I wonder how you go with technology. Are you likely to adopt or resist?
Have you developed ugly phone habits?

I cannot understand. 
							I am a Practitioner!

This page is for advanced users of the cohort. You should preferably know the other person's pattern but this may give you some further clues if you do not.

The mobile phone has unearthed some terrible habits. The average Joe Blow who seems unable to remove their Bluetooth headset without surgery; gaggles of giggly high-school girls who only communicate via text, even if they are standing right next to each other; adults do the same at a restaurant; businessmen who appear to have eyes on the tops of their heads, as they effortlessly glide through droves of people without ever looking up from the Smartphome; the list goes on and on just check out the table below.

You will most likely need assistance.
This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.

Here are all the sixteen patterns.

Oxor™ wants to travel on one of these now! - Click here immediately!

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update January 18, 2023. With assistance from Michael Acacius Hunt™, the Lord Volunteer of the Protectorate™, who has not done one ounce of volunteering, so has the time to dive into technology at the deep end.


What is their propensity to be a luddite?

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1. Luddite? 2. Summary 3. Propensity to embrace Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
1 - Director - ESTJ Not really. They may not find themselves passionate about technology but they will not be afraid of it. Generally skilled at figuring out technology but rarely cares much for it. They enjoy being the best at what they do, no matter what. They might avoid technology in certain situations, simply because they do not believe it is that important. If they are in a career where it is important to understand the technology present, then they will certainly work hard to learn everything about it. They will soon 'take over' when they get the hang of the technology.
2 - Developer - ENTJ No way. Definitely not strangers to technology but they might be hesitant when they are not allowed to do plenty of research. Are generally fans of technology, especially when they understand what it can do for them. They realize that various technological advances can help them to further their career and grow. They prefer to learn about any updates or anything new before being tossed into it though. They dislike when they are forced to jump into something unprepared and prefer to have plenty of time to learn about their new project. Will effectively push the technology through.
3 - Results - ESTP No way. Are often skilled at tech careers and will find themselves excited about absorbing information and showing off their skills. Are generally very tech savvy people and will see it as a helpful tool. They might not be in love with technology, but they are driven people who strive to understand as much as they can. They dislike feeling as if they are being left behind and, due to this, they want to always be aware. They will often do plenty of research so that they do not appear ignorant to someone, especially if it involves their career. Focus is on themselves so as not to get left behind or appear to be behind.
4 - Inspirational - ENTP No way. Are not hesitant when it comes to technology, which makes them skilled at helping make advances using technology. Love diving into anything new and exciting and often enjoy technology because of the many possibilities. They rarely have trouble understanding technology and might find it very simply to learn and absorb. They are often naturals when it comes to anything technology related and find themselves drawn to tech careers. They love to feel as if they are on the cutting edge of information. When they see something that intrigues them, they dive in head first and without fear. Thechnology may help them sell their business for $squillion, so they will be interested in that.
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1. Luddite? 2. Summary 3. Propensity to embrace Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
5 - Persuader - ENFJ No way. Definitely understands and appreciates the positive aspects of technology and will be interested in learning more. Are are often very driven people, which makes learning about technology important for them. They are connected to whatever means will help them advance and better the lives of everyone around them. They might not enjoy being forced to explore certain technological advances, but they do want to be able to prepare for any changes. They are more focussed on caring for their loves ones and might find certain technology to be a distraction for them. Wants to be seen to be 'with it'. Will have the iPhone 8000.
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ No, but may be slow at first. When it comes to technology, they are often hesitant, but might surprise themselves at how skilled they can be in such a field. Are usually not the most tech savvy people and are often hesitant when it comes to anything new. They will eventually find themselves learning about different aspects of technology, but only when it is completely necessary. It is not that they are not capable of understanding technology, they just rarely find themselves intrigued by it. They are very capable of absorbing information and pushing themselves to advance in whatever field they desire. They are generally more focussed on people centered careers and enjoy being able to help their loved ones. Okay when they have to use technology for a useful purpose.
7 - Promoter - ENFP Unpredictable. May be into technology or otherwise. Are generally good at anything they want to learn more about but they do become distracted easily. There is often a split as far as they go with technology, where some are excellent at it and others find themselves completely disinterested. The Promoter who loves to absorb knowledge is going to be extremely interested in new technology and will spend hours researching about things of the future. The other Promoter, who is more interested in their surroundings, might find themselves extremely annoyed by different aspects of technology. May have good intent, but can be easily distracted when effort to understand is required or the system 'fails'. Micro attention span is a barrier.
