The one who is indefinitely dedicated to their dog and is starting to resemble it.

1. The Director - ESTJ


With the Counselor, are the people who come for the cookies.
With the Objective Thinker, will organise everything.

Position in the Village

Shop Owner or Department Manager.

Observations in the Village

Will still want everything done their way. Will have the car to reflect their self imposed membership of the 'Upper class'.

Go to their pattern

The former CEO is now the volunteer librarian. Has been infuriated by the Perfectionist's habit of dog-earing the pages for years.

2. The Developer - ENTJ


With the Results, the richest pair ever imagined.
With the Achiever, will team up and murder you for the one thing that Jennifer did.

Position in the Village

Practical Leader.

Observations in the Village

The appalling former sledging micro batsman from Tasmania who sledges the gardener. Unlikely to win the popularity vote.

Go to their pattern

The one who no one can imagine dying because how could you kill that spirit?

3. The Results - ESTP


With the Developer, the richest pair ever imagined.
With the Inspirational, are precisely the reason that the Objective Thinker and the Director have to organise everything.

Position in the Village

Emergency Services Manager.

Observations in the Village

Will still want to go skydiving in their 70s.

Go to their pattern

The one who is always frustrating the kids with unexplainable coin tricks.

4. The Inspirational - ENTP


With the Results, are precisely the reason that the Objective Thinker and the Director have to organise everything
With the Counselor, will make really passionate two hour speeches on why you cannot seem to load the dishwasher correctly.

Position in the Village

Guy who annoys by persistent criticism and whose questioning of the management reveals what they have missed. And be the comedian.

Observations in the Village

Will debate the weather, or more.

Go to their pattern

The king or queen bee of the retirement village, or nursing home, who really has a thing for the Achiever.

5. The Persuader - ENFJ


With the Investigator, will make really passionate two hour speeches on where the world went wrong.
With the Appraiser, will take four hours out of their lives to make sure that your life does not suck.

Position in the Village


Observations in the Village

Will still want to interfere in everyone's life. Will attend the Senior Citz™ gatherings as the coordinator. Likely to open the wine cask at 6am and put more through the poker machine than the spouse is told.

Go to their pattern

The church lady who organises and wins the all the Senior Citz™ bridge tournaments.

6. The Appraiser - ESFJ


With the Practitioner, are the people who bring the cookies.
With the Persuader, will take four hours out of their lives to make sure that your life does not suck.

Position in the Village

Festival Organiser.

Observations in the Village

Will want to coach the games.

Go to their pattern

The next door neighbour who taught you to raise your fist and say "stick it to the men" while in preschool.

7. The Promoter - ENFP


With the Counselor, will team up and murder you for the one thing that you did.
With the Investigator, will drink lots of vodka and complain about life.

Position in the Village

Ambassador / Travelling merchant / Poet.

Observations in the Village

Will enthusiastically volunteer for everything and achieve nothing. Even after sixty years, life is total chaos with the attention span as light on as always.

Go to their pattern

The one with a never ending supply of costumes who will, regardless of gender, make you feel like some sort of princess.

8. The Counselor - ESFP


With the Director, are the people who come for the cookies.
With the Promoter, will team up and murder you for the one thing that you did.
With the Inspirational, will make really passionate two hour speeches on why you cannot seem to load the dishwasher correctly.

Position in the Village

Improvising Entertainer - singing, dancing, acting.

Observations in the Village

Will be seen in their mid 70's as the artist, who is well and truly past their use by date, at 'Merry Melodies' at 10am at the RSL.

Go to their pattern

The one who is the kind retired school teacher, who now rides a Harley, while seriously having the coolest garden.

9. The Specialist - ISFP


Does not seem to be paired. Must be out on the Harley alone.

Position in the Village

Composer of music and plays.

Observations in the Village

Will still resist change to replace the old locks at the letterboxes.

Go to their pattern

The one school teacher who refuses to retire because "the next generation is all that matters now".

10. The Investigator - INFJ


With the Promoter, will drink lots of vodka and complain about life.
With the Persuader, will make really passionate two hour speeches on where the world went wrong.

Position in the Village

School teacher.

Observations in the Village

Will start not to do the basic housekeeping and not wash the car. Likely to be socially isolated as has pissed off a lot of people in getting to be a Senior Citz™ member.

Go to their pattern

The one who consistently sits on their front porch and knows everyone by name.

11. The Agent - INFP


With the Perfectionist, broke.
With the Practitioner, will drink lots of orange juice and complain about life.

Position in the Village

Doctor or Operator of the Herbal Medicine Centre.

Observations in the Village

The anti social whinger everyone will want to avoid at all costs.

Go to their pattern

The scruffy-voiced octogenarian who claims to have done everything available to have been done and 'been through it all'.

12. The Achiever - ISTP


With the Enhancer, the scariest and most intimidating pair.

Position in the Village

Mechanical Engineer or Maintenance Manager.

Observations in the Village

Will fix anything and water the lawn of the common area.

Go to their pattern

The one who always has an infinite supply of tissues and lollies and knows exactly when you need them.

13. The Practitioner - ISFJ


With the Achiever, are the people who bring the cookies.
With the Agent, will drink lots of orange juice and complain about life.

Position in the Village


Observations in the Village

Will be reasonably ineffectual if they get on the Committee due to their aversion to conflict. Will play bowls at the local Bowls Club and may also take on a volunteer role in the office.

Go to their pattern

The classic 'get off my lawn' brand of Senior Citz™ who really just wants you to hear their story.

14. The Objective Thinker - ISTJ


With the Perfectionist, the least intimidating pair.
With the Director, will organise everything.

Position in the Village

Lawyer / Farmer / Worker who gets the job done.

Observations in the Village

Will be well regarded.

Go to their pattern

The one who spends their retirement steadily reading everything in the local library.

15. The Perfectionist - INTP


With the Objective Thinker, the least intimidating pair.
With the Enhancer, will not give a single care about you as they are busy preparing for an alien invasion.
With the Agent, broke.

Position in the Village

Magistrate or Lawmaker.

Observations in the Village

Will write in about a breach of Clause 15.(d)(xviii)(j) of the By-Laws, which they have spent three months researching. Likely to be socially isolated.

Go to their pattern

The one who used to write a scornful opinion column who has learned, over the years, to channel their rage into fostering empathy.

16. The Enhancer - INTJ


With the Perfectionist, will not give a single care about you as they are busy preparing for an alien invasion.
With the Achiever, will be the scariest and most intimidating pair.

Position in the Village

Prime Minister or Chief Planner.

Observations in the Village

Will be the loner who runs the Body Corporate superbly.

Go to their pattern