This page is useful when you have situations
whereby you observe a person shopping.

I'm a Nippon shopaholic  

This page may cause some distress to some involved in the shopping sector. In particular, Lord Chadstone of Gandel. The good Lord's complex has its own postcode. If he ever wondered what the behaviour pattern of all the silly Gentiles who shop there on the Saturday, he now has his answers thanks to Oxor™'s keen eye for observation. But you are trying to find out other's patterns and this page is yet another Oxor™ technique available exclusively to the cohort.

Included on this page are some overriding characteristics of each quadrant. Things may spin a bit out of control if you have a roommate or a partner with a certain High quadrant and who has an alternate High quadrant. You share the shopping and stocking of food and that is where the trouble starts. If you have a blend of two High quadrants, that will change your grocery shopping and refrigerator personality slightly as well. For example, if a High S and a High C went over to Costco one may see a display of retro soft drinks on the shelf that they knew their family would love. That person may stand in front of the display for five minutes trying to decide if they could bring themselves to buy something impulsively that was not on the shopping list. Eventually, this person walked away without the soft drinks so you, as an experienced member of the Oxor™ cohort, could pick that shopper as a High C. Any wonder you observe couples who have been married for 50 years arguing over the shopping when they are meant to be in retirement bliss.

You will most likely need assistance :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update Maech 17, 2024


1. Shopping Style by the Director - ESTJ

The Director is the Border Collie

The Dictator

General characteristics of a High D based on their fridge: The Deliberate Shopper.
! Their fridge has a very minimalistic look to it. Tendency to be "needs-based" grocery shoppers. They have a particular item in mind that they need and they go to the store to pick it up with no fuss, no comparison shopping and no dilly-dallying. For "needs-based" shoppers, going to the grocery store is something that only happens out of sheer necessity. The idea of popping into the grocery store to "see what looks good" is total craziness to a high D.
! In most cases, they do not like to shop because it is a distraction from other things that they would rather be doing. They tend to only go to the store to buy what they need the moment they need it. If you open someone's fridge and it is virtually empty except for the necessities, they likely to be a High D.
! However, there is another grocery shopping possibility for the deliberate High D. If grocery shopping is one of the primary household responsibilities of a High D, they are probably crushing it. Many extreme coupon users tend to be High D. It makes sense, though coupon clipping is often attributed to the hyper-organized High C. The High D is incredibly competitive. They love the idea of "winning" at shopping. For these kinds of High D shoppers, it is not necessarily as much about saving money as it is about walking away from the store knowing they got a better deal than everyone else. If this is the case, their fridge might well be packed and chaotic, filled to the brim with 'bargains.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 4. The Style Pragmatist.
! Formerly used to haul shop (a shopping spree) and then most of the stuff would go back.
! Tends these days to be much more selective.
! Picks and chooses only what they think will be perfect.
! Always tries stuff on to make sure.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Effective Style Traditionalist.
! Sometimes shops with a specific purpose in mind particularly for a special event or to go with an existing outfit.
! For he specific purpose will directly to the most likely store and would only go to a second choice of store if they did not find what they were looking for. This happens maybe 4 to 5 times a year.
! alternative method is if they are tagging along with their family or killing time while traveling. That is more of a window-shopping experience. If they scan a store and see a garment style or colour story they like, they will spend spend more time. Otherwise, they just walk by or do a quick scan. They would need to find something really interesting to be motivated to buy.
! In any event, they are always touching the fabrics, reading the care instructions and content labels, looking at seam construction and other minutiae etc.
! If they try something on it needs to fit and to fit well and alterations are on the cards even though they do not have the time.
! They love a good price and might peruse a few but not all sales racks. If it is an undergarment that will get good use they are not above spending top dollar if needed.
! The only person to show up at the supermarket wearing a tie and designer shoes (note the my way or the highway nature). Moves in an orderly fashion through the store, cataloguing the deficiencies in the store for later use when making a consultancy pitch.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ds):

Given that High Ds tend to be impatient and not overly sentimental, when it comes to shopping, these traits can be both positive and negative. They do not place a great deal of importance on giving or receiving presents. Ideally, they prefer to find someone else to do the shopping for them (a spouse or sibling). When they shop for presents themselves, the process does not take long. They are very unlikely to spend all day at the mall looking for the perfect gift. They are decisive and will buy the first appropriate gift they find. They do not feel compelled to bargain shop. They would rather purchase gifts quickly than invest time and effort in saving a few dollars. They are efficient and prefer to shop online, directly from a wish list, if possible.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will nit-pick on minutiae at the shop and will be an embarrassment accordingly. You will try and get a discount dur a trivial defect. I will avoid going shopping with you. You are the second worst customer behind the Perfectionist. You will buy stuff for your friends."


2. Shopping Style by the Developer - ENTJ

The Developer is the German Shepherd

The Opportunist

General characteristics of a High D based on their fridge: The Deliberate Shopper.
! Their fridge has a very minimalistic look to it. Tendency to be "needs-based" grocery shoppers. They have a particular item in mind that they need and they go to the store to pick it up with no fuss, no comparison shopping and no dilly-dallying. For "needs-based" shoppers, going to the grocery store is something that only happens out of sheer necessity. The idea of popping into the grocery store to "see what looks good" is total craziness to a high D.
! In most cases, they do not like to shop because it is a distraction from other things that they would rather be doing. They tend to only go to the store to buy what they need the moment they need it. If you open someone's fridge and it is virtually empty except for the necessities, they likely to be a High D.
! However, there is another grocery shopping possibility for the deliberate High D. If grocery shopping is one of the primary household responsibilities of a High D, they are probably crushing it. Many extreme coupon users tend to be High D. It makes sense, though coupon clipping is often attributed to the hyper-organized High C. The High D is incredibly competitive. They love the idea of "winning" at shopping. For these kinds of High D shoppers, it is not necessarily as much about saving money as it is about walking away from the store knowing they got a better deal than everyone else. If this is the case, their fridge might well be packed and chaotic, filled to the brim with 'bargains.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 1. The Style Strategist.
! Absolutely selective and often comes home with nothing.
! Walks through the store rather quickly unless on a mission to find a specific item.
! If they find something that they like by chance, then they will buy it.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Standout Style Powerhouse.
! Absolutely selective and often comes home with nothing.
! Walks through the store rather quickly scanning unless they are on a a mission to find new jeans or shoes or smart casual or business attire.
! However, if they find something by chance that is right then they buy it.
! Never sets foot inside a supermarket. They do, however, own a tidy amount of shares in the supermarket and the shopping centre (note bossy business leader nature).