8 - Counselor - ESFP Very likely. Instead of learning about something that has no use to them, they would rather enjoy their lives and the present moment. Are generally not interested in technology and might find themselves avoiding it. They prefer to live in the physical world and dislike anything that pulls them away from this. They are extremely in the moment individuals and love being able to soak up their surroundings. They rarely find themselves interested in understanding different aspects of technology and will usually just skate by with the bare minimum. Never give the party animal responsibility regarding technology.
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1. Luddite? 2. Summary 3. Propensity to embrace Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
9 - Specialist - ISFP Yes. Technology can sometimes be seen as a more negative thing since it can alienate them from what truly matters. Rarely cares much for technology and are much more drawn towards nature and the world around them. They are extremely physically oriented people, who love being able to spend time with the people they care for. They are often the pattern to avoid technology for as long as they can and might feel like it distracts them from the more important things in life. Does not like change. Where is the Fax Machine?
10 - Investigator - INFJ No way. Are always interested in learning about new things, which makes them intrigued by technology and its many advances. Often takes to technology very quickly and with great ease. They are often seen as old souls, so they will have a love for literature and old school things as well. At the same time, they are often drawn towards the future and love things that expand their minds. They are definitely contradictory people, but in the best possible way. They will be drawn to both sides of something and might even find themselves enjoying the contrast. While many will prefer a physical book to read, they also can be extremely tech savvy people. Early adopters of technology. Mobile phones, Facebook etc.
11 - Agent - INFP Likely as slow to adapt. Loves the idea of being able to do just about anything from the comfort of their home and technology certainly allows for that. Might well be decent at handling technology and computers but they dislike being forced into anything new. If they are told they have to perform an update, they might become extremely annoyed by this. They are also frustrated with certain new apps or fads that seem to excite other people. They might hesitate to try something new until it becomes a bit less popular. They definitely dislike being forced into things, so they might be a little behind with certain aspects of technology. Ultimately they do enjoy knowledge and love what technology can offer them as far as learning and absorbing information. Makes excuses that they have no printer as they have no room when the real reason is that a new one is required. Then wants to borrow the neighbour's printer.
12 - Achiever - ISTP No. Are the type of people to be interested in many different things and, although technology might not be number one on their list, it is likely to be present. Often prefers to be aware of the physical world around them but they are also naturally skilled at technology. They are generally very aware of technology and enjoy doing research from time to time. They can be good at different tech careers but might prefer something a little more hands on. They dislike feeling held back by anything so they will often enjoy trying new things, including technology. They are the ones who will be there to fix the paper jam in the printer.
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1. Luddite? 2. Summary 3. Propensity to embrace Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ Market leader. If a loved one is extremely interested in technology, they might take the time to learn what they can. Rarely cares much for technology and might even avoid it. They simply dislike anything that distracts them from their loved ones and what truly matters to them. They might not be bad at figuring out new technology but they just do not find themselves entirely interested in it. They prefer to focus on caring for their loved ones and want to do what they can to keep the peace (conflict avoider). Another attribute that supports the notion that they are the classic follower (non leader).
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ On occasions. Dislikes feeling controlled by another person or thing and, because of this, will dislike certain aspects of technology. Are hardworking and not afraid of getting their hands dirty. They dislike being thrown into anything new without having plenty of time to prepare and learn. When it comes to technology, they are often the people who prefer to do plenty of research before picking up a new device. They will often spend hours reading about it in order to understand all of the details. They enjoy being able to prepare themselves, but absolutely hate being tossed into something unaware. Frustrated that the iPhone no longer comes with an instruction manual.
15 - Perfectionist - INTP No. Often extremely tech savvy people and rarely struggles to understand anything new when it comes to technology. Anything related to technology definitely comes naturally and is actually a safe place for them to explore. They love diving into new possibilities, which makes them instantly intrigued by technology. Being able to have completely access to the wealth of knowledge offered on the Internet makes them even more eager to learn about technology. They will often keep themselves up to date on advances and ideas, simply because they enjoy it. Will know how the latest iPhone program works, plus could explain it in Latin, but may struggle reading their emails as their model is over 8 years old.
16 - Enhancer - INTJ No way. Early adopter. Are often seen in tech careers because it almost comes as second nature to them. Absolutely love technology, mostly because it offers them a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. Being able to learn and absorb information without being restricted, is something that they truly love. Technology gives them the opportunity to advance and grow, which is extremely exciting for them. They often love learning about anything new and are very focussed on the future. They are naturally talented when it comes to understanding and learning about technology and will find themselves hungry for anything new and interesting. Thrive on improving (enhancing) anything and will use technology as a valuable resource.
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1. Luddite? 2. Summary 3. Propensity to embrace Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments


