On the smartphone, keep the text to the left except when viewing the tables.
Situation - You know your Disc pattern so this is
Your Zone™
When you know your Disc pattern
is useful to find out details in Your Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your
ability and determination are not being tested
This section is for the Oxor™ masters and mistresses plus ladies and gentlemen.
It now has a popular section on who is the most Machiavellian.
You will most likely need assistance if you are here by accident :-) This might tell you what but it will not tell you how.
The Likeableness Matrix™. Where do you sit?
How you would affect your company's BRAND.
Here are all sixteen patterns - Zoned in.
You will be in here and you have already worked that out!
Likeableness Matrix™:
Likeableness → Disc Pattern ↓ |
E. Hunter Active Values™ | Conflict or Truce? | Indifferent Propensity™ | Suspicion Propensity™ | E. Hunter™ Comments |
1 - Director - ESTJ |
Is perhaps the most outcome-driven of all patterns. They want to understand the objective,
what their resources are that they can draw on and with whom they will work with to
achieve the objectives. Can rise to high positions in organizations because of their ability to achieve outcomes within the framework of organizational constraints — they deliver ahead of time and under budget. |
They can have conflict with the Feeling (F) patterns because they tend to believe that
outcomes are more important than individuals. They may have difficulty finding innovative solutions that a Developer or Inspirational might find, or implementing them, preferring time test ways of doing things. The Director is likely to frustrate forward facing types such as the Persuader and the Promoter because the big picture or overall view is often not important to those two patterns. |
Often seem as indifferent, especially when they are focussed on something. They are hardworking people who value efficiency above most other things. They are not the most emotionally expressive people, which causes them to appear indifferent to others. Deep down they care very much for their loved ones, they just do not show this with words or emotions and do much better expressing things in more practical ways. | Can definitely be suspicious, especially towards people and suppliers who they have seen do untrustworthy things before. | Love it. Director v. Persuader and Promoter. Happens all the time. 'That Boss' - generally loathed. |
2 - Developer - ENTJ | The Developer always leads but are rarely leaders in the sense of popular political leaders, loved by the masses. They have a natural ability at strategy. | They always attempt to lead groups through formal or informal authority. They see the end objective as more important than anything else. Often chosen when outcomes are critical, people who want outcomes ally with them. | Can definitely appear indifferent, especially if they are caught up in their own thoughts. When they are focussed on getting things done, they become less interested in being social and friendly. They are certainly capable of being expressive and outgoing people, it entirely depends on their mood. When they are working on something important, they will appear extremely indifferent to others. They are logical and intelligent people, who can be a bit distant when it comes to expressing their emotions to others, which makes them seem aloof. | Can definitely be suspicious of others, mostly because loyalty is so important to them. | Frequently clash with almost everyone in the organization. Bully. |
3 - Results - ESTP | They value reaching their destination with superior interpersonal skills through taking advantage of fluid options. To use military lingo, they have a natural ability to act according to the situation on the ground — they move effectively and decisively in the moment. | They have few natural enemies in organization. They are winsome and have the ability to gauge the crowd. They are excellent communicators and often find themselves in the role of a spokesperson. They look for the shortest line between two points and dislike complicating anything that could be easy. They have conflict with those more attracted to complexity such as the Enhancer, Perfectionist, Developer and Persuader. They grow impatient with long-term strategy or complex position papers. | Definitely appears indifferent to others, especially when they are focussed on something. They just are not the most emotionally expressive people, which can cause them to seem aloof. When they are around someone they truly care for, they can often be more open and expressive about their feelings. They still will not be extremely emotional, but they are capable of making it clear that they are not indifferent to that person. | Can definitely be suspicious of others, which is why they tend to research them. | The Emergency Co-ordinator. Risk taker. |
4 - Inspirational - ENTP | They value technical ability, are persuasive, as well as possessing an ability to seize strategic opportunities. They are one of the least conflict averse types. They use their extroverted iNtuition to size up situations and are usually confident of their course of action. | They excel in organizations and as entrepreneurs. They dazzle many while at the same time confuse many others who get mental whiplash watching their rapid changes in direction. Their ability to communicate and solve issues is impressive. They can and do clash with most types who want to follow a steady course, as opposed to in-the-moment decisions and direction changes. Their confidence is admired and often justified, yet they clash when they come over as arrogant and all-knowing. They are all about skills, expertise and they have a very advanced ability to communicate. | Can seem both indifferent and friendly, depending entirely upon their current mood. Two faced, even. When they are caught up in their own thoughts, they will often seem completely aloof to others. They are not the most emotionally expressive people, which can cause them to appear indifferent even to their loved ones. Over time they may be capable of connecting with their emotions better and will find ways to express their feelings to the people they deem worthy of seeing them. They are logical people who enjoy exploring possibilities in life. The fact that their minds are so active often causes them to appear indifferent. | Can definitely be suspicious of others, especially since they are such intuitive people. | Welcome to clashing especially if you are reluctant to change. Debater. Mass debater if more than one of them. |
↓ Disc Pattern Likeableness → | Performance and method | Conflict or Truce? | Indifferent Propensity™ | Suspicion Propensity™ | E. Hunter™ Comments |
5 - Persuader - ENFJ | The groupie - most attuned to people and groups. As moderators, facilitators and trainers, they possess a finely tuned ‘sixth sense’ of the motivations and concerns of a group. |
Possess the best skills to interrelate both to individuals and groups. People most often
feel that the Persuader understands them at a deep level and it is often true that they
have an amazing ability to understand others. They can be frustrating to the Developer, Enhancer, Inspirational, Perfectionist, Director, Objective Thinker, Appraiser and Practitioner in situations of conflict because not only are they conflict averse, they often believe that conflict in and of itself is inappropriate and ineffective. When in charge, they can have a great sense of the appropriateness of their role and status and may find it difficult to share the limelight and decision making with others. If everyone likes them, then they must be correct, which is bulltish. |
Are not usually seen as indifferent people, since they are warm and outgoing. They are often very friendly, even to complete strangers. They simply enjoy being able to connect with others and love making new friends. They are social people, who strive to care for their loved ones as best they can. Since they are so sociable and warm to others, they are rarely seen as indifferent. Most people automatically like them and feel as though they are liked in return. They just are not the type of people to alienate others and dislike hurting people’s feelings. | Can sometimes be suspicious of others, especially the ones they recognize as untrustworthy. | Have half the patterns frustrated before they even start. Interferer. |
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ | Possess the remarkable ability to manage and guide teams. They are highly organized and see disorganization as a personal failure, although they are often patient and are skilled at picking up the pieces for things that did not get done. | Have some of the best interpersonal skills of all patterns, are conflict averse and most always find themselves skillfully and diplomatically managing the needs of groups. Their abilities can become their disabilities in that they may place a critical problem on hold because they do not feel they have the authority to find unauthorized solutions. They often feel that their role is to work within a defined framework with an assigned set of duties and may not feel that understanding how the larger organization works is important. | Rarely seem indifferent to others, since they are warm and outgoing people. They do not want to upset anyone and prefer to be friendly and social. They are not always willing to express their deepest emotions to people, but they are capable of being expressive enough to show that they care. They are certainly not aloof, especially when it comes to the people they love the most. They do not enjoy being seen as indifferent and want it to be clear that they care. | Can have an occasionally suspicious side despite being caring people. | The Sports Coach. |
7 - Promoter - ENFP | They value their own personal performance though charm, charisma and their ability to gain followership. They attempt to lead organizations through cycles of change by engaging the people around them by their own personal charm, helping organizations succeed. | Usually find themselves at the heart of most organizations. They are often in Human Relations departments (where they belong) and have the ear of senior executive teams. They can be seen leading the latest organizational initiative. They have an affinity with their own ideas and will defend the ideas that they have generated. They often have difficulty staying engaged in projects through completion, often changing initiatives or jobs. They are most successful at getting organizations to see a vision and to engage in change management during the early stages. | Very outgoing and friendly people who try to be social when they are in public. They are often viewed as kind and warm, especially when they are making an effort. They have a charisma and charm which draws people to their present most of the time. In most cases they appear friendly and kind and do not seem aloof to others. In some situations, they will appear a bit indifferent in romantic situations, which can cause people to become confused by them. While they are friendly, they sometimes enjoy a bit of push and pull when it comes to the dating scene. They do not want to make their feelings completely obvious, sometimes for fear of getting hurt. | Can actually more open and sincere and are not usually suspicious people but can be if they have been hurt a lot. | The very worst finisher and extremely difficult to manage. |
8 - Counselor - ESFP | They value social interaction between people. They focus on getting things done through teams. They are generally 'can do' and upbeat and contribute positive energy to a team. | Often clash with patterns who insist on a win/lose style of leadership. They may resist roles that are conflictive. They are often value gaining cooperation as friends and are most often individual contributors. They are diplomatic, fun-loving, and supportive of people in their organizations. | Are caring and friendly people and this often shows outwardly. They are very expressive when it comes to their feelings and dislike having to hold back. They are rarely seen as indifferent to others and would have a hard time hiding their emotions in any situation. Their affectionate and warm personalities makes it rather easy for them to connect with others. They are friendly people who would not want to hurt someone’s feelings by seeming aloof. | Can usually not be suspicious as they prefer to be open and upfront. | The Party Animal. |
↓ Disc Pattern Likeableness → | Performance and method | Conflict or Truce? | Indifferent Propensity™ | Suspicion Propensity™ | E. Hunter™ Comments |