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ds):

Given that High Ds tend to be impatient and not overly sentimental, when it comes to shopping, these traits can be both positive and negative. They do not place a great deal of importance on giving or receiving presents. Ideally, they prefer to find someone else to do the shopping for them (a spouse or sibling). When they shop for presents themselves, the process does not take long. They are very unlikely to spend all day at the mall looking for the perfect gift. They are decisive and will buy the first appropriate gift they find. They do not feel compelled to bargain shop. They would rather purchase gifts quickly than invest time and effort in saving a few dollars. They are efficient and prefer to shop online, directly from a wish list, if possible.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will shop better on your lonesome. You will get lost in a large store."


3. Shopping Style by the Results - ESTP

The Results is the Jack Russell Terrier

The 'You Only Live Once' Boss

General characteristics of a High D based on their fridge: The Deliberate Shopper.
! Their fridge has a very minimalistic look to it. Tendency to be "needs-based" grocery shoppers. They have a particular item in mind that they need and they go to the store to pick it up with no fuss, no comparison shopping and no dilly-dallying. For "needs-based" shoppers, going to the grocery store is something that only happens out of sheer necessity. The idea of popping into the grocery store to "see what looks good" is total craziness to a high D.
! In most cases, they do not like to shop because it is a distraction from other things that they would rather be doing. They tend to only go to the store to buy what they need the moment they need it. If you open someone's fridge and it is virtually empty except for the necessities, they likely to be a High D.
! However, there is another grocery shopping possibility for the deliberate High D. If grocery shopping is one of the primary household responsibilities of a High D, they are probably crushing it. Many extreme coupon users tend to be High D. It makes sense, though coupon clipping is often attributed to the hyper-organized High C. The High D is incredibly competitive. They love the idea of "winning" at shopping. For these kinds of High D shoppers, it is not necessarily as much about saving money as it is about walking away from the store knowing they got a better deal than everyone else. If this is the case, their fridge might well be packed and chaotic, filled to the brim with 'bargains.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 4. The Style Pragmatist.
! Formerly used to haul shop (a shopping spree)and then most of the stuff would go back.
! Tends these days to be much more selective.
! Picks and chooses only what they think will be perfect.
! Always tries stuff on to make sure.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Resourceful Style Explorer.
! Tends to be always looking for that 'perfect something' but when they get home lots of the items do not measure up with what they already own, so many get taken back.
! Comes to the supermarket to purchase various supplies for the small business that they have started up. Dreams of business plans and marketing while making their way thorough the produce aisle (note the risk taking, entrepreneur nature). Wishes they could talk to the supermarket executives about strategy. Picks up a bottle of wine and aged cheese on the way out to celebrate what is sure to be a good week.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ds):

Given that High Ds tend to be impatient and not overly sentimental, when it comes to shopping, these traits can be both positive and negative. They do not place a great deal of importance on giving or receiving presents. Ideally, they prefer to find someone else to do the shopping for them (a spouse or sibling). When they shop for presents themselves, the process does not take long. They are very unlikely to spend all day at the mall looking for the perfect gift. They are decisive and will buy the first appropriate gift they find. They do not feel compelled to bargain shop. They would rather purchase gifts quickly than invest time and effort in saving a few dollars. They are efficient and prefer to shop online, directly from a wish list, if possible.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will shop better alone. You will hide in the shelves."


4. Shopping Style by the Inspirational - ENTP

The Inspirational is the Bull Terrier

The professional corrector

General characteristics of a High D based on their fridge: The Deliberate Shopper.
! Their fridge has a very minimalistic look to it. Tendency to be "needs-based" grocery shoppers. They have a particular item in mind that they need and they go to the store to pick it up with no fuss, no comparison shopping and no dilly-dallying. For "needs-based" shoppers, going to the grocery store is something that only happens out of sheer necessity. The idea of popping into the grocery store to "see what looks good" is total craziness to a high D.
! In most cases, they do not like to shop because it is a distraction from other things that they would rather be doing. They tend to only go to the store to buy what they need the moment they need it. If you open someone's fridge and it is virtually empty except for the necessities, they likely to be a High D.
! However, there is another grocery shopping possibility for the deliberate High D. If grocery shopping is one of the primary household responsibilities of a High D, they are probably crushing it. Many extreme coupon users tend to be High D. It makes sense, though coupon clipping is often attributed to the hyper-organized High C. The High D is incredibly competitive. They love the idea of "winning" at shopping. For these kinds of High D shoppers, it is not necessarily as much about saving money as it is about walking away from the store knowing they got a better deal than everyone else. If this is the case, their fridge might well be packed and chaotic, filled to the brim with 'bargains.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 1. The Style Strategist.
! Absolutely selective and often comes home with nothing.
! Walks through the store rather quickly unless on a mission to find a specific item.
! If they find something that they like by chance, then they will buy it.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Enterprising Style Chameleon.
! Research and stalks, then selectively shops. ! Image can be used to create the desired impression to be effective and successful and to have impact.
! Walks in through the exit, just to see if anyone notices. When an employee stops them, they point out that both doors open so it should not matter (note the debating and arguing nature). Takes the middle aisle first, then the outside aisles. Says hi to all the employees, who they consider close friends due to their weekly shopping routine. They then analyzes their responses, noticing that all of them look tired. Corners one or two less-tired-looking employees to tell stories about whatever book they just read or movie they watched that everyone else should read or watch, too. Gives parenting advice to the young mother trying to corral her three kids who are attempting to lasso each other with the little chain that hangs off the handle of the cart. Lingers over the wine aisle, trying to figure out what is best for tonight’s party. Tries to help everyone with their bags in the bagging area, if there is one, while simultaneously telling people how they could be bagging more efficiently.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ds):

