The Specialist is a Saint Bernard

Statistics and Overview

Specialist outline in pdf: Click here

Approx. Population Global: - 8.9% - 4/16 - Approx. US M:5.0% - F:7.0%.

Other Profiles: MYERS BRIGGS (MBTI) - ISFP - The Composer Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving. KIERSEY - Artisan (=Craftsman) - Composer. iPERSONIC - Sensitive Doer. Other - Artist, Druid. OXOR™ - Arty Farty.

Career: Painter, potter, jeweller, fashion designer, carpenter, chef, surveyor, botanist, chemist. waiter, beautician, retail clerk, bookkeeper or legal secretary.

Key like: A good piece of artwork.

Key hate: Being trapped; Those who are dismissive.

Key factors: Will not change.

Key propensity: To appear easily stressed.

Smarts: Surprisingly smart. Picture smart.

Missing in their lives: Everything and nothing simultaneously.

Rankings: How organised ranking: 13/16. How dominant ranking: 12/16. How submissive ranking: 5/16.

Twosome Descripta™ - Observant artist.

Augmentation: A blend of contradictions that intrigue and fascinates. Superficial and flakey.

Point of Characta™ - Empathy.

Pos Traits:

1. Loves facts and figures, rather than theories and ideas.
2. Dislikes uncertainties but can adapt to change but only with prior conditioning.
3. Serious and disciplined on the inside but appears highly spontaneous on the outside.
4. Loves adventure, craves thrilling activities and is free spirited.
5. Tactful and always considerate of how people feel.
6. Dislikes restrictions.
7. Loves to try new experiences and gets bored with routine matters.
8. Artistic.

Pos Traits Description: The Specialist is extremely in tune with their ethics, morals and values. They spend their lifetime honing their value system and refining it to understand what really matters in life and what they really are willing to fight for. Mature Specialists have an incredible amount of integrity and inner serenity and resolve. They know who they are and they are not going to change based on ever-shifting social expectations or trends. Their awareness of their own values gives them a knack for seeing the values and needs of other people as well. They safeguard the values of the people they care for and are good at providing one-on-one emotional support and understanding. Their gentleness, resolve and empathy make them highly-trustworthy friends.

Neg Traits:

1. Too clingy.
2. Will not change.
3. Fluctuating self-esteem.
4. Unstable.
5. Fiercely independent.
6. Easily stressed.
7. Unpredictable.
8. Overly competitive.
9. Flighty.

What you need to stop doing: Flaking on commitments and plans.

Nicknames: Mr. Artistic. Mr. Routine. Robin. Cocoa. Adventurer. Snob. Saint Bernard.

E. Hunter's Brand Fascination Guesstimate™: Alert - Maintain order by keeping things on schedule and on budget. With Innovation as Secondary, The Composer - Strategic, fine-tuned, Judicious.

Surˌprise, surˈprise - you should not be surprised about these sorts of behaviour! Looking at the same things they can always see something different that others miss.

Pidgeonholed v. The Real World

P: Exceptional artists, emotionally deep, humanitarians and always helping the planet.
R: Just want to become trees, do not get why people cannot love one another; hippies. Extremely capable of visualising the future. They just do not follow the same route as others.

As a leader - Cautious

Augmentation: Places too much weight on others’ perspectives or viewpoints leading to appear uncertain or unwilling to make firm decisions. This infuriates all High D's and the Enhancer in particular.

Dogma - Blind Faith: Gentle, quiet, unobtrusive commitment.

Focus: Create calm, safe environment.

As a negotiator:

Style - Tend to Compromise.

Result - Tend to be they win some and lose some.

Outcome - Unsatisfactory.

Examples: JOHN. Martina Navratilova. Ex-Prince Harry. Cher.

At work & comparing with social

Worst workplace to be in: If it's run as a workplace that expects workers to be highly self-motivated but only the completion of dull, uncreative projects are praised.

Compared to social: Scale 1 - 8. 1&2 Excellent; 3&4 Good; 5&6 Fair; 6&7 Poor.