9 - Specialist - ISFP | Value an internal set of principles and values that are more important to them than the external day-to-day world. | Tend to be individual contributors and rarely have organizational conflict. They are generally well-liked and have a defined role that they accomplish well. | Are caring and friendly people who rarely appear indifferent. They can seem a bit shy and reserved at times, especially if they are caught up in their own thoughts and feelings. Even if they seem as if they are keeping to themselves, there is something kind about their demeanor which causes them not to appear aloof. They are warm and affectionate people who enjoy being able to connect with others. | Can usually not be suspicious as instead they want to find people to connect with. | They hate change, particularly with short notice. |
10 - Investigator - INFJ | They value future vision of what a better world can be – perhaps the most visionary of all patterns. They seek meaning in human relationships. |
They do not often find themselves in conflict with other types and avoid interactive teams. They are
often physicians, clergy or professors and are able to act independently. Conflict may center around causes rather than committees, which they will seek to avoid. |
Are complex people which causes them to appear indifferent at different times. When they are distracted or wrapped up in their own thoughts, they can definitely appear indifferent to others. They likely are not trying to appear this way; they are simply caught up in their inner minds and are not really present in the moment. They can also appear indifferent around people they dislike, since they do not want to be insincere but they also do not want to hurt their feelings. When they are around people they care for, they will be the opposite of indifferent to them and will light up in their presence. | Can definitely be suspicious of others, but it is often within reason and is often because they sense something is not quite right about the individual. | Not a good team player. Tries to manage other people's emotions. |
11 - Agent - INFP | They value their insights about people and share their insights with only the people they trust. They value personal accomplishments that help others. | Are generally very talented people in organizations and can excel in technology and design. They have outstanding technical and interpersonal skills. Because they generally have strong boundaries and personal definitions that they do not articulate to others, they often confuse the J (judging) patterns who do not understand how they want to be engaged. Since they have strong inner expectations, they can be desperately unhappy or offended and no one knows why. Once they disconnect from people and situations, they are difficult to reconnect with. There is no more insightful and able person if they are fully engaged in what they are supposed to be doing. | Can sometimes appear indifferent, especially if they are distracted by their own thoughts. They are generally warm people though and have a kind look to them. While they do not want to be viewed as mean, they can become caught up in their own inner world. When they are wrapped up in their active imagination, they can seem a bit disinterested in others and their presence. They will seem more distracted than aloof though since they are often expressive people. | Can definitely have a suspicious side, especially when they are feeling cynical. | They are in La La Land. |
12 - Achiever - ISTP | They value observation, camaraderie and traditional values. They are natural observers. When they see a problem in their general surroundings, they have already been observing it and step forward to solve it. |
Possess few natural enemies among other patterns in organizations. They are normally conflict averse,
socially skilled and have an easy wit. Since their work style is reactive in the best sense of the word,
they are natural troubleshooters and problem solvers. They run into problems with J patterns (judging)
who require advanced planning. They do not do well in strategy meetings or long term planning roles and
may become withdrawn in most types of long range planning meetings. They do not react well to hierarchies or chains of command. |
Are introverted and analytical people, which often causes them to appear very aloof. They are so focussed on their own inner thoughts and are not expressive about their emotions. They simply are not great at focussing on their feelings or the feelings of others people. Their lack of emotional expression causes them to seem very indifferent to others. They are simply more focussed on problem solving and do enjoy having plenty of time on their own. | Can be suspicious people, simply because they are guarded. | They will fix anything and have the worst temper. |
↓ Disc Pattern Likeableness → | Performance and method | Conflict or Truce? | Indifferent Propensity™ | Suspicion Propensity™ | E. Hunter™ Comments |
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ | Values social harmony within communities and in organizations with a personal competence as close to perfection as possible. |
Are extremely effective in social interactions, leading groups to reach harmony and consensus. They may clash
with the Director, Developer and Inspirational who place outcome above feelings and relationships.
They are not apt to cut corners on rules and procedures and may clash with those patterns types
who bend rules to get outcomes. The Enhancer and Perfectionist may consider the Practitioner to be obstructionist in gaining outcomes. |
Are warm and compassionate people, which makes them appear much less aloof than some other types. They do not enjoy being indifferent since they realize this demeanor can often hurt others feelings. They are loving people and want it to be very clear that they care for others. They do have moments where they are caught up in their own thoughts and, in those moments, they might appear a bit more aloof. For the most part though, they are warm and affectionate people and it shows. | Can not like being suspicious, instead they want to be open with the ones they love. | Hopeless leader who avoids conflict at any cost. |
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ | Values past experience. They value data and past experience to chart direction for the future. They value authority and chain of command. They believe in process and standard operating procedures. They are the 'gate keepers' of organizations. Past Performance indicates future success. Traditions are to be respected and rules are to be obeyed. | Tends to clash with N patterns (intuitives), who are future oriented and often unimpressed with past data. These are the Investigator, Enhancer, Agent, Perfectionist Persuader, Inspirational, Promoter and Developer. All these may see the Objective Thinker as obstructionist to progress. | Can definitely seem indifferent to others, especially if they are focussed on something. When they are trying to get their work done, they will be very focussed on being efficient. They are not emotionally expressive people, even though they care deeply for their loved ones. Since they do not openly express their emotions, this can cause them to appear indifferent to others. This is truly just how they seem on the outside, since they really are caring people. | Can certainly be suspicious of others, since they prefer to be prepared. | Good project managers but half the patterns see them as married to the rules / the past. |
15 - Perfectionist - INTP | Values seeing important details missed by others and 'getting to the bottom of things'. Their mental tendency is to go to the heart of things to examine all underlying detail. |
They are able to drill down into projects, issues and situations to find those elements that
do not line up with the overall plan. They can be excellent educators and writers. They can run foul with outcome oriented patterns such as the Director and the Developer and others such as the Enhancer that conflict with the Perfectionist when they feel that they want to call back the train after it has left the station. They never feel that it is too late to have that post-mortem meeting, or to begin at ground zero again. |
Appear very indifferent, even to the people they care for the most. This aloof attitude is simply part of their personality and is how they often appear to others. They are not emotionally expressive people and often keep their feelings bottled up inside. When they feel as if they are being expressive and emotional, they are often seen as the opposite to others. Even when they do not want to seem aloof, it is often exactly how they appear outwardly. They can have an ocean of feelings inside but, on the outside, they will likely seem indifferent. | Can often be very suspicious people, who have a hard time trusting others. | Absent minded professor who always has one more item to include. |
16 - Enhancer - INTJ | Values intellect. One of the brainiest of types, they find and use abstract models to explain physical reality. They do not so much create concepts, but apply them. They look for simple and elegant models and then apply them. | They gather great backing in an organization because of their intellectual ability to grasp complicated issues and to suggest elegant solutions. They tend to be the 'ivory tower' pattern. They may come into conflict with action types such as the Director, Results, Appraiser and Counselor who value action over intellect. The Enhancer's interest is infinite, but not their attention span and they may become suddenly disinterested in a project or initiative. | Definitely appears indifferent to others which in some cases is simply because they are. They are often so caught up in their own thoughts that they seem aloof and completely disinterested in others. They have so much going on inside of their minds and often prefer being on their own so that they can analyze information. They rarely find themselves all that interested in other people so, in many (all?) cases, they truly are indifferent to them. This does not mean that they are not caring people; they just can be rather picky when it comes to the people they trust and let into their hearts and lives. | Can definitely be suspicious people, who have a very difficult time trusting others. | The cunning strategist who cannot tolerate idiots. Can be extremely good at getting things done. The lone wolf. |
↑ Disc Pattern Likeableness → | Performance and method | Conflict or Truce? | Indifferent Propensity™ | Suspicion Propensity™ | E. Hunter™ Comments |
E. Hunter™ - Really Useful Table Extravert or Introvert:
Trait | Combo | Extraverts | Introverts |
Most Extraverted | TeSe | Rank 1: 2 - Developer - ENTJ | Rank 1: 16 - Enhancer - INTJ |
Most Extraverted | TeNe | Rank 2: 1 - Director ESTJ | Rank 2: 14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ |
Most Extraverted | SeTe | Rank 3: 8 - Counselor - ESFP | Rank 3: 9 - Specialist - ISFP |
Most Extraverted | SeFe | Rank 4: 3 Results - ESTP | Rank 4: 12 Achiever - ISTP |
Most Extraverted | FeSe | Rank 5: 5 - Persuader - ENFJ | Rank 6: 10 - Investigator |
Most Extraverted | FeNe | Rank 6: 6 - Appraiser - ESFJ | Rank 6: 13 - Practitioner - ISFJ |
Most Extraverted | NeTe | Rank 7: 7 - Promoter - ENFP | Rank 7: 11 - Agent - INFP |
Most Extraverted | NeFe | Rank 8: 4 - Inspirational - ENTP | Rank 8: 15 - Perfectionist - INTP |
Trait | Combo | Extraverts | Introverts |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | NeFe | Rank 1: 4 - Inspirational - ENTP | Rank 1: 15 - Perfectionist - INTP |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | SeFe | Rank 2: 3 - Results - ESTP | Rank 2: 12 - Achiever - ISTP |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | NeTe | Rank 3: 7 - Promoter - ENFP | Rank 3: 11 - Agent - INFP |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | SeTe | Rank 4: 8 - Counselor - ESFP | Rank 4: 9 - Specialist - ISFP |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | FeNe | Rank 5: 6 - Appraiser - ESFJ | Rank 5: 13 - Practitioner - ISFJ |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | FeSe | Rank 6: 5 - Persuader - ENFJ | Rank 6: 10 - Investigator - INFJ |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | TeNe | Rank 7: 1 - Director - ESTJ | Rank 7: 14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ |
Outwardly 'Extraverted' | NeFe | Rank 8: 2 - Developer - ENTJ | Rank 8: 16 - Enhancer - INTJ |
E. Hunter™ - Overall Scale - Extravert to Introvert:
1. 3 - Results - ESTP; 2. 6. -Appraiser - ESFJ; 3. 8. Counselor - ESFP; 4. 5. Persuader - ENFJ; 6. 1. Director - ESFJ 7. 2. Developer - ENTJ; 8. 7. Persuader - ENFP; 9. 13. Practitioner - ISFJ; 10. 10. Investigator - INFJ; 11. 12. Achiever - ISTP; 12. 9. Specialist - ISFP; 13. 11. Agent - INFP; 14. 14. Objective Thinker - ISTJ; 15. 15. Perfectionist - INTP; 16. 16. Enhancer - INTJ. 