Given that High Ds tend to be impatient and not overly sentimental, when it comes to shopping, these traits can be both positive and negative. They do not place a great deal of importance on giving or receiving presents. Ideally, they prefer to find someone else to do the shopping for them (a spouse or sibling). When they shop for presents themselves, the process does not take long. They are very unlikely to spend all day at the mall looking for the perfect gift. They are decisive and will buy the first appropriate gift they find. They do not feel compelled to bargain shop. They would rather purchase gifts quickly than invest time and effort in saving a few dollars. They are efficient and prefer to shop online, directly from a wish list, if possible.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will shop better on your lonesome. You will hide in the shelves."


5. Shopping Style by the Persuader - ENFJ

The Persuader is the Boxer

The Pied Piper

General characteristics of a High I based on their fridge: The Imaginative Shopper.
! On 'Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day', a High I has their work cut out for them. Not ones to typically have the patience for meticulously organizing their refrigerator or planning meals ahead of time; they are drawn to buying whatever looks good at the moment. It is not necessarily about need; it is about want. They love to try new things. Colourfully packaged, stylish and unusual food items are all attractive to a High I. They love to entertain too and like to have lots of food on hand just in case a spontaneous get-together breaks out.
! A High I has fun with a charismatic and exuberant personality. Their fridge reflects this and will be full of colouful fruits, veggies and unique foods others have never heard of before. Thay shop without lists, putting together creative meal ideas on the fly as they roll through the aisles. They are also suckers for chic or unique grocery shops, farmers' markets and splurge-worthy items. They are great people to visit because their fridges are always chock-full of delicious and exciting food options.
! As they are so disorganised, the High I is also likely to have a bunch of expired products jammed in the back, mostly things they decided to try on a whim but either did not like or forgot about.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 3. The Style Dreamer.
! Picks and chooses and then has to return to the store as it is never right.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Expressive Style Connector.
! Pick and chooses with the exception of basics such as t-shirts and slacks. When they find a good fitting garment, they tend to buy all the colours that work for them but trying to stop doing this.
! Fussy shopper pick and chooses and then returns garments as they are never right or require fussy, nit-picking alterations.
! In and out in thirty minutes. In that time, they efficiently gather everything off their list while helping an elderly shopper reach the reduced sodium taco seasoning on the top shelf, helping a woman choose between apple or cherry frozen pie for a family holiday dinner and helping a man select the best cut flower arrangement for his girlfriend from the checkout display (note the interfering nature). Shares an inspirational quote with someone who looks overwhelmed in the checkout line. Becomes instant best friends with the checkout lady. Gives their cart away to someone as they leave for their job in a helping, promoting style, profession.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Is):

High Is are people-oriented and outgoing and are likely to look forward to the gift-buying process much more than the High Ds who just wants to get it over with. Although they are notoriously prone to procrastination, they are also eager to please and want the gifts that they give and receive to be personal and thoughtful. They are likely to spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gifts for everyone on their lists. Gifts from High Is tend to be fun, funny or lighthearted. They prefer to go holiday shopping with other people or a group of friends. Procrastination males High Is most likely to be out last-minute shopping. While out shopping for presents, they may not be able to resist picking up one or two presents for themselves, too.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will go better if you shop with another Persuader. You will buy stuff for your friends."


6. Shopping Style by the Appraiser - ESFJ

The Appraiser is the Great Dane

The Zach Morris

General characteristics of a High I based on their fridge: The Imaginative Shopper.
! On 'Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day', a High I has their work cut out for them. Not ones to typically have the patience for meticulously organizing their refrigerator or planning meals ahead of time; they are drawn to buying whatever looks good at the moment. It is not necessarily about need; it is about want. They love to try new things. Colourfully packaged, stylish and unusual food items are all attractive to a High I. They love to entertain too and like to have lots of food on hand just in case a spontaneous get-together breaks out.
! A High I has fun with a charismatic and exuberant personality. Their fridge reflects this and will be full of colouful fruits, veggies and unique foods others have never heard of before. Thay shop without lists, putting together creative meal ideas on the fly as they roll through the aisles. They are also suckers for chic or unique grocery shops, farmers' markets and splurge-worthy items. They are great people to visit because their fridges are always chock-full of delicious and exciting food options.
! As they are so disorganised, the High I is also likely to have a bunch of expired products jammed in the back, mostly things they decided to try on a whim but either did not like or forgot about.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 2. The Style Aesthetician.
! Has a well planned and thought out list and budget.
! Ahead of time, researches on line which stores have what they are looking for.
! Goes to the store and tries on items but only buys what works.
! Usually shops for the season and only goes to a store when they have to.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Charming Style Advisor.
! Tends to go with the flow.
! It depends on many factors: on the day, on who they with, what they find and how they are feeling about themselves, finances, wardrobe or about how stylish they are or are not, or could be.
! There are almost limitless factors come into the outcome of a shopping expedition. Never the same - nothing or a lot and everything in between.
! Arrives as soon as the store opens along with two helpers, filling three carts with non perishable food and toiletries for the food pantry / homeless shelter / religious organization they run. Uses a carefully crafted and targeted list designed to work within the pre-arranged budget and has all the proper tax-exemption paperwork. Stops to offer impromptu encouragement to two people they have seen come to the charity and offers an invitation to two other strangers (note everyone's friend nature). Asks the cashier about their day and reminds them just how life-changing a good value supermarket is for people.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Is):

High Is are people-oriented and outgoing and are likely to look forward to the gift-buying process much more than the High Ds who just wants to get it over with. Although they are notoriously prone to procrastination, they are also eager to please and want the gifts that they give and receive to be personal and thoughtful. They are likely to spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gifts for everyone on their lists. Gifts from High Is tend to be fun, funny or lighthearted. They prefer to go holiday shopping with other people or a group of friends. Procrastination males High Is most likely to be out last-minute shopping. While out shopping for presents, they may not be able to resist picking up one or two presents for themselves, too.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you are okay to go shopping with. You will buy stuff for your friends."