High S with High D: Work: 1. Social: 6.

High S with High I: Work: 1. Social: 5.

High S with High S: Work: 3. Social: 1.

High S with High C: Work: 2. Social: 1.5.

At the job souk: Administrative Assistant; Fashion Designer; Chef; Physical Therapist; Beautician; Landscape Designer; Storekeeper / Clerk; Dental Assistant; Bookkeeper.

Jobs and tasks: Making others happy. Providing practical services for others; Helping people with information; Planning social events; Being patient with others; Taking care of others; Getting answers for people now; Finding resources for people; Following written procedures; Making others feel comfortable and at ease; Serving; Focusing on what people need.

Promptness: Late. Can often struggle with being on time simply because they become distracted by their surroundings. Live very much in present moment which can make it hard to focus on time management. Likely to become intrigued by something and have a hard time pulling themselves away from it. Do not like being late if it will put them on the spot and will strive to avoid awkward situations. If they do see that they are going to be late, they might not even show up for fear of being called out.

Fulfilling Commitments: The Specialist prefers to live life in the present moment, which can cause them to avoid certain commitments. They are not always sure what they want out of life and, because of this, they can appear a bit flighty. The Specialist can sometimes jump in and out of relationships but this is simply because they have rather high standards. They want to find people and hobbies that truly inspire them and will not be afraid of letting go when it does not feel right.

In a Meeting: Dinosaur.

Under Pressure: Specialists become overwhelmed if they feel like people are pushing them and this type of pressure can be stressful. They dislike feeling like those close are disappointed in them and need space to make their own choices in life. Specialists are capable of making in the moment decisions though and will handle pressure when it comes from someone they are not close to.

As a performance appraiser:

Style - High S's will likely be the most lenient managers. Result - They prefer stability to change. Outcome - A waste of time and the status quo remains - good or bad.

As a customer service representative:

Style - Friendly, kind, want to help; Result - Becomes drained after too much socialising; Outcome - Only when interaction is smaller otherwise will find it challenging.

Tension Warner:

SD - S with D - Pace & Priority. Indirect, Slower-Paced, Open, People-Oriented v. Direct, Fast-Paced, Guarded, Task-Oriented.

SI - S with I - Priority. Indirect, Slower-Paced v. Direct, Fast-Paced.

SS - S with S - Passive, Inactive.

SC - S with C - Priority. Open, People-Oriented v. Guarded, Task-Oriented.

In the Personal Space

How others are judged: Closed Judgeology™. Least openly judgmental. They try to be nice to everyone and dislike the idea of hurting anyone’s feelings. They may hold internal judgments when they witness people being immoral or harming others without caring. They believe that everyone should be able to do the right thing and are hurt personally when they see people being cruel towards others. Try to reserve judgments, but sometimes it is challenging when people continue to be harsh. In the end they are very forgiving and just want people to try harder.

Cause of anxiety: When you have to behave in a way that is out of line with your values or desires.

Shyness Gauge™ (Out of the 16 patterns. Scale: Lower number is more shy: 4/16

When ill: Secretly revels in having a socially acceptable excuse to stay home and do their own thing for a week or so.

At the shopping mall: Buying new luggage. They are looking for a carry-on bag that will fit a 1m x 1/2m framed canvas.

As the gift buyer: Scours a plethora of DIY blogs for ideas then crafts incredibly personalised gifts for each of their loved ones. Blows their friends and family away by showcasing how readily they’ve been picking up on their unique interests and styles.

What they want as a gift: Time, An Adventure, Soft cosy items, Act of service, Artwork or artwork supplies, Fun gadgets, Scented items.

What sort of holiday: Wildlife project volunteering loving the beauty and warmth of the holiday season. They are also the ones most likely to enjoy all the lights, the decorations and the music.

