When you assess that the other person drops in unannounced
it is useful to assist in picking the other person's pattern. This becomes easier the better you know someone. It can support your previous assessment.


You will most likely need assistance.

This might tell you what.

But it will not tell you how.

Here are all sixteen patterns.

While some patterns can handle unexpected visitors with ease, others become uncomfortable and even annoyed by this. Having someone show up to your home or to an event when they were not invited, does pose a question of manners, but not everyone finds it all that bothersome. Oxor™ ranks it as plain fcuking rude.

Conducted and composed by Modern Maven Elizabeth Hunter™ - Last Update April 16, 2024


1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?

The Director is the Border Collie

This cat enjoys socializing and being around people. However, unexpected visitors can actually be an annoyance for them. They enjoy having things planned and simply prefer a simple phone call or text message beforehand. Being able to plan for a visit helps the Director become much more comfortable with the idea. They often have close friends whom they do not mind showing up without much notice but, even then, they can become annoyed with if they are busy.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Unlikely. 12/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: This is how they roll. Email, call or text first.

The Captain of everything.


2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?

The Developer is the German Shepherd

This cat can handle a little bit of spontaneity and they do enjoy having people show up who want to spend time with them. For the Developer their tolerance for surprise visits entirely depends upon the person and their timing. If they are busy and have a lot going on, then having someone show up last minute is likely a stressful annoyance. They do prefer some sort of notice with most people and want to them to be polite enough to ask before just showing up. Even if it is someone with whom they are extremely close, they still might find themselves a little bit annoyed with the visit but will do their best to make the most of it.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Possible. 8/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Be careful. Email, call or test first.

The Bully Boy doer.


3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?

The Results is the Jack Russell Terrier

This cat can often become annoyed by unexpected visitors, simply because they do enjoy their space. They do their best to deal with it though, since they have a very 'go with the flow' personality. The Results are also social people who can often adapt and find a way to enjoy interacting with someone. They do not need things to be planned, but it often depends on their current mood and situation. If the Results is very busy and has other things they are dealing with, having someone just show up can feel a little bit obnoxious.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Major Risk. 2/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Play it safe and email, call or text first.

The impulsive Daredevil.


4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?

The Inspirational is the Bull Terrier

Category: Extraverted Intuitive.

This cat does not usually mind unexpected visits, especially from someone they enjoy being around. They are spontaneous people who enjoy having things shaken up a bit. The same stagnant daily lifestyle can be truly draining for them; much more than having someone just show up at their front door. They enjoy when people are capable of surprising them, especially if it is someone they actually want to spend time with. In this case, they are capable of going with the flow and will not become too upset by an unexpected visitor.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Major Risk. 2/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: You are safe to show up but I would show courtesy all the time.

The rule avoidant and sneaky Trailblazer.


5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?

The Persuader is the Boxer

This cat is a social creature but sometimes unexpected visitors can actually be a bit annoying for them. They might have times when their day is completely busy and they have a lot to get done and so someone showing up without letting them know can actually cause stress. They will likely put on a happy face and do their best to entertain this person but it can leave them feeling stressed and even a bit overwhelmed. They want to take care of things and maintain a sense of structure in their lives and so unexpected visitors can sometimes ruin their balance.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Possible. 7/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Email, call or text first.

The charasmatic and interfering Mentor.


6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ

The Appraiser is the Great Dane

This cat enjoys interacting with their loved ones and unexpected visitors can be stressful. They want to be able to prepare for things and plan their day accordingly. They might have other work that needs to be done or a home that is not ready for visitors and in these situations having someone show up randomly can be truly stressful. They might have certain people who they feel comfortable allowing to show up without much warning but, in most situations, unplanned visits are just overwhelming for them.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Unlikely. 11/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Be wise. Email, call or text first.

The friendly Defender.


7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?

The Promoter is the Golden Retriever

This cat is spontaneous so sometimes they might enjoy unexpected visitors. It often depends on who the person is and if they are someone they actually like spending time with. In this case, an unexpected visit can be kind of nice. This gives them something exciting to shake up their day. They become tired of the same thing every day of their lives and so they need something to challenge and excite them. Once in a while someone showing up without it being planned can be a fun and spontaneous event.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Major Risk. 3/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: So disorganized that an appointment is essential and they will be late.

The disorganized Visionary and radical Optimist.


8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP

The Counselor is the Poodle

This cat often does not mind unexpected visitors, especially if it is people they actually enjoy being around. They are social people who crave interaction and actually want their lives to be a bit chaotic. For them, there is nothing worse than being bored or left ignored and so having someone show up unannounced is actually something they enjoy. When people want to be around them and spend time with them, it makes them feel happy and loved.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Major, major Risk. 1/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: They will welcome you and a party is on the cards.