What is their mobile phone style like?

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1. Texting Style? 2. Category of Mobile User 3. Snide Reality Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
1 - Director - ESTJ Practical, orderly and realistic, is a lover of proper punctuation and grammar. It is next to impossible to see any slang in their messages and even emojis are not particularly welcome. Category 2 THE CORPORATE BIG SHOT: Makes all the business calls in public places and conducts big deals right there. The Richard Cranium who thinks that a Bluetooth headset is the single most important accessory an individual can wear to spruce up their everyday attire. Walking down the street, sitting on the bus, in the mall and everywhere else this Richard Cranium will be sporting the Bluetooth - and wants everyone to know it. They are the consummate mobile phone wanker.
2 - Developer - ENTJ Direct, decisive and logical can often be forceful in presenting their opinions and their messages are bound to reflect that. However, they are also very respectful of social manners, including texting etiquette – they respond promptly and clearly. Of course, correct grammar and proper punctuation are a must, while emojis are rarely used, if ever. Category 2 THE CORPORATE BIG SHOT: Makes all the business calls in public places and conducts big deals right there. Cannot seem to be able to look away from the Smartphone. Located most often in bustling city areas and in and around technology tradeshows, you will never see this person's but they will seemingly see you. Or at least avoid you when paths cross. That or they will move directly at you until you shift out of the way. Regardless, the result is the same: the Smartphone businessman floats on, eyes downcast. Watch out for their weaknesses - curbs and single steps.
3 - Results - ESTP Spontaneous, active and straightforward, their texting style is fun and often unpredictable. They feed on thrills and risks so do not expect proper grammar and punctuation here – protocols are boring anyway. They are likely to text in lowercase and use all kinds of emojis. Category 1 THE SHOUTER: Talks so loud that they seem to think that everyone has a hearing impairment. This pattern sees themselves as being ultra important in public. They have people to talk to; even when they have nothing to say. And they want all to know it. This pattern comes in all shapes and sizes but, more often than not, will be larger than you are. And will take up your personal space on the bus, train or while standing in line to board your plane. While this blockhead does not really mean you any harm; never think about asking them to tone it down a bit. Unless you are prepared to engage in fisticuffs on public transport.
4 - Inspirational - ENTP Quick, clever, logical and stimulating, you can always count on them to text you something interesting. However, they can also be argumentative, especially if the other person is ambiguous in their replies. Emoji use is limited, of course. Category 2 THE CORPORATE BIG SHOT: Makes all the business calls in public places and conducts big deals right there. This is the Throne Texter/Talker. Hard to see, but frequently heard. That is because the restroom texter's natural habitat is within a public bathroom stall. While taking care of business, this pattern is literally taking care of business. They bang out texts on the Spartphone plus even placing voice calls. Clacking keys and keyboard in public restrooms are sure signs. of the Restroom Texter. The most interesting/perplexing/disgusting thing about this rare species is that they see nothing strange about texting and/or talking on a public throne.
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1. Texting Style? 2. Category of Mobile User 3. Snide Reality Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
5 - Persuader - ENFJ Can easily read between the lines. It is no wonder why – they are empathetic, charismatic and friendly and can understand nuance better than anyone, even in text messages. To make the other person feel more comfortable, they will often use different emojis. Category 4 THE TALK ANYWHERE: Makes and takes calls anywhere and any time and then apologizes insincerely. The genuine iPhone snob who still exists in the wild. Easy to spot. That is because the iPhone rarely leaves the Snob's hand and is often thrust in front of them as a talisman of sorts while they move amongst the awful non-iPhone users. Other signs include Apple stickers everywhere and holier-than-thou glances directed at anyone without a clearly-visible sign of Apple support.