E. Hunter™ - Brand Fascination Cross Reference and description:
Fascination Attribute | Description | Disc Pattern |
Innovation |
Sparks fresh ideas quickly. Encourage others to explore alternative ideas and new techniques. |
2 - Developer - ENTJ 6 - Appraiser - ESFJ |
Passion |
Energises the group to participate and collaborate. Leverage high energy to fire up person or team to achieve specific goal. |
4 - Inspirational - ENTP 5 - Persuader - ENFJ 7 - Promoter - ENFP 8 - Counselor - ESFP |
Power | Turns ideas into tangible action. Actively leads rather than sitting back. | 3 Results - ESTP |
Prestige |
Improves results with higher standards. Defines newer standards. |
1 - Director ESTJ 16 - Enhancer - INTJ |
Trust |
Keeps everyone grounded on the purpose. Builds relationships through dependability. |
9 - Specialist - ISFP 10 - Investigator - INFJ 11 - Agent - INFP 12 - Achiever - ISTP 15 - Perfectionist - INTP |
Mystique |
Thinks first, then makes intelligent points. Maintains a professional distance at all times. |
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ |
Alert |
Tracks details for tangible outcome. Maintains order by keeping things on schedule and on budget. |
13 - Practitioner - ISFJ |
Fascination Attribute | Description | Disc Pattern |
E. Hunter™ - Winning Brands that are comparable to your Disc Pattern:
Brand Type | Description | Brand Example | Disc Pattern |
The Ruler |
Customers of the Ruler brands are often immensely dominant and crave supremacy; being noticed and admired are objectives at the very top of their life agendas. |
Rolls-Royce |
1 - Director - ESTJ 2 - Developer - ENTJ |
The Explorer |
Customers of the Explorer brands often crave thrill-seeking quests — they are constantly scoping out the next mental and physical high. |
North Face | 3 - Results - ESTP |
The Creator |
The Creator brands are typically the focus of attention for customers who are born to be tremendously innovative — it is in their blood. |
Apple iPhone (Latest one) | 4 - Inspirational - ENTP |
The Everyman |
Customers of Everyman brands often look for high levels of practicality, minus any bells and whistles. |
Kombucha (Will tell you its good for you) | 5 - Persuader - ENFJ |
The Innocent |
Stereotypical customers of the Innocent brands seek genuine, down-to-earth communication and sincerity at every turn. |
Nudie Juice |
6 - Appraiser - ESFJ 7 - Promoter - ENFP |
The Jester |
Stereotypical customers of the Jester brands are playful and cheery; a minute will rarely go by without a chuckle or two! |
Boost | 8 - Counselor - ESFP |
The Lover |
Customers of the Lover brands are typically allured by aesthetic beauty, class and glamour. |
Victoria's Secret | 9 - Specialist - ISFP |
The Hero |
The Hero brands classically attract customers who appreciate steadfast quality, endurance and value. These people tend to have the courage to try something new, in order to quickly progress. |
Duracell | 10 - Investigator - INFJ |
The Magician |
The Magician brands spellbind customers; dreamers who do not tend to consider logic and rules — but instead imagine endless possibilities. |
Disney | 11 - Agent - INFP |
The Outlaw |
Customers who are drawn to the Outlaw brands truly live on the wild side of life and like the risk! |
Harley-Davidson | 12 - Achiever - ISTP |
The Caregiver | Typical customers of the Caregiver brands enjoy the safety and security promised to them — they are unassuming and motherly in nature. | Salvation Army | 13 - Practitioner - ISFJ |
The Sage |
Typical customers of the Sage brands are eternally looking to develop their mental capacity in order to grow and sustain a high level of wisdom among their social groups and peers. |
15 - Perfectionist - INTP | |
The Do Not Care |
Typical customers of the Do Not Care brands essentially could not care less about what brand it is. |
Little brand recall at all |
14 - Objective Thinker - ISTJ 16 - Enhancer - INTJ |
Brand Type | Description | Brand Example | Disc Pattern |
1. Can it be the Director - ESTJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Director likes courage, community and consistency. These three things embody their personality and what
they prioritise in life. They want the courage to accomplish goals and achieve success in life.
The Director wants a loyal community to support them and to care for.
They want a consistent, stable and
reliable routine in place so that they know what to expect and how to be prepared.
Their Disc Zone™ comes from knowing that they have all three of these things in place.
Stereotype A: 10/10 will be super hard on them. 10/10 do not mean for them to take it personally.
Stereotype B: Bossy, control-freak who lives to promote hierarchies (no matter how corrupt).
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Efficiency-focused individual who values reason and responsibility.
Surprising Characteristic: Enjoys being controversial.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Determined Aura Zone™. Skilled in management. The Director has a gift for breaking down large tasks into sequential steps so that they can lead others easily and effectively. They take charge with logistical implementation and focus on using each moment of time to its best advantage. They organize objects, materials and information so that everyone knows how to use them effectively. Their decisiveness, objectivity, together with a calm and competent manner instills confidence in the people around them. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Implementor Supervisor”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Control and Competence:
The Director values competence, achievement and personal responsibility. They enjoy having control and stability in a career and enjoy the opportunity to lead others towards a common goal. Knowing that everyone is putting forth their best effort is essential for the Director's happiness. Measured, logical, explicit standards help them feel more comfortable in the job. A lot of ambiguity and inconsistency will make the Director stressed and irritable. They want clarity so that they can be as productive as possible, without having to expend a lot of energy on guesswork or dealing with people’s emotional sensitivities.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Military Officer, Business Administrator, Manager, Police/Detective Work, Judge, Financial Officer, Teacher, Sales Representative, Government Worker, Insurance Agent, Underwriter, Nursing Administrator, Trade and Technical Teachers, Chef, Budget Analyst, Lawyer, Administrator, Executive, Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer, School Principal, Engineer.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
A willingness to follow the complete branding plan.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Director is not afraid to work hard to achieve their goals and take care of their community. While others might procrastinate or complain about being dealt a bad hand, they take total responsibility for their situation. They believe if they want something all they have to do is structure their time and put in the effort to get it. Their determination and steadfastness is impressive.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"So, I am a realistic judgmental b**ch am I?"
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Achiever!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I understand that you are a high achiever, get ess, aitch, one tee done and, overall, are a positive influence for order in the community. Please just try not to be so dogmatic and have such a closed mind".
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Everything has an order in nature and without it, everything collapses."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"High level. The need to provide is often taken advantage of which causes trouble trusting people in the future."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are like the wind changing direction, they seek friendship by interest,
they are reliant on other’s approval to validate their self-worth, they are not accountable and they easily betray
a commitment.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
2. Can it be the Developer - ENTJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Developer likes completed to-do lists. Libraries full of philosophical books. Achievement. These are all things that
give their life meaning and purpose. They are someone who balances a deep desire for philosophical understanding with a
determination to accomplish great things. They are productive, no-nonsense and also deeply insightful.
Their Disc Zone™ is being in a place that is always pushing them forward, either towards personal growth or financial
or business success.
They feel best when making progress towards a long-term plan or gaining a deeper understanding of the meaning of
the universe.
Stereotype A: Whatever the ladder is, they are climbing it.
Stereotype B: Cold-Hearted tyrants who tramples the weak and frail on their way to success and riches.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Ambitious, visionary individual who wants to achieve goals and make lasting changes in the world.
Surprising Characteristic: Actually genuinely interested in how people are doing and what is going on with them.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Determined Aura Zone™. Skilled in planning / mobilizing. The Developer leads by developing strategies and motivating people to accomplish what is needed to achieve far-reaching goals. They can break down large, complex programs into coordinated, smooth-running systems by placing people and resources in the right positions to get the job done. They are typically visionary and insightful, have a bully boy attitude, predicting roadblocks and circumventing them through quick, deliberate action. They feel a need to take charge of ineffective situations and improve them for the good of all. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Strategist Mobilizers”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Challenge and Intellectual Stimulation:
The Developer is inspired in the workplace by independence, variety and creative challenges. They crave a career that will challenge their mind and intellectual curiosity. Working with complex and difficult problems does not overwhelm a Developer, it excites them! They want to advance their workplace by implementing visionary strategies. Setting and meeting goals, competing with other people or businesses and taking charge are all things that keep up the motivation. The Developer enjoys a career that will introduce them to a variety of people and situations and might involve overseas travel. More than anything, they want the freedom to change things, make systems more effective and propel a business towards higher output and effectiveness.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Business Executive, CEO, Organisation Founder, Business Administrator, Manager, Entrepreneur, Judge, Lawyer, Attorney, Computer Consultant, University Professor, Politician, Credit Investigator, Labour Relations Worker, Marketing Department Manager, Mortgage broker, Systems Analyst, Scientist, Executive, Project Manager, Stockbroker, Venture Capitalist, Business Consultant, Surgeon, Information and Design Architect, Networking Specialist.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Involvement in developing a new branding plan.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Developer has a visionary outlook on life and their logical, decisive mindset makes them a strong leader. While others might ruminate over decisions or play it safe, they are able to make quick, strategic moves to achieve their goals. They do not want a routine or "comfortable" existence. They are willing to put the hard work in to get a long-term, rewarding outcome. Their ambition and intellectual bravery are just a couple of the things that people admire.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Yes queen, this is totally me, such a leader haha".
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Perfectionist!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I greatly respect you for your ability to point out obvious flaws like Gordon Ramsay does when he goes through a restaurant on Kitchen Nightmares. Overall, you are very driven and smart, although you are also extremely rough and unfiltered."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
" If you do not like the world you live in, then change it."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Middle to low. Has trust issues because they are rather guarded individuals."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Neutral level - level 3 of 5 levels. They are inconsistent. Their level of trustworthyness depends on too many
factors. Can vary from Ultra high to Very Low.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 6. Always tries to sabotage you, or make things harder for you.
But always has an excuse for everything.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Assess each person individually before making your decision. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
3. Can it be the Results - ESTP?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Results likes adventure, challenge, luxury and sensation. They are someone who knows how to roll up their
sleeves and do hard work while also thoroughly enjoying the fruits of their labour. The Results Disc Zone™
zone is in the raw, real world of experience and earthy pleasures.
They enjoy pushing themselves physically, whether that is through training for a triathlon or white-water rafting.
