly hopless at timelines and finishing anything.
¥ Poor at managing others’ work and management generally.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 4. Upper low. Drifts away - useless!

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Irresponsible due to being an abjectly hopeless finisher who projects the 'absent minded professor' mantra.


16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?

The Enhancer has this type of brain

General Overview: Possesses a gift for foreseeing and conceptualizing how things will come to pass in the days ahead. They can easily envision a solution or idea, then mentally organize the path to achieving that vision. Everything is interrelated to them and to understand the connections between them is a driving force. They feel a huge responsibility to understand and grasp the big picture and where things are going. Their talent at creating plans, outlining goals and strategizing a roadmap to an objective is astounding. Conscious of time, they are usually the people who get their tasks done on time without getting distracted or wasting unnecessary steps.

When considered OxyNormal™ in taking responsibility:

¥ Makes continual progress and grows.
¥ Achieves objectives always in a timely manner.
¥ Stays focussed on their vision.
¥ Master of their own impulses.
¥ Learns continually.
¥ Outlines contingency plans.
¥ Holds other to account and expects the same of self.
¥ Outstanding leader of a team when given clear authority and objectives.
¥ Gives structure and purpose to the world around them.
¥ Analyzes things from many perspectives.

When considered OxyApathetic™ in taking less responsibility:

¥ Woeful at nurturing others’ emotions.
¥ Hates engaging in tactful small talk or small talk at all.
¥ Hates attending social gatherings with strangers but for club functions is the first there.
¥ Difficulty explaining their feelings.
¥ Does not do things 'by the book' but finds ways around rules that are undectable.
¥ Hopeless on a team; particularly if other members are deemed useless' but a great team leader.
¥ Reputation of ignoring physical self-care - may forget to schedule physical check-ups or eat or drink enough, but fine when a plan or schedule is in place.

Responsibility Rankings - Scale 1 to 5:

¥ 2. Lower high. Very ambitious - becomes extensively preoccupied with perfectionism, organization and control.

E. Hunter™'s one liner of comment: Responsible and accountable plus super reliable, particularly if left to their own devices, but will not be liked due to their 'you will never undersand me' mantra.