What sort of clothes do they wear - male: Likes to wear things that are a bit unusual and quirky according to their personal aesthetic preferences as opposed to what is socially standard. They may be a bit unorthodox yet modest although they do like to look swanky. They want to look attractive and oftentimes have a very classy style sensibility that is different and intriguing. Because many of them have an artistic bend, Specialists may have a hipster streak and incorporate ironic juxtapositions into their wardrobe.

What sort of clothes do they wear - female: With a sensitive and kind nature usually enjoy the present moment more so than the past or future. Work in their own time and at their own pace. Not a fan of conflicts and arguments will enjoy an easygoing dress that requires minimal effort yet is also stylish.

As a house guest: As Host: Ok, you'll find it in a mess. As Guest: I might unexpectedly tell you when I'm coming and for how long.

Contents of wardrobe (fun perspective):
A slight mess.

In a relationship / dating:
Relationship needs – Intimacy and Freedom. Red Flag if you hear this - "I think art and music classes shouldn't be mandatory." Not negotiable with the partner - Being unable to express their true selves. Biggest Strength - Charming. Ideal Date Activities - Anything to made them 'feel good'. Shopping for latest fashion, anything unique and fresh. Will be seeking - Casual sex, short term dating. Target area priority - LOVABLE - 15%; ROMANTIC 25%; SEXUAL 60%. Soulmate - Persuader or Achiever.

Compatibility: Click here.

At the bar: Wants to hug everyone.

In the bedroom: Express Feelings Bedroomer. You see the physical act of sex as a prime opportunity to express your feelings for someone. To you it is one of the best ways to show someone that you truly care for them. You are capable of separating sex from love but see no value in those sorts of shallow experiences. You look for comfort and trust within a relationship and that translates well into your sex life. You are eager to make your partner feel loved and appreciated in the bedroom which they definitely appreciate.

Dalliance or not? Can be insecure and paranoid over the faithfulness of their partners. Consequently, they may allow themselves to cultivate side relationships that could later become their backup plan should their main relationship fail. They may also engage in emotional affairs if they do not receive the type of emotional support they feel they deserve.

How they deal with clutter: Leave Clutter. Perhaps it’s time to start cleaning. After assessing the situation thoroughly and devising a plan, you remember that you could really use a separate laundry bin for your whites and you need new dish cloths. The solution is to go and get some before you start. You might see if someone else has a better plan, further delaying action. Specialists like to work at their own pace and live in the present moment. Carrying a diary around allows them to jot down to-do lists to be completed at a later date, thoughts and ideas and all of their feelings.

What sort of kitchen: The Romantic Kitchen. You are gentle and flexible, with a strong sense of style. You'd be perfectly happy in a little Paris kitchen with airy lace curtains and a set of French doors that open out to the balcony. A good looking French companion would also not be out of place.

What religion: 47.98% of this pattern are religious. Rank: 3/16. Likely religion: Episcopal or Catholic.

Problems with faith / religion: This pattern can find it difficult to have faith in things but, at the same time they understand that the world is made up of more than what they can see. They follow their inner emotions and allow this to be their guide in life. There are times when they believe in things they cannot see, even though they are connected to the physical world around them. They often search for faith and want to be able to believe in something greater than themselves. Oxor™ calls the problems with faith operating in an environment of suspension of facts. All this is consistent with being a Feeler.

What they like at a music festival: Carried away at the festival. Got photographed for a magazine’s “Best of” festival fashion spread. Probably was the only person to memorize the lineup and the best time to leave the crowd and get hair dye, but also the last person to remember they have not eaten in 15 hours.

What they like as their musical instrument: Tuba. Why? The Specialist is loyal and affectionate with friends but is shy and has difficulty in meeting new friends. Like the tuba, the Specialist has a unique and warm presence.

What sort of friend: In touch, uplifting. The earthy and artistic friend, who knows more about pop culture than you. They are always current on what is popular and are very in touch with the world around them. Which is fine by you since they keep you hip. They may be a little bit of a hippie, but you love how in touch with nature they are. Can be lonely if do not have a “kindred spirit” in their life, have to pretend everything’s okay, when emotions show and and are judged for it. Prefer to have one or two very close, trusted friends over a large group of “halfway” friends.

