On the smartphone, keep the text to the left except when viewing the tables.
Situation - You see signs relating to Rebellion, Risk, Competitiveness & Trust
When I see rebellion, risk taking, competitiveness, trust
or someone so stuck or anything
in between,
I reach for the E. Hunter Majik Rebellion, Risk-taking,
Competitiveness & Trust Matricies™
This is a more advanced technique and for very specific situations.
If you consider someone a rebel, they probably fit either or both of these definitions.
Merriam Webster Dictionary- "To act in or show opposition or disobedience' and
'To feel or exhibit anger or revulsion."
Cambridge Dictionary- "If someone is rebellious, they are difficult to control and do not
behave in the way that is expected.”
This aspect can vary in different specific situations but you are better off now, already, are you not?
If you see someone taking pure risks or waiting for all the traffic lights to turn green before they start the car, it can be a massive clue in picking their pattern. The Inspirational is the highest risk taker and the next two are close behind. The Practitioner is the lowest which seems to correlate with their lack of ability in management.
If you see someone being competitive or otherwise, it can be a massive clue in picking their pattern. The Director is the most competitive (and a very sore loser) with the next five are close behind. The Practitioner is again the lowest which seems to correlate with their reputation as a follower.
If you see someone being trustworthy or otherwise, it may be wise to check the matrix. This is necessarily subjective but the cohort love it. The Objective Thinker is rated the most trustworthy as they are the most reliable while the Inspirational is the lowest as they can be sneaky.
If you see someone being creditworthy or otherwise, it may be wise to check the matrix. This is from a study was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The Objective Thinker is rated the most creditworthy while the Agent should never be permitted to borrow from you unless you categorise the funds as a donation.
Here are 10 quick traits that the cohort use to determine if the person in front of them is not trustworthy.
If they have one, they cannot be trusted. Door slam them where possible:
1. A person who has no self-awareness in how their behaviou may negatively affect others.
2. A person who blames everyone else for negative outcomes and takes no responsibility in the role they played.
3. A person who does not recognize or appreciate any of their blessings in life.
4. A person who is not successful in their own life achievements, but readily takes credit for others.
5. A person who blames their previous ex-partners, ex-friends, etc., for all of the failings in any type of relationship.
6. A person whose action does not match their words.
7. A person who lacks the ability to regulate their own emotions in a healthy way.
8. A person who has double standards. They hold everyone else to these standards, but none apply to them.
9. A person who gossips about you and everyone else.
10. A person who is quick to point out everyone else’s mistakes, but never own up to their own
as they have yet to make any mistakes.
Here are 10 quick traits that the cohort use to determine if the person in front of them is likely to be genuine.
It is all part of the game:
1. They ask, "How are you?" instead of saying "Hope you are well".
2. They laugh a lot.
3. They smile with their eyes.
4. You feel as if you can trust them.
5. They sincerely empathize with you.
6. They are the same person no matter whom you are with.
7. They have their own opinions and interests and they stick to them.
You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
Here are all the sixteen patterns in our unique Majik Rebellion, Risk-taking, Competitiveness & Trust Matricies™.
Here are all the sixteen outlines. Click on All sixteen outlines.
E. Hunter Majik REBELLION Propensity Matrix™:
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
1 - Director - ESTJ | However, if forced to work within an inefficient system, they do not mind speaking up and pointing out discrepancies. Are not so fixated on authority that they will take orders from someone who does not know what they are doing. Are opinionated and enjoy speaking their mind. Responsibility, good leadership and logical thinking are key things they require in an authority. If the world is being run by someone who they see as illogical and incompetent, they will indeed rebel against that authority and go against the rules they see as infringing on their freedoms. |
'My way or the highway' stuff. |
2 - Developer - ENTJ | Like to run the show and will rebel against micro-managing or rules based on social niceties or superstitions. Do not mind toying with new ideas, questioning traditions or venturing out on their own even if it means going against the norm. |
3 - Results - ESTP | They know what authorities want to hear, but they are more individualistic than many people realize. They often find bureaucratic rules and traditions to be silly and pointless. Doing their best work often means having freedom and being able to make shortcuts in order to make things more efficient. Accordingly, they have little patience for oversights, constraints or being 'managed'. They can play nicely until someone tightens the reigns on them a little too hard and then they will lash out or undermine the authority in order to free themselves. |
4 - Inspirational - ENTP | Enjoy playing with unconventional ideas, innovating and testing information to see if it stands up against logical scrutiny. Rules and traditions are made to be questioned and they enjoy playing devil’s advocate to any authority who tries to push their agenda on them. Masters of debate and feel a flourish of self-gratification when they can win an argument especially against someone of a higher rank. |
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