7. Shopping Style by the Promoter - ENFP

The Promoter is the Golden Retriever

The First-World Saviour

General characteristics of a High I based on their fridge: The Imaginative Shopper.
! On 'Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day', a High I has their work cut out for them. Not ones to typically have the patience for meticulously organizing their refrigerator or planning meals ahead of time; they are drawn to buying whatever looks good at the moment. It is not necessarily about need; it is about want. They love to try new things. Colourfully packaged, stylish and unusual food items are all attractive to a High I. They love to entertain too and like to have lots of food on hand just in case a spontaneous get-together breaks out.
! A High I has fun with a charismatic and exuberant personality. Their fridge reflects this and will be full of colouful fruits, veggies and unique foods others have never heard of before. Thay shop without lists, putting together creative meal ideas on the fly as they roll through the aisles. They are also suckers for chic or unique grocery shops, farmers' markets and splurge-worthy items. They are great people to visit because their fridges are always chock-full of delicious and exciting food options.
! As they are so disorganised, the High I is also likely to have a bunch of expired products jammed in the back, mostly things they decided to try on a whim but either did not like or forgot about.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 3. The Style Dreamer.
! Picks and chooses and then has to return to the store as it is never right.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Charismatic Style Inspirer.
! Finding their style can be a lifetime’s pursuit, perhaps starting later in their career or after a prompt such as seeing themselves in a photograph or receiving feedback that tells them their style is not quite as pulled together or of a high enough standard as they initially thought it was.
! Have fewer ideas than they do in other spheres of their life.
! May engage a stylist as they struggle to make up their minds.
! Heads into the supermarket two hours later than planned because they thought that they would spend five minutes online double checking the weekly ad but ended up on Instagram watching animal rescue/human interest videos and happy-crying. Picks up own brand dog food and organic free range chicken. Runs into four people they know from the area (only four, though, because it is a quiet week), makes small talk with two strangers, randomly asks people if they know where the ranch dressing is and helps an old lady get her canned goods. Came in just to buy staples but also picks up a hammock, a grill and some stromboli from the middle aisle. Gets halfway through the store before they realize they forgot to bring their credit card (note unreliable and cannot finish anything nature).

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Is):

High Is are people-oriented and outgoing and are likely to look forward to the gift-buying process much more than the High Ds who just wants to get it over with. Although they are notoriously prone to procrastination, they are also eager to please and want the gifts that they give and receive to be personal and thoughtful. They are likely to spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gifts for everyone on their lists. Gifts from High Is tend to be fun, funny or lighthearted. They prefer to go holiday shopping with other people or a group of friends. Procrastination males High Is most likely to be out last-minute shopping. While out shopping for presents, they may not be able to resist picking up one or two presents for themselves, too.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that to shop with you will be a horrible experience to endure. You will get lost in a large store."


8. Shopping Style by the Counselor - ESFP

The Counselor is the Poodle

The Flibbertigibbet

General characteristics of a High I based on their fridge: The Imaginative Shopper.
! On 'Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day', a High I has their work cut out for them. Not ones to typically have the patience for meticulously organizing their refrigerator or planning meals ahead of time; they are drawn to buying whatever looks good at the moment. It is not necessarily about need; it is about want. They love to try new things. Colourfully packaged, stylish and unusual food items are all attractive to a High I. They love to entertain too and like to have lots of food on hand just in case a spontaneous get-together breaks out.
! A High I has fun with a charismatic and exuberant personality. Their fridge reflects this and will be full of colouful fruits, veggies and unique foods others have never heard of before. Thay shop without lists, putting together creative meal ideas on the fly as they roll through the aisles. They are also suckers for chic or unique grocery shops, farmers' markets and splurge-worthy items. They are great people to visit because their fridges are always chock-full of delicious and exciting food options.
! As they are so disorganised, the High I is also likely to have a bunch of expired products jammed in the back, mostly things they decided to try on a whim but either did not like or forgot about.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 2. The Style Aesthetician.
! Has a well planned and thought out list and budget.
! Ahead of time, researches on line which stores have what they are looking for.
! Goes to the store and tries on items but only buys what works.
! Usually shops for the season and only goes to a store when they have to.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Vivacious Style Celebrator.
! Experiments and plays with clothes and style.
! Does not take it too seriously.
! Always wants to look good.
! Forgets to collect a shopping cart. It is only their second time visiting a remodelled store with a new layout, but their mental map is on target and they cannot understand why everyone else is confused about where things are. Approves of the new produce arrangement but is disappointed the potato chip packages are not organized according to the colour wheel. Went to the store looking for necessities but leaves with enough appetizers and drinks to host the party they just decided they were going to have that weekend (note centre of attention nature). Takes in-store pictures for later posting to their four thousand friends on social media. Makes friends with four people in the checkout line and lets someone with only two items go ahead of them.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Is):

High Is are people-oriented and outgoing and are likely to look forward to the gift-buying process much more than the High Ds who just wants to get it over with. Although they are notoriously prone to procrastination, they are also eager to please and want the gifts that they give and receive to be personal and thoughtful. They are likely to spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gifts for everyone on their lists. Gifts from High Is tend to be fun, funny or lighthearted. They prefer to go holiday shopping with other people or a group of friends. Procrastination males High Is most likely to be out last-minute shopping. While out shopping for presents, they may not be able to resist picking up one or two presents for themselves, too.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will buy absolutely gaudy outfits for the Melbourne Cup, or similar event. You will buy things that you do not need."