They also enjoy the finer things in life – the taste of a decadent meal feels like a fine reward after a day
of physical or mental labour. They thrive on a challenge – something that reminds them of what it is like
to be fully alive in a physical sense. Whether they are mastering a game of poker or rock-climbing at the
Red River Gorge, they enjoy pushing to experience more of what life is all about.
Stereotype A: Must always be active.
Stereotype B: Disloyal adrenaline-junkie who has no self-control and are always looking for sex or a fight.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Extremely realistic, rational individual who craves opportunities to act quickly and cleverly in the moment.
Surprising Characteristic: Can make a plan and make it work quite well.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Determined Aura Zone™. Skilled in execution. The Results has quick tactical responses to immediate crises and problems. They believe in motivating and actively pursuing goals so that they can be achieved quickly and without wasted effort. They are highly attentive and use all the resources in their environment to circumvent obstacles and get fast results. They are typically friendly and influential, leading by taking action and being an example. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Promoter Executor”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Action and Spontaneity:
The Results is excited in a career that involves spontaneity, action and variety. They want to solve problems on-the-spot and make an immediate improvement in the world around them. Rather than the humdrum 9-5 office job, they crave something that makes use of their tactical abilities. Whether a firefighter or a detective, they enjoy responding to immediate problems without a lot of rules or restrictions. They also need some free time after completing assignments to interact with friends and take a breather. Jobs that introduce them to new experiences and situations excite them! For this reason, opportunities for travel tend are often high on the list.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Sales Representative, Marketer, Police, Detective, Paramedic, Medical Technician, Computer Technician, Computer Technical Support, Entrepreneur, Comedian, Agent, Firefighter, Military, Auditor, Carpenter, Craft Worker, Farmer, Laborer, Service Workers, Transportation Operative, Pilot, Stockbroker, Investigator, Investor, Entrepreneur, Performer, Engineer, Marine Biologist, Personal Trainer, Professional Athlete.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Tracking and overwhelming the competition.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Results jumps courageously into action when a problem presents itself, rather than panic or theorise about possibilities. They jump bravely into action. No matter the danger, they welcome it with alertness and resolve, ready for any surprise life might bring. They are the one who people call when they need a solution in a make-or-break situation. Their dauntlessness and quick reflexes make them a force to be reckoned with.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Man, even my description smells healthy and sexy".
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Objective Thinker!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"You are the fun adventure guy who is actually not as dumb as a box of rocks."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Step out of your comfort zone and actually start living."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. Has zero moral principles."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are like the wind changing direction, they seek friendship by interest,
they are reliant on other’s approval to validate their self-worth, they are not accountable and they easily betray
a commitment.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
4. Can it be the Inspirational - ENTP?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Inspirational loves innovation, risk, new cultures and new entrepreneurial challenges. Their Disc Zone™ is unique
in that it almost defies the concept of 'comfort'. They are most at ease in the world of new ideas. Their mind finds
satisfaction in mental gymnastics, creativity and imagination. Without a problem to solve, a mental challenge to overcome
or a path in front that leads to unknown adventure, they feel stagnant and bored.
The Inspirational's Disc Zone™ is one of constant questioning, curiosity and novelty.
Yet sometimes at the end of the day they crave familiarity, a favourite meal or a favourite book to read before bed.
Stereotype A: Likes to debate with people and play the devil's advocate.
Stereotype B: Directionless, hyperactive type who lives to troll.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Innovative, logical thinker who lives to see their visions realized.
Surprising Characteristic: Does not like to back people into corners or decisions.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Determined Aura Zone™. Skilled at innovating. The Inspirational is the only thinking type in te 'Engaging Aura Zone™', so their energy will be more direct and focused on logic over relationships. They discover new ways of seeing the world and enjoy creating outside-the-box strategies with others. They ask questions, challenge tradition and get people to open their minds to unconventional ways of thinking. They enjoy emerging interactions that evolve and transform and bring out new information and solutions. They love working on ideas with people, debating theories and getting everyone excited and motivated towards a future vision. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Explorer Inventor”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Energy and Innovation:
The Inspirational thrives in a career that is fast-paced, varied and creative. Being in an energetic environment with an innovative team makes them come alive! They enjoy coming up with creative solutions to problems, improvising and generating new and innovative ideas and possibilities. More than anything, they do not want a job that confines them to a rigid routine and a repetitive set of tasks. You want to be able to be spontaneous and react to new information and ideas on the spot, coming up with creative strategies and brainstorming novel approaches. It is also important for the Inspirational to be able to increase their professional and personal impact and interact with a wide variety of ambitious and creative people.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Entrepreneur, Lawyer, Psychologist, Photographer, Consultant, Sales Representative, Actor, Engineer, Scientist, Inventor, Marketers, Computer Programmer, Comedian, Computer Analyst, Credit Investigator, Psychiatrist, Public Relations, Designer, Writer, Artist, Musician, Politician, Inventor, Journalist, Producer, Radio/TV Talk Show Host, Internet Marketer, Director, Strategic Planner, Detective, Investment Banker.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Convincing anyone that your brand is what they need.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Inspirational wants a life full of innovation and possibility. While other types might shy away from risks, they are willing to face them if it means that a higher reward is possible. They are good at weighing the pros and cons and thinking outside the box to find unconventional solutions. Because they are okay with getting out of their comfort zone, they bring the world possibilities and theories that are transformational.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Ah, this whole thing is bulltish. I see myself as cuddly".
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Enhancer!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"How is it that you are always relaxing in the strangest poses ever?"
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"There is no useless information, it may come in handy one day."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. Sometimes consciously train their manipulative abilities. They are not as good at it as they think they are and you can see right through it. But even seeing through it does not exactly instill confidence regarding their general character."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Ultra low level - level 5 of 5 levels. They are conniving and untrustworthy. The absolute bottom of the stack and
absolutely foul in this regard. Watch out as they are very sneaky.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 1. Disguises insults a jokes.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct; you are insane to even contemplate trusting an Inspirational. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
5. Can it be the Persuader - ENFJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Persuader likes late-night philosophical conversations. Warm hugs. Motivational books. The Disc Zone™ is all about
understanding the meaning of life and connecting with others. They enjoy deep conversations around a bonfire on a crisp
autumn night. They get a thrill from an unexpected phone call from a friend who needs them. Inspirational quotes and
motivational videos get their heart pumping.
Whether they are de-coding someone’s personality type or talking about career goals, the Disc Zone™ is all about
finding meaning and purpose with other people.
Stereotype A: Will give good motivational speeches. Also very sensitive to accidentally hurting someone's feelings.
Stereotype B: Phony, emotional busybody who cannot think rationally to save their lives.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Highly-rational peacemaker who helps unify people towards common goals.
Surprising Characteristic: Can be very stubborn and / or adamant about things.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Engaging Aura Zone™. Skilled in mentoring. The Persuader is highly motivated to lead people to their potential. They have insight into gifts and talents that other people do not see. As the only feeling pattern in the Determined Aura Zone™, they exude warmth and are driven to give people a meaningful vision of what to work towards. They know how to empathize and connect with others and their own authenticity inspires people to trust them and follow their lead. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Envisioner Mentor”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Inspiration and Teamwork:
The Persuader derives job satisfaction by getting three things: Variety, Creativity and Teamwork. They thrive when they are able to develop creative solutions to problems that people face. Whether they are counseling, inspiring or comforting they want their work to benefit others in some way. The Persuader also craves exposure to new ideas, challenges and perspectives. Juggling several projects at once is exciting as long as their is a supportive team on side and a sense of order and control. They want to feel like they are being a catalyst and improving the world, one person at a time. Regular feedback also helps them feel reassured that they are on the right track.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Teacher, Consultant, Psychiatrist, Social Worker, Clergy, Sales Representative, Human Resources, Events Coordinator, Politician, Political Activist, Diplomat, Writer, Actor, Designer, Musician, Religious Worker, Writer, Public Relations, Journalist, Life Coach, Guidance Counselor, Teacher, Sociologist, Holistic Health Practitioner, Eco-tourism specialist, Travel Consultant.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Developing brand partnerships.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Persuader steps in bravely and ventures into to dark and uncertain territory while many people shy away from the overwhelming and complex emotions of others. They strive to make everyone believe in their potential, no matter how lost and insecure they may feel inside. They provide emotional support and facilitate growth. Their empathy in the presence of turbulent emotions is inspiring and heroic.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Oh, this sounds accurate with my enneagram, horoscope and chakra test results!"
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Agent!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I think that you would make a great counsellor and advisor, but please do not take over others' lives".
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"For unconditional love, set the conditions beforehand."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. So fake their fake self is their true self. They do not have an honest bone in their body and they often do not even know the truth privately themselves. The truth is whatever is convenient to state. Completely obvious that they are the conflict relation to the Enhancer It is like the Icky form of manipulation which is lying about emotion (the Devil) whereas the Non-Icky (pointing out or not pointing out things in order to produce a certain effect) is the method of the Enhancer."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are are renowned for embellishing, manipulating and lying.
But they can also charm the leg off a table. Be careful.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 4. Words and actions do not match. The serial hypocrite.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
6. Can it be the Appraiser - ESFJ
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Appraiser likes having friends over for game night or relaxing in bed with a favourite book, their Disc Zone™ is
all about routine, connection and physical relaxation. They notice the details that give life a sense of stability and
They care for people’s physical needs and enjoy hearing them share their deepest thoughts and feelings. They savour
learning about people – why they are the way they are, what they like or dislike. Being part of a community is important
to them. They value having a local church, career or hobby group full of people who share their values.
The Disc Zone™ is about having loyal confidantes, pleasant rituals and a stable and dependable life.
Stereotype A: Gets really anxious taking care of people.
Stereotype B: Busybody who only cares about gossiping and hugging.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: No-nonsense organizer who is highly empathetic and detail-oriented.
