3 January, 2020
With the Counselor, will team up and murder you for the one thing that you did.
With the Investigator, will drink lots of vodka and complain about life.
Position in the Village
Ambassador / Travelling merchant / Poet.
Observations in the Village
Will enthusiastically volunteer for everything and achieve nothing. Even after sixty years,
life is total chaos with the attention span as light on as always.
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3 January, 2020
With the Director, are the people who come for the cookies.
With the Promoter, will team up and murder you for the one thing that you did.
With the Inspirational, will make really passionate two hour speeches on why you cannot
seem to load the dishwasher correctly.
Position in the Village
Improvising Entertainer - singing, dancing, acting.
Observations in the Village
Will be seen in their mid 70's as the artist, who is well and truly past their use by date, at 'Merry Melodies'
at 10am at the RSL.
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