9. Shopping Style by the Specialist - ISFP

The Specialist is the Saint Bernard

The Esoteric Artist

General characteristics of a High S based on their fridge: The Sensible Shopper.
! The High S likes to keep to a familiar routine. They prefer to shop at the same store every week. They know what they want, tend to gravitate towards the same brands and rarely deviate from their shopping lists.
! The fridge of a High S can often be identified by the presence of bulk products and multiple leftover containers. The High S likes to make sure that there is enough food for everyone, everyone is happy and no-one leaves the table hungry. A good portion of their fridge is usually devoted to leftovers and condiments: meals that they have already made and things that will help them make meals in the future.
! The High S also tends to have aery crowded refrigerators but they look a bit different than the fridge of a High I. You can spot the difference in that the High I's fridge is full of fresh and unique products; items they were drawn to in the moment. The High S is pretty boring and tends to stick to the same things. For example, they are more likely to buy one giant bottle of tomato sauce than three different bottles of different sauces, that may include barbeque or spicy red sauce. The High S knows what they like and goes back for the same things very frequently. People drawn to warehouse club shopping, such as Costco, are often High Ss.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 2. The Style Aesthetician.
! Has a well planned and thought out list and budget.
! Ahead of time, researches on line which stores have what they are looking for.
! Goes to the store and tries on items but only buys what works.
! Usually shops for the season and only goes to a store when they have to.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Whimsical Style Artisan.
! It depends for this pattern. If it is with purpose and a list for something specific, usually this is not at all fruitful, very frustrating and almost always disappointing.
! The best times are when they are on holiday, or just somewhere different where they may see something they love but do not need, that is where the treasures are found for this pattern!
! Gallivants into the supermarket, the great adventure for this beautiful Wednesday (note arty farty nature). Shops off the list in their head rather than bothering to write a list. Soaks in the middle aisle, occasionally smiling and nodding to other passers-by. Wonders if there is a potential present in here for someone else. Maybe a scented candle or a set of earbuds? Waits patiently at the checkout aisle, with an eye toward next week’s print ad, which is sitting by the checkout. Leaves cart at the cart parking point for someone else to use. Goes home to bake brownies.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ss):

High Ss typically very thoughtful gift-givers. Tradition is important to them and gifts they give often have to do with home and family. They prefer holiday shopping online, as the crowds are too chaotic and stressful for them. They are good listeners and know what everyone on their lists wants without being told. They enjoy buying gifts for people and have a keen eye for knowing what others would love. They are not impulsive and will take the time to comparison shop for the best deal.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will be all over the place when you shop. You will buy things that you do not need."


10. Shopping Style by the Investigator - INFJ

The Investigator is the Greyhound

The Unicorn

General characteristics of a High S based on their fridge: The Sensible Shopper.
! The High S likes to keep to a familiar routine. They prefer to shop at the same store every week. They know what they want, tend to gravitate towards the same brands and rarely deviate from their shopping lists.
! The fridge of a High S can often be identified by the presence of bulk products and multiple leftover containers. The High S likes to make sure that there is enough food for everyone, everyone is happy and no-one leaves the table hungry. A good portion of their fridge is usually devoted to leftovers and condiments: meals that they have already made and things that will help them make meals in the future.
! The High S also tends to have aery crowded refrigerators but they look a bit different than the fridge of a High I. You can spot the difference in that the High I's fridge is full of fresh and unique products; items they were drawn to in the moment. The High S is pretty boring and tends to stick to the same things. For example, they are more likely to buy one giant bottle of tomato sauce than three different bottles of different sauces, that may include barbeque or spicy red sauce. The High S knows what they like and goes back for the same things very frequently. People drawn to warehouse club shopping, such as Costco, are often High Ss.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 3. The Style Dreamer.
! Picks and chooses and then has to return to the store as it is never right.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Subtle Style Enigma.
! Overthinks, overthinks some more and then buys exactly what they choose to buy.
! Can end up with many items that are only used occasionally.
! Conscientiously makes a list with an eye for what everyone in the family wants. Has a weakness for the end cap with the own brand tea selections. In and out of the store in thirty minutes, simultaneously shopping while also observing, analyzing and reflecting on the imagined life trajectories of the different people who they walk by (note self indulgent moral posturing). Makes a point to say thank you to the cashier, which leads to a brief but meaningful conversation about the state of the world and current events. It is enough people interaction for one day. Goes home to put the kettle on, read a novel and hang out with their cat.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ss):

High Ss typically very thoughtful gift-givers. Tradition is important to them and gifts they give often have to do with home and family. They prefer holiday shopping online, as the crowds are too chaotic and stressful for them. They are good listeners and know what everyone on their lists wants without being told. They enjoy buying gifts for people and have a keen eye for knowing what others would love. They are not impulsive and will take the time to comparison shop for the best deal.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will dart from one department to another, losing your shopping companion. You will buy stuff for your friends."