Surprising Characteristic: Absolutely excels at scathing remarks.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Engaging Aura Zone™. Skilled at facilitating. The Appraiser is skilled at managing logistical details and ensuring everyone’s needs are met. They work to make projects manageable and easy for others to understand. They often take the role of mentor because of their patience, attention to detail and enthusiasm. They know how to bring a variety of people together to accomplish a goal and they are skilled at generating an atmosphere of comfort, well-being and security. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Facilitator Caretaker”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Clarity and Compassion:
The Appraiser craves a job that will allow them to make a real difference in the lives of people and communities. A friendly atmosphere, clear expectations and a sense of structure help them feel comfortable and at home. They are able to do their best work when they know that they are providing a practical service to people and improving their quality of life. The Appraiser also feels at their best when they know specifically what is expected, are given regular feedback and have opportunities to interact with co-workers in an authentic, friendly manner.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Home Economics, Nursing, Teaching, Administrator, Child Care, Family Practice Physician, Clergy, Office Manager, Sports Coach, Counselors, Social Workers, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Secretary, Organisation Leader, Dental Assistant, Radiological Technologist, Receptionist, Religious Educator, Speech pathologist, Teacher, Health Care Administrator, Volunteer Coordinator, Wilderness Adventure Leader, Veterinarian, Credit Counselor, Travel Consultant, Chef.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Planning brand outreach events.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Appraiser courageously takes on the needs and cares of the people they love while many other patterns shy away from such commitments and responsibilities. They combine a no-nonsense outlook on life with a deeply compassionate sense of purpose. They reach out to people who are struggling and hurting and provide practical, realistic solutions and help. Their steadiness and compassion in a chaotic world is exceptional.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Oh my! I had better make the spouse take the test to see if we are compatible!"
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Specialist!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I think that you are really friendly, although maybe a little bit too much".
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Just kindness can make someone's day the best."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. Similar to the Persuader in terms of being willing to be fake, but they are not smart enough to do it covertly. They are fake and if you are not brain dead, you can tell that they are fake."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Neutral level - level 3 of 5 levels. They are inconsistent. Their level of trustworthyness depends on too many
factors. Can vary from Ultra high to Very Low.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 5. Puts seeds of doubt in you, disguised as something else,
such as concern for you.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Assess each person individually before making your decision. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? MAYBE.
7. Can it be the Promoter - ENFP?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Promoter likes vacations, inspiration boards and brainstorming sessions. These are the kinds of things that
draws the Promoter in and offers a pleasant respite from a high-demand life. While some people get into their
Disc Zone™ by repeating the same things over and over again, the Promoter finds comfort by trying new things and
going to new places.
That said, at the end of all the adventures and experiences they enjoy coming home to
their own soft, warm bed, a trusted friend or partner and your familiar books and keepsakes scattered around your home.
Stereotype A: Rambles a lot.
Stereotype B: Flighty, hyperactive flirt who cannot follow through on anything.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Deep, abstract thinker who yearns for personal growth.
Surprising Characteristic: Takes things a lot less personally than you think. Fans of honesty over placating.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Engaging Aura Zone™. Skilled at envisioning and inspiring. The Promoter seems to know exactly what will motivate the people around them and how to propel them towards a goal. They connect with people in brilliant ways, often accurately perceiving their intentions and motivations. They tend to have a contagious enthusiasm and upbeat energy that gets people excited about the future. They enjoy brainstorming options, hypothesizing new scenarios and networking to get a variety of perspectives. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Discoverer Advocate”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Creativity and Flexibility:
The Promoter craves diversity, fun and flexibility in a career. Driven by creative inspiration they see possibilities and potential everywhere that is worth exploring. They can be quite determined and motivated when pursuing a project that has personal meaning. Jobs that allow them to inspire people, challenge them or impact them in a positive way attracts the Promoter. This is why many people of this pattern are drawn towards careers in the arts, counseling and teaching. That said, they do not want a job that is highly structured or repetitive. They want to juggle several projects at once and work at their own pace and schedule with a lot of freedom to be spontaneous and gain a reputation as a poor finisher. Ideally, they prefer a career that is conducted in a friendly, relaxed environment with lots of brainstorming sessions and collaborative opportunities.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Actor, Journalist, Writer, Musician, Painter, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Teacher, Politician, Television Reporter, Marketer, Political Activist, Sales Representative, Artist, Clergy, Public Relations, Social Scientist, Social Workers, Activist, Blogger, Special Education Teacher, Counselor, Entrepreneur, Performer, Writer, Travel Consultant.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Serving as a brand evangelist/spokesperson.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Promoter would rather live life with a bit of excitement and adventure compared with some patterns who choose a steady, secure existence. Because of their ability to see countless possibilities they are not satisfied unless they have explored as many as possible. They defy the norm and face risks with courage, whether that involves starting thei own business, travelling around the world or risking it all to be a digital nomad. They pursue freedom over the safer route of a structured, ordered existence. To them, feeling alive means braving uncertainty and proving to yourself that you can do it on your own.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Hahaha, that’s so me. Omg! How?"
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Investigator!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I think that you should decorate my house, but would you ever finish?"
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Explore everything while you can."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. Will have been hurt multiple times because of their warm hearts - this will often cause them to have trust issues and might make them a bit more hesitant the next time."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are like the wind changing direction, they seek friendship by interest,
they are reliant on other’s approval to validate their self-worth, they are not accountable and they easily betray
a commitment. To loan them something is to be treated as a donation.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
8. Can it be the Counselor - ESFP
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Counselor is not afraid of a challenge; is someone who finds a way to create a Disc Zone™ wherever they go.
They are adaptable, spontaneous and quick. Aircraft, motorbikes, roller coasters, starting your own business –
these are all things that make an Agent's heart race and gives a sense of fulfillment.
They like taking chances and exploring new experiences and cultures. Whether this means travelling to a
place they have never been or stepping out into the world of entrepreneurship, they are comfortable when
pushing to do something new.
Stereotype A: Loves to party.
Stereotype B: Airheaded party-animal and shallow spotlight-seeker.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Extremely realistic, conscientious individual who believes in finding joy in every moment.
Surprising Characteristic: Really needs time for themselves, more than others think.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Engaging Aura Zone™. Skilled at motivating. The Counselor has gregarious, enthusiastic energy that draws people in and creates buzz and excitement. They show people new experiences and enjoyment and strive to make each moment count. They are often talented at teaching by example and using real-life demonstrations to instruct. They go to great lengths to inspire people to get what they want and to achieve more in a short amount of time. They are typically quick thinkers who react calmly in make-or-break situations. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Motivator Presenter”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Passion and Variety:
The Counselor likes to make an impact, so a job that harnesses creativity, passion and cleverness is ideal. Whether they are rapidly assessing someone’s injury in an emergency room or acting on stage, they enjoy responding to their environment and dealing with the unexpected. A lot of routine and predictability will make them bored and listless. They also crave a job that lets them work with friends and gives them a variety of new activities. Bonus points if those careers utilise their natural aesthetic sense or realistic point of view.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Actor, Painter, Comedian, Sales Representative, Teacher, Counselors, Social Workers, Child Care, Fashion Designer, Interior Decorators, Photographer, Musician, Human Resources Manager, Clerical Supervisor, Factory Supervisor, Food Service Worker, Receptionist, Recreation Worker, Religious Educator, Respiratory Therapist, Sports Coach, Surgeon, Emergency Room Nurse, Art therapist, Animator, Dancer, Floral Designer, Chef, Environmental Scientist.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Driving excitement around the brand.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Counselor looks life squarely in the face and determines how to make the most of each moment and each resource at their disposal. They are a self-identified realist, but that does not keep them from optimistically taking risks and embarking on an adventure. Whether they are hang-gliding over the ocean or starting their own business, they believe life is to be grasped and tasted fully. Their enthusiastic, daring spirit is an inspiration to others.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Haha, yeah I love having fun. Do I have to read it all?" *Does not read any more*.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Practitioner!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"Until you have developed introverted sensing, I see you as an hedonistic idiot who will wake up one day wondering where your life has gone. If you develop this cognitive function, you will be pretty cool."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Time does not stop, enjoy the moment."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Middle. Does not have trouble trusting people. Takes everything on a case by case basis."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are like the wind changing direction, they seek friendship by interest,
they are reliant on other’s approval to validate their self-worth, they are not accountable and they easily betray
a commitment.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
9. Can it be the Specialist - ISFP
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Specialist likes the sand beneath the toes at the beach, a luxurious sip of their favourite coffee, the gratification
they get after purchasing a flight to somewhere new. The Disc Zone™ means being in touch with the natural world and in
alignment with their convictions. The Specialist wants a life that does not tie them to anyone else’s wishes or demands.
They enjoy creation – whether that is creating art, music or a delicious meal.
They especially enjoy being creative when in quiet surroundings that allows delving into their thoughts and feelings.
The Disc Zone™ is also one of peace, stillness and beauty. Whether at an art museum, watching your favourite Netflix show or
gazing at the stars in the backyard, they enjoy the comfort of being in the natural world but also at rest with their own
thoughts and feelings.
Stereotype A: Cares about people a lot. Also into fashion.
Stereotype B: Shy, weepy emo-type (overly sensitive or emotional) with impeccable fashion sense.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Determined, adaptable individual who wants to fight for good and stifle any form of hypocrisy within themselves.
Surprising Characteristic: Are 'Sinnamon rolls' to the max. (Small innocent-seeming person that is actually not pure at all.)
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Open Aura Zone™. Skilled in creation. The Specialist is introspective and creative. They want to integrate resources, information and materials into a composition that means something to them. They are creators of everything from music to food, stories to artwork and more. They need freedom and variety and aim to make an impact by integrating values and perspectives from a variety of different worlds. They have a colorful yet tranquil style. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Composer Producer”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Personal Meaning and Growth:
The Specialist key requirement is that the most important aspect of a job is how well it applies to their values and personal goals. They want to feel that they are working towards something they care deeply about. They enjoy work that requires attention to detail and uses their natural aesthetic sense. Whether the Specialist is creating art, cooking a meal or designing a computer program, they put a lot of thei unique style into what they do. It is also important for them to do a job that helps them experience inner growth and advancement. They want to feel like they are learning more about themselves and becoming a better person each day. A quietly cheerful setting is also a bonus.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Refining the look and feel of the branding collateral.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Artist, Musician, Composer, Designer, Child Care Worker, Social Workers, Counselor, Teacher, Veterinarian, Forest Ranger, Bookkeeper, Carpenter, Personal Service Worker, Clerical Supervisor, Secretary, Dental and Medical Staffer, Waiter, Chef, Nurse, Mechanic, Physical Therapist, X-Ray Technician, Entrepreneur, Pediatrician, Recreational Therapist, Botanist, Zoologist, Crisis Hotline Operator, Athletic Coach.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Specialist may look soft-spoken and easy-going on the outside, but inside they have a steely determination that is just waiting to be awakened. If someone hurts a loved one or tries to pressure them into a pre-ordained mold they will quickly show that their resolve is impenetrable. Their dedication to personal ethics and their pure authenticity make them stand out from the crowd.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Oh wow! I feel so understood. By some website."