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ Conscientious, friendly and cooperative they will be the first to remember and congratulate on birthdays or anniversaries. They are true people-pleasers and their texting habits will reflect that: prompt texting, with plenty of empathetic comments and questions, as well as lots of emojis. Category 4 THE TALK ANYWHERE: Makes and takes calls anywhere and any time and then apologizes insincerely. Not one to notice that almost all major movie theatre chains run clips before films requesting that patrons both silence and put away their phone for the duration of a show. This pattern's face is as bright as the silver screen thanks to the mobile phone in their lap using to text God-knows-who throughout the entire film. More often than not, they do switch the phone to vibrate, but that does nothing to drown the scoffs and giggles emitted after reading the responses. Only this pattern has the power to resist becoming "THAT Guy."
7 - Promoter - ENFP Imaginative, flexible and friendly typically likes texting and is not afraid to show it. Thanks to their brilliant imagination, they are often “language influencers”; coiners of new phrases and slang words. Category 4 THE TALK ANYWHERE: Makes and takes calls anywhere and any time and then apologizes insincerely. The phone camera guy - "Mr. Twitterific". A distant relative of the iPhone Snob, they always has a smartphone or other high-end gadget in hand. How else could he open up the camera application quickly enough to snap a photo of that passing car, a humourous subway advertisement, a cute dog...or any other mundane object most folks would barely even notice? Not to be confused with a tourist, they takes pictures of everything for the sake of taking pictures of everything. Should you hear his trademark call—Ooh, oooh, lemme get a pic! Then Gotta send this to Twitter. Clear the way and just hope their flash is disabled.
8 - Counselor - ESFP The party-loving one who is also very friendly and quite funny. Naturally, their texting style will reveal their spontaneous personality, so a lot of slang, lots of emojis and quite a few grammatical misteaks often by choice) can be expected. They are not afraid to text two, three even four times in a row. Category 1 THE SHOUTER: Talks so loud that they seem to think that everyone has a hearing impairment. The genuine iPhone snob who still exists in the wild. Easy to spot. That is because the iPhone rarely leaves the Snob's hand and is often thrust in front of them as a talisman of sorts while they move amongst the awful non-iPhone users. Other signs include Apple stickers everywhere and holier-than-thou glances directed at anyone without a clearly-visible sign of Apple support.
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1. Texting Style? 2. Category of Mobile User 3. Snide Reality Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
9 - Specialist - ISFP Friendly, sensitive and thoughtful, will type careful words their messages and often take time to reply, especially if the topic is sensitive. Because they find it easy to tune into what the other person is texting, they like to use emojis that best emphasize their message. Category 3 THE USELESS CALL MAKER: This exasperating person makes trivial phone calls and the shares everything. The kind of person who will send several bursts of texts that could have been done in one. Typically spotted in small groups of three or four with a parent, supervisor or other adult, this happy teen texter almost always chooses to text a message rather than communicate the message verbally. This is even texting to a person within arm's reach. As such, these teens' eyes are rarely raised from glowing LCDs and their faces can be slightly electro-tanned. Started as a modern form of passing notes, texting has been taken by these teens to a new level, which often involves texting multiple people within eyeshot simultaneously. Most teens are extremely proficient, rapid typers. Never ever try to talk to them mid-text.
10 - Investigator - INFJ Seeks meaning and connection in relationships and ideas, so they are a natural at all types of communication. Their messages are typically full of question marks as they love asking questions. They are also thoughtful and supportive so will often use emojis to make the other person feel more relaxed. Category 5 THE DISTRACTED DRIVER: Drives and uses The phone at the same time. This the over-accessorizer. Many see smartphones as accessories to our everyday attire, but this pattern accessorizes the accessories. Can be spotted from a distance. That is because her mobile phone is significantly larger than expected, due to the abundance of shiny decorations on its exterior: Neon-colored leather; glittering charm-lanyards; sequins. And faux gem-stones. Lots and lots of 'em. Been seen choosing the cover before the phone.
11 - Agent - INFP Curious, idealistic and flexible, they tend to write lengthy messages, ones that reveal their personalities and core values. There is no one more empathetic and their texting habits will reveal this. They will ask various personal and deep questions, give advice when asked to and readily show emotions through text. Category 3 THE USELESS CALL MAKER: This exasperating person makes trivial phone calls and the shares everything. This the over-accessorizer. Many see smartphones as accessories to our everyday attire, but this pattern accessorizes the accessories. Can be spotted from a distance. That is because her mobile phone is significantly larger than expected, due to the abundance of shiny decorations on its exterior: Neon-colored leather; glittering charm-lanyards; sequins. And faux gem-stones. Lots and lots of 'em. Could also have a phone that is several generations old, with faded accessories too.