5 - Persuader - ENFJ | Often spend a considerable amount of time crafting their words to make the highest impact and influence people towards their goals. They want to make a good impression and they like to please others, but not at the expense of their values or their dreams. |
Watch out for extreme tendency to interfere. |
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ | When it comes to issues of right or wrong, almost everyone will break some rules to live in accordance with their ethics. That said, they tend to avoid conflict and score high on socialization. This may be interpreted as being more conscientious, well-organized, easily conform to rules and seldom get into trouble in comparison with others. |
Sometimes requires follow up on boring matters. |
7 - Promoter - ENFP | Their vivid imagination allows them to think outside the bounds of tradition and question rules and societal norms. While they tend to be warm and engaging, they are more rebellious than many people realize. Their minds naturally question everything and they rather enjoy being non-conformist, different and unconventional. |
Abjectly poor finisher. |
8 - Counselor - ESFP | While they have a strong drive to do well in life, they hate strict rules and regulations and will quickly change careers, relationships or locations if they feel that they are being micro-managed or limited. Believes in sticking to their truth about what they believe is right for them and can seem rebellious and intense to people who are trying to control them or make them fit into a traditional mold. |
Difficult to manage. |
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
9 - Specialist - ISFP | Do not care so much about getting group approval as they care about approving of themselves and having conviction in what they do. Doing what is right on an individual level matters more to them than fitting in with the group. This can mean standing up to a bully in order to protect a misfit, protesting against corruption even if one’s own family does not support the protest or simply wearing a style that one’s own cultural group frowns upon. Need to be free to be themselves and this can make them true rebels at heart. |
Reluctant to change. |
10 - Investigator - INFJ | Score higher on achievement via independence than most other. This means that they crave freedom and have no problem taking individual initiative. Feel an intense pull to follow their vision, even if it leads them down paths that are non-conformist or shocking to others. At the same time, they crave harmonious relationships, so they often feel a push and pull between wanting to please others and wanting to follow their own unique path. |
Can be very determined. |
11 - Agent - INFP | Are most likely to see themselves as different, non-conventional and non-conforming. This makes sense when we understand how they think. They naturally question social norms and traditions in order to be authentic and find out what is really true and right for them as a person. Often speak out against injustice even if it makes them less popular. Adherence to individual values will nearly always trump going along with the group. |
In La La Land. |
12 - Achiever - ISTP | Often skeptical about others’ intentions. Insist on being themselves even if it causes friction. As they are not easily drawn in by others’ charms and persuasions, they are able to see facts in a fairly unbiased way. They pride themselves on being realists and their thinking side helps them to weigh lots of disparate information at a time to determine what is true. While they are often rebellious, they can use this to discover truths that others may miss. |
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ | Enjoys having their lives as comfortable and stable as possible and if someone is charge in wreaking havoc on that part of their lives they can become sarcastic and insubordinate as a way to defend themselves. |
Also an absolutely terrible leader who avoids conflict at all costs. |
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ | Ranks highly on conforming to rules, seldom getting in trouble, suppressing hostile feelings and appreciating convention and well-organized, predictable situations. Some consider themselves rebels of a sort. While they may obey most rules, they are particular about their personal freedoms and their personal space. As an example, may rebel against rules that infringe upon their personal beliefs; religious or otherwise. They may strike up a cause or protest in support of their values. While they like a calm, tranquil life, they do have an element of rebellion given the right circumstances. |
Very well organized. |
15 - Perfectionist - INTP | Naturally generate questions, alternatives and innovative ways of thinking. Accordingly, they tend to appear rebellious or skeptical of authorities who insist in doing things 'by the book'” Are likely to shy away from people who do not question things or who accept rules at face value. |
Starting lawn mower, using a screwdriver etc. |
16 - Enhancer - INTJ | They are uninterested in sticking to tradition or maintaining social norms, which can make them seem rebellious. While they like structure and order, they are skeptical of authorities and enjoy being the leaders of their own lives. They are not afraid to play devil’s advocate or question authorities who do not back up their claims with facts or sound logic. Rank means little whereas vision and strategic capability mean everything. Are simultaneously responsible and serious about their duties and obligations while insisting on being themselves even if it causes friction. |
Ranked No. 2 for door slamming behind the Investigator. |
↑ Disc Pattern Criteria → |
E. Hunter Majik RISK-TAKING Propensity Matrix™:
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
1 - Director - ESTJ | ||||||
2 - Developer - ENTJ | ||||||
3 - Results - ESTP | ||||||
4 - Inspirational - ENTP | ||||||