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Appraiser!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I do not know why, but you seem to make weird noises every now and then. You are quite unique; strange."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"It is okay to give in for love, stop being so proud."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"High. Tend not to be too good at keeping a lid on things which bother them and so have a distinct lack of the ability to be fake. You sort of know how they feel about you and how they feel about stuff in general if you are remotely observant, essentially.
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are like the wind changing direction, they seek friendship by interest,
they are reliant on other’s approval to validate their self-worth, they are not accountable and they easily betray
a commitment.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
10. Can it be the Investigator - INFJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Investigator likes a weekend alone with no plans, books waiting to be read, quiet nights alone under the stars.
Their Disc Zone™ is all about peace, stillness and a sense of purpose and meaning. They enjoy wandering the pages of
a good book or discussing the meaning of life with their closest friend.
The Investigator likes quiet time alone where they can imagine the future and contemplate goals or vision.
They are always looking forward – what will the world look like in ten years? How can they achieve a specific
new idea? What is the future of a particular relationship? Life is about moving forward, envisioning possibilities
and taking care of the people they love. Time spent in a cozy room daydreaming, imagining and planning for the
future is where they feel the most alive.
Stereotype A: Will stare into your soul to find your essence.
Stereotype B: Hyper-sensitive snowflake who must be special.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Future-focused visionary who wants unity with others.
Surprising Characteristic: Incredible goofballs that love to have fun.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Open Aura Zone™. Skilled in foresight. The Investigator has a gift for predicting and strategizing, foreseeing specific outcomes and how to attain them. They are typically the warmest of the Focussed Aura Zone™, focussing on developing and guiding individuals toward their potential. They help people stay on track by encouraging them, counseling them and seeing and promoting their strengths. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Foreseer Developer”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Originality and Personal Meaning:
The Investigator craves a career that is filled with meaning, creativity and independence. Mundane repetitive will stifle their imagination, so working with a variety of ideas and creative projects keeps them excited. A friendly, tension-free environment is also essential – being in highly competitive workplaces can feel overwhelming. More than anything, it is vital that their career lines up with personal values and that they are able to have professional integrity. This is why many Investigators are drawn towards careers in the arts, religion or psychology. Being able to work creatively to understand or inspire others or create something new is something that fulfills their deeper desires.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Counselor, Clergy, Missionary, Teacher, Doctor, Dentist, Chiropractor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Writer, Musician, Artist, Psychic, Photographer, Child Care Worker, Education Consultant, Librarian, Marketer, Political Activist, Scientists, Social Worker, Crisis Hotline Operator, Philanthropic Consultant, Human Resources, Life Coach.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Developing accurate customer segmentation models.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Investigator looks beneath the surface and try to find out the underlying meaning of everything in a world full of people who obsess over material things. They ask those scary existential questions that can make normal folks squirm. They look uncertainty in the face and ask, “What are you? What do you symbolize? Where is the world headed?” They look past surface-level amusements so that they can understand the big picture of life.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"So. I am an emotional wreck. Got it."
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Promoter!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"Basically, yet somewhat surprisingly, you are the knight in shining armour who leads the world to virtue. But please do not classify your opinions as facts."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Everyone deserves love; show them before they do not deserve it anymore."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. Do not really know where you are standing with them sometimes. Often have their own private narratives in their head of which you are the unwitting participant and on which they judge you. You do not even know is happening. It can feel as if everything is great for 5 years and then you get handed the Eviction Notice, aka their famous Door Slam. It would save more trouble to both themselves and other people if they would just talk about the things that are bothering them. Also how they see things. Because this they can be very, very, very off and tend to lack the reality check. This is not as much lying as concealing, but it has a similar effect.
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Ultra High level - level 1 of 5 levels. They possess the highest sense of loyalty through friendship.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 3. May say they want the best for you, but then work against you.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? YES.
11. Can it be the Agent - INFP?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Agent's Disc Zone™ zone lies in between the fantasy world of imagination and the real world of experience
and meaningful rituals. Their room is likely to be filled with favourite books, childhood keepsakes, artwork and
favourite scented candles. The Agent enjoys re-visiting favourite stories, songs, movies or places loved.
But they also enjoy the mental escape of fantastical worlds. They thrive on imagining a future that is filled
with depth, romance, beauty and wonder. Their Disc Zone™ is both in the familiar nooks of your home and in the
endless landscape of your mind.
Stereotype A: Somewhere far, far away in their own little world.
Stereotype B: Emotional crybaby who avoids logical thought like the plague.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Value-oriented individual who prizes integrity and authenticity.
Surprising Characteristic: Could easily level you with a one placed verbal blow and argue you into the ground.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Open Aura Zone™. Skilled in clarifying values. The Agent takes individuals and organisations to the heart of who they are and what they stand for. They are often the moral backbone of an organisation or family, unifying and harmonizing divergent values and respecting individuality. They keep people focussed on what really matters in the long run. They are gifted at guiding others with gentle affirmation, imagination and encouragement. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Harmonizer Clarifier”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Integrity and Imagination:
The Agent is motivated by creativity, originality and integrity. It is essential that what they are doing feels important to them. They want to look back on their life and see a career that meant something to themselves or the world and was not simply a meaningless race to get to your next pay packet. They want to express their vision through their work and they crave time to develop ingenious ideas and creative solutions. A quiet place to work, a friendly, caring environment and an atmosphere of creativity and vision will make them feel at home.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Developing pro-social corporate norms consistent with the branding.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Writer, Artist, Counselor, Social Worker, English Teacher, Fine Arts Teachers, Child Care Worker, Clergy, Missionary, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Scientist, Political Activist, Editor, Education Consultant, Journalist, Religious Educator, Social Scientist, Musician, Arts Therapist, Human Resources Worker, Educational Software Developer.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Agent is courageous because they stick to what they believe in while in a world that consistently pressures them to “be like everyone else” and conform. They have a steadfast commitment to their moral code and they will stand up to anyone who opposes it. Even when pressure is mounting and the group tries to persuade them to go against their conscience, they hold on to what they believe as strongly as they can.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Agent? This is not accurate at all..."
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Persuader!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I see you a shy person who is caring and quietly firm in your beliefs. You would seriously benefit from getting off your ass every now and again to see if you can add some value".
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"If you do not like the world you see, create one no one but you can see."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Most (With Practitioner). Will guard themselves for a while before deciding if they can trust someone. Easy to get taken advantage of though.
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Ultra High level - level 1 of 5 levels. They possess the highest sense of loyalty through friendship.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? YES.
12. Can it be the Achiever - ISTP?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Achiever likes the open road and their favourite song on the radio. Throwing darts or knives. A new video game.
The Disc Zone™ comes from testing themselves and their mental capacity. They enjoy solving brain-teasers, learning new
skills and pushing physical limits. They want to understand how the world works and sometimes that means reading
encyclopedias while at other times it might mean taking apart a car engine and putting it back together.
The Disc Zone™ is also about space. Space between the Achiever and the expectations of others. It is about
opportunity to appease your curiosity and expand your understanding of the world.
The Disc Zone™ could be in a vehicle, workshop or at the office. It is any place where you can embrace
their own space and pursue their own interests without interruptions or demands.
Stereotype A: Sport and hobbies are their thing and they are very good at them.
Stereotype B: Mechanics, plumbers and motorcycle racer who can fix literally anything while maintaining a cool, stoic expression.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Highly analytical, clever individual who is good at staying objective and troubleshooting in a crisis.
Surprising Characteristic: Takes their loyalties extremely seriously.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Open Aura Zone™. Skilled in tactics. The Achiever is needed in an immediate crisis when a quick, smart solution is essential. They can solve problems rapidly without getting panicky. They use their focussed energy to find resources, tools and materials to circumvent problems and improve situations. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Analyzer Operator”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Flexibility and Competition:
The Achiever has autonomy, challenge and action draw them to a particular career. They want a job that lets them apply their understanding of technical knowledge to current problems and dilemmas. They like fixing things and finding resources to create unexpected solutions. Being able to move around and get outdoors is also a bonus as sitting at a desk from 9-5 drains them. Competitions, prizes and opportunities for travel also tend to get them invigorated and focussed. Being able to move, respond to situations as they arise and be flexible is ideal. Independence is also essential. The Achiever wants to be able to create plans and come up with solutions without having to worry about a lot of micro-management or rules.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Finding unique ways to apply branding to new situations.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Police, Detective, Forensic Pathologist, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Computer Specialist, Engineer, Carpenter, Mechanic, Pilot, Driver, Athlete, Entrepreneur, Firefighter, Paramedic, Construction Worker, Dental Hygienist, Electrical Engineer, Farmer, Military, Probation Officer, Steelworker, Transportation Operative, Race Car Driver, Missing Persons Investigator, Software Developer, Computer programmer, Geologist, Paramedic, Coach, Flight Engineer, Audiovisual Specialist.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Achiever's ability to keep their cool in high-pressure situations is astounding to many other patterns. While others might panic in crisis scenarios, they hardly break into a sweat as they look at the facts, analyze a problem and find a fast, workable solution. They are practical, realistic and resourceful. Their ability to calm the storm in their mind and troubleshoot in the midst of chaos makes them a highly valued ally.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Oh yes, I am free but hate it when others are free; they had better not bother me."