The Party Animal.


9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP

The Specialist is the Saint Bernard

Category: Extraverted Sensing.

This cat does not mind when someone is spontaneous, especially if it is someone they are close to. Having their loved ones just show up is not something that usually upset or bothers them. If they are feeling socially drained they can become a bit upset by this though and will want to feel free to be by themselves. They have certain people they enjoy being around no matter what and those people can often sit in silence with them when the they need this time.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Possible. 5/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: So unpredictable, I would arrange things first.

The Arty Farty type.


10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?

The Investigator is the Greyhound

This cat rarely finds themselves pleased with the idea of unexpected visitors and can even become a bit stressed by it. Having someone show up unannounced, even if it is someone they like, can be truly off-putting. They prefer most things to be planned and since they are such introverted people they do not appreciate having someone suddenly in their personal space. It causes them to feel overwhelmed and forced to perform in a social situation for which they are unprepared. This can be especially upsetting if they already feel drained from a previous social engagement. Unexpected visitors are likely on the list of one of the worst irritations for most Investigators to endure.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Very Unlikely. 13/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Always arrange in advance - no exceptions.

The resentful Mystic.


11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?

The Agent is the Tibetan Terrier This cat really does not appreciate unexpected visitors and can sometimes try to ignore them until they go away. Having someone show up unannounced and invade their personal space can feel extremely overwhelming. They need time to themselves in order to recharge and actually do the things that fulfill them. If they are in a seriously introverted mode, they will become extremely frustrated by the presence of someone who did not give them a heads up before coming over. Unless of course this person is someone they feel comfortable with and allowed to invade their space. It would have to be someone they do not feel drained by, someone who can give them room and allow them to be silent.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Unlikely. 9/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: You need to know which category you are in.

The Dreamer of La La Land with the far off look in their eyes.


12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?

The Achiever is the Bassett Hound

Thus cat does not usually mind unexpected visitors when it is someone they enjoy being around. While they do enjoy spontaneity, they also need a lot of time to themselves. Being surprised is not what bothers them when someone simply shows up unannounced. It is the feeling like they need to entertain or interact when they are not in the mood for it. They want to be able to escape a social situation at any time and so unexpected visitors can be a little draining for them.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Possible. 6/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Play it safe. Arrange in advance.

The practical and bad tempered Vigilante.


13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?

The Practitioner is the Alaskan Malamute

This cat usually does not appreciate unexpected visitors and prefers when people give a notice of some kind. They believe that manners are important and in most situations feel like some sort of heads up is really important. They need to plan for these situations and want to be sure that their home is ready for visitors. Having someone just show up can be stressful for them since they want to be gracious hosts. For them, it is simply more comfortable if they can plan ahead of things and prepare themselves for visitors.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Very Unlikely. 15/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Always arrange in advance and do not be one nanosecond late.

The passive-aggressive follower and Protector.


14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?

The Objective Thinker is the Bernese Mountain Dog

This cat usually becomes highly frustrated with unexpected visitors and can even be a bit short-tempered in this situation. They might even feel like this is impolite to simply show up at someone’s home or event without some sort of prior notice. They believe that certain manners are important and often letting someone know you are coming is simply the appropriate thing to do. They need time to plan ahead and they also need the energy to engage in social situations.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Very Unlikely. 16/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Manners are important so show yours by arranding in advance.

The ultra planned Detective.


15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?

The Perfectionist is the Papillon

This cat does have a very spontaneous side, but their tolerance for surprise visits entire depends on their mood. If they have been socializing way too much and really just needs time alone, then it will be an extreme annoyance. They need this time to recharge and be with themselves and will want people to be capable of respecting that. If they are feeling up for it they do enjoy having friends who are a bit spontaneous and willing to do something last minute. For them a small heads up is nice, just so they can be sure if they have the social energy to do something.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Unlikely. 10/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Give them the heads up. They are socially awkward.

The Prodigy with no practical ability.


16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?

The Enhancer is a Lone Wolf

This cat definitely does not enjoy unexpected visitors and might actually find this to be a bit rude. They would rather people give them some sort of heads up before just showing up for a visit. They need plenty of time to themselves and so they do not want this private time invaded with no really good reason. Someone simply showing up to see them without letting them know beforehand is definitely going to be deemed as rude to them. They need some sort of notice with most people and they want their boundaries to be respected and understood. Yoy are likely to be given the cold shoulder, be grey rocked or cordially invited to piss off.

Likely that they turn up announced - based on spontaneity ranking: Very Unlikely. 14/16.

E. Hunter™'s Personal Perspective™: Always arrange something in advance. Always; no exceptions. Be on time.

The Strategist and Mastermind.