11. Shopping Style by the Agent - INFP

The Agent is the Tibetan Terrier

The Sensitive Druid

General characteristics of a High S based on their fridge: The Sensible Shopper.
! The High S likes to keep to a familiar routine. They prefer to shop at the same store every week. They know what they want, tend to gravitate towards the same brands and rarely deviate from their shopping lists.
! The fridge of a High S can often be identified by the presence of bulk products and multiple leftover containers. The High S likes to make sure that there is enough food for everyone, everyone is happy and no-one leaves the table hungry. A good portion of their fridge is usually devoted to leftovers and condiments: meals that they have already made and things that will help them make meals in the future.
! The High S also tends to have aery crowded refrigerators but they look a bit different than the fridge of a High I. You can spot the difference in that the High I's fridge is full of fresh and unique products; items they were drawn to in the moment. The High S is pretty boring and tends to stick to the same things. For example, they are more likely to buy one giant bottle of tomato sauce than three different bottles of different sauces, that may include barbeque or spicy red sauce. The High S knows what they like and goes back for the same things very frequently. People drawn to warehouse club shopping, such as Costco, are often High Ss.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 3. The Style Dreamer.
! Picks and chooses and then has to return to the store as it is never right.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Eclectic Style Original.
! Is selective about where, when and how they shop.
! Has several favourite shops — mostly small, privately-owned stores, where they have come to know the staff and/or the owner quite well.
! Rarely goes to a store thinking ‘I need this something to go with the something else that they already have.
! Will just go in and look for anything they have that really 'looks like me'.
! Once went on a shopping spree 20 years ago, before starting a new job that required suits and the kind of clothing not already owned. They wound up with clothes that fitted and were okay for the occasion, but did not fit personality, taste or my comfort level.
! Does not actually go to the store. However, they spend half a day buying more than they need online while listening to their favorite indie bands (note dreamer nature). Gets choked up when they see the condition of the delivery driver’s vehicle and tips them twice as much as they should.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ss):

High Ss typically very thoughtful gift-givers. Tradition is important to them and gifts they give often have to do with home and family. They prefer holiday shopping online, as the crowds are too chaotic and stressful for them. They are good listeners and know what everyone on their lists wants without being told. They enjoy buying gifts for people and have a keen eye for knowing what others would love. They are not impulsive and will take the time to comparison shop for the best deal.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that anyone who goes shopping with you will get home exhausted with nothing achieved whatsoever. You will get lost in a large store.


12. Shopping Style by the Achiever - ISTP

The Achiever is the Bassett Hound

The Mysterious Commitment-Phobe

General characteristics of a High S based on their fridge: The Sensible Shopper.
! The High S likes to keep to a familiar routine. They prefer to shop at the same store every week. They know what they want, tend to gravitate towards the same brands and rarely deviate from their shopping lists.
! The fridge of a High S can often be identified by the presence of bulk products and multiple leftover containers. The High S likes to make sure that there is enough food for everyone, everyone is happy and no-one leaves the table hungry. A good portion of their fridge is usually devoted to leftovers and condiments: meals that they have already made and things that will help them make meals in the future.
! The High S also tends to have aery crowded refrigerators but they look a bit different than the fridge of a High I. You can spot the difference in that the High I's fridge is full of fresh and unique products; items they were drawn to in the moment. The High S is pretty boring and tends to stick to the same things. For example, they are more likely to buy one giant bottle of tomato sauce than three different bottles of different sauces, that may include barbeque or spicy red sauce. The High S knows what they like and goes back for the same things very frequently. People drawn to warehouse club shopping, such as Costco, are often High Ss.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 4. The Style Pragmatist.
! Formerly used to haul shop (a shopping spree)and then most of the stuff would go back.
! Tends these days to be much more selective.
! Picks, chooses only what they think will be perfect.
! Always tries stuff on to make sure.
! Forgets to go to the supermarket on the first day that new weekly specials hit the shelves, but still manages to create a list. Pulls out their phone to consult a review for information about a new frozen dinner they spot in the middle aisle. Walks through the store admiring the efficiency while also reflecting on how the store could do it better (note fix anything natute). Walks out into the parking area dreaming about supply chains.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Individualistic Style Maverick.
! May have no actual style bent as life dominated by utilitarian, tradie clothes.
! Happiest when their clothing fits and they physically feel comfortable, some cannot wear fibres if they feel scratchy or uncomfortable on the body, or if the fit is not right in some other individual yet important way.
! The more stylish Achiever may want items that are a little novel, perhaps found in off-mall boutiques or markets.
! Not overly concerned with rules and regulations, the stylish Achiever often takes a maverick approach – freedom to make own choices and this can often mean questioning style rules and bending or breaking them. This may involve ignoring expert advice.
! In store shopping may be best as prospective purchases need to be touched, seen, smelled, and tried on.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Ss):

High Ss typically very thoughtful gift-givers. Tradition is important to them and gifts they give often have to do with home and family. They prefer holiday shopping online, as the crowds are too chaotic and stressful for them. They are good listeners and know what everyone on their lists wants without being told. They enjoy buying gifts for people and have a keen eye for knowing what others would love. They are not impulsive and will take the time to comparison shop for the best deal.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you are more likely to do your own thing when shopping. You will hide in the shelves."