Weird feature: Social Media Stalker. Wants to know everything about everyone. A fault with the phone will be seen as a catastrophe when, in fact, it does not matter. Tries anything. Show off body. Rank: 5/10.

In the classroom: Drawing in their sketch book.

Attitude to money and risk

Augmentation: Specialists, together with Results, Counselors and Achievers have a fondness for risk-taking, especially in the immediate context. However, they do like to have a certain amount of security when it comes to their home life and the people that are important to them. They like having a “home base” whether it’s an actual home, long-term friendships, a relationship, etc.. that they can return to at the end of the day (or week, or month). Specialist are quick to think on their feet and they tend to keep a steady head during a crisis. They are also good at scanning their environment for resources and solutions. Unlike some other types who might panic over a challenge, find themselves stimulated and invigorated by it. Specialists are always looking around for new experiences and enjoyment and they can sometimes become scattered and move from project to project without completing anything. This tends to play out in them jumping from job to job or passion to passion without finding long-term contentment. If they fail to inwardly analyse the opportunities they embark on then they can make poor choices that fail in the long-term and figure out whether what they are doing is logical or has lasting value. Sometimes it means allowing themselves to be bored because it is the most reasonable thing to do or it is the thing most in line with their values.

Spending money: Aesthetic. High Roller. Finely honed aesthetic tastes and are generally interested in expressing their identity to people with money. Look for high spending on clothing especially along with dining out with friends. More reserved than Developer and will scale back when required. Optimistic about risks.

Financial toxicity: Player - Safe. Pay what's due, when it's due. Simple. Will not splurge on themselves or you. However, the Specialist can be an Extractor. Is prone to always find ways to push the buying responsibilities with other people if they can. Trustworthy Ranking: Middle. (Hesitant to let people in, since they have experienced being hurt before).

The following table shows the attitude to risk of each pattern

Tell tale sign
1 Director ESTJ
Take risks only to avoid losses
Orderly life
Wants to help but extremely bossy
2 Developer ENTJ
Only takes long term risks
Can back underdogs but are bullies
3 Results ESTP
Thrill seeker
Can see things through if committed
4 Inspirational ENTP
No comfort zone
No contingency plan
If self motivated - cross ts and dot is
5 Persuader ENFJ
Only take action after thorough analysis and preparation
Look after others
Invasive questions to help
6 Appraiser ESFJ
Only when the outcome is fairly secure
Order and convention - safe harbour
Only as petty as the people around them
7 Promoter ENFP
Crazy ideas
Question, debate, procrastinate
8 Counselor ESFP
Cannot stand still
Just do it
Sharper than they appear
9 Specialist ISFP
Spontaneous, experimental, unpredictable
Gets stressed
Constantly analysing but appear flaky
10 Investigator INFJ
Only if reward exceeds the risk
Will not risk it if others are to be hurt
Are cold if you do not know them well
11 Agent INFP
Spontaneous of thought and slow of deed
Have analysis paralysis
Will go to any lengths necessary in pursuit of what they believe is right
12 Achiever ISTP
Pursues something new and interesting; adrenaline junkies
Gets bored easily
Some pursue extreme sports; others stay safe
13 Practitioner ISFJ
Deliberately structure their lives to avoid taking risks and are difficult to get going
Scared of potential for failure. Only jump after considering pros, cons and safety net
Feelings > interests. More interested in keeping the peace than getting exactly what they want. The master of passive-aggressive behaviour.
14 Objective Thinker ISTJ
Vigilant, cautious and wary of risk, only trusting what is true and verifiable
Zero chance of them doing anything that permanently damage their body
If a new method beats out an old one, will swap
15 Perfectionist INTP
Takes risks in order to break new ground
Even tempered and rational
Enjoying social interaction yet not capable of it
16 Enhancer INTJ
Calculated risks if can see a gain
Have back up - are very sensible
Want to hear other angles even if do not agree initially
Objective Thinker

