I am the strong leader; the goal-oriented go-getter and model citizen, with great attention to detail who micromanages others with a demonstrated reserve tendency to be a complete jerk. I 'get my rocks off' with the thrill of giving orders and being called 'boss'.
If you want to keep on my right side, then you must never underestimate me. I am either 'Dolores Umbridge' or your loyal guide dog; there is no in between with me. I am the alpha wolf. You will know if I like you when I am attentive and an ultra listener. At my worst, I never forgive debts.
If you consider me to be balanced, you will see me as organized, decisive and practical. I am a strong leader and usually are willing to go to great lengths to preserve my communities, values and traditions I hold dear. I am a quick, logical thinker with a keen eye for details and facts. I have high expectations of others and hold myself to the same, or even higher standards, always trying to make sure my responsibilities are attended to and I am improving the world in which I live.
If you consider me to be unhealthy, you will see me as dominating, aggressive, controlling, critical, judgmental, condescending and confrontational. I will do whatever I can to maintain an image of being strong. I adopt bullying behaviour, belitte people I see as weak or incompetent. I suppress my own vulnerabilities and inabilities and try to ignore them as much as possible. My own views are always correct. I fall prey to supposed physical ailments or victim-like behaviours. I become very self-pitying at this stage and nag, manipulate, or “guilt” other people into fulfilling a need that has been unmet. Sometimes this process is very subconscious and I almost do not realize that I am doing it.
1. The Director - ESTJ
My Oxor Particularities™:
Sarcastic humour. You need a thick skin to be able to banter with me.
Outspoken and not afraid to challenge and disagree with others.
Quite stubborn to agree with others.
Outgoing and I know how to break the silence.
I make a great manager and I know that I will be loathed.