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Director!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"Although you have just provided me with ample reasoning why your drug use is positive and that I should join you, there is no way that I want to do any drugs with you."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Always be prepared and never lose a chance."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Middle. Does not trust most people simply because of skeptical attitude. Hesitant to trust anyone.
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very low level - level 4 of 5 levels. They are like the wind changing direction, they seek friendship by interest,
they are reliant on other’s approval to validate their self-worth, they are not accountable and they easily betray
a commitment.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 2. Will never take accountability but has no problem always blaming you or others.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
13. Can it be the Practitioner - ISFJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Practitioner likes cozy sweaters, meaningful one-on-one conversations and quiet libraries. Their Disc Zone™ is all
about familiarity, tranquility and harmony. They want to know that their loved ones are safe and happy and that they
have a long stretch of time before them to fill with favourite activities. Whether it is reading a book or sipping tea
while gazing at a sunset, the Practitioner knows how to embrace those little details that make life beautiful.
They are in tune with their body, nature and the feelings of the people around them. Keeping all three of these
facets of their life in harmony is vital.
Stereotype A: Will bake you cookies and their hair is perfect.
Stereotype B: Boring traditionalist who lives to serve. Are boring because they lack common sense and theory of mind. They cannot see other people's points of view. Come across to logical intuitive types as really stubborn and dull.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Thoughtful, detail-oriented individual with a profound knowledge of the past and how it affects the future.
Surprising Characteristic: Possesses a rich and complex inner life that goes way beyond the smiles and nods they give on the outside.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Focussed Aura Zone™. Skilled in supporting. The Practitioner notices what people need and alerts them to precautions they should take. They absorb details like a sponge, often going the extra 1.60934 kilometre to make sure that their loved ones are safe and protected. They are deeply loyal to their friends and use common sense and consistent support to motivate and encourage. They protect valued traditions and remind people of what “home” really means. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Protector Supporter”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Stability and Personal Meaning:
The Practitioner wants a job that allows them to either express compassion or else coincides with your deeply-held interests. As a detail-oriented, meticulous type, they thrive in careers where they are given their own private space to focus intently on what they are doing. A lot of noise and commotion will make them stressed and exhausted at the end of the day. That said, working one-on-one with people can be really energising, especially if they are able to help them improve their life. The Practitioner may enjoy coaching students who have special needs or they might get a thrill from the quiet, homey nature of a library. Whatever the career, they appreciate having clear objectives and expectations and regular feedback so that they know they are on the right track.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Interior Decorator, Designer, Nurse, Administrator, Secretary, Child Care/Early Childhood Development, Social Work, Counselor, Paralegal, Clergy, Shopkeeper, Bookkeeper, Gardener, Clerical supervisor, Curator, Family Practice Physicians, Health Service Worker, Librarian, Medical Technologists, Typist. Family physician, Teacher, Optician, Veterinarian, Genealogist, Religious Educator, Writer, Organic Farmer, Floral Designer, Artist, Photographer. (Nothing that involves leadership).
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Knowing what has made customers happy in the past.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Practitioner can become surprisingly formidable in defence of their loved ones despite at first glance might seem to be soft-spoken and gentle. They believe in protecting the welfare of others, whether that is through working at a homeless shelter or standing up to a bully. They are not afraid to make sacrifices to care for people who are hurting or in need. Their sense of responsibility and steadfast commitment make you a courageous and valued individual provided conflict is not involved.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Oh, that explains why I am always abused."
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Counselor!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I respect your devotion and sacrifice to your loved ones. You are never noisy and inconsiderate of others and you often put their needs above your own. But, for heaven's sake, please just try to be able to take constructive criticism without always being offended and cutting me off."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Enjoy the nature while you can, the world has a lot of beauty."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Most (With Agent). Hurt when giving not appreciated, hesitant to trust others in these cases."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Very High level - level 2 of 5 levels. They possess the very high sense of loyalty by being dutiful through friendship
and being selfless with a strong sense of responsibility.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 3. May say they want the best for you, but then work against you.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? YES.
14. Can it be the Objective Thinker - ISTJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The OT likes order, stability and space as these are vital for their comfort. They enjoy knowing all the bills
are paid, the to-do list is completed and they have a big chunk of time to devote to their hobbies and interests.
They typically have a room filled with favourite books, movies, stories and/or experiments. Each one is
re-visited and then put carefully away where it can easily be reached again.
The OT likes knowing that their life is under control, that they know where to find things and that
they are purposefully working towards the important goals in their life. Chaos, noise and unpredictability
are all things that you like closing the door on when you go into your Disc Zone™.
Stereotype A: The most incredibly steady people you will ever meet in real life.
Stereotype B: Boring rule-follower with no independent thoughts. Can be seen as extremely arrogant and pedantic. They have no tolerance for people who think “outside of the box.” Can persecute those who choose different paths.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Reflective, focussed individual who trusts proven, tested methods.
Surprising Characteristic: Are generally really personable and happy to be around people. Very non-intimidating and interested in making things work for everyone.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Focussed Aura Zone™. Skilled in logistics. The OT has a knack for creating detailed, sequential plans so that a goal can be achieved in an efficient, timely manner. They are good at organising people, delegating and leading in a calm, no-nonsense way. They foresee potential problems and focus their energy on avoiding negative effects. Their well-laid out plans and their quiet, yet confident, nature inspires trust in people. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Planner Inspector”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Dependability and Proficiency:
The OT highly values clarity, security and dependability in a career. It is important for them to feel like you are working with a team of competent, reliable individuals and that everyone is doing their part effectively. They want instructions and guidelines to be clear and you want to have privacy and independence to concentrate on your projects. A lot of noise or ambiguity will leave them stressed and exhausted at the end of the day. Having explicit objectives and goals and being given independence to work towards them in their own way is essential. The OT enjoys organising, planning and effectively completing a task on their own without a lot of outside micro-management.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Business Executive, Administrator, Manager, Accountant, Police, Detective, Judge, Lawyer, Doctor, Dentist, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Computer Specialist, Auditor, Electrician, Mathematics Teacher, Mechanical Engineer, Steelworker, Technician, Pilot, Treasurer, Budget Analyst, Mechanic, Meteorologist, Engineer, Agricultural Scientist, Judge, Veterinarian, Surgeon, Medical Researcher.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Ability to recite the brand's history of successes.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The OT faces what life brings with a steady determination and focus while other patterns back away from a struggle. When they commit to something they are in it for the long haul, refusing to shy away from struggles or roadblocks. They are deeply loyal and they will defend those they are loyal to no matter what difficulties they might face along the way. Quiet integrity and steady responsibility are characteristics that make you courageous and separate from the crowd. Isabel Briggs-Myers said of this pattern that they, “Look on tempests and are never shaken”.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"How is my personality not rare when literally no one around me is responsible and loyal?"
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Results!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"You need to branch out a little bit more and take the occasional risk."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Forget what you felt, remember what you learned."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"High. They just are. They do not know how to bulltish, and they do not get involved in pointless games. With them it is if they say something, it is because that is exactly the way it is."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Neutral level - level 3 of 5 levels. They are inconsistent. Their level of trustworthyness depends on too many
factors. Can vary from Ultra high to Very Low.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 3. May say they want the best for you, but then work against you.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Assess each person individually before making your decision. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? MAYBE.
15. Can it be the Perfectionist - INTP?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Perfectionist's mental landscape is rich and plentiful. Asking questions of themselves and finding the answers,
challenging their mental capabilities, solving problems are all things that entice them.
Typically they find themselves
toying with ideas and theories in your own home – a place where they can be messy, relaxed and surrounded by
favourite things. They enjoy the comfort of favourite books, TV shows and video or board games.
They like the quiet and stillness that comes from shutting the door on the noise and chaos of the outside world.
Stereotype A: Nerds to the max.
Stereotype B: Lazy, socially-awkward individual who cannot finish anything they start.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Determined individual who values theorizing, exploring and understanding.
Surprising Characteristic: Good at engaging people and carrying on conversations when they want to.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Focussed Aura Zone™. Skilled in developing theories. The Perfectionist has an inner focus on logical analysis and precision. They work to create precise, refined systems of categorization, aiming to get to the essence of something by merging theories into a complete picture. They bring clarity to complex situations by sharing new approaches, methods and unconventional perspectives. They cut through denial and present ingenious explanations or conclusions without getting emotionally attached to them. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Designer Theorizer”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Autonomy and Originality:
The Perfectionist needs independence, ingenuity and room for creativity needed in a career. Being able to develop and critique new ideas gives them a rush. They also need plenty of quiet time to complete their thoughts and projects in peace. Busy, highly-structured environments overwhelm the Perfectionist, especially if they have a supervisor looking over their shoulder on a regular basis. Being an idea-person, creating innovative solutions and interacting with a small group of respected friends allows them to be comfortable. Delegating the nitty-gritty detail work while they work on the bigger plans and concepts is also something that is enjoyed.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Physicist, Chemist, Biologist, Photographer, Strategic Planner, Mathematician, University Professor, Computer Programmer, Computer Animator, Technical Writer, Engineer, Lawyer, Forensic Researcher, Writer, Artist, Psychologist, Social Scientist, Systems Analyst, Researcher, Surveyor, Software Developer, Strategic Planner, Cybersecurity Specialist, Microbiologist, Economist, Architect, Intelligence specialist, Astronomer.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Investigating all the scenarios that lead to successful branding.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Perfectionist does not mind complexity and is actually excited by it. While other patterns might shy away from complex problems and scrap an entire project, the Perfectionist does not. The more mind-bending the problem, the more stimulated they are by the new intellectual world they are discovering. They are courageous because they solve problems other people are defeated by. They also worry less about time constraints, social pressures and rules and more about what is true, logical and innovative.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Omg! Finally something that can do the personality analyzing in my place."
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Developer!"
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"I think that there is no doubt that your life would be much better off if you would get off your ass more and get something finished."
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
" Everything has a connection, see the big picture."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"High. Do not have enough interest in the real world or other people as to have an interest in lying. This is where their self-centred or selfish attitude comes in handy, but in a good way."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Neutral level - level 3 of 5 levels. They are inconsistent. Their level of trustworthyness depends on too many
factors. Can vary from Ultra high to Very Low.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 4. Words and actions do not match.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Assess each person individually before making your decision. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? NO.