13. Shopping Style by the Practitioner - ISFJ

The Practitioner is the Alaskan Malamute

The Martyr

General characteristics of a High C based on their fridge: The Coordinated Shopper.
! If you have ever observed someone put a bottle of tomato sauce into the crisper because it is the only place they can find room for it, you can rest assured that it will not be a High C as they would never do such a thing.
! The High C will do the following - Shop from a list; Has a plan for how to move through the grocery store. They have planned their route ahead of time and already have their coupons loaded onto their fly buys card if they have one; They already know what everything should cost and will rarely buy something at full retail price. They may keep a running tally of the toll in their heads while they shop and are accurate in predicting the final total; At the fridge, they will put meat in the deli drawer and vegetables in the crisper. They only have one bottle of mustard, as opposed to three half-empty bottles; The fridge is clean with no expired products or past-edible leftovers hidden in the back; Similar products are stored together—olives next to pickles and mustard next to mayonnaise; If someone goes into the fridge and puts the milk on the wrong shelf, the next time the High C opens the refrigerator, they will move it to its proper place. ! The High C is organized, analytical and meticulous, both when it comes to planning a shopping trip and putting groceries away in the refrigerator. Just open up their fridge door and you will see this reflected back at you. They do not have a crowded fridge. They only store what they will reasonably use and put everything away neatly with a clear sense of order. They do not need 'National Clean Out Your Fridge Day' because they have already cleaned out their fridge. It is not beyond the possibility that may have a monthly fridge clean-out schedule that they already adhere to. They are that organized.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 2. The Style Aesthetician.
! Has a well planned and thought out list and budget.
! Ahead of time, researches on line which stores have what they are looking for.
! Goes to the store and tries on items but only buys what works.
! Usually shops for the season and only goes to a store when they have to.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Harmonious Style Friend.
! Will usually have a well planned and thought out list and budget.
! Ahead of time will research on line for which stores have what they are looking for.
! Goes and tries on and come home with only what works.
! Usually, shops for the season and only sets foot in a store when they have too. This indicates four times per year with bias to spring and autumn with fill ins for summer and winter.
! May visit opportunity shops in that they look for good sales from key brands and use expiring rewards where possible.
! Frugal. Never spends just to spend. They will return home if it does not work or fit the need.
! Prefers to be overdressed than underdressed.
! Arrives at the supermarket with an orderly list, making their way through the store with efficiency. Buys a few extras of own brands of toilet paper, canned tuna and frozen peas to keep the pantry and deep freezer well stocked at home in case of emergency (note frugal, no risks nature). Helps the old gentleman in the canned goods aisle get a hard-to-reach soup can. Makes a point to place heavy and bulky items such as milk and canned tomatoes onto the checkout belt first so that the cashier can optimally load their cart. Silently thanks the checkout worker for their speed and efficiency, then makes space so the mother of three kids in line behind them does not have to walk as far.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Cs):

High Cs have the act of gift-giving down to a science and are the quadrant most likely to have all their holiday shopping finished by the beginning of December. They enjoy gathering and organizing information. They prefer to do research before buying gifts and will spend time checking consumer ratings, comparing like models and choosing the best products available. They keep a detailed list to shop from and do not make any impulsive purchases. They plan ahead. They often buy gifts throughout the year and stash them away to avoid the holiday rush. They are thorough and conscientious. They never deliberately leave anyone off their shopping list or send a gift out late.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you will be a very conservative shopper. You will buy things that you do not need."


"You wouldn’t worry so much what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do."

Eleanor Roosevelt, US political figure, diplomat and activist. (Investigator)

14. Shopping Style by the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?

The Objective Thinker is the Bernese Mountain Dog

The Square

General characteristics of a High C based on their fridge: The Coordinated Shopper.
! If you have ever observed someone put a bottle of tomato sauce into the crisper because it is the only place they can find room for it, you can rest assured that it will not be a High C as they would never do such a thing.
! The High C will do the following - Shop from a list; Has a plan for how to move through the grocery store. They have planned their route ahead of time and already have their coupons loaded onto their fly buys card if they have one; They already know what everything should cost and will rarely buy something at full retail price. They may keep a running tally of the toll in their heads while they shop and are accurate in predicting the final total; At the fridge, they will put meat in the deli drawer and vegetables in the crisper. They only have one bottle of mustard, as opposed to three half-empty bottles; The fridge is clean with no expired products or past-edible leftovers hidden in the back; Similar products are stored together—olives next to pickles and mustard next to mayonnaise; If someone goes into the fridge and puts the milk on the wrong shelf, the next time the High C opens the refrigerator, they will move it to its proper place. ! The High C is organized, analytical and meticulous, both when it comes to planning a shopping trip and putting groceries away in the refrigerator. Just open up their fridge door and you will see this reflected back at you. They do not have a crowded fridge. They only store what they will reasonably use and put everything away neatly with a clear sense of order. They do not need 'National Clean Out Your Fridge Day' because they have already cleaned out their fridge. It is not beyond the possibility that may have a monthly fridge clean-out schedule that they already adhere to. They are that organized.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 4. The Style Pragmatist.
! Formerly used to haul shop (a shopping spree)and then most of the stuff would go back.
! Tends these days to be much more selective.
! Picks and chooses only what they think will be perfect.
! Always tries stuff on to make sure.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Appropriate Style Organizer.
! Maybe used to do a shopping spree but not these days as most of the stuff would be returned.
! Method now is to tend to be much more selective, picking and choosing only what they think will be an '8' or better and then trying it on to make absolutely sure.
! Walks into the supermarket with a categorized list that they put together and refined four days ago (note duty fulfiller nature). Makes a point to take the aisles in the order that optimizes their time shopping, even if that means not hitting up the vaunted middle aisle right away. Frustrated by fellow shoppers who block aisles but appreciates how quickly the checkout process goes. Deliberates about sorting groceries into bags after checkout. Has a dedicated spot for the cart and no one had better touch it.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Cs):

High Cs have the act of gift-giving down to a science and are the quadrant most likely to have all their holiday shopping finished by the beginning of December. They enjoy gathering and organizing information. They prefer to do research before buying gifts and will spend time checking consumer ratings, comparing like models and choosing the best products available. They keep a detailed list to shop from and do not make any impulsive purchases. They plan ahead. They often buy gifts throughout the year and stash them away to avoid the holiday rush. They are thorough and conscientious. They never deliberately leave anyone off their shopping list or send a gift out late.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you may well not like doing any shopping at all. You will get lost in a large store."