When Nefarious - actions are highly reprehensible or offensive in character

Self-serving, judgmental, indulgent. Easily lost in self-pity and bitterness over numerous perceived or misunderstood slights. They will go from stages of passive aggressive coldness to stages of self-righteous indignation. They live for the moment and can be exceedingly reckless; they habitually overeat, over-shop, drink too much, or seek pleasure without thought for how it might impact themselves or others. They are easily angered by people who don’t understand their intense emotional reactions, even though they never actually vocalise them. They are not swayed by logical arguments or reasonable discussion; everyone they allow into their life is at the mercy of their ever changing emotions. They may decide to shut people out entirely if they cannot get complete approval. Crimes: Drastic, murder. Unpaid parking tickets.

Bratty behaviour (Bratology™): Avoiding necessary confrontation. Conflict averse and need to realise that ironing out conflict and disputes is a necessary evil and avoiding confrontation often aggravates the situation. An alternate tendency is to drop the issue rather than risk offending the other party.

When guilty: Atone For Guilt. Forgiver Of Guilt. Very internal, compassionate and sensitive individuals, who may feel guilty over things that they shouldn’t. Strong internal morals, a desire to do what they believe is right. If feels like they have harmed someone in some way they will feel very upset this and will attempt to make things right, often apologizing for the tiniest things. Want to be a good person, working hard to follow their own morals. May stray from this path sometimes, but they always find ways to make up for their mistakes. In caring about others will experience guilt when a negative act affects people around them. The sense of consideration for others often makes it very easy to forgive. Shame: Compassionate outlook can often lead to feelings of shame. If feel like they have wronged someone, will definitely feel ashamed of themselves. Sometimes have a hard time living up to the expectations of others and may experience shame because of this. Needpeople in their lives that will love and accept them completely. Having a safe place to go where they do not feel judged, ill be able to cope with their shameful emotions.

Ingeniously Problematic™ behaviour: Sometimes. Is on display when it is clearly known what the desired outcome is, yet an assertion is made that may not be untruthful, is likely to be ambiguous and the author can use it to advantage. It is designed to give the recipient hope; reality may be 'bugger off' or (mis)leading you into taking up some sort of offer. It often involves blatant hypocrisy.

The Sir Robertson Sole symptoms™ - as the "asshole"!

The Fat Bulldog - The Winging, Crybaby R. Sole. Cuddly inside and out. Posses no logic at all and see no patterns in reality. Switches from petting animals at the zoo then go hang gliding afterwards for excitement. Some work fiercely on trying to come up with less obnoxious things for the subculture to do. This does not redeem them.

On R.Sole steroids - The Oblivious Narcissist. The most self-centered of all behaviour patterns, their desktop photos are of themselves, typically nude. Explaining to them that socialism is not true is impossible as their brains are incapable of abstract thought. Prone to marrying people who look like themselves.
Insulting tags: Not gifted. "You do not have any talent whatsoever". "You are bad at sport".
Worst quality: Flighty.
Prof. Sole nominates Nero, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Lewis Hamilton and Enya.

Robert Sole's Conviction™: The quiet, foolish and stupid person. Insane on both the outside and the inside.

The following table shows the population of each pattern

Source: Australian Psychological Type Review and others.

MALE - Aus
1 Director ESTJ
2 Developer ENTJ
3 Results ESTP
4 Inspirational ENTP
5 Persuader ENFJ
6 Appraiser ESFJ
7 Promoter ENFP
8 Counselor ESFP
9 Specialist ISFP
10 Investigator INFJ
11 Agent INFP
12 Achiever ISTP
13 Practitioner ISFJ
14 Objective Thinker ISTJ
15 Perfectionist INTP
16 Enhancer INTJ
Objective Thinker
Highest 4
14 & 1 &
16 & 2 = 54.2%
13 & 14 &
7 & 11 = 40.0%
1 & 3 &
5 & 14 = 51.5%
6 & 8 &
1 & 9 = 48.0%