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
5 - Persuader - ENFJ | ||||||
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ | ||||||
7 - Promoter - ENFP | Be very wary with credit. |
8 - Counselor - ESFP | ||||||
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
9 - Specialist - ISFP | ||||||
10 - Investigator - INFJ | ||||||
11 - Agent - INFP | Highest defaulter %age compared with number of borrowers. Never lend to an Agent. |
12 - Achiever - ISTP | ||||||
Criteria → Disc Pattern ↓ |
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ | ||||||
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ | ||||||
15 - Perfectionist - INTP | ||||||
16 - Enhancer - INTJ | ||||||
↑ Disc Pattern Criteria → |
E. Hunter's Majik COMPETITIVE Propensity Matrix™:
career, matters of consequence, sport, outfits where they are a member and their country. |
They look at competition analytically and logically; the same way they look at everything else. They do not necessarily enjoy a close competition itself, per se. They enjoy the winning. They always try to place themselves in a position to win the competition. Ask Elizabeth Hunter™ about her Caltex triumphs in 1982-1984 (where a Practitioner was humiliated and smashed in the sales races) and the Superfos and Triplefos game in that era where my syndicate lost by a world record amount and upset the Developer in charge of the program whose name might have been Ken Davis!! |
They are good at learning and mastering effective tactics but may be more challenged in physical competitions. |
They do not want a fair fight nor a level playing field. They want to go into things with a distinct advantage. They want to win and / or get revenge. They do not mind and are not afraid of competition; analyzing the situation is part of competing. They would not start a business where the competition was fierce. Instead, they would analyze the possibilities and start one where they would have a distinct competitive advantage from the beginning. They would not pick a field of study where their skill sets or IQ would make them just average. They would pick one where they thought they could rise closer to the top. In sport, they would pick one that suited their capabilities, interest and skills. e.g. Would not choose basketball if short. |
E. Hunter's Majik Trust Propensity Matrix™:
As a customer you, the Director, would trust that trivial, nit-picking complaints will be a waste of your time. |
Have zero moral principles. Wise folk should be justifiably wary. |
Their reputation as being on the sneaky side is a key factor in the ranking. They are all about novelty. They really have zero moral principles. Can especially sometimes consciously train their manipulative abilities. They are not as good at it as they think they are; you can see right through it. But even seeing through it does not exactly instill confidence regarding their general character. |
They actually do not have an honest bone in their body and they often do not even know the truth privately themselves. The truth is whatever is convenient to state in the Extraverted Feeling sense. They also have a well honed propensity to interfere which ahould penalize their score. |
On a par with the the Appraiser in terms of being willing to be fake, but theyare not smart enough to do it covertly. They are fake and, if you are not brain dead, you can tell that. |
They do not trust you and you do not trust them as they let you down on virtually every occasion. Unreliability, lateness, not returning favours, not finishing things, evaporate - the page is not big enough. |
They are spontaneous and they will often choose to execute on ideas before considering all the consequences. So why place any trust in them? |
This is good in that they have a distinct lack of the ability to be fake. People sort of know how they feel about them and how they feel about stuff in general. This factor ups their ranking. |
They often have their own private narratives in their head in which you are the unwitting participant. You are judged on that when you do not even know it is happening. Sometime this is revealed with loose lips, so beware. Do not talk about the things that bothering them. Also how they see things. Because this can be very, very, very off. They tend to lack the reality check when they start "Intuitive Intuition - Intuitive Thinking" looping. Not as much lying as concealing, but has a similar effect. Have the reputation of the door-slammer as well. |
However, they are renowned as reliable and loyal followers in a workplace and never, ever, good leaders. |
Are the most reliable pattern on the chart. If you tell them to do something, you can trust that they will do it. They honour their word and their commitments above all else. If this pattern is committed to being your friend or to do the job at hand, they are going to prioritize your trust. They just are trustworthy. They do not have Extraverted Feeling as to bulltish and they do not get involved in pointless games. If they say something, that is because that is exactly the way it is. |
You just need to get to know them first. Trust extends to the business world where they can be Level 5 leaders. |
They are the master researchers who only trust themselves. This may unearth the sexual event that you had at age fifteen with your teacher. This exposure may not be exactly what you want on the Twittersphere if you are now, decades later, a Justice of some Court or an equivalent high flyer. |
Errs on the side that everyone is incompetent until they prove otherwise. Less likely to trust others as they become wiser to the idiots who have betrayed their trust in the past or betrayed the trust of others (as crooks) e.g. Joh Bjelke-Petersen. They can manipulate by not pointing out Extraverted Thinking things in order to produce a certain effect in terms of other people's behaviour. But they are very well placed at number three; where only the best players bat. |