12 - Achiever - ISTP Flexible, tolerant and straightforward, the texting style is friendly and accommodating. In fact, if one has a problem where help is required, this pattern is the choice. They will be more than happy to offer you a solution, especially if it is mechanical. Category 6 THE GENERIC RING: Set up with the same generic ring and when any other phone rings checks their own. The Holster Master. Their belt is absolutely adorned with various holsters for the multiple mobile phones, pocket knives, tape-measures and whatever else can be fitted on there. They will not always match; leather, vinyl, handmade, whatever but ther is usually some sort of order to the holster arrangement. They have the gadgets "holstered" by size from left to right.
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1. Texting Style? 2. Category of Mobile User 3. Snide Reality Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ Friendly, conscientious and responsible, the millennial generation of this pattern really love to text. Great listeners that they are, they will often refer to something said in a previous text, hoping to establish a real connection. Many will double-check everything before sending, so their messages are likely to be typo-free. Category 6 THE GENERIC RING: Set up with the same generic ring and when any other phone rings checks their own. The mobile phone couple that does everything together. Typically have the exact same mobile phones...in the same color...with the same carrier...but with their own uniquely-shaded gel-skins or other cases so they can tell them apart while sitting on the couch watching American Idol. And they want everyone to be aware that their phones match, along with their knitted socks and Claddagh rings. How else could these two convince themselves—and everyone around—that getting engaged so quickly really was a good idea? Do not be surprized if it was the other half who chose the phone though.
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ Practical, realistic and responsible they text frequently and respond promptly. Their messages are well-structured and detailed, usually with proper grammar and punctuation. Yes, they are the pettern to end every sentence with a full stop even if others think that that is rude. While they do not hate emojis, they will use them only occasionally and selectively. Category 7 ANNOYED BY THE INTERRUPTIONS: Tactfully puts it on silent or may leave it back at the hotel. Nothing is that urgent. They keep their mobile phone until it dies. Never try to pry a working phone, no matter how dated, from their gnarled hands. This easily-spotted specimen's phone looks more like a modern TV remote control. They have an awkwardly bulging, rectangle front-pants pocket which is also good indicator that you have encountered them in the wild. Is that your mobile phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? Still frustrated that their phone never cameomes with an instruction manual.
15 - Perfectionist - INTP Analytical, theoretical and contained they hate redundancy so their messages will never be long and complex. Instead, they will be short and to the point. They do not appreciate superfluous words or unnecessary emojis, but may use the latter one ironically. Category 7 ANNOYED BY THE INTERRUPTIONS: Tactfully puts it on silent or may leave it back at the hotel. Nothing is that urgent. They keep their mobile phone until it dies. Never try to pry a working phone, no matter how dated, from their gnarled hands. This easily-spotted specimen's phone looks more like a modern TV remote control. They have an awkwardly bulging, rectangle front-pants pocket which is also good indicator that you have encountered them in the wild. Is that your mobile phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
16 - Enhancer - INTJ Independent, practical and analytical they like to keep their messages short and direct. While many people may find them a little too short and even formal and bordering on rude, they are usually just a reflection of efficiency. Proper grammar and punctuation is a must, even when talking to friends. Emojis – what are they? Category 7 ANNOYED BY THE INTERRUPTIONS: Tactfully puts it on silent or may leave it back at the hotel. Nothing is that urgent. They keep their mobile phone until the contract is up and get a new one. At this time, it is ready to die. Probably chooses the one before the latest model. Will have chosen it before going to the shop. Was taught never to get the first model. Take the EA Falcon. Get the EB when all the EA mistakes have been ironed out. Has the same philosophy with Smartphones.
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1. Texting Style? 2. Category of Mobile User 3. Snide Reality Michael Acacius Hunt™ Comments