15. Shopping Style by the Perfectionist - INTP

The Perfectionist is the Papillon

The Data Junkie; The Warmest Robot

General characteristics of a High C based on their fridge: The Coordinated Shopper.
! If you have ever observed someone put a bottle of tomato sauce into the crisper because it is the only place they can find room for it, you can rest assured that it will not be a High C as they would never do such a thing.
! The High C will do the following - Shop from a list; Has a plan for how to move through the grocery store. They have planned their route ahead of time and already have their coupons loaded onto their fly buys card if they have one; They already know what everything should cost and will rarely buy something at full retail price. They may keep a running tally of the toll in their heads while they shop and are accurate in predicting the final total; At the fridge, they will put meat in the deli drawer and vegetables in the crisper. They only have one bottle of mustard, as opposed to three half-empty bottles; The fridge is clean with no expired products or past-edible leftovers hidden in the back; Similar products are stored together—olives next to pickles and mustard next to mayonnaise; If someone goes into the fridge and puts the milk on the wrong shelf, the next time the High C opens the refrigerator, they will move it to its proper place. ! The High C is organized, analytical and meticulous, both when it comes to planning a shopping trip and putting groceries away in the refrigerator. Just open up their fridge door and you will see this reflected back at you. They do not have a crowded fridge. They only store what they will reasonably use and put everything away neatly with a clear sense of order. They do not need 'National Clean Out Your Fridge Day' because they have already cleaned out their fridge. It is not beyond the possibility that may have a monthly fridge clean-out schedule that they already adhere to. They are that organized.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 1. The Style Strategist.
! Absolutely selective and often comes home with nothing.
! Walks through the store rather quickly unless on a mission to find a specific item.
! If they find something that they like by chance, then they will buy it.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Complex Style Theorist.
! Looks and looks and looks and then usually decides it looks a bit extravagant or too too expensive.
! Spends hours at the centre taking for ever, then leaves with nothing.
! Suddenly, when on the way to somewhere else will see something in a window, know it is the ‘right thing’, will rush in and buy it irrespective of the cost. Is thrilled with the purchase. ! Their whole wardrobe is the 'right thing'. Anything that was planned and bought ‘properly’ is never worn.
! Occasionally, the ‘right thing’ has been in an opportunity shop. Whether it is $3 or $300 it does not matter if it is fashionable or not as long as it is the 'right thing’. ! Despite the above, they have so much fun inside their own heads, with endless possibilities and information to be analyzed and categorized, that they can fail to follow through to applied action. This can result in them wearing outfits that are 'aged'.
! Spends forty-five minutes in the store and interacts with no one (note no social skills nature). Thought about a list, but prefers instead to evaluate their needs on the fly. Analyzes the way workers respond to the checkout line, thankful that they do not have to interact with so many customers. Goes home and gets into an argument on social media that they later regret.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Cs):

High Cs have the act of gift-giving down to a science and are the quadrant most likely to have all their holiday shopping finished by the beginning of December. They enjoy gathering and organizing information. They prefer to do research before buying gifts and will spend time checking consumer ratings, comparing like models and choosing the best products available. They keep a detailed list to shop from and do not make any impulsive purchases. They plan ahead. They often buy gifts throughout the year and stash them away to avoid the holiday rush. They are thorough and conscientious. They never deliberately leave anyone off their shopping list or send a gift out late.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you see will possibly be seen in old stuff and shopping is not the top priority. You are the worst nit picking customer as you have reserached from all angles; just ahead of the Director who is runner up. You will buy things that you do not need."


16. Shopping Style by the Enhancer - INTJ?

The Enhancer is a Lone Wolf

The Nerd Emperor; The Coldest Human

General characteristics of a High C based on their fridge: The Coordinated Shopper.
! If you have ever observed someone put a bottle of tomato sauce into the crisper because it is the only place they can find room for it, you can rest assured that it will not be a High C as they would never do such a thing.
! The High C will do the following - Shop from a list; Has a plan for how to move through the grocery store. They have planned their route ahead of time and already have their coupons loaded onto their fly buys card if they have one; They already know what everything should cost and will rarely buy something at full retail price. They may keep a running tally of the toll in their heads while they shop and are accurate in predicting the final total; At the fridge, they will put meat in the deli drawer and vegetables in the crisper. They only have one bottle of mustard, as opposed to three half-empty bottles; The fridge is clean with no expired products or past-edible leftovers hidden in the back; Similar products are stored together—olives next to pickles and mustard next to mayonnaise; If someone goes into the fridge and puts the milk on the wrong shelf, the next time the High C opens the refrigerator, they will move it to its proper place. ! The High C is organized, analytical and meticulous, both when it comes to planning a shopping trip and putting groceries away in the refrigerator. Just open up their fridge door and you will see this reflected back at you. They do not have a crowded fridge. They only store what they will reasonably use and put everything away neatly with a clear sense of order. They do not need 'National Clean Out Your Fridge Day' because they have already cleaned out their fridge. It is not beyond the possibility that may have a monthly fridge clean-out schedule that they already adhere to. They are that organized.

Shopping Category for this pattern: CATEGORY 1. The Style Strategist.
! Absolutely selective and often comes home with nothing.
! Walks through the store rather quickly unless on a mission to find a specific item.
! If they find something that they like by chance, then they will buy it.

Shopping Method for this pattern: The Independent Style Scientist.
! Finds shopping a chore and avoids where possible.
! Tends to go straight to what they are after.
! Does not loiter or window shop.
! Begins plotting specials purchases a week ahead of time, comparing them to similar items on Amazon (note strategic nature). Treats trips through the middle aisle like a game of chess, strategizing which ones will best fit their plan for life domination. Makes sure to pick up a plastic canister of top brand to eat while watching the TV. Silently judges other customers for their lack of efficiency (or their preoccupation with their phones, which contributes to their lack of efficiency) while moving through the checkout line. Grabs the catalogue on the way out, so they can start plotting for next week.

Christmas or Special Occasion Shopping Method (All High Cs):

High Cs have the act of gift-giving down to a science and are the quadrant most likely to have all their holiday shopping finished by the beginning of December. They enjoy gathering and organizing information. They prefer to do research before buying gifts and will spend time checking consumer ratings, comparing like models and choosing the best products available. They keep a detailed list to shop from and do not make any impulsive purchases. They plan ahead. They often buy gifts throughout the year and stash them away to avoid the holiday rush. They are thorough and conscientious. They never deliberately leave anyone off their shopping list or send a gift out late.

E. Hunter™ Observations regarding shopping concerning this pattern:

"I foresee that you should be left to you own devices when it comes to shopping as you diskike it. You will hide in the shelves."