16. Can it be the Enhancer - INTJ?
In your Disc Zone™ - the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your the situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested:
The Enhancer is someone who is rarely bored because there is always so much to discover intellectually. Their Disc Zone™ is
all about space and time alone to contemplate life’s meaning or move forward in a project or task. They balance being
goal-oriented with being meditative and thoughtful. Whether they are at the office or at home on the couch, they seek the "best"
way to accomplish every task or the truest insight into the meaning of life.
The Enhancer's Disc Zone™ is free from emotional demands, shallow conversation, noise and interruptions.
They feel most at peace when they are able to put every facet of their being into their personal vision for life.
They feel most satisfied when their to-do list is empty and they are engaged in meaningful, independent discovery.
Some people think the Enhancer is extraverted because their extraverted functions are actually very
extroverted. They are introverted because their primary function is introverted. On the spelling:
"Dr. Jung says it's ExtrAverted, because ExtrOverted is just bad Latin."
Has the capacity to emotionally detach from people; the ability to overanalyze without it being overwhelming; is a logical thinker; is loyalty; is 100% comfortable being alone; is not boring and has charisma when they have decided that the other person is not a fool.
Stereotype A: Logical Planners to the max.
Stereotype B: Cold, calculating robot who knows every fact ever.
Stereotype blasted by the Truth: Visionary, imaginative individual who feels things deeply and privately.
Surprising Characteristic: Flirtatious and / or coy as all get out.
In your Aura Zone™ - what you emit - unique aura, energy, vibe:
Focussed Aura Zone™. Skilled in strategy. The Enhancer conceives new ways of thinking about things and can direct others to make progress in turn. They are insightful and original, often seeing underlying meanings or patterns that bypass others. They maximize efficiency and are often called upon when a complex, long-range objective needs to be achieved and planned out. Aura Zone™ Tag: “Conceptualizer Director”.
In your Career Zone™ - what you want in a career is Independence and Creative Control:
The Enhancer craves autonomy, originality and creativity in a career. Whether they are developing groundbreaking software or writing a screenplay, they want something that challenges their imagination, vision and strategic nature. Getting a steady stream of new information and ideas helps them to stay inspired, but they also want peace and quiet to focus on one task at a time. They enjoy having a lot of control over their projects and an atmosphere with few interruptions is essential for that. Finishing what they start and then moving onto another challenging project keeps them going. Getting credit for their originality and execution is also important – being able to get higher pay for a job well done or being able to compete for rewards entices them.
In your Career Zone™ - what job should you do that suits your Disc:
Scientist, Engineer, Professor, Teacher, Doctor, Dentist, Corporate Strategist, organisation Founder, Business Administrator, Manager, Military, Lawyer, Judge, Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, Computer Specialist, Psychologist, Photographer, Research Department Manager, Researcher, University Instructor, Cybersecurity Specialist, Strategic Planner, Environmental Planner, Mathematician, Psychologist, Microbiologist, Writer, Developer, Inventor, Architect.
In your BRAND Zone™ - what affect you would have on your company's brand:
Understanding the big picture and how all the pieces fit together.
In your Courageous Zone™:
The Enhancer ventures beyond the known and the apparent and looks for the underlying meaning behind all things. They are not afraid to question popular beliefs and rules and does not shy away from being the skeptic or the devil’s advocate. They create a long-term strategy for life and move with certainty towards their goals. This confidence is something that many other patterns can only dream of.
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found your Disc pattern out:
"Hmmm. Apparently, my loneliness is not a phase!"
In your OMG Zone™ - when you have just found who you might be compatible with:
"OMG! It's the Inspirational!". Much research indicated that the Promoter is compatible. Oxor has access to a plethora of instances where this is totally not the case.
In your OMG Zone™ - you should expect this type of remark without getting your knickers in a knot:
"You are the best hacker and pattern finder. Could you kindly please not rephrase the question to make yourself correct after I catch you out in a logical error though?"
In your Wisdom Zone™ - others should expect this type of wisdom to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"If you cannot unsee the past possibilities, you will not see the future possibilities."
In your Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be offered by this Disc pattern:
"Low. Can be shady, Machiavellian suckers, not so much in lying in terms of emotion but in terms of sometimes pointing out or not pointing out things in order to produce a certain effect in terms of other people's behaviour. It is like the Non-Icky form of manipulation, while lying about emotions would be the Icky form (which is why the Persuader is The Devil). The Enhancer moves in through life from being naive as a youngster to trusting nothing and no-one without proof."
In THEIR Trust Zone™ - others should expect this type of trust to be an indication of HOW TRUSTWORTHY this Disc pattern really is:
Ultra High level - level 1 of 5 levels. They actually do what they say they are going to do.
Cannot trust profile (6 to choose from): No. 3. May say they want the best for you, but then work against you.
Oxor™ view: Absolutely correct. Test: Would you give them your credit card and PIN? YES.
Machiavellian - Who is most likely?
The most likely are the Rationals - the Enhancer, Developer, Inspirational and Perfectionist.
General Remarks:
To be Machiavellian you probably believe and act like the ends justify the means. This is not an uncommon
sentiment among Rationals. Seen as unsympathetic and cold is also quite common. Rationals in general are
the type that can best understand power and leverage it, judging rationals especially = Enhancer and Developer.
Both seek to have control of their lives and are pretty good at getting it simply because they consciously use methods
others would find distasteful. But their actions serve a purpose. The Enhancer cares very much about how
vulnerable they are, maybe they are more aware of their deficiencies and seek to strengthen, eliminate or hide
those vulnerabilities. The chief vulnerability is emotion.
Rationals seek to control their emotions and the Enhancer and the Investigator types tend to be more self
disciplined than others The Investigator seems to be Machiavellian when taking revenge.
Nothing conveys anger like silence, paired with a practiced Enhancer death stare, only the stupid would
test a person at that point. They also tend to be a vindictive lot - satisfied just plotting revenge,
quite detailed as well and leave true justice in the hands of a higher authority. They are also probably
aware that honesty can be very deceptive if used properly.
Some may well think that lies and manipulation are the 'greatest things ever' but the Enhancer is not above
it if other means fail to attain the desired outcomes, what ever outcomes those might be. If you think
underhanded methods are the only way to get what you want you might just have a very debased morality.
This is the last resort after less diplomatic means have failed, which is fairly rare (depending on skill
and the other persons selfishness). e.g. Augustus Caesar, Vladimir Putin.
Characteristics of Machiavellian Behaviour:
1. Cynical and distrusting.
Machiavellians believe everyone is untrustworthy. They are suspicious by nature. They think the world is a game,
made of up winners and losers. You play the game to win and if someone gets crushed along the way that is just how
it works. They assume everyone is doing the same as they are. So if they do not get you first, they will be the loser.
[Sir Humphrey Abbleby defined a cynic as being what an idealist calls a realist].
2. There are liars, then there are Machiavellian liars.
We all tell lies. Little white lies that do not offend our friends. We make excuses for why we cannot
attend a colleague’s wedding or we say that our partner looks great in that dress.
But Machiavellian lies are on a different level. More to the point, they are good at lying. Machiavellian
personalities rarely tell the truth. They will tell the sort of lies that get you into trouble and
put them in a favourable light. "If indeed I do sometimes tell the truth, I hide it behind so many
lies that it is hard to find." - Machiavelli. [Especially Inspirational].
3. They prefer to cut corners, rather than put in the hard work.
If this means exploiting others, then so be it. They will use all their powers of persuasion and flattery
to get you to do the majority of the work. But you will not get the recognition. They have already gone to
the boss and signed off with their name. They think that anyone who does put in a hard day’s work is a sucker
and deserves to be used. [Especially Perfectionist].
4. Money, power, and status are the most important.
The Machiavellian personality values money over family, power over people and status over morality. It is easy
to spot this person. They will be the family member insisting on discussing the split of inheritance at your
parent’s funeral. Or the ex-partner bragging about how they screwed you into paying more than your fair share
of the bills. [Especially Developer].
5. They take advantage of and exploit people.
Machiavellians will do anything to achieve their goals. This means they have to use or exploit others.
People are merely means to an end for them. They are objects to be used to further their interests.
They might be friends, lovers or family members; it does not matter to the Machiavellian. Whether it is
posting incriminating pictures of an ex-partner on social media or withholding vital information from a colleague.
After all, isn’t everyone doing the same thing? [Especially Inspirational].
6. Flattery gets them everywhere – with you.
Machiavellian personalities come across as charming and personable when you first encounter them. They have a
gift for flattery. The Machiavellian personality will tell you what you want to hear. They will exploit
friendships and family members by flattering them. Remember those pyramid schemes in the 80s that took the
life savings from ordinary folk? They relied on the charm and guile of ruthless salespeople. This is associated
with the majority with Machiavellian traits.[Especially Inspirational and Developer].
7. They are highly strategic, but you would not know it at first.
You will not find the Machiavellian personality hogging centre stage like the narcissist or the psychopath. Machiavellians like to stay hidden in the shadows, quietly plotting their next tactical move. These are the ultimate coercive controllers. They like to pull the strings without being noticed. They will control the situation and then sit back and watch from afar as their plans unfold. [Especially Enhancer].
What to Do about a Person with Machiavellian Traits:
Some of the cohort find that it is disturbing to recognise the above signs and realise that you know
someone with a Machiavellian personality. But you do not have to be at their whim.
The way to understand a Machiavellian personality is to recognise how they view the world and then what
tactics they use to manipulate it.
People who score highly in Machiavellian traits think that people cannot be trusted, that they are selfish,
gullible and weak. Therefore, they are there as pawns to be exploited.
Because they think the world is like this, they feel justified in using any means necessary to achieve their
goals. They do not care about morality or feelings and want results with minimum effort.
The Machiavellian personality may not be as dangerous as the psychopath or cause as much long-term
emotional damage as the narcissist. However, they are highly devious, capable of delaying gratification
and skilled in flattery and manipulation.
They are solely focused on their ambitions and will stop at nothing to achieve